Dancing deer-charming shots from the depths of the Russian North


The Living Force
Танцующие олени — чарующие кадры из глубин русского севера
06.05.2018 - 23:08
С помощью квадрокоптера энтузиастам удалось запечателеть завораживающее зрелище — кружение оленей в Ловозерских тундрах на Кольском полуострове.
Видео опубликовано на страничке в социальной сети Андрея Головнёва. По его словам, это произошло совсем недавно, 30 апреля, в окрестностях горы Полмос.
Источник: Танцующие олени — чарующие кадры из глубин русского севера (ВИДЕО)

Dancing deer-charming shots from the depths of the Russian North

06.05.2018 - 23:08
With the help of the quadcopter enthusiasts managed to capture the fascinating spectacle-the circling of deer in Lovozero tundra on the Kola Peninsula.
The video is published on the page in the social network of Andrei Golovnev. According to him, it happened quite recently, on April 30, in vicinities of mount Polmos.
Source: Танцующие олени — чарующие кадры из глубин русского севера (ВИДЕО)
Why do they do that?
Это неизвестно. У меня есть два предположения.
Первое связано с питанием. Северные олени питаются мхом, который называется ягель и растет под снегом. Возможно подобное поведение позволяет размягчить снег и оленям легче раскапывать снег и добираться до ягеля.
Второе предположение более экзотическое. В арктических широтах у людей местных народностей известны психофизические аномалии. Названия в разных местах разные: мэнерик, меняриченье, эмиряченье, арктическая истерия, пиблокто. Точная природа возникновения этих состояний не установлена. Так вот мое предположение в том что воздействие неких энергий, вызывающее у людей "арктические истерии", воздействуя на оленей проявляются подобным образом.

It is not known. I have two suggestions. The first is related to nutrition. Reindeer feed on moss, which is called a yagel and grows under the snow. Perhaps this behavior allows you to soften the snow and deer easier to dig out the snow and get to the yagel.
The second assumption is more exotic. Psychophysical anomalies are known in Arctic latitudes among the people of the local nationalities. Names are different in different places: menarik, arctic hysteria, piblokto. The exact nature of these conditions is not established. So here is my assumption that the impact of certain energies, causing people to "Arctic hysteries", affecting the deer are manifested in this way.
Piblokto - Wikipedia
Мэнерик — Википедия
Это неизвестно. У меня есть два предположения.
Первое связано с питанием. Северные олени питаются мхом, который называется ягель и растет под снегом. Возможно подобное поведение позволяет размягчить снег и оленям легче раскапывать снег и добираться до ягеля.
Второе предположение более экзотическое. В арктических широтах у людей местных народностей известны психофизические аномалии. Названия в разных местах разные: мэнерик, меняриченье, эмиряченье, арктическая истерия, пиблокто. Точная природа возникновения этих состояний не установлена. Так вот мое предположение в том что воздействие неких энергий, вызывающее у людей "арктические истерии", воздействуя на оленей проявляются подобным образом.

It is not known. I have two suggestions. The first is related to nutrition. Reindeer feed on moss, which is called a yagel and grows under the snow. Perhaps this behavior allows you to soften the snow and deer easier to dig out the snow and get to the yagel.
The second assumption is more exotic. Psychophysical anomalies are known in Arctic latitudes among the people of the local nationalities. Names are different in different places: menarik, arctic hysteria, piblokto. The exact nature of these conditions is not established. So here is my assumption that the impact of certain energies, causing people to "Arctic hysteries", affecting the deer are manifested in this way.
Piblokto - Wikipedia
Мэнерик — Википедия

I don't think that can be it. I saw a video of turkeys doing the same thing. It was totally weird.
Turkey Death Dance: Viral Video Shows Birds in Bizarre Dance Around Dead Cat
Maybe it's about generating some kind of (protective?) energy? I remember C's said something similar to the question about the same behaviour watched in mice (I couldn't find the excerpt).
It is very weird. I noticed that in both videos the animals are rotating clockwise direction.
Maybe they are generating some kind of an energy. Maybe something like Reiki symbol ChoKuRei.
C's also talked about spiral as something that connects. generates or conduits energy. Maybe there are some connections.
I can't really explain this behavior.
Да уж! Птички торжественно провожают кота в 5 плотность.
Самая известная аналогия подобного поведения среди людей. Обратите внимание на направление движения!

Yeah! Birds solemnly accompany the cat in 5 density.
The most famous analogy of such behavior among people. Pay attention to the direction of movement!
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It is very weird. I noticed that in both videos the animals are rotating clockwise direction.
Maybe they are generating some kind of an energy. Maybe something like Reiki symbol ChoKuRei.
C's also talked about spiral as something that connects. generates or conduits energy. Maybe there are some connections.
I can't really explain this behavior.

I saw a video on YouTube about water swirling clockwise or counter-clockwise depending which hemisphere you're on. I wonder a similar pattern is responsible for animal 'swirling' behaviour?

I noticed that in both videos the animals are rotating clockwise direction.
The most famous analogy of such behavior among people. Pay attention to the direction of movement!

It could have something to do with the Coriolis effect has water and storms in the northern hemisphere - as both such examples are located - as with the opposite effect in the southern hemisphere:

Coriolis effect

Maybe other kinds of energy's ie electromagnetism or gravity-wells or torsion fields follow a similar principle

Ah... I see Ant22 beat me to it
Ships and goats does that when shepherd dogs make them, and there is no place to go instead in circle. Just as the cows or buffaloes goes in stampede. Maybe?
I wounder if it is a way to generate internal heat due to the extreme temperatures ?

are also known as Caribou. In Europe they are called Reindeer all the time. In America they are called Caribou in the wild and when domesticated is call Reindeer.
The reindeer is found in large herds in the very north of the world.
In fact, reindeer can be found in Northern Asia, Europe, Siberia, Alaska, Canada and Greenland.
Reindeer are built for staying warm in freezing temperatures.
Reindeer are able to adapt to their climate and surroundings very easily by maintaining their energy efficiently. Their bodies react to changes in temperatures by making adjustments. When temperatures become frigid, they have the uncanny ability to lower the temperature in their legs to near freezing levels. This keeps their core body heat even.
Reindeer spend the summer feeding on grasses, mushrooms, and plants in the tundra. They begin to move south in the winter and over one year they will have migrated over 2,574 kilometers (1,600 miles).

Reindeer have a strong sense of smell, and it’s that sense of smell that assist them in finding the lichen under the snow. They can sniff out the plant material easily, even through snow that is 60 centimeters (23 inches) deep.
It is sad to see these savage animals in a reduce space like that, so maybe it is a sort of histeria, nervousses, something like that. These animals need space, need to run and leap and fly.
Interestingly enough, there is a video of people doing something similar as part of a religious practice. It's a parody video so excuse the music but at 0:42 they start running/dancing in a similar circular manner too. I wonder how this practice originated:

My grandpa keeps pigeons and they too fly in a herd in circles regularly during the day.

I also found a couple of videos of sick deer walking or running in circles too, some were sick. So maybe it does have something to do with generating energy, as Konstantin said above:

Ah... I see Ant22 beat me to it

Your explanation is much more scientific and I like it more BlackCartouche :-)
Your explanation is much more scientific and I like it more BlackCartouche :-)
Aw, thanks Ant22!.. I actually like your vid more :-). Until i watched that, I never realised how dramatically finely balanced a few steps either side of the equator the effect had - and to then being bang-on the equator itself... Incredible! In fact, (and I know its off-topic) I'd be very curious to how a 'Flat-Earther' would deduce such an indisputable phenomenon.
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