Dancing deer-charming shots from the depths of the Russian North

The crux of the matter is the direction of circling. As Gawan states, it would be interesting to know if they circle the opposite direction in the Southern Hemisphere - whether fenced or not.
Hmmm... hey guys, here we're trying to reach an objective view of Reality (if I understood correctly).
Do you really ignore that reindeers exist only in Arctic regions, and so not at all in the southern hemisphere ? :-O
WikiPedia (eng) said:
The reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), also known as the caribou in North America,[3] is a species of deer with circumpolar distribution, native to Arctic, sub-Arctic, tundra, boreal and mountainous regions of northern Europe, Siberia and North America.
Do you really ignore that reindeers exist only in Arctic regions, and so not at all in the southern hemisphere ? :-O
You're being pedantic.
For the sake of discussion... Actually yes, Bastian, we are really to ignore reindeer exist only in Arctic regions for the sake of making a greater point: If reindeer were to be transported to the southern hemisphere (which is not at all difficult to do in this day and age) would they therefore circle the opposite direction to circling of their natural northern hemisphere homeland-realm?
Well, here they are circling anti-clockwise (I don't take the pole shift stuff serious though):
keep in mind that videos can also be flipped/mirrored.
puppies around a bowl of food will circle clockwise in northern h. and dingo pups in Oz will circle anti clockwise....I was going to write but when I looked for some supporting video clips I saw a litter of scotties spin first one way then the other ....so much for that idea
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