COVID 'Syndicate' Agenda - James Corbett & Catherine Austin Fitts Discussion

Michael B-C thank you so much for an astonishing amount of information under one heading.

I feel I am swinging between two pendulums at the moment, one where the C's words are in the back of my mind saying " all this will fail " and the sheer horror and terror the sts wish to bring about on this beautiful planet.
I'm really struggling to find balance at the moment but I realise this is absolutely necessary. It's the sheer scope
of their plans and the speed with which it's now taking shape that takes your breath away. It's now the true meaning of the phrase "it's the soul that counts " really sinks in.
Thanks Michael B-C. That was well redacted with all the links in between the transcript.

One of the things that stood out was this

If you look at how COVID-19 happened as an operation it went off fast and it went off sloppy. Now I'm not sure why?

It wouldn't surprise me if what happened in Wuhan was the prototype that went wrong or went bad – there’s still something about Wuhan that we don't yet understand. For example my question is was Charles Lieber in the mix and Lieber getting arrested… did they do the brain-machine interface prototype and something went wrong and it went bad.

This kind of mimics what the C's said, that the C-19 virus is a "vaccine" developed to control people that went wrong. At least to my knowledge she is the only other person seeing this from that angle.

Cassandane said:
The one thing that bothers me about it is that she puts a lot of stock in the stupidity of the human beings at the top. If the first rule of war is "Don't underestimate the enemy", it might not be wise to take comfort in that, especially if human beings are not actually at the top of the food chain.

That is certainly true. I have read some of Catherine Austin Fitts stuff in the past, and we could argue that by stupid, she means that they can only see one strategy, they have closed themselves in it and cannot see anything else. They could be very intelligent in that path, but not creative enough to see others paths/strategies.

Cassandane said:
Perhaps one of our purposes in being on Earth at this time is to see the horrors of the endgame and warn other souls. This may be why the Cs say their plans will fail.

Taken from this thread: Descriptions of the "afterlife"

12. Spirits greatly respect time spent on earth. One says, “Your world is the hardest school of your round of experiences. Prizes won here are won for eternity. The very density of the material in which you work makes the overcoming of it a finer conquest. . . . Experience on your planet is a unique opportunity and a privilege. . . . Make the best of every opportunity. A strenuous life on earth is of immense value.”
Thanks for that enlightening post @Michael B-C. I had watched Catherine Austin Fitts before, but did not realize how much she "gets it" until now. Probably because I get it more now too. I just watched the interview--very frightening and informative. What I have been contemplating as of late is how the elites expect to preserve their wealth (which translates into power) when they attempt to institute this corporeal credit and debit system. I would imagine that they would anticipate holding more "credit" than the rest of us. Maybe this is what in-fighting is about at the higher levels? Maybe theirs will be a different system entirely. And what about gold? I bought about 10K worth of Krugerrand gold coins about 9 yrs ago thinking that I was so smart anticipating the financial collapse when, really, the PTB can simply deem it unlawfully purchased and take it away.
Whenever I am waiting dutifully with my face partially covered to go in the supermarket, I just feel in my bones that we are being trained to wait in food lines.

Did some reviewing of when "money" came up in the transcripts:
From Session 6 February 2016:
L) Okay, are we done with this topic? I want to go back to our refugee problem. I was reading an article where it was said that this guy Erdogan is deliberately pushing refugees into Europe as a way of holding European leaders hostage more or less. The idea is that EU leaders are put on the spot to show their "Christian charity" so to speak to look after the downtrodden. Also, he's using it to insert terrorists into Europe. I think we've already established that there are a certain number of terrorists that ARE being inserted into Europe via the refugee stream. Is it also true that Erdogan is deliberately pushing this stream as a way of creating chaos in Europe?

A: Yes. But do not forget the cause of refugeeism: the aggression of the imperial ambitions of the Israeli-American alliance.

Q: (Joe) Thing is, I would wonder about the extent to which Erdogan decides very much in Turkey at all.

(L) That's what they just said I think: that AIPAC is the driver, or something similar.

(Joe) But even inside Turkey, they've been infiltrated by these NATO stay-behind networks for a long time. There are people inside the Turkish military and intelligence establishments that are kind of autonomous nodes there. They can basically do what they want out of the oversight of the official government. They would probably be working under the control of NATO and the American-Israeli interests.

(L) And I guess their controllers want just absolute chaos?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Geopolitically, this is ultimately part of their fight against Russia. They figure that to prevent any rapprochement between Russia and Europe, they'll engineer the downfall of Europe. Divide and conquer. Then they can keep Russia out of Western Europe and stop Russia from expanding and taking its rightful place. They're willing to destroy everything to stop that.

A: Remember Plato's tale of Atlantis: The global ambitions of that empire brought its total destruction.

Q: (Joe) In a previous reference to Atlantis, you said that they ended up causing their own destruction because of their greed for energy. Like an energetic hunger, energy weapons, or whatever... But that probably precipitated geological destruction as well. The two are linked.

A: Similarities abound. Money equals energy.

Q: (Joe) You said that previously, as well. Does that suggest that at least initially, a financial crisis first...

(L) The PTB could be having financial motives, but those motives lead to the use and expenditures of energies in ways that are supposed to protect or enhance or promote their financial ambitions but which are ultimately extremely destructive and hard to contain once let loose.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) I was thinking that overtly, the first blow to the empire this time may come in the form of...

(L) Economic collapse.

A: Yes

Q: (L) And then that can lead to just rampant militarism. That is the usual solution to economic problems. Go to war and steal other people’s stuff. Okay, next?

A: Keep in mind that it all is part of the cleansing process.

This from Session 23 August 2014:
(KJN) They kind of gave some timetables in previous sessions regarding money collapse, martial lockdowns, the Ebola virus becoming pertinent for the United States, etc. Do we have any updates on these time tables, and have things shifted to create a different time table scenario?

A: You are presently in the process described. It is only a matter of acceleration and the addition of the energy information of more dramatic upcoming events.

Q: (L) More dramatic upcoming events... What kind of more dramatic upcoming events?

A: Earth change variety. That should get the system going in a big way!!

Q: (Perceval) There was a big crack in Mexico.

(L) Well, earth changes doesn't necessarily mean comets. It can mean big earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, superstorms, onset of an ice age, floods, and all kinds of things.

(Perceval) That's all the fun stuff that we don't get to miss. Comets aren't coming before that happens. That would just be lights out! Here's an open-ended question: Isn't there going to be a big earthquake in California? [laughter]

A: Yes.

Q: (Pierre) When will it hit and where?

A: No dice!
From Session 19 July 2014:
(L) Well, since we have a pretty good idea of who did it, we know the answer to that. Okay, so that leads me to a question that's been on my mind for the last day or so. I noticed that the "Black Hats", the bad guys, the whole pathological community seem to be quite well-organized and unified to some extent in their public activities. For example, Israel is able to get all these students, the Hasbara program; the Pentagon has hired all of these people to engage in cyber warfare; there are trolls that go all over the internet swaying public opinion and writing commentary. Edward Snowden has come out and explained exactly how it's done. I mean, they have a HUGE, elaborate cyber warfare program and train people to get out there and work for the control of people's minds. It's just absolutely staggering. So, one thing about it that really gets me is that first of all, even with this revelation of Snowden that has hit all the major media, people don't stop and think that EVERYTHING that's going on could be part of that disinformation program! The second thing is, why is it that people with peaceful, world-benevolent opinions and approaches - people of conscience - can't get together in the same way that evil does? Evil seems to coalesce, and people of conscience seem to... it's almost like their conscience forces them to fight with each other! I mean, assuming they even have a conscience. What's the deal here? I want to know.

A: First of all notice that the STS side uses two hooks: money and promises of power. It is not so much "unity of purpose." Secondly, just as you have learned from your studies of psychology and from the work of Gurdjieff, people with the genetics for "soul" or conscience are very wounded by the programming of family and society.

Q: (L) So, it's their wounds, their programming, their buffers as Gurdjieff says, that keeps them all pointing in dozens of different directions with different opinions, ideas, wounds, fears, and so on. And that prevents unity. Is there anything that can change that?

A: Sure!

Q: [laughter] (L) What?

A: Work or a huge shock!

Q: (Perceval) A huge shock like a giant fireball? Giant meteorite or an earthquake?

A: Some cosmic activity might do it provided the seeds of knowledge have been planted as you have been doing for years now. As we once said, from the fire comes light. There are several levels of meaning there.

Q: (L) Cosmic fire, maybe?

A: Yes!

Q: (Pierre) Cosmic activity can help this seed to grow?

(Chu) No, I don't think that's what they're saying.

(L) I think they're saying that that's the shock. And if there is a seed there, and if there is any potential in the individual, if the shock doesn't kill them, then...

(Pierre) So the shock due to cosmic activity is what will make the seed grow?

(Ark) No!

(Chu) The seed of knowledge has to be there for people to interpret it, right?

(L) I think they already have to have it inside them, then they get a shock, and then afterwards...

(Pierre) Yeah, the shock makes the seed of knowledge grow...

(Ark) No! The knowledge cannot grow by shock. The knowledge can grow only if you get more truth. Shock may only cause the seed to do some job.

(L) Like what?

(Ark) I mean, because you may know things, know things, know things... and do nothing! And then, there comes shock, and then you realize that your knowledge - you were not using your knowledge!

(Perceval) It seems to me that this might apply to a lot of forum members who have been just quietly absorbing the information, but unable to do anything with it because of all this programming and stuff. The seed of knowledge has been planted in those people, but they haven't actually done anything with it.

(L) But when it becomes real...

(Perceval) When they realize that, "Holy shit, this isn't just theoretical! A fireball just blew the crap out of Washington, DC!"... God willing... [laughter] Suddenly it's true for them, and it may activate the knowledge that they've been growing slowly inside.

(L) In other words, it will kind of like blow the fear away because what's really holding people back is fear: these programs, these buffers. That's what Caesar said last week. He said to be true to your inner nature, and fear nothing. You have to get to the point where you fear nothing. You have to get to the point where you can say “It’s a good day to die” like Black Elk said before going into battle.
From Session 11 August 1996:

From Session 16 October 1994:
World will soon have nothing but credit and debit have you not heard of this new visa debit cards this is the future of money as controlled by the world banking system i.e. the brotherhood i.e. Lizards i.e. antichrist.

Q: (L) If I don't have a credit card then I don't have to belong to this system?

A: No. You will have no choices: belong or starve.

Q: (L) What happened to free will?

A: Brotherhood aka Lizards aka antichrist has interfered with free will for 309000 years. They are getting desperate as we near the change.

Q: (V) It has always been my nature to rebel against that which I did not feel was good for me. Is rebellion against this system possible?

A: If you are willing to leave the body.

Q: (L) Leave the body as in death, croak, kick the bucket?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) If we were to move...

A: Changes will follow turmoil be patient.

Q: (L) We would like to move into the country. Will it be possible to get along without this credit/debit card leading that kind of life?

A: No.

Q: (L) Are they going to have the kind of capability of controlling everything and everybody no matter where they are?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Even if we moved to Guyana and built a log hut in the rain forest and didn't bother anybody, we'd still get sucked into this thing?

A: Laura you will feel the effect of the Lizard beings desperate push for total control no matter where you go.

Q: (L) That is inexpressibly depressing. Do you understand?

A: Why? Change will follow.

Q: (L) Will it follow soon?

A: You are slipping a bit. Refer to Literature "Bringers of the Dawn". Challenge will be ecstasy if viewed with proper perspective which is not, we repeat: not of third level reality, understand?

Q: (L) In the reference cited, Joan of Arc is described as feeling ecstatic while burning at the stake. Is that what you mean?

A: Sort of, but you need not burn at the stake.

Q: (L) That's small comfort. There's other ways to die.

A: We are not speaking of death, Laura. If you listen to those who are firmly rooted in 3rd level this is when you run the risk of slipping in your knowledge learned no matter how good the intentions i.e. L*** {Laura’s then husband, now ex-husband}.

Q: (L) What do you mean about L***?

A: Guyana.

Q: (L) What do you mean "Challenge will be ecstasy"? What sort of challenge?

A: Living through the turmoil ahead.

Q: (L) Several books I have read have advised moving to rural areas and forming groups and storing food etc...

A: Disinformation. Get rid of this once and for all. That is 3rd level garbage.

Q: (L) We feel pretty helpless at the mercy of beings who can come in and feed off of us at will. Do we have someone on our side, pulling for our team, throwing us energy or something?

A: Who do you think you have been communicating with?

Q: (L) Are you going to be able to assist us through this turmoil?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are you going to?

A: Up to you.

Q: (L) If we call, can we get your assistance?

A: All you have to do is ask.

Q: (L) Will we go through any periods when we may be cut off from help?

A: You are never ever cut off.

Q: (L) Oh, I don't want to suffer!

A: You need not suffer. Stop thinking 3rd level.

Q: (L) I don't want anybody I love to suffer either. I don't want any pain. I've suffered enough!

A: You are stuck at 3rd level tonight.

Q: (L) It's not just that. There is so much disinformation you just don't know who to believe... I mean, how do we know we can believe you? There are so many sources out there deceiving and they do it so cleverly. Look at the Bible... for 2,000 years people have been believing that...

A: They deceive when you allow it.

Q: (L) I know you are supposed to take some things on faith... but, do you see my problem here?

A: Yes, but you don't.

Q: (L) What is my problem?

A: Mental block.

Q: (L) In the recent past you indicated that chapter 24 of Matthew and chapter 21 of Luke, were given by Jesus after his extended sleep state. Now, both of those chapters refer to the present time as being like the days of Noah. Is that a correct assessment?

A: In a sense and individual events are as yet undetermined.

Q: (L) Well, the story of Noah tells us that Noah was told to build an ark.

A: Symbolic.

Q: (L) Yet Noah built an ark. Was it true that certain individuals, whoever they were, built boats or did things to survive that terrible cataclysm?

A: No. Look at it this way. Noah built a boat because it seemed like an enjoyable enterprise and when the flood came it came in handy, see?

Q: (L) So, you are saying that if we do what we do because we enjoy it that we will be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing when whatever happens happens, right?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Are you saying that we will be led to do what we should be doing and be where we should be?

A: You will just fall into it but if you force things you run the risk of going astray.

Q: (L) Am I correct in thinking that many people who think they are channeling are just channeling earthbound spirits?

A: Sometimes.

Q: (L) Is it possible to channel dead people who have gone into the light?

A: Sometimes.

Q: (L) Would it be possible for us to do this with other people present so that they could ask questions also?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is S___ under the influence of other forces?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Who?

A: Who else? The Lizzies.

Q: (L) Is it acceptable within universal law to do spirit release work on people without requesting their permission?

A: You already do this without inquiry.

Q: (L) Is it alright to do it without inquiry?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Is it possible that we could be loading ourselves with Karmic debt by sticking our noses in where we may not be wanted?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Would it be better to not do this without request?

A: You must answer within yourself.

Q: (L) Can one do a spirit release on another after asking the higher self permission?

A: Too many conflicting thought patterns.

Q: (L) Can one ask the higher self for permission to do a cleansing?

A: Be cautious not to interfere with karmic learning assignments.

Q: (L) Do some people have attachments that are part of karma?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Let's go back to the subject of the beast and the number 666. You say that following the enforcement of control by the Lizzies on the entire world that the change is going to take place, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) How long following?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Several prophetic works have said that this period is going to last 6.3 or 7 years. Is that correct?

A: Open.

Q: (L) On the subject of the 666, I was given an insight into this several years ago as to another meaning of it, is that interpretation also correct?

A: Maybe. VI is 6 in Roman Numerals. S was 6 in ancient Egypt. A was 6 in Sanskrit. VISA, see, is 666. Interesting that to travel for extended periods one needs a "visa" also, yes?

Q: (L) The other parts of chapter 13... Verse one says, "I stood on the sandy beach I saw a beast coming up out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads. On his horns he had ten royal crowns and blasphemous titles on his heads..." What does this verse mean?

A: Many meanings. Monetary control. 10 represents universal control of whole units of value.

Q: (L) So, the ten horns represent units of value, so we are talking about money here. What are the blasphemous titles on his heads?

A: In God we trust.

Q: (L) "And the beast that I saw resembled a leopard..."

A: New World Order.

Q: (L) "And to him the dragon gave his might and power and great dominion..." Who is the dragon?

A: Read again please.

Q: (L) "And the beast I saw resembled a leopard..." What does the leopard signify?

A: Leopard is fast moving and distinctly patterned.

Q: (L) "His feet were like those of a bear..." what do the feet represent?

A: Russia.

Q: (L) Why are the feet like those of a bear?

A: Hidden power center in that geographic location.

Q: (L) What nature this power center?

A: Same as USA. Feet are not so easily seen.

Q: (L) Does this mean that Russia and the US are secretly united?

A: Under same control.

Q: (L) Are these the Lizards?

A: At the root.

Q: (L) "His mouth was like that of a lion..." What does mouth represent and why is it like a lions?

A: Noisy and boastful.

Q: (L) Who is noisy and boastful and how is this going to manifest?

A: Economic power structure. Lion is powerful and commands attention by roaring. Who has been speaking loudly about a new world order?

Q: (L) The United States?

A: Close. Elements of same.

Q: (L) "One of his heads seemed to have a deadly wound, but his death stroke was healed and the whole earth went after the beast in amazement and admiration..." What does it mean that one of his heads seemed to have a deadly wound?

A: Aliens.

Q: (L) The aliens will seem to be a deadly wound to the Beast?

A: Initially.

Q: (L) "But his death stroke was healed, and the whole earth went after the Beast with amazement and admiration..." What does this mean?

A: Initial fear gives way to worship and admiration.

Q: (L) "They fell down and gave homage to the dragon because he had bestowed on the beast all of his dominion and authority..." Who is this dragon?

A: World Body Politic.

Q: (L) And who is this Beast?

A: New World Order aka Brotherhood aka Lizzies aka antichrist.

Q: (L) "The Beast was given the power of speech uttering boastful and blasphemous words and was given freedom to exert his authority and exercise his will during 42 months..."

A: Timing is open. Power of speech is self explanatory in terms of audio and video media.

Q: (L) "And he opened his mouth to speak slanders against God blaspheming his name and his abode even vilifying those who live in heaven..." Does this mean that this group, this beast are going to...

A: Disseminate disinformation with respect to encouraging worship, loyalty and obedience to antichrist.

Q: (L) "He was further permitted to wage war on God's holy people and to overcome them and power was given him to extend his authority over every tribe and people and every tongue and nation..." Does this means trials and tribulations of those who refuse to submit?

A: No. See previous answer.

Q: (L) "And all the inhabitants of the earth will fall down in admiration... everyone whose name has not been recorded from the foundation of the world in the Book of Life of the Lamb that was slain in sacrifice from the foundation of the world..." What are "those whose names are recorded in the Book of Life... what is the Book of Life?

A: Supercomputer.

Q: (L) The Book of Life of the Lamb... everyone whose name has not been recorded... it is saying that the people who are going to worship the Beast are names that have not been recorded... does that mean that there is a supercomputer recording the names of those who do not worship the beast?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And who has this supercomputer?

A: Beast. All names will be recorded as being either obedient or disobedient.

Q: (L) Who is this "Lamb?"

A: Beast.

Q: (L) "If anyone is able to hear let him listen: whoever leads into captivity will himself go into captivity; if anyone slays with the sword, with the sword will he be slain... herein is the call for the patience and fidelity of the saints (God's people)... "Who are God's people?

A: All.

Q: (L) What does it mean: "Whoever leads into captivity will go into captivity?"

A: Follow the leader.

Q: (L) If they follow the leader they will become captive and if they fight with the leader they will be killed?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) "Then I saw another Beast rising up out of the land; he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon..." What does this signify?

A: Other faces of the same entity.

Q: (L) What does it mean that he had two horns like a lamb? A lamb doesn't have horns. Why does it say he has horns?

A: Confusion by contradiction.

Q: (L) And what does the lamb represent?

A: Same face of the Beast.

Q: (L) What does it mean he "spoke like a dragon"??

A: Same.

Q: (L) "He exerts all the power and right of control as the former beast in his presence and causes the earth and those who dwell upon it to exalt and deify the beast whose deadly wound was healed and worship him..." Well, it seems to say that there is a second beast that is different from the first beast but you are saying that it is just another face of the beast...

A: Yes. Look at it this way, aliens one face; God another; government another et cetera.

Q: (L) Did you mean to say that God was another face of the beast?

A: As represented by religion.

Q: (L) "He performs great signs, startling miracles, even making fire fall from the sky to the earth in men's sight.." What does that mean?

A: Aliens perform "miracles".

Q: (L) And what is the "image" of the Beast?

A: Aliens.

Q: (L) What does it mean to have been wounded by the sword and still live?

A: Perceived as scary then Godlike.

Q: (L) "And he was permitted to impart the breath of life into the Beast's image so that the statue of the beast could actually talk and to cause all to be put to death that would not bow down and worship the image of the beast." What does this mean?

A: Total control once deception is complete.

Q: (L) "Compels all alike, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be marked with an inscription on their right hand or on their foreheads...." What is this inscription?

A: Visa ID number.

Q: (L) Is this going to be actually physically put on our bodies?

A: Encoded.

Q: (L) How? Is that what the aliens do when they abduct people?

A: No.

Q: (L) How is it going to be done?

A: Stamped.

Q: (L) By what technical means?

A: Electronic encoding. A series of numbers.

Q: (L) Are they going to put these on our skins or imbed them in the skin on our heads or hand...?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Does that mean that you will have to place your hand on an electronic scanner in order to conduct any type of monetary transaction?

A: Precisely.

Q: (L) Okay, it says: "Here is room for discernment, a call for the wisdom of interpretation, let him who has intelligence, penetration, insight enough calculate the number of the Beast, for it is a human number, the number of a certain man, his number is 666. What does this mean?

A: Visa as explained previously. Everyone will get their own number and it will be a Visa number, the number of the Beast.

Q: (L) "Then I looked and Lo! the lamb stood on Mount Zion and with him 144,000 men who had his name and his father's name inscribed on their foreheads..." What does that mean?

A: ID. The Lamb is the Leadership council of the world bank. Many will think they are taking the "mark" of God when actually being marked by the Beast.

Q: (L) "And I heard a voice from Heaven like the sound of great waters and like the rumbling of might thunder and the voice I heard seemed like the music of harpists accompanying themselves on their harps..." What is this voice from heaven and the sound like great waters and mighty thunder?

A: The return of Christ.

Q: (L) "And they sing a new song... No one could learn to sing that song except the 144,000 who had been ransomed from the earth... you said the 144,000 are the leaders of the world bank and here it says they have been ransomed from the earth at the coming of Christ... it says the 144,000 have not defiled themselves by relations with women for they are pure as virgins. These are they who follow the Lamb wherever he goes...they have been ransomed..."

A: Symbolism added later and this is not entirely accurate point. The symbols have been mixed. Tends to encourage elitism and divisiveness.

Q: (L) Are the 144,000 good guys or bad guys as we would term them?

A: Both. But they are ones who have supreme knowledge.

Q: (L) Are these human beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) There will be 144,000 people on the earth who have supreme knowledge?

A: Approximately.

Q: (L) Now, this 144,000, are we among that number? Just curious.

A: Maybe.
Session 26 April 2014
Q: (Perceval) We didn't even hear what you were talking about. We didn't even know what the question was, and that was the answer. (Chu) We didn't hear you. (L) What was the question? (Menrva) We had an interesting discussion around the breakfast table this morning involving really interesting questions... This guy [trendsetter37] is really brilliant. We were just talking about if we should post on the forum for feedback and sharing ideas and stuff, so... That's what that was about. (trendsetter37) I'll make a post about the conversation. Is it safe to discuss the topics we discussed this morning on the forum, or in a more private nature in person?

A: Wait for communications system to be installed and group environment that erects a barrier of safety.

Q: (L) In short, be circumspect, I think. (KJN) What is the status of the money system in the United States? If you have money in the bank, can you leave it there, or should we be doing something more proactive?

A: If you store it with the fox, you will lose it at some point rather soon.

Q: (Odyssey) On the money issue, would it be a good idea to invest in silver or gold?

A: Partly, but what about "needful things"?

Q: (KJN) So we should spend it on things we need now, versus spending it on gold or putting in a bank or that kind of thing?

A: Mostly. Money will soon be worthless, ownership will survive awhile longer.

When I did the search, what came up also was this interesting discussion on anticipation. I realize now that I am furiously trying to anticipate the next power play of the PTB. Not a life-giving mind state to be in!

QUOTE="Laura, post: 496949, member: 17"]
: (L) OK, we've been talking earlier this evening about intent, and of course, our own experiences with intent have really been pretty phenomenal. We've come to some kind of an idea that intent, when confirmed repeatedly, actually builds force. Is this a correct concept, and is there anything that you can add to it?

A: Only until anticipation muddies the picture... tricky one, huh?

Q: (L) Is anticipation the act of assuming you know how something is going to happen?

A: Follows realization, generally, and unfortunately for you, on 3rd density.

Q: (L) Is this a correct assessment of this process?

A: Both examples given are correct. You see, once anticipation enters the picture, the intent can no longer be STO.

Q: (L) Anticipation is desire for something for self. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, so it's OK to intend something, or to think in an intentional way, or to hope in an intentional way, for something that is to serve another, but anticipation defines it as a more personal thing.

A: And that brings realization.

Q: (L) So, desire to serve others, and to do something because it will help others, brings realization...

A: But, realization creates anticipation.

Q: (L) Well, how do we navigate this? I mean, this is like walking on a razor's edge. To control your mind to not anticipate, and yet, deal with realization, and yet, still maintain hope... (J) They said it was tricky... (L) This is, this is, um...

A: Mental exercises of denial, balanced with pure faith of a non-prejudicial kind.

Q: (L) OK, so, in other words, to just accept what is at the moment, appreciate it as it is at the moment, and have faith that the universe and things will happen the way they are supposed to happen, without placing any expectation on how that will be?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) This is, and I'm not asking about Ark, this is something that he has talked about in terms of shaping the future. He talks about shaping the future as an intentional act of shaping something good, but without defining the moment of measurement. In other words, adding energy to it by intent, but not deciding where, when or how the moment of measurement occurs. When the quantum jump occurs, it occurs on it's own, and in it's own way. Is this the concept he's dealing with here?

A: Anticipation.

Q: (L) In other words, is what he's talking about anticipation?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, what do you mean, anticipation in response to what I said?

A: That is the key to shaping the future... Avoiding it.
The one thing that bothers me about it is that she puts a lot of stock in the stupidity of the human beings at the top. If the first rule of war is "Don't underestimate the enemy", it might not be wise to take comfort in that, especially if human beings are not actually at the top of the food chain.

One could dismiss that as just hindsight being 20/20, or that psychopaths are born to twist everything - no matter how innocuous - to their advantage and the detriment of everyone else...or one could say the Cs are right, there has been 4D STS meddling. If this last is really the case, there is much more at stake than whether we are free to live happy lives on earth.

The thing I don't understand is how a complete takeover of human bodies with an "operating system" and a significant reduction of the population would benefit 4D STS. Why would souls wanting to experience a 3D reality want to incarnate on such a world? The only answer I can come up with is that they would not, and that any souls left in a body on such a world would be trapped in some way by the "operating system" and other transhumanist interventions. Being unable to leave, their suffering could conceivably provide sustenance for 4D STS in perpetuity. Perhaps one of our purposes in being on Earth at this time is to see the horrors of the endgame and warn other souls. This may be why the Cs say their plans will fail.
You raise some very good points Cassandane.

Yes I agree the 'stupidity' argument only takes you so far. Clearly, within their own grotesque terms, they are far from stupid and the ability to keep this dog-and-pony show going generation upon generation reveals a profound understanding and grasp of all the fault lines inbuilt into normal human nature (especially systemic denial; a deep wish to hand over self-autonomy; self gratification at the cost of truth; fear of social exclusion; cognitive dissonance; inability to join the dots; the deep effects of trauma, etc). They've worked with this knowledge incredibly effectively - and they've learned lessons on the way e.g. they nearly lost control in the 60s/during Vietnam for example but they got away with it through game theory (losing three rounds so as to be able to win a bigger hand by the fourth), offering up limited hang outs, corruption of the culture, and most importantly, the total (rather than previously partial) takeover and indoctrinization of the global media so as to never again face opposition from within their own ranks. That's why I think the Protocols of Zion are really important to study because they reveal how the pathologicals think longterm and furtively about how to manage the human herd from behind many, many different curtains, over long periods of time.

But as you say I don't think they can have done this alone; the long period of some form of sustained interaction with 4thD STS at the very top of the human food chain has been a key element of the learning curve enabling them to go about this long term plan - as well as what you suggest - where needed, providing direct interference to ensure that the 'dark magic' working at a whole different level underpins their earth bound efforts. I think such examples as the JFK case and 9/11 could not have been pulled off so effectively without this 'back up'. But there lies the rub; because whilst the 'Consortium' i.e. the posited small group of 'humans' who directly interface with 4thD STS, think they have their cake and eat it, they don't realize they are also being played. At that level of darkness, both human and hyperdimensional, there are no loyalties, no 'allies', just useful 'idiots'. And I think the stupidity really lies here. That the human psychopaths wishful thinking means they fall into the trap of believing they are as omnipotent as their 'masters', when they're clearly being played along with the rest of us. 'Smile and smile and be a villain'.

I think its safe to suggest that whatever 'toys' and knowledge they have been given its but a fraction of what 4th D STS are holding back. Think European conquistadors handing matches and clockwork mice over to native tribes who stare in awe at this out-there technology, not realizing that behind the hand shakes and gifts lies a whole different agenda, a whole greater scale technical ability and plan. There is also the matter of the mechanical mind failing to grasp the implications of a conscious cosmos. They must know about all the suppressed knowledge to do with cyclical catastrophe and they know its coming again/nowe (hence all those under ground bases); I just think they believe they are untouchable and will ride out the storm. They do not grasp that they are the magnet, that they will draw to themselves the greatest wrath of God. There is no hole deep enough for them to hide in. But they truly believe they are Gods and can compete at the same level. Total delusion in other words based on their absurd faith in their own earthly omnipotent, material power.

souls left in a body on such a world would be trapped in some way by the "operating system" and other transhumanist interventions. Being unable to leave, their suffering could conceivably provide sustenance for 4D STS in perpetuity.

So the first failure of mind is the idea that they will ride out the calamity and find themselves with a few hundred million brainwashed slaves to serve them. They can't grasp that the system they are putting in place will most likely be destroyed along with the mass of humanity. I also think that to 4th D STS the release of that amount of trauma energy will be a super feeding opportunity and that the reset means the whole game can just start again (as obviously this kind of thing has happened before in the past i.e. think Atlantis). But even 4th D STS suffer the same delusions and the plan to rule in both 3rd and 4th is based on the same 'God I'm so smart!' fallacy. So both parties will lose come what may. And that's their lesson. I also imagine that the trauma that all those who pass over during this 'harvest' and hence have to return again to teh cyclicle to learrn teh lessons a new, means that when they do come back into human form it will be in a long term state of blank minds about what took place - that whatever awareness that is created by the re-set will be lost to them... and they will have to start from a near blank page as will the psychopaths.

Meanwhile... we should remember that the C's have suggested that what the above interviewers call 'The Gates Syndicate' are most likely just one more minor layer of the game... that they are probably also being played by the Consortium... and that Gates and gang will possibly take some kind of a fall soon enough. In other words they also are being played. I don't think we've seen the real game or game players out in the open yet... and that is food for thought.

One final minor issue that came to me about the interview which I thought worth raising is that when C AF mentions the following...

And if you look at the financial patterns at the end of last year, every investment advisor I know – Asia, Europe, the United States - was saying okay's S&P long in the tooth it's time to move out. And that was going to give the Fed real problems because the Fed started the next round of QE in September, and it just kept on getting bigger. They ended up putting a trillion dollars a day into the repo market! So Money Supply 1 and Money Supply 2 were up twenty and thirty percent for the last year...

... I think what she is referencing is that many clever people have struggled with why, given the trillions and trillions that have been printed since 2008, has hyper-inflation not kicked in and brought the whole economic system crashing down? Yes they've been rigging the figures and yes real people know that real prices have gone up and up double digit despite the '2%' fraud of government statistics,. But even this doesn't equate to the real level of inflation that should be there with so much extra 'fake' dollar money sloshing around.

What they did to make sure this didn't happen was:

(1) ensure that most of the money never entered the system in the first place - that is why her comments about back doors and going dark are so important because it basically means the money is 'publicly' announced but privately stolen out of the system into a 'cloud' based alternative economy where the massive sums are hidden from view - we're talking trillions beyond imagination. This is to pay for their breakaway civilization.

(2) They have used wars as essentially a deflationary tool i.e. if you buy and destroy enormous amounts of weaponry, the economic surge that creates ends splat in the deserts of the middle east with no recycling of the productivity. You can then hide all the profits in the above off-book system whilst suppressing what should have been the normal inflationary impact.

More than anything this is why 'Orange Man bad'. Because without these wars, this get out of jail free card is gone. That's the heart of the Trump problem to me and why he just has to go! No wars = the racket fails; hence her comment about MS1 and MS2 going up so dramatically being a marker of a real problem building up within the system - and why COVID had to be used now despite being nothing like as dangerous as they needed it to be.

So watch out Trump - there's going to be no more messing around. And watch out for a major war coming soon or soon after the election (if its ever allowed to happen) because they have to release some of that build up of pressure in their model very soon or it will break out into economic chaos in a form they can't dictate/control. Yes they have dampened it down with this economic slam on off the breaks but that is only going to make things worse within a very short time. So they've a brief window - and then bang! They'll have to set off something pretty big!
Some very valuable reminders Candasari. But one line stands out fro me:

Challenge will be ecstasy if viewed with proper perspective which is not, we repeat: not of third level reality, understand?
More and more, learning how to endure and just to witness and acknowledge is what I'm trying to work at. As we aint seen nothing yet, now's the time to get into shape! So we can use these current bumps as tests of our ability not to get sucked into the fear machine but to simply accept that what is happening is all meant to be - and to be patient and have faith above all else. I keep asking myself about my 'worthiness' and then realize this is just the old fear in another form. We are STS beings and we are doing our best to strive towards being STO candidates. I trust the universe to decide as and when if that has been enough. But more importantly I hold fast to the thought that it knows best for us all and we are it as well... and that the righting of he balance come what may is all that matters, not my puny little life.

Those above who brought up the impending cosmic earth changes also have touched on a key trigger point that fired up this COVID mayhem; they know they are running out of time before something appears from the skies - say thunderbolts of the gods/plasma discharging, etc - that will make all our worries about mortgages and jobs and politics and riots pail into insignificance. At that point they lose control of the mechanical narrative. And they're terrified of this. When you add to this the fact that their messing with the virus has increased not decreased the chances of a consciousness awakening... they must be sweat, sweat, sweating! Which of course makes them even more dangerous...

Roller coaster time!
Challenge will be ecstasy if viewed with proper perspective which is not, we repeat: not of third level reality, understand?

If i can add something to what Michael B-C said. That line seems to tell us to try to have a 4d perspective in our current 3d state.
This challenges will start little by little (or maybe not that little..), through the right perspective, to teach us how to be 4d sto candidates!

I mean, with the right perspective we can have a sense of what a 4d sto "being" feels when confronted with this circumstances. We can have a kind of taste of what we could be striving for.

First we shift our perspective, and then whatever needs to happen, happens.
From Session 19 July 2014:

Laura said:

(Chu) The seed of knowledge has to be there for people to interpret it, right?

(L) I think they already have to have it inside them, then they get a shock, and then afterwards...

(Pierre) Yeah, the shock makes the seed of knowledge grow...

(Ark) No! The knowledge cannot grow by shock. The knowledge can grow only if you get more truth. Shock may only cause the seed to do some job.

(L) Like what?

(Ark) I mean, because you may know things, know things, know things... and do nothing! And then, there comes shock, and then you realize that your knowledge - you were not using your knowledge!

(Perceval) It seems to me that this might apply to a lot of forum members who have been just quietly absorbing the information, but unable to do anything with it because of all this programming and stuff. The seed of knowledge has been planted in those people, but they haven't actually done anything with it.

(L) But when it becomes real...

(Perceval) When they realize that, "Holy shit, this isn't just theoretical! A fireball just blew the crap out of Washington, DC!"... God willing... [laughter] Suddenly it's true for them, and it may activate the knowledge that they've been growing slowly inside.

(L) In other words, it will kind of like blow the fear away because what's really holding people back is fear: these programs, these buffers. That's what Caesar said last week. He said to be true to your inner nature, and fear nothing. You have to get to the point where you fear nothing. You have to get to the point where you can say “It’s a good day to die” like Black Elk said before going into battle.

I listened to it as a podcast yesterday. Putting it as a buggy operating system to dampen and control us makes it sound almost sci-fi.

The part I bolded above is kind of what I'm going through. I'm finding out how much I am practical and not theoretical. I need to experience it I suppose, otherwise it's just an idea that sits in my head. The current events seem to be pushing that for me so I wonder if it will start activating knowledge beyond the 3D understanding.

I can't say I've let go of fear, because that comes up every so often. But it could be just some anxiety, as it is often a heaviness in my chest or stomach.
Hey everyone. I hope you are all well.
You know what, there is a creator, he has created laws and this has set in motion a fantastic and ultra simple mechanism for him and us to experience the vastness of his mind and all of its possible variations.It just looks complicated and convoluted from where we are standing.
The higher we climb as we continue with our self exploration and commitment to learning and helping others to learn, the more we will start to see the others that are ahead of us on the trail just above the tree line. If it all stopped now, by whatever means, we have still reached the point that we are at now. Like jim Bowen said, that's yours, that's safe.

I'm not scared. I know and I want to know more. One thing for sure, this lockdown mess has given me oodles more time and focus to really get on with the work, when I am not hunting for basmati rice or fresh lettuces that is. Perhaps what is meant by the challenge being ecstasy is that the potential for growth right now is exponential and so large, the inequality so great in their favour, that we cannot lose. If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. I always remember that line.

I remember cycling home from work one night at about midnight. It was a half an hour ride and in the middle of a serious summer thunderstorm. Best ride of my life. But the point is I remember it.
Love Catherine for all her high-octane conspiracies on financial systems, but I couldn't stop laughing at her and the other guy's impression of Bill Gates: an Adrian Veidt-type character who wants to put technology in human body and inundate us with viruses so he can regularly update it with vaccines, like Microsoft Office.:lol: And then tie that into the Jedi contract so they can control everybody's data.:lol::lol:

When it comes to technology, I really pity these (alternative) media figures, not because they're off target, but because their entire narratives are just clueless and... bad storytelling. They have not even a simple understanding on how technology works, mostly use the computer as a typewriter with a screen, have no notion of cyberpsychology, AI is synonym with 666 for them, and definitely have no clue of where we're headed. As a result, they view technology as a weapon used by the bad guys to hook us all in, and achieve world control and domination.

I happen to be of the opposite view, that technology is actually going to save humanity from enslavement.

But just to stay on topic, #BillGatesVirus is a false flag and you should not spend too much time on it, because Gates is not the one behind the Covid-19. I would pay more attention to that Charles Lieber character - Harvard professor who was actually working for China. Indicted this week for "lying" only, after he had an undisclosed second job with with Wuhan University of Technology for more than 5 years. And btw, more than 50 "researchers" from NIH were also fired - announced last week also, for ties with China. One cannot fathom China's tentacles into the American R&D.

Gates is well past his Microsoft time, and what he does or preaches today has little to do with Microsoft or technology. MSFT today is NOT about spying on people with updates and viruses, but about protecting us and our privacy more than ever before. So at least infrastructure wise, Microsoft is the citadel, whether it's your personal PC or cloud space, private or organization. It's good that it exists and it's good what it does. And that's because there is a clear division that is shaping out, between the US and China or the world and China - whichever side is going to be able to draw more of the world in its sphere of influence.

So there is no single predatory system. Ok?
Globalists, elites, whatever. If there ever was an elite blood line, from Sumerian kingship, Jesus and MM or whatever ET implant in the human race or chosen ones, they definitely lost control. If you look at China rise, it's a clear indication of coercing everybody into submission through material greed and corruption. Elites, Illuminati, Rockafellas, Consortium, MJ-7 or whatever you call them them have succumbed to China's greed, or they're are about to. China's playbook can be summarized in one sentence: game theory based on consumer market for the benefit of short-sighted elites. It's the human nature. The only way to stand up to China and differentiate is by upholding our values of freedom, which are essential for human creativity. The one thing that China doesn't have nor replicate: our freedom.

When it comes to technology, most people don't realize the distinction between technology and data. Technology is your body. Data is your thinking, acting, etc. Microsoft, the PC is your body, including your brain, where all your thinking happens, and they do their best to protect it. Same does Apple, and every technology provider. And you have to take their word for it. Does anybody spy in your head? Not that I am aware of yet, although with sufficient technology thinking could be converted in signals and transcoded probably. Does any intelligent authority really wants to do that? NO. Because the value of freedom and personal privacy of thinking far outweighs the minimal benefit obtained from that little info extracted. And that applies at scale also, i.e. aggregated data. The more data you collect the better models you get, but the intrinsic quality of data is poor.... Having a free-roaming population is more beneficial than a caged, monitored herd - and that from a PTB point of view. So if you're an elite, you want free-roaming chicken, i.e inventive folks, not slaves. Slaves are less productive and carry higher collateral, as CAF-herself contends, LOL. Her short sight is that you cannot solve that and have a successful slavery system with any reinvention of financial system. She's obsessed with that. No, it's not about money, it's about supremacy and dominance. Elites know that. What we're fighting now is China - the real pandemic, an entity hungry for resources, poised for world dominance like Germany before WW2. Cut China's access to resources, and there you have the WW3. It's bound to happen.

Back on technology. What happens outside your body and machine is anybody's fair game...there's data to be collected once it leaves your premise - YES. You act, write or speak funny, you get a meta-record. There's analytics and communication intercepted and monitored for patterns - YES. Traffic data, credit card transactions, phone calls, texts media, social media - everything is collected and minced for patterns, YES! Eventually AI will be able to sort it all and predict everything - if it doesn't already: where the next riot will occur, what next accident will be, next month' top trends, and what will have an effect on collective behavior, investment-wise - not just for information sake. Fine with that, too. Let the rich get richer.

But when technology will really shine is when authoritarians seeking control will realize that technology itself will evolve from a set of pattern-predicting tools to a mesh of intelligent subsystems interacting as living organisms and active as intelligent guidance, that cannot be controlled nor manipulated, and that's going to turn the tables and save the day. That's when We hold these truths to be self-evident is going to have a real meaning. It's what Robert Wiener predicted in the Human Use and Human Beings, the symbiosis between digital and analog, for the good of human race.

Imagine staging a global COVID-19 scare or even a #BLM-type societal wokeness, when an evolved intelligent mesh will tell the opposite, and make these truths self-evident: there is no pandemic and the systemic racial injustice in America has been decreasing constantly towards zero in the last 20 years. What's the chance of such an information system being hijacked or sabotaged by the bad guys? Zero. Can anybody hijack nature and make leaves grow blue color? No, because it's a living system, i.e an analog system made of subsystems and sub-subsystems with millions and millions of feedback mechanisms involved.

So please spare me the #BillGatesIsEvil conspiracies and number of the beast chip implants.

Root for technology, grow smart and educated.
Thank you for posting this incredible dialogue and links Michael. It is good to see others realizing what is going on with the PTB and how they operate. I believe that attaining 5-10% of the population waking up and saying no is a very good possibility. The PTB would not know what to do and perhaps reverse their course, retreat and regroup. In 3D time is on our side and numbers matter, it helps that psychopaths don’t always look at the downside of their plans, don’t think clearly about all the possible outcomes!
Love Catherine for all her high-octane conspiracies on financial systems, but I couldn't stop laughing at her and the other guy's impression of Bill Gates: an Adrian Veidt-type character who wants to put technology in human body and inundate us with viruses so he can regularly update it with vaccines, like Microsoft Office.:lol: And then tie that into the Jedi contract so they can control everybody's data.:lol::lol:

When it comes to technology, I really pity these (alternative) media figures, not because they're off target, but because their entire narratives are just clueless and... bad storytelling. They have not even a simple understanding on how technology works, mostly use the computer as a typewriter with a screen, have no notion of cyberpsychology, AI is synonym with 666 for them, and definitely have no clue of where we're headed. As a result, they view technology as a weapon used by the bad guys to hook us all in, and achieve world control and domination.

I happen to be of the opposite view, that technology is actually going to save humanity from enslavement.

But just to stay on topic, #BillGatesVirus is a false flag and you should not spend too much time on it, because Gates is not the one behind the Covid-19. I would pay more attention to that Charles Lieber character - Harvard professor who was actually working for China. Indicted this week for "lying" only, after he had an undisclosed second job with with Wuhan University of Technology for more than 5 years. And btw, more than 50 "researchers" from NIH were also fired - announced last week also, for ties with China. One cannot fathom China's tentacles into the American R&D.

Gates is well past his Microsoft time, and what he does or preaches today has little to do with Microsoft or technology. MSFT today is NOT about spying on people with updates and viruses, but about protecting us and our privacy more than ever before. So at least infrastructure wise, Microsoft is the citadel, whether it's your personal PC or cloud space, private or organization. It's good that it exists and it's good what it does. And that's because there is a clear division that is shaping out, between the US and China or the world and China - whichever side is going to be able to draw more of the world in its sphere of influence.

So there is no single predatory system. Ok?
Globalists, elites, whatever. If there ever was an elite blood line, from Sumerian kingship, Jesus and MM or whatever ET implant in the human race or chosen ones, they definitely lost control. If you look at China rise, it's a clear indication of coercing everybody into submission through material greed and corruption. Elites, Illuminati, Rockafellas, Consortium, MJ-7 or whatever you call them them have succumbed to China's greed, or they're are about to. China's playbook can be summarized in one sentence: game theory based on consumer market for the benefit of short-sighted elites. It's the human nature. The only way to stand up to China and differentiate is by upholding our values of freedom, which are essential for human creativity. The one thing that China doesn't have nor replicate: our freedom.

When it comes to technology, most people don't realize the distinction between technology and data. Technology is your body. Data is your thinking, acting, etc. Microsoft, the PC is your body, including your brain, where all your thinking happens, and they do their best to protect it. Same does Apple, and every technology provider. And you have to take their word for it. Does anybody spy in your head? Not that I am aware of yet, although with sufficient technology thinking could be converted in signals and transcoded probably. Does any intelligent authority really wants to do that? NO. Because the value of freedom and personal privacy of thinking far outweighs the minimal benefit obtained from that little info extracted. And that applies at scale also, i.e. aggregated data. The more data you collect the better models you get, but the intrinsic quality of data is poor.... Having a free-roaming population is more beneficial than a caged, monitored herd - and that from a PTB point of view. So if you're an elite, you want free-roaming chicken, i.e inventive folks, not slaves. Slaves are less productive and carry higher collateral, as CAF-herself contends, LOL. Her short sight is that you cannot solve that and have a successful slavery system with any reinvention of financial system. She's obsessed with that. No, it's not about money, it's about supremacy and dominance. Elites know that. What we're fighting now is China - the real pandemic, an entity hungry for resources, poised for world dominance like Germany before WW2. Cut China's access to resources, and there you have the WW3. It's bound to happen.

Back on technology. What happens outside your body and machine is anybody's fair game...there's data to be collected once it leaves your premise - YES. You act, write or speak funny, you get a meta-record. There's analytics and communication intercepted and monitored for patterns - YES. Traffic data, credit card transactions, phone calls, texts media, social media - everything is collected and minced for patterns, YES! Eventually AI will be able to sort it all and predict everything - if it doesn't already: where the next riot will occur, what next accident will be, next month' top trends, and what will have an effect on collective behavior, investment-wise - not just for information sake. Fine with that, too. Let the rich get richer.

But when technology will really shine is when authoritarians seeking control will realize that technology itself will evolve from a set of pattern-predicting tools to a mesh of intelligent subsystems interacting as living organisms and active as intelligent guidance, that cannot be controlled nor manipulated, and that's going to turn the tables and save the day. That's when We hold these truths to be self-evident is going to have a real meaning. It's what Robert Wiener predicted in the Human Use and Human Beings, the symbiosis between digital and analog, for the good of human race.

Imagine staging a global COVID-19 scare or even a #BLM-type societal wokeness, when an evolved intelligent mesh will tell the opposite, and make these truths self-evident: there is no pandemic and the systemic racial injustice in America has been decreasing constantly towards zero in the last 20 years. What's the chance of such an information system being hijacked or sabotaged by the bad guys? Zero. Can anybody hijack nature and make leaves grow blue color? No, because it's a living system, i.e an analog system made of subsystems and sub-subsystems with millions and millions of feedback mechanisms involved.

So please spare me the #BillGatesIsEvil conspiracies and number of the beast chip implants.

Root for technology, grow smart and educated.
I assume this naive perspective of yours can be backed up by all the necessary impirical evidence?

that technology is actually going to save humanity from enslavement.
MSFT today is NOT about spying on people with updates and viruses, but about protecting us and our privacy more than ever before. So at least infrastructure wise, Microsoft is the citadel, whether it's your personal PC or cloud space, private or organization. It's good that it exists and it's good what it does.
Reading this gave me the best laugh of all. I assume you must have shares?

As for your accusation...

When it comes to technology, I really pity these (alternative) media figures, not because they're off target, but because their entire narratives are just clueless and... bad storytelling. They have not even a simple understanding on how technology works, mostly use the computer as a typewriter with a screen, have no notion of cyberpsychology you have any idea how self-contradictory and nonsensical this paragraph is? Nothing but ad hominem and baseless, senseless inaccuracies, especially with regard to someone who was President of financial software developer Hamilton Securities Group...

Obviously you have a strong personal investment in the 'new technologies will save the world' scitzoid ideology - by your use of the inhuman term 'cyber-psycology' would I be right in assuming that you're a transhumanist at heart? Good luck here with that one!
Having watched the following interview between James Corbett and Catherine Austin Fitts, I thought the information covered warranted a thread of its own albeit that it ties in with the Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story? thread as well as George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US. It also ties back to what I think is the source document for this pathological ideology in action misnamed the The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’, the infamous yet still mysterious and valuable public outing (or was it a rallying cry?) of the underlying psychosis that drives what we are living through today.

James Corbett and his work is no doubt familiar to most here, but Catherine Austin Fitts may not be.

The interview between her and James was wide ranging – and both being the sharpest and most clued in of minds (certainly at a 3rd density level) – the results are well worth considering and digesting. Its big picture stuff and gives the opportunity to see a degree more of the plans coming into place by the man behind the curtain (‘The Consortium’ as the C’s call it) as well as the underlying turmoil between power factions.

The prompt for this discussion was the full release of James Corbett’s landmark Bill Gates series – four documentaries of substantive value that not only plot the rise and nefarious purpose of what Catherine Austin Fitts terms ‘The Gates syndicate’ but also how the plans of this group, fronted by Gates, fronted by Gates, stretch into every aspect of our lives with the single goal of total control of the resources of the planet and in particular the entire human species.

They have only touched upon a small segment of an octopus arm, that is part of a larger and more intricate network, carried out and orchestrated by the so-called-1% elite.

Who is Bill Gates ... really? How did he "just happen" to become one of the richest men in the World? What are his connections?

Bill Gates bio states he was born in 1955, in Seattle, Washington. A citizen of the United State. For "what purpose" was Bill Gates "Knighted" by the Queen of England? The Gates family goes back to the Virginia colonies in 1606 with Sir (Knighted) Thomas Gates.

Americans pay a percentage of their taxes to the Queen of England via the IRS.

Americans pay a percentage of their taxes to the Queen of England via the IRS. The IRS is not an agency of the Federal Government.
It is an agency of the International Monetary Fund which is an agency of the United Nations. No law has ever been passed legalizing the charging of income tax. The 1040 tax form is the payment of a foreign tax to the King/Queen of England. American citizens have been in financial servitude to the British Monarch since the Treaty of 1783 and the War of Dependence.

All tax payers have an Individual Master File and are held liable for a tax via a treaty between the U.S. and the U.K. and payable to the U.K. Prior to 1991, the Business Master File in 6209 was U.S.-U.K.

Tax Claims, non-refile DLN. That means that everyone is considered a business and involved in commerce. THE VIRGINIA COMPANY IS THE USA. In 1604, the Virginia Company was formed with the purpose of establishing settlements on the coast of North America. Its main stockholder was British King James I. The Virginia Company owned most of the land that is now called the USA.

The Virginia Company of the British Crown had rights to 50%, yes 50%, of all gold and silver mined on its lands, plus percentages of other minerals and raw materials, and 5% of all profits from other ventures.

Virginia company exporting overseas. The lands of the British owned Virginia Company were granted to the American colonies under a Deed of Trust (lease) and therefore – they could not claim ownership of the land. They could pass on the perpetual use of the land to their heirs or sell the perpetual use of the land, but they could NEVER own it.

The Virginia Company formed two companies. The “Virginia Company of London” and the “Virginia Company of Plymouth” operating with identical charters but covering different territories. The Plymouth Company never fulfilled its charter and its territory became New England. A successor company to the Plymouth Company eventually established a permanent settlement in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620 in what is now New England.

In 1624, the King dissolved the London Company and made Virginia a “royal colony”.

THE BRITISH FUNDED THE WAR OF ( IN ) DEPENDENCE. In 1773, the United States ratified a contract in which loans were owed to the British Crown. The purpose of the loans were to fund both sides of the War of Independence.

“All bills of credit omitted, monies borrowed and debts contracted by or under the authority of congress before the assembling of the US in pursuance of the present confederation, shall be deemed and considered a charge against the US for payment and satisfaction where of the US and public and public faith are hereby solemnly pledged”.

After 1776, the Virginia royal colony became the Commonwealth of Virginia, one of the original thirteen states of the United States, adopting as its official slogan “The Old Dominion”.

After the United States was formed, the entire states of West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois, and portions of Ohio were all later created from the territory encompassed earlier by the Colony of Virginia. Ownership was retained by the British Crown.

Published on Dec 30, 2012 (1:05:43 min.)

Bill Gates, honored by queen, “delighted” to be knighted

Home > Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom Genealogy > Famous Kin > Bill Gates
Family relationship of Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom and Bill Gates via John V le Strange.

Looking at the chart, is it now becomes more apparent ... why Prince Charles, who is next in succession of taking the Throne after his Mother, Queen Elizabeth 11, divorced "the Gem in people's heart's - Diana" to marry a distant Cousin, Camilla Bowes, in keeping with family tradition.

Bill Gates related to Rockefellers, Royal Family Queen Elizabeth, Depopulation, Vaccine
Published on Apr 6, 2020 (13:52 min.)

Part 2 of a documentary about Covid-19, by Janet Ossebaard

COVID-19 DOCUMENTARY by Janet Ossebaard - Full Doc.
Published on Apr 26, 2020 (1:34:58 min.)

Is the new ‘deadly China virus’ a covert operation? « Jon Rappoport's Blog
Lost in the shuffle of this post is the interview mentioned with Norman Dodd which is of note for several reasons. He lived through a lot of early history prior to the modern historical narratives having been born in 1899. A key part of this relates to the teaching of History and what has been "taught" over the past several generations. He discusses the creation of the American Historical Association in the early 1900's. At around the 25 minute mark he discusses the creation of a stable of historians to teach history in a particular way (which I would not call objective). The point here is validation of the idea that recent history and has been distorted, along with the general understanding of that history (and that this includes the understanding of the late 1800's, which applies elsewhere)

Here is the link again _

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