Unbeliever said:
All I might say though on the process of seeking is that the one who seeks always finds the form sought because it is already defined in the psyche in order to formulate a goal.
Could you elaborate on what you mean by "form"? My understanding is that if you seek truth with any sort of assumptions or preconceived notions about what the truth is, then you'll not find it, or find only a part of it until you can let go of all assumptions. All I know about truth, as a concept, is that it is objective reality as it truly is. The only thing I know about finding objective reality is to make no assumptions and only use the data that is available to me, and my own logic (which could be wrong of course). But that's also why I can never say "I know the truth" - only say that I know a potential truth that I think is probable from the data I have seen and the reasoning I have used to try to collectively make sense of the data.
Seeking the truth is a normal action for a soul that has gone beyond the simple level of pure materialistic conceptualization. It is one step in a direction that has no absolute destiny although it aims for the absolute.
A few questions. First, what's a soul? How do you know what is a normal action for it and what is not? Why do you think "pure materialistic conceptualization" comes before seeking truth - can a soul, whatever it may be, seek truth without first having to have a materialistic conceptualization? If not, why not? Why do you call "materialistic conceptualization" simple - simple for whom, and could you define what you mean by materialistic conceptualization please? Finally, who says there is no absolute destiny in the direction of seeking truth? The C's, for example, think that there is an absolute destiny - union with the One, aka 7th density. Do you disagree? If so, why and how do you know?
Likewise it certainly befits well the seeker to get a better 'understanding' of his reality. Ideally, this understanding is of course always tempered with the further comprehension that 'understanding' in itself is always condition by the life program of an incarnate entity.
Does this include ALL understanding, or only some?
As I said earlier, I do not view truth, any truth for that madder to be absolute but always relative because they always are interpretations of a psychological mind.
I agree that perception is always subjective to some degree, if that's what you meant. But it doesn't mean that truth itself does not exist as an absolute, that there is no objective reality. It just means that we cannot be 100% sure just what it is due to limitations of our perception alone. Sometimes what is true for one reality is not true for another, but that is not a universal truth then, it is a very "local" truth. What is true for one time period may not be true for another, but again, in order to call any of these truths, the locality of the truth must be accurately expressed. If I say "911 was done by islamic terrorists" - there may be an alternate reality where this is in fact what happened. Most likely not ours though! So perhaps if you have a hyperdimentional perspective, then you are not subject to only experiencing one possible reality, you may be able to see many. However, as long as we're all experiencing the same "local reality", then to pretend otherwise would not be truth, osit. I think some truths are absolute, some are only true within a limited context - whether that context be a specific reality or a specific level of awareness or something else. But it does not mean that they are not truths, because as long as the context is included, they remain true.
Here's an example:
Q: (T) When we do the channeling and Reiki does that generate body heat?
A: Higher energy.
Q: (T) Does that translate into heat?
A: Yes in third density.
So IF this is true, then it would seem that it would seem that it's only true in 3rd density. But it doesn't make it false, because as long as we are in 3rd density, and if this is indeed a constant of 3rd density, then it will be true for us, osit.
I do understand what you mean by that word though or what is sought after. A truth that transcend all interpretations and that is at the base of reality. The difficulty remains though that so long as we look at things psychologically speaking, we are forced to use our polarized concepts, (good/evil, true/false, positive and negative), that will always force us to fragment and filter.
At 7th density, according to the C's and others, the only truth is "One". There is no fragmentation, only infinity, no polarity, no finity. But I don't see how knowing that can help us right now other than give us food for thought. On our reality polarities seem to not only exist objectively, but constitute an integral part of existance itself. Without using polarized concepts, we could never understand the nature of STS and STO, we could never understand the nature of the control system of this planet, we would never be able to free ourselves from the slavery we're currently in - knowledge protects, does it not?
Because truth is a polarized aspect of reality, it would reject its opposite and would therefore mask another very present aspect of that same reality.
I don't understand how truth is a polarized concept of reality. If truth = objective reality, aka, the way things really work in the universe, then one would think it would include all, not just either polarized or unpolarized versions of reality. However, context is important, and if from a certain level of reality polarization is an objective fact existance - then truth, by its definition, must acknowledge it fully. If there is a level of reality where there is no polarization, then again truth, by definition, must acknowledge that fully. But to pretend you are on one level while being on another is not truth - that's a lie. Speaking of which, the only thing opposite to the truth is the lie, the illusion, the falsehood. Yes the lie is a very present aspect of reality, but so what? I think you have it backwards - the truth does not mask the lie, the lie tries to mask/conceal the truth. The truth reveals the lie as a lie, that's all. Truth doesn't "reject" anything - it is what it is. But when someone seeks truth, he by default "rejects" the lie. He's not interested in illusion, he wants to understand what IS.
That is why I am more interested in principles that have no psychological values than in truths. On the other hand, a principle may not sound as attractive to the truth seeker, an aspect of it always being in opposition with his sense of comfort towards the information.
Could you explain? If a pricinple is a true principle - one that really defines an aspect of reality as it truly is, then that is the truth, is it not? And can you define your usage of principle? What if I say STO follows one principle, STS follows another, does that not make principle polarized? Interestingly, I cannot say the same about truth - STO follows truth, STS follows both, truth and lies, the devil being in the details. But the truth remains the same regardless of whether an STO being knows it or an STS being knows it, because it is objective reality.
To be objective a truth must not be polarized mentally. Then, it is not a truth. I am not arguing for the sake of such but only trying to point out certain subtleties of a concept such as truth.
So you do not use the term truth interchangeably with "objective reality", right? You keep saying it is polarized mentally - can you explain what you mean by that, or give examples? I agree that we cannot know the absolute truth and be absolutey certain of it without having an absolute awareness of all things as they truly are. So we can never say with absolute certainty that what we know is the truth - but we CAN say that we're looking for truth, and trying to come as close to truth as we possibly can. Is there a limit to how close we can get? Ultimately, probably not.
Many concepts that are held high in esteem by our human philosophical thinking scheme, even worse, our human spiritual aspirations, are also traps that keep us in a state of mind that prevents other aspects of reality to be realized. Any concept can be useful so long as we do not make them sacred. When we sacralize a concept, we become its slave and it becomes the limit of our vision.
That is why I cannot give too much value to truths.
I understand and agree with what you say about making concepts sacred, but I totally lose you when you inexplicably (to me) follow that up with "that is why I cannot give too much value to truths".
Personally, I give all value to truth. So either, as you say, you and I are on different "polarities" that "reject" one another, or we have an entirely different definition of truth. Can you define truth?
Convincing or attempting to is a subtle way of imposing one's intelligence upon that of the other.
Sometimes subtle, other times not so much - and it's not always intelligence, sometimes it's imposing one's lack of intelligence too :P
It is a form of manipulation, even if done with all the apparent respect that one can muster.
People should never be convinced of anything. Convictions, beliefs, all these things that are supported by pride and that act as egoic false security of having found something, until the ego becomes convinced of something else? Actually, truths are far more related to convictions that they are to fundamental principles.
And there you go again lol. I agree with that paragraph, but get completely dumbfounded when you bring up truths and label them convictions. Now I really want to know how you define the term "truth" as you use it. Also, please define "principle", as you use it.
When I said I was less interested in the material, I did so after reading some of it. I did not read all but got the 'drift' so to speak.
Could your lack of interest in the material have anything to do with the fact that the goal of the material is to seek truth, something that you have no interest in according to you?
I got wind of the forums and came to see what things were being discussed. I had not at that point realized that the discussions revolved around a specific points, namely channeling.
Actually, I don't think channeling is a "main" point, although it is one of them. It is certainly an important point, but did you see the huge number of topics on this forum where discussions do not even mention channeling?
It was my mistake to suppose that materials were discussed neutrally and were not specifically tied to a particular school of beliefs.
What school of beliefs is it that you think exists on this forum? Could you point out some of those beliefs? And could you point out an example of things where the discussion is not neutral and why you think this is so?
To answer Knowledge of Self more directly on that matter, as I said above, I did read some of it and what I felt was not aimed at me.
It was written for truth seekers, for anyone who wishes to learn and explore and research the true nature of our world and reality with no assumptions.
There are races in the cosmos that have seeded the planet and are getting ready to collect the result of their work. Some of those races will bring many back with them. I am not one for the take.
But do you want to be included in this "taking"? If so, I know some people you could contact that can arrange it for you in no time. In case you do wish to be taken, I'll include some of the people that I think can help, you can look their contact information up on google.
Prophet Yahweh
Dove of Oneness
If you need more, please let me know.
We tend to point at others for the attacks on our psychic and physical territory while the real mafia is a hidden, invisible, occult one. Unless we are aware of these influences, that start with the subjective thought process, our polarized conceptualizations will always benefit these forces.
Just to be on the same page - every time you use the term "polarized conceptualizations", are you referring to truth?
It is the invisible we should hate, not our peers.
Wait, but you said:
Unbeliever said:
I have no business or purpose in telling people what they should do.
How do you reconcile that? Why hate anyone at all, what's the purpose of hating? Also, very often the invisible shows up and tells us that they are our peers too, sometimes even call themselves our space brothers! So then what's the difference between our earthly "peers" and our invisible "peers"?
Unfortunately, we as a spiritual race, are in total awe with the invisible and readily give them way more than the benefit of the doubt.
What if:
Unfortunately, we as a spiritually-dead race are in total awe with the visible, and give our visible "peers" more than the benefit of the doubt.
One has to be his own proof and it is simply not possible to transfer experience.
Doesn't that equate to subjective reality? What if it is possible to transfer experience? Not so long ago people said it is simply impossible to fly in anything heavier than air too, but they all turned out to be totally wrong.
One can speak, write, but one can never interfere more than what is asked of him. Otherwise, it is a sort of black magic. The need to influence stems directly from occult forces that seek to control humanity.
What if it stems from something else like, something more internal inside each one of us?
I can already see that some would react by saying 'on what grounds can you give or withhold ground?'.
How can you have grounds to give or withhold ground, if you're not grounded in the truth, since you do not perceive truth as a viable ground on which to ground your foundation? Er.. wait.. :P
We have to be free in spirit, free of mind, concepts should not prevail over the right of freedom of a mind.
And you know what they say don't you?
The Truth shall set you Free
Then again, nobody knows who "they" are, the bastards have been wrong before, and they sure say a lot of things lol (mirth)
P.S. - There is no such thing as "should" or "have to" objectively. Nobody "has to" do or be anything, no one "should" do or be anything. I know you're not really into truth, but in case you may wish to consider it, in my personal understanding, objectivity is absolutely essential to seeing truth.