It's a good thing my mom is a smart woman and won't get vaccinated, even though everyone at the retirement club she attends has already done so.
Yesterday she called me to visit her because she was feeling unwell. I could see that she was confused and didn't really know how to tell me what was wrong with her. She finally showed me Biomentin (a drug used for Alzheimer's disease) with a confused look on her face.
And I knew what she meant. That's why she felt bad. I tried to comfort her as much as I could.
As far as the health service in Poland is concerned, let me give you an example of how it works.
My mom was given medication to lower the level of "dimers". According to the doctor, they were elevated after she had Covid's disease.
After a few days of use she got fever and muscle pains. She read in the leaflet that these are undesirable symptoms resulting from the use of the drug.
She called the doctor's office to ask if there was a doctor who had prescribed the medication for her. The nurse told her that the appointment was not possible right now and that she could make another appointment. She decided to go to the clinic anyway and see a doctor because she was feeling unwell. The nurse did not let her in and only mediated the exchange of information with the doctor. The clinic was empty without any patients. Doctors are locked in empty clinics in our country. This is what it looks like.

Translated with (free version)
Idiocracy :headbash:(btw, good movie Idiocracy (2006))

Wearing masks after coronavirus rules end makes 'sense' for many, says minister

This minister is "very smart":

Mr Buckland said: "I think that whatever the regulations might be, and clearly as we come out of this COVID period all of us want to see an end to the use of regulations so we can live our lives as we would want to live, there will be a certain sense I think for a lot of us to carry on wearing masks.

"I for one think if I have got a cold or a minor ailment I think wearing a mask is going to be the right thing to do because I don't want to spread my cold to somebody else." He went on: "If I have got a runny nose and I am still able to get out there and work, I think wearing a mask is not a bad idea. We can reduce the spread of even the common cold."

And what about the reduction of the spread of idiocy? Maybe double mask? 🤔
It's a good thing my mom is a smart woman and won't get vaccinated, even though everyone at the retirement club she attends has already done so.
Yesterday she called me to visit her because she was feeling unwell. I could see that she was confused and didn't really know how to tell me what was wrong with her. She finally showed me Biomentin (a drug used for Alzheimer's disease) with a confused look on her face.
And I knew what she meant. That's why she felt bad. I tried to comfort her as much as I could.
As far as the health service in Poland is concerned, let me give you an example of how it works.
My mom was given medication to lower the level of "dimers". According to the doctor, they were elevated after she had Covid's disease.
After a few days of use she got fever and muscle pains. She read in the leaflet that these are undesirable symptoms resulting from the use of the drug.
She called the doctor's office to ask if there was a doctor who had prescribed the medication for her. The nurse told her that the appointment was not possible right now and that she could make another appointment. She decided to go to the clinic anyway and see a doctor because she was feeling unwell. The nurse did not let her in and only mediated the exchange of information with the doctor. The clinic was empty without any patients. Doctors are locked in empty clinics in our country. This is what it looks like.

Translated with (free version)
One minor member of my family had an neurological incident few days ago. Pediatric Neurology departament in the hospital was transformed to a (empty!) COVID-19 one, so she was unable to get any intervenous treatment. Most of the private Computed Tomography scanning services are out of business also. And I live in one of the biggest cities in Poland...

You can clearly see big spikes in mortality not related to COVID-19 in November 2020 and April 2021 here (need to select Poland from the list box): Number of weekly deaths - Compare your country
Those spikes are big, clearly a grim anomaly in the context of 20 years of statistical data.
One minor member of my family had an neurological incident few days ago. Pediatric Neurology departament in the hospital was transformed to a (empty!) COVID-19 one, so she was unable to get any intervenous treatment. Most of the private Computed Tomography scanning services are out of business also. And I live in one of the biggest cities in Poland...

You can clearly see big spikes in mortality not related to COVID-19 in November 2020 and April 2021 here (need to select Poland from the list box): Number of weekly deaths - Compare your country
Those spikes are big, clearly a grim anomaly in the context of 20 years of statistical data.
That's how they report more than 100tys of excess, non covid related deaths during the health care shutdown. . Because defacto it is closed.
A lot of information and interviews on plandemic issues are published by wrealu24: Strona główna - Telewizja wRealu24.
If it wasn't for the sick Russophobia and ultra-Catholicism they represent... Nobody is perfect.

America’s Frontline Doctors File Motion for Temporary Restraining Order Against Use of COVID Vaccines in Children​

America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) today filed a motion in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama requesting a temporary restraining order against the emergency use authorization (EUA) permitting using the COVID-19 vaccines in children under the age of 16, and that no further expansion of the EUAs to children under the age of 16 be granted prior to the resolution of these issues at trial.

The case will challenge the EUAs for the injections on several counts, based on the law and scientific evidence that the EUAs should never have been granted, the EUAs should be revoked immediately, the injections are dangerous biological agents that have the potential to cause substantially greater harm than the COVID-19 disease itself, and that numerous laws have been broken in the process of granting these EUAs and foisting these injections on the American people.

AFLDS Founder Dr. Simone Gold spoke about the reasons for filing the motion: “We doctors are pro-vaccine, but this is not a vaccine,” she said. “This is an experimental biological agent whose harms are well-documented (although suppressed and censored) and growing rapidly, and we will not support using America’s children as guinea pigs.”

She continued: “We insist that the EUA not be relinquished prematurely; certainly not before trials are complete – October 31, 2022 for Moderna and April 27, 2023 for Pfizer. We are shocked at the mere discussion of this, and will not be silent while Americans are used as guinea pigs for a virus with survivability of 99.8% globally and 99.97% under age 70.

“Under age 20 it is 99.997% – ‘statistical zero’.

“There are 104 children age 0-17 who died from COVID-19 and 287 from COVID + Influenza – out of ~72 million. This equals zero risk. And we doctors won’t stand for children being offered something they do not need and of whom some unknown percentage will suffer.”

AFLDS Pediatric Director Dr. Angie Farella explained: “My greatest concerns with the vaccination of children under the age of 18 is the fact that there is no prior study of these individuals before December of 2020.”

She went on to say: “Children were not included in the trials, and the adult trials do not have any long-term safety data currently available.”

AFLDS Legal Director Ali Shultz commented on AFLDS’ filing: “Not many people could have taken this on. Dr. Simone Gold is a doctor, and a lawyer, and a fierce warrior who will stop at nothing to protect humanity.

“She has a certain finesse in developing the right team to see this medical/legal mission through.”

To read the motion and all supporting documents, click here.
Question: I just read somewhere (and I'll be darned if I can remember where, unfortunately) that half of the Covid injections being administered right now in the general population are placebo. Seems the PTB wanted to have a double-blind control group.

Has anyone else read this?

Connecticut Publishes Moderna COVID Vax Ingredients: DEADLY POISON "SM-102 - Not for Human or Veterinary Use"

The Connecticut Department of Public Health has published the Ingredients list for the Moderna COVID "Vaccine" and that data sheet confirms it contains a chemical "SM-102." The SM-102 Material Safety Data Sheet describes this chemical as "NOT FOR HUMAN OR VETERINARY USE"
According to the manufacturer, Cayman Chemical Company in their filing with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), this chemical causes "Acute Toxicity "Fatal in contact with skin." In that same OSHA filing, the manufacturer declares SM-102 "Causes damage to the central nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the respiratory system through prolonged or repeated exposure."
The full information release from the Connecticut Department of health, listing the ingredients, can be downloaded directly from the Connecticut State Government web site HERE (Archived HERE)

The full Material Data Safety Sheet on Chemical "SM-102" can be downloaded from the Cayman Chemical Company web site HERE (Archived HERE)
I thought it would only be a matter of time before the UK government started turning the covid screws on the UK care home industry. I work at a residential care home and was recently told that the government were considering mandating covid vaccinations for care home staff, without which the unvaccinated staff would be without jobs. Below is an article from the Nursing Times about the situation.

These are comments from staff about the possibility of mandating the vaccinations:

Vasileios Grigoriou

04 May 2021 10:01 PM

I am very upset with the recent decision of Boris Johnson’s Government to consider making the COVID vaccination of health care staff mandatory in nursing homes for the elderly.

I am strongly opposed to such a decision because it is a clear sign of medicopolitical fascism.

The covid vaccines may cause serious side effects and death. Therefore, they should remain voluntary and not compulsory. They are experimental drugs with no accountability for the pharmaceutical companies that produce them. Their long term safety and effectiveness has not been studied and is unknown. The human rights to medical choice, autonomy and body sovereignty are fundamental and is not acceptable to be abolished for any category of people. Political corruption must not be allowed to undermine the Mental Capacity Act, the Human Rights Act, the Equality Act, the European Convention on Human Rights, as well as the Nuremberg Code. Matt Hancock should be in prison for having killed residents and nurses in nursing homes by allowing covid positive residents to be admitted to nursing homes last year spreading disease and death. Has not he killed enough people already? I am a nurse working in a local nursing home and I want my contribution to social care in this country to be recognized and appreciated and not undermined by making me look for another job because I do not want to put my health, quality of life and life itself on the line by getting a dangerous and questionable experimental vaccine.

An unconvicted felon, like Matt Hancock, and the rest of the corrupt government he is part of must not be allowed to abolish our human rights, one step at a time, so as to eventually enforce a totalitarian regime against the whole society. If it starts with the health care staff in nursing homes, it will not stop there. It will expand to every human living in this country. That is why it needs to be stopped before being carried out.

Jo Stone

28 Apr 2021 1:20 PM

If you are worried or have questions or opinions PLEASE PLEASE forward your views to the government website regarding mandatory Covid-19 Vaccinations, click on the public survey above. It is important that our voices are heard and considered, this doesn't affect the people who write the laws it affects the workforce, frontline people and who we care for. We should all have a choice. The deadline to complete the survey is Friday 21st May 2021....

*** Making vaccination a condition of deployment in older adult care homes ***

Do your research, this is not like any other vaccine. There is a lot of information out there keep reading until you really understand and are fully informed. It has not been properly tested and only approved as an 'experimental' vaccine. The short and long term effects are unknown. It's appalling to even think to make it compulsory, it's totally against our Human Rights. Yes, people are dying, sadly, this will always be the case, but not exponentially as we are led to believe - check the real data.

*Deaths - Office for National Statistics
Question: I just read somewhere (and I'll be darned if I can remember where, unfortunately) that half of the Covid injections being administered right now in the general population are placebo. Seems the PTB wanted to have a double-blind control group.

Has anyone else read this?
I don't believe it. Not for 1 second. As if 4D STS would pass up the chance to inject poison into half of the volunteers.
Interesting thread going …

> 20 parts or so (must scroll).
America’s Frontline Doctors File Motion for Temporary Restraining Order Against Use of COVID Vaccines in Children
Ohio Stands Up! sent me a notice of this action today:
"America's Frontline Doctors files motion for temporary restraining order against use of COVID vaccine in children.”

Click here to read the article.

5/20/2021 - Ohio Stands Up! Attorney Thomas Renz and a legal team of lawyers including America's Frontline Doctors filed this suit. To read the motion & all supporting documents, click here.

Meanwhile, the lemmings are more intent than ever to hurl themselves over the cliff thanks to Gov. DeWine's latest vax incentive, Vax-a-Million lottery:

Vax-a-Million website is a real hit
Gets 25 million visits on first day
Laura A. Bischoff Columbus Dispatch USA TODAY NETWORK

Within hours of the Vax-a-Million website going live Tuesday, it got 25 million hits and hundreds of thousands of Ohioans signed up for the $1 million prize drawings and college scholarship giveaways.
In addition to the website traffic, more than 60,000 calls had poured into the Ohio Department of Health call center, state officials said.
Ohio is holding five drawings over five weeks to award $1 million prizes to five winners and full-ride college scholarships to five teens ages 12 to 17. Participants must be Ohio residents and have received at least one shot of a COVID-19 vaccination by the Sunday night before the Monday drawings. Winners will be announced on Wednesdays, starting May 26.

What's interesting is what's in today's paper:

Capitol Insider: Ohio counties where Trump won in a landslide show most vaccine hesitancy

In the 64 Ohio counties carried by Donald Trump last year by at least 25 percentage points, the COVID-19 vaccination rate averages 33%.

In the remaining 24 counties that Trump took by a lesser margin or Joe Biden won, the average is a third higher, at 44%, a Dispatch analysis shows. The rate from the Ohio Department of Health shows those who have had at least one shot of the vaccine.
Health authorities across the country have struggled to find a common thread for vaccine hesitancy, pointing to generally but not universally lower rates among rural residents or the less-educated.
Yes, it does seem that the more educated are the ones embracing not only the vax hype but all of the nutty political correctness regarding gender and trans madness, systemic racism, as well as MAGA hate hysteria - they did try to overthrow the country on Jan. 6 after all!

Guess who may end up having the last laugh should they maintain their no vax stance - and don't get taken down by transfection!
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