Crystal Requests!

Depuis que je connais le chant pour les cristaux, et grâce à l'enregistrement de Mililea (encore merci pour cette aide, qui profite à chaque fois que je chante), j'entends dans ma tête la mélodie souvent dès le matin comme pour dire: "c'est l'heure" ou "bien connecte toi!". Au début, à chaque réveil dans la nuit, je l'entendais... c'est comme une prière.
Alors, que je ne connais pas la langue anglaise (ou si peu) et qui ne sait pas chanter, c'est risible de m'entendre chanter en anglais même si c'est la nuit et dans la tête....

Since I know how to sing for crystals, and thanks to Mililea's recording (thanks again for this help, which benefits every time I sing), I hear in my head the melody often in the morning as if to say: "it's time" or "get connected". At the beginning, every time I wake up in the night, I hear it... it's like a prayer.
So, I don't know the English language (or so little) and who can't sing, it's laughable to hear me singing in English even if it's night and in my head....
Hi, @NOONE It doesn't matter if you can sing or not and who determines that anyway? When a mum sings to her children, the children don't care either, it sounds wonderful to them. The children also don't care if the language is pronounced correctly. Maybe if you look at it from this point of view? It's about what you feel in that moment, I would say. :love:

When I was a little child, my great-grandmother used to play her violin and sing to me when I slept over at her house. I liked it so much that I also learned to play the violin. She was my great role model. When I was older, I heard it with different ears, it was quite strange. But I loved her for it and it will always stay in my mind and my heart, that she did it for me. :violin:
I spend my first night with the Dream Stone under my pillow and my partner had nightmares... can the stone give you bad dreams?

I don’t think the Dream Stone gives anyone unpleasant bad dreams. Maybe that’s from STS forces trying to manipulate us not to using dream-stone, I never know for sure, but you never know! That’s why I don’t trust all the dreams I having nowadays.
Anyway, some of transcripts explain people having bad/weird dreams.

April 28, 1996

A: Dreams are the best forum for disinformation that exists.

Q: (L) Okay. I can see that. But, at the same time they are also one of the best ways to get information from the subconscious and the higher conscious, is this not true?

A: We have mentioned dualities a lot!

(L) What is the nature of some of these really upsetting dreams and experiences that people here and people in the forum are having?

A: Memories of lives of pain and suffering that remained unresolved at the end of those lives. We are sorry that some of this is painful, but this method is actually the least traumatic method of any for this purpose. Once the dark dreams are processed out of the system, all will be better. Then there are no more hooks for illusion to attach to.

Q: (L) In other words, then people are able to be less controlled by hidden unseen or unknown emotion and more able to... (Keit) Assess reality and reactions to see what is objective...?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I have noticed that quite a number of people on the forum seem to be getting smarter. Is that just - they really seem to be getting things, putting things together, and...

A: When energy is no longer needed to support illusion it is available for knowledge and awareness.

Q: (L) So there's a lot more hope for people than they even suppose. Even more than they suspected?

March 28th 2010

Q: (L) Well, are these signal disruptors the source of this feeling that a number of us have been having for maybe a couple of weeks now - as well as some of the really weird dreams we've been having?

A: Yes. HAARP takes its toll.
Thank you! ❤️

Thank you Laura, Chu, Andromeda, Artemis and everyone else for all the effort!

Receiving the Crystals is a moving experience, it's like taking a newborn baby in your arms. One feels full of admiration and joy. When I started the process of unwrapping them from the package, I was filled with wonder and mystery.

They are beautiful and I am very, very, very grateful for them! 💞
J'ai trouvé mes magnifiques cristaux ce matin, quel bonheur, ils étaient tant attendus...
Mille Merci à Laura, Chu et tous ceux qui ont permis cette nouvelle connection...
Dès que j'ai ouvert l'enveloppe, j'ai eu la surprise de voir 2 Cristaux personnel, plus gros que les premiers avec des petits coeurs sur les étiquettes dont un noté "extra", serait-il plus fort que l'autre ?...
Pour le Cristal du Salon, il est gros avec 6 petites excroissances correspondant à mes 2 Yorks et 4 Chatonnes...
Je l'ai fait sentir par GABY en lui disant qu'il était là pour la protéger...
Pour celui de la cuisine il est assez gros aussi...
Dés leur réception, je les ai mis sur mes genoux après les avoir embrassé, j'ai récité leurs prières et chanté "In the Garden" puis pendant que j'observais leurs détails j'ai récité "La Prière de l'Âme" à plusieurs reprises, ils sont maintenant installés à leur place...
La première chose que j'ai faite c'est de partager avec Vous mon bonheur du jour avec une infinie reconnaissance...

As soon as I opened the envelope, I had the surprise to see 2 personal Crystals, bigger than the first ones with little hearts on the labels of which one noted "extra", would it be stronger than the other one?...
For the Cristal du Salon, it is big with 6 small outgrowths corresponding to my 2 Yorks and 4 Chatonnes...
I made it felt by GABY by telling him that he was there to protect her...
For the one in the kitchen, it's big enough too...
As soon as I received them, I put them on my knees after kissing them, I recited their prayers and sang "In the Garden" then while I was observing their details I recited "The Soul Prayer" several times, they are now installed in their place...
The first thing I did was to share with You my happiness of the day with infinite gratitude...

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Good to see that so many packages are arriving! Please don't forget to post here or send us an email when you receive yours. That way we know that they arrive safely.

one noted "extra", would it be stronger than the other one?...

In English, and in this context, "extra" doesn't mean exactly the same as in French. It's just "supplémentaire"/"en plus". They are all equally strong. ;-)
Hi, @NOONE It doesn't matter if you can sing or not and who determines that anyway? When a mum sings to her children, the children don't care either, it sounds wonderful to them. The children also don't care if the language is pronounced correctly. Maybe if you look at it from this point of view? It's about what you feel in that moment, I would say.
Thank you Mililea for this point of view, which shows me how childish and even self-centered I can be.

Moreover it allows me to look at the crystals as my loved ones to protect as they protect me.

thank you... singing with the heart, praying with the heart is the way to go...

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Merci Mililea pour ce point de vue, qui me démontre combien je peux être puérile voire égocentrique.

de plus il me permet de regarder les cristaux comme mes proches à protéger comme ils me protègent.

merci... chanter avec le coeur, prier avec le coeur est le chemin à prendre...
Thank you so much, everyone, for working so hard to keep up with all the cristal requests! Two days ago my replacement cristal moved in and as others said before it really is a joyous and special moment to hold a new cristal in your hands for the first time. It really felt like it had vibrating little life of its own and after half a day I felt we were in tune. I think I will look for some silver wire and make a pendant that I can wear under my clothes. Thank you! :love:
The 'special' crystals arrived the next day, it's wonderful and I thank you all, again for giving us the opportunity to connect at this time. :-)

Les cristaux 'spéciaux' sont arrivés le lendemain, c'est merveilleux et je vous remercie encore toutes et tous, pour nous offrir la possibilité de nous connecter en ce moment
I spend my first night with the Dream Stone under my pillow and my partner had nightmares... can the stone give you bad dreams?

Not really. And especially not for your partner. They are selected to help you work out whatever needs working out in your dreams. That may sometimes lead to intense dreams. But not nightmares. And not anything that you haven't decided you need to work on.

I also put the Water Crystal in water for the night and noticed that has rust points inside, is that normal?

We cleanse the crystals in a large copper and iron cauldron. If there are some rust stains on any of the crystals, that is where they came from. You can wash them off gently.
I don’t think the Dream Stone gives anyone unpleasant bad dreams. Maybe that’s from STS forces trying to manipulate us not to using dream-stone, I never know for sure, but you never know! That’s why I don’t trust all the dreams I having nowadays.
Anyway, some of transcripts explain people having bad/weird dreams.
I don't think the stone gives bad dreams either, maybe it was just a coincidence. On the second night nobody had any dreams. Thank you for your response! 🙂
Not really. And especially not for your partner. They are selected to help you work out whatever needs working out in your dreams. That may sometimes lead to intense dreams. But not nightmares. And not anything that you haven't decided you need to work on.

We cleanse the crystals in a large copper and iron cauldron. If there are some rust stains on any of the crystals, that is where they came from. You can wash them off gently.
Thank you Andromeda, that is good to know.

And about the stains they are inside, apparently water enters through a crack to form them. I use it anyway but I wonder if that could damage the charge.
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