Hi Delores Delaney. First, I just want to say thank you for sharing your description of your thoughts and experiences in life up to this point. I have a few questions that came to mind after reading through your attached document. I will post a few passages from your document below and then ask a few questions:
So one my questions is, currently in terms of the Zarathustra philosophy of "Good thoughts, Good Words, and Good Deeds", and based on your readings of Laura's Wave Series and Gurdjieffian concepts, how do you think and image in your mind the STO interactive way of DOing good thoughts, words, and deeds for All students, which includes yourself, here "below"? The "below" being our reflected and manifested 3D STS realm from the "above" Thought Centers that Laura described in the Wave series.
Is there something wrong with the "classroom" reflected below by this Thought Centers from the "above" that needs "fixing" through visualizations?
What symbols in your life you think the Prime Creator/Divine Cosmic Mind/Universe/Ahura Mazda is trying to show you through the suffering you have experienced up to this point?
How does Free Will tie into all of your visualizations and received messages?
Hi Saman, I hope you are well.
So I ask myself from your questions, what is good thought and how to apply it here in our world.
This I should have mentioned before, and I correct myself now with your help.
So I think it starts with complete letting go of the ego and submission to the Prime Creator/Mazda/STO.
The realisation that we are all a part of the same thing and not separate from the creator.
This is a liberation from the false pride, and helps us to focus on the divine spark in ourselves and others. As in this world, if we don't give ourselves to to 'God of Good', then who will rule us in his stead? Nothing good ha!
Hanuaman is a good symbolic example of this.
And what am I? All I know is that I am 'for good' and 'against evil', and I am still learning. So for me this is where good thought starts.
And I ask myself, what is the life goal. It is to apprehended and transmute with the means at my disposal, the negative energy drain that feeds into the STS. So which thoughts brings I closer to this goal, and which take I further away from it.
To to bring me closer I must be honest with the self, to know oneself, to know what our fears, worries, anxieties are, and face them, apprehend them and transform them into positive ways and thoughts and action. I must also get to know the strengths inside, to grow and nurture them whilst simultaneously healing and letting go of the inner demons, and there are alot of them due to the nature of our existence. As we know, our souls are fragmented, we are trapped in one particular place in space and time. So what is wrong with the classroom? Or is it really wrong? It just 'is'?
Aa we know, unfortunately we don't have the priveledge of seeing into the future or past in its totality. This ignorance brings with it many demons, many assumptions lies and misunderstanding from the inherent subjectivity of our existence.. As we know. So we have demons of fear from this anticipation, lack of knowledge, anger from misunderstanding lies and assumptions, anxiety, sadness and grief from our own mortality and that of our loved ones. Demons of self hatred as we blame ourselves, hatred towards others as we blame them. All of which feeds STS.
One of these more obscure but damaging negativity is I think the demons of dissociation, detachment and disillusionment, which I've felt so often, and am trying to get my little peanut head around.
As due to the nature of our existence as we know, we cannot see into others hearts and minds of all of life in their totality, in its globality. And this is so 'normal', its how this can creep up on the best of us. Because when we become detached, dissociated from something, one ceases to know it, and when I don't know it, then how can I love it or be grateful for it? How can I understand it? When we do not love or understand it, we can become indifferent to it, like humanity has with our beautiful natural world (exacerbated by the psychopathic influences of course). This lack of love and understanding, at its very lowest, gives us permission to destroy it, gives us permission to become indifferent to its destruction by machinations of something else. And when our good heart see this destruction, this leads to disillusioned mind, in turn creating a negative feedback loop. So how to apprehend this.
First with the demon of fear, I ask myself, which fear can I cancel with positive action, and which fears I cannot? If there is something I can do, say to prevent ill health, like eating healthy and exercise, then great ill do that. Just one example..
However most fears are useless, a kind of madness, fears of anticipated bad events in the future which have not yet happened, as we are prey to. I can control to some extent of course, but as we know much of it is out of our control, and the only thing we have control over is our own thoughts and our reaction to the unforseen events. So these fears of the unknown are the madness, useless fears, as indulging in them will not change the nature of our predicament. Good thought comes from not indulging useless fear in my mind. So we can forge our minds, we can choose, we have the free will to do this! It's within us now.
To have courage in the face of infinity, we can choose not to let this energy be used by STS against us.
We can use it to build our better knowledge. With gratitude for what we do have, positivity, will, determination, lessons from life, discernment, knowledge of ourselves and others and nature, understanding, wisdom, confidence, brave, honesty, intuition, integrity, will, optimism, joy for what we do have, happiness for what we do have, seeing the glass half full.. To learn to be positive no matter what. Which is almost impossible but not quite! And there will always be failure as is the nature of lessons so again to not beat one self up when it goes to pot ha.
And to cancel the demons of disillusionment and detachment, we can learn to forgive. To let go of the feelings of culpability to ourselves and others, to let go the burden of regret. With the exception of very negative selfish beings, we then can learn to ignore if at all possible , to become indifferent to them as much as possible, as these angry emotions just drain to STS. We can use this energy to help each other and for creativity, build a ladder step by step, to transcend this prison. By the realisation also, that, we 'Know' about our own ongoing situation of ignorance and fragmentation, therefore we can, 'know, that we do not really know'.
I can use this to keep the mind and heart open to new, to use empathy, kindness, understanding, humility, gratitude, diplomacy, cooperation, reconciliation, love, knowledge of self and others predicament, grace, peace, unicity, the intention to lift up others, to offer help with discerning thought, without expectation of anything in return, small and large acts of kindness. The better our hearts are, the better out minds are: 'a selfless good is much better than all acts of kindness in order to reap the interest'. This last is from the numbers.
The more I have, the more I must share.
To answer about what the Prime Creator has taught me about, suffering.. I'd say its about how even good people can be twisted by the demons of angra.. And to be kind to each other, to sew goodness and love each other. As it is the illusion of separation, and the demons of angra that keeps us from reaching the better thought..
As Ive written this in a bit of a rush as usual and might have to add to it as everything is a work in progress!!
Thanks for your questions Saman it helped
Hi Delores Delaney. First, I just want to say thank you for sharing your description of your thoughts and experiences in life up to this point. I have a few questions that came to mind after reading through your attached document. I will post a few passages from your document below and then ask a few questions:
So one my questions is, currently in terms of the Zarathustra philosophy of "Good thoughts, Good Words, and Good Deeds", and based on your readings of Laura's Wave Series and Gurdjieffian concepts, how do you think and image in your mind the STO interactive way of DOing good thoughts, words, and deeds for All students, which includes yourself, here "below"? The "below" being our reflected and manifested 3D STS realm from the "above" Thought Centers that Laura described in the Wave series.
Is there something wrong with the "classroom" reflected below by this Thought Centers from the "above" that needs "fixing" through visualizations?
What symbols in your life you think the Prime Creator/Divine Cosmic Mind/Universe/Ahura Mazda is trying to show you through the suffering you have experienced up to this point?
How does Free Will tie into all of your visualizations and received messages?