I read this thread today up to page 4 (Reply #58 from seek10) wrote the reply below and when I signed on to post it there was many more posts. So I read those and am replying to Laura’s specific request. I’ll include my original reply after in {brackets}
Laura said:
How about we imagine a group of people who get together in a forest clearing and decide that they are going to be a society. Say there is 200 of them. There are couples with children and aged parents, there are aged people with no children. There are orphaned children. There are single individuals.
The range of intelligence and skill is normal, that is, there are some very smart people, most average people, a few not so smart, and maybe one or two who are very slow. Some have artistic talent, some musical talent, some are scientifically inclined, some like to take care of others; some are very good at organizing, some can hunt and like to do it; some like to spend their time with animals, some like building things, some like gardening, some like sewing, some like cooking, etc. There are some who have "psychic abilities," prophetic dreams and such, and so on.
How will they organize themselves? Who does what? How is value attributed to what is done?
So, just think about this small group first of all. Once we get them all "thought out" and are satisfied that it is organic and mutually beneficial for all, we can begin to "grow" our little society and see what happens. Kind of like a Sim City thought experiment.
I think probably, there should be a community meeting that establishes an initial assessment of abilities and know-how and a very loose non-centralized organization of division of labor along with immediate prioritized needs and then medium term needs that will come up in the not too distant future. All of this can be adjusted and improved later as work and relationships start and data accumulates with some experience. Obviously hunting and gathering would be of immediate necessity, especially if they did not arrive with much provisions to sustain themselves for very long.
As far as how value is attributed to what is done, maybe have a consensus if possible of how each thing benefits the whole community. In any case, with this hypothetical scenario an overall loose structure may be established, the primary value and thrust of which is to have the needs of each and everyone met and then work on having everyone be able to contribute their best and grow to fulfill their potential to the maximum possible under the circumstances in the longer term, creating and adjusting whatever community relations / organizations are necessary to accomplish all this.
But, again, how to make sure that self-centered individual(s) don’t try to take over and manipulate / exploit the others only for their own benefit? The community should discuss this possibility and exchange ideas of how to prevent it.
Original Reply:
{What a great thread. And already some really good thoughts expressed. It's going to be tough coming up with everything at once, but ideas will evolve and develop as more people participate.
The importance of "proper" education is definitely going to be crucial, and there’s already been excellent points made about it, including the quote from Laura.
I guess the first thing to do is to outline what constitutes STO vs. STS based on what the C's have taught and what has been further elaborated by this network over the years. They would be diametrical opposites that complete and balance each other. So to start, we should make a basic overview. And since we are in an STS reality we can work by doing everything from the opposite approach. It would be easier to start with general principles and then think long and hard and fill in the details and specifics through networking.
STS involves control, domination, constriction, violation of free will (through manipulation, or whatever way possible, etc.), lack of faith and trust in the inexhaustible abundance of creation, concealment, lack of true choice (again through manipulation, deception, etc.), fear of loss, possession, exclusivity, hoarding, taking all one can. On the other hand, STO would involve freedom, nurturing of all / giving freedom and space for all to grow and unfold in their own way & flourish and fulfill their innate potential and nature / lack of domination, expansion, preservation of free will, faith and trust and openness in interacting with creation, revealing - giving all the information and tools necessary to make a real choice, lack of fear to try things and learn and not fearing loss, no need for possession, inclusion, sharing, giving all one can.
So one of the first things that would need to be organized, implemented, and administered is the proper teaching of the existence and legitimacy of both STS and STO, the necessity of both to exist, the differences of which is which, and to enable to truly, freely choose.
Ponerology will be extremely important. An in-depth understanding of psychology and psychopathology must take a central place in creating a world where non-pathological people can’t be manipulated by pathological people to do their bidding.
Not getting into the details of how, but getting a bit more specific as to what: the economic system should be set up to encourage and reward cooperation and sharing, discourage and not reward hoarding, but instead to encourage the circulation of created wealth / value from which all will benefit; to reveal and closely examine how, currently, false scarcity is created and enforced where abundance can exist and be nurtured - all leading to widespread and sustainable prosperity.
To compare and contrast actual systems / organizations which have existed or are currently in existence as to their STSness or STOness in every field or as many as possible such as education, theology, political-economic (political and economic systems should probably be examined together as aspects of a whole), etc. Nothing should be taboo to examine as objectively as possible without dogmas and sacred cows.
A good example would be to examine monotheism as it currently exists as the ultimate ponerization of spirituality. What does this "god" claiming to be the creator of all and everything really represent. A detailed analysis of Yaweh’s demands and what these really reflect. Would non-pathological people respect, love, and admire a person (not claiming to be God) with Yaweh’s attributes and demands and threats or only fear and loathe him or her, etc. This and many other fields of inquiry should also be scrutinized in terms of how no alternatives are allowed, questioning of the system (not just organized religion but any system, such as monopoly capitalism-finance capitalism) is not allowed etc. Why would this be if it is SO great, really the high point of all others, then why are all alternatives reacted to as being so threatening and must be attacked, vilified, ridiculed and propagandized, trying to manipulate people’s thoughts about them by using paramoralisms and paralogistics.
As far as politico-economic organizations, there are many alternatives to what exists today (and I’m sure there are others who have much more detailed knowledge than me in this area) like hunter-gatherers (where accumulating possessions was inherently counterproductive and all members seemed to have MUCH more leisure time than today’s wage earners), and even settled economies (though non-centralized) where fair and equal value were traded such as using grain based (and there can be others) local currencies that encouraged spending rather than hoarding, or bartering / credit for goods/services provided to get other goods or services needed, etc. (all of these can have problems / drawbacks but can be improved with experience and disinterested thinking).
The thing to keep in mind also is if we began to shift more and more toward Service to Others, all sorts of possibilities would probably open up that we can hardly even conceive of now because we would be aligning with this Thought Center, and as a result, getting more and more input and help and energy from higher density STO / higher / "future" selves.
These are just some initial thoughts. After thinking more deeply maybe I’ll post more specific ideas or as others contribute their ideas, we can just elaborate and develop more details and variations.}