"Crisis" In Israel/Palestine/Lebanon/Syria

keit said:
And it makes me wonder, those are the genes according to Cass, who carry a key for escape?
Keit your right about the C's reference to some of Jewish population having these type of genes that may be of great help to the STO side of our world. But I have also recently realised through asking a question on site about the reason for these psychopaths being here, that in fact there is also a very small percentage of Ashkenazi Jews [maybe 3%] who seem to have the opposite type of genes, those of the psychopath.

The thread with the information and research Larua shared on this point is here http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=2269

It looks a little into what may have been truly meant by Hitler creating a "Master Race" and what type of master race may have been set up to help the Nephalim takeover/domination of our world. I hope it may help answer a few questions you probably have about whats going on at the moment...it both shocked me, and opened my eyes even wider than they are already.

Ark said:
Computers (and psychopaths that are much like computers)
This reminds me of what Im reading about the "Fourth Way" at present, that all men are simply reaction machines untill we can do "the Work" to silence all of our little I's and see ourselves objectively, we will continue to be reaction machines. Maybe this goes some way to explain the reactions of many of those Israeli's who support this ongoing brutality, as they are being told they are under imminent threat of their own distruction from the pathocratic propoganda tentacles...so the simplest way to react for most machines (thinking of self preservation here), would be to seek the destruction of their enemies before they themselves are destroyed (or even mutual destruction). Although there may be some part of the machine that may not agree with this, those seperate I's get in the way and the contradictory lizard mind takes over.

Its easier for a machine to be told/programmed what to belive, than to choose their own beliefs/re-programming based on objective facts and knowledge.
That is why I think this war is different from the ones in the past (1967, 1973, 1982, 2001, etc. etc.). They are taking the whole world down with them, and there is no one to stop them now that completely compromised Zionist neocons are in control of the United States and are on board with the plan. They are planning to completely rule the world, whether or not it is a smoking radioactive ruin and they are in their underground cities or it is full of people to be their slaves.

Keit said:
Also, it's important to remember the Jewish motto that comes from the Bible: "Tamut Nafshi Im Plishtim"
Translation: "I (My soul) will die with the enemies".
Meaning: "If Israel is attacked, all Arab enemies will be destroyed, and if we die, we take you with us."

This is the attitude.

Another thing to remember, are words by Martin Van Creveld
"Our armed forces are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that this will happen before Israel goes under."
Gilad Atzmon published a piece in Counterpunch today that speaks to Israel's dilemma:

Gilad Atzmon said:

Bastille Day Weekend Edition
July 14 / 17, 2006
Israel's Raids on Gaza and Lebanon
Echoes of the Wehrmacht

Two weeks ago it was Palestinians militants who abducted a legitimate military target, an Israeli soldier. Yesterday it was a similar overwhelmingly orchestrated heroic attack by Hezbollah guerrilla fighters. Both attacks are there to send a message of resistance: Israel will never succeed in imposing its sickening unilateral notion of 'peace'. Indeed, the unilateral disengagement may have had a magical effect on the Israeli voters as well as some Zionised western leaders such as Bush, Blair and Merkel. Yet, the inhabitants of Gaza and the villagers of Southern Lebanon are slightly less impressed with the Israeli inclination towards peace. In Gaza and in Southern Lebanon it is rather clear that Arab resistance forces will oppose the Israeli unilateral agenda 'til the end of time. They all know that as much as it takes two to tango, peace will never prevail unless the Palestinian cause is properly addressed.

In short, the different forms of Israeli unilateral disengagements from Lebanon, Gaza or even the West Bank (to come) are not going to provide Israel with peace. Quite the opposite; Arabs are no fools, they know very well that Israel escaped Lebanon after being militarily humiliated for two decades. They know as well that Sharon ran away from Gaza not exactly because he was searching for peace. Palestinians also know that it is just a question of time before that happens in the West Bank. If to be precise, since 1973 Israel's power of deterrence is shrinking. Since 1973 Israel hasn't managed to defeat any of its enemies. On the contrary, time after time it is the enemies of Israel who are able to dictate Israeli political and tactical manoeuvres. In the last two weeks it has been two relatively small paramilitary organisations who use guerrilla techniques who managed to bring Israel to unleash its full military might against innocent civilians both in Gaza and Lebanon.

Yet, the Israeli reaction to attacks by Palestinians militants and Hezbollah is rather bizarre. Although, both Palestinian militants and Hezbollah were originally targeting legitimate military targets, Israeli retaliation was clearly aiming against civilian targets, civil infrastructures and mass killing directed against an innocent population. It doesn't take a genius to realise that this is not really the way to win a war or confront that particular sort of combat known as guerrilla warfare.

I would argue that once again the Israeli government serves us with a fascinating glimpse into the mindset of the Israeli collective psyche. I will try to elaborate on this issue.

Due to some clear historical circumstances, the Israeli army was originally formed to combat Arab armies. It was designed to win conventional war in the battlefield. It was set as well to exhaust Israel's neighbours' will to fight while exercising some overwhelming air superiority and nuclear threatening policies. Since the end of the cold war, things changed. Israel isn't threatened anymore by its neighbouring states. Moreover, in the most recent years it has become clear that it is actually the Palestinian people who will eventually shatter the dream of a Jewish national state.

Strangely enough, Israel has never adopted or revised its military doctrine to fit into the new emerging conditions. Indeed it retrained large parts of its fighting units as policing forces, it transformed some of its tanks into policing vehicles. Yet, it has never gone through a vast military doctrine shift. Very much like the Wehrmacht at the time of WWII, the IDF is still a classic follower of the offensive military doctrine. Hitherto, rather than winning in the battlefield, the IDF is now hopelessly exhausting itself in two fronts fighting relatively small paramilitary organisations. But the situation can get worse, it is rather possible that Palestinian heroic enthusiasm will spread to the West Bank. When this happens, the IDF will find itself engaged in a total war just a few kilometres from Israel's most densely populated centres. Seemingly the so-called 'strongest army in the Middle East' is fighting a desperate war it can never win, neither tactically nor morally.

Tactically, we have enough historic references to conclude that no colonial army has ever won against guerrilla warfare. The reason is simple, the more destruction a colonial army spreads, the more popular the guerrilla fighters become amongst their surrounding supportive population. This is absolutely the case in Gaza and in Beirut today. The more carnage there is in Gaza, the stronger the Hamas becomes. The more bombs dropped over Beirut's Airport, the more will young men be willing to join the Hezbollah.

But it goes further, both the Palestinian militants and the Hezbollah were very clever in picking pure military targets. While in the past, Hamas was associated with suicidal attacks against Israeli civilians, this time it was Israeli soldiers and pure military posts that were targeted. In other words, it is rather impossible to dismiss the fact that Palestinian militants and the Hezbollah were actually operating as legitimate resistance paramilitary groups fighting a colonial army and occupation forces.

However, reading the news from the Middle East, it is rather obvious that the Israeli government has no clear agenda to counter the current daring military operations against its army and if this isn't enough, the IDF has no means to counter such guerrilla assaults. Today's merciless collateral damage in Beirut as well as in Gaza proves that at least militarily, Israel is in total despair. It has neither the political nor the military answer to counter Arab resistance. But here comes the catch; Israel doesn't need an answer as such, it doesn't even look for one.

Israel is a racially orientated democracy. Its leaders are engaged in one thing only, i.e. maintenance of the their political power. As far as the Israeli political game is concerned, the rule is very simple, the more Arab blood you have on your hands the more you are suited to get on with your governing job. This rule obviously was in favour of Rabin, Sharon, Barak and Netanyahu. Olmert and Peretz are still quite far behind. Both the prime minister and his defence minister lack some real experience in military and security matters. Hence they have a lot of catching up to do.

In other words, Peretz and Olmert have to provide the Israeli people with a glorious spectacle of merciless retaliation. They have to prove to their keen voters that they have internalised the real biblical meaning of 'an eye for an eye'. Looking at the carnage in Beirut today it somehow seems as if they even try to give the old Hebraic say a new meaning. As devastating as it may sound, this is exactly what the Israelis want them to do. Within democratic Israel the biblical call "pour out your fury upon the goyim" is translated into a Jewish secular pragmatic political practice. This isn't sad. This is a real tragedy. And I wonder whether there is anyone out there who is still overwhelmed with the Israeli unilateral peace agenda?

Gilad Atzmon was born in Israel and served in the Israeli military. He is the author of two novels: A Guide to the Perplexed and the recently released My One and Only Love. Atzmon is also one of the most accomplished jazz saxophonists in Europe. His recent CD, Exile, was named the year's best jazz CD by the BBC. He now lives in London and can be reached at: atz@onetel.net.uk
Keit said:
There are lot of Israel bloggers who describe what is going on the north or near Gaza, but they all in Hebrew.
Here two I found that are in English
They are both pro-Israel (as I understand from the writings) they do not represent the opinion of ALL Israeli people, but this particular text represent the opinion of the majority:

Israel needs to step up. What happened this morning is unacceptable. A line has been crossed. Lebanon, not just Hizbullah, needs to pay. No more talking. No more diplomacy. Just brutal force. They forced our hand. They, and only they, are responsible for the hellfire that will rain down on their country. Well, Syria too. I sense that a fly over of Assad's palace isn't going to cut it this time. Let's see if Olmert has what it takes. But with comments like "Israel's response will be restrained but very, very, very painful." I fear he doesn't have it in him.
sorry for the one liner, but oh no no no, this is making me feel physically sick. How can people continue to go about their cosy pointless self-indulgent carefree lives while this is happening?
Keit said:
Also, it's important to remember the Jewish motto that comes from the Bible: "Tamut Nafshi Im Plishtim"

Translation: "I (My soul) will die with the enemies".

Meaning: "If Israel is attacked, all Arab enemies will be destroyed, and if we die, we take you with us."
And that's exactly how the Master Race of non-Semitic Jews, created by Hitler and the Holocaust which targeted mainly non-psychopathic Semitic Jews, is going to eliminate the rest of the Semitic Arabs who - along with the few Semitic Jews left - have the genes described by the C's.
The entire set-up, the "kidnappings," "capturings," and certainly the killings of the Israeli soldiers, and all else for which Israel is now "retaliating" against Lebanon and Gaza, has the stench of False-Flag and Black-Ops performances. One would be willing to bet that the "terrorists" who did the dirty deeds and vanished or killed the missing soldiers are Mossad operatives and front groups.

Wherever the missing soldiers may be, and quite likely that means their remains, Israel was never without knowledge of every detail of it. Of that I am convinced.

It strikes these sorely troubled eyes that the PTB were not getting the amount of absolute Insanity, and the degree of totally uncontrollable mayhem and pure rage from aggrieved Iraqis and badly slandered Iranians, there wasn't the overwhelming, unreasoning bloodlust that they wanted and needed for their Armageddon plans to proceed. They had to provide an excuse for an extreme escalation, all of their own making, to get events back on "schedule" for their global destruction plans.

Lately there is an almost palpable sense of urgency, even of desperation in the hate-spreaders and war mongers. The PTB have managed to inflame much of the Earth's nations and people to become Insanely war-crazed. A Ravening, Predatory Hunger For Wars, a reckless, "why not" attitude is being displayed, globally, even by some nations that not so long ago were more Sane than most, such as Japan, Russia and India.

Whatever else happens, perhaps we can See a bit more: Any nation not now raising its voice in official protests of Israel's blockade, bombings and other offenses against Lebanon, let alone the crimes against Gaza and all Palestinians, is under Pathocratic control. Any government, or individual, willing or even able to remain blind and deaf to the massive war crimes that Israel is now committing against Lebanon, a sovereign nation with a long, long history of NOT starting wars with its neighbours, IS already thoroughly Pathocratic.

Every UN resolution against Israel should become immediately effective with full enforcement of all applicable sanctions, up to and including UN blockades, global boycotts of Israeli goods and companies, and even direct military intervention to impose a cease fire. Further, Israel is using Depleted Uranium munitions obtained from the U.S., which has exported them to 29 other nations. Medical centres and morgues in Gaza are reporting chemical weapons, white phosphorous rounds for one, being used against the Palestinians. These alone should make UN intervention immediate and decisive, but, we shall see, yes?

For details of illegal weapons being given to Israel by the U.S. and used against Palestinians, and now Lebanese civilians, go to:


Let us See: Which nations and individuals will raise their voices in demand of Israel's condemnation by all of Humanity and which will not? Which will have the integrity to seek to overturn or even to outright ignore the U.S. veto and which will not.

A hard truth may very soon become apparent to all of us. We may soon See that it is not only the U.S. which has come to be owned and operated by the Pathocrats and now resides in the thrall of Israeli and global Zionism, n'est ce pas?.
I was too young to remember, but i know from the stories i heard, that if anything good happened at the time of the first Israeli invasion of Lebanin back in the 80s, it's that it made people come together, help each other, network.
since the offensive seems to be going bigger/wider now, let's hope the network is also bigger.

I don't believe that chanting "we want peace" will do it.

I have family in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria, but also all people there are my brothers and sisters, I also consider you Keit one of my family, so i really wish you and people like you well too from all my heart, it's sad that it's people who pay the price for the crimes of the zionist controllers.

I feel helpless, maybe i should take a crash course in ponerology through the Signs pages.
Laura said:
Keit said:
Also, it's important to remember the Jewish motto that comes from the Bible: "Tamut Nafshi Im Plishtim"

Translation: "I (My soul) will die with the enemies".

Meaning: "If Israel is attacked, all Arab enemies will be destroyed, and if we die, we take you with us."
And that's exactly how the Master Race of non-Semitic Jews, created by Hitler and the Holocaust which targeted mainly non-psychopathic Semitic Jews, is going to eliminate the rest of the Semitic Arabs who - along with the few Semitic Jews left - have the genes described by the C's.
Can we still prevent this 2nd Holocaust from happening or are we bound to watch this helplessly as it happens ? Is there ANY chance to avoid that ?

As reported in In Search of the Miraculous, Gurdjieff has said that 200 people belonging to the esoteric circle of humanity could greatly change the world if they so chose.

However, maybe people of such a level do not exist in this number or maybe they have determined that mankind is too soundly asleep and does not ask for a change.
One cannot know without oneself being close to this level.

This relates to the idea that there are specific windows of cosmic opportunity where consciousness can play a decisive role in determining a future direction. Many schools of thought see the present time is a fulcrum on which the future is balanced.
This looks really bad... are we (humanity as a whole) too asleep that we don't want change (looks like it), and thus 200 people won't do anything because there's NO asking ? or 200 enlightened people just don't exist, here on earth (I doubt it) ?
PFR said:
This looks really bad... are we (humanity as a whole) too asleep that we don't want change (looks like it), and thus 200 people won't do anything because there's NO asking ? or 200 enlightened people just don't exist, here on earth (I doubt it) ?
Well, when you consider how Gurdjieff described an esoteric group:

"The inner circle is called the 'esoteric'; this circle consists of people who have attained the highest development possible for man, each one of whom possesses individuality in the fullest degree, that is to say, an indivisible 'I,' all forms of consciousness possible for man, full control over these states of consciousness, the whole of knowledge possible for man, and a free and independent will. They cannot perform actions opposed to their understanding or have an understanding which is not expressed by actions. At the same time there can be no discords among them, no differences of understanding. Therefore their activity is entirely co-ordinated and leads to one common aim without any kind of compulsion because it is based upon a common and identical understanding.
QFS was formed for just this purpose, to try to find and assmble 200 people who could work together to achieve objectivity which preserves individuality but - at the same time - because it IS objectivity, leads to common and identical UNDERSTANDING.

As I have described it to our newest group:

In other words, working within the network in an absolutely sincere way is crucial to "tuning the instrument" and having the ways and means to accommodate reading errors. Without that, you simply cannot know that your "not completely colinear" views are not the result of reading errors.

I wish I could find the right way to convey the importance of this.

Let me try to give an example.

Imagine a group of people all living together and trying to learn and practice access to higher realities. The hypothesis they have is that there IS another level of reality and they know that the signals of this reality are very, very subtle and not measurable in the ordinary way. There is no mechanical device they can build to detect or measure them. Yet, they know from experience and spontaneous phenomena that there ARE such signals. And they theorize about this other reality based on what little they can discern from these signals.

And so, they conclude that the "instrument" that they need to work with is the most complex of them all: their own "being" which includes not only their physiology, but also the theorized "soul" and its theorized "organs of perception."

And so, they decide that the best way to approach the experiment is to first study everything about their own "instrument," i.e. the body and psyche and all its "feelings" and impulses, etc, and compare one to another in order to begin to find and establish a baseline.

Once they have a baseline they can then begin to assess the myriad signals that enter the system.

How are they going to do this?

They MUST have feedback. If a signal comes in, there must be some way set-up so that they can check the signal against a "fact."

Using the example of telepathy, if someone gets an "impression" or a "feeling" or "sees a vision" or whatever the signal might be, they MUST have someone or something to either confirm or falsify it.

If it can be confirmed as being accurate because there is feedback (the person about whom the signal comes can give this), then they know what the signal is and that it is an accurate reading.

If, on the other hand, they find that their interpretation of the signal is wrong, then they have to go back and find out if it was a misreading, a false signal, or whatever.

Only in this way will they be able to build a solid, repeatable basis for interpreting signals from the environment first, and the theorized higher reality second.

It's rather like learning a completely new language. There are many aspects to a language that are important. There is the alphabet, there are the rules for how the letters may go together, how words may go together, pronunciation, inflection, and so on.

All of this has a relationship to the work of a network as described above.

Such work, as you can see, canNOT be done alone. And secondly, if there is anyone at all involved in the network who is "holding back" or not being forthcoming, it can throw everyone's "reading mechanism" off. They will be getting signals that they cannot intepret because someone is not being
Now, even if this may sound rather simple, you would not believe how difficult it is to assist people in becoming free of their programmed ways of thinking and reacting. This is because most people are brought up to live in denial because it helps them to deal with realities that are painful.

After 8 years we still do not have 200 people who are colinear. We have a handful, and another handful moving in that direction, and still another handful wanting it, but also wanting to go back to sleep because facing reality is very painful sometimes.

You know our saying: "No Sacred Cows, No Bull." Well, most people just can't go there.

And yet, if enough people could, it could change the world. Of that, I am convinced.

Let's look at a bit more that Gurdjieff had to say about this process:

G. told me in some detail about the organization of groups for his work and about their role in that work. Once or twice he used the word "esoteric," which I had not heard from him before, and I was interested in what he meant by it. But when I tried to stop and ask what he meant by the word "esoteric" he avoided an answer.

"This is not important; well-call it what you like," he said. "That is not the point; the point is that a 'group' is the beginning of everything. One man can do nothing, can attain nothing. A group with a real leader can do more, A group of people can do what one man can never do.

"You do not realize your own situation. You are in prison. All you can wish for, if you are a sensible man, is to escape. But how escape? It is necessary to tunnel under a wall. One man can do nothing. But let us suppose there are ten or twenty men-if they work in turn and if one covers another they can complete the tunnel and escape.

"Furthermore, no one can escape from prison without the help of those who have escaped before. Only they can say in what way escape is possible or can send tools, files, or whatever may be necessary. But one prisoner alone cannot find these people or get into touch with them. An organization is necessary. Nothing can be achieved without an organization." [...]

"The 'man-machine' can do nothing. To him and around him everything happens. In order to do it is necessary to know the law of octaves, to know the moments of the 'intervals' and be able to create necessary 'additional shocks.'

"It is only possible to learn this in a school, that is to say, in a rightly organized school which follows all esoteric traditions. Without the help of a school a man by himself can never understand the law of octaves, the points of the 'intervals,' and the order of creating 'shocks.' He cannot understand because certain conditions are necessary for this purpose, and these conditions can only be created in a school which is itself created upon these principles. [...]

"Man lives in life under the law of accident and under two kinds of influences again governed by accident.

"The first kind are influences created in life itself or by life itself. Influences of race, nation, country, climate, family, education, society, profession, manners and customs, wealth, poverty, current ideas, and so on. The second kind are influences created outside this life, influences of the inner circle, or esoteric influences- influences, that is, created under different laws, although also on the earth. These influences differ from the former, first of all in being conscious in their origin. This means that they have been created consciously by conscious men for a definite purpose. Influences of this kind are usually embodied in the form of religious systems and teachings, philosophical doctrines, works of art, and so on.

"They are let out into life for a definite purpose, and become mixed with influences of the first kind. But it must be borne in mind that these influences are conscious only in their origin. Coming into the general vortex of life they fall under the general law of accident and begin to act mechanically, that is, they may act on a certain definite man or may not act; they may reach him or they may not. In undergoing change and distortion in life through transmission and interpretation, influences of the second kind are transformed into influences of the first kind, that is, they become, as it were, merged into the influences of the first kind.

"If we think about this, we shall see that it is not difficult for us to distinguish influences created in life from influences whose source lies outside life. To enumerate them, to make up a catalogue of the one and the other, is impossible. It is necessary to understand; and the whole thing depends upon this understanding. We have spoken about the beginning of the way. The beginning of the way depends precisely upon this understanding or upon the capacity for discriminating between the two kinds of influences. Of course, their distribution is unequal. One man receives more of the influences whose source lies outside life, another less; a third is almost isolated from them. But this cannot be helped. This is already fate. Speaking in general and taking normal life under normal conditions and a normal man, conditions are more or less the same for everybody, that is, to put it more correctly, difficulties are equal for everybody. The difficulty lies in separating the two kinds of influences. If a man in receiving them does not separate them, that is, does not see or does not feel their difference, their action upon him also is not separated, that is, they act in the same way, on the same level, and produce the same results. But if a man in receiving these influences begins to discriminate between them and put on one side those which are not created in life itself, then gradually discrimination becomes easier and after a certain time a man can no longer confuse them with the ordinary influences of life.

"The results of the influences whose source lies outside life collect together within him, he remembers them together, feels them together. They begin to form within him a certain whole. He does not give a clear account to himself as to what, how, and why, or if he does give an account to himself, then he explains it wrongly. But the point is not in this, .but in the fact that the results of these influences collect together within him and after a certain time they form within him a kind of magnetic center, which begins to attract to itself kindred influences and in this manner it grows. If the magnetic center receives sufficient nourishment, and if there is no strong resistance on the part of the other sides of a man's personality which are the result of influences created in life, the magnetic center begins to influence a man's orientation, obliging him to turn round and even to move in a certain direction. When the magnetic center attains sufficient force and development, a man already understands the idea of the way and he begins to look for the way. The search for the way may take many years and may lead to nothing. This depends upon conditions, upon circumstances, upon the power of the magnetic center, upon the power and the direction of inner tendencies which are not concerned with this search and which may divert a man at the very moment when the possibility of finding the way appears.
"If the magnetic center works rightly and if a man really searches, or even if he does not search actively yet feels rightly, he may meet another man who knows the way and who is connected directly or through other people with a center existing outside the law of accident, from which proceed the ideas which created the magnetic center.

"Here again there are many possibilities. But this will be spoken of later on. For the moment let us imagine that he has met a man who really knows the way and is ready to help him. The influence of this man upon him goes through his magnetic center. And then, at this point, the man frees himself from the law of accident. This is what must be understood. The influence of the man who knows the way upon the first man is a special kind of influence, differing from the former two, first of all in being a direct influence, and secondly in being a conscious influence. Influences of the second kind, which create magnetic center, are conscious in their origin but afterwards they are thrown into the general vortex of life, are intermixed with influences created in life itself, and are equally subject to the law of accident. Influences of the third kind can never be subject to the law of accident; they are themselves outside the law of accident and their action also is outside the law of accident. Influences of the second kind can proceed through books, through philosophical systems, through rituals. Influences of the third kind can proceed only from one person to another, directly, by means of oral transmission.

"The moment when the man who is looking for the way meets a man who knows the way is called the first threshold or the first step. From this first threshold the stairway begins. Between 'life' and the 'way' lies the 'stairway.' Only by passing along this 'stairway' can a man enter the 'way.' In addition, the man ascends this stairway with the help of the man who is his guide; he cannot go up the stairway by himself. The way begins only where the stairway ends, that is, after the last threshold on the stairway, on a level much higher than the ordinary level of life.

"Therefore it is impossible to answer the question, from what does the way start? The way starts with something that is not in life at all, and therefore it is impossible to say from what. Sometimes it is said: in ascending the stairway a man is not sure of anything, he may doubt everything, his own powers, whether what he is doing is right, the guide, his knowledge and his powers. At the same time, what he attains is very unstable; even if he has ascended fairly high on the stairway, he may fall down at any moment and have to begin again from the beginning. But when he has passed the last threshold and enters the way, all this changes. First of all, all doubts he may have about his guide disappear and at the same time the guide becomes far less necessary to him than before. In many respects he may even be independent and know where he is going. Secondly, he can no longer lose so easily the results of his work and he cannot find himself again in ordinary life. Even if he leaves the way, he will be unable to return where he started from.

"This is almost all that can be said in general about the 'stairway' and about the 'way,' because there are different ways. We have spoken of this before. And, for instance, on the fourth way there are special conditions which cannot be on the other ways. Thus the conditions for ascending the stairway on the fourth way are that a man cannot ascend to a higher step until he places another man upon his own step. The other, in his turn, must put in his place a third man in order to ascend higher. Thus, the higher a man ascends the more he depends upon those who are following him. If they stop he also stops. Such situations as this may also occur on the way. A man may attain something, for instance, some special powers, and may later on sacrifice these powers in order to raise other people to his level. If the people with whom he is working ascend to his level, he will receive back all that he has sacrificed. But if they do not ascend, he may lose it altogether.

"There are also various possibilities as regards the teacher's situation in relation to the esoteric center, namely, he may know more or he may know less about the esoteric center, he may know exactly where this center is and how knowledge and help was or is received from it; or he may know nothing of this and may only know the man from whom he himself received his knowledge. In most cases people start precisely from the point that they know only one step higher than themselves. And only in proportion to their own development do they begin to see further and to recognize where what they know came from.

"The results of the work of a man who takes on himself the role of teacher do not depend on whether or not he knows exactly the origin of what he teaches, but very much depends on whether or not his ideas come in actual fact from the esoteric center and whether he himself understands and can distinguish esoteric ideas, that is, ideas of objective knowledge, from subjective, scientific, and philosophical ideas.
After all this time of finding the startling relationships between the C's transmissions, ancient Shamanism, Sufism, ideas formulated and presented by Castaneda, esoteric texts in the New Testament, Alchemical texts, Grail Stories, Gnosticism, and so on, we consider it highly probable that this material is just as Gurdjieff described it: being dispensed from a true esoteric center as Gurdjieff has described above: "influences of the inner circle, or esoteric influences- influences, that is, created under different laws, although also on the earth..."

We do not consider ourselves masters or "enlightened beings," but we do understand that our work with the C's has led us to the point of being a few rungs higher on the ladder and we understand that it is necessary for us to put others on the rungs below us before we can rise to the next step.

But again, there is not 200. And there won't be until there is a lot more misery and people begin to realize that they have nothing more to lose... Again, Gurdjieff:

"How can we recognize people who are able to come to the work?" asked one of those present.
"How to recognize them is another question," said G. "To do this it is necessary to a certain extent 'to be.' But before speaking of this we must establish what kind of people are able to come to the work and what kind are not able.

"You must understand that a man should have, first, a certain preparation, certain luggage. He should know what it is possible to know through ordinary channels about the ideas of esotericism, about hidden knowledge, about possibilities of the inner evolution of man, and so on.

What I mean is that these ideas ought not to appear to him as something entirely new. Otherwise it is difficult to speak to him.

It is useful also if he has at least some scientific or philosophical preparation. If a man has a good knowledge of religion, this can also be useful. But if he is tied to religious forms and has no understanding of their essence, he will find it very difficult.

In general, if a man knows but little, has read but little, has thought but little, it is difficult to talk to him. If he has a good essence there is another way for him without any talks at all, but in this case he has to be obedient, he has to give up his will. And he has to come to this also in some way or other.

It can be said that there is one general rule for everybody. In order to approach this system seriously, people must be disappointed, first of all in themselves, that is to say, in their powers, and secondly in all the old ways.

A man cannot feel what is most valuable in the system unless he is disappointed in what he has been doing, disappointed in what he has been searching for.

If he is a scientist he should be disappointed in his science. If he is a religious man he should be disappointed in his religion. If he is a politician he should be disappointed in politics. If he is a philosopher he should be disappointed in philosophy. If he is a theosophist he should be disappointed in theosophy. If he is an occultist he should be disappointed in occultism. And so on.

But you must understand what this means. I say for instance that a religious man should be disappointed in religion. This does not mean that he should lose his faith. On the contrary, it means being 'disappointed' in the teaching and the methods only, realizing that the religious teaching he knows is not enough for him, can lead him nowhere.

All religious teachings, excepting of course the completely degenerated religions of savages and the invented religions and sects of modern times, consist of two parts, the visible and the hidden.

To be disappointed in religion means being disappointed in the visible, and to feel the necessity for finding the hidden and unknown part of religion.

To be disappointed in science does not mean losing interest in knowledge. It means being convinced that the usual scientific methods are not only useless but lead to the construction of absurd and self contradictory theories, and, having become convinced of this, to begin to search for others.

To be disappointed in philosophy means being convinced that ordinary philosophy is merely - as it is said in the Russian proverb-pouring from one empty vessel into another, and that people do not even know what philosophy means although true philosophy also can and should exist.

To be disappointed in occultism does not mean losing faith in the miraculous, it is merely being convinced that ordinary, accessible, and even advertised occultism, under whatever name it may pass, is simply charlatanism and self deception and that, although somewhere something does exist, everything that man knows or is able to learn in the ordinary way is not what he needs.

So that, no matter what he used to do before, no matter what used to interest him, if a man has arrived at this state of disappointment in ways that are possible and accessible, it is worth while speaking to him about our system and then he may come to the work But if he continues to think that he is able to find anything on his former way, or that he has not as yet tried all the ways, or that he can, by himself, find anything or do anything, it means that he is not ready.

I do not mean that he must throw up everything he used to do before. This is entirely unnecessary. On the contrary, it is often even better if he continues to do what he used to do. But he must realize that it is only a profession, or a habit, or a necessity. In this case it is another matter, he will then be able not to 'identify'.

"There is only one thing incompatible with work and that is 'professional occultism,' in other words, professional charlatanism All these spiritualists, healers, clairvoyants, and so on, or even people closely connected with them, are none of them any good to us. And you must always remember this and take care not to tell them much because everything they learn from you they might use for their own purposes, that is, to make fools of other people.

'There are still other categories which are no good but we will speak of them later. In the meantime remember one thing only: A man must be sufficiently disappointed in ordinary ways and he must at the same time think or be able to accept the idea that there may be something- somewhere.

If you should speak to such a man, he might discern the flavor of truth in what you say no matter how clumsily you might speak. But if you should speak to a man who is convinced about something else, everything you say will sound absurd to him and he will never even listen to you seriously. It is not worth while wasting time on him.

This system is for those who have already sought and have burned themselves. Those who have not sought and who are not seeking do not need it. And those who have not yet burned themselves do not need it either."

"But this is not what people begin with," said one of our company. "They ask: Do we admit the existence of the ether? Or how do we look on evolution? Or why do we not believe in progress? Or why do we not think that people can and should organize life on the basis of justice and the common good? And things of this sort."

"All questions are good," said G., "and you can begin from any question if only it is sincere. You understand that what I mean is that this very question about ether or about progress or about the common good could be asked by a man simply in order to say something, or to repeat what someone else has said or what he has read in some book, and on the other hand he could ask it because this is the question with which he aches. If it is an aching question for him you can give him an answer and you can bring him to the system through any question whatever. But it is necessary for the question to be an aching one."
And so it is. As Gurdjieff said, the worst thing are the "professional occultists," and here I don't mean people who make a living out of it, but people who are into "phenomena" and "experiences." None of that means a hill of beans if you can't tune your instrument and discover objectively if your "experiences" or "phenomena" emanate from a true esoteric center or are merely clever deceptions of the psyche or "other forces."
Laura said:
It's rather like learning a completely new language. There are many aspects to a language that are important. There is the alphabet, there are the rules for how the letters may go together, how words may go together, pronunciation, inflection, and so on.
Thank you for truly enlightening post! I have an association of QFG you described with setting, fine-tuning of symphonic orchestra and proper positioning of each orchestrant to produce unique (as if all were one) garmonic melody where performance of each orchestrant no matter whether a solist or a member of orchestra is as much important as their play in unison without distortions of sound is crucial to performance as a group. Each must listen to own sound, that of others to provide a feedback loop mirror for each other and to follow a hand signs of Conductor. It's the distortion that produces failure. If sound is clean and clear, it will not get lost in the distortion, it will shine through producing the highest pitch in hearts of those fortunate to listen the orchestra. Each member expressing own creativity, sensitivity and responsiveness to others play keeps performance from becoming stale or repetitive. If, then, hall acoustics is fine-tuned to harmonic sound and amplifies it without distortion, we listen to the music of Gods, then!
You know, at first I wanted to write that those leaders probably will laugh when they will see this letter. But now I am not sure that they will emote in any way. Those cold pathocratic hearts do not know empathy. Shame on them.


OK, here is the plan. I can't stand here, watching doing nothing. The truth is that we are at the mercy of world leaders. However, I think they should know how we feel. Maya, our fellow blogger from About Lebanon, has drafted a short letter to be sent to all the world leaders that you can think of. She has provided some email addresses. Please feel free to add more emails to your list of leaders. Please forward this email to all your friends, and urge them to send this email to world leaders. The idea is to flood world leader's emails with our plea. They must receive thousands of emails from people all over the world. Please circulate this as much as you can. I will transfer it to all my fellow bloggers and email it to all my family and friends. Please do the same! We must do something.

Dear World Leaders,

This letter is a plea from the Lebanese people, and friends of Lebanon . We urge you to exercise any political influence you may have to guide a cease fire between Israel and Hezbollah. Negotiations must take place. The violence that has escalated in Lebanon has gotten out of control, it is insanity! The people of Lebanon are suffering; the Lebanese economy will suffer deeply for years to come. As I am sure you know anger, resentment, and poverty can only lead to further extremism. For the welfare of Lebanese citizens, Israeli citizens, the stability of the Middle East , and indeed the world, we implore you to take action as soon as possible to prevent further violence, destruction, and casualties.

Friends and Citizens of Lebanon
Its your choice, you can send this email to the one, more than one, or all of the following:
Also, please feel free to send this to anyone you deem appropriate and to add your personal touch to the letter. But always try to keep it polite and civilized. Thank you.

The White House: comments@whitehouse.gov

U.S. VP: vice_president@whitehouse.gov

Israeli minister of defense: pniot@mod.gov.il

Israeli Minister of foreign affairs: feedback@mfa.gov.il

The French President: go to this site:


click on Ecrire au President and copy paste this text in the box provided.
The British government: public.enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk
"Crisis" in Israel/Palestine/Lebanon/Syria

Thanks, Keit for keeping us informed about what's going on around you and wish you and people in the Middle East not to be provoked by this psychopatic insanity of few who drive the whole Middle East into bloodthirsty blackhole to the point of no return. This heartbreaking poem is posted yesterday by Kate:
Thursday, July 13, 2006
for khayyeh ashraf, khayyeh ahmad, ikhteh maya, ummi and father. for the osman family. my heart goes out to you more now than usual.

we wrap our concerns -
final and fleeting -
in knit blankets and promises
_____of another strike
you wrapped your burns
in scented lotions and gauss
allowing for medication
to cure the heartache
is the city of your youth
in need of new scars?
broken _____ cloaked
in a putrid layer of ash
letting my eyes sting
from the threat of tears
shed in empathy
_____and memory
of what's hidden beneath the wax
that hangs on your dining room wall
posted by katy
Canada prime minister Harper sides firmly with Israel Harper, on his first major international foray, hadn't even touched down in Europe before aligning himself firmly with the United States and Israel in the latest conflagration. "Israel has the right to defend itself," the prime minister told reporters aboard a Canadian Forces Airbus en route to London, where he's starting a week-long diplomatic mission.
President Jacques Chirac of France, Israel appears to 'Wish to destroy' Lebanon President Jacques Chirac of France said Friday there appeared to be a "wish to destroy Lebanon" in reference to Israel's bombardment of that country. "One may well ask if there isn't today a kind of wish to destroy Lebanon -- its infrastructure, its roads, its communications, its energy, its airport. And for what?" "I find honestly -- as all Europeans do -- that the current reactions are totally disproportionate," he said in a live television interview to mark France's July 14 national day.
Iran warns Israel against extending conflict Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad boasted Friday that Israel is not powerful enough to take on Iran after warning the Jewish state not to attack Syria. "This situation cannot last, and one day the protectors of the Zionist regime -- the US in particular -- will have to explain themselves and be judged by the conscience of humanity," he said in a speech. "If Israel commits another act of idiocy and aggresses Syria, this will be the same as an aggression against the entire Islamic world and it will receive a stinging response," he said in a telephone conversation with his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad. He told Lebanon's President Emile Lahoud that "Iran would put all its potential at the service of Lebanon.
Syria justifies Action of Hezbollah and resistance
Syrian Ambassador UN spoke after Security Council in NY, 07/14/06 (Apcom) - "Action Nezbollah is an justifiable operation of resistance in relation to occupational force"
Egypt says Israeli attacks violate international law
Egypt-Lebanon, Politics, 7/14/2006
Egypt's Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit yesterday expressed his deep concern over the Israeli escalation in south Lebanon and the Palestinian territories warning that the current situation creates a powder keg in the region.
"The latest developments put the entire region on edge and do not serve the peace process," he warned.
"Targeting civilians under the pretext of combating terror is neither acceptable nor justified," the minister said, saying the Israeli practices violated international laws
b]Norway condemns Israeli attacks on Lebanon
Lebanon-Israel-European Union, Politics, 7/14/2006
Norway has distanced itself from the European Union by castigating Israel's latest war crimes in Lebanon and warning Tel Aviv it was escalating a dangerous situation.
In contrast to previous European quite some had previously refused to condemn Israel, only suggesting its attacks are "proportionate and measured, conforms to international law, and avoids civilian deaths and suffering."
Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere said he was "deeply worried over the developments" in the Middle East.
"We must avoid a situation that will turn into an international crisis," he said.
"We also condemn the Israeli attacks against Lebanon, including the bombing of the Beirut Airport and the naval blockade of Lebanese waters. This is completely unacceptable, and amounts to a dangerous escalation of the situation," Stoere said.
He also said that Israel must respect international law.
Speaking on Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK), the minister warned that "to punish Lebanon for that means that they haven't understood Lebanon's situation."
Switzerland as recently as days ago said Israel's attacks on civilians are a violation of international humanitarian law, which means a violation of the Geneva Convention. The UN civil rights committee has voted to start an investigation into Israel's actions.

Venerdi, 14 Luglio 2006 - 00:09
[...] The picture of war doesn't seem to be destined to quick fix and Israeli military operation will not stop with (improbable) release of israeli mititary prisoners of Hezbolllah. Instead, scenario of maximum tension and maximum military alertness is profiled, with all evidence to bring forth political and diplomatic conditions to attack Iran. The "question" is only when and through which signs, but Beirut is bombed to prepare soil for Teheran.
Thanks for that insightful post Laura.
I have the book "In Search of the Miraculous", and i am yet to reach that discourse of G as presented in Laura's post.
This book is a 'dry' read, and deliberately so, OSIT. It's definitely not the 'new age fluff' of this present day.

But most importantly, i think Laura brings to G's material a deep understanding, and for some reason, i 'get it' more than Ouspensky's reiteration.
I wonder if Ouspensky really understood what G was getting at?
Also, can understanding be transmitted through the written word? (I ask this because Ouspensky portrayal of the 'work' in my opinion, is coming from a journalist/new age author point of view, but Laura is coming from the perspective of someone actively in the 'work'.

Am i on the right trend of thought here? Please correct me if i'm wrong.

PS. I do apologize for going off the Middle East Crisis Topic.
Gaza: Of Mice and Men
By Israel Adam Shamir

Israeli tactics in Gaza resemble the strategy of "starving into obedience" applied by the Pentagon to North Vietnam, per the Pentagon Papers, - the single most evil piece of strategic planning in the 20th century:
"Strikes at population targets are likely not only to create a counterproductive wave of revulsion abroad and at home, but greatly to increase the risk of enlarging the war with neighbours. Destruction of locks and dams, however, does not kill or drown people. By shallow-flooding the rice, it leads after time to widespread starvation (more than a million dead?) unless food is provided--which we could offer to do at the conference table." [1]
If the Jews were to bomb a hundred thousand Gazans to oblivion, probably there would be "a wave of revulsion", but destruction, starvation and thirst are equally efficient, and do not disturb the world conscience all that much. The destruction of a Gazan power plant was a shrewd business decision as well: this American-build and insured station competed with the Israeli Electric Company for supply of electric power to Gazans. Even running at half-capacity, the power station undermined the Jewish supplier's monopoly.[2] Now it is gone, and Gazans will have to buy all their electricity from Jews at a much higher price. Combining business with pleasure, this destruction also allowed Jews to "thirst Palestinians" in addition to starving them as Gaza has no rivers, and electricity is needed to operate pumps.
Still, in this short time of Gazan "independence", Gazans have proven that they are men, not mice. Their stubborn launching of Kassams were a sign of their unbroken spirit: they refused to be starved into obedience. Kassam is hardly a weapon in the modern meaning of the word. This is a medieval weapon, a catapult, at best: an iron mote propelled by a simple device, carrying no explosives. We built and launched such missiles when we were kids in prep school. Surely, an iron mote can kill in the unlikely case of a direct hit, but the chances are small indeed.
Their brave and well-planned raid of an Israeli siege unit has restored our appreciation of Gazans' fighting abilities. It is not a simple thing to attack tanks with your bare hands. True, Israel utilised this courageous raid to jumpstart a new invasion of Gaza, but do not make too much out of this linkage: Haaretz (29.06.06) revealed that the plans for mass arrests of Palestinian leadership and for re-invasion were prepared a long time ago.
The Israeli government referred to the raid: "a horrific, serious terror attack was carried out by Palestinian factions, which ended in the deaths of two soldiers, the injury of an additional soldier, and the kidnapping of Shalit." Our friend Jeff Blankfort wittily quipped: "One would think Shalit was a little boy walking to the candy store who had been seized by a notorious child molester and not a soldier on active duty".
A Palestinian Christian Professor and a Knesset Member, Azmi Bishara said well of the resistance fighters: "Some people chose to respond to the murder of Palestinian civilians by attacking an Israeli military installation. They made the hardest choice, and chose the difficult path. Those who did not take this path, who did not make this sacrifice, or put their courage to this test, or suffer trembling nerves in the darkness of the tunnel, yet who have some delicacy of feeling towards the pains of the Palestinians could at least spare this operation the embarrassment of tainting it as terrorist."
Yea, when the Jews attack, that's war, when they are attacked, it is terror! Uri Avnery called it "a unilateral war", on a par with their "unilateral withdrawals". But this unilateralism is a constant feature of Jewish-Native relations: when Jews attack natives, this is rightful vengeance, when they get some of it back, it is a pogrom. Long before the Jews defamed Palestinians as terrorists, they vilified their previous native neighbours, Poles, Ukrainians, Russians, Spaniards, Germans as subhuman and vicious antisemites. If we reject their defamation of Palestinians, we may re-examine their accusation of others, and the whole narrative of Jewish suffering will collapse.
Then, the problem of Palestine, or rather the problem of Jewish mistreatment of their 'goyim' will appear as an old problem, for the way Jews act today probably is the way they acted - if they could - yesterday. Long before the apartheid wall spanned Palestine, the Jews did not allow a native Spaniard to enter the walled city of Lucena, where they held sway.[3] Long before they shelled Gaza, they filled Mamilla Pool in Jerusalem with blood of slaughtered Christians.
[...]The Rape of Gaza fits too well into this centuries-proven pattern. The Jewish leadership never intended to give their captive goy a chance to lead normal life. Sooner will a cat turn vegetarian. Whatever they do, expect the worst. Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes. "Their good deeds are as dangerous as their obvious crimes". In 1880s, Dostoyevsky prophesised: if and when the Jews get power, they will skin the goy alive. In Palestine this prophesy is being realised. This is not a question of innate Jewish qualities: a Jew can be good and do good, a Jew can repent, but 'the Jews' can't because this body politic exists to compete and combat the indigenes, whether in Palestine or elsewhere
[...]But why should we indulge in daydreaming? Who could do such a deed? The Arabs are subdued. The US conquest of Iraq eliminated the last independent Arab state. Iran is being pushed hard and this powerful Muslim state is happy every day it is not bombed. Syria is in the crosshairs of the US whom the French are helping them to contain Damascus. The noble fighters of Hizbullah saved the Arab dignity by their self-sacrificing exploits, but they can't hurt the monster. Never before - since Saladin - has the Middle East been so helpless and powerless.
Europe and America are equally subdued: none of prominent public figures dared to object to the Jewish Drang nach Gaza. "Why do you keep quiet?" exclaimed Jonathan Steele in the Guardian (July 6, "Europe's response to the siege of Gaza is shameful"). Don't you know the answer, Mr Steele? Whoever tried, was invariably defamed as "antisemite" and "neonazi", and lost his living and his good name. I know, I tried to defend the Palestinians, and was stabbed in the back by a couple of nice Palestinian activists, Mr Ali Abunimah and Mr Nigel Perry of Electronic Intifada, followed by a cabal of other pro-Palestinian activists. Only after that did the heavy guns of Jewish media - like the Times, or Wikipedia - go into action. These good activists deserve some credit for the present destruction of Palestine: if an Israel Shamir from Jaffa is attacked like that, what could expect a John Smith from Wisconsin? Whoever tried to defend Palestinians, got this treatment, unless he observed the PC rule of never uttering the J-word. Still, I do not regret speaking the truth, for if we keep silent, the stones will cry out.
I love the idea and ideals of QFS, unfortuneately I don't think my wife even likes the application process and she was into the 9-11 conspiracy stuff long before me. I've long been into physics and sacred geometry, stuff my wife finds too wierd.
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