I have had the pleasure of being part of this forum. "Seeing" many who are seeking truth, the meaning of life so to say. It's kind of like going to the mall, sitting down, and watching all the people and observing how they are.
My observation throughout this short time is that there seems to be some basic type of people that come "here". Those who think, question, are curious and actively seek their answers. Then there are those who somewhat need direction from outside, looking for quick and easy answers. And there are those who just come here to preach, pick a fight, to confuse the situation.
I must admit that what I have read from the Cs has been exciting and enlightening for me. But as has been stated many times before, the transcripts are not some sort of gospel. To me they have been guideposts for possibilities of what can happen. 'Tis up to each individual to discern, to become aware of the possibilities, to improve our human condition.
There are two statements that stick with me:
1) Knowledge Protects
2) Wait and See
And I do not mean to sit back to passively wait while contemplating the navel, but to be actively observant.
I hope this is not a noisy rant, but just something I "felt" needed to be said...