Could that be a "representative" of the "Quorum" group talking?

Concerning this:
David Topi said:
Now, this whole gold bullion/bearer bonds/lawsuit jackwagon-barrel of chicken guts that is supposedly the reason you received the phone call from someone who received a phone call from someone else who received a phone call that you were threatened. David, it’s bullshit. Yeah, it has been out there for a long time. Now let me ask you, the readers, your fan base, hell, everybody in the world, one simple question: Does anyone really, really think a lawsuit is going to change anything?

It’s nothing more than *another* distraction. I mean, really. You’re going to legally sue the people who own everything? Who own the courts, and who, according to the United Nations charter and most governments of the world, own *you* physically?

Are you people serious? David, please don’t take this the wrong way, but you need someone to tell you straight up — you, David, to the people who we fight every day, that we deal with every day, the evil people, the lightworker people that are really in charge don’t seem to think you’re really important in anything.
Thes were my exact thoughts when posting, but i rushed it so my comment was incomplete.

BTW, i love how blunt this guy is. :D
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