Love Catherine for all her high-octane conspiracies on financial systems, but I couldn't stop laughing at her and the other guy's impression of Bill Gates: an Adrian Veidt-type character who wants to put technology in human body and inundate us with viruses so he can regularly update it with vaccines, like Microsoft Office.

And then tie that into the Jedi contract so they can control everybody's data.

When it comes to technology, I really pity these (alternative) media figures, not because they're off target, but because their entire narratives are just clueless and... bad storytelling. They have not even a simple understanding on how technology works, mostly use the computer as a typewriter with a screen, have no notion of cyberpsychology, AI is synonym with 666 for them, and definitely have no clue of where we're headed. As a result, they view technology as a weapon used by the bad guys to hook us all in, and achieve world control and domination.
I happen to be of the opposite view, that technology is actually going to save humanity from enslavement.
But just to stay on topic, #BillGatesVirus is a false flag and you should not spend too much time on it, because Gates is not the one behind the Covid-19. I would pay more attention to that Charles Lieber character - Harvard professor who was actually working for China. Indicted this week for "lying" only, after he had an undisclosed second job with with Wuhan University of Technology for more than 5 years. And btw, more than 50 "researchers" from NIH were also fired - announced last week also, for ties with China. One cannot fathom China's tentacles into the American R&D.
Gates is well past his Microsoft time, and what he does or preaches today has little to do with Microsoft or technology. MSFT today is NOT about spying on people with updates and viruses, but about protecting us and our privacy more than ever before. So at least infrastructure wise, Microsoft is the citadel, whether it's your personal PC or cloud space, private or organization. It's good that it exists and it's good what it does. And that's because there is a clear division that is shaping out, between the US and China or the world and China - whichever side is going to be able to draw more of the world in its sphere of influence.
So there is no single predatory system. Ok?
Globalists, elites, whatever. If there ever was an elite blood line, from Sumerian kingship, Jesus and MM or whatever ET implant in the human race or chosen ones, they definitely lost control. If you look at China rise, it's a clear indication of coercing everybody into submission through material greed and corruption. Elites, Illuminati, Rockafellas, Consortium, MJ-7 or whatever you call them them have succumbed to China's greed, or they're are about to. China's playbook can be summarized in one sentence: game theory based on consumer market for the benefit of short-sighted elites. It's the human nature. The only way to stand up to China and differentiate is by upholding our values of freedom, which are essential for human creativity. The one thing that China doesn't have nor replicate: our freedom.
When it comes to technology, most people don't realize the distinction between technology and data. Technology is your body. Data is your thinking, acting, etc. Microsoft, the PC is your body, including your brain, where all your thinking happens, and they do their best to protect it. Same does Apple, and every technology provider. And you have to take their word for it. Does anybody spy in your head? Not that I am aware of yet, although with sufficient technology thinking could be converted in signals and transcoded probably. Does any intelligent authority really wants to do that? NO. Because the value of freedom and personal privacy of thinking far outweighs the minimal benefit obtained from that little info extracted. And that applies at scale also, i.e. aggregated data. The more data you collect the better models you get, but the intrinsic quality of data is poor.... Having a free-roaming population is more beneficial than a caged, monitored herd - and that from a PTB point of view. So if you're an elite, you want free-roaming chicken, i.e inventive folks, not slaves. Slaves are less productive and carry higher collateral, as CAF-herself contends, LOL. Her short sight is that you cannot solve that and have a successful slavery system with any reinvention of financial system. She's obsessed with that. No, it's not about money, it's about supremacy and dominance. Elites know that. What we're fighting now is China - the real pandemic, an entity hungry for resources, poised for world dominance like Germany before WW2. Cut China's access to resources, and there you have the WW3. It's bound to happen.
Back on technology. What happens outside your body and machine is anybody's fair game...there's data to be collected once it leaves your premise - YES. You act, write or speak funny, you get a meta-record. There's analytics and communication intercepted and monitored for patterns - YES. Traffic data, credit card transactions, phone calls, texts media, social media - everything is collected and minced for patterns, YES! Eventually AI will be able to sort it all and predict everything - if it doesn't already: where the next riot will occur, what next accident will be, next month' top trends, and what will have an effect on collective behavior, investment-wise - not just for information sake. Fine with that, too. Let the rich get richer.
But when technology will really shine is when authoritarians seeking control will realize that technology itself will evolve from a set of pattern-predicting tools to a mesh of intelligent subsystems interacting as living organisms and active as intelligent guidance, that cannot be controlled nor manipulated, and that's going to turn the tables and save the day. That's when
We hold these truths to be self-evident is going to have a real meaning. It's what Robert Wiener predicted in the Human Use and Human Beings, the symbiosis between digital and analog, for the good of human race.
Imagine staging a global COVID-19 scare or even a #BLM-type societal wokeness, when an evolved intelligent mesh will tell the opposite, and make these truths self-evident: there is no pandemic and the systemic racial injustice in America has been decreasing constantly towards zero in the last 20 years. What's the chance of such an information system being hijacked or sabotaged by the bad guys? Zero. Can anybody hijack nature and make leaves grow blue color? No, because it's a living system, i.e an analog system made of subsystems and sub-subsystems with millions and millions of feedback mechanisms involved.
So please spare me the #BillGatesIsEvil conspiracies and number of the beast chip implants.
Root for technology, grow smart and educated.