"Crisis" In Israel/Palestine/Lebanon/Syria

This may or may be not on subject, but I have experienced rather strong deja-vu a couple days ago. Interesting synchronicity, taking into consideration recent escalation of middle eastern conflict. Was there some important reason to tweak the 'system' exactly in this timeframe?
And all of it happens just when my cooperation with Israeli contractor started to bloom, what leaves me more puzzled than ever.
Laura said:
My question is: What is Gingrich smoking???! Geeze! Psychopaths have really taken over!
He is smoking power, that's what I think. He has political plans, but if the republicans get hammered, so does he. So they are reverting to the "tried-and-true republicans are strong on defense" line, hoping voters fall for it.

Just what we need. They play funny with language again (re-defining the meaning of war) and more of our liberties and freedoms get taken away, probably with the cheering of the masses.

j0da said:
This may or may be not on subject, but I have experienced rather strong deja-vu a couple days ago. Interesting synchronicity, taking into consideration recent escalation of middle eastern conflict. Was there some important reason to tweak the 'system' exactly in this timeframe?
How strange - wasn't on or close to the 10th was it? Because I had so many synchronicities centered around the concepts of time travel, psychopathy, prophecy and death.
Danny said:
Also "hard"ball host Chris Mathews asks tough questions like...How long will America sit back while this crisis continues?
So basically he just wants to sit there and say...You just gonna sit here??Do something lets get it awn!

This is it folks! I would like to mention before this ride starts that you are required to keep legs and arms INSIDE the car at all times.Thank you and enjoy.

Danny said:
I also had another thought ...How perfect of a time for this "crisis" to pop up so as to make this the headline news.Now they can continue the genocide of the Iraqis without notice...and probably amp it up .
Unfortunately I think you are right. This whole thing is so sick...
Wayne Madsen http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/ has this to say:

Wayne Madsen said:
Our intelligence sources in Lebanon have reported to us exclusively that Israel is now using poison gas and depleted uranium shells on towns in the south of Lebanon. Residents of the small village of Kasarshoba became violently ill, experiencing severe vomiting, after the Israelis hit the village with poison gas. In other cases, underground shelters in southern Lebanon were hit by Israeli depleted uranium shells. Our sources also report that the entire southern suburbs of southern Beirut, with a population of 800,000, have been totally depopulated. Israel has targeted thousands of civilian homes for destruction.
Joda, Craig - do include me in dejavu-ers list!
The Rogues Strike Back
Iran, Syria, Hamas, and Hezbollah vs. Israel.
by Robert Satloff
07/24/2006, Volume 011, Issue 42
On Thursday, July 13, Hezbollah rockets--supplied by Iran, via Syria--fell on major cities in northern Israel, including Haifa, Safed, Karmiel, and Nahariya, killing two, injuring dozens, and sending thousands to shelters. Israeli shelling shut down all civilian and military air access to Lebanon, as Israel continued bombing Hamas targets throughout Gaza, too. "All operations are legitimate to wipe out terror," said Israel's northern front commander Major General Udi Adam.
That's a lot of tough talk about war, face-offs, and showdowns, even for the Middle East, but what makes this train of events more worrisome than a typical week in the region is that these events--and their perpetrators--are all connected. No, this is not another Middle East conspiracy theory; to paraphrase Henry Kissinger's line about paranoids, sometimes bad guys shooting at you from all directions just might be in cahoots. In fact, the quartet of Iran, Syria, Hamas, and Hezbollah constitutes a better oiled, more cohesive unit than the diplomatic quartet of the United States, the U.N., the E.U., and Russia. Indeed, the rogue foursome is linked ideologically and operationally in a much more organic way than the charter members of the Axis of Evil ever were.
In Gaza and Lebanon, a battle between Israel and two of its enemies has now been joined. Its spread to two other enemies--Iran and Syria--is a stark and urgent possibility. Let us not mistake this conflict for a local skirmish, a pesky diversion from more serious business, like stopping Iran's nuclear program or building a free, stable Iraq. On the contrary, it is all of a piece.
Defeat for Israel--either on the battlefield or via coerced compromises to achieve flawed cease-fires-is a defeat for U.S. interests; it will inspire radicals of every stripe, release Iran and Syria to spread more mayhem inside Iraq, and make more likely our own eventual confrontation with this emboldened alliance of extremists. Victory--in the form of Hezbollah's disarmament, the expulsion of the Iranian military presence from Lebanon, the eviction of Meshal and friends from Damascus, and the demise of the Hamas government in Gaza--is, by the same token, also a victory for U.S. (and Western) interests.
Achieving those successes--and avoiding those setbacks--will take time, persistence, and leadership. While military force is essential, nonmilitary measures are needed too. These include organizing transatlantic consensus on economic and political pressure on Syria, devising a fast-executing international mechanism to disarm Hezbollah, and expediting the Security Council process on Iran. As enervating as it must be to an administration whose policy plate already overflows with tough problems, none of this can happen without America taking the lead.
Craig said:
j0da said:
This may or may be not on subject, but I have experienced rather strong deja-vu a couple days ago. Interesting synchronicity, taking into consideration recent escalation of middle eastern conflict. Was there some important reason to tweak the 'system' exactly in this timeframe?
How strange - wasn't on or close to the 10th was it? Because I had so many synchronicities centered around the concepts of time travel, psychopathy, prophecy and death.
Craig, I think it was between 10th and 13th. I was sitting at the computer, reading news from Lebanon and thinking about my partners in Israel. And then - SNAP! I think it may be good to note the dates of deja-vus and compare them with the dates of turning events.
I've been watching as the events unfold these last days, both the pathocratic devoid of human emotion Israel military actions, as well as the feverish fanatism of some of the Hezbollah people. a greek female journalist from Mega channel was able to film a short reportage from the South part of Beirut where many Hezbollah members live with their families and you could hear even young children shout behind their gun ornamented father "we are gonna fight till all Israelis are dead" etc. And the Israeli government will fight till all Palestinians/Lebanese (Arab people) are dead.

i don't understand any of it. i don't even understand the feverish unintelligent fanatism in my country that it can be found between the turkish and the greek cypriot people. the civilians are truly mindless pawns in a sick game, so easily dispensable to the hands that move them, hands connected to a sick mind with plans and dreams of power. I don't get that either! Let's say one has power over EVERYTHING. So what? What are they gonna do with it?

ISOTM, pg. 52

Gurdjieff said:
It is precisely in unconscious involuntary manifestations that all evil lies. You do not yet understand and cannot imagine all the results of this evil. But the time will come when you will understand.
I guess this war, the war in Iran, Afganistan, the war in Serbia, the Gulf war, the Cyrpus war, the Vietnam war, WWII, WWI, all wars, present us with an opportunity to understand what Gurdjieff is talking about. And perhaps, all these is happening because the majority refused to accept the scattered pieces of knowledge that lie around, and as Gurdjieff writes:

... enormous quantities of knowledge remain, so to speak, unclaimed, and can be distributed among those who realize its value
Perhaps the worst the situation out there, the better the results of the conscious work we choose to do?

I HAVE to find something good out of this. Otherwise it's too much and too monstrous.

irini (who thinks using emotional energy, i know...)
Robert Fisk said:
It now appears clear that the Hizbollah leadership - Nasrallah used to be the organisation's military commander in southern Lebanon - thought carefully through the effects of their border crossing, relying on the cruelty of Israel's response to quell any criticism of their action within Lebanon. They were right in their planning. The Israeli retaliation was even crueller than some Hizbollah leaders imagined, and the Lebanese quickly silenced all criticism of the guerrilla movement.

Hizbollah had presumed the Israelis would cross into Lebanon after the capture of the two soldiers and they blew up the first Israeli Merkava tank when it was only 35 feet inside the country. All four Israeli crewmen were killed and the Israeli army moved no further forward. The long-range Iranian-made missiles which later exploded on Haifa had been preceded only a few weeks ago by a pilotless Hizbollah drone aircraft which surveyed northern Israel and then returned to land in eastern Lebanon after taking photographs during its flight. These pictures not only suggested a flight path for Hizbollah's rockets to Haifa; they also identified Israel's top-secret military air traffic control centre in Miron.

The next attack - concealed by Israel's censors - was directed at this facility. Codenamed "Apollo", Israeli military scientists work deep inside mountain caves and bunkers at Miron, guarded by watchtowers, guard-dogs and barbed wire, watching all air traffic moving in and out of Beirut, Damascus, Amman and other Arab cities. The mountain is surmounted by clusters of antennae which Hizbollah quickly identified as a military tracking centre. Before they fired rockets at Haifa, they therefore sent a cluster of missiles towards Miron. The caves are untouchable but the targeting of such a secret location by Hizbollah deeply shocked Israel's military planners. The "centre of world terror" - or whatever they imagine Lebanon to be - could not only breach their frontier and capture their soldiers but attack the nerve-centre of the Israeli northern military command.
This is scary. If Hizbollah (backed by Syria, according to Fisk) had a strategy and was perfectly aware that the Israelis would strike back the way they are doing (which seems a suicidal strategy to me: taunt the tiger?!?), then that suggests that pathocrats on both sides have the same goal: genocide for all in the Middle East! I wonder if they have lunch together?

If I was inclined to believe in conspiracies (wink-wink), I would say that 'someone up there' is carrying out a carefully established evil plan.
apeguia said:
that suggests that pathocrats on both sides have the same goal: genocide for all in the Middle East! I wonder if they have lunch together?
Yeah... The real war is between pathocrats in all their deviant variations and normal people. When are normal people going to finally have enough and wake up?
Appetite For Destruction: Neoconservative Guns and Poses

Adam Elkus, Electronic Iraq, 17 July 2006

As the violence in both Gaza and Lebanon rages out of control, the apocalyptic and nihilistic urges of prominent neoconservatives such as Michael Ledeen, David Horowitz, and William Kristol has finally surfaced in full public view. They cheer on the increasing destruction and advocate for United States intervention against Syria and Iran, whom they view as the real powers behind Hezbollah and Hamas provocations against Israel.

Human Events' Joel Mowbray reports that Israel faces a "two-front" war against a common enemy, because "both Hamas and Hezbollah are funded by Iran, leaders for both receive sanctuary in Syria, and both have a common goal: elimination of the Jews and the establishment of an Islamic state."

In the American Spectator, Ben Stein calls for Israel to bomb Iran, wonders how "any American Jew could even consider not supporting Bush," who expressed support for Israel. Stein compares Israel's Arab enemies to Hitler, Eichmann, and Stalin, and states their "wickedness" cannot be redeemed or rehabilitated. Michael Ledeen of the National Review declares, "No one should have any lingering doubts about what's going on in the Middle East. It's war, and it now runs from Gaza into Israel, through Lebanon and thence to Iraq via Syria."

Finally, with his usual subtlety, David Horowitz announces that the "war in the Middle East is a war for civilization." The combatants of this war, Horowitz declares, are Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran, their "allies" Russia, France, Greece, and the "UN majority" versus the "only democracy in the middle East." He goes on to state that a "civilized occupying force" is necessary to contain "genocidal" Palestinians and declares that "The world will not be a safe place or a decent one until the present regimes in Gaza, the West Bank, Syria and Iran are gone."

It's easy to point out the disturbing neo-colonial nature of Horowitz's rhetoric. If this really is a "war for civilization," and if a "civilized occupying force" is really needed, then one must assume that the Israelis and the Americans are the civilized, and the Arabs are irrational, murderous, and deceitful savages who only understand the language of the assault rifle.

While everyone else across the political spectrum is panicking over the escalating violence, Horowitz and his ilk cackle like witches, rubbing their palms together and fervently wishing for the fires of war to consume the entire Middle East. This is the real war that they wanted, a storm that will topple the regimes of Syria and Iran, cow the Palestinians, and make the rest of the Arabs quiver with fear. Ledeen himself criticized former National Security Advisor Brent Scowcraft's anti-war remarks in 2002 by saying "One can only hope that we turn the region into a cauldron, and faster, please. If ever there were a region that richly deserved being cauldronized, it is the Middle East today."

Not surprisingly, the neoconservatives openly advocate that America join the growing conflict. Horowitz declares that "this is a war all Americans should support." Weekly Standard founder William Kristol forcefully advocates attacks on Iran:

What's under attack [in the Middle East] is liberal democratic civilization, whose leading representative right now happens to be the United States. ... [T]he right response is renewed strength ... standing with Israel [and] pursuing regime change in Syria and Iran ... [W]e might consider countering this act of Iranian aggression with a military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities.
Ledeen compared the situation to 1938 Munich:

Is this not the time to go after the terrorist training camps in Syria and Iran? What in the world are we waiting for? ... f we dither through this one, the next one will be worse. ... Stability is a mirage. Chamberlain had a choice between dishonor and war. He chose dishonor and got war anyway.

No mention is made of the fact that the U.S. is bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan and struggling to deal with nuclear crises in Iran and North Korea. But realism has never been a neoconservative strength.

Neoconservatives were supposed to have their grand war in Iraq; witness the frequent invocations that we were in a "war" as long and vast as the Cold War and as ideologically pure a match-up as World War II. However, the grim failure to pacify Iraq dashed neoconservative hopes for "regime change" in Syria and Iran. But now another opportunity arises, and the armchair warriors can barely conceal their glee.

Ironically, calls for a massive war against an organized, monolithic evil enemy mirrors the rhetoric of the very Islamic terrorists Horowitz hates. Bin Laden has been attempting for years to rally the world's Muslims against a perceived American-Israeli threat whose tentacles reach not only into Iraq and Palestine but every place Muslims are oppressed. Both Horowitz and Bin Laden wish for a war that will transform the Middle East. Bin Laden hopes that this war will lead to the overthrow of the Arab monarchies and dictatorships, the destruction of Israel, and the establishment of Islamic states. Horowitz and his fellow neoconservatives want to overthrow the governments of Iran and Syria, and create a Westernized Middle East that exists in a state of political and cultural submission.

But neoconservatives are blind to the reality of the situation: the invasion of Lebanon and the crackdown in Gaza is a massive overreaction by Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert. Few states would react to terrorist groups kidnapping its soldiers in the way Israel has. Imagine if Al-Qaeda attacked us in Iraq and the Taliban struck in Afghanistan, kidnapping several of our soldiers. Would we attack Saudi Arabia, where Al-Qaeda is bankrolled? Would there be armored legions streaming into Pakistan, the place where the Taliban originated, and may be still supported by elements of the Pakistani military?

As many commentators have noted, the war threatens to destroy the rotting remnants of the Oslo agreement, disrupt the already tenuous balance of a Middle East plagued by crisis in Iraq and Iran, depress the stock market and make oil prices skyrocket, expose the West to more terror attacks from disaffected Muslims, provoke Shiite militias to attack American troops in Iraq, and endanger Israeli civilians to terrorist retaliation both from within and without. And all to rescue a few soldiers whose freedom could have been obtained through diplomacy.

As bad as this conflict may be, it pales in comparison to what would happen if the Bush administration extended beyond Iraq by attacking Syria and Iran. Let Kristol, Horowitz, Ledeen, Stein, and Mowbray defend "civilization" themselves, in real life, not the World War II fantasy world that they live in, where tin-pot dictators are the Axis powers, Olmert is Winston Churchill, and George W. Bush is FDR with a twang.

Adam Elkus is a freelance writer living in California.
Scary scenario #1:

A number of conflicts worldwide involving the US; picture it:

Israel turns to Dubya & asks for some help getting after all those baddies in Iran/Lebanon/Syria...
Dubya says 'ok', the US economy crashes: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=2339
ALL US troops recalled home to deal with 'outraged citizens'
Somebody stands up in the UN and says: "we need a UNITED armed force to stop all these wars'
Bombing the suburbs, residential areas -- just lovely. And Bush's position is "we oppose a cease fire." He's always so pro-life, isn't he? Notice that something always seems to pop up to make G8 meetings completely impotent?

Just a comment on Fox News's coverage -- from watching an hour of it, you would fully believe that all Israel is under siege, trembling with fear, suffering a ceaseless barrage of fire from the sky, and "vulnerable." There are repetitive reports about the sophistication of Hezbollah weapons manufactured in Iran.

I have not heard a word on Fox about Israel giving ten casualties for every one they're taking (by "official" estimate counts, anyway). Not a word about Israel's infinitely more sophisticated (by all accounts) weaponry. Not a word about how weapons manufactured in the US have been and are used. And lots and lots about how the whole mess is all Iran's fault. And of course there is the veritable parade of Israeli officials giving their stone-faced viewpoints, practically reading from a script, pushing the pretext over and over, going on and on about how proud they are of the morality displayed by their troops.

My favorite: CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked Shimon Peres if Hezbollah's chief might be targeted for assassination, and he replied, "He's a killer. But, we don't judge..." Close second was when Wolf asked the Israeli ambassador to the US to comment on the conclusion of many analysts that Israel is exploiting this pretext, using it as an excuse to launch a war they've been planning for ages. Looking annoyed, the ambassador replied, "This is completely, utterly false. For six years, we have shown remarkable restraint...."
Here are some words received from my client, who lives in Tel-aviv:

I appreciate your concern, however, things are far from being the way they seem on the media. I do watch CNN, FOX news and looking at BBC news makes it seem like it’s horrible in here, but then the media chooses to center around a few isolated incidents rather then the whole.
What is interesting - in his opinion the reason for such biased coverage is competition between channels and that focusing on extreme isolated cases rises popularity ratings of those channels which use such tactics. What obviously escapes my client's attention is the fact, that almost EVERY news channel nowadays repeatedly presents "few isolated incidents" therefore competitive value of such trick is close to ZERO.
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