"Crisis of the Republic" and Pathocrats - An Exercise in Discernment

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Due to the complexity of the issue, I separated my own thoughts on the matter into two comments. Also, simple as the question is, no single answer can be ever sufficient. Thus, I do admit I have an answer, but there is no way that answer can be enough to constitute a solution.

I have some experience I am willing to share, however, and from these experiences I have reached my own conclusions. Each reply approaches the issue from a slightly different direction. Even so they do make up a whole of what I want to convey regarding this difficult topic.

Personally, I would be suspicious of anyone brandishing a victory “I have it!” banner. Nevertheless, experience is invaluable and I hope my two essays have constructive impact.

Laura said:
So, it seems that I'm pretty good with dealing with the intellectual side of it, but when the pity ploy comes along, I'm still the world's biggest sucker. The instant I think that someone has been hurt by me or by something I have done, even inadvertently, I am almost drowning in suffering.
It's called compassion manipulated into despair. It is no wonder, considering the predictability of psychopathic strategies that we find that in many cultures the promotion of despair is the modus operandi of “evil”. As I mentioned, we can liken the tactics of the psychopath to those of a predatory spider or wasp paralyzing its prey before it feeds or makes it food for its young.

What you describe is a textbook case, as far as I am concerned. Lobaczewski says that we need to approach psychopathy from a scientific perspective, in terms of biology. I believe, however, that the current scientific paradigm (greatly influenced by the pathocratic establishment) needs to be expanded for such an approach to be effective, and that the approach needs to involve experience outside of controlled laboratory-like conditions. Life is the laboratory in this case.

It is noteworthy that Lobaczewski was connected to your experience, occurring at the same time as Durand’s constant rants, which provided the opportunity of the basic question to be presented here. It’s like the question itself is the result of a convergence of synchronistic patterns.

I "affectionately" call psychopathic individuals "characters" (as in caricatures) and discovered that they fall into distinct categories with respect to energy centre dominance. I found that “victims” attract different types of psychopaths, whose dominance corresponds to the weakest energy centres of the victim.

Regardless of type, one can distinguish a common psychopathic strategy involving three stages:

The first is the beguiling or seduction stage. It is like the shimmer in the spider web that attracts flying insects, or the aroma of carnivorous plants. The tactics involving this stage are many, but all play upon the need to share aspirations and experience and find common ground. Like any contagion, early treatment is easiest if the miasma is identified. Two things hinder us from identifying the psychopath at this early stage: one is inexperience and the other is weakness and lack of coherence in the emotion body.

Experience can be gained, and part of it is a realization of one's own weaknesses, which the psychopath is a master at identifying and manipulating. I found that this manipulation has a hidden purpose. It pushes us to misunderstand ourselves and judge weakness and lack of inner coherence as something that needs to be excised. Thus, the psychopath tries to make us like him or herself from the onset by first superimposing themselves over our energy body through an identification with our aspirations, and then twist our own sense of right into his psychotic direction. Eventually, when our own blurred sense of empathy becomes misconstrued as pity and then as self-pity, we may end up with a heart of stone just to stop the turmoil.

I am, however, getting ahead of myself. The point is there are two more stages of psychopathic attack after this. To be able to gain a clear sense of self and the necessary experience to identify the "happy face" mask of the psychopath for what it is, we may have to run the gauntlet of these stages more than once (although the whole purpose of understanding is to spare us this unnecessary suffering).

The second stage is where the proboscis of the psychopath enters our energy field and tests the quality of our flesh, as it were. They try to take up our time, and especially our energy. There is always an implied warning given by the psychopath through some subconscious pathway at this phase that we had better cater to them "or else". When the psychopath senses that we are sufficiently intimidated they drop the mask and move into the third stage, which is domination (either overt or passive through making themselves the centre of our lives).

If we recoil from the probing proboscis, the psychopath will still drop the mask, and attempt to induce paralysis usually through two avenues of approach applied either separate or in coincidence. These are confusion and guilt. They attack, in other words, our convictions and our empathy, both basic soul qualities. I should note that I believe that to the psychopath, the soul or living psyche and its divine potential is the enemy because it negates his or her existence by its very presence. To the psychopath the soul (which is often more tangible than to those in which it resides) is an existential threat, sort of like blasphemy to the psychopathic way. Thus, the psychopath undermines soul qualities rooted in sincere conviction (inner truth) and empathy/compassion/understanding.

I have summarized this in two sentences uttered by psychopaths: 1) "Are you sure?" and 2) "You're hurting me/others/everyone". I mentioned that one point of vulnerability is lack of inner coherence. What I mean by this is not so much the existence of emotional scars or trauma residues, but a lack of a needed degree of clarity regarding those. We are all human and none of us are "pure" whatever that means, and most of us still carry residues of pain accumulated through the simple act of living in this world as it stands.

Like that of a predatory insect with evolutionary adaptations the psychotic's proboscis knows how to probe for these areas where we doubt ourselves even though we may have forgotten them, or have learned to live with them. The proboscis is very good at seeking out tender flesh, where penetration is easier. If it cannot dominate and consume us it will try to move us to deny our soul qualities, whether through denial of our convictions and inner truths or denial of our capacity to empathize with ourselves as well as others.

I have adopted the insect analogy (the buzzard analogy also fits) because I have allowed psychotics in my life to run close to the full cycle of their intent, just to prove to myself that I am not the perpetrator here. I have given the benefit of the doubt to the limits of my endurance. I have given to the point that arrogant psychopaths showed their true face, scoffing at my "weakness". Of course, in doing so, the fools threw away all pretences prematurely and disempowered their phase-two tactics. Triggering psychopaths early on often throws them off schedule and forces them to attack when the prey has not been sufficiently weakened.
I will not get into the third phase of domination because it is pretty obvious, as well as unpleasant. Most people who are in a position to build an immunity to psychopathic attack usually have gone through at least one or even more experiences of some kind of psychopathic domination or near-domination at some point in their lives. Certainly, the line between the second and third stage is blurred just as our sense of self becomes blurred as the psychopath feeds upon it.

Building immunity is akin to an organic process. There are no formulas or singular exercises. In our “cut to the chase” culture there is no chase to cut here. Like all organic processes it is gradual. Experience is always a great teacher, and as you have noted suffering through each cycle decreases each time. It is obviously more desirable, however, to attain immunity in a manner where we do not have to suffer for it.

I have noticed our friend Durand used phrases such as "happy to have danced with you". I noticed such expressions in other psychopaths as well. It seems to me the psychopaths attempt to capitalize on our need to gain through experience, by rigging the experiences of learning as just another strategy to keep themselves in proximity. Normal people feel drained by the conflict, while the psychos are envigorated by it.

I have seen too much to consider that conventional psychology or even biology suffices to really get a clear understanding of psychopaths on the individual level of encounter if not the social one. I am convinced that emotional immunity to psychopaths is what we might call a collective frontier. And it is a frontier that has never been properly addressed in the past.

It is, furthermore, a delicate subject to address because it is intimately personal as well as common to ensouled humanity. The acute distress of emotional upheavals generate a "stop the pain reflex", which may bias the mind into believing that emotional discomfort is something to be avoided or inhibited at all costs. You have expressed as much in your writings, I believe.

Most of us find ourselves in seemingly endless cycles of confronting one psychopath after another. At first all we have is the psychotic gauntlet to teach us. Slowly we can learn to stop the snowball effect before domination overtakes us. Then we can cycle through the painful tactics of the psychotic and recover faster so as to confidently halt the cycle before the psychotic begins probing for weaknesses. Finally, we can spot them through pure psychic sense, and with undeniable conviction at that.

I believe psychotics have a sixth sense as it were, and can sense their prey and the weaknesses of their prey like any evolved predator. Thus, in my opinion, the key to immunity lies in the development of the energy body and in particular the emotional body. A predator is attracted to the weak and dysfunctional, the dying but not the dead or soul-inert. A living empowered energy and emotional body is something the psychotic cannot digest. In fact, the very probability of encountering psychotics can eventually be eliminated with such empowerment, centring upon the attained integrity of the emotional body, the primary feeding ground of psychotics.

In principle, the world population would split in two parts, with whole people on one end and psychotics on the other. As this would occur integrated humanity can move to address pertinent issues in a more coherent manner. First, thing’s first and we need to take things one step at a time in my view.

In the next section I attempt to focus more on directly answering the $60,000 question. In doing so wanted to avoid any kind of presentations of methodology, simply presenting a kind of general direction that can be explored.
Any comments on emotional immunity are products of the mind, and at best they can stimulate a deeper understanding of the situation. Providing some superficial 12-step pop list is not the way to go here. There are hundreds of books on the subject (if not thousands), and still the question remains.

I believe that to begin moving in a direction of resolving the issue we need a deeper understanding of the emotional body, undoubtedly the most misunderstood aspect of our humanity. I do not claim to be the ultimate provider of understandings here, but the question has been a main focus of my life for over a decade, and the least I can do is express some of the results of my experience to date.

Let me begin by presenting a simple (and also easy to misunderstand) premise. Immunity is best seen not as a defence (in militaristic terms), but as a sign of health. As in the physical body, a healthy emotional body is also a strong one, and it is its strength that allows for immunity not from emotions, but from emotional dis-ease. So the question can be rephrased as: how do we strengthen and heal the emotional body?

How do we strengthen and promote health in the mind and body for that matter? The answer in all cases is: by exercising it in a balanced manner, by alternating activity with rest, and by insuring proper nourishment. If we can understand the nature of the emotional body, the above comparison with mental and physical bodies can have meaning, and the analogy can carry over into application.

Unfortunately, I believe the level of emotional disfunction is so prevalent in humanity that there are literally no examples of what constitutes a truly healthy emotional body out there (I do not think quasi-mythic religious avatars constitute examples either). I believe this disfunctionality is the plague of our species, and the course of history is testimony to it. From cradle to grave in every human being the emotional body is hobbled from its true potential.

Rupert Sheldrake (and other biologists) observed that when a small group of animals attains some sort of acquired trait (such as a learned behaviour), that trait spontaneously spreads to the rest of the species regardless of direct contact with the original group. One can say that the reconstitution, healing and strengthening of the wounded emotional body is a desirable acquired trait for our species. It makes sense that if a critical mass of individuals can sufficiently strengthen the emotional body to the degree of immunity from psychopathy, the trait can spontaneously spread to the rest of the species (or in the case Mouravieff’s theories, at least the “Adamic” portion).

Apparently, this has not occurred. The state of affairs in the world, however, and the prevalence of psychopaths in society is generating a kind of evolutionary pressure upon individual humans and the species as a whole to develop true emotional strength and integrity first through the few, then the many, and finally if and when a critical mass is reached, through the whole of humanity.

So if the analogy with the state of health of the mental and physical bodies is valid, what constitutes balanced exercise, what constitutes rest and what nourishment for our vulnerable emotions?

The emotion body is capable of emoting (i.e. reacting to internal or external stimuli), and of feeling, which is emotional perception. Psychopaths are usually masters at dramatic emoting. They go through extremes of emotion associated with their delusions. At the same time, they are masters of emotional manipulation, stimulating strong emotions in others and then imposing a dampening counter force, usually through the confusion of guilt.

As such, they have managed to give emotions a bad name. The fact that psychopathic manipulation is so prevalent on small and grand scales in society, we have come to associate emoting with states of acute discomfort or out of control hysteria. Without emotions, however, we cannot even know if we truly live. And the fact remains that emotive energy cannot be suppressed without consequences on mental and physical health as well.

Noise above posed the question of “judgment”. I would say that when someone is manipulating our emotional body, it amounts to a form of rape. Just as the rapist will try to blame the victim, so will the psychopath. In the case of emotional rape, only the victim can know truly what is going on (the psycho-rapist is a master of concealing their true purpose unless triggered). It is not judgement in this case as much as a real sense of what is happening. The judgement usually comes from the rapist.

To identify what is going on, the victim must be able to bypass the psychopathic smokescreen, and to do this what requires development is feeling. Emoting is a reaction to stimuli, mental, physical and/or emotional (emotions often trigger other emotions, and the trigger can come from the emotions of others as well). Forcing yourself to emote or forcing yourself into emotional inhibition is unhealthy. Psychotics tend to do both. Actors make a profession out of it, and many are quite unstable because of it.

The way to exercise the emotional body, therefore, is through feeling. Feeling is sentience. What consciousness is to the mental body, feeling is to the emotional body. It is through feeling that empathy works, and compassion is ideally the accompanying emotion. When we are emotionally compromised as we all are in a chronic way, feeling/sentience is mostly unconscious.

Exercising it brings it into awakening. Conscious feeling enhances the perceptive mode of the emotional body, which is a venue of a particular form of nonverbal knowledge, the knowledge of sentience. Ideally when this mode is active enough it combines with mental and physical (bioenergetic) knowledge, into an infallible sense of what is going on within and around us. It is no wonder the psychopath works very hard to break down the dynamics of sentience in his or her victims.

By exercising feeling through feeling into every situation and feeling into ourselves, we can enter the dynamics of our emoting. Physical pain tells the body something needs attention. You cut off all your pain receptors and you will not live long. Similarly, the temptation to numb out feeling to avoid pain will only cause emotional miasma to fester. Psychopaths will attack the (often weak) link between feeling and emotion so as to isolate the emotive dynamic and possess it, playing their victims like musical instruments.

Feelings also bridge the mind to the emotions. I believe it is a mistake for the mind to attempt to control the emotions as a rider controls a wild horse. A more functional analogy in my view is the Centaur, where human and horse form one entity. The connecting link in this case is sentience. Sentience as the aware feeling sense also forms a bridge into the body, the conduit of emotional energy. Feeling tells us where and how the mind can channel gentle intent to allow emotions to come into consciousness so the body does not suffer emotional blockage.

Instead of acted out in an extreme dramatic manner the energy of emotion can be channelled as feeling. When this occurs the body tends to balance the emotional energy. Psychopaths work against this natural balancing dynamic. The psychopath generates internal conflict to keep stress levels high, keeping the emotional body on a treadmill that can even short out the effectiveness of the feeling sense to balance emotional energies.

We all need rest, and few people really get any. Most people in modern society do not get enough sleep, and even if they do, rarely can they find a safe haven free from psychopathic influence. Psychopathy does not just involve direct influence. We are literally immersed in a collective psychopathic field 24/7. Some have called this the Matrix.

In the Matrix the emotional body (and not only that) is constantly placed in the position of a cornered animal. The psychopathic field, as well as individual psychopaths, constantly send the message that resistance is futile. Thus, psychopathic immunity is not simply a matter of dealing with people one-on-one, but involves the Matrix itself.

The question of resting the emotional body is, therefore, even more difficult than that of exercising it. Being in nature, with loved ones, in meditative solitude and/or immersed in some form of creative expression all help. Dreams inform us about the state of the emotional body. Emotional rest constitutes having the space to get in touch with what is going on within before crisis forces us to confront it painfully. Developed feeling/sentience can give us nonverbal information as to how to address it.

Physical rest, and especially sleep, are important. If we treat ourselves with respect and compassion we are certainly not being STS (although this is service to self in the literal sense). When the going gets tough, the tough need a break.

What constitutes emotional nourishment? All those things described above regarding emotional rest are also nourishing. However, to approach psychopathic immunity we need to nourish ourselves aside from the benefits of human community and solitary poise. This is done through reversing the effects of psychopathic influence within.

This reversal depends upon how deeply affected we are by both the psychopathic field and individual psychopaths. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and we can learn to identify psychopaths and avoid them. The point is we need to understand that psychopaths are attracted by existing deformities in our emotional bodies. When these deformities or discontinuities are not addressed, they create leaks in the aura that sound the dinner bell for psychopaths. We have a choice of either waiting for the predator to come to us so we can deal with the situation in a sink or swim manner, or we can explore the emotional body through the feeling sense and address, and even trigger latent discontinuities ourselves on our terms.

For most, if not all of us, the emotional body is like a wound, at least at deeper levels. It is these deeper levels that need to heal for immunity to become a reality. Usually, the synchronicities of day-to-day life, and what we dream reveal the state of our emotional topography. Self-analysis is not what I am suggesting here. What can nourish is the quality of acceptance: A full acceptance combined with allowance and the internal space for the inner state to present itself.

An awakened feeling sense insures that we are in full contact with the emotion body so we do not fall into mechanical reactions. We can discover that the emotion body is trying to tell us something regarding where and how it hurts. Perhaps a wild animal needs to be tamed, but not a wounded animal. Sometimes the revealed pain is so much the inner animal does go wild. It is no wonder when it has never been able to state its case. What it needs is compassion. It sounds cliché, new agey and feel goody, I know.

We are not, however, dealing with day-dreamy “Care Bear” tactics here. These are simply another form of emotional numbing, drowning our inner world in pastel mufflers, and suffocating us with flowery pillows. We are dealing with the fact that the emotional body has had its growth stunted because it has been treated for the most part like an unruly child of strict abusive parents. STO seems meaningless to me when we cannot apply it right here at home in our own beings.

What I am trying to say is that this is where the soul comes in. The soul is the primary nourishment of the emotional body. The feeling sense needs to find the soul, the core essence within, the divine centre. That centre needs to plug into the emotion body and become its support. Emotions are mechanized because there is nothing else to support them. They run on cycles and the Duracell batteries of conditioning because the real power source is divorced from them.

I have always considered the grail, as the cup of the sacred blood to be a metaphor for the heart (among other things). Within the body, the heart is literally the cup of blood. And to those who have bloodline genetics (and you can be sure the psychopaths plague these folks the most), the greatest concentration of blood at any time within the human body is in the heart.

The strongest magnetic field carrier in the body is the iron within the hemoglobin molecule in red blood cells. The turbulence of the blood fluid pouring in and out of the heart is a complex and powerful magnetic vortex. The vortex forms an electric field as well, which modulates the heart neural plexus, which in itself is a complex web of ionic flows. This system forms the bioenergetic equivalent to the gateway of the soul.

Chronic trauma and disfunction in the emotion body has generated a rift between the heart and the rest of the emotion body. Thus, instead of taking its rightful place as the gravitic stabilizer of the emotion body, it has been turned upward to serve the higher centres. If you push the sun out of place in our solar system, planetary orbits will go haywire, and a cataclysm will occur. If the soul is associated with the mind as its base, as it were, then the emotion body starves, shrivels and attracts psychopathic carrion.

This is one very useful way to view psychopaths in my view (although certainly not the only way): as the carrion feeding upon our own inner fragmentation. We must remember that buzzards only feed upon the dead and the dying (while psychopaths seem to ignore the dead). In trying to fight of psychopaths we can be like a dying soldier beating off vultures until they manage to pluck out his eyes.

In a world of living people, the vultures will not be able to feed and will die of starvation (however you wish to take the analogy). For now the living-dying cannot be concerned with the living-dead, and must nurse themselves back to health. This health results an immunity from the psychotic buzzards that circle around us just waiting for an opportunity to feed.
Durand said:
I'd run for your life, Henry...were I U.
Care to elaborate? Or are we supposed to develop psychic powers just to decipher your posts? Frankly, this sounds threatening. So if it is not supposed to be, please explain your meaning.
Explain, explain, explain...I thought that was the Scholars' part? U would hardly ask a psychopath to endulge your game theory about chaos and cosmos, would you? After all, the Negrido is a very tricky prospect for evolution, not unlike the Midnight Sun, which opposing the most blazing Apollonian Sight can yet overthrow the conceits the Solar paradox intends all the while; witness the insistancy of Laura to persuade her cohorts (bees or Asp spawn) to support the unfounded accusations of War...for War it IS to declaim against your whole Humanity...and I DO mean Whole, All, Sum...Omega, if you Will.

Bless the equitable, and cherish the Mean.
It's all so much clearer now. Thanks. And in case you can't tell... I am being sarcastic. I now dub you "The Alchemical Troll". Don't know what a troll is? Here's a definition:


I will no longer reply to any of your messages until you grow up enough to learn how to communicate. You have been given a great deal of consideration here, but I personally am done with you.
gaelen said:
EsoQuest said:
I agree that schizoids do tap into 4D reality as you call it. I have met many, and at least some of them have hounded me longer than I would have liked. In my experience, psychotics at first seem to share a common desire with any normal person. That is, they seem to recognize the world is not right and that something needs to be done about it.
Perhaps that THEIR world is not right i.e. not enough domination, not enough manipulation with the requisite results or rather not enough essential energy to consume and maintain that inner world. Although they may appear to recognize that the world is unfair and imbalanced and may even take jobs that are ostensibly about alleviating suffering I think it's all a sham and a sop for playing the psychopath game - without exception. The desire is a fake one used to entrap and feed.
Exactly what I was thinking too. Making a world a "better" place is pretty much what practically everyone wants, and yet each has their own conception of what is "better". However, I think that those out to change the world, whether it is to infuse it with more hierarchies and psychopaths or to get rid of those same psychopaths, are STS - to varios degrees. I think STO would perceive the world as it is, full of corruption, lies, illusions, manipulation, psychopaths, etc. But it is not something that needs to be changed, since it's all there for a reason - no tyrant ever came to power without the people allowing it, no scam artist ever fooled anyone without the victim willing to be fooled, no psychopath ever took advantage of anyone without the person's own naive gullibility allowing for it, no government ever became corrupt without people's permission and wishful thinking. In that sense the world is perfect, it is providing humanity with precisely the lessons it needs to learn, precisely that which humanity ignorantly has unleashed upon itself. However, objectively speaking, the world is pretty STS to say the least. And I agree that if enough people change themselves, the world may change as as a result simply because the world is a result of the nature of those who dwell upon it. If they change their nature fundementally, they change the world fundementally too.

I know Laura and SOTT often say that there IS a chance, a probability no matter how small or unpredictable, that change may happen if enough people begin to SEE and actively help the effort to wake up others. I agree with this. However, I do think that a large percentage of the population, and I don't mean just the 6% psychopaths but more than that, simply will NOT see, will NOT change, and will continue to be stuck in the entropic reality, STS and all. I honestly think that we're at a point where the balance will likely tip sharply to one side or the other, and it's probably pretty damn soon. And when that happens, millions, if not billions of people, will utterly fail as the "other side" wins. Either it will be the likes of SOTT group who fails, or it will be the likes of the White House and other similar types. What I mean is I don't think that if one side gets its way, the other will simply shrug, say "better luck next time", and go back to work. Right now both sides sort of co-exist, but if the balance tips, I don't think that will continue. If STS dominates, then I think STO (or STO potentials) will not be able to just hang around anymore - they'll be eliminated, there won't be a "next time" any time within the next 300,000 years or so, if not more.

But conversely, if WE win (aka, STO candidates, truth seekers), we're not going to kill anyone. For example, let's say that 80% of the population suddenly starts to wake up, and lean towards STO as some sort of chaotic chain reaction of the efforts of this group and others. Let's say the other 20%, which includes the 6% psychopaths and 14% psychopathic-types but not exactly true psychopaths, simply will NOT go along with the 80%, not in this grand cycle they won't anyway. Of course the percentages may be much bigger than that, there's always the potentially 50% organic portals, but I'll ignore that for a second, let's assume it's only 20% "bad" vs 80% "good", which seems overly optimistic anyway. Well, what then happens to the 20%!? I know that if those 20% WON, the rest will either be lined up and shot or heavily controlled in some way, much much more heavily and directly than anything going on now. But what happens to that hypothetical 20% if the other 80% wins?

Well they are NOT going to be put against a wall and shot are they? The psychopaths and those who irreversibly follow them are not going to be systematically killed are they? I honestly don't think so, because that would contradict the whole point of who THIS side is and what it does and why - THEY kill, we don't, period (right!?!)! So although the psychopaths and similar types will be disempowered, they'll still be around, I'm just not sure what would happen then? Would they not be allowed to reproduce or something so they naturally die out? That's one possibility.

They may not have any more power over the world at large, but they're still psychopaths, they won't simply play nice either and quietly accept their fate. That's one issue I've been thinking about - how do we get rid of psychopaths without violating free will or killing anyone? For example, what happened to all the Nazis when WWII was over? Well that's a very complex issue, since "Nazis" does not equate to evil - there were many who were simply afraid to fight back, confused, propagandized, etc. Some really smart and callous ones were welcomed right into the US government offices with a big paycheck and absolution. But I think the thing with that is, even without nazi germany, the world is a psychopathic place, so although the hardcore devout nazis could not get their fix by having the world be nazi-owned, they could still join plenty of government groups with the exact same ideology as the nazis, so they could still get their fix of power in a slightly different setting. However, with what is happening now, IF the "good guys" win, there will BE no more governments with a psychopathic ideology period - there will NOT be any such thing for those remaining psychopaths to join up with, they will literally have no more access to any power over anyone, so for lack of a better phrase, they'll literally be "washed up".

And THAT makes me get goosebumps just thinking about - what do a few million disempowered psychopaths do? You know how they can get pretty damn violent pretty damn quickly if you scratch their back a little? I'm guessing they'll be a bit like a bunch of very angry, insane rabid monkeys. Hell, angry and insane rabid monkeys ain't got nothin on a bunch of disempowered psychopaths. Can anyone say "night of the living dead"?

Any thoughts guys?
What I meant when I wrote what was quoted above was that at first, a psychopath may be latent or untriggered. The psychopath may take it for granted that they are seriously ethical and sincere. They may not be consciously trying to fool anyone about it at first, but simply approach the whole concept of sincerity as a child trying to play grown-up, only this time even the real grown-ups are taken in.

Eventually, both the real sincere person and the psychopath realize that they are using the same names for completely different things. At that point (in my personal dealings with such "coming out of the closet" psychopaths) its almost as if the psycho has an epiphany as to what they really are. From then on their agendas are more blatant in the manner that gaelen described.

So I was probably describing just one type of psychopath or a stage of psychopathy where they have an epiphany of their true nature and then become more deliberate and willfully deceptive.

As for the rest, I can understand how one can see the whole mess in terms of a war with winners and losers. To me, however, that's a bit too black and white. I mean, who is STO? There's so much to deal with even in the "purest" psyche that its probably easier and more constructive to see the "enemy" in the mirror and understand it that way first, than to view the situation in terms of factions, although there are psychopaths that are blatantly dangerous as "enemies", as well as organized psychopathic pathocracies.

I'm just wondering what would be the more useful way in terms of "tipping the scale" toward STO as you put it. For example, psychopaths can hurt, but I do not believe (at least as things stand now) that they have a direct line to the free will of others. They certainly will, however, if we forget how to exercise our free will in the little things in life, with petty psychopaths, which I believe can teach us pointers on how to deal with the larger scale versions and pathocratic manifestations. You know, like training wheels. And just from a practical standpoint, it aint over till its over, and until its over the word "defeat" can be put on the back-burner.

As for the hypothetical fate of psychopaths if the good guys win: From what I understand, the C's call it a Border Crossing or Transition. I guess, this means the whole probability scape changes. Perhaps the conditions that cause psychopathy will also change. I mean we are talking about more than just a change in the political system. This is bound to affect the genetics of everyone in some way.

Now if on the same planet you have some humans in 4D and some in 3D, given that the 4D humans do not just fall into another STS debacle, psychopaths will not be able to affect those in 4D, who will be effectively out of their reach, even though on the same planet. Imagine the "good guys" now being completely immune to psychopaths, and having freed themselves from that influence in all ways. All the psychos will have is each other. Maybe they'll all kill each other, or go insane and tear their own heads off. Maybe they'll shuffle around until they die of natural causes or from depression because nobody pays any attention to them anymore.

Whatever happens, it seems the whole point of "winning" and disempowering the psychopath is so that they cannot do damage anymore. After that, what they do do, is their business. I wouldn't worry about the day after in any case when today has yet to end. :)
Durand said:
Explain, explain, explain...I thought that was the Scholars' part? U would hardly ask a psychopath to endulge your game theory about chaos and cosmos, would you?
Fascinating! Of course we'd ask a psychopath to endulge a game theory of chaos and cosmos, dear Durand, for it is the psychopath's composition, after all.

Durand said:
witness the insistancy of Laura to persuade her cohorts (bees or Asp spawn) to support the unfounded accusations of War...for War it IS to declaim against your whole Humanity...and I DO mean Whole, All, Sum...Omega, if you Will.
Hmm, sounds like you feel that Laura's work is a 'vile superstition', characterized by a 'hatred of humanity'! Who else had their work and words labeled as such? Go ahead, take a second, you'll come up with it.... listen to this weekend's podcast for a clue!

Laura said:
Something mysterious began to act on my mind in a strange way and the result was that I found myself feeling exactly as though
I had no right to do anything, to want anything, no right to ask for anything, no right to live even. Everything I had ever done had done nothing but hurt other people. All these people were hurt, they were all
screaming out loud how I had hurt them, and obviously such a person as myself ought to just do the right thing and go out behind the barn and shoot myself and save the world further misery.

I just recently watched an episode of a show called "Penn and Teller: Bullshit" that is shown on the Showtime channel. Long story short, the episode was about political correctedness and how people get "offended", and the episode mainly focused on college campuses and such, and how this indoctrination occurs. Basically, it seems that we're being taught in society that although we supposedly have free speech, we have NO right to offend others - period. And the way it is being taught is that people get punished all the time simply for offending others, when those who were offended complain. You know this as well or better than anyone, just think about what you can and cannot say on TV and why, magazines, newspapers. I just recently found out that many newspapers, if not most, never spell the word God, they replace the o with a dash and spell it as G-d because otherwise they offend a whole junkload of religious types who think that they are using God's name in vain. So the words you use, the clothes you wear, the opinions you hold, your haircut, etc. If you consider what sort of things actually offend people and why, you realise that EVERYTHING offends someone - so yeah, in a sense, NO ONE has the right to exist! You being white offends many people who don't like white people. You not being religious offends even more people. You BEING religious offends others. Your hobbies offend lots of people. Try wearing fur and see how many people will call you a supporter of genocide and animal torture, and will literally hate your guts. Eat meat? You got it, plenty of people offended right away! Your political opinions probably offend most people (mirth!). Your opinions about God, about religion, about history, offend the rest (lol)!

Laura, I hereby declare you probably one of the most offensive people in the world (some more mirth, but seriously I might be right!). Wanna know something funny? If you were as popular as Bush, you'd offend a HELL of a lot more people than he ever did. So if you think the psychos in the white house are bad, look in the mirror cuz u're apparently the ultimate face of evil on this planet!

Oh and if you're ever gonna try to judge your worth by how many people think you ruined their lives, then to be fair, consider how many people think you were the best thing that ever happened to them. Of course I know you know that both of these judgements are nonsense in and of themselves - numbers of people liking or disliking anything has absolutely NOTHING to do with objective reality of what that thing really is or does, you know this better than anyone.

So please PLEASE offend some more people, don't ever EVER STOP your offensive crusade (some more mirth). Your naturally "offensive" nature is why I love you so much, why others love you just as much and more, and at least for me, you, your opinions, your nature, your WORK - these are the greatest thing that ever happened to me, and I'd NEVER under any circumstances ever would wish to return to a life without knowing you, this group, SOTT, etc. Granted, the exact same thing (more or less) has been said to Hitler and similar types too, but that only proves the irrelevance of it, and the irrelevance of the "opposite" conviction that you're the worst thing that ever happened to someone! Everyone make SOMEONE happy and someone else really upset or pissed off. The devil is in the OBJECTIVE details, as you KNOW, and I'm only saying it just in case you wanted someone else to remind you, cuz as you also know, the support of others is how we all get through this scortched world. This means intellectual support, emotional support, etc.

And I know I'm not nearly as strong, knowledgeable, and therefore protected from such influences as you or others may be. In fact, that thing you had for 4 days I can get for weeks, months - as you also did before when you were where I am now. But in the end, just as you have, I eventually come back to reality, I have to - cuz there's no other choice for me. As you and SOTT so many times said, you do this because it is in you to do, it is who you are. Doubts and confusion, both intellectual and emotional, can and will arise, they HAVE to for progress to be made, for lessons to be learned, osit. But in the end, IF there is something deep inside you that "knows better" due to your own efforts at growing your magnetic center and solidifying your "I", combined with perhaps a lesson profile or some sort of pre-designed mission, maybe a deep sense of responsibility for humanity, whatever that inner truth-seeking seed is, if it is there then those doubts and confusion, which as you also know define the "normal" every-day existance of most human beings, for you they'll be temporary, and they're pretty useful to point out your own "unpatched" places though, those vulnerabilities that you still have to work on etc.

And the question at the end of your post, I think perhaps the answer is simply knowledge. I believe it was esoquest that mentioned the manipulation of your own "energy field" so that psychopaths cannot detect you as a victim, by "sensing" your vulnerabilities like a lion can sense which animal in a herd is weak or wounded, and goes for that one. This seems like one possible answer too, but I think at the root of that, is also knowledge.

Just some thoughts :)

P.S. - Laura this week, while the guys are away, just make ur own podcast and fake their voices instead! I'd pay to hear that!! The image of you sitting there doing that is too hilarious to not consider :P (sorry my mirth has no limit today).
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
But conversely, if WE win (aka, STO candidates, truth seekers), we're not going to kill anyone. For example, let's say that 80% of the population suddenly starts to wake up, and lean towards STO as some sort of chaotic chain reaction of the efforts of this group and others. Let's say the other 20%, which includes the 6% psychopaths and 14% psychopathic-types but not exactly true psychopaths, simply will NOT go along with the 80%, not in this grand cycle they won't anyway. Of course the percentages may be much bigger than that, there's always the potentially 50% organic portals, but I'll ignore that for a second, let's assume it's only 20% "bad" vs 80% "good", which seems overly optimistic anyway. Well, what then happens to the 20%!? I know that if those 20% WON, the rest will either be lined up and shot or heavily controlled in some way, much much more heavily and directly than anything going on now. But what happens to that hypothetical 20% if the other 80% wins?

Well they are NOT going to be put against a wall and shot are they? The psychopaths and those who irreversibly follow them are not going to be systematically killed are they? I honestly don't think so, because that would contradict the whole point of who THIS side is and what it does and why - THEY kill, we don't, period (right!?!)! So although the psychopaths and similar types will be disempowered, they'll still be around, I'm just not sure what would happen then? Would they not be allowed to reproduce or something so they naturally die out? That's one possibility.

Any thoughts guys?
I don’t know anything about percentages, but here are my thoughts on this subject.
From my understanding of the current knowledge presented to me, this is directly related to the 200 or so people waking-up and having a chain-affect and opening a ‘conduit’ for others (who SEE) to follow. This is then followed by the analogy of ‘the wave’ since, the wave is approaching and we will be shifting into a new plain of existence. A new earth, of STO polarity instead of STS. And the people who still have the FRV of STS, will either graduate to 4D STS, or fall into another 300,000 year cycle as food for the 4d STS. So ScioAgapeOmnis, your concern is what happens to the psychopaths after the STO candidates have won the ‘war’. Well, imo this is their world, let them have it. We will win this ‘war’ when we learn that our FRV no longer resonates with that of STS, and thus we no longer belong here. And that is obviously achieved through doing, the work and seeing.

Laura said:
I began to think: "well, if these people think I am so awful, maybe I am?!" And then I began to start looking
at myself and everything I had ever said and done in a very negative light. I began to wonder if someone like me - obviously so different from these other people - has a right to exist since my existence causes pain to others. How dare I come along and take their happy lives away from them by expecting them to do the very hard (admittedly so) work that is required to find something of truth? After all, if they are so happy believing lies, what right do I have to upset that apple cart and cause them pain?

Then things began to really deteriorate. After taking the thoughts that far, I began to question my own view of everything. I began to ask myself do you really KNOW what is the difference between good and evil? After all, if these people believe YOU are evil, maybe they are right and you are wrong. What right do you have to exist?
With the above said, we are technically at ‘war’. But not a type of war where men bleed of flesh, and people die. It is a war of the minds, and the war of FRVs.
Imo, Laura, you have chosen the path of STO FRV, and thus YES, you DO hurt others, who are in the STS FRV. They have chosen to PERCEIVE to be hurt by you and others on the path to STO. And that is why they in turn hurt you, and others of STO FRV (or who are trying to become STO FRV) THEY feel as if they are the ones being attacked all the time, when they are the one doing the attacking.
I don’t know if this analogy will work here, but it is as if you are a warrior on the battlefield and you have put up your shield that is made of spikes. They keep running into it and saying YOU are hurting us. Well, if they were not attacking you in the first place you would not have to defend your self and thus hurt them.
Those like Duran have shown me that we must get off our butts and DO something, because they are DOING what they have to, to survive.
knowledgeofself said:
"I don’t know if this analogy will work here, but it is as if you are a warrior on the battlefield and you have put up your shield that is made of spikes. They keep running into it and saying YOU are hurting us."
I like that analogy.
SAO said:
Laura this week, while the guys are away, just make ur own podcast and fake their voices instead! I'd pay to hear that!! The image of you sitting there doing that is too hilarious to not consider tongue (sorry my mirth has no limit today).
Better you should imagine us doing two in a row in one night after a long day doing the signs page, exhausted and making them REAL short.

Fortunately, they brought back lots of photos and I'll be getting them up soon.
esoquest said:
As for the "scratch" test, just writing as you do is a scratch for most psychotics. That is one level. Other psychotics or latent psychotics of both leader and follower varieties can, however, fly under the initial radar by performing their own "corrections" upon the information. However, maintaining a facade (even if they convince themselves that they believe it) is highly stressful for even the most covert psychotics when their needs are not consistently met. Eventually, they will crack. Understanding this dynamic is very important for damage control among other things.
I'm thinking you mean psychopaths not psychotics. People who suffer from a mental disorder suffer psychosis, such as hallucinations, delusions and disorganised speech or behaviour. They can also suffer from extreme fear.

A psychosis may even be drug induced.
I said:
This idea is something that has exercised me to no end. As recently as a week ago the issue came up again due to an experience I had that made it clear to me that I am NOT as immune as I would like to think I am. What is funny is that it seems Lobaczewski "sensed" something was wrong and wrote an email to me saying "I am uneasy, is something wrong?" I wrote him back last night a long description of the incident.
Thought I would share the exchange with Lobaczewski that resulted from this incident (along with a few comments):

Lobaczewski said:
Rzeszów, thursday, 2. March 2006

Dear Madame Laura.

Thank you for your long and sincere letter of 24 February. It permits me to be a little bit helpful for you.

The experiences with your persecutors and your own responses are calling to my mind the very similar, we passed many years ago during the time of compulsory “ideological indoctrination”. Please also read this again. (page 144 in the pre-print) Then take an attitude of a naturalist and study, in a objective way, the typical responses of a psychopathic personality to your activieties. It will render you more immune in result.
Here I will insert the passage Lobaczewski refers to:

Ponerology said:
May the reader please imagine a very large hall in some old Gothic university building. Many of us gathered there early in our studies in order to listen to the lectures of outstanding philosophers. We were herded back there the year before graduation in order to listen to the indoctrination lectures which recently had been introduced.

Someone nobody knew appeared behind the lectern and informed us that he would now be the professor. His speech was fluent, but there was nothing scientific about it: he failed to distinguish between scientific and everyday concepts and treated borderline imaginations as though it were wisdom that could not be doubted.

For ninety minutes each week, he flooded us with naive, presumptuous paralogistics and a pathological view of human reality. We were treated with contempt and poorly controlled hatred. Since fun poking could entail dreadful consequences, we had to listen attentively and with the utmost gravity.

The grapevine soon discovered this person’s origins. He had come from a Cracow suburb and attended high school, although no one knew if he had graduated. Anyway, this was the first time he had crossed university portals, as a professor, at that!

“You can’t convince anyone this way!” we whispered to each other. “It’s actually propaganda directed against themselves.” But after such mind-torture, it took a long time for someone to break the silence. We studied ourselves, since we felt something strange had taken over our minds and something valuable was leaking away irretrievably. The world of psychological reality and moral values seemed suspended as if in a chilly fog. Our human feeling and student solidarity lost their meaning, as did patriotism and our old established criteria. So we asked each other, “are you going through this too”? Each of us experienced this worry about his own personality and future in his own way. Some of us answered the questions with silence. The depth of these experiences turned out to be different for each individual.

We thus wondered how to protect ourselves from the results of this “indoctrination”. Teresa D. made the first suggestion: Let’s spend a weekend in the mountains. It worked. Pleasant company, a bit of joking, then exhaustion followed by deep sleep in a shelter, and our human personalities returned, albeit with a certain remnant. Time also proved to create a kind of psychological immunity, although not with everyone.

Analyzing the psychopathic characteristics of the “professor’s” personality proved another excellent way of protecting one’s own psychological hygiene.

You can just imagine our worry, disappointment, and surprise when some colleagues we knew well suddenly began to change their world-view; their thought-patterns furthermore reminded us of the “professor’s” chatter. Their feelings, which had just recently been friendly, became noticeably cooler, although not yet hostile. Benevolent or critical student arguments bounced right of them. They gave the impression of possessing some secret knowledge; we were only their former colleagues, still believing what those professors of old had taught us. We had to be careful of what we said to them. Our former colleagues soon joined the Party.

Who were they, what social groups did they come from, what kind of students and people were they? How and why did they change so much in less than a year? Why did neither I nor a majority of my fellow students succumb to this phenomenon and process? Many such questions fluttered through our heads then.

Those times, questions, and attitudes gave rise to the idea that this phenomenon could be objectively understood, an idea whose greater meaning crystallized with time. Many of us participated in the initial observations and reflections, but most crumbled away in the face of material or academic problems. Only a few remained; so the author of this book may be the last of the Mohicans.

It was relatively easy to determine the environments and origin of the people who succumbed to this process, which I then called “transpersonification”. They came from all social groups, including aristocratic and fervently religious families, and caused a break in our student solidarity to the order of some 6 %.

The remaining majority suffered varying degrees of personality disintegration which gave rise to individual efforts in searching for the values necessary to find ourselves again; the results were varied and sometimes creative.

Even then, we had no doubts as to the pathological nature of this “transpersonification” process, which ran similar but not identical in all cases. The duration of the results of this phenomenon also varied. Some of these people later became zealots. Others later took advantage of various circumstances to withdraw and re-establish their lost links to the society of normal people. They were replaced. The only constant value of the new social system was the magic number of 6 %.

We tried to evaluate the talent level of those colleagues who had succumbed to this personality-transformation process, and reached the conclusion that on average, it was slightly lower than the average of the student population. Their lesser resistance obviously resided in other bio-psychological features which were most probably qualitatively heterogeneous.

I had to study subjects bordering on psychology and psychopathology in order to answer the questions arising from our observations; scientific neglect in these areas proved an obstacle difficult to overcome. At the same time, someone guided by special knowledge apparently vacated the libraries of anything we could have found on the topic.

Analyzing these occurrences now in hindsight, we could say that the “professor” was dangling bait over our heads, based on the psychopaths’s above-mentioned specific psychological knowledge. He knew in advance that he would fish out amenable individuals but the limited numbers disappointed him.

The transpersonification process generally took hold whenever an individual’s instinctive substratum was marked by pallor or some deficits. To a lesser extent, it also worked among people who manifested other deficiencies, also the state provoked within them was partially impermanent, being largely the result of psychopathological induction.

This knowledge about the existence of susceptible individuals and how to work on them will continue being a tool for world conquest as long as it remains the secret of such “professors”. When it becomes skillfully popularized science, it will help nations develop immunity. But none of us knew this at the time.

Nevertheless, we must admit that in demonstrating the properties of pathocracy in such a way as to force us into in-depth experience, the professor helped us understand the nature of the phenomenon in a larger scope than many a true scientific researcher participating in this work in one way or another.
Now, back to Lobaczewski's letter:

Lobaczewski said:
Their furies are to be understand as the symptomatical responses. For them you are the worst enemy. You are hurting them very painfully. For a psychopath, revealing his real condition, tearing down his Cleckley-mask, brings the end of his self-admiration. You are threating them with destroying of their secret world, and bring to null their dreams of ruling and introducing their best social system possible. When his real condition is publicly revealed, a psychopath feels like a wounded animal. In such conditions, suicidal thoughts are common among them.

To defend themselves they are using all the possibilities that nature endowed them with. The unusual creativity of suggestive innuendos, new catchwords and so on, they employ is their typical way. (Look page 167). Therefore, such aggession could be readily foreseen! And so you have an opportunity to study this phenomenon of psychopathic nature.
Again, I will insert the relevant passage that Lobaczewski has indicated:

Ponerology said:
Psychopaths are conscious of being different from the world of normal people. That is why the “political system” inspired by their nature conceals an awareness of being different. When we just observe the role of ideology in this macrosocial phenomenon, quite conscious of the existence of this specific awareness, we understand why ideology is relegated to a tool-like role: something useful in dealing with those other naive people and nations. Pathocrats must nevertheless appreciate the function of ideology as being something essential in any ponerogenic group, especially in the macrosocial phenomenon which is their “homeland”. This factor of awareness simultaneously constitutes a certain qualitative difference between the two above-mentioned relationships. They know their real ideology derived from their deviant natures, and treat the “other” with barely concealed contempt.

A well-developed pathocratic system thus no longer has a clear and direct relationship to its original ideology, which it only keeps as its primary, traditional tool for action. For practical purposes of pathocratic expansion, other ideologies may be useful, even if they contradict the main one and heap moral denunciation upon it. However, these other ideologies must be used with care, refraining from official acknowledgement within environments wherein the original ideology appears overly foreign, discredited, and useless.

The main ideology succumbs to symptomatic deformation, in keeping with the characteristic style of this very disease and with what has already been stated about the matter. The names and official contents are kept, but another different content is insinuated underneath, thus giving rise to the well-known double talk phenomenon within which the same names have two meanings: one for initiates, one for everyone else. The latter is derived from the original ideology; the former has a specifically pathocratic meaning, something which is known not only to the pathocrats themselves, but also to those people living under long-term subjection to their rule.

Doubletalk is only one of many symptoms. Others are the specific facility for producing new names which have suggestive effects and are accepted virtually uncritically, in particular outside the immediate scope of such a system’s rule. We must thus point out the para-moralistic character and paranoidal qualities frequently contained within these names. The action of paralogisms and paramoralisms in this deformed ideology becomes comprehensible to us based on the information presented in Chapter IV. Anything which threatens pathocratic rule becomes deeply immoral. This also applies to the concept of forgiving the pathocrats themselves; it is extremely dangerous and thus “immoral”.
Back again to the letter:

Lobaczewski said:
Take also some pity for the psychopaths, but for yourself as well. Dose your activity properly and share it with other persons. Be conscious of this, that this is a world-wide problem, solving of which is a matter of a long time, of the whole our century, I believe. Do as much as you may, and do not face more trouble than you must and you may endure. Everyone needs some rest and enjoyment. It is your duty to be healthy!

The solving of this huge problem needs firstly a profound research in biological and psychological nature of such phenomena. Actual knowledge is still not sufficient for practical action. Then the popular lesson of psychology is to be introduced to shools, including the necessary information on psychopathies, and on the non-hereditary causes of mental abnormalities as well. This last is what I try to propagate in Poland. Really to nobody is given the joy to see the results of the toil of his life.

Let me pass the words of kind Regard and greetings for you and your Husband.

Truly yours,

Andrew £obaczewski.
I wrote back as follows:

Laura said:
Subject: Re: A bit help Date sent:
Fri, 3 Mar 2006 15:45:28 +0100

Dear Professor,

Thank you for your kind words of support.

One question I have is: do you really think they actually feel "suicidal?" I'm trying to understand this because I have always understood suicide to be a consequence of great despair - emotional pain including self-doubt - which the psychopath does not ever experience.

You are describing it as a "wounded animal." Isn't it more like an animal whose attempt to kill another creature for dinner has been thwarted? If the crocodile doesn't eat the zebra, I don't think he feels like killing himself he just gets "smarter."

A friend of ours, a lawyer whose hobby is mathematics, had a cousin who was a patient of Cleckley and was diagnosed as a psychopath. This cousin eventually committed suicide. He has studied the subject deeply and he questions whether or not his cousin was, indeed, psychopathic.

Do you know of cases where a real, confirmed, psychopath has done this?

You say to have pity for the psychopath. Well, I am trying. But I find that I feel about them the same way I do about crocodiles. I don't want to do away with crocodiles, but I don't believe they should live among people.

In fact, after working my way through this recent "effect," I realized that the main issue was that I was moved to pity by these individuals and that pity is what triggered my own self-accusations. After all, these people were saying I had hurt them (even if I knew it to be lies) and above all things, I do not want to hurt anyone!

Thank you very much, and our best to you.

The response:

Lobaczewski said:
Rzeszów, Monday, March 6. 2006.

Is a crocodile really guilty that he is not born a chimpanzee? You are partly right finding some similarity of the essential psychopathy to the way of thought of a crocodile. They are somewhat mechanical. But, are they guilty, that they have inherited an abnormal gene, and their instinctive substratum is different from that of big majority of human population? Such person is not able to feel like we are doing, or to understand a person bearing a normal instinctive endowment. Please also to try to understand a psychopath, and take some pity for them. Limiting the role of psychopaths in ponerogenesis, particularly causing tragedies of women, and then gradually the number of their appearence is a real aim.

As in concern of the suicidal tendencies in psychopaths’, it is a confused matter. They enjoy the life and "eating lot of meat." But putting them wise of their incorrectable abnormality is dangerous to the therapist and to themselves. It causes suicidal tendencies realized often by overuse of narcotics. Even with psychopathic prisoners, a psychologist must be circumspect.

Take as well in your consideration that in the whole pool of pathologic factors taking part in ponrogenesis, all kinds of psychopathies make up some less than a half of the total number. The pathologic conditions, usually not hereditary, are making more than the other half. Stalin was not a psychopath. He was a case of frontal characteropathy (Character disorder) due to the damage of frontal centers (10A&B) caused by a disease he experienced as a newborn. This produces the dramatically dangerous characters. I describe the role of such woman. (Page 83 –86). Fortunately, the contemporary care for newborns’ reduces such cases to a small part of appearence in early XX century, and to lighter cases.

With best greetings.

Andrew M. £obaczewski
What really caught my eye in the above was this: Limiting the role of psychopaths in ponerogenesis, particularly causing tragedies of women, and then gradually the number of their appearence is a real aim.
Someone commented recently that the drive to overturn Roe vs Wade was a psychopathic maneuver to insure that more psychopaths would be born since women who had been raped would be forced to bear the children of violence.

A QFG member is working on an in-depth study of sexual violence against women and children and I have read some of the material. It strikes me that sexual predation may very well be a particular expression of psychopathy. I'm not saying that all sexual predators are psychopaths or that all psychopaths are sexual predators, but there is a very significant overlapping of the characteristics. VERY significant from what I have read. This leads back to the issue of so-called "Indigo Children." It seems to be a label designed to "shield" young psychopaths by grouping them with truly gifted children.

In short, the whole problem is pretty overwhelming when you think about it.
Ruth said:
I'm thinking you mean psychopaths not psychotics. People who suffer from a mental disorder suffer psychosis, such as hallucinations, delusions and disorganised speech or behaviour. They can also suffer from extreme fear.
Yes, I do. I did not look into the discrepancy. Now that you mention it, however, there does seem to be a relation between the two.

Lobaczewski said:
But putting them wise of their incorrectable abnormality is dangerous to the therapist and to themselves. It causes suicidal tendencies realized often by overuse of narcotics. Even with psychopathic prisoners, a psychologist must be circumspect.
Like the psychotic, the psychopath suffers a schizoid break with reality, effectively restructuring it around their own self importance, and as Lobaszewski states, when that self-importance is threatened...

You are hurting them very painfully. For a psychopath, revealing his real condition, tearing down his Cleckley-mask, brings the end of his self-admiration. You are threating them with destroying of their secret world, and bring to null their dreams of ruling and introducing their best social system possible. When his real condition is publicly revealed, a psychopath feels like a wounded animal. In such conditions, suicidal thoughts are common among them.
Granted, all psychotics are not psychopaths, but psychopaths may degenerate into psychotic behaviour when their raison d'etre is threatened. This is perphaps the real turmoil that the psychopath experiences and tries to evade at all costs: the turmoil rooted in the secret fear that their self-importance will be revealed to be the paper tiger it is.

One thing that makes me suspicious of comparing psychopaths to crocodiles (and I myself have compared them to predators of the natural world) is that even predators are part of nature, while psychopaths are a corruption of nature. They are failures, either genetically or through environmental factors.

Even so they try to play the role of some legitimate evolutionary nitch. It almost seems that on some level they sense they are failures and are trying to force a place for themselves in the scheme of things. Since they have no place, however, the rest of the human (and often natural) ecosystem must pay the price for their existential imposition.

On one level a normal person cannot help but feel for them, as one feels for any diseased element of nature. That is part of the normal person's constitution, in any case. One might say psychopaths should be pitied, but psychopathy itself should not. Yet, even the psychopath gets suicidal when they cannot exist on their own warped terms. It's as if they are hard-wired to alienation, and must either forge an existence of denial at the expense of everything else or face the fact that they are aliens in human bodies.

Perhaps we can understand the phenomenon of psychopathy if we observe the subtle stress-induced occassional psychopathic surges in ourselves. If we can take advantage of such a situation, if and when it arises (which is difficult because we then literally go unconscious to ourselves) we can really feel the psychopathic experience, and then imagine what it would be like to be that way 24/7 with no way out.

No human can withstand a perpetually meaningless existence (whatever their personal definition of meaning). Even if such an existence is endured, it is done so through denial and self-delusion. When those defenses are stripped away from the psychopath all that is left is an existential void hardwired in their very cellular structure.

That's why a normal person exhibiting psychopathic surges and symptoms for one reason or another can (often easily) recover, while a real chronic psychopath is for all practical purposes, most likely damned. Even if there is a "cure" (and there may well be), the practical problem as with any disease is first its containment. If psychopaths have a sense of survival, that sense cannot be allowed to express on their pathological terms. Their nitch of self-promotion at the expense of others needs to be cut off first and foremost, and the establishment of that nitch is rooted in generating reactions in others favourable to their delusions.

IMO, one of the reasons they attack people with real causes is because the cause, tailored to their delusions of self-importance, is a ready vehicle to give them the meaning they crave. In their minds, they may believe the cause is rightfully their own, so they attempt to hijack it like a virus hijacks a cell. Through the cause they then reproduce.

Laura said:
Someone commented recently that the drive to overturn Roe vs Wade was a psychopathic maneuver to insure that more psychopaths would be born since women who had been raped would be forced to bear the children of violence.
And it seems they have all the instincts of a virus, although one that is a corruption of ecosystemic harmony. There is a theory, in fact, that some viruses are causes of cancer. It's almost as if the psychopathic pattern itself is an "entity" with a survival and breeding instinct. Like the above example, there are many things going on in society today that seem to point to the psychopathic pattern (distinct from those that carry it) is "terraforming" human society to become the dominant form of consciousness.
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