Cs' sessions key sentences

to get answers to questions I might ask the Cs, because the answer already lies, somewhere, in a theme other than maths and physics. I hope I've made myself clear

Yes, like ramifications. Ramifications that are catalyzing our subconscious.

- Ritual constricts communications. Better without ritual.

- Ritual constricts communications. Better without ritual. (Why?)

I suggest to be in the category of "protection", perhaps, complementing with:

"You don't need rituals if you have knowledge."

"Rituals are counterproductive."

"That is why we have recommended avoiding all rituals, since ritual restricts the flow, and therefore also restricts the possibilities."

The reason for not using rituals is broader, than just "better without ritual". It makes me think that, yes, indeed I can use them, but it is much better without them contrary to and emphatically avoid all rituals.

Possibly other users will expand on what I'm trying to say, but I think an "answer" in that way, would be more like a "spiritual shopping list to follow", telling you what to do and what not, doesn't it seem a bit obstructive?. Wouldn't such an answer lead a person who is looking for the easy way, to take a shortcut, to think only about "do's and don'ts" and ignore the knowledge of such information?

As well as the subject of rituals, there are other things that extend a lot under different circumstances and many more things come into play that makes it difficult to just leave it in a closed response.

That's the only thing that caught my attention. Be careful about pigeonholing information that addresses too many things at once.

Thank you for allowing me, thanks to your answer, to go one step further.

Thanks to you 🖖
October 16, 1994


- Minturians from Orion belong to the federation as do the Plieadians.
- Lessons are to be learned by you not told by us.
- Remember, free will is the most important law of consciousness in creation.
- Several books I have read have advised moving to rural areas and forming groups and storing food etc... Disinformation. Get rid of this once and for all. That is 3rd level garbage.
- If we call, can we get your assistance? All you have to do is ask.
- Many people who think they are channeling are just sometimes channeling earthbound spirits. Sometimes, it's possible to channel dead people who have gone into the light.
- In the reference cited, Joan of Arc is described as feeling ecstatic while burning at the stake. Is that what you mean? Sort of, but you need not burn at the stake. We are not speaking of death, Laura. If you listen to those who are firmly rooted in 3rd level this is when you run the risk of slipping in your knowledge learned no matter how good the intentions i.e. L*** {Laura’s then husband, now ex-husband}.
- There is so much disinformation you just don't know who to believe... I mean, how do we know we can believe you? There are so many sources out there deceiving and they do it so cleverly. Look at the Bible... for 2,000 years people have been believing that... They deceive when you allow it.
- Disinformation. Intended to create fear and resistance so that the aliens can feed off of these emotions.


- The Freemasons origin is Osirians. The original Freemasons formed as a society in 5633 B.C..
- Is Freemasonry as it is practiced today the same? 33rd degree, yes. There is a continuing tradition for over 7 thousand years.
- Is this organization with a plan to take over and rule the world? Not exactly. Their focus is overseers of the status of quorum. Quorum is a deeper knowledge organization. Totally secret to your kind as of yet. Very important with regard to your future. Changes.
- The quorum communicates with the Cassiopaeans regularly knowing who we are. There has been an ongoing relationship between the Cassiopaeans and this quorum for some time as you measure it.


- What is the origin of the Kaballah? Channeled truths given to early pre-Mosaic Jews to use your terminology.
- When the Jewish commentators began setting down the teachings, it wasn't the first time this had been put into writing. Not even close.
- Is the form that it is in today very close to the original form and can it be relied upon? No. Corrupted.

Books of Enoch

- What is the origin of the books of Enoch? Sanskritian society in area now referred to as India.
- What evaluation can we give the books of Enoch as far as level of truth? 50% of area was destroyed in nuclear conflagration in between then and now in the expanded present, the real measure of time.
Hermes Trismegistus

- Who was Hermes Trismegistus? Traitor to court of Pharoah Rana, egyptian leader of spiritual covenant. He broke covenant of spiritual unity of all peoples in area now known as Middle East. He inspired divisions within ranks of Egyptians, Essenes, Aryans and Persians etc. His purpose was to divide and conquer as inspired by those referred to as Brotherhood in Bramley book you have read. Hermes betrayed himself; was power hungry.
- Is this the Brotherhood of the snake Hermes formed in rejection of unity? Hermes did not form it; it was long since in existence. Lizard Beings were the originator of the Brotherhood of the Serpent as described in the Bramley book.


- He saw or interacted with a holographic projection created by the Lizard Beings. It was the experience on Mount Sinai.
- He got knowledge from Us and this prior to the interactions with the Lizard beings. He was corrupted by imagery and he was deceived by the imagery a la Joseph Smith, the recipient of the Mormon texts, for example. The Lizards do that a lot.


- Are there any exercises we can use to help our bodies transform into fourth density? Not necessary. It is the soul that matters.
- Does this mean that if we focus on soul development, that at the time of transformation that our bodies will automatically be transformed for us? No. It's natural process. No preparation is needed. If you are meant to transform, you will, if you aren't you won't.
- Does this mean that when my body reacts to certain foods that I should stop eating them? Is my body trying to tell me something? Up to you. Nothing needs to "tell" you anything. Why are you searching for guidance where it is not needed? Precisely, in other words, if you just do each day what naturally comes to you as the best choice in each moment, you are on the right track.
- Now, as I was starting to say, if, theoretically an individual was to develop in a natural way by making all the proper choices, and was to arrive at the point in time when the major transition is to be made, would that individual's body pass through into that heightened dimension in a physical state? Of course.
- Now suppose this theoretical person were to pass through this transition to the other side, what state would they find their body in? Would it be exactly as it is now in terms of solidity? What would be the experience? The key concept here is variability of physicality. Your physicality will be variable according to need and circumstance. Your bodies will age differently. The median lifespan will be 400 years. It won't be that the plane has a different orbit and that a year will be different. Planet will be 4th density as well. And those who will pass through this transition as, say, 50 year olds, will regenerate in youthful appearance. The rules will be so totally different that physical inspired comparisons are moot.


- Well, the story of Noah tells us that Noah was told to build an ark. Symbolic.
- Noah built an ark. It wasn't true that certain individuals, whoever they were, built boats or did things to survive that terrible cataclysm. Look at it this way. Noah built a boat because it seemed like an enjoyable enterprise and when the flood came it came in handy, see?
- So, you are saying that if we do what we do because we enjoy it that we will be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing when whatever happens happens, right? Close.
- Are you saying that we will be led to do what we should be doing and be where we should be? You will just fall into it but if you force things you run the risk of going astray.


- It's possible that you could be loading yourselves with Karmic debt by sticking your noses in where you may not be wanted.
- Would it be better to not do this without request? You must answer within yourself.
- Can one ask the higher self for permission to do a cleansing? Be cautious not to interfere with karmic learning assignments.
- Some people have attachments that are part of karma.

Number of the Beast, 666, Lizards and AntiChrist

- The number 666 in the book of Revelation means visa as in credit card. Credit cards are the work of what 666 represents. Isn't just credit also debit. VI is 6 in Roman Numerals. S was 6 in ancient Egypt. A was 6 in Sanskrit. VISA, see, is 666. Interesting that to travel for extended periods one needs a "visa" also, yes? World will soon have nothing but credit and debit have you not heard of this new visa debit cards this is the future of money as controlled by the world banking system i.e. the brotherhood i.e. Lizards i.e. antichrist.
- If I don't have a credit card then I don't have to belong to this system? No. You will have no choices : belong or starve.
- What happened to free will? Brotherhood aka Lizards aka antichrist has interfered with free will for 309000 years. They are getting desperate as we near the change. Rebellion against this system is possible if you are willing to leave the body as in death. They are going to have the kind of capability of controlling everything and everybody no matter where they are. Refer to Literature "Bringers of the Dawn". Challenge will be ecstasy if viewed with proper perspective which is not, we repeat : not of third level reality. What sort of challenge? Living through the turmoil ahead.
- Following the enforcement of control by the Lizzies on the entire world, the change is going to take place.

- The other parts of chapter 13... Verse one says, "I stood on the sandy beach I saw a beast coming up out of the sea with 10 horns and seven heads. On his horns he had 10 royal crowns and blasphemous titles on his heads..." What does this verse mean? Many meanings. Monetary control. 10 represents universal control of whole units of value. So, the 10 horns represent units of value, so we are talking about money here. What are the blasphemous titles on his heads? In God we trust. This Beast is the New World Order aka Brotherhood aka Lizzies aka antichrist. This beast is going to disseminate disinformation with respect to encouraging worship, loyalty and obedience to antichrist.
- "His feet were like those of a bear..." what do the feet represent? Russia. Hidden power center in that geographic location.
- What nature this power center? Same as USA. Feet are not so easily seen. Russia and US are under same control. The Lizards, at the root.
- "His mouth was like that of a lion..." What does mouth represent and why is it like a lions? Noisy and boastful. Economic power structure. Lion is powerful and commands attention by roaring. Who has been speaking loudly about a new world order? Close, the United States. Elements of same.
- What does it mean that one of his heads seemed to have a deadly wound? Aliens. Initially, the aliens will seem to be a deadly wound to the Beast.
- "But his death stroke was healed, and the whole earth went after the Beast with amazement and admiration..." What does this mean? Initial fear gives way to worship and admiration.
- "They fell down and gave homage to the dragon because he had bestowed on the beast all of his dominion and authority..." Who is this dragon? World Body Politic.
- "The Beast was given the power of speech uttering boastful and blasphemous words and was given freedom to exert his authority and exercise his will during 42 months..." Timing is open. Power of speech is self explanatory in terms of audio and video media.

- "And all the inhabitants of the earth will fall down in admiration... everyone whose name has not been recorded from the foundation of the world in the Book of Life of the Lamb that was slain in sacrifice from the foundation of the world..." What are "those whose names are recorded in the Book of Life... The Book of Life is a supercomputer. There is a supercomputer recording the names of those who do not worship the beast. And the beast has this supercomputer. All names will be recorded as being either obedient or disobedient. This "Lamb" is the beast.

- What does it mean : "Whoever leads into captivity will go into captivity?" Follow the leader. If they follow the leader they will become captive and if they fight with the leader they will be killed.
- "Then I saw another Beast rising up out of the land; he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon..." signifies other faces of the same entity. A lamb doesn't have horns. Confusion by contradiction. The lamb represents same face of the Beast. Look at it this way, aliens one face; God another; government another et cetera.
- Did you mean to say that God was another face of the beast? As represented by religion.
- "He performs great signs, startling miracles, even making fire fall from the sky to the earth in men's sight..." means aliens perform "miracles". The "image" of the Beast is aliens.
- What does it mean to have been wounded by the sword and still live? Perceived as scary then Godlike. Total control once deception is complete.
- "Compels all alike, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be marked with an inscription on their right hand or on their foreheads...." What is this inscription? Visa ID number. Stamped. Electronic encoding. A series of numbers. It isn't what the aliens do when they abduct people. Precisely, you will have to place your hand on an electronic scanner in order to conduct any type of monetary transaction. Everyone will get their own number and it will be a Visa number, the number of the Beast.


- "Then I looked and Lo! the lamb stood on Mount Zion and with him 144,000 men who had his name and his father's name inscribed on their foreheads..." What does that mean? ID. The Lamb is the Leadership council of the world bank. Many will think they are taking the "mark" of God when actually being marked by the Beast.
- Approximately, there will be 144,000 people on the earth who have supreme knowledge.

The return of Christ

- "And I heard a voice from Heaven like the sound of great waters and like the rumbling of might thunder and the voice I heard seemed like the music of harpists accompanying themselves on their harps..." What is this voice from heaven and the sound like great waters and mighty thunder? The return of Christ.
- Certain passages of Revelations are accurate to the work of Immanuel Velikovsky, in what they describe. And those are events that will transpire after the Lizzies have done their thing, after the Visa is in place and before Christ returns. So the cluster of comets is going to come before the return of Christ. But return is just one event not the whole thing. As part of the whole. Close, there's going to be massive disruption on the planet and maybe a lot of people transitioning out of the body simultaneously because of the interaction of this cluster of comets and the earth. After He returns, Christ's going to teach. Obvious if you have been paying attention, the return of Christ is a part of the whole, the transition to 4th density that is going to happen after the comets. It's not going to have anything to do with electromagnetic interactions which would heighten the atomic vibrations of the planet.
- So, the comets are going to make a mess of things and then the transition is going to come as Christ comes? Before.
- The transition will happen and we will all be standing around glazed in the eyes or whatever, wondering what to do with ourselves, because we are finding ourselves in a new estate we have not been in before, and then Christ comes? More or less.
- Now, what is going to happen after Christ comes back and everything is sort of straightening out and he is teaching... everybody on the planet isn't going to be gathered together in one place to receive these teachings. Technology. He will teach via the media. And some are still going to have access to our media, television and radio and so forth.
- Some people, at that point in time or just prior to this transition, are going to leave in large groups with the Lizzies.
- Are there going to be large groups of people moving into domed cities on the planet living in "cahoots" with the Lizzies? Close.
- In other words there may be areas of Lizzie control on the planet and areas under the control of Christ? Christ does not control.​
October 18, 1994


- What is the source of the legend of the phoenix? Ancient Indian destruction and rebuilding.
- It was the Lizard beings who appeared to Ezekiel.
- Would anyone else be able to answer the sorts of questions we ask? Anyone covers wide spectrum.
- Is there any such thing as racial superiority regarding the races on the planet earth? Only karmically determined by physical confinement assignment. It can be karmically determined to be born into one race or another.
- Was there ever a time in history when Kantek, Martek, and Earth were all three occupied by sentient races which communicated with one another? No. There was a time in history when all three planets were occupied simultaneously.
- Why are there different races? Many reasons. Experimental creations. Partly.
- Where did the Orientals come from? Same as all others. Result of experimentation. They originated on this planet and they are native to this planet. Orientals reserved for souls most advanced; Aryans most aggressive; Negroes most naturally attuned to earth vibrational frequency. So are "native Americans".
- What is the origin of the swastika. Oriental. Signified supremity.


- All Cassiopaeans are both male and female.
- Do you reproduce in anyway? We are Light.
- At any point in space time, have you occupied physical bodies? Have, will and do. Omnipresent.
- Are you part of our higher consciousness? So is everything else.


- Are the Aryan/Celts who came to this planet from the other one that was destroyed, were they, when they came, in any way superior to the humans already here? Somewhat.
- What was the nature of this superiority? Durability. Physical.
- Blond haired, blue-eyed people seem to be somewhat more delicate or thin-skinned compared to, say, the blacks. In this environment on surface.
- Which race on earth is the oldest? All are same. Even the Aryan/Celts from the other planet.
- Is Caucasian different from Aryan or Celtic? Aryan subgroup Caucasian.
- Who were the blue skinned people written about in the Vedas? Aryans. The Aryans weren't originally blue skinned. There weren't ever any really blue people. They were perceived as blue due to thinness of skin and contrast with native population.

Solar system

- Is the solar system sort of a giant atom? No. But similar; remember your atomic knowledge is still mostly theoretical.
- Could the orbits of the planets be described as energy 'shells' such as the shells occupied by the various electrons around an atom? Close.
- Does the solar system, at different points in time absorb or emit energy and do planets move from one shell to another? And, does the nature of the solar system change what it "is" by adding or taking away bodies? First, if a solar system adds or subtracts bodies then of course it changes. Next, the fundamental changes occur as a result of interaction with outside forces, plane convergence. What will happen to earth soon. This plane convergence is a phenomenon that occurs frequently in the universe, galaxy or solar system. It's caused or manifested by passing through realm border.

Lizzies and their origin

- Who created the Lizzies? Ormethion. Thought center. Located everywhere. Another sector of reality.
- Is this a sentient, self-aware being that created the Lizzies? Yes and no. This individual is not one of what you called the Transient Passengers. It isn't similar.
- And who created this Ormethion? Not being; thought center.
- Thought center of what? Too complex.

Universes and creator

- Is there only one ultimate creator of the universe? All is one. And one is all.
- From the one what was the first division? Mass division and disbursement. This was simultaneous. This was what you refer to as the "Big Bang".
- Is there any reference to this event in terms of time? Always.
- Can we say that all that exists in the material universe is, say, "x" number of years old? No. It is the eternal now. Not only did happen, is happening and going to happen. The expanded presence.
- Is the ultimate creator self-conscious and self-aware? Yes and no.
- These events that occur in our universe just sort of happen? Close. There are other universes besides yours. These other universes are also spun off from "your" ultimate creator. Counting the number of universes is artificially limiting concept. In a sense, the numbers of universes are limitless.

Adam and Eve

- What is the true source of the brotherhood of the snake in terms of human members? Adam and Eve. They weren't real people. Thought pattern change not a giving into temptation.
- What or who were these people? What country did they live in? All people. Realm border crossing. This occurred at a time when realms crashed or crossed each other.
- Did this involve a war of some sort between one group of beings and another group? Realm crossing has many manifestations. In other words, if it hadn't been the Lizzies it would have been someone else. This was just sort of destined to happen. It's just part of a great cosmic drama.
- Were Adam and Eve attempting to obtain knowledge to free themselves from bondage when they ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge? Adam and Eve are symbolic.
- But were they in bondage and trying to help free themselves with the help of a benevolent "serpent"? Not benevolent. They weren't already in bondage to someone else when the Lizzies came. They were free. The symbolic story of Adam and Eve was a story of enticement to false knowledge. The tree of knowledge of good and evil was focused, imprisoned knowledge.​
October 19, 1994


- You can ask an individual under hypnosis about an alien abduction scenario to try to tune in to aliens. The individual is aware on every level and the information you seek was known at the time. The questions you ask are merely an accessing of information that is already in awareness at some level. Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs are too regimented.
- We can't help with karmic level 1 processes. Major predestined lesson or mission.
- When you do this channeling, it magnetizes your bodies to bring benefits into your lives.
- If one is in process of fulfilling one's destiny in terms of performing a mission, the universe is capable of meeting one's needs.​
I think this is a very good exercise, but pretty big activity. Thank you for doing.

After all these years, some of C's comments still call for reevaluation of the understanding or discussion or networking. I guess, this thread is purely compilation. Am I correct? Other wise it gets cluttered with all sorts of direction.
I think this is a very good exercise, but pretty big activity. Thank you for doing.

After all these years, some of C's comments still call for reevaluation of the understanding or discussion or networking. I guess, this thread is purely compilation. Am I correct? Other wise it gets cluttered with all sorts of direction.​
Yes, I admit it's a big activity ! Nevertheless, as I've said, in other posts, this is the path I've chosen to integrate Cs teaching.

I'm passionate about maths and physics and I've found that many of the scientific answers from Cs are in line with my intuitions. So, to fully embrace their teaching, I decided to work through all the sessions. In fact, I realized that, sometimes, within an answer, there might be an answer to another question from that session, or even from a previous one. So we're at the heart of non-linearity.

So, yes, I'm compiling the key phrases from the sessions, and this also requires a global vision of the session, so that I can arrange them by theme later on. I've taken into account various comments from other forum friends to present this "compilation" in a thematic, fluid and airy way to make it as pleasant to read as possible.

As for all the sorts of directions explored, that's down to the various questions asked by Laura and the people present at the sessions. It has to be said that they covered the whole spectrum of possible questions. Many thanks to them for that!

Finally, what's so pleasing about this approach is that, as Consciousness, the archetype of non-linearity, evolves at every moment, the reader never has the same view of the answers he or she reads and so makes new connections each time. I'll try to demonstrate this when I prepare the scientific questions for the Cs :-)

Thanks @seek10 for your message !
Totally agree. The amount of effort being expended is amazing. But is the data searchable? We already have the sessions by date. A rehash that is basically as long as the original is a good exercise in imprinting the info but, personally, I don’t need the added filter of a retelling.

Oops. I see you do have a general topic listed in the sections of what you are doing.

However, if it was by topic, that would really be a service.

Another purpose for a rehash (and a sticky wicket probably to be ignored for now) is: what are the questions that didn’t get asked when rereading the sessions? IOW, what bombshells were dropped that just kind of got walked past. Or that begged further questions that never got asked?
Totally agree. The amount of effort being expended is amazing. But is the data searchable? We already have the sessions by date. A rehash that is basically as long as the original is a good exercise in imprinting the info but, personally, I don’t need the added filter of a retelling.

Oops. I see you do have a general topic listed in the sections of what you are doing.

However, if it was by topic, that would really be a service.

Another purpose for a rehash (and a sticky wicket probably to be ignored for now) is: what are the questions that didn’t get asked when rereading the sessions? IOW, what bombshells were dropped that just kind of got walked past. Or that begged further questions that never got asked?
Yes, most of the sessions are very dense and rich, in the early years (and, what's more, there were a lot of them per month too), which explains why some of the "compilations" are dense.

Eventually, one of your wishes will come true, since once I've covered all the sessions, I'll group everything by theme/topic. That's also what spurred me on in the first place : to bring together everything the Cs have said in maths and physics, for new awareness in this area. :-)
path I've chosen to integrate Cs teaching.

I'm passionate

I'm compiling the key phrases from the sessions

I can arrange them

I've taken into account

I'll try to demonstrate this when I prepare the scientific questions for the Cs

Just an observation from my perspective, is that I get the impression that this board is more convenient for you to compile key phases based on your arraigning to validate your account (impression) of the sessions to accomplish your goal you have set forth for your path.

Which you plan to demonstrate to everyone when you are ready to do so. Passionately.

Seems pretty redundant in a way, adding text files to the old sessions.exe is another, but I am not sure creating a fork of all the sessions based only on your interpretation is optimal, particularly for folks that may be showing up new and might miss the opportunity to view the conversations/learning that has taken place here for well over a decade.

Many insights have been gleaned via the nuance of the language used by other members via discussions. Again not sure that it is less beneficial than your distillment.

Or perhaps another way of expressing my observation is that it seems to add a lot of noise to the signal.

Looking forward to reading in future sessions your scientific questions presented to the C's, as the all previous questions that I thought were scientific, perhaps were not?

Just an observation from my perspective, is that I get the impression that this board is more convenient for you to compile key phases based on your arraigning to validate your account (impression) of the sessions to accomplish your goal you have set forth for your path.

Which you plan to demonstrate to everyone when you are ready to do so. Passionately.

Seems pretty redundant in a way, adding text files to the old sessions.exe is another, but I am not sure creating a fork of all the sessions based only on your interpretation is optimal, particularly for folks that may be showing up new and might miss the opportunity to view the conversations/learning that has taken place here for well over a decade.

Many insights have been gleaned via the nuance of the language used by other members via discussions. Again not sure that it is less beneficial than your distillment.

Or perhaps another way of expressing my observation is that it seems to add a lot of noise to the signal.

Looking forward to reading in future sessions your scientific questions presented to the C's, as the all previous questions that I thought were scientific, perhaps were not?
Dear @rognaill :-)

I understand that this may seem redundant for some but, for others, it's inspiring, even another way of discovering Cs teaching. We mustn't lose sight of the fact that Cs teaching is not linear : we discover their presence through the way they respond, through their humor, through the information they deliver according to the awareness of the speakers during the sessions.

You also need to be aware that, during a session, you need to be able to extract the substance of the information delivered. I'm aware that there are infinite ways of apprehending the content of these sessions. Everyone approaches sessions according to their own awareness, outlook and preferences. That's what this forum is all about : bringing out the richness of different points of view.

As for the scientific questions I might have to ask the Cs in future sessions, I'll have to wait for the opportunity to present itself one of these days... In the meantime, you can discover them through the various messages I reply to in different threads and even in the thread on questions for the Cs.

Thanks again for sharing your point of view and your message.​
October 20, 1994


- There are legends of half human creatures, minotaurs, centaurs, etc. Were any of these creatures real? Experiments known as beasts in Atlantis.
- Where do the Tibetans come from? Asia.
- Were they special in any way? Hybrids or anything? No. All are hybrids. At some juncture.
- What is the origin of the Nubians? Caucus range.
- How come they are so terribly black? Genetic mixing.
- With what? Anything particularly special about them? East Indian aborigines.
- Who was the Queen of Sheba? Fictional.
- Who was Arjuna? Same as Sheba.
- Who is Shiva? Same.
- Rama? Indian. High priest influenced by Confederation.
- Did a great queen come to visit King Solomon? Alien influence.
- How were the walls of Jericho brought down? Earthquake.
- Is there such a thing as sound that can kill? Yes. Anything properly concentrated can kill. There aren't words that can kill by their simple pronunciation.
- The pyramid was not built as a permanent marking system to navigate the planets of your solar system as Sitchin says.
- The Melchizedek priesthood is a false rite.
- There is an order of priests to which the original Melchizedek belonged that was true.
- The Aryans invaded India, 8243 years ago. Before, Asian tribes and number 3 prototype were there. A number 3 prototype is known as Neanderthal man. You're number 4 types c and d. Translation into English comprehension. The Aryan/Celts weren't the original giants.
- What white men were seen in South America and talked to the tribes there and promised to return one day and were worshipped as Gods? Egyptians and Atlantean descendants.
- What did the Atlanteans do to bring this karma on us such that the grays and Lizzies? Worshipped and served self to extreme.
- Corsoca, where you were from, isn't a planet. Point of energy confluence between realms that reflects locator when we were 3rd level.


- Well, how do the grays and Lizzies control people ? Mind and body interference with electrical response patterns.
- Can they do this remotely? Less effectively. So they need to work directly on you or be in contact with you by some means that is somewhat material.
- Are there other aliens on the planet abducting people? Much less often.
- What was the flying boomerang the kids and I saw last year? Lizard projection multiple reality station.
- Is Ormethion who the Lizzies worship? Close. The physical universe is their god.
- Orions and Lizards are close synonymous. They want or need a new race because theirs no longer satisfies them.
- What happened to the army of Sennacherib? Destroyed by cosmic rays energy concentration by Lizards.
- Jehovah was a Lizard projection.


- We would like to know what is the origin of the Gypsies? Genes spliced. Slaves of dark forces.
- Who are these dark forces? Same As Brotherhood that consists of Lizzies and various humans.
- If the Gypsies were gene spliced, who were they gene spliced with? Alien race, humanoid and Atlantean drone workers, slave people controlled by crystal.
- Why do the Gypsies remain so cohesive? Is that genetically programed? Yes. And mind control.

City of Baalbek

- Who built the city of Baalbek? Antereans and early Sumerians. We meant Atlanteans. {Who are the Antereans?}
- What is the reason for the enormous proportions of this building? Giants. Genetic effort to recreate Nephalim. They don't succeed.
- Why did they build this enormous city? In anticipation of success. Retarded subjects. The results of their efforts were retarded.
- Why would someone come along and build a city of the proportions of Baalbek in anticipation of a genetic project that could take many years to accomplish? Project took only 3 years. Speeded up growth cycle using nuclear hormonal replication procedure. Why failed. That's why it failed, because of the speeded up growth? Did not take properly.
- What technical means did they use to cut the stones and transport them? Sound wave focusing.
- What happened to interrupt or halt the building of this city? Venus first appearance and pass. 3218 B.C.

The city of Mohenjo-Daro

- Who built the city of Mohenjo-Daro? Lizards directly, 6092 years ago. They don't occupy this city themselves. This city was last inhabited continually, 3065 years ago. Coatzlmundi legend ties in to this directly look at illustrations on stones now. Coatzlmundi is a deity of the Lizards worshipped by the Atlanteans and their descendants because of the direct contact with humans for 1000 years.

The Nephilim

- The Nephilim were a group of humanoid types brought here to earth to be enforcers. 9046 B.C. one reference. They were giants. They were presented to the people as the representatives or "Sons" of God. They were 11 to 14 feet tall. They intermarried with human women. No sexual interaction. Forced insemination. Close to artificial insemination. Close, they were, like you, including their sexual apparati with a significant difference. Three gonads. Due to size difference, they didn't mate with human females in a normal way at any time.


- The act of channelling actually change steadily your genetics or DNA or some element around your being in some way that you aren't even conscious of. This channelling will have effects on you that will cause changes your lives and lifestyle. There will be benefits brought into your lives because of dedication to this work. Close, if you dedicate yourselves, this means that you will be protected or cared for in any way.
- Is there any special way to call and how can we know if you answer? Will feel it.

French version is here Séance du 20 octobre 1994
October, 22 1994

Direct channeling with Frank under hypnosis.


- The Grays are using sound waves to disintegrate rock in the crust under the ocean. This disintegration causes the atomic structure of the particles being disintegrated to completely disappear which has something to do with why those sounds are heard in that particular rhythm. There is some awareness on the part of the U.S. government as to what is going on there. They are suspicious.
- Did Arthur Clarke channel "Childhood's End"? No. Used imagination.
- The tower of Babel ooked very similar to your Washington monument. Which re-creation is an ongoing replication of a soul memory.
- Now you mentioned the creators of your group as the super ancient ancestors called the transient passengers, what is the meaning of this term and who are these beings? Transient passengers are not beings. Transient Passengers are unified thought form. Why are they called transient passengers? Because they transit all forms of reality. And they spring forth from the Unified form of existence.
- The city of Angkor Wat was built by the Lizard Beings themselves. Built approximately 3108 years ago.
- The city of Mohenjo Daro also was built by the Lizard Beings directly. They did not live there, they visited or occupied on a temporary basis, but did not live there. They built the cities for themselves and their worshippers amongst humans.


- Would the great pyramid in Egypt still work if someone knew how to use it? It still works today even though it isn't being artificially used. It was also a preservative chamber. If you were to walk inside the confines of the great pyramid and then leave the body, your body would retain its structure for quite some time. This ability has contributed to the preservation of the actual structure.
- Zecharia Sitchin proposes that the pyramid was built as a permanent marking system to navigate the solar system, could you comment on that idea? That is incorrect. The pyramids were built as energy storage and transference facilities. They were built by the descendants of those known to you as the Atlanteans who are, of course, your ancestors in soul matters. They were not built to be markers for anything.
- What did the original face on the sphinx look like? Looked like a representation of a feline and a human.

Edgar Cayce and Lama Singh

- What was the source of knowledge accessed by Edgar Cayce? Well, he had a unique biochemical composition which allowed for easy opening and closing of his consciousness from outside sources without interference with his electromagnetic flow stream. It is a very unique and unusual situation. The first manifestation of this was when he asked for help. If he had not asked for help from a higher source, possibly his awareness of his abilities would never have come forth.
- What is the source of Lama Singh's knowledge? Lama Singh has studied long and hard in metaphysical fields through meditation and other areas and therefore a doorway or channel can be opened voluntarily. This requires the cooperation of the host and is not as easily opened or closed as it was in the case of Cayce.
- In terms of access levels, which one of the two had access to the greatest field of subjects or information? Actually Cayce was accessing a somewhat different source, but the overall accuracy level and the overall intensity level were greater with Cayce.
- In terms of relationships relative to the Cassiopaean level of knowledge, how would Cayce and Lama Singh relate? The access level is much greater and broader.


- When and how did planet earth acquire its moon? Was caused by the regular passage of a large comet cluster which caused a gravitational disruption allowing a large chunk of the original earth's surface, which was somewhat less solid at that point in space/time, to break away from the main body and assume a locked in orbit around the main body. This occurred approximately 3 billion years ago.

Long wave cycle / short wave cycle

- Can a spiritual being become entrapped in physical matter? It's possible but very unlikely. Human beings are entrapped in physical matter by choice. To experience physical sensations. It was a group mind decision. The group was in charge of the group.
- Does the interaction between the spirit/soul and the body physical produce some by-product that is desirable to other beings? Well, all things have desirable consequences as well as undesirable consequences but it must also be mentioned here that everything that exists in all realms of the universe can experience existence in one of only two ways. That would be defined as a long wave cycle and a short wave cycle. Going back to your previous question about why humans are "entrapped" in physical existence, which, of course, is voluntary and chosen, this was due to the desire to change from the long wave cycle experience of completely what you would call ethereal or spiritual existence, to the short wave cycle of what you call physical existence. The difference is that a long wave cycle involves only very gradual change in evolution in a cyclical manner. Whereas a short wave cycle involves a duality. And this is the case with souls in physical bodies as is experienced on this earth plane because the soul experiences an ethereal state for half the cycle and a physical state for the other half of the cycle. While these halves are not measured in time the way you measure time, the totality of experience is equal in each half. The necessity to form the short wave cycle was brought about through nature through the natural bounds of the universe when the group mind of souls chose to experience physicality as opposed to a completely ethereal existence.
- Does this interaction produce a by-product? It produces equal by-products of a positive and negative nature. Positive by-product is an increase in relative energy which speeds up the learning process of the soul and all of it's one dimensional and two dimensional interactive partners. In other words, flora and fauna, minerals, etc. All experience growth and movement towards reunion at a faster rate on the cycle through this short wave cycle physical/ethereal transfer. Of a negative nature, it also produces many negative experiences for these very same entities which otherwise would not exist because being of a first level and second level nature, flora and fauna would ordinarily experience a long term or long wave cycle on the physical plane as opposed to a short wave cycle physical and ethereal, as they do now because of their interaction with the human species in its short wave ethereal/physical cycle.

Alien abduction and energy transfer

- The comment was made at one point that certain alien beings abduct humans and subject them to cruel and torturous deaths in order to create "maximum energy transfer". In this respect, what is this maximum energy transfer that occurs during a long, slow, torturous dying process? Extreme fear and anxiety builds up fear/anxiety energy which is of a negative nature which fuels the beings that you speak of in that they draw from that and produce a sort of a fueling energy which keeps them going as one of their forms of nourishment based on their metabolic structure. That is very complex and very difficult to describe because it is on the fourth level of density which you do not understand. But, part of their reason for existence on the fourth level is their ability to nourish themselves both through ethereal methods and through physical methods. Therefore, this energy transfer would represent the ethereal method of nourishment and other means are achieved physically. What other means? Well, the drinking of blood and blood by-products would be an example of that. The manner of intake is different than what you may be thinking. It is done through pores. Bathing and then absorbing the necessary products and then disposing of the remaining product.

- Is the amnesia related to UFO abductions deliberately induced or is it a product of the mind's inability to deal with the event? It is an equal commingling of both. The part that is deliberately induced, how is that accomplished? By using a cosmic energy flow to influence memory function through a combination of spiritual and chemical interaction. Being more specific would be in another way less specific, but a good way to put it is altering the flow of electromagnetic energy in the brain. Electromagnetic energy, electromagnetism, is the life force that exists within all that evolves through long wave or short wave cycles.
- Going back to the beings that absorb nutrients through their pores, what kind of beings are they? Both those that you describe as the Lizard Beings and those you describe as the Grays. This is necessary for their survival in each case. Even though the Grays are not natural parts of the short wave cycle, but rather an artificial creation by the Lizard Beings, but nevertheless they mimic the nourishment functions. Since they are artificially created by the Lizard beings, this mean they have no souls. They function by interaction with the souls of the Lizard beings. This technology is extremely far in advance of that with which you are familiar, but the Gray beings are not only built and designed artificially, but also function as a projection mentally and psychically of the Lizard beings. They are like four dimensional probes.

- As four dimensional probes, what are their capabilities? They have all the same capabilities of the Lizard beings except for the fact that their physical appearance is entirely different and they do not have souls of their own and also their biological structure is internally different. But, their functioning is the same and in order to remain as projection beings they also must absorb nutrients in the same fashion both spiritually and physically as the Lizard beings do. The reason the negative energy is necessary fuel is that the Lizard beings and the Grays are both living in the fourth level of density, which is the highest level of density one can exist in serving only self as these entities do. So, therefore, they must absorb negative energy because the fourth level of density is the highest example of self service which is a negative thought pattern. The fourth level of density is a progression from the third level of density. With each progression upward in density level, the existence for the individual conscious entity becomes less difficult. So, therefore, the fourth level of density is less difficult to exist in that the third, the third is less difficult than the second and so on. It puts less strain on the soul energy. Therefore, beings existing on the fourth level of density can draw from beings existing on the third level of density in terms of absorption of negative soul energy. Likewise, beings on the third level of density can draw from beings on the second level of density, though this type of drawing is not as necessary but is done. This is why human beings existing on the third level frequently cause pain and suffering to those of the animal kingdom who exist on the second level of density because you are drawing negative soul energy as beings who primarily serve self, as you do, from those on the second level, and on the first, and so on. Now, as you advance to the fourth level of density which is coming up for you, you must now make a choice as to whether to progress to service to others or to remain at the level of service to self. This will be the decision which will take quite some time for you to adjust to. This is what is referred to as the "thousand year period." This is the period as measured in your calendar terms that will determine whether or not you will advance to service to others or remain at the level of service to self. And those who are described as the Lizards have chosen to firmly lock themselves into service to self. And, since they are at the highest level of density where this is possible, they must continually draw large amounts of negative energy from those at the third level, second level, and so on, which is why they do what they do. This also explains why their race is dying, because they have not been able to learn for themselves how to remove themselves from this particular form of expression to that of service to others. And, since they have such, as you would measure it, a long period of time, remained at this level and, in fact, become firmly entrenched in it, and, in fact, have increased themselves in it, this is why they are dying and desperately trying to take as much energy from you as possible and also to recreate their race metabolically.

- Well, if we are sources of food and labor for them, why don't they just breed us in pens on their own planet? They do.
- Well, since there is so many of us here, why don't they just move in and take over? That is their intention. That has been their intention for quite some time. They have been traveling back and forth through time as you know it, to set things up so that they can absorb a maximum amount of negative energy with the transference from third level to fourth level that this planet is going to experience, in the hopes that they can overtake you on the fourth level and thereby accomplish several things.
1: retaining their race as a viable species;
2: increasing their numbers;
3: increasing their power;
4: expanding their race throughout the realm of fourth density.
To do all of this they have been interfering with events for what you would measure on your calendar as approximately 74 thousand years. And they have been doing so in a completely still state of space time traveling backward and forward at will during this work. Interestingly enough, though, all of this will fail. How can you be so sure it will fail? Because we see it. We are able to see all, not just what we want to see. Their failing is that they see only what they want to see. In other words, it's the highest manifestation possible of that which you would refer to as wishful thinking. And, wishful thinking represented on the fourth level of density becomes reality for that level. You know how you wishfully think? Well, it isn't quite reality for you because you are on the third level, but if you are on the fourth level and you were to perform the same function, it would indeed be your awareness of reality. Therefore they cannot see what we can see since we serve others as opposed to self, and since we are on sixth level, we can see all that is at all points as is, not as we would want it to be.

Nazca lines

- Who made the Nazca lines in South America and what was their purpose? Those were natives living in the area at the particular time who were highly advanced spiritually and they put those lines there to call to others that were coming from what they perceived to be an outer space location. Were they symbols of power in any way? Well, some may have perceived them as such but they were mainly an effort to call forth those who had been worshipped and had appeared to them previously from the outside including not only the Lizard Beings, but other travelers.


- In an earlier reading, the question was asked as to what planet you are from and the response was Corsoca. The question was then asked: "Can you be more specific?" and the answer was 2 dilor. Is this an incorrect spelling or what does this mean? That which you refer to as Corsoca is actually not what you would refer to as a planet in your understanding because you must understand it is at the sixth level of density which is completely out of reach of any of your senses except for the sixth one, therefore you do not have any concept of the level of being at that density. So, the term "planet" simply cannot apply here. But, that is, indeed, our residence. But it is best left at that because to try to explain to you what exactly it is like there would not be possible for you to imagine.

Knowledge is all protection you need

- Are there any rituals that can be performed to provide protection for one against intrusion by the Lizzies. Rituals are self-defeating. The only defense needed is knowledge. Knowledge defends you against every possible form of harm in existence. The more knowledge you have, the less fear you have, the less pain you have, the less stress you feel, the less anguish you feel, and the less danger you experience of any form or sort. Think of this very carefully now for this is very important: Where is there any limitation in the concept behind the word "knowledge"? Being that there is no limitation, what is the value of that word? Infinite. Can you conceive of how that one concept, that one meaning frees you from all limitation? Use your sixth sense to conceive of how the word, the term, the meaning of knowledge can provide with all that you could possibly ever need. If you think carefully you will begin to see glimpses of how this is true in its greatest possible form. This includes all possible meanings of the concept of the word. Can you think of how it would be that simply with one term, this one word can carry so much meaning? We sense that you are not completely aware. You can have glimpses of illumination and illumination comes from knowledge. If you strive perpetually to gain and gather knowledge, you provide yourself with protection from every possible negative occurrence that could ever happen. Do you know why this is? The more knowledge you have, the more awareness you have as to how to protect yourself. Eventually this awareness becomes so powerful and so all encompassing that you do not even have to perform tasks or rituals, if you prefer, to protect yourself. The protection simply comes naturally with the awareness. Knowledge has all substance. It goes to the core of all existence.

- So acquiring knowledge includes adding substance to one's being? Indeed. It includes adding everything to one's being that is desirable. And also, when you keep invoking the light, as you do, truly understand that the light is knowledge. That is the knowledge which is at the core of all existence. And being at the core of all existence it provides protection from every form of negativity in existence. Light is everything and everything is knowledge and knowledge is everything. You are doing extremely well in acquiring of knowledge. Now all you need is the faith and realization that acquiring of knowledge is all you need.
- I just want to be sure that the source that I am acquiring the knowledge from is not a deceptive source. If you simply have faith, no knowledge that you could possibly acquire could possibly be false because there is no such thing. Anyone or anything that tries to give you false knowledge, false information, will fail. The very material substance that the knowledge takes on, since it is at the root of all existence, will protect you from absorption of false information which is not knowledge. There is no need to fear the absorption of false information when you are simply openly seeking to acquire knowledge. And knowledge forms the protection -- all the protection you could ever need.

- There are an awful lot of people who are being open and trusting and having faith who are getting zapped and knocked on their rears: No. That is simply your perception. What you are failing to perceive is that these people are not really gathering knowledge. These people are stuck at some point in their pathway to progress and they are undergoing a hidden manifestation of what is referred to in your terms as obsession. Obsession is not knowledge, obsession is stagnation. So, when one becomes obsessed, one actually closes off the absorption and the growth and the progress of soul development which comes with the gaining of true knowledge. For when one becomes obsessed one deteriorates the protection therefore one is open to problems, to tragedies, to all sorts of difficulties. Therefore one experiences same.

Jesus / Christ

- During a reading, the question was asked : "Was Jesus special, that is, Christed, in some way?" The answer came back was : "Quick exalted; wars; civil entrancement. Zindar council." I would like to know the meaning of these references.

- Quick exalted refers to a sudden boost of awareness level as related to your previous questions about knowledge. Sometimes that acquisition can occur in a surge and sometimes this is referred to as illumination. Jesus acquired his knowledge by having complete faith in his ability to acquire the knowledge from a higher source. This faith caused an equal balancing interaction with higher sources, which allowed him to gain supreme knowledge simply by having that faith. Remember that the resources for the acquisition of knowledge in the space/time ere of Christ were much more limited than they are now. There were few options open for acquiring true knowledge except total and complete faith. And this one was instilled with the awareness that total and complete faith would cause dramatic and spectacular acquisition of knowledge; also would cause dramatic and spectacular progression of the soul being. Therefore, the faith was felt, the knowledge was received. The source was the 6th level of density which is where we reside and we also were involved in that as well.
- "Civil entrancement" is a complete balancing of one's useful energies to a level where there is no experiencing of over balancing on the positive or negative side which is preferable for meditation in a mass form.
- Zendar Council is a 6th level density council which spans both physical and ethereal realms and which oversees dramatic development points at various civilizational sector s in lower density levels.

- I would like you to expound a bit on the life of Christ in terms of chronology of events. Could you tell us about his understanding about himself, his interaction with higher sources, his state of being Christed, and what was the true work he came her to do and how did he accomplish it? His awareness of who and what he was gradually came as he grew. He was taught by us through his faith as described previously. And you should have faith as well because you would find things would come to you as "knowings" more often than even now. Jesus awareness of his mission and his actions pertaining to it were part of the natural progression of his growth and development. The information about his "miracles" has been largely corrupted by writings which have been passed down after the actual event period. Most of these writings are by entities who wish to confuse and corrupt all humanity for previously stated purposes. The idea was that if one perceived Jesus as performing physical miracles, then your entire understanding of what the life experience here on earth and on this plane is, and the meaning for it all, is also corrupted and the knowledge is blocked which is the goal of those who have done this. Jesus' purpose and plan was to teach knowledge to all who sought but did not have the strength to express as great a level of faith as he had to acquire the knowledge as he did from higher sources. If they were open and willing to learn they could be taught by hearing. He had only very limited success in imparting faith to others because faith comes solely from within and that is one of the most difficult things for beings on your plane to acquire.

- It has been discussed that Jesus was probably the product of a genetically selected impregnation. There was no genetic selection of the impregnation. That is incorrect. It was a natural conception. Well, that the person was selected to be the biological father is always the case in every single birth that occurs in your level of density.
- Could you comment on the idea that is implicit in this that Jesus was illegitimate? Obviously if one feels that this would put a shadow or stain on him in some way, or the knowledge that he imparted, then you have not been paying attention. Did you not hear what was said about obsession as opposed to knowledge? Those who are truly, within themselves, at all points of development, trying to seek greater knowledge, will not be blocked by any ideas relating to illegitimacy as you refer to it. Those who are obsessed, by choice, rather than trying to seek true knowledge, will indeed be blocked at that point. It is all up to the choice of the individual. If you choose to develop and gain knowledge then you are never blocked or obsessed at any point about anything ever. However if you choose to limit your knowledge or become obsessed then you are constantly finding yourself blocked and this will manifest in all your life experiences. That is part of the individual soul development pattern. It is all based on choice. Therefore it is not possible for you to interfere with another's choice to acquire knowledge or not and how it is or is not done. There is no need to try to alter another's perceptions because that would be to interfere with free will. If one chooses to be obsessed rather than to be illumined, that is their choice!


- We talked about the planet Martek. Is this an ancient human name for Mars or is it an Alien designation? Combination of both as were many things at various levels of the development of your history.
- The remark was made that the planet earth, prior to its interaction with Martek, had a water vapor canopy. How was this water vapor canopy suspended? The water vapor canopy was a natural element of the particular composition of your atmosphere at that particular measure point in space/time.
- Was the gravity level the same as what it is now? It was somewhat different. But not perceptible to you. That difference is part of the explanation of why that vapor canopy remained suspended.
- At that time was Martek drawn close to the earth and did it have water on its surface which the earth then robbed or borrowed? That is very close to being the case. It is far more complicated than that so we will leave that at this time.


- Did that condition prior to the flood of Noah, the altered gravitational state as well as the water vapor canopy, was that condition more conducive to extended life spans than the conditions that exist on the planet now? Not only those things but all the other conditions that existed on the planet at that particular point in space/time were more conducive to longer life spans. And, by the way, Noah is a symbolic message rather than an historical event. First of all, there was no Noah. Secondly there was no actual real flood as depicted in that story. Thirdly, the whole story was a symbolic message as opposed to an actual event. It is a very broad representation. It simply means that there was a cataclysmic event that did envelop the whole planet at that time and that those that were ready to experience that as part of their soul development without exiting the body, were warned ahead of time. But not by trying to manipulate events, but by simply allowing faith to let them acquire knowledge and being naturally drawn into position to experience what they needed to experience to survive the event.
- After the "flood of Noah" approximately how many people survived that cataclysm on the whole earth? Approximately 19 million.
- Why did the population of the earth continue to decline from that point? Because of disease and inability to adjust due to artificial manipulations of the genetic pool.

The Nephilim

- The Nephilim was a race of beings in the third level of density which came from an actual planet at another point in this particular galaxy also in the third level of density, who were taken, or shall we say kidnapped, reprogrammed and retrained by the Lizard Beings to act as enforcers during a particular era of what you would measure as your past.
- For how many years did these beings exist on our earth? Approximately 15 to 18 hundred years. They died off because they were not able to reproduce naturally in the atmosphere of the earth and experimentation to try to cause them to intermix with the human population did not succeed.
- When did the last of them die off? Probably near 6 to 7 thousand years ago. But there is also a reference point of 12 to 14 thousand years as well. They came from Dorlaqua located in the Orion complex.


- At one point in a previous transmission it was stated that the Lizard beings altered the human race after a battle for their own "feeding" purposes. Could you clarify this? It would not be possible for these beings to completely control your existence. If it were you would not be able to do the things your race has done. There has been interference by the Lizard beings in the physical structure of the human beings for their own benefit. Remember what we told you before. They have been interfering with the time cycle experienced on this plane, for quite some time as you measure it. For 74 thousand years they have been interfering in a backwards and forwards time reference manner in order to set up circumstances that they perceive to be beneficial for them in the measure of time that you would consider to be forward, that is, in the future. They have been going backwards and forwards in time to do this. They are suspended in the time cycle as they do this. So what they perceive as being your equivalent of one hour could be as long as 74 thousand years. They originally set up circumstances for their benefit 309 thousand years ago, however, they have been using the particular bracketed period of the 74 thousand year period alter things in all the various ways mentioned earlier.

- Did any aliens at all, and specifically the Lizzies, ever live among mankind and receive worship? They did not live among mankind but they did interact directly with human beings, at various points in the past. It was at those points when human beings were ready, willing and able to accept deities appearing directly from outside sources and then worship them. Such things would not have occurred in the recent past. But, beware, it may very well occur very soon.


- The planet that was destroyed between Jupiter and Mars that we now know as the asteroid belt, you said was destroyed by psychic energy. Could you clarify that? The occupants of that planet, many of whom are your soul ancestors, simply decided to develop a service to self atmosphere that was so super charged in the negative that it actually caused their home planet to be destroyed because the energy levels became so intense crashing back upon themselves that they actually destroyed the atomic structure of the planet, causing it to physically explode.
- Was this done technologically or was it strictly done by mind power? They are one and the same. This was done by psychic energy. There has been in a transient fashion of reality the danger of the same thing happening on your planet. Although we are quite confident it won't because we see all reality, past present and future. But, you must understand also that even in our particular perspective point, all reality is nonetheless fluid. There are still many choices of realities and possible futures and possible pasts and possible presents. But we feel fairly confident that that particular fate will not befall your planet, although it did the one then known as Kantek.

Yasser Arafat

- Yasser Arafat was a 5th density soul and a descendant of Jesus of Nazareth. What is there about him that demonstrates these qualities or these genetics? Have you not seen? Imagine what it would be like to be Yasser Arafat. Look at your perception. What is he doing now?
- Well the pro-Jewish point of view is not favorable to him. Well, what you describe as pro anything is an obsession. And, as we know, obsession blocks knowledge which in turn blocks the ability to protect oneself against negative occurrences. Not a good idea. If you were following circumstances, Yasser Arafat is now trying to take the world upon his shoulders by making peace with the Israelis who have been enemies for a very long time. And, therefore, he is now a peace maker and knowledge dispenser.
- In that particular conflict between the Jews and the Arabs, which side has the greater validity? All sides have equal validity. It is only with individuals we find negativity or positivity.


- In discussion of a purported crash of a space craft in Roswell, it was remarked that this crash was caused by ionization. Could you be more specific? That reference simply means the bouncing of what you call radar beams off of the ions existing in the atmosphere at the time, caused electromagnetic disturbance which interfered the gravitational balancing system of that particular craft. The ions were charged at that time because of storm activity.
- You said that there were bodies recovered by the government. How many bodies were recovered? Three dead and one still in operation. Remained in operation for approximately 3 and a half years. It was a robotic biogenetic being rather than a soul encompassing physical existence.
- Did the government know that it was a robotic being? No. The government is not one individual. Some are now aware that these are biogenetic engineered beings.

French version is here 📚 Séance du 22 octobre 1994
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