Crystal skulls

I just put in crystal skulls (without the quotes) in the search box and got about 4 pages of search results, but I also got results with crystal skulls together with the quotes. Hope that helps.
Sorry, thats not what I get...unless I'm not allowed to see them yet. This is what my result looks like Screenshot
As covered in a number of posts on @MJF 's "Alton Towers" thread, I thought I'd post some excerpts from "The Skull Speaks (Through Carole Davis)" by Brian Hadley-James from 1985. There are some interesting sections on Atlantis, Mayans and overall Younger Dryas cataclysm details.

Introduction: This book is the result of many "trance-medium" sessions in the presence of the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull through which the Medium - Carole Davis answered a variety of questions posed to her by the author: Questions that have puzzled mankind over countless centuries. Neither Carole, the author - nor anyone else for that matter - can vouch for the authenticity of the information received or that it actually came directly from the Crystal Skull.

Here are some excerpts that may be relevant to some of what the C's have mentioned in a number of sessions over the years. f

From the first "interview" with the Skull from May 9th 1982:

(INT: Interviewer, Brian Hadley-James - VOICE: The voice of the Crystal Skull, as transmitted through medium Carole Davis.)

VOICE: Atlantis did not merely exist in one area, but covered a vast continent. There will be many discoveries pointing to the acknowledgment of man within the next... five... ten... fifteen... twenty years. This will so confuse, and cause so much disharmony, that it will bring about the separation of life and ways as you know now.

We have told you before that there is... will be... and has already begun, a great change within your Mother Earth; through that which is of natural cause. We urge you again: Make known to mankind the things which we are to give you, in hopes that the holocaust can be prevented.

They cannot be changed but they can be diffused.

You have been called from reincarnated memory to bring knowledge and understanding. You were - in your incarnation at the time of the Atlantean Empire - a communicator. You did not communicate with speech... you did not communicate with the written word... for these were not of your knowledge then... you communicated through the atmosphere.

You have the name "Telepathy." You also seek understanding of the origin of man. From other dimensions into this dimension we came to experience. Our "world" or dimension was without pure emotion... pure emotion... not that which is experienced now. For this purpose, we undertook... [Carole begins to experience great inner turmoil during this section].

VOICE: [another long pause]... we... then... took upon ourselves the physical form which is recognizable to you.
We understand that there is difficulty with communications due to the pressure of a Mayan priest with the name May-jee... May-jac. He was responsible for the use of this tool [the Crystal Skull] in controlling and governing unto the needs of the people of his time. He is anxious that you should know his story... [The voice begins to become strained, and louder] He is anxious that you should recognize his life... He is anxious that his personality be represented.

As we'll see as we get further into the text is that there are multiple personalities "grooved" into the skull with different specialties in knowledge that seem to compliment each other without being directly contradictory. This reminds me of the Mark Probert channelings where a number of distinct personalities seemed to contribute their own knowledge and experiences quite different from each other.

VOICE: The use of this artifact [the Crystal Skull] was to control weather... to control growth... to control personality... to heal... to soothe... to comfort and to command.

It is not difficult to understand that light refracted through this artifact becomes power. The power source that is well understood. You would consider this, in your language, to be a "computer," and when the right vibration is produced
(FRV?), it will give you the information you require. The earth life of this artifact is seventeen thousand years.

It has been handed down from generation to generation. Polished with hair and sand, its true life was as part of the "Great Crystals" [of Atlantis], and within it are locked many minds.

They - combined with the right vibration - will predict much. The Crystal Skull will also unlock many mysteries, for it is constant and living and it is fed with energies you do not yet understand. But we are willing to show you. We hear your questions but we can only answer them if you will keep this one thought in mind. How may we help you?

INT: You can help me by giving me information on the origin of the Crystal Skull and the origin of the crystal... and perhaps, the geographical location from which the raw crystal... or the Great Crystal... was taken to form the Skull.

VOICE: The origin is the great crystal of Atlantis. We did not take, we cultivated. When we realized there were those who had forgotten their original purpose in incarnation to this dimension and this world... and that there would be a catastrophe... many of us chose to leave behind the legacy of our minds knowing that we would not again reincarnate. We chose to remain in other realms until such time as your knowledge and your seeking and your spiritual progression - would turn you toward this path.

The Crystal Skull was well guarded. It was born of sea and fire: There will be others found, for no one man - and no one mind - were given all knowledge. When all are placed together, you will be "Keepers" of wondrous knowledge. But the time is not yet. Mankind still seeks to better all the original destruction of our time.

INT: What level of civilization had been attained at the time the Crystal Skull was formed?

VOICE: It was formed by a pre-Mayan civilization. Our level of civilization, at that time, was far in advance of that which you now have by certain factors. We were able to use that which you call your body as a further adjunct of our minds.

Much as you would use your hand to grasp, we used the flesh to experience, for the mind cannot fully experience. But there was our downfall. Experiencing isn't as great as... desiring... and soon there were those who were slaves to their own creation - the body - and had forgotten their original thought.

: Does this coincide with Edgar Cayce's material relating to the "Sons of the Law of One" and the "Sons of Belial?"

VOICE: "Sons of the Law of One" we understand... we do not... [pause]... Yes, we understand. In part... in essence... this is so.

INT: In relation to the continents as they exist today, can you give us the location of Atlantis, or the continents of Atlantis, as they existed prior to the destruction?

VOICE: The greatest discovery of such, has been and will be, in the area of Bimini. But you will find traces of our civilization through most parts of your land masses, for travel was an easy acquisition. We did not need vehicles such as you have designed for yourselves. Our energy was that of the sun, and the water, and the moon.

INT: Did the continent of Mu, or Lemuria, also exist?

VOICE: We do not recognize these sounds. But there is much beneath your oceans. The oceans that we claim are known as the Atlantic, the Indian, and that which you call the Dead Sea. There, closest to your earth's surface and soon to be discovered, are remnants of our civilization [see Appendix #2]. We were not vast in numbers, but vast in mind. Do you understand? Not vast in numbers but vast in mind.

INT: I believe I do, yes.

VOICE: For thought can be transferred and planted. All it needs is a fertile mass.

INT: What are the functions now of those who you say were former Atlanteans?

VOICE: Because of the disasters upon this planet, you will be needed to call upon your re-incarnational memories to heal, to counsel, to guide and to love a world gone mad. A world without knowledge, without hope, where the fire of destruction will reign. Your technology and your knowledge, with which you left our time, will be needed, for the world, as you know it, will not exist.

Even now, your Governments play with toys that they do not understand. They play with light and sound, and rain havoc and because the reaction is not immediate, they continue and continue until this very planet will erupt and destroy.

: Are there any of the ancient "Masters" among us today?

VOICE: Yes. INT: Where can they be found?

VOICE: India, South America, North America, wherever there is a mind willing to open itself to their instruction. But, of course, in your third dimensional thinking, you wish to know, "Are they in body at this time?"

INT: Yes.

VOICE: Yes, there are those who are yet preparing. And yes, you will find them in all the "Light Centres" of the earth, preparing...preparing...

INT: Would you explain the term "Light Centres?"

VOICE: Your earth will be covered in darkness and there will be certain geographical locations which men will migrate to. Wherever the Crystal Skull resides will be a Light Center. There will be seven... all of which will be given at a later date.

Some interesting comments from The Skull in the first section of this interview. The next section covers some of the "cosmogony" as well as more details on the destruction of Atlantis. There are also come correlations between what the Hellfire RV'ers saw regarding elements within the Atlanteans "calling down" cosmic elements to attack their enemies which seems to have made the whole Younger Dryas catastrophe even worse...
As covered in a number of posts on @MJF 's "Alton Towers" thread,
I had promised to post about this, and it seems time passed a lot since! Sorry for that.
I finished the book and started taking notes in order to post something that would be concise, but did not go back to it.

I wrote to the man who now owns the skull, asking him some questions about the author of the book and the lady who was channeling. But he never replied back. Big disappointment.

I've been looking for her 2nd book everywhere, but it's nowhere to be found and I might have to head toward the National Archive in Ottawa to be able to see it.

I don't understand why the Crystal Skull thread is in the "hunted Planet" category. Isn't there a better category for this? I guess it's because this category description says: "Our planet is full of mysteries and enigmas."
Part 2 - I'm just going to select some sections that I think are most relevant to the research here. Thanks @meadow_wind for searching for the second book related to this - I had no idea there was a follow up volume. One thing much of this text concentrates on is asking specific questions about where "Atlantean" artifacts will be found in the "future". I'm leaving these sections out because they're not really specific enough to get any useful info. Possibly some answers to these show up in the second book, but my guess would be even if the discoveries were made, they'd be hushed up or hidden much like the Flight 19 discoveries mentioned by the C's.

The below echoes the C's account of the "Fall" of humans into matter.

Voice: We came to your earth from a different Galaxy. We came, experiencing, and needing to experience, density. That which we first heralded had nothing of the density of what you call a "body". We were aware of life on this earth plane, but life was in its primitive form.

We thought only to bring knowledge and enlightenment, and to experience it [materialism]. We did not confine ourselves to one geographic location; there were many, and many of our relics and many of our teachings are to be found scattered amidst your land masses and your sea masses. Much of the world that we created, we created with "mind".

Mind creates matter. When we sought to infuse the knowledge that we had into the minds of those that we found on earth, we had to start with very basic and very primitive ideas, which caused much havoc and, indeed, we were responsible for the annihilation of the people when we tried to procreate in your earthly way.

There were those who overreacted in their desire for learning. They enjoyed what you call the "power of being superior", and it is only on a very small scale that one can be advanced enough to override this. You will find this tendency now amongst the earth's populace. It is, indeed, fact that there was a place given the name, "Atlantis". Atlantis was, as you may understand, our "Headquarters", our "Governing Body".

It was there that we grew crystals for our light. You will understand, and crystal technology will be given to those who understand it in more detail, that a crystal is a 'living' substance and you can infuse mind with matter. That is what we did, knowing that the destruction of our planet was soon to be coming upon us.

The above comment does resonate with Cayce, the Hellfire RVers session as well as the C's. So this Atlantean "headquarters" probably relates to the Bimini area and the fabled Atlantean capitol Posiedonia? The C's mentioned in an earlier session that there is a giant pyramid (containing crystal technology) somewhere north of the Grand Bahama Island in the Bermuda Triangle that activates intermittently blowing open dimensional windows.

I don't think I've come across anyone else stating that the crystals were "grown" and "living".

We have given details in previous communications [to other enquirers] as to where in the Galaxy we were to be found. But still you cling to the idea that we are of the 'third dimension', and you still cannot grasp the idea that there are also those that you call the fourth and fifth and sixth and seventh dimensions, each varying in that which it produces and that which it needs.

I think the skull may actually be referring to densities rather than horizontal dimensions here.

You will be instructed as to where and when you are to investigate the findings in the area off the coast of Bimini. [see Appendix #4.] You have asked where, on your land masses, you will find other communications, and we tell you, Africa... South America... Brazil... Egypt... almost anywhere where there are traces of ancient civilizations. You will find traces that we left for those whose spiritual knowledge, and those whose incarnational duty it will be, to instruct others when your earth moves from its axis.

So this statement above seems to point to the fact that not only did the Atlanteans know that the Younger Dryas Impact Event was imminent 14 thousand years ago. But that the upcoming one within a lifetime of the communication in the 1980's is also imminent.

For this is what caused the Great Flood, and this is what caused the destruction of many a landmass. This has happened already, the destruction. Something has already taken place, for you have, with your primitive knowledge, started something which now cannot be reversed. It was started through your scientists playing with and bending sound and light waves into your atmosphere.

The final sentence above is a bit of a head scratcher. The Comets are cyclical but interact with the human state of conscious frequency and activity. I haven't come across the bending of light and sound specifically. BUT it does make sense that the contoured frequency fence above the planet could play a role in attracting certain space objects.

You will have noticed that there are many destructive waves now hitting your planet, from within and from without and masses will appear; land masses will disappear. There will not be one great 'Final Day'; but the only 'finality' will be in man's thinking, and it is then that you will be needed.

There will be horrendous mind injury and body injury that your science has no way of counteracting. It is then that the 'Healing Temples' will be needed before the healing will take place. Within the Crystal Skull, and that which we have left you, lies everything that you will need. The part of the planet in which you now reside [Ontario, Canada] will be an area of 'light', for there will be great darkness that covers your earth.

The above statement caught me off guard as during the height of the lockdowns, Toronto and Ottawa were two of the top global centers for Draconian darkness rather than light. But then again, that Trudeau/Freeland sickness and hubris may bring on a cleansing in Canada before the rest of the world?

If our communication appears somewhat repetitive, it is because we have no way of understanding, no way at this point, of knowing how much, or how little, was given to you at the time of yesterday's communication. You must remember that the object of communication, the Crystal Skull, has many minds, and it is only with one mind that we can override or control what is given in speech.

Interesting point that the "minds" within the skull are all separate and contain different information. What is asked of the skull only comes to avoid the abridgement of free will?

There are great difficulties, for this mind [Carole's] is more used to communicating on a lower, and more acceptable, level to the personality. We will instruct you in the subconscious state, or in repose, as to more details that you will need for your printed words. You will find that the Atlantean subterranean tunnels will be communication Centers of learning.

That seems to be going on already. But we only seem to be experiencing the negative side of that learning - so far.

VOICE: We feel an intelligence. How may we help you?

INT: Thank you. In order to get the point across to the world at large, or those who will listen, I have a series of questions which I later want to develop into chapters for this book. The first question is: What is Time, and how does it relate to other dimensions?

Your understanding and our comprehension of Time are very different. In other dimensions we do not comprehend or understand your meaning of Time. However, since we have existed in your slower vibration, we can perhaps help you with this concept. Time can only exist when there is no thought of continued existence. You, and other people of this third dimensional space, have been conditioned to believe that Time exists because, upon this space, you will only remember your 'being' while the mind operates within the structure of your 'body'.

The concept of Time and Relativity has been placed within the consciousness of those who govern and those who would destroy. We will teach you that time is a nonexistent factor. The dimension you understand - of speed and light and change of vibrationary energy - is our understanding of Time due to the magnetic poles of the Earth's tedious progression towards extermination.

We, who were here before, left this understanding within the 'Collective Consciousness,' for to change - to be able to change - a vibration at will would be, for those who would destroy, a powerful tool of domination. The 'Essence of Time ' is an illusion. When the axis of your earth is changed, you will understand even more deeply that Time has been created, in fact, by a Higher Intelligence as a form of control upon the brain and function of the body image.

Time is a safeguard against corruption but, in essence, is non-existent. The illusion of Time must remain for a period. Do you understand?

INT: In the general sense, but only in the general sense. Since we are discussing Time, what about Infinity? Is there Infinity in Space... in Time?

VOICE: Where there is no end, is there then a beginning? There is no 'Infinity'. Again, you look for a measurement for thought. 'Thought' needs but energy to exist. To place a limit on thought is impossible. 'Thought' will remain long after the destruction of the body... long after the destruction of the brain... long after the destruction of matter. 'Thought', then, is a form of energy which is immeasurable but which can only be seen in the demonstration of achievement. In space we do not need to create matter with 'Thought'. 'Time' is the creation of matter.

INT: 'Thought', therefore, is non-molecular?

VOICE: [Puzzled by the definition] ... is... non-molecular... is non-molecular? We will search... [Pause] 'Thought' is without 'Time'? [Pause] Your understanding is correct.

INT: Then thought is 'pure energy'?

VOICE: We affirm.

INT: These concepts are very difficult for us in the third dimension to comprehend. [Pause] Destiny... what is 'destiny' if there is no such thing as time?

VOICE: The words given seek to define a beginning and an end - or 'thought', again achieving - of 'thought' turning to matter to obtain. Thought - pure energy seeks only to return after having 'collected' other energies which you call 'Understanding'. There is no destiny of one; there is only the destiny of All. 'It' seeks itself to be at one with itself and with the ultimate creation.

This concept seems quite similar to 7th Density.

Destiny of one individual, of one personality, again defines the link with Time which was left with you as a safeguard. We ask you now, would it be acceptable to all on your earth plane to know you were All at One!

INT: By "All at One" do you mean God?

VOICE: God... gods... masters... teachers... pure uninterrupted energy of Mind. The concept of an individuality known as 'God' was a governing idea left with you in the hope you would seek your way back. A thought so strongly permeated in your earth's atmosphere that you sought to worship it as One.

Your concept of God was not individualized by those who came originally to this dimension, rather it came about by the slowing of vibration and the taking on of matter. What we sought to leave you was the concept of 'Oneness' - a concept left to permeate, encircle and cover your small earth with a 'Collective Consciousness' that would feed your earth the idea of Love and Growth.

When you entered your temples to worship, it was hoped that you would be 'at one' with each other - to send out that pure energy into the atmosphere to nourish your planet - to create life upon your planet - vegetable, animal - but the concept was misguided.

Therefore we reinforced this concept with individuals who came upon the earth to walk amongst you. But still, those who would destroy were stronger. Those who would dominate and have power... and use this power - this energy - for self-gratification... fed upon these individual personalities.

INT: Thank you. [Pause] Regarding Time, and Time in our dimension. Prior to the Great Flood - or the last great flood - people reportedly lived to a great age; in fact for hundreds of years. Is this true?

VOICE: We spoke earlier of the ability to take on and discard the 'material' that which is known as the 'body'. It could be left quite comfortably in an altered state which, we understand, you call 'sleep'. While the body was in the altered state, we could then carry on the instruction and the preparation for entities [the souls] of those to come.

We could then carry on with the task we had come to this 'Dark Planet' to undertake. There are many, and still are many - even in this space - who, in your understanding, will live to a great age. For your understanding of 'living' is, again, either destruction of the material body or existence of the "mind." There were, indeed, many who could leave their bodies at will. Even here at this session you will find one who is able to accomplish this with small effort [Note: Referring to Carole Davis].

This "Dark Planet" concept is one of the most fascinating to me in the Skull material. It's introduced here briefly, but becomes more detailed later on. I haven't come across this idea that earth is sort of some back water where a lot of negative entities/energies were kicked out to from higher vibrational planes to something like a cosmic garbage dump.

INT: Who, then, were the first Homo Sapiens? In what type of 'body' did they first reside?

VOICE: You talk again of two “Intelligences”: One which was nurtured in the earth's atmosphere, and one that came with intelligence from an 'outer' atmosphere. You talk of 'Two of Man'. You talk of the 'Soul' and you talk of the 'Personality'.

There were those who took on the mantle of 'Man' that had already been created on this slow, dark planet, and you talk about that which came from another galaxy. There was never a time when Intelligence did not exist either on this small planet or without, in other galaxies.'

: Do all creatures have Souls?

VOICE: All that is, is part of the whole. You have created your earth. You have created your life, be it animal or vegetable. You have given life to all that is perceived by you, whether it be negative or positive. All eventually returns to One.

: Thank you. [Pause] If I may pass on to another subject. 'Sound'. You've talked, in the past, of Sound. We need to know a method of harnessing sound high and low frequencies - to form an energy power source that we can use. Can you give us any information on this? [A long pause ensues followed by an emission of long drawn out 'sounds' as Carole Davis gradually undergoes a 'personality change'. When next she speaks, her voice takes on a flat monotone].

Sound wave focusing tech?

VOICE: You have come seeking technology that, in the hands of the wrong intelligences, would bring about a path of destruction on your earth greater than you can ever imagine. [Short mantra] You have asked for precise instructions for a device to emit that which can cause disintegration of the material.
@Jtucker, it's amazing that you pasted exactly the same text excerpt that I had prepared in a Word file 😅 (from what I had started doing). Here's what's left of my file:

I had also selected this regarding Jesus:
(this is the text that follows right after "fed upon these individual personalities.")

INT: Was Christ such a 'personality'?

VOICE: There have been many. We will seek. [Pause] We affirm this, there was such a one within your "time", by name, to us...[Pause] You would have known him as "The Nazarene."
We will tell you that each has been worshiped for 'personality' when, truly, they came to bring and enforce the concept of “The One”. Each was destroyed in a negative way by those still left who took upon themselves a reincarnation of 'force'.
The tragedy is not the destruction of the material world; the tragedy is the separation from One-ness.

And I had kept more regarding the sound tech:

INT: You've talked, in the past, of Sound. We need to know a method of harnessing sound - high and low frequencies - to form an energy power source that we can use. Can you give us any information on this?

VOICE: You have come seeking technology that, in the hands of the wrong intelligences, would bring about a path of destruction on your earth greater than you can ever imagine. You have asked for precise instructions for a device to emit that which can cause disintegration of the material, that which, used in the wrong context, would cause your intelligence to scatter to the winds. However, we will assist.

You must bring before us those that are in harmony with the living crystals. Those who would understand instructions on how to use the crystal to oscillate and vibrate. We would show you then that with different currents of power of a... [unclear, but sounded like "Eeee-ny-an"] ... fed through and about a living crystal, sound would be reproduced which could no longer be heard with the material ear. With the mind only, we will show then one such individual who has been summoned and who will come into your understanding when your year is new, before your weather has turned the cold to the heat.

If you take the living crystal and place it in a magnetic comparative you will find that, already, it emits a sound. You do not hear the sound of the Crystal and it is created by a fast friction of the Crystal.

And regarding the findings of other receptacle:

VOICE: You are seeking information as to other 'Receptacles of Mind'?

INT: Yes.

VOICE: There are many. There are still some that have not been given 'life'.
There are some whose energies are still to be tapped. (...) We ask you to look for that which is called the "Stone of Green". You will find much history attached to this small article; placed in a time when it would be hidden from the general intelligence of mankind. But even now it is being investigated. This you will find within the earth known as En... Eng....

INT: England?

VOICE: This is affirmed. (...)
Your question concerning other "Receptacles of Mind", which you asked at an earlier date, will be found. [Referring to the Session of 1982]. You were given precise instructions. If you show the mind (Carole's) that which you have, she will be able to inform you as to the whereabouts of another receptacle of knowledge left for your instructions.
There will also be one that will be delivered when Atlantis rises to you. We look at it within your space now and we believe this rising of land is imminent, if not already taken place. We would give you one also where we left markings upon the earth.

INT: Nazca? [Meaning the Nazca Plains in Peru which are covered with enormous geometric designs].

VOICE: This feels affirmative. We would tell you also that within the Great Pyramid there is one also. We would tell you within the birth place of this mind [Carole's] there is one also.
[Referring to Wales. Although the knowledge was not available at the time of this session, it was later ascertained that the so-called "Green Stone" was in North Wales].

INT: Do the other receptacles take the same form as the Skull, or are they in a variety of forms?

VOICE: There are forms that are the same and there are forms that are different.

INT: The "Keeper of the Skull" (Miss Mitchell-Hedges) found a crystal statue in the Bay Islands many years ago. Is this one?

VOICE: This is also a "Receptacle of Mind", this is Spiritual Knowledge of mind. This is a "concept of God", of God, of One -ness. This was put into the receptacle with personality. On the other hand, this receptacle, the Crystal Skull, has no personality input.
At any given time these receptacles, when they feel the pull of Earth's atmosphere, or the pull of "like-minds", will emanate from themselves and those like-minded people will be summoned to them. Do you understand?
Part 2 - I'm just going to select some sections that I think are most relevant to the research here. Thanks @meadow_wind for searching for the second book related to this - I had no idea there was a follow up volume. One thing much of this text concentrates on is asking specific questions about where "Atlantean" artifacts will be found in the "future". I'm leaving these sections out because they're not really specific enough to get any useful info. Possibly some answers to these show up in the second book, but my guess would be even if the discoveries were made, they'd be hushed up or hidden much like the Flight 19 discoveries mentioned by the C's.

The below echoes the C's account of the "Fall" of humans into matter.

Voice: We came to your earth from a different Galaxy. We came, experiencing, and needing to experience, density. That which we first heralded had nothing of the density of what you call a "body". We were aware of life on this earth plane, but life was in its primitive form.

We thought only to bring knowledge and enlightenment, and to experience it [materialism]. We did not confine ourselves to one geographic location; there were many, and many of our relics and many of our teachings are to be found scattered amidst your land masses and your sea masses. Much of the world that we created, we created with "mind".

Mind creates matter. When we sought to infuse the knowledge that we had into the minds of those that we found on earth, we had to start with very basic and very primitive ideas, which caused much havoc and, indeed, we were responsible for the annihilation of the people when we tried to procreate in your earthly way.

There were those who overreacted in their desire for learning. They enjoyed what you call the "power of being superior", and it is only on a very small scale that one can be advanced enough to override this. You will find this tendency now amongst the earth's populace. It is, indeed, fact that there was a place given the name, "Atlantis". Atlantis was, as you may understand, our "Headquarters", our "Governing Body".

It was there that we grew crystals for our light. You will understand, and crystal technology will be given to those who understand it in more detail, that a crystal is a 'living' substance and you can infuse mind with matter. That is what we did, knowing that the destruction of our planet was soon to be coming upon us.

The above comment does resonate with Cayce, the Hellfire RVers session as well as the C's. So this Atlantean "headquarters" probably relates to the Bimini area and the fabled Atlantean capitol Posiedonia? The C's mentioned in an earlier session that there is a giant pyramid (containing crystal technology) somewhere north of the Grand Bahama Island in the Bermuda Triangle that activates intermittently blowing open dimensional windows.

I don't think I've come across anyone else stating that the crystals were "grown" and "living".

We have given details in previous communications [to other enquirers] as to where in the Galaxy we were to be found. But still you cling to the idea that we are of the 'third dimension', and you still cannot grasp the idea that there are also those that you call the fourth and fifth and sixth and seventh dimensions, each varying in that which it produces and that which it needs.

I think the skull may actually be referring to densities rather than horizontal dimensions here.

You will be instructed as to where and when you are to investigate the findings in the area off the coast of Bimini. [see Appendix #4.] You have asked where, on your land masses, you will find other communications, and we tell you, Africa... South America... Brazil... Egypt... almost anywhere where there are traces of ancient civilizations. You will find traces that we left for those whose spiritual knowledge, and those whose incarnational duty it will be, to instruct others when your earth moves from its axis.

So this statement above seems to point to the fact that not only did the Atlanteans know that the Younger Dryas Impact Event was imminent 14 thousand years ago. But that the upcoming one within a lifetime of the communication in the 1980's is also imminent.

For this is what caused the Great Flood, and this is what caused the destruction of many a landmass. This has happened already, the destruction. Something has already taken place, for you have, with your primitive knowledge, started something which now cannot be reversed. It was started through your scientists playing with and bending sound and light waves into your atmosphere.

The final sentence above is a bit of a head scratcher. The Comets are cyclical but interact with the human state of conscious frequency and activity. I haven't come across the bending of light and sound specifically. BUT it does make sense that the contoured frequency fence above the planet could play a role in attracting certain space objects.

You will have noticed that there are many destructive waves now hitting your planet, from within and from without and masses will appear; land masses will disappear. There will not be one great 'Final Day'; but the only 'finality' will be in man's thinking, and it is then that you will be needed.

There will be horrendous mind injury and body injury that your science has no way of counteracting. It is then that the 'Healing Temples' will be needed before the healing will take place. Within the Crystal Skull, and that which we have left you, lies everything that you will need. The part of the planet in which you now reside [Ontario, Canada] will be an area of 'light', for there will be great darkness that covers your earth.

The above statement caught me off guard as during the height of the lockdowns, Toronto and Ottawa were two of the top global centers for Draconian darkness rather than light. But then again, that Trudeau/Freeland sickness and hubris may bring on a cleansing in Canada before the rest of the world?

If our communication appears somewhat repetitive, it is because we have no way of understanding, no way at this point, of knowing how much, or how little, was given to you at the time of yesterday's communication. You must remember that the object of communication, the Crystal Skull, has many minds, and it is only with one mind that we can override or control what is given in speech.

Interesting point that the "minds" within the skull are all separate and contain different information. What is asked of the skull only comes to avoid the abridgement of free will?

There are great difficulties, for this mind [Carole's] is more used to communicating on a lower, and more acceptable, level to the personality. We will instruct you in the subconscious state, or in repose, as to more details that you will need for your printed words. You will find that the Atlantean subterranean tunnels will be communication Centers of learning.

That seems to be going on already. But we only seem to be experiencing the negative side of that learning - so far.

VOICE: We feel an intelligence. How may we help you?

INT: Thank you. In order to get the point across to the world at large, or those who will listen, I have a series of questions which I later want to develop into chapters for this book. The first question is: What is Time, and how does it relate to other dimensions?

Your understanding and our comprehension of Time are very different. In other dimensions we do not comprehend or understand your meaning of Time. However, since we have existed in your slower vibration, we can perhaps help you with this concept. Time can only exist when there is no thought of continued existence. You, and other people of this third dimensional space, have been conditioned to believe that Time exists because, upon this space, you will only remember your 'being' while the mind operates within the structure of your 'body'.

The concept of Time and Relativity has been placed within the consciousness of those who govern and those who would destroy. We will teach you that time is a nonexistent factor. The dimension you understand - of speed and light and change of vibrationary energy - is our understanding of Time due to the magnetic poles of the Earth's tedious progression towards extermination.

We, who were here before, left this understanding within the 'Collective Consciousness,' for to change - to be able to change - a vibration at will would be, for those who would destroy, a powerful tool of domination. The 'Essence of Time ' is an illusion. When the axis of your earth is changed, you will understand even more deeply that Time has been created, in fact, by a Higher Intelligence as a form of control upon the brain and function of the body image.

Time is a safeguard against corruption but, in essence, is non-existent. The illusion of Time must remain for a period. Do you understand?

INT: In the general sense, but only in the general sense. Since we are discussing Time, what about Infinity? Is there Infinity in Space... in Time?

VOICE: Where there is no end, is there then a beginning? There is no 'Infinity'. Again, you look for a measurement for thought. 'Thought' needs but energy to exist. To place a limit on thought is impossible. 'Thought' will remain long after the destruction of the body... long after the destruction of the brain... long after the destruction of matter. 'Thought', then, is a form of energy which is immeasurable but which can only be seen in the demonstration of achievement. In space we do not need to create matter with 'Thought'. 'Time' is the creation of matter.

INT: 'Thought', therefore, is non-molecular?

VOICE: [Puzzled by the definition] ... is... non-molecular... is non-molecular? We will search... [Pause] 'Thought' is without 'Time'? [Pause] Your understanding is correct.

INT: Then thought is 'pure energy'?

VOICE: We affirm.

INT: These concepts are very difficult for us in the third dimension to comprehend. [Pause] Destiny... what is 'destiny' if there is no such thing as time?

VOICE: The words given seek to define a beginning and an end - or 'thought', again achieving - of 'thought' turning to matter to obtain. Thought - pure energy seeks only to return after having 'collected' other energies which you call 'Understanding'. There is no destiny of one; there is only the destiny of All. 'It' seeks itself to be at one with itself and with the ultimate creation.

This concept seems quite similar to 7th Density.

Destiny of one individual, of one personality, again defines the link with Time which was left with you as a safeguard. We ask you now, would it be acceptable to all on your earth plane to know you were All at One!

INT: By "All at One" do you mean God?

VOICE: God... gods... masters... teachers... pure uninterrupted energy of Mind. The concept of an individuality known as 'God' was a governing idea left with you in the hope you would seek your way back. A thought so strongly permeated in your earth's atmosphere that you sought to worship it as One.

Your concept of God was not individualized by those who came originally to this dimension, rather it came about by the slowing of vibration and the taking on of matter. What we sought to leave you was the concept of 'Oneness' - a concept left to permeate, encircle and cover your small earth with a 'Collective Consciousness' that would feed your earth the idea of Love and Growth.

When you entered your temples to worship, it was hoped that you would be 'at one' with each other - to send out that pure energy into the atmosphere to nourish your planet - to create life upon your planet - vegetable, animal - but the concept was misguided.

Therefore we reinforced this concept with individuals who came upon the earth to walk amongst you. But still, those who would destroy were stronger. Those who would dominate and have power... and use this power - this energy - for self-gratification... fed upon these individual personalities.

INT: Thank you. [Pause] Regarding Time, and Time in our dimension. Prior to the Great Flood - or the last great flood - people reportedly lived to a great age; in fact for hundreds of years. Is this true?

VOICE: We spoke earlier of the ability to take on and discard the 'material' that which is known as the 'body'. It could be left quite comfortably in an altered state which, we understand, you call 'sleep'. While the body was in the altered state, we could then carry on the instruction and the preparation for entities [the souls] of those to come.

We could then carry on with the task we had come to this 'Dark Planet' to undertake. There are many, and still are many - even in this space - who, in your understanding, will live to a great age. For your understanding of 'living' is, again, either destruction of the material body or existence of the "mind." There were, indeed, many who could leave their bodies at will. Even here at this session you will find one who is able to accomplish this with small effort [Note: Referring to Carole Davis].

This "Dark Planet" concept is one of the most fascinating to me in the Skull material. It's introduced here briefly, but becomes more detailed later on. I haven't come across this idea that earth is sort of some back water where a lot of negative entities/energies were kicked out to from higher vibrational planes to something like a cosmic garbage dump.

INT: Who, then, were the first Homo Sapiens? In what type of 'body' did they first reside?

VOICE: You talk again of two “Intelligences”: One which was nurtured in the earth's atmosphere, and one that came with intelligence from an 'outer' atmosphere. You talk of 'Two of Man'. You talk of the 'Soul' and you talk of the 'Personality'.

There were those who took on the mantle of 'Man' that had already been created on this slow, dark planet, and you talk about that which came from another galaxy. There was never a time when Intelligence did not exist either on this small planet or without, in other galaxies.'

: Do all creatures have Souls?

VOICE: All that is, is part of the whole. You have created your earth. You have created your life, be it animal or vegetable. You have given life to all that is perceived by you, whether it be negative or positive. All eventually returns to One.

: Thank you. [Pause] If I may pass on to another subject. 'Sound'. You've talked, in the past, of Sound. We need to know a method of harnessing sound high and low frequencies - to form an energy power source that we can use. Can you give us any information on this? [A long pause ensues followed by an emission of long drawn out 'sounds' as Carole Davis gradually undergoes a 'personality change'. When next she speaks, her voice takes on a flat monotone].

Sound wave focusing tech?

VOICE: You have come seeking technology that, in the hands of the wrong intelligences, would bring about a path of destruction on your earth greater than you can ever imagine. [Short mantra] You have asked for precise instructions for a device to emit that which can cause disintegration of the material.

@Jtucker, it's amazing that you pasted exactly the same text excerpt that I had prepared in a Word file 😅 (from what I had started doing). Here's what's left of my file:

I had also selected this regarding Jesus:
(this is the text that follows right after "fed upon these individual personalities.")

INT: Was Christ such a 'personality'?

VOICE: There have been many. We will seek. [Pause] We affirm this, there was such a one within your "time", by name, to us...[Pause] You would have known him as "The Nazarene."
We will tell you that each has been worshiped for 'personality' when, truly, they came to bring and enforce the concept of “The One”. Each was destroyed in a negative way by those still left who took upon themselves a reincarnation of 'force'.
The tragedy is not the destruction of the material world; the tragedy is the separation from One-ness.

And I had kept more regarding the sound tech:

INT: You've talked, in the past, of Sound. We need to know a method of harnessing sound - high and low frequencies - to form an energy power source that we can use. Can you give us any information on this?

VOICE: You have come seeking technology that, in the hands of the wrong intelligences, would bring about a path of destruction on your earth greater than you can ever imagine. You have asked for precise instructions for a device to emit that which can cause disintegration of the material, that which, used in the wrong context, would cause your intelligence to scatter to the winds. However, we will assist.

You must bring before us those that are in harmony with the living crystals. Those who would understand instructions on how to use the crystal to oscillate and vibrate. We would show you then that with different currents of power of a... [unclear, but sounded like "Eeee-ny-an"] ... fed through and about a living crystal, sound would be reproduced which could no longer be heard with the material ear. With the mind only, we will show then one such individual who has been summoned and who will come into your understanding when your year is new, before your weather has turned the cold to the heat.

If you take the living crystal and place it in a magnetic comparative you will find that, already, it emits a sound. You do not hear the sound of the Crystal and it is created by a fast friction of the Crystal.

And regarding the findings of other receptacle:

VOICE: You are seeking information as to other 'Receptacles of Mind'?

INT: Yes.

VOICE: There are many. There are still some that have not been given 'life'.
There are some whose energies are still to be tapped. (...) We ask you to look for that which is called the "Stone of Green". You will find much history attached to this small article; placed in a time when it would be hidden from the general intelligence of mankind. But even now it is being investigated. This you will find within the earth known as En... Eng....

INT: England?

VOICE: This is affirmed. (...)
Your question concerning other "Receptacles of Mind", which you asked at an earlier date, will be found. [Referring to the Session of 1982]. You were given precise instructions. If you show the mind (Carole's) that which you have, she will be able to inform you as to the whereabouts of another receptacle of knowledge left for your instructions.
There will also be one that will be delivered when Atlantis rises to you. We look at it within your space now and we believe this rising of land is imminent, if not already taken place. We would give you one also where we left markings upon the earth.

INT: Nazca? [Meaning the Nazca Plains in Peru which are covered with enormous geometric designs].

VOICE: This feels affirmative. We would tell you also that within the Great Pyramid there is one also. We would tell you within the birth place of this mind [Carole's] there is one also.
[Referring to Wales. Although the knowledge was not available at the time of this session, it was later ascertained that the so-called "Green Stone" was in North Wales].

INT: Do the other receptacles take the same form as the Skull, or are they in a variety of forms?

VOICE: There are forms that are the same and there are forms that are different.

INT: The "Keeper of the Skull" (Miss Mitchell-Hedges) found a crystal statue in the Bay Islands many years ago. Is this one?

VOICE: This is also a "Receptacle of Mind", this is Spiritual Knowledge of mind. This is a "concept of God", of God, of One -ness. This was put into the receptacle with personality. On the other hand, this receptacle, the Crystal Skull, has no personality input.
At any given time these receptacles, when they feel the pull of Earth's atmosphere, or the pull of "like-minds", will emanate from themselves and those like-minded people will be summoned to them. Do you understand?
This is just my opinion, but I feel almost physical pain reading this.

The intention for me is to create confusion.
This is just my opinion, but I feel almost physical pain reading this.

The intention for me is to create confusion.

I don't think the intention is to cause any confusion. But I do get that much of the "Predictions and Prophecies", "Crystal Skulls", "Remote Viewing" and "Channel Watch" sections of the forum all contain some information that aligns with the C's and the research done here as well as much that is contradictory. I ask myself all the time if I'm just chasing rabbits for the fun of it, or if there is enough added value to post excerpts.

What gravitates me towards the Skull "broadcasts" or whatever they might be is that there's enough detail in them especially regarding Younger Dryas/Atlantis and the urge by certain personalities to repeat the disaster all over again (implying in our lifetimes), that it's at least worth reviewing. This particular subject isn't the focus of much of the Skull content, and anything that's too "Jesusy" may be distorted due the inherent biases of Carole Davis, much as Jane Roberts struggled with in the Seth Material.

It seems that there is a lot of growing focus on the Undergrounders, Breakway Civilizations, Atlantis etc. in the next row over from mainstream in the media that it's worth keeping a close eye on this particular subject that I don't think is going away. As these topics grow in mass awareness - I think the concepts of polarization and STS vs STO will gain ground.

These excerpts below seem to relate to a combined recounting of both man's "Fall into matter" as well as the founding of the Homo Sapiens project. Much of it does seem to echo The Ra Material.

We came to your earth from a different Galaxy. We came, experiencing, and needing to experience, density. That which we first heralded had nothing of the density of what you call a "body". We were aware of life on this earth plane, but life was in its primitive form.

We thought only to bring knowledge and enlightenment, and to experience it [materialism]. We did not confine ourselves to one geographic location; there were many, and many of our relics and many of our teachings are to be found scattered amidst your land masses and your sea masses. Much of the world that we created, we created with "mind".

Mind creates matter. When we sought to infuse the knowledge that we had into the minds of those that we found on earth, we had to start with very basic and very primitive ideas, which caused much havoc and, indeed, we were responsible for the annihilation of the people when we tried to procreate in your earthly way.

There were those who overreacted in their desire for learning. They enjoyed what you call the "power of being superior", and it is only on a very small scale that one can be advanced enough to override this. You will find this tendency now amongst the earth's populace. It is, indeed, fact that there was a place given the name, "Atlantis". Atlantis was, as you may understand, our "Headquarters", our "Governing Body".

It was there that we grew crystals for our light. You will understand, and crystal technology will be given to those who understand it in more detail, that a crystal is a 'living' substance and you can infuse mind with matter. That is what we did, knowing that the destruction of our planet was soon to be coming upon us.

This is more of the communications regarding the frequency of earth and how it came to be at such a reduced level. I think this concept of a "Small, Dark Planet" hasn't been introduced in this way before.

VOICE: The Universal Intelligence, in your understanding, is part and parcel of some of yourselves. There is a residue left in your atmosphere that can be reached when pure Thought or the energy of Love is extended. You also carry his. Let me explain further for your understanding. When we arrived upon this Small Dark Planet it had, trapped within its atmosphere, all thought forms that were of a negative vibration.

The density of this planet being slow, and the surrounding atmosphere being thick, it had trapped within it all negative thoughts from other galaxies. Therefore life had begun upon this planet in a very gross, dense, and non-intelligible way.

When we arrived it was decided that we would impart, as you would understand it, a Soul within this gross and negative intelligence. We thought, for our own sacrifice, to amalgamate ourselves with that life which we found here upon this Small Dark Planet. We then discovered that it would mean the severing of our consciousness, our "Love Vibrations", with that from whence we had come.

This reminds me of the C's referring to the early hominids being matched with souls from Orion. Relating to some more recent posts regarding the "choice" the human group soul made choosing to "go for the gold" offered by the Lizzies, possibly there were other pre-existing factors in play on the planet even before that pushing our ancestors towards that decision.

There were many who so sacrificed their Thought Consciousness in order to amalgamate, to be part of, the first man - as you would call it - upon the Earth. It was then seen that it could not be tolerated within the Grossness of this receptacle. Once joined, it had become more or less a Gross and outrageous and not pure - Thought Form.

There was no way to amalgamate the Higher Self with this Life Form; too many eons of time had gone into the negativity of this Gross Being. It was then decided that, since we could not purify or enlighten this Gross Being or change the vibration of such to our higher level, we would place in every nucleus and into every cell the concept of Time.

So this implies that the limitations of the low frequency in the Hominid experiments/experience by the Orion's had to be lessened by cellularly imposing linear time as lessening of the "grossness" and allow a refinement or positive progression after death in 5D? My guess is because a limited time experienced for the soul in the lower frequency lessens the stress of being incarnated in 3D because it's more easily forgotten? The healing time in 5D being more effective when the 3D life experiences sequential time?

As a result there would be the diminishing of this Gross body and Time in the next dimension for "purification. " There were those of us who went through this "purification", known to you now as Death, who spent time in the Astral to become more refined. As we have explained to you, the concept of Time was something we programmed into the Gross Body so it could diminish... could die... and the mind, the Soul, could be more refined in the Astral.

There were those, of course, who did not amalgamate with the grossness of this planet. They decided to remain as long as they could hold onto their vibration and link with those of their own realm to teach... to guide... to refine the planet and the life therein. It came time for them to leave when they no longer could hold onto this energy. Do you understand us?

So part of the Group Soul couldn't remain in the low frequency of 3D and possibly left to teach or inspire from 4 or 5D?

INT: Yes, I do. Thank you. However, there is one question I must ask. If there are two forms of "Man" on earth - the Intelligent Form that came from another Galaxy and the Gross Form that came from within this atmosphere - which of these "Forms" are our ancestors?

So individuated souls vs Organic Portals? Or are these "Others" something else?

VOICE: All those that can understand, and do understand, the Time factor and the factor of being "Now" and "Here", are those that would be known as the Gross Form. These "beings" have no understanding, cannot accept and will not accept, that there is anything outside of their own consciousness, which is very limited, and will not be able to grasp any concept of "other". They do not see beauty... they do not hear music... they do not communicate. You will call them "Gross Beings".

They will not allow - nor do they seek - to have any change within this Small Planet of refinement. They will not allow you and your influences near them for it would be such as a shining light and it would burn and burn their consciousness. You will make these bodies physically unwell when they are close to your vibrations. They are known as "The Other".

All those that are drawn within the presence of the Crystal Skull have decided to join the consciousness of the Love and the One vibration. Collective Consciousness creates Life. You have decided to save the life of this Small Dark Planet.

INT: What is the concept of "good" and "evil"?
VOICE: Energy has no conscience.
INT: What about "negative" and "positive" forces, then?

VOICE: Negative and Positive forces must exist in this Time and Space in this atmosphere. Your planet is so dense that only the negative is recognized. It is very difficult, almost an impossibility, for this mind to reach out to you. The concept of energy, pure and simple, is much hampered by the density of all that it finds around it.

The above statement seems to echo what Pierre saw after his arrival in 5D.

INT: Thank you. [Pause] If you were to give us, today, a "Modern Creed" - a new list of "Commandments" such as given to Moses - what would it be?

VOICE: You ask us to define for you a "law" by which you must abide? We would say to you that the Law has been given... and still you fail to recognize it. We ask you to think of only one Creed: "Collective Consciousness Creates Life.”

Separation causes annihilation and death." We do not talk of death of the physical body, which is a small thing and necessary for the refinement and purification of, as you would know it, "Soul". We talk of much greater things... The death of this Small Dark Planet.

You have built around, in your atmosphere, such that we are finding it even more difficult now to communicate. We ask you...we beg you....we plead with you; "Look further, look further. This must be stopped!" All of those minds that are part of the "Consciousness of Love", that truly can link with each other, will be used. You must cleanse your atmosphere, you must save this Small Dark Planet...

Pretty dark and apocalyptic at the end of that section. But we're used to that around here ;-) It's interesting that the skull's statement isn't specifically related to saving planet earth, but rather the "Small Dark Planet" which may refer to a larger concept of a Group Soul Project rather than just the physical planet? FWIW.
Sounds pretty STS-ish to me. Sounds like manipulation.
According to the C's, the people who encrypted the data in the skull were humans. This might explain the STS part?
It seems they tried their best to convey/document what they knew/what they had learned.

Q: (L) Who carved the crystal skull found in Central America?

A: Mayans.

Q: (L) What was the purpose of that skull?

A: Study brain. Long message follows pause: Now: skull was to learn about soul; reflective remolecularization imaging. Grays do this with abductees.
They certainly were not the typical Mayan natives as they are recorded in "official history" if they were able to achieve reflective remolecularization imaging. Were they in cahoot with the Grays and Lizzies? Were they the group who got abducted and sent to Orion?

There was only 1 question asked about that skull, and it was in 1994. With everything that has been learned over the past 30 years, it might be interesting to dig that topic slightly further in order to understand better where the information comes from, if it can be trusted, etc.
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