@Jtucker, it's amazing that you pasted exactly the same text excerpt that I had prepared in a Word file

(from what I had started doing). Here's what's left of my file:
I had also selected this regarding Jesus:
(this is the text that follows right after "
fed upon these individual personalities.")
INT: Was Christ such a 'personality'?
There have been many. We will seek. [Pause] We affirm this, there was such a one within your "time", by name, to us...[Pause] You would have known him as "The Nazarene."
We will tell you that
each has been worshiped for 'personality' when, truly, they came to bring and enforce the concept of “The One”. Each was destroyed in a negative way by those still left who took upon themselves a reincarnation of 'force'.
The tragedy is not the destruction of the material world; the tragedy is the separation from One-ness.
And I had kept more regarding the sound tech:
INT: You've talked, in the past, of Sound.
We need to know a method of harnessing sound - high and low frequencies - to form an energy power source that we can use. Can you give us any information on this?
VOICE: You have come seeking technology that, in the hands of the wrong intelligences, would bring about a path of destruction on your earth greater than you can ever imagine. You have asked for precise instructions for a device to emit that which can cause disintegration of the material, that which, used in the wrong context, would cause your intelligence to scatter to the winds. However, we will assist.
You must bring before us those that are in harmony with the living crystals. Those who would understand instructions on how to use the crystal to oscillate and vibrate. We would show you then that with different currents of power of a... [unclear, but sounded like "Eeee-ny-an"] ... fed through and about a living crystal, sound would be reproduced which could no longer be heard with the material ear. With the mind only, we will show then one such individual who has been summoned and who will come into your understanding when your year is new, before your weather has turned the cold to the heat.
If you take the living crystal and place it in a magnetic comparative you will find that, already, it emits a sound. You do not hear the sound of the Crystal and it is created by a fast friction of the Crystal.
And regarding the findings of other receptacle:
VOICE: You are seeking information as to
other 'Receptacles of Mind'?
INT: Yes.
VOICE: There are many. There are still some that have not been given 'life'.
There are some whose energies are still to be tapped. (...) We ask you to look for that which is called the
"Stone of Green". You will find much history attached to this small article; placed in a time when it would be hidden from the general intelligence of mankind. But even now it is being investigated. This you will find within the earth known as En... Eng....
INT: England?
VOICE: This is affirmed. (...)
Your question concerning other "Receptacles of Mind", which you asked at an earlier date, will be found. [Referring to the Session of 1982].
You were given precise instructions. If you show the mind (Carole's) that which you have, she will be able to inform you as to the whereabouts of another receptacle of knowledge left for your instructions.
There will also be one that will be delivered when Atlantis rises to you. We look at it within your space now and we believe this rising of land is imminent, if not already taken place. We would give you one also where we left markings upon the earth.
Nazca? [Meaning the Nazca Plains in Peru which are covered with enormous geometric designs].
VOICE: This feels affirmative. We would tell you also that
within the Great Pyramid there is one also. We would tell you within the birth place of this mind [Carole's] there is one also.
[Referring to Wales. Although the knowledge was not available at the time of this session, it was later ascertained that the so-called "Green Stone" was in North Wales].
INT: Do the other receptacles take the same form as the Skull, or are they in a variety of forms?
VOICE: There are forms that are the same and there are forms that are different.
INT: The "Keeper of the Skull" (Miss Mitchell-Hedges) found a crystal statue in the Bay Islands many years ago. Is this one?
VOICE: This is also a "Receptacle of Mind", this is Spiritual Knowledge of mind. This is a "concept of God", of God, of One -ness. This was put into the receptacle with personality. On the other hand, this receptacle, the Crystal Skull, has no personality input.
At any given time these receptacles, when they feel the pull of Earth's atmosphere, or the pull of "like-minds", will emanate from themselves and those like-minded people will be summoned to them. Do you understand?