Culture of the 4D's?

I mentioned Transhumanism in passing because I think it is inspired by aliens. By all indications, the Orion Union was playing the galactic conquest game millions of years before Terran humanity learned to stand upright. An extraterrestrial civilization with that kind of expereince would know how to make CRISPR editing procedures that really work, and how to merge technology with biological systems seamlessly. It's kind of a crapshoot for 3D humans because they are unaware of the way psychic realities and subtle energies interface with biological systems; thus they operate under all kinds of erroneous assumptions. All of the Transhumanist fantasies about altering genetics to become quasi-immortal, implanting computer crystals into one's brain to increase one's processing power by orders of magnitude, and having an always-on neural interface to control all of the surrounding technology by thought is probably a reality for aliens, at least the higher castes. This knowledge can be used for upgrading or downgrading bodies. So the rulers get all of the upgrades, while the labor class is given upgrades which fortify some attributes and weaken others. An example would be an implant that makes one super strong, but impedes higher cognitive function and links up to a central command center where the controllers can emit a signal which essentially scrambles your neural signals and sends you into a coma at will. Such a person with this type of implant would be unable to function in the same environment as one who has an implant for enhanced intelligence, even though they are manufactured from the same biological base they would be some type of Neanderthal only useful for manual labor.

There seems to be some evidence that aliens use some purely mechanical servants, but they seem to shy away from relying on them too heavily. I think the reason is that machines are stupid, they cannot really transduce the conscious energy of the universe; they can only imitate. 4D seems to prefer to merge organics with synthetics to create semi-robots that are still able to interact with the consciousness field, even if they keep little of it for themselves; they are an extraction medium. Since this energy fulfills the same role as money, these "biosynthoids" are seen as a better investment than traditional robots, who are most useful in the niche of dealing with purely physical jobs in a mechanical way.

As for Communism...well I don't believe there are many systems that are intrinsically black or white. I have never read any of Marx, but what I can gather from various academians I was exposed to was that the intent was to create a classless society where everyone was equal, and the main culprit for inequality was the accumulation of private property. The government was intended to be strong enough to prevent people who did not believe in equality from becoming too powerful. That sounds nice. Conversely, the core tenants of Capitalism boil down to "everyone acts in their own self interest" and "markets are omniscient." To me, this leans rather strongly to the evil side, and is not so far removed from the STS model I wrote about above. Some more STO leaning individuals grafted this democratic system on top of it in an attempt to mitigate its predatory and nihilistic tendencies and attempt to provide a voice for people who would otherwise be marginalized. One advantage Capitalism has over Communism is that it makes a rather accurate statement about human nature, even if it is unable to comprehend the entire spectrum. Communism seems more ideologically divorced from reality; it is unlikely that people who will act primairly in their own self interest, who also happen to be rather ignorant regarding reality in general, can comprise a social institution whose purpose is to ensure that everyone acts in the interests of all. Human nature is not changed so easily, though you can force behavior for awhile. This leads to a positive feedback loop where the government needs more power to catch the "cheaters" and intrudes more into people's lives to catch them, which creates more "cheaters," which justifies an even more intrusive response, and so on until the final result is totalitarianism. Capitalism parades selfishness as some great and glorious thing, eventually leading to some sort of fascist technocratic ideal where the corporation, or a cartel of corporations is God, unless some other system arrests its development. In the end, with human nature being what it is, both Capitalism and Communism lead to pretty much the same place, Capitalism is just more practical with less ideological gloss.

Lastly, I think STO societies must deal with inequality, they just approach it differently. In an STO society, everything is shared freely, everyone gives all when asked. In a sense, there is no private property, although everyone respects each other's boundaries. On the surface this is not so different from the ideological pontifications of communists. The difference is in the fact that STO beings do this as a function of their nature, not because the political ideology demands it. Therefore, An STO planet would probably not need an institution to "manage" equality, making the Communist system a sort of red herring for people trying to imagine an STO reality. On an STO planet you will still have people with different talents and levels of abilities, some are further along on the learning cycle than others, some will be able to give more than others. While power is most valued in an STS civilization, in an STO civlization it is probably wisdom. In a situation where a lot of people are giving a little bit to one person, that person will have to give a little to a lot of different people or a lot to a few people in order to prevent themselves from becoming a source of imbalance. The "teachers" who have deeper and richer insights have a greater sagacity which makes them more economically viable. Higher relative wealth, desirable in an STS society because it confers additional power and comfort, becomes a bit of a burden in an STO society because it means you have to work harder to balance amount of energy received with the amount of energy given. Depending on the psychological needs of the species in question, they could choose to express their political needs in a monarch, however this would be a very unenviable position because he would have to work really hard in order to maintain the balance. This would tend to favor systems where power is decentralized as much as possible to prevent anyone having to shoulder undue burdens. Whatever the political system, it would be one where all participate in free association in reaching a consensus on various matters, but some may have more influence on what the finished product looks like than others. A human visiting an STO world may say that it has communistic or anarchistic elements and try to come back and apply these principles without really understanding the nuance of why it works there and not here. A "Capitalist" STO being may decide that its own self-interest is inseparable from the self-interest of others, what it does to benefit itself must also be done for others. It all depends on who you are and what you see. In my opinion, the level of being of the species in question matters more than the specific socioeconomic system devised, which is just a mechanism to put that being to use in the broader domain.
Breaking it down simplistically in 3D conceptualizations, I envisage a 4D STS perp as the lovechild of a Shadow and Vorlon - possessed by a Goa'uld ;-)
Yeah, and assimilated by the Borg.
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In my opinion, the level of being of the species in question matters more than the specific socioeconomic system devised, which is just a mechanism to put that being to use in the broader domain. Yeah, and assimilated by the Borg.
Well said, I'd just add that this is plainly evidenced historically - we always wound up with this "elite" and "everyone else" situation no matter what political and economic systems were devised. The fruits of everyone's labor never go back to the population. I do think there is room to make the system more equitable even in this STS world - but this can't magically happen - things are the way they are not by random chance, but because given the situation they cannot be anything else. As long as people's selfishness is what it is, their ignorance of their own nature and of psychopathy and STS remains as it is, things will stay as they are, and only progress into more and more suffering. Sometimes people get overwhelmed, revolt, and without changing any of the aforementioned factors, inevitably return to the same thing.

If you cannot change the reasons for why things are what they are, then you cannot change those things. If you don't understand what those reasons are, well that's just one of the reasons! And the true reasons are hidden from humanity - our education, media, corporations, governments always blame irrelevant things for "the human condition". People believe it, and try to change those things, and inevitably fail, and then spend the rest of their time debating those irrelevant things - capitalism vs communism vs democracy vs socialism vs fascism etc. We have charities, hospitals, futurists, scientists, everyone working on their version of how to improve the human condition. Every few hundred years we reshuffle this irrelevant stuff with great wars and revolutions, and sometimes delude ourselves to think that something fundamental has actually improved. Like in the case of America and its democracy and "checks and balances".

And that's why we always have this war or that one, this project or that one, this law or another, all with the lie of "progress" dangled like a carrot, and those who see through it, just get more sophisticated carrots, until you have a tiny few who can't be fooled. Ultimately it comes down to simple ignorance of fundamental concepts like STS and STO, and of our own nature, including the nature of psychopaths, who are simply the "really STS" elements. And if this ignorance was to be cleared up a bit, then people would suddenly realize that they have to decide to either commit to STS or commit to STO, that a mix is only possible when ignorant of the choice.

And I think the universe will keep escalating the heat until we figure it out and choose, or be recycled. Although, this could also just be a natural cause/effect consequence of being ignorant - no one is steering the ship, STS is taking advantage both human and alien, no direction or purpose or structure is possible in such an ignorant civilization, and you just have escalating chaos and escalating entropy as a result of all these forces pushing in different directions with no "higher vision" to structure/guide any of it as would be the case for a consciously STS or STO civilization.
I may be missing something, but after reading bunch of Cs material, I've noticed one thing - there is no description of how Lizards exist in their civilization (or what is it they exist in)
Now, I understand that of course asking this is like dogs were trying to figure out human society, but then again, even those dogs could see similar concepts in us, right?
Part of why it is so unteresting to me is because you just cant fake those things - you cant invent new culture overnight, so we can instantly know if it would make sense

So, my question is, what kind of art, social structure, hierarchy do they have? ( if those definitions can be applied)

cant wait to learn that lizzies were secretly communist all along

Hi Amarock

This is a great approach, comparing us to dogs in this instance emphasizes that we should certainly be seeing or experiencing some point of reference of what a dog could perceive of humans.

I think the answer should be in plain view and it is when we consider that we have reptilian traits within our own genetics. We even have what is referred to as the reptilian brain. It's fitting that this portion of our brain is associated with being the most primitive or earliest developed. The reptilian brain is also associated with our innate impulsiveness, and a large part of the work to oneself concerns better awareness and governance of our impulses in general.

Perhaps the best place to start is within ourselves and our own consciousness.... just how much of that can be classified as reptilian or lizard like? Wouldn't a human psychopath be seen as more cold blooded and impulsive than most (if not all) dogs?
Maybe as we advance technologically, modern civilization becomes as a jungle to be tamed - by the humans who become tribalized. And so civilization will fall because our ecosphere is not as resilient as natures. It is delicate.

And so within itself is born a new colonization that exploits the new domain, and it falters fast, as it is not as encompassing and harmonious as nature.

So mans destiny rests in its balance, and to keep itself from being split. So we are only as advanced as the least of us, and if we leave some behind, a colonization will occur from within, and our delicate system will fall.
Interesting topic!

I also think it’s highly hierarchical. The following 2 C’s sessions might offer a glimpse at how extreme this gets. It states that the Lizzies keep Sasquatch as pets. Though, the Orions who stand at the top the hierarchical structure even keep Lizzies as pets.

October 09, 1994
Q: (L) Was Mars ever inhabited?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) By whom?
A: By those you now know as Sasquatch or Bigfoot.

Q: (L) Do they now live on this planet as a result of being brought here by other beings?
A: They are transitory. Do not inhabit on a permanent basis.

Q: (L) Well, how do they come and go?
A: They are the slaves and “pets” of the Lizard Beings.

Q: (L) How did the Sasquatch get here from Mars?
A: Brought by Lizard Beings but they do not inhabit earth.

Q: (L) Why have Sasquatch been seen in remote places throughout history?
A: Put there for menial slave tasks.

Q: (L) Does that mean that whenever Sasquatch have been seen that there is a Lizard nearby?
A: No.

Q: (L) What menial tasks might they be doing?
A: Collecting samples.

September 9, 1995
Q: (RC) I thought that humans originated in Lyra and then a war broke out there and they ended up in Orion.

A: Lyra is not inhabited. There have been homes in all places, but some
were/are transitory, and some are not. Pay a
ttention to Orion! This is your
ancestral home, and your eventual destination. Here is the absolutely
accurately accurate profile of Orion to follow: This is the most heavily
populated region of your Milky Way galaxy! This is a region that extends across 3rd and 4th density space for a distance as vast as the distance between your locator and it. There are 3,444 inhabited "worlds" in this region. Some are planets as you know them. Some are artificially constructed planetoids. Some are floating space barges. And some are "satellites." There are primary homes, travelling stations and incubator laboratories all in 2nd, 3rd and 4th densities. There are overseer zones in 5th and 6th densities. Approximately one half is STO and one half is STS. Together, along with many other colonies, located elsewhere, this is called, in translation, Orion Federation. Orions created grays in 5 varieties, as cybergenetic beings, and installed them on Zeta
Reticuli 1, 2, 3, and 4, as well as on 2 planets orbiting Barnar
d's Star. The Reptilians also inhabit 6 planets in the Orion region in 4th density, and are owned by the Orion STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!! The name "Orion" is the actual native name, and was brought to earth directly. Study the legend of the "god" of Orion for parallels.
Really good thread, I've found the explication of ideas very engaging. As an extension of what's been discussed, I've often wondered what the psychological landscape is for the members of the consortium/secret government/breakaway civilisation, and how they're stratified. Also, what they're planning for our future. I think I recall that the C's explained that a state of compulsion is in effect on them; I mean they've got to be pretty grave mind-jobs, haven't they? Also, the psychopathological contingent should be very high.

Reading SAO and Neil's writings above, I must say it's very sobering to consider what we're up against in the broadest context. And then factor in the 3d extension of these also, tyrants galore. But then we were never promised a rose garden so we either rise to the challenge with determination, or we suffer and perish, so it's still a sound move to proceed as normal regardless and just do all you can.

Still, having said that, bloody hell, we're really up against it as a species aren't we?
Orions created grays in 5 varieties, as cyber-genetic beings, and installed them on Zeta Reticuli 1, 2, 3, and 4, as well as on 2 planets orbiting Barnard's Star.

A bit off-topic, but while looking to get a sense of where orion actually is in the context of the milky way galaxy, and looking at Barnard's Star, I noticed they just found a super-earth planet in Barnard's Star. I didn't realize how close this was, only 6 light years away. Possibly one of those 2 planets?

Super-Earth Orbiting Barnard’s Star - Red Dots campaign uncovers compelling evidence of exoplanet around closest single star to Sun
Still, having said that, bloody hell, we're really up against it as a species aren't we?

I'd say yes, but given that there is no true unity on the planet, I'd say it's more like we're up against it individually and in collinear groups, and some (most?) are not even against it at all. Perhaps in the future it will be more unified here, but for now, the average person is still largely just an ignorant pawn of the lizzies, no "against" there at all.

On the bright side, life is short, and thank goodness for that. No matter how crazy or painful life gets for us now or in the future, this is one thing I'm thankful for - you have maybe 100 years tops to make your statement to the universe. It sounds like a lot when you're young but it is quick as hell. So you will never suffer for long, if you did get yourself into a doozy.

On the flip side, you really don't have a lot of time to learn, grow, and serve others either - you can only read so many books, and do so much before you expire. But together in a group, not only do you minimize the chance of suffering for any individual because of mutual protection and support, but you also have some hope in hell of figuring something out about life and using that knowledge to actually help others, and in effect, being "against" the 4D STS who try to maintain ignorance and control. Individually we really just don't have the time, resources, or ability to do much of anything useful - not in this lifetime.

But because of how short life is, it's like the universe is basically saying "put up or shut up". As the C's say, we will do what we will do, but if you catch yourself thinking stuff like "maybe one day when I have more free time/energy/money/less stress... I will..." you're probably going to miss whatever boat you think you'll one day get on, cuz that perfect day rarely comes, and you ain't getting any younger!
A bit off-topic, but while looking to get a sense of where orion actually is in the context of the milky way galaxy, and looking at Barnard's Star, I noticed they just found a super-earth planet in Barnard's Star. I didn't realize how close this was, only 6 light years away. Possibly one of those 2 planets?

Super-Earth Orbiting Barnard’s Star - Red Dots campaign uncovers compelling evidence of exoplanet around closest single star to Sun
Hmm... Barnards star is in the Ophiuchus constellation which means in Greek: "Serpent-bearer". Very apt. Ophiuchus - Wikipedia

Its also considered to be a "hidden" 13th zodiac house in some astrological circles: Ophiuchus (astrology) - Wikipedia

"Based on the 1930 IAU constellation boundaries, suggestions that "there are really 13 astrological signs" because "the Sun is in the sign of Ophiuchus" between November 30 and December 18 have been published since at least the 1970s.[6]

George H W Bush died on the 30th November... Serpent-bearer indeed!

"Ophiuchus and some of the fixed stars in it were sometimes used by some astrologers in antiquity as extra-zodiacal indicators (i.e. astrologically significant celestial phenomena lying outside of the 12-sign zodiac proper). The constellation is described in the astrological poem of Marcus Manilius: the Astronomica, which is dated to around 10 AD. The poem describes how:

Ophiuchus holds apart the serpent which with its mighty spirals and twisted body encircles his own, so that he may untie its knots and back that winds in loops. But, bending its supple neck, the serpent looks back and returns: and the other's hands slide over the loosened coils. The struggle will last forever, since they wage it on level terms with equal powers".[3]
Sounds like a metaphor for the 4D STS vs 4D STO balanced level playing field.
Neil's conceptualization seems to me quite possible and well illustrates STS dynamics. But I think he has failed to point out one very important fact, that is consent. Everything that the rulers are doing and to treat one underneath must be voluntary, or rather desirable. So, they have to "sell" all that this chip and programming of the nation, "force" that they want themselves require such procedures.
If it were "by force of law", against free will, dynamics would not develop, the process would at least stagnate. Dissatisfied would "strike": Some passive - do nothing but sit and look at the navel. Some actively, taking actions that are in the opposite direction, which would cause turbulence. Turbulence of every dynamic system leads to chaos. Bye, bye STS world.
Interesting reading. Neil's analysis is just as I had thought at some point, especially when he talks about a STO society.

I had thought that a STO society has a base or social structure determined by networking. The same concept that the C's introduced at the time.

When I inquire about networking, I see that the base is cooperativism, and a predominantly non-hierarchical structure, but not entirely non-hierarchical, because as Neil mentions, at some point it must deal with inequality. Even in 4D there will be individuals with different abilities and gifts.

I started to think and what I thought was that a STO society works using a series of interconnections using a "network topology" (yes, like the internet itself). I realized that being the STO approach one where things follow a natural flow, that is to say that events occur in a non-anticipatory way, as a result such networks would be polymorphic.

Such polymorphic networks use basic network structures such as those found in the network topology and these varieties of networks would be interconnected towards a certain direction, and collinear action.

It is also remarkable that a network topology has two aspects: a geometric aspect and a logical aspect.


This is only an assumption, but my intuition tells me that in a STO society these networks are interconnected forming temporary hierarchies to deal with the events that are presented according to the natural flow of things and never in a fixed way (anticipatory and control -STS-) so that the equation results in the balance.
This is only an assumption, but my intuition tells me that in a STO society these networks are interconnected forming temporary hierarchies to deal with the events that are presented according to the natural flow of things and never in a fixed way (anticipatory and control -STS-) so that the equation results in the balance.

What an interesting idea. So hierarchies form and dissolve according to specific societal needs, mostly to solve problems I would think. There might also be longer-lasting natural hierarchies forming, such as teacher/student. But as the students learn, the hierarchy shifts possibly shifts and reforms when they become the teachers. Nice!
I dont think there is need for hierarchy in STO society - you see, in perfect working mechanism every gear stands for its own purpose, there is no subjugation between them. they are just communicating with each other and doing what they can best
I dont think there is need for hierarchy in STO society - you see, in perfect working mechanism every gear stands for its own purpose, there is no subjugation between them. they are just communicating with each other and doing what they can best

I disagree The analogy of a mechanism and its gears is in fact a hierarchical structure. This is determined because the force is transmitted from set of parts to another. You can see in the image how the hierarchy is formed, in ranges. In addition we can find hierarchies in almost all areas of reality. What I am proposing are temporary, fluid hierarchies that are structured in demand, and that when it has fulfilled its function it is transformed into something else. If we consider that a STO society works in a network, and the information is shared by all the nodes of the network, some type of network load balancing must happen.


Network load balancing (commonly referred to as dual-WAN routing or multihoming) is the ability to balance traffic across two WAN links without using complex routing protocols like BGP. This capability balances network sessions like Web, email, etc. over multiple connections in order to spread out the amount of bandwidth used by each LAN user, thus increasing the total amount of bandwidth available. For example, a user has a single WAN connection to the Internet operating at 1.5Mbit/s. They wish to add a second broadband (cable, DSL, wireless, etc.) connection operating at 2.5Mbit/s. This would provide them with a total of 4Mbit/s of bandwidth when balancing sessions. Session balancing does just that, it balances sessions across each WAN link.

Q: (T) One last question and I will be gone for now. Who sent me the information in the dream?
A: You don't have to "go". Complex.
Q: (T) Was the information sent by the good guys or the bad guys?
A: Different concept.
Q: (T) What race of beings? Did it come from a specific race?
A: Not exactly.
Q: (L) Can you give us just a few words on this?
A: Okay, Laura. Cosmic retrieval system.
Q: (L) What does the cosmic retrieval system retrieve?
A: Remember computer was inspired by cosmic forces and reflects universal intelligence system of retrieval of reality.
Q: (T) This is a computer network, yes or no?
A: Strange thought pattern.
Q: (T) What you have described, on a very large scale, sophisticated...
A: Grand scale, close.
Q: (T) Can I access it through our earthly computer system?
A: In a sense, but not directly as of yet. But just wait. [Break]
Yes, I agree with the networking analogy. There is quite a bit said about networking in the transcripts, but I think this snippet is the most relevant to the current discussion.
session941217 said:
Q: (L) How do we find a horticulturist? Network?
A: Always "Network". Networking is 4th Density STO concept seeping into 3rd density with upcoming realm border crossing.
Q: (DM) Networking is the way to get things done from 3rd level into 4th level?
A: Coming from 4th level into 3rd because of influence of wave.
Q: (DM) So, each of us has a skill that we develop and help each other. (L) We are all part of a body.
A: This is the way one lives in STO! D*** on board, V*** write. V*** not to feel bad, will return. Please be patient. Hello, D***.
We could use an analogy comparing three entities in a social memory complex to three computers in a network. One computer has very powerful processing and can crunch a lot of information easily. One is a data server that consists mostly of hard drive banks. One has little memory or processing power but is extremely portable. The computers are connected by infrastructure sufficient for each of them to talk to each other without bandwidth problems. The portable computer finds itself in a remote and hazardous area where complex instructions and calculations are required to avoid danger. The portable computer does not have the processing power required for this task and syncs up with the high performance computer via a remote connection and borrows its resources. In this case, the high performance computer is the "leader" and the portable computer is the receiver. In another situation, the high performance computer is trying to refine some kind of predictive modeling application which requires analyzing vast amounts of data that cannot be stored on the system all at once. In this case, the high performance computer relies on the data server to store and retrieve the "memories" necessary for the application to be compiled into something that is useful. So the network as a whole covers all three bases, but there are specialized components within it. This idea scales up to entities in a social memory complex, who will gravitate around a certain leader selected based on need and circumstance, and once that circumstance has passed, the entire network "folds" and one of the receivers may end up being the leader in a different circumstance. The network also grows synergistically, such that the data server would begin to "learn" how to be portable and the portable computer would gain processing power which would cause the overall strength of the network to increase over time. However, it wouldn't happen all at once and would occur at varying rates based on receivership capacity. While all entities in an STO oriented social memory complex may have access to the totality of thoughts and knowledge in that civilization, it is still the responsibility of the individual entity to learn. If you had a situation where there was 100% equality between all members in that society 100% of time, there would be no diversity, no novelty of different perceptions of different experiences, no controversial ideas to challenge beliefs held about reality; in effect there would be no individuality because every individual is the same as every other one. This leads to stagnation, and the whole thing eventually stops, I think. This is probably an issue that plagues STS social memory complexes when they become too rigid. It's an idea that Jordan Peterson hits on a lot, but he lacks the esoteric context to comprehend the full depth of what he says.
Neil's conceptualization seems to me quite possible and well illustrates STS dynamics. But I think he has failed to point out one very important fact, that is consent. Everything that the rulers are doing and to treat one underneath must be voluntary, or rather desirable. So, they have to "sell" all that this chip and programming of the nation, "force" that they want themselves require such procedures.
If it were "by force of law", against free will, dynamics would not develop, the process would at least stagnate. Dissatisfied would "strike": Some passive - do nothing but sit and look at the navel. Some actively, taking actions that are in the opposite direction, which would cause turbulence. Turbulence of every dynamic system leads to chaos. Bye, bye STS world.
Well I did say at the end of the first paragraph that all entities buy into the hierarchical power games at some level, but consent is a tricky thing. I thought this clip from Star Trek was a good synopsis of it. ( It is helpful if you are familiar with some basic Star Trek lore)
Portraying humanity as some naïve child would be priceless and very prescient symbology in my opinion. Note how the Borg Queen tries to sell the STS social memory complex, basically "you will always be near the ones you love, you will be in constant communion with their thoughts." Once you are assimilated you lose your individuality and become a faceless drone in a huge cyborg collective whose vision for the universe is to assimilate everyone and everything into it, thereby creating a "perfect" universe where everyone is the same. The twist she is hoping they will accept is that taking part in the collective is the highest and truest form of love. So even though there is some fine print she neglected to mention, if you consent to that she pretty much has you for eternity. STS does not need to tell you everything in order to get your consent, they just need to get you to buy into something that is vague enough that it can be interpreted in a way that subsumes you to their goals. Of course, if you figure it out later, you can always change your mind and withdraw your consent, but the STS collectives invest a lot of energy into conditioning you and making you suffer for noncompliance so as to make such withdrawals very difficult. Negligence to do one's homework on whatever deals one engages in with 4D STS is not against freewill, but merely another aspect of it. While in the overall Star Trek story arc assimilation is largely an involuntary process, in reality is more like what is depicted in this episode. On Earth at large, I can see where the "liberal taste buds" that Haidt talks about can be twisted in a similar manner. Some hyperdimensional intelligence is toying with the human race, and the perfect progressive society that we are all supposed to be "woke" into is something resembling the Borg collective, once one reads the fine print. And it is all based on freewill.
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