Describe your usual day

well i guess this pretty much covers it, and saves me making a video ;)
Corto Maltese said:
well i guess this pretty much covers it, and saves me making a video ;)
Enjoyed that Corto, thanks. I guess by the 'you' in 'the day before you came' you mean
well this song originally by ABBA is about arrival of that significant other in our lives that seemingly makes us feel more alive, I love this little video with Felix the cat because the song can be interpreted as arrival of our higher self. Of course this is highly subjective interpretation.
My day starts at about 4:00 am, waking up without alarm clock. I have adjusted to this during the last
3 years delivering the local newspaper to stores etc. After rising I do some pipe breathing and stretching.
Then make coffee. At 6:00 I go to pick up the papers. Most days I am finished by 10:00 am.
Now comes breakfast and reading the mail and paper followed by SotT News and a look at the forum.
By noon I am ready for a nap. By 1:30 pm I wake up and in summer I might do some gardening or hiking.
There is a beautiful trail on the Peninsula: the Bruce Trail _ which has some quite
demanding stretches that require climbing. Occasionally people wander off the trail and fall off the cliff which is called
the Niagara escarpment.
In winter I continue to translate Laura's articles for the German website or read or play the piano.
I am very lucky to have been able to escape the big city (Toronto) and am very happy to live in the country.
Typical day at present and for the last god knows how long. Get out of bed (time varies) Turn computer on . Head straight to SOTT see whats new. Then head for other sites , news sites , online major media news paper sites such as the british gaurdian etc,


head to a property that my wife and i purchased during the summer and needs a lot of renovation on it . Meet up with three others that think the project is a worthy one. Paint walls , some woodwork and so on , i really wish i had the time and could explain in more detail.

Work for a number of hours into the evening or late night , sometimes head off for a game of pool to the local sports bar in town after the daily work. , meet complete strangers who want to talk to me because the property purchased has some historical value , and therefore im a mini celebrity.

Its a military town so sometimes i end up in discussion with military folk. Feel the ground carefully to discover what one feels one can discuss or not.

Go home , grab something basic to eat and sleep (Time Varies).

Sometimes get the opportunity to jam with musicians.
Ad lib untill fade
It's been a good shock to me to see all of the stuff everyone is doing and how well people stick with a schedule. I feel like I used to do the extreme of that, and have now (albeit purposely) given myself a lot more free time in my daily life- to recover from working a lot/very crazy student schedules in the past, research my interests, and to work on figuring myself out and what I want to do. Last year I was working at 8 different schools, an office job, and gigs, and I decided that was too much for me. Sadly, I know all too many people who are working 60+ hrs a week, AND they have a family. I can't imagine this, it must be terrible!

My schedule is erratic in some ways. Three or four days a week I go to various music schools to teach for just a couple of hours at each place. Enrollment is way down this year with the lousy economy, extra education is the first thing to go. I usually have a couple of rehearsals and performances a week; usually these are in the evening but not always. I have to play at some of these until 2am, and can get held up until later if waiting for a ride or money to be distributed. Luckily many days I can get up about as late as I want, I've been trying to listen to my body about this, and generally I get up somewhere between 7:30 and 9am. Otherwise I have carte blanche to do what I want, so I usually alternate practicing my instruments with household chores/gardening/cooking, booking for groups I play in, applying for groups and sending my resume out, and reading articles on the internet, the forum (which I never feel even remotely close to catching up to), and good old-fashioned books. I'm pretty happy with this schedule and I feel it's gotten me to a much more stable place mentally. I am trying to pick up some extra part-time work in a science discipline though, to exercise my other brain half and gain some extra stable income.

Edit: forgot the most important part! I usually do the first part of EE either in the morning or at night before bed. Then depending on how much time I have I will either do the whole program or not. If I did the whole program in the morning I don't usually listen to the meditation at night. If I did just the first part I will do the meditation at night. Ba-ha doesn't seem to do it for me unless it's part of the whole routine, something seems to happen while doing the whole routine as I find it very hard to concentrate during this and can "zone" here. I also do breathing exercises for playing my instrument, they are from a program called "The Breathing Gym". I will do anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour of this in addition, generally before I play my instrument for the first time that day. These are about relaxation, working on air capacity, flow rate, and efficiency in a musical context.
okay...I've been meaning to jump in here and since it's xmas eve I actually have a moment in daylight hours!!

I'm up about 7:30-8 am breakfast for the kidlets, 11, 6 and 3 then school (I homeschool) this is quite a juggling act for about 5 hours. The sixth grader can work independently, but even at 11 she requires quite a bit of instruction. So we usually start with reading aloud on the couch while she knits or does needlework sometimes the six year old also knits or colors or plays with blocks. We read all kinds of things, sometimes fiction, we are reading Watership Down right now to the six year old, but I also read history aloud and nonfiction, sometimes science. I try to read aloud things that are above their reading level. This is hard for me to accomplish with the 11 year old as she is reading at a high school level. Lately I have been reading Laurence Van Der Post as we are currently studying Africa.
After that period we do Math, experimental Science and Grammar and Phonics for the little ones. Then we have lunch and take a walk or hike, then Spanish or Latin on alternate days. Then independent reading and creative writing, and sometimes different art or sewing projects. We dance at PowWow so my daughter works on her regalia and her sibs regalia. They also play piano so they fool around with that for a while. By this time it's close to 3 oclock and time for me to pick up the house and start dinner. I have to leave for work as a Massage Therapist at 4:30 and will work till 10pm. Husband comes home and feeds them dinner and does the dishes. They may have a little school to finish up as well, but usually they just play and sometimes watch a movie. I get home about 11 and do some laundry and get things ready for the next day. Then I am able to read a little bit on the Forum. If I have a few moments during the day I may also read a bit then. I also try to do the breathing then at night when I get home. But sometimes the kids are still awake and then as soon as I come in the door I am 'on' again, and usually just have to lay down with them and sing and then I just can't stay awake.
I also try to do some breathing if I get a break at work I can go in a quiet room but my breaks usually aren't longer than 15 minutes but sometimes I get a cancellation, so I try to use that time if I can.
Sometimes I can't sleep at night so I wake up at like 3am and I'll go and do some breathing then too.

Anyway..that's it really...just over and over and over the same. My days off are Tueday and Wednesday( I work 10 hours on Sat and Sun) so we still do school and I try to use the afternoons to do errands and pay bills and clean the house that sort of thing.

That's it for me.

My day is pretty boring, but here goes. :)

4 or 5am: up to turn off the alarm, so Hubby can get more sleep.
Let the dog out of his kennel and feed him and the cat their breakfasts
Let the dog outside, and make sure he's got plenty of water.
Take Hubby his first cup of coffee
Check email, sott, and forum
Hubby then brings me either my first or second cup of coffee
While he's getting ready to go to work, I make his breakfast and lunch up+vitamins
Check the white board for 'honey-do's' or appointments
If its a bad pain day, I go back to bed once Hubby is off to work, and get back up again before noon.
Let the dog in for grooming and pack time. In summer he's with me all day, and I take him to a park where I can use a walker and sit when needed, or we'll go to Petsmart to visit the folks there. Winter is tougher to find places to go. On weekends Hubby will take him along to Lowes or find a Petsmart he's not been to.

The rest of the day is split up into 10 to 15 minute increments and I do whatever I can manage. I can usually tell what the day will be like by how things go when I get up in the morning. On bad days Hubby may have to get everything himself.

I feed the 'kids' again at 5:30pm, and the dog is back in with me until "bark o'clock" at 7.

Sometimes I make dinner, and other times Hubby does it. We'll watch a netflix show or he'll take me to dinner if we neither one are up to cooking. Some nights there isn't anything we want to see and we sit in bed and read, taking turns minding the cat. (She likes to sit on our heads when we try to read) He's in bed to sleep by 10pm. One of us brings in the dog for the night and set the coffee for morning before then.

I'm either asleep just after, or up til late if its a bad night, most times its 2am before sleep on those nights. That's when I read, netsurf, breath, or become the House Elf: cleaning parts of the house that won't wake Hubby, or finishing up a chore he didn't have energy to do. Sometimes I find articles online that are interesting and email them to his work. Whatever will get my mind off those aches and pains. :rolleyes:

Rinse, repeat.

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