Errors in the Augsburg laboratory: 58 out of 60 corona tests incorrectly positive​

Several corona tests are said to have been falsely positive in the Augsburg MVZ laboratory (formerly Schottdorf).

In a clinic in Upper Bavaria, rows of patients are said to have received a false positive corona test result - the test results came from Augsburg. This is what the Münchner Merkur reported on Wednesday.
Because of the inexplicable accumulation of positive test results, the Isar-Amper-Klinik in Taufkirchen / Vils had the 60 positive corona tests previously carried out in the MVZ laboratory in Augsburg checked. According to the Münchner Merkur , it turned out that 58 of these tests were actually negative and that a large number of contact persons were unnecessarily quarantined.
The managing director of the MVZ Laboratory Gabriele Schön confirmed the faulty tests to Merkur and explained: "In the last week, against the background of the massively increased number of tests, we were also forced to compensate for a manufacturer's delivery failure." Due to the high number of samples and the lack of accessories, it was not possible to check the positive results in all cases.
Was sent an 'Open Letter' today from a doctor in my home province written to the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) who provides weekly, if not daily covid-case updates. Said updates cycle the front pages, and the continuous soundbites are used to help chill the provincial masses in keeping the covid-illusion ongoing, when it should have died long ago. This medical officer is not stupid, oh no she is not, not stupid in the ways of biological/chemical compounds, nor the protective measures required from her past military work, yet now she must pretend - using extremely empathetic language as she is known to do, to further help rob the citizens of their lives and businesses in the name of saving souls. Despite the global reverence in the press for her image, the stage work here is to present the plausible lie, and lie she does - and many people in grocery lines will say, oh did you hear Bonnie today, omg it is terrible. Thank god she is saving us, is usually the message. The CMO does not say that 80% of covid deaths in Canada where from within Care Homes, as Rosemary Frie reminds - all aided with reckless pathological policies and oversight from government bodies, such as Provincial Health - no, if she does say anything, it is only with monotone remorse that care homes need to do better. So, without doubt she knows exactly what is going on - the lockstep, the destruction, and any honor she once had, which she did, is now laid bare, and it is sad because she is better than this and is being used.

I'll leave the rest of this for the words of Dr. Stephen Malthouse, and his words remain unsaid and yet shared, by many other doctors with a conscience.

Lastly, this CMO, like so many others, is a mere messenger in all this, albeit with one of the most dangerous types of message ever known, as can be seen.

If the messengers are perceived as possessing high levels of authority, or to be worthy of admiration, people will be more likely to believe them and follow their advice and directives.

  • Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry from Dr. Stephen Malthouse



    Stephen Malthouse, MD
    Denman Island, BC V0R 1T0

    October 2020

    Dr. Bonnie Henry,
    British Columbia Provincial Health Officer,
    Ministry of Health,
    1515 Blanshard Street,
    Victoria, BC V8W 3C9

    Dear Dr. Henry,

    I am a physician who has been in family medical practice in BC for more than 40 years and a member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC since 1978.

    I am writing this letter with the hope that you will be able to clarify the basis of your decision-making that has led our provincial government, health ministry, regional health officers, hospitals, medical staff, WorkSafe BC, businesses, and everyday citizens to follow pandemic policies that do not appear based on high-quality scientific research and, in fact, appear to be doing everyone a great deal of harm.1

    The early intent of mitigation measures to “flatten the curve”, when we knew very little about SARS-CoV-2, its mode of transmission, and the severity of COVID-19, was reasonable. I believe that most physicians in Canada, myself included, whether active or retired, prepared themselves to take part on the front lines for the expected COVID-19 tsunami. Very soon it was apparent that the expected overwhelming of the hospital system was not going to occur, and now BC physicians have questions about the appropriateness of your public health policies.

    The epidemiological evidence clearly shows that the “pandemic” is over and no second wave will follow. The evidence has been available for at least 4-5 months and is irrefutable.2-4 Yet, in spite of this substantial body of research, your office is perpetuating the narrative that a pandemic still exists and a second wave is expected. This false story is being used to justify public health policies that appear to have no health benefits, have already caused considerable harm, and threaten to create more harm in the future.

    As you are aware, Sweden took an entirely different approach and, as of mid-September, their infection rate reached an all-time low and Covid-19 related deaths were at zero; 22 of 31 European countries, most of which enacted strict lockdowns, had higher infection rates. Sweden has also largely escaped the financial ruin and catastrophic mental health problems experienced in other countries, including Canada and the U.S.A.

    Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg, Montréal’s medical officer, has stated “this COVID virus is much like the seasonal flu”. A group of over 400 Belgian doctors have stated “COVID is not a killer virus, but a treatable condition”. Eighteen Canadian doctors wrote the Ontario Premier, Doug Ford, stating “your policies risk significantly harming our children with lifelong consequences”. The Ontario policies are very similar to those of British Columbia.

    In 2011, a review of the literature by the British Columbia Centres for Disease Control that sought to evaluate the effectiveness of social distancing measures such as school closures, travel restrictions, and limitations on mass gatherings as a means to address an influenza pandemic concluded that “such drastic restrictions are not economically feasible and are predicted to delay viral spread, but not impact overall mortality”. [Italics added]

    Specifically, there appears to be no scientific or medical evidence for 5-6
    1. Self-isolation of asymptomatic people
    2. social distancing
    3. facemasks
    4. arbitrary closure of businesse
    5. closure of schools, daycares, park amenities, and playgrounds
    6. the discontinuance of access to education, medical, dental, chiropractic, naturopathic, hearing, dietary, therapeutic, and other support for the physically and mentally disabled, particularly special needs children with neurological disorders
    7. the closing down of or restrictions on religious places of worship.

    According to the CDC Pandemic Severity Index, none of these measures have been warranted. The Great Barrington Declaration, signed by more than 30,000 health scientists and medical doctors from around the world, adds support for this statement.

    Surprisingly, the recommendation for reducing COVID-19 morbidity and mortality by supplementing with vitamin D, a measure that is supported by high-quality research, has been absent from your frequent public broadcasts and professional bulletins.7 Optimizing nutrition is a convenient, inexpensive, and safe method of improving immune resistance and has been confirmed through numerous studies for both prevention and treatment of COVID-19. As far as I am aware, you have never mentioned something as simple as vitamin D supplements for our most vulnerable citizens. Yet, it was the promise to protect these same citizens that was used to justify the lockdown of a healthy population and the closure of businesses.

    Why are you still using PCR testing? The Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Health in Ontario has publicly stated that the PCR test yields over 50% false positives. A New York Times investigative report found that PCR testing yields up to 90% false positives due to excessive amplification beyond the recommendations of the manufacturer. The PCR test was never designed, intended or validated to be used as a diagnostic tool. Even the Alberta Health Services COVID-19 Scientific Advisory Group has stated “clinical sensitivity and specificity values have not been determined for lab developed RT-PCR testing in Canada”.8 Despite expert consensus, you continue to use this inappropriate and inaccurate test to report so-called “cases” and justify your decisions.9-18

    The public health definition of a “case” is very broad. As all experienced doctors know, a “case” is a patient with significant symptoms who is often hospitalized. A “case” is not a person who simply has a questionably positive PCR test and presents with no symptoms or an unrelated diagnosis. Pictures of healthy young adults standing in line to get PCR tests, with a cell phone in one hand and a Starbucks coffee in the other, are everywhere in the media. These are not sick people and do not need testing.

    Nevertheless, your public announcements repeatedly emphasize that the “case” counts are rising and we are in big trouble. Recently, “out-of-control” case counts were used to justify a second lockdown in Ontario and Quebec. Curfews have been put into place. People are being asked to risk their livelihoods to make sacrifices for the general good, based on Public Health’s misrepresentation of “cases” as sick people.

    Meanwhile, hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths from COVID-19 have dropped to pre-pandemic levels. Where are all the patients?

    Why not simply tell the public that

    • the PCR testing is not reliable and is meaningless for diagnosing COVID-19
    • positive PCR test results do not represent sick patients,
    • rarely are people now becoming ill from SARS-CoV-2,
    • provincial hospitals are essentially empty of COVID-19 patients,
    • decisions should not be based on “cases” in the news,
    • the morbidity/mortality of COVID-19 has not exceeded seasonal influenza,
    • the median age of death from COVID-19 in Canada was 85 years,
    • the pandemic is over, and
    • no second wave is coming?

    It is your duty as the provincial health officer to provide facts, not propaganda, and make every effort to stop the public panic. The only reason for emphasizing “cases” is to induce more fear and thereby compliance in the name of promised safety.

    Why are children being pursued with a new rinse-and-spit saliva test that is also based on a worthless PCR test? Children have been terrorized and are being given the message that they can never be trusted not to infect their family and friends — essentially, that they are naturally bad. The insistence on covering their faces with masks, a proven useless and even harmful measure, only worsens this sense of shame. The psychological fallout from such messaging is going to be horrific. One only needs to walk down Main Street to already see the catastrophic effects of these messages on the mental and emotional health of families.

    The excess death toll from partial lockdowns, social distancing and other public health measures is staggering. The Canadian media reports that provincial measures have been shown to create 12:1 more deaths than the virus; there has been a 40% increase in heart attack deaths in Canada from fear, anxiety and cancelled hospital procedures; suicide and drug overdose deaths have increased and outnumber COVID-19 deaths by a ratio of 3:1; suicides have doubled in BC since April; and anxiety and depression, food insecurity, domestic violence, and child abuse have skyrocketed. With unnecessary school closures, the ability of teachers to identify children subject to abuse and malnourishment has been curtailed. Many of our friends, family and patients died alone, terrified, and isolated against their will in facilities and nursing homes. That cruel policy was unjustified and inhuman.

    How is it possible that a doctor with your previous training and experience did not anticipate the collateral damage of your public health policies – the economic disruption, the psychological and physical health consequences, and the deaths from despair?

    The mainstream media has created a religion out of public health, one based on superstition, not science, with the power to rule over an obedient public. The news channels have raised you to almost saint-like status. Tea towels, shoes and murals have been designed to celebrate your accomplishments. Yet, your public directives do not make sense, contradict the research, and are causing people a great deal of harm. As a fellow doctor, I appeal to you to re-examine your policies and change direction before Public Health causes irreparable damage to our province’s health and economic well-being. That about-face will require you to meet the obligations of your office.


    Stephen Malthouse, MD
    Member, College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia,
    Denman Island, British Columbia

    Home - Docs4opendebate

    Is The Pandemic Over?

    Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says "Second Wave" Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, "Pandemic is Over"

    The Doctor Is In: Scott Atlas and the Efficacy of Lockdowns, Social Distancing, and Closures

    The Science is Conclusive: Masks and Respirators do NOT Prevent Transmission of Viruses --

    CIMA COVID-19 Policy - CIMA

    Alberta Health Services COVID-19 Scientific Advisory Group. How do the testing characteristics for the Alberta Health Services lab-developed test for COVID-19 differ between samples collected from nasal, nasopharyngeal, and throat swabs? 15 April 2020 [Internet]. https://www.albertahealthservices.c...-comparison-of-testing-sites-rapid-review.pdf (accessed 16 May 2020).

    COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless – Bulgarian Pathology Association

    Antibody tests for Covid-19 wrong half the time, CDC says

    Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.

    BOMBSHELL: WHO Coronavirus PCR Test Primer Sequence is Found in All Human DNA

    COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless – Bulgarian Pathology Association

    Zhang GH et al. Potential false-positive rate among the ‘asymptomatic infected individuals’ in close contacts of COVID-19 patients.J.CN, 2020 Mar 5;41(4):485-488.

    COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless – Bulgarian Pathology Association

    Insert from sample COVID testing kit: RealStar® SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Kit 1.0 For research use only! The RealStar® SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Kit 1.0 is a reagent system, based on realtime PCR technology, for the qualitative detection and differentiation of lineage B-betacoronavirus (B-βCoV) and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) specific RNA. For research use only (RUO)! Not for use in diagnostic procedures.[Italics added]

    Insert from sample COVID testing kit: LightMix® Modular SARS-CoV Assays. Roche continues to monitor the virus, SARS-CoV-2, that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and is pleased to announce the availability of the LightMix Modular Assays used to detect this virus. These assays are for Research Use Only (RUO*) on the LightCycler® 480 and/or cobas z 480 instruments, and Roche is the exclusive distributor for these assays. The MagNA Pure 96 instrument or High Pure Viral Nucleic acid kit can be used for extraction. The three LightMix Modular assays are used to detect the SARS and CoV genes outlined in the table below in human tracheal aspirates or bronchoalveolar lavage samples from individual human donors. These assays are not intended for use as an aid in the diagnosis of coronavirus infection. [Italics added]
Some new Corona guidelines for Sweden as of yesterday. Museums and other places that were open had to close yesterday, so things are back to the way they were the very first weeks of March, more or less. I feel bad for school kids who are on holiday this week. The attitude amongst people seems to be that they are very accepting of the new guidelines and will continue to work from home etc. Here is an update from an English speaking news blog in Sweden:
Hey @Aniram - for me, one of the best ways to be ready for what's coming is to engage in beneficial self-work. Not just discernment, but also phsycial practices that cleanse toxins and stress from my body. There are a number of these on this site. It can be overwhelming to sort through it all. And the panic arrives from time to time, especially for people who are caring, sensitive, open. I've found the breathwork program Eiriu Eolas to be a clean, calm, and powerful way to 'purify my head'. Have you done the practice before?
Thank you Iamthatis, yes I tried EE!
I know I should participate in the workshops but I don't feel advanced enough in my self-work to do so ^^
I'm not going very fast but I'm moving forward!

Merci Iamthatis, oui j'ai essayé EE !
Je sais que je devrais participer aux ateliers mais je ne me sens pas assez avancée dans mon travail pour le faire ^^
Je ne vais pas très vite mais j'avance !
Today in Macedonia the new Gestapo

France Chaos

WATCH: Paris roads choked by record-setting, pre-lockdown traffic jams as citizens flee capital en masse

I saw shoppers at different locations stocking needed provisions over the last couple of days.
The senior population was well on the ball on 28th.

Reconfinement: where and how to download the three derogatory certificates via @francebleu

From a contact in the center of Tarbes: Question: What is it like today in the center of Tarbes
Normally... you can print you’re attestation for shopping (brico maybe)
Today in Macedonia the new Gestapo was officially formed if I can say it this way.:curse::headbash:

The parliament passed a new law in the part of the law for the protection of the people from infectious diseases, that face masks are mandatory everywhere, even if you go in nature, in the woods, on the mountain. You can take it off only in a restaurant when you are eating or drinking,
So-called media are already just propaganda machinery.

Then, police can enter any private property, every home without any court warrant, and arrest somebody of fine somebody if there are more than 4 guests inside your home or any number of guests after 10 pm. Also if somebody tells the police that you are having guests, they can crash your door if you refuse to open, arrest you, or fine you. This is against the Macedonian constitution, but all institutions in this country are officially dead.

There is only ruling psychopathic elite that can do with you whatever they want and you have no rights. Even if you have some, you don't have a judicial system that can give you some protection. The judicial system is dead. The so-called judicial system will be used only and only as a tool of the ruling psychos to fine non-obedient persons and nothing more.

If somebody was telling me that this can become our reality so fast and that there are so many brainless idiots I would never believe.
This is too much even for a sci-fi movie.
I just hope that this system will collapse as soon as possible, but I also know that much suffering precedes before the final fall of the sick psychopaths and their system.
Totally understand you Konstantin believe me, in Italy we already are living in this dystopic reality.

When I'm going outside I feel like a real dissident from some kind of a dystopic movie or a criminal since i'm not wearing the mask that is mandatory outdoors in crowded places, basicallyeverywhere.

It's insane, I tell you now the people are acting weirder than back in March, are more defiant, more paranoid, more scared and terrorized and those little nazis that were spying on their neighbors are becoming now ever more confident authoritarian followers by each passing day.

Now I see what the C's were saying back this summer, that the PTB will push to hard and then everything will be coming down crashing.

The PTB saw in the last months that peeps were following their dictates like little babies and wrongly assumed that they've managed to brainwash almost everybody and that they can proceed with their global reset plan.

Considering how fast they are moving with their plans i think that the toughest months are still ahead of us, don't want to sound too presumptuous but I'd dare to say that the next 6 months will be decisive and will set a marker point as to where we will head as humanity towards a dystopic future or towards freedom.

Incredible, they are annoncing that a third wave will come in spring 2021 in France... they are trying so hard until one day everything will blow up

Covid-19: pour le Pr Eric Caumes, "il faut s'attendre à une 3e vague au printemps"
Even the C's are saying that the future is open and are very careful regarding predictions about the future and these illuminated politicians already know that a third wave will happen the next spring. Do we see here a psychological conditioning of the masses to the psychopathic and dystopic reality they want to manifest? I think so.

All this situation reminds me of the video @Gandalf shared a couple of pages back about a leaked document where it explains how the deep Canadian government plans in the next 6 months lo set the stage to enslave it's citizens under the pretext of the current fake pandemic and other future fake pandemics to the point where the few that will resist will be marginalized and forced to leave like rats. Don't know about the validity of the said document though to mee its seems highly relevant considering how fast the global deep state is moving.
It does seem they need to keep up the pressure on people. As soon as the new lockdown was announced until 1st December, there was a paper in the preSS to say that it won't be sufficient and must at least last until January!

But they play with fire here. With so much pressure, either people will collapse, either they will explode. Or so I think.
Preparing the peeps all around the globe to accept that this will be the new normal, that this is the reality they are preparing for everybody and that they have no other choice than to accept it as Billy boy talked during an interview about the fact that you won't have a choice rather than accept the vaccine and roll over.
Talking about hubris and wishful thinking.

On a final note, the good side of what is happening right now is that the peeps have the chance now to see the true face of their beloved leaders and will have to make a choice eventually: total enslavement or freedom.
As Corbett relates re the excellent article from Dr Mercola below, the vaccine companies are not even pretending that the proposed COVID vaccine will protect you - that its primary stated purpose is to 'reduce symptoms' in the majority of recipients (and there I was thinking that was the function of oral medicines; what a dummy!) So all those religious believers who will be first to line up on the block will do so on the false belief it will make them safe when its best result (apart from killing you) will be to reduce your runny nose!

How COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Rigged

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

  • October 27, 2020
Story at-a-glance

  • While vaccine makers insist any COVID-19 vaccine reaching the market will have undergone rigorous testing, the way trial protocols are designed suggests these vaccines will not have a significant impact on infection rates, hospitalizations or deaths
  • Shockingly, preventing infection with SARS-CoV-2 is not a criterion for success in these vaccine trials. The only criterion for a successful COVID-19 vaccine is a reduction of symptoms shared by both COVID-19 and the common cold
  • In AstraZeneca’s case, the interim analysis includes 50 vaccine recipients. The vaccine will be a success if 12 or fewer develop symptoms after exposure to SARS-CoV-2, compared to 19 in the 25-person control group
  • At least two cases of transverse myelitis (severe inflammation of the spinal cord) has been documented in AstraZeneca’s trial, and the company temporarily halted its trial in September 2020. In October, Johnson & Johnson also paused its trial due to an undisclosed “unexplained illness” in one of its participants
  • If the vaccine cannot reduce infection, hospitalization or death, then it cannot end the pandemic, which means everyone who takes the vaccine will be doing so in vain
There’s been a lot of talk lately about whether or not the fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccine will in fact be safe and effective. While vaccine makers insist that any vaccine reaching the market will have undergone rigorous testing, the way trial protocols are designed suggests these vaccines may leave a lot to be desired.

As reported1 by Forbes contributor William Haseltine, a former professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health, while Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson have all published their vaccine trial protocols in a rare display of transparency, “close inspection of the protocols raises surprising concerns.”

In a nutshell, the trial designs are such that the vaccines will get a passing grade even if their efficacy is minimal. Of course, we must also consider vaccine side effects and I’ve also written several articles about mounting safety concerns.

COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Rigged to Pass Efficacy Test

As noted by Haseltine, prevention of infection would typically be a critical endpoint of any vaccine trial. In other words, you want to ensure that when you take the vaccine, your risk of infection is significantly reduced.

However, when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccine, shockingly, preventing infection is not a criterion for success in any of these trials. The only criterion for a successful COVID-19 vaccine is a reduction of COVID-19 symptoms, and even then, the reduction required is minimal.

“We all expect an effective vaccine to prevent serious illness if infected. Three of the vaccine protocols — Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca — do not require that their vaccine prevent serious disease only that they prevent moderate symptoms which may be as mild as cough, or headache,” Haseltine writes,2 adding:

“The pharmaceutical companies intend to do trials ranging from 30,000 to 60,000 participants. This scale of study would be sufficient for testing vaccine efficacy.

The first surprise found upon a closer reading of the protocols reveals that each study intends to complete interim and primary analyses that at most include 164 participants. These companies likely intend to apply for an emergency use authorization (EUA) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with just their limited preliminary results.”

To get a “passing” grade in the limited interim analysis, a vaccine must show a 70% efficacy. However, again, this does not mean it will prevent infection in 7 of 10 people. As explained by Haseltine:3

“For Moderna, the initial interim analysis will be based on the results of infection of only 53 people. The judgment reached in interim analysis is dependent upon the difference in the number of people with symptoms … in the vaccinated group versus the unvaccinated group. Moderna’s success margin is for 13 or less of those 53 to develop symptoms compared to 40 or more in their control group.”

The other vaccine makers are basing results on a similar protocol, where only a limited number of vaccinated participants are exposed to the virus to evaluate the extent of their symptoms.

Johnson & Johnson’s interim analysis will include results from 77 vaccine recipients who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2, and if fewer than 18 of them develop symptoms of COVID-19, compared to 59 in the control group, the vaccine will be considered successful.

In AstraZeneca’s case, the interim analysis includes 50 vaccine recipients. The vaccine will be a success if 12 or fewer develop symptoms after exposure to SARS-CoV-2, compared to 19 in the 25-person control group.

Pfizer’s interim analysis is the smallest of the bunch, with just 32 vaccine recipients. Their success margin is seven or fewer vaccine recipients developing symptoms, compared to 25 in the control group. In the primary analysis, efficacy is set to about 60%, and at most, 164 volunteers will be included in that analysis.

Especially concerning are that those receiving the vaccine in these trials are young and healthy individuals who are not really at high risk of dying from COVID-19. This makes the results of these trials highly questionable in the far more vulnerable population of the elderly.

Trials Are Merely Testing Reduction of Common Cold Symptoms

As if that’s not eyebrow-raising enough, the minimum qualification for a “case of COVID-19” amounts to just one positive PCR test and one or two mild symptoms, such as headache, fever, cough or mild nausea. As noted by Haseltine, “This is far from adequate.”

All they’re doing is testing to see if this COVID-19 vaccine will minimize common cold symptoms. They are not actually ensuring the vaccine will prevent serious COVID-19 complications. Johnson & Johnson’s trial is the only one that requires at least five severe COVID-19 cases to be included in the interim analysis.

“One of the more immediate questions a trial needs to answer is whether a vaccine prevents infection. If someone takes this vaccine, are they far less likely to become infected with the virus?

These trials all clearly focus on eliminating symptoms of COVID-19, and not infections themselves. Asymptomatic infection is listed as a secondary objective in these trials when they should be of critical importance.

It appears that all the pharmaceutical companies assume that the vaccine will never prevent infection. Their criteria for approval is the difference in symptoms between an infected control group and an infected vaccine group. They do not measure the difference between infection and noninfection as a primary motivation,”
Haseltine writes.4

Severe illness and death are also secondary objectives in these trials, and none of them include failure to prevent hospitalization or death as an important barrier to success. The increasingly disappearing common sense tells us that if the vaccine cannot reduce infection, hospitalization or death, then it cannot end the pandemic, which means everyone who takes the vaccine will be doing so in vain.

Some COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Not Using Inert Placebos

In addition to all of that, some COVID-19 vaccine trials are using other vaccines as “placebo” rather than truly biologically inert substances such as saline, which effectively makes if far easier to hide any vaccine side effects. While Moderna is using a saline solution placebo,5 AstraZeneca is using injected meningococcal vaccine rather than a true placebo.6

Another way AstraZeneca is masking potential side effects is by administering the vaccine along with certain drugs. In one of its study arms, subjects are given acetaminophen every six hours for the first 24 hours after inoculation. The pain and fever reducer could potentially mask and downplay side effects such as pain, fever, headache or general malaise.

In addition to masking side effects, it is widely recognized among literate natural medicine physicians that using acetaminophen during acute viral infections is not a wise strategy as it impairs the immune response to fight the infection.

As reported by Wired:7

“The press release for … results from the Oxford vaccine trials described an increased frequency of ‘minor side effects’ among participants. A look at the actual paper, though, reveals this to be a marketing spin …

Yes, mild reactions were far more common than worse ones. But moderate or severe harms — defined as being bad enough to interfere with daily life or needing medical care — were common too.

Around one-third of people vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine without acetaminophen experienced moderate or severe chills, fatigue, headache, malaise, and/or feverishness.

Close to 10 percent had a fever of at least 100.4 degrees, and just over one-fourth developed moderate or severe muscle aches. That’s a lot, in a young and healthy group of people — and the acetaminophen didn’t help much for most of those problems.”

Two Trials Paused Due to Safety Concerns

September 6, 2020, AstraZeneca paused its Phase 3 vaccine trial due to a “suspected serious and unexpected adverse reaction” in a British participant.8,9 The company did not initially divulge the nature of the adverse reaction, but it has since been revealed the volunteer developed severe inflammation of the spinal cord, known as transverse myelitis.10,11

September 12, 2020, the British Medicines Health Regulatory Authority gave AstraZeneca the go-ahead to resume its Phase 3 trial in the U.K., after an independent review found it “safe to do so.”12,13 According to an AstraZeneca spokesperson, the incident was a case of undiagnosed multiple sclerosis.14

Days later, September 19, 2020, The New York Times reported15 a second case of transverse myelitis had occurred in the AstraZeneca trial. According to one expert consulted by the NYT, the occurrence represented a “dangerous pattern,” and that a third incidence might shut down the vaccine trial indefinitely.

AstraZeneca, however, claims the two cases are “unlikely to be associated with the vaccine,” and that there’s “insufficient evidence to say for certain that the illnesses were or were not related to the vaccine.”16 October 21, 2020, it was reported17 that one of the volunteers in AstraZeneca’s Brazilian trial had died from COVID-19 complications, but that the trial would continue anyway.

October 12, 2020, Johnson & Johnson halted its trial due to “unexplained illness” in one of its participants.18,19 Like AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson has kept mum about the details of the illness, saying “it’s important to have all the facts before we share additional information.”

Side Effects Are Commonplace

The fact that more trials have not been halted is surprising considering the rate of side effects20 occurring in perfectly healthy volunteers. As reported in “Gates Tries to Justify Side Effects of Fast-Tracked Vaccine,” after the first of two doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, 80% of Phase 1 participants receiving the 100 microgram (mcg) dose developed systemic side effects.21

After the second dose, 100% reported side effects ranging from fatigue (80%), chills (80%), headache (60%) and myalgia or muscle pain (53%).

Despite that, the 100-mcg dose was ultimately chosen to move on to Phase 3 trials.22 In the highest dosage group, which received 250 mcg, 100% of participants suffered side effects after both the first and second doses.23 Three of the 14 participants (21%) in the 250-mcg group suffered “one or more severe events.”

An October 1, 2020, report24 by CNBC reviews the experiences of five participants in Moderna’s and Pfizer’s SARS-CoV-2 vaccine trials. One of the participants in Pfizer’s vaccine trial “woke up with chills, shaking so hard he cracked a tooth after taking the second dose.”

A Moderna trial participant told CNBC he had a low-grade fever and felt “under the weather” for several days after his first shot. Eight hours after his second shot he was “bed-bound with a fever of over 101, shakes, chills, a pounding headache and shortness of breath. He said the pain in his arm, where he received the shot, felt like a ‘goose egg on my shoulder.’ He hardly slept that night, recording that his temperature was higher than 100 degrees for five hours.”25

Two others reported similar side effects, and a third warned you would need to take a day off after the second shot. CNBC also noted that “as companies progressed through clinical trials, several vaccine makers abandoned their highest doses following reports of more severe reactions.”

Might Certain COVID-19 Vaccines Raise Risk of AIDS?

Disturbingly, a group of researchers are now expressing concern that some COVID-19 vaccine candidates might put certain people at a higher risk of acquiring HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.26,27,28

Using the failed attempt to create an HIV vaccine as an example, researchers explain29 that the genetically engineered adenovirus, Ad5, used in the HIV vaccine trials, is the same one being used now in four COVID-19 candidates being studied in the U.S., Russia and Pakistan.

At the time of the failed HIV vaccine, scientists were unable to identify the exact reason why Ad5 seemed to increase the risk of HIV; it just inexplicably did. Interestingly, Dr. Anthony Fauci was the lead author on the HIV study,30 in which he questioned “whether the problem extends to some or all of the other recombinant vectors currently in development or to other vector-based vaccines.”

Reflecting on that question, the researchers say they decided to go public with this information now, because Ad5 vaccines for COVID-19 might soon be tested in populations with high HIV prevalence, and they believe that informed consent about the HIV/AIDS risk should be part of the COVID-19 clinical studies.

Will COVID-19 Vaccine Be Mandatory?

According to one September 2020 poll,31 only 51% of Americans said they “definitely or probably” would get the COVID-19 vaccine when it comes out. Another survey32 found only 44% would take the first-generation vaccine even if they were paid $100. Mounting vaccine hesitancy was bemoaned in an October 1, 2020, article33 in the New England Journal of Medicine, and the answer, the article suggests, is to make it mandatory for all.

And, to entice compliance, the authors recommend implementing severe penalties for noncompliance, such as the suspension of employment and/or house arrest.

An October 19, 2020, article 34 by Wisconsin Public Radio also warns that if precedents hold, employers may have the right to force workers to get vaccinated. Potential exceptions might include certain medical issues, bona fide religious objections, and certain union contracts that bar vaccine requirements.

Operation Warp Speed recently selected Walgreens and CVS as nationwide partners in the coming vaccine distribution effort.35 Nursing homes and long-term care facilities around the U.S. can opt in by signing up to have either of these companies come and administer the vaccine to its residents and staff, once available.

So-called “health passports” are also becoming reality. Ireland, for example, has already begun its national trial. The Health Passport Ireland initiative uses an app to track and display results of COVID-19 testing. Vaccination status will be added once a vaccine becomes available.

Untold amounts of money are also being spent on programs to tag, track and trace the human population in the name of public health and safety. According to an article36 in the journal JAMA, the estimated cumulative costs of the COVID-19 pandemic related to lost output and health reduction amounts to more than $16 trillion in the U.S. alone, or about 90% of our annual gross domestic product.

“For this reason, policies that can materially reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2 have enormous social value,” the article claims. However, testing, tracing and isolation rules, all of which are promoted in this article, also have a price, and it’s one that any sensible person would reject, namely the loss of privacy and liberty.

As reported37 by The Last American Vagabond, governments are selling our freedom in the name of public health. Do we really want to live in a “biosecurity state”? These freedom-robbing strategies are being sold to us as the path back to normalcy, but the reality will be anything but normal.

As detailed in “The Global Takeover Is Underway,” the pandemic and the global response to it is far from accidental. Overwhelmingly, the evidence points to it being part of a much larger scheme to implement the last stages of a technocratic takeover.

I’ve also covered various aspects of this globalists agenda in “COVID Symptoms of Power: Tech Billionaires Harvest Humanity,” “Tech Billionaires Aiming at a Global Currency,” “Harvard Professor Exposes Surveillance Capitalism,” “How Medical Technocracy Made the Plandemic Possible” and “US Surveillance Bill 6666: The Devil in the Details.”

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically widened the economic gap between average people and the wealthy elite,38,39 and continuing down the path we’re currently on will only make this disparity worse, not better.

The globalist plan isn’t about creating a better world for the average person, it’s about enslaving us so that we cannot reject or even resist what’s ultimately coming. Forced vaccinations are but one aspect of the plan that must be resisted at all cost.

And one further report from Mercola that shows the CDC itself admitting that of those supposedly infected with COVID 70%+ always wore a mask compared with 8% who who didn't.

CDC Report: 70.6% of COVID Patients Always Wore a Mask

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

  • October 27, 2020

Story at-a-glance

  • A U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report revealed that, of the symptomatic adults with COVID-19, 70.6% always wore a mask and still got sick, compared to 7.8% for those who rarely or never wore a mask
  • Dr. Jim Meehan, an ophthalmologist, conducted an evidence-based scientific analysis on masks, which shows that not only should healthy people not be wearing masks, but they could be harmed as a result
  • A working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research found that nonpharmaceutical interventions, such as lockdowns, quarantines and mask mandates, have not significantly affected overall virus transmission rates
  • Children forced to wear masks for long periods could experience mental and psychological repercussions, and at least 17 physical risks are also posed by wearing masks
  • With the lack of solid evidence to support mask use among the general population, it appears as though mask mandates are being used as political and psychological tools rather than one aimed at protecting public health
In a case-control investigation of people with COVID-19 who visited 11 U.S. health care facilities, a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report revealed factors associated with getting the disease.1

People who spent time around others with COVID-19 had an increased risk, as did those who dined in restaurants. Those who reported going to restaurants or bars were twice as likely to have a positive test for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, as those who did not.

This was the main focus of the report, with the researchers stating, "Exposures and activities where mask use and social distancing are difficult to maintain, including going to places that offer on-site eating or drinking, might be important risk factors for acquiring COVID-19."2

But buried in a table at the end of the report were numbers related to the reported use of cloth face coverings or masks in the 14 days before becoming ill. The majority of them — 70.6% — reported that they "always" wore a mask, but they still got sick.

More People Wearing a Mask Got COVID Than Those Who Didn't

Among the interview respondents who became ill, 108, or 70.6%, said they always wore a mask, compared to six, or 3.9%, who said they "never" did, and six more, or 3.9%, who said they "rarely" did. Taken together, this shows that, of the symptomatic adults with COVID-19, 70.6% always wore a mask and still got sick, compared to 7.8% for those who rarely or never did.3

The findings call into question the effectiveness of masks for preventing COVID-19, a controversial practice that's been mandated in many parts of the world.

You may remember that in the early days of the pandemic, health officials spoke out against the use of masks and discouraged Americans from wearing them, then did an about-face and said they're essential for lowering your risk. As noted by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS):4

"COVID-19 is as politically-charged as it is infectious. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO, the CDC and NIH's Dr. Anthony Fauci discouraged wearing masks as not useful for non-health care workers.

Now they recommend wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are hard to do (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies). The recommendation was published without a single scientific paper or other information provided to support that cloth masks actually provide any respiratory protection."

Cloth Masks Are Useless Against Aerosolized Particulates

As AAPS pointed out, the theory behind cloth mask wearing is that the mask may trap droplets that come out of your mouth if you cough or sneeze. However, large respiratory droplets, which are greater than 5 micrometers/microns (μm), only remain in the air for a short time and can only travel for short distances, falling to the ground instead. This is why the CDC recommends maintaining social distancing of 6 feet from others.5

"Public health authorities define a significant exposure to COVID-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic COVID-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes)," AAPS explains, adding, "The chance of catching COVID-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal."6

Further, there's evidence that aerosol transmission is involved in the spread of SARS-CoV-2,7 which are 0.125 μm in size. Friday September 18, 2020, the CDC posted updated COVID-19 guidance on its "How COVID-19 Spreads" page that, for the first time, mentioned aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2, saying "this is thought to be the main way the virus spreads."8

The CDC then deleted the mention of aerosols and the possibility of spread beyond 6 feet the following Monday, September 21, saying a draft version of proposed changes had been posted "in error."9

It's a noteworthy difference, if SARS-CoV-2 is spread via aerosolized droplets, which research suggests,10 as such droplets remain in the air for at least three hours and can travel over long distances of up to 27 feet.11 Further, it adds to the likelihood that cloth masks do little to stop you from getting COVID-19. AAPS explained:12

"The preponderance of scientific evidence supports that aerosols play a critical role in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Years of dose response studies indicate that if anything gets through, you will become infected. Thus, any respiratory protection respirator or mask must provide a high level of filtration and fit to be highly effective in preventing the transmission of SARS-CoV-2."

Surgeon's Analysis Shows Masks Are Ineffective and Harmful

Dr. Jim Meehan, an ophthalmologist and preventive medicine specialist who has performed more than 10,000 surgical procedures and who is also a former editor of the medical journal Ocular Immunology and Inflammation, has peer-reviewed thousands of medical research studies.

He used this expertise to conduct an evidence-based scientific analysis on masks, which shows that not only should healthy people not be wearing masks but they could be harmed as a result.13

"Decades of the highest-level scientific evidence (meta-analyses of multiple randomized controlled trials) overwhelmingly conclude that medical masks are ineffective at preventing the transmission of respiratory viruses, including SAR-CoV-2," he writes. "Those arguing for masks are relying on low-level evidence (observational retrospective trials and mechanistic theories), none of which are powered to counter the evidence, arguments, and risks of mask mandates."14

He first points out that the notion of mask-wearing defies common sense and reason, considering that most of the population is at very low or almost no risk of becoming severely ill from COVID-19. Children, especially, are at extremely low risk from this illness, making mask mandates in schools highly questionable.

"Based on CDC published data, 99.99815% of children that contract CoVID-19 survive," Meehan states. "Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 among children in schools and daycares is very rare."15 He compiled multiple studies that show masks are ineffective:

• A working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research16 found that nonpharmaceutical interventions, such as lockdowns, quarantines and mask mandates, have not significantly affected overall virus transmission rates.17

• A CDC meta-analysis found that face masks did little to reduce virus transmission in the case of influenza, stating, "Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks, evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza."18

• A rapid systematic review of 31 studies concluded, "The evidence is not sufficiently strong to support widespread use of facemasks as a protective measure against COVID-19," adding that there was evidence for their use only for "particularly vulnerable individuals when in transient higher risk situations."19

• In a perspective article published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers state, "We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection," and go on to describe masks as playing a "symbolic role" as "talismans" to increase the perception of safety, even though "such reactions may not be strictly logical."

"Expanded masking protocols' greatest contribution may be to reduce the transmission of anxiety, over and above whatever role they may play in reducing transmission of Covid-19," they add.20

• A commentary published by the University of Minnesota's Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy further added, "We do not recommend requiring the general public who do not have symptoms of COVID-19-like illness to routinely wear cloth or surgical masks because there is no scientific evidence they are effective in reducing the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission …"21

Cloth Masks Pose Risks, May Increase Transmission

In addition to being ineffective, Meehan is among many experts suggesting that wearing a mask may actually increase the risk of disease transmission.

A study published in 2015, which compared the use of cloth masks with medical masks in health care workers, found that health care workers wearing cloth masks had the highest rates of influenza-like illness and laboratory-confirmed respiratory virus infections, when compared to those wearing medical masks or controls.22

Compared to controls and the medical mask group, those wearing cloth masks had a 72% higher rate of lab-confirmed viral infections. And according to the authors, such masks may also increase infection risk:

"Penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97% and medical masks 44%. This study is the first RCT of cloth masks, and the results caution against the use of cloth masks. This is an important finding to inform occupational health and safety.

Moisture retention, reuse of cloth masks and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection. Further research is needed to inform the widespread use of cloth masks globally. However, as a precautionary measure, cloth masks should not be recommended for HCWs [health care workers], particularly in high-risk situations …"

What's more, for the general public, wearing cloth masks may not be a matter of "something is better than nothing," as wearing them may be harmful. Children forced to wear masks for long periods could experience mental and psychological repercussions, in addition to potential physical risks. Meehan further compiled 17 ways that masks can cause harm:23


Why Are Mask Mandates Persisting?

With the lack of solid evidence to support mask use among the general population, it appears as though mask mandates are being used as political and psychological tools rather than one aimed at protecting public health.

Meehan concluded, "… the great weight of scientific evidence shows unmistakably that wearing face masks for extended periods is harmful to people's health, safety and emotional well-being, especially to young children."24

Around the world, calls for peaceful civil disobedience against mandatory masking are growing. The U.S. nonprofit Stand for Health Freedom is also calling for civil disobedience, and has a widget you can use to contact your government representatives to let them know wearing a mask must be a personal choice.

Keep in mind, too, that in many areas with mask mandates, the rules state that you must wear a mask "unless you can maintain a 6-foot distance." You will need to check the local guidelines in your area, but in many cases if you are 6 feet away from others, you can forgo wearing a mask and still be in compliance with the mandate.

Between these two reports you might almost think that we were looking at an integrated business model and not an appropriate medical response... but that would make one a conspiracy theorist-tin hat-flat earth-Neo Nazi, so we wont go there will we....

Move along now; nothing to see here....

What Is In Vaccines

This is an older video and not covid-specific, but some may find it interesting. It does not cover every vaccine ingredient that might be objectionable. There may be more videos out there that cover more of this testimony. I seem to recall seeing one or more in the past.
Even the C's are saying that the future is open and are very careful regarding predictions about the future and these illuminated politicians already know that a third wave will happen the next spring. Do we see here a psychological conditioning of the masses to the psychopathic and dystopic reality they want to manifest? I think so.

It's exactly that, they are trying to create their own reality by conditionning people to be scared, I think this will be a huge flop
Mexican president blasts European leaders for ‘authoritarian urge’ over harsh Covid-19 lockdowns
During a press conference on Wednesday, Lopez Obrador was asked if Mexico was planning to introduce restrictions to tackle the spread of the virus similar to those already in place in some European countries, including France, Spain, Italy, and the Czech Republic.

“No to using coercive measures,” the president responded. “This is not resolved with that.”

The introduction of tough restrictions reveals “an authoritarian urge by the authorities, by the government, with all due respect, on the part of those who opt for this,” he insisted.

Curfews aren’t a sign of faith in people. It’s putting yourself above as authority and seeing citizens as children, like they don’t understand.
Lopez Obrador added that “not even in its worst moments did Europe have these curfews and all these measures.”

Although AMLO seems to be less authoritarian in this covid era (is autoritarian in other issues, though) and since it started, the Hugo López-Gatell, Subsecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion has been scolding him. Still, he follows the narrative and agenda of destroying his citizens and the economy. Giving too much power to Gatell.

And, I also got the impression that he said it about John so that Peter would listen to him. The governor of Jalisco, from today onwards, orders the closing of businesses and non-essential activities at night, prohibiting meetings, parties, etc. because according to his argument, that is where people are being infected. Public transportation will not be available after 9 p.m., except for health personnel and the like. The most curious thing is that it prohibits the use of platform transportation, privileging the use of common cabs, particular cars and walking, because he is not prohibiting to be at streets at night.

It will not prohibit the sales on alcohol because the purpose is that people do not gather more than 10 people, not that they stop drinking. And there will be checkpoints to verify that people are not so drunk so they cause accidents.

Also, the Day of the Dead and All Saints' Day festivities (religious/pagan) will be cancelled and the pantheons will be closed.

With all this about the cases, I found a curious and enlightening fact, in the sense as to why are so many cases, and not only because of false positives of PCR, adding those of flu, influenza, respiratory infections, etc. Wonder if other countries are doing that.

It turns out that the federal government has been using (adding) another mechanism for obtaining confirmed cases since a couple of months ago, the method by epidemiological association.

_ said:
People with symptoms and close to a confirmed case will be assumed to be Covid-19 positive: Gatell
Hugo Lopez-Gatell, Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, said the use of the laboratory is useful in diagnosis, but it is not the only mechanism to determine Covid-19.

MEXICO CITY - The Ministry of Health announced adjustments to the epidemiological surveillance actions - through which people who had contact with Covid-19 patients will be counted as positive, without the need for laboratory confirmation - so yesterday 28,115 confirmed cases and 2,789 more deaths from coronavirus were reported compared to Sunday night's report.

"It is not only through laboratory tests that we determine whether a person who has a disease or dies from that disease, in this case Covid-19, had it or not. Epidemiological surveillance seeks to broaden the diagnostic picture and in many circumstances you can not have the result of a laboratory test, but analyzing the situation, the context, if a person had contact with someone who has a laboratory diagnosis by Covid-19 it is inferred that also that person, who has the same or similar symptoms, has Covid-19, we do not need to have the information from the laboratory to consider it".

Translated with www.DeepL
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