Could that be a "representative" of the "Quorum" group talking?

Laura said:
Prometeo said:
Indeed, I have seen supposedly members of the Illuminati,

Make that "supposedly" the operative term.

Prometeo said:
but none from the Quorum so... well how can we know if they exist.

We don't. That's why asking the question is rather like asking where was the stone that Excalibur was thrust into until Arthur removed it...? or where did the Israelites cross the Red Sea...? or where did Romulus and Remus jump over the wall?

Here is a mention of a supposedly council close to the quorum concept, this guy has talked before in his blog about it, but he is a mk ultra victim, so just take it as "fyi"


[link deactivated by moderator - please don't leave like links to questionable sites]
What else is known about this "Duncan O'Finian"? Is that even his real name?
Laura said:
What else is known about this "Duncan O'Finian"?

Here's a Project Camelot interview with him - - uploaded in 2006, 73 mins. And here's his website - _ where it states:

Robert Duncan O'Finioan is an author and martial artist. Born in 1960, he was taken at a young age by his parents and delivered to a secret government program known as Project Talent, a sub-project of the notorious MK ULTRA Program. The program used severe trauma to split his personality into several alternate personalities, one of whom was trained and enhanced to become a Super Soldier known as Omega Unit 197.

It was only as an adult, after years of missing time, blackouts, odd experiences, and terrifying nightmares that a car accident restored some of Duncan's memories of involvement in these secret programs. Duncan had also recently learned of the existence of three distinct other personalities in addition to 197.

Today, Duncan continues to be an outspoken advocate of bringing light to these programs and getting them to stop. No child should be tortured against their will, and certainly not by programs run by the very people who are supposed to protect us.

He was a speaker at the Awake and Aware 2011 conference - _

Seems like a disinfo agent to me. He's been on Jesse Ventura's TV show Conspiracy Theory. He's mentioned on all the infamous forums - ATS, Icke, GLP, and participated in a Q&A session at Reality Uncovered - _

His name, like his origin story, is probably made up.

He had a book published in 2002, Innocence Turned Deadly.
And we've got a short thread on him as well -
When they call David Wilcock in and interview him for 6.5 hours, and everybody he knows for hours and hours, trying to pin some petty tax crime on him, or something else like that - which IS how they take people out - then I'll take him seriously.

Crying that the "Illuminati" is sending you death threats is just pathetic.
Laura said:
What else is known about this "Duncan O'Finian"? Is that even his real name?

He's the supposed "psychic super soldier" who was trained by some super secret group. Seems to me he's either delusional or he has been messed with in some way. Either way, unlike the approach Kerry took of believing everything he says, I don't think we can believe anything he says. He's a conscious or unconscious agent of disinfo central.
Perceval said:
I don't think we can believe anything he says. He's a conscious or unconscious agent of disinfo central.

And there are SO MANY others!

If he wasn't an agent, believe me, they would find a way of taking him out of commission! And no one would EVER realize it... such a "tragedy"!
domwatts23 said:
Prometeo, did you say that you are a Quorum representative??

Hey sorry. Didn't read your post until now.

:P I was just being a little sarcastic.
Laura said:
We don't. That's why asking the question is rather like asking where was the stone that Excalibur was thrust into until Arthur removed it...? or where did the Israelites cross the Red Sea...? or where did Romulus and Remus jump over the wall?
Indeed I agree. So if I understood well, is like asking which angels took Jesus to heaven? or how older Maria Magdalena was?
Something I have always taken into account especially in the field of conspiracy is the following:

The fame of the speaker or writer on the subject. As is well known, respected by all those interested in the subject, has his works in the front row of the shelf in the library, even for many conferences are discussed in magazines or television and do anything that might give fame or money, there to tread a thousand eyes, since he is not telling the truth. You can say things that are true but in some places there is so much distortion that the listener or reader is guided to the opposite side of the truth.

Also, if what I was saying or writing the individual is true, would quickly vilified, accused of rape, cult (of which we are accused), manipulated by the HAARP or killed ("look like a suicide"). Those who are known as Ike, Wilcock, Fulford, Jones, Hoagland, Greere, and so on. does not appear that they have suffered some of this (pure theater when they say they have been threatened, "because if they were not then do not say truth," people might think, but they continue their show without anyone silenced ).

A detail that I noticed is that more than one of these when talking showman sometimes say "I can not say more about it," implying that if they talk then kill them or know what. This sentence gives a lot of play, has been used more than once by Ike, Wilcock and Greere, to name a few. If it is true that they can not talk, that means they are insulting your audience the truth and for not reporting on what happens in the world. And if this is a lie, this phrase is a marketing maneuver and nothing more.

Well, when you go to see shows that chains assembled with one another and get to know the true origin of the characters and their speeches, how to differentiate between truth and falsehood. The problem is that people do not develop their ability to discern and so are deceived.

The Third Person Effect is present, we believe that we will not be influenced or misled and that the others will have been manipulated and deceived because they are ignorant. Thinking thus causes the belief that we possess the truth and remains our divergent thinking.
Álvaro said:
A detail that I noticed is that more than one of these when talking showman sometimes say "I can not say more about it," implying that if they talk then kill them or know what. This sentence gives a lot of play, has been used more than once by Ike, Wilcock and Greere, to name a few. If it is true that they can not talk, that means they are insulting your audience the truth and for not reporting on what happens in the world. And if this is a lie, this phrase is a marketing maneuver and nothing more.

I think you're on to something there Alvaro, the "I can't say more about it" line can probably be used as a marker for at least a tentative conclusion that the person is peddling disinfo to some degree.
Heimdallr said:
Laura said:
What else is known about this "Duncan O'Finian"?

Here's a Project Camelot interview with him - - uploaded in 2006, 73 mins. And here's his website - _ where it states:

Robert Duncan O'Finioan is an author and martial artist. Born in 1960, he was taken at a young age by his parents and delivered to a secret government program known as Project Talent, a sub-project of the notorious MK ULTRA Program. The program used severe trauma to split his personality into several alternate personalities, one of whom was trained and enhanced to become a Super Soldier known as Omega Unit 197.

It was only as an adult, after years of missing time, blackouts, odd experiences, and terrifying nightmares that a car accident restored some of Duncan's memories of involvement in these secret programs. Duncan had also recently learned of the existence of three distinct other personalities in addition to 197.

Today, Duncan continues to be an outspoken advocate of bringing light to these programs and getting them to stop. No child should be tortured against their will, and certainly not by programs run by the very people who are supposed to protect us.

He was a speaker at the Awake and Aware 2011 conference - _

Seems like a disinfo agent to me. He's been on Jesse Ventura's TV show Conspiracy Theory. He's mentioned on all the infamous forums - ATS, Icke, GLP, and participated in a Q&A session at Reality Uncovered - _

His name, like his origin story, is probably made up.

He had a book published in 2002, Innocence Turned Deadly.

Starring Dolph Lundgren or Jean-Claude Van Damme ;D :D
More about Duncan vs Wilcock:

Wilcock, Death Threat, Dog and Pony Show, Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh no . . .
December 17, 2011 at 7:00 pm (News, Rants)

This post is one of the most asked for writings we have ever done. I don’t know why. I really don’t. As the world turns, so are the days of our lives . . .

I will try to be brief, however, something tells me this is going to turn into a very long-winded (reading) affair.

David Wilcock, you know we have several mutual friends. it is on behalf of one of them, who you really need to be thankful for, that I will be using the writing style that I am now. Keep that in mind as you read this.

But before we launch into the whole Wilcock/death threat/dog and pony show, please allow me to let you know the wheres, the hows, and the whys of where come from as I write this so you, the reader, will have a better understanding of why I say some of the things that I do.

I’m not going to sit here and for the next 10,000 lines and rehash the whole MK ULTRA/taken as a child/tortured etc. No. If you don’t know by now who I am, use Google or go to our site. What I want to deal with is the here, the now, and what’s to come.

Myself and others, not as many as there once was, but many, are what is known as “Greywalkers”. We fight to try to keep the balance between the dark and the light. More in just a minute. You see, when I was very young, and in case some of you don’t know, I’m a half-blood Cherokee, I was given the name Greyfeather by my Cherokee grandfather. When I asked him to tell me what was the meaning of that name, he said “You’re neither good nor bad, you just are. You’ll figure it out when the time comes.” Well the time came, and it only took me about 25 years or so, but after spending time on a reservation in Nevada years ago, I finally was given all of this information.

There are many of us. Our job as I said, is to try and hold the balance between, well … what most people today commonly know as White Hats and Black Hats. Here’s where things get sticky: They both want the same thing. Whether you believe that or not right now is of no relevance. It’s just a fact. It’s just the way it is. They both want the same thing — dominance, control, EVERYTHING.

We keep the balance up until the day of the final battle that some of us know as the Ragnarok. I ain’t going into that in this post, sorry.

Now you know who I am and what I do right now. David Wilcock — As I said, going by the words of a mutual friend of ours, I am going on the very loose assumption that you were not part of this dog and pony show that was your death threat and subsequent radio shows.

Make no mistake: A dog and pony show is what it was, and you were the dog, jumping up and down on the back of the pony. Harsh words? damn straight. Deal with it. David Wilcock, if you want to play with the big dogs, learn to play or go back on the porch with the rest of the puppies.

I’m going to say this as straight up as I can: The people who are really in charge, on both sides, don’t play this game. They do this: problem, solution, action, done. Period. You would get no phone calls, you would get no warning. That’s how the big dogs play. I know, I’ve been on the receiving end of both sides. David, I have been shot, stabbed, strung up and used for a punching bag. I could sit here for the next 10,000 lines and give you things that have been done to me with no warning, no phone call, merely problem and reaction. It’s how things really work.

When you went on the radio with Kerry Cassidy, in my view, you made a total ass of yourself. You cried like a wet, hungry, dirty, baby. Well, David, take a shower, change your diaper, pull your pants on and get ready to move on, if you want to play with the big dogs.

David, most of the things that you teach your fan base. and yes, that is what they/you are — a fan base — Most of what you teach them is crap and you know it. Ascension? Give me a break. How many times have you changed the dates on world ascension? Did you or any of your fan base know of anyone who *has* ascended? You’re not here to Ascend, David. You’re here to learn and fight. I suggest you and your fan base learn those two terms.

Disclosure. Who cares? It’s nothing but a distraction. My gods, David, we all know about the aliens, UFOs, life on other planets, etc. Been there, done that.

Now, this whole gold bullion/bearer bonds/lawsuit jackwagon-barrel of chicken guts that is supposedly the reason you received the phone call from someone who received a phone call from someone else who received a phone call that you were threatened. David, it’s bullshit. Yeah, it has been out there for a long time. Now let me ask you, the readers, your fan base, hell, everybody in the world, one simple question: Does anyone really, really think a lawsuit is going to change anything?

It’s nothing more than *another* distraction. I mean, really. You’re going to legally sue the people who own everything? Who own the courts, and who, according to the United Nations charter and most governments of the world, own *you* physically?

Are you people serious? David, please don’t take this the wrong way, but you need someone to tell you straight up — you, David, to the people who we fight every day, that we deal with every day, the evil people, the lightworker people that are really in charge don’t seem to think you’re really important in anything.

You are what is commonly known as a “funnel”, a mouthpiece, and I’m not just talking about you, David Wilcock. there are literally hundreds of other funnels/mouthpieces out there. There are the Jonses, the O’Reillys, the Becks, etc. — they’re a dime a dozen to these people. They serve a purpose and nothing more, to whichever side decides to use them.

Like I said many words ago — harsh. damn straight it’s harsh. These are harsh times, and just about to get even harsher. I’m only going to say this one time to you, David Wilcock: You, along with your fan base, have a chance to actually do something good. Here’s my strong suggestion to you: Take to the airwaves, and apologize for your behavior, i.e. crying like a wet kitten, because, David, I have heard you at conferences and on interviews, talk the talk so many times. When it came time for you to stand up and walk the walk ,you fell flat on your face.

Now stand the hell up. Pull it together, take all this B.S. information that you get from the total B.S. “informants”, and throw it away. Talk to some people who really and truly *are* in the thick of things, that are actually fighting and working right now. Not some friend of a friend of a friend with information — that’s horsecrap and you know it. I know who most of your informants are. They’re ass clowns.

And please, David, tell your fan base that ‘Anonymous’ with your interview with Kerry, to at least go public and be honest and let the people know that he is a mutual friend and no, he is not in a spaceship X-kilometers out in deep space, that he’s down on terra firma. I mean come on, David. You’ve got a chance, David, You’ve been handed this opportunity. Do something good with it.

And let me be plain. The timing of your death threat has not escaped me, nor will my continued clogging along about Richard C. Hoagland. And I also must say I am very very ashamed and saddened by everyone involved in this dog and pony show. And I do mean everyone.

And during this entire dog and pony show of the past several days that we are writing about right now, someone tried to kill Miranda in the now, in the moment, in the physical. Again, this is what we deal with. We shrug it off and move on — it’s the way our lives are. Count yourself lucky, count yourself blessed.

Ladies and gentlemen, everyone who has read this, please understand where I am coming from. I am rude, I am crude, I am socially unacceptable in most circles. I prefer it that way. I have lived, I have loved, I have been tortured, and I have died and I have come back. I am here to do a job. That job is to walk the grey line, to try to keep the balance between the light and the dark until the final days.

There are good and bad in both the light and the dark. I have run with both companies. I have fought with both sides. It was necessary for me so I would understand both the light and the dark. I did not write this to be condescending, hateful, nasty, butt-kicking to David Wilcock. That’s not my intent. I honestly am above that, but is difficult for someone like me, who lives every moment of their life with the knowledge that that moment could be their last.

So it is difficult for me to feel all this compassion for David Wilcock in this incident concerning his so-called death threat. Myself and my group are battle-worn, battle-hardened, and battle-scarred, and all we want to do is go home. We ain’t here to make a lot of money. We ain’t here for fame and fortune. We ain’t here to stand in front of thousands at conferences and millions on TV with smiles on our faces. We’re here to do battle for each and every human walking the face of this planet. Like us or not, love us or not, it matters not. We have been sent here to fight and die for you. At least respect us. Hail the Greywalkers. Until the end.

Now to you, David, and everyone out there who reads this: Friendship for Miranda and I is a bond. If you wish to know how far we take that bond, and how low into hell I will travel to pull someone out, talk to Bill Ryan. He’ll tell you. If you are someone who I fight with, I work with, and I believe in, and if you are under my protection, I will always do the same thing. But the number of people who have that honor from me, you can count on the fingers of one hand.

David, you have a chance here — an opening. And so do we. This is a chance that you are probably not going to take, but nonetheless I am honor-bound to extend this invitation to you by my superiors and by my code. If you are willing to work with us and to uphold the same cause that we do, with honor and a true, sincere desire to help people, we would love to work together with you and we will extend all our support and protection to you. Like I said, I doubt very much you will take this, but if you choose to do so we will honor that decision. If not, then that’s okay, too.

To finally end this post, Miranda honey, I’m coming home. Right now I’m tired, I’m cold, I’m hungry, I need a shower, food, and alcohol. Ian, we will be seeing you soon. We’re coming home.
Oh boy, talk about tag-team dog and pony shows! Good cop-bad cop, whatever. Mostly disinformation. That is, quite a bit of truth all mixed up with BS and all conveying a particular line of force that is rather twisted.

Good find, David!
Laura said:
Oh boy, talk about tag-team dog and pony shows! Good cop-bad cop, whatever. Mostly disinformation. That is, quite a bit of truth all mixed up with BS and all conveying a particular line of force that is rather twisted.

Good find, David!

Yup, tag-team dog and pony show BS, alright.
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