Dieta Cetogénica / Material en castellano

Hola amigos¡¡¡
Estoy en mi día no. 46 de mi dieta. Hace 6 días publiqué. Ya no estaba bajando de peso, pero sí de medidas, y hace 5 días comencé a hacer ayunos intermitentes, de las 10 de la noche, hasta la 1:00 pm. Tomando solamente una taza de té negro con mantequilla como desayuno, y mi comida con poca proteína y más té negro con mantequilla, la cena ya normal, hamburguesa, tocino, y agua con stevia y limón. Al cuarto día bajé 1 kilogramo, y sigo bajando medidas en la cintura, ahora tengo 70 cm. Estoy durmiendo muy bien, y mi nivel de energía está perfecto. Deseo bajar 1 kilogramo más y mantenerme en 52 kg. Los fines de semana estoy haciendo paletas de Coco congeladas y nieve de coco. Me quedaron deliciosas y sin ninguna culpa. Toda la familia las comió felices. Si desean la receta la publico. Solamente que como la hice con coco natural, no sé que cantidades tiene de hidratos de carbono, ni de grasa, para poder hacer la cuenta por porción. Lo que si sé es que el Domingo comí paleta de coco, y el lunes inicié mi primer ayuno, y para el Jueves ya había bajado de peso. Saludos desde México¡¡¡¡

Hello friends
I'm in my day 46 of my diet. Posted 6 days ago . I was no longer losing weight , but yes measures , 5 days ago I started doing intermittent fasting , from 10 pm until 1:00 pm . Taking only a cup of black tea with butter for breakfast , and my food with low protein and black tea with butter, and regular dinner , hamburger, bacon, and water with lemon and stevia . On the fourth day lost 1 kg weight, and down steps at the waist , now I have 70 cm. I'm sleeping well and my energy level is perfect. Desire to lose 1 more pound and stay in 52 kg . On last weekends I'm doing frozen coconut palettes and coconut ice cream . I was delicious . The whole family ate them happy. If you want the recipe I can public. Only that as I did with natural coconut , do not know what quantities having carbohydrates or fat , to be able to count per serving. What I do know is that on Sunday I ate coconut palette , and on Monday I started my first fast , and on Thursday I had lost weight . Greetings from Mexico
That sounds very good Mariposapaix! glad that you are loosing weight and feeling better :D
That's great to hear, Mariposapaix! Thank you for sharing!

I can't tolerate coconut very well, but I'm sure others will like your recipe for the coconut icecream ;)
Hola, estoy en el día 63 de mi dieta cetogénica, mi peso ahora es de 51 kg. y la medida de mi cintura es de 68 cm. Me estoy acercando a los 50 kg. Que es el peso que deseo alcanzar. Estoy complementando mi alimentación con suplementos, en la mañana tomo omega 3 (2 capsulas de aceite de pescado), y una capsula de colágeno. En la tarde tomo un multivitaminico y el colágeno. Por la noche, omega 3 (2 capsulas de aceite de pescado), y una capsula de colágeno. Cuando alcance mi peso deseado de 50 kg., debo encontrar el equilibrio para mantenerme en él y no seguir bajando de peso. Deseo comenzar a tomar L-Glutamina, 5 mg. antes de dormir.
Ya les contaré como resulta.

Hi I am on day 63 of my ketogenic diet, my weight is 51 kg. and the measure of my waist is 68 cm. I'm getting close to 50 kg. That is the weight I want to achieve. I am supplementing my diet with supplements, in the morning I take omega-3 (2 capsules of fish oil), a capsule of collagen. In the afternoon I take a multivitamin and collagen. At night, omega-3 (2 capsules of fish oil), a capsule of collagen. When you reach my target weight of 50 kg. I must find the balance to stay on and continue not losing weight. I want to start taking L-glutamine, 5 mg. before bedtime. I tell them as it.
just for share...
Just find an other website in spanish where you can see some recipes of keto-kitchen..
nice pizza isn't?
you will find a few one like this one
and nice picture on this one ..

bueno, era solo para compartir el ultimo sitio que encontré donde hablan de cetosis, recetas de cocina cetogenica, y algunas imagenes
que me gustaron..
linda la pizza, no?

saludos. ;)
freesurfer said:
just for share...
Just find an other website in spanish where you can see some recipes of keto-kitchen..
nice pizza isn't?
you will find a few one like this one
and nice picture on this one ..

bueno, era solo para compartir el ultimo sitio que encontré donde hablan de cetosis, recetas de cocina cetogenica, y algunas imagenes
que me gustaron..
linda la pizza, no?

saludos. ;)

Hi freesurfer!

Thanks for sharing.
The pizza looks fantastic but it has cheese and tomatoes which aren't very good.

I'll have a look at the rest of the website. ;)
Hi freesurfer!

Thanks for sharing.
The pizza looks fantastic but it has cheese and tomatoes which aren't very good.

I'll have a look at the rest of the website.

Hola Yas
Espero que todo anda bien por ahi..

the website is not really interesting, but is funny to see how the keto-diet is coming always more on the screens.. Nice!

Right the cheese and tomatoes aren't very good, but in the keto goal, also aren't very bad..

Since a few weeks (or month) I eat again cheeseand butter (and ghee when we do it), I don't think is bad for my ketosis, this is my new decision, and I feel happy and good, but I never drink milk or yogurt. I know about the casein, but I don't think that affect me a lot, (I know, I know that affect every body, but any way that's my new decision :) ) no intolerence on view here. I prefer Keto than Paléo :)

You can change the tomatoes for avocados (or more olives), maybe after cook the pizza, that will be tasty I think,
and in the end the tomato exeption is not so bad
sometimes ..
and always that depend of your physical activity,
I don't think that will take 4 days for stay again in keto-state, if you eat 2 pieces of tomatoes when you have my kind of physical activity...
some hours maybe,
but maybe I'm wrong :halo: ..

I like the pizza's recipe. :headbanger:

Yas and what do you think if we publish it on SOTT with a commentary about the problem of dairy products? And remembering that one should not eat more than 18% of carbohydrates a day.

About the tomato: some are intolerant, but can be taken with the ketogenic diet ... Some on Forum eat Ketchup. It is not a OSIT. I've seen them and I've asked them and it isn't wrong to eat Ketchup sometimes (but no hydrogenated fats or modified starch. Heinz is a good option).

Me gusta la receta de la pizza :headbanger:

Yas, y qué piensas si la publicamos en Sott con un comentario sobre el problema de tomar productos lácteos? Y recordando que uno no debe comer más de un 18% de carbohidratos al día.

Sobre el tomate: algunos son intolerantes, pero puede tomarse en una dieta ceto... Algunos en el foro comen Ketchup. No es algo que creo, los he visto, les he preguntado y no es malo comer Ketchup alguna vez (pero sin grasas hidrogenadas ni almidón modificado. Heinz es una buena opción).

freesurfer said:
Since a few weeks (or month) I eat again cheeseand butter (and ghee when we do it), I don't think is bad for my ketosis, this is my new decision, and I feel happy and good, but I never drink milk or yogurt. I know about the casein, but I don't think that affect me a lot, (I know, I know that affect every body, but any way that's my new decision :) ) no intolerence on view here. I prefer Keto than Paléo :)

Cheese is not good. But I confess you, on some occasion, I've eaten a little cheese and a little milk chocolate. :headbash:
The world around me is full of people eating cheese and milk chocolate... Sometimes it's hard to resist and not give a bite. :evil: :halo:

El queso no es bueno. Pero te confieso que yo alguna vez como un poco de queso y un poco de chocolate con leche. :headbash:
El mundo a mi alrededor está lleno de gente comiendo queso y chocolate con leche... A veces es dificil resistirse y no dar un bocado. :evil: :halo:

This comment of Laura is not related to the food, but it seems me interesting to highlight it here. OSIT

The important thing is to know your machine and know when you need to "throw the wolf a piece of meat" for strategic reasons. At the same time, you need to know when you are excusing indulging yourself as that via narrative. I have really, really learned that I have to pace myself and conserve energy so that means avoiding situations or people that drain my energy.
I think then it is worthy to take a look at the video in this SOTT article, cheese is used in some keto recipes but we know what casein can do to our bodies:

It can be published with a comment, yes. SOTT publishes many articles that promote milk, nuts, vegetable oil and other things with a comment saying it is not recommended for some people or for no one in the case of milk.

The problem with tomato is that it's from solanaceae family which contains many lectins that aren't good for anyone, but yes, many can tolerate them better than others for sure. It's out of question for me though :P

You can refer to the article with the looooooong title written by Gaby "Alimentación saludable vs. Alimentación moderna...." She explains the issue with lectins there.

Yas said:
It can be published with a comment, yes. SOTT publishes many articles that promote milk, nuts, vegetable oil and other things with a comment saying it is not recommended for some people or for no one in the case of milk.

The problem with tomato is that it's from solanaceae family which contains many lectins that aren't good for anyone, but yes, many can tolerate them better than others for sure. It's out of question for me though :P

You can refer to the article with the looooooong title written by Gaby "Alimentación saludable vs. Alimentación moderna...." She explains the issue with lectins there.


I find tomato very inflammatory too, easily detectable after eating it.
Cetosis y Embarazo

Hola amigos:

Hace mucho que no compartía nada en el grupo, pero ya tengo mas de un año con la dieta cetogénica, y me he sentido muy bien, solo en navidad la dejé un tiempo, para poder disfrutar de las fiestas, y para mi sorpresa, no subí de peso tan rápido como me pasaba cuando hacia las dietas convencionales. Después retomé la cetosis, y ahora para mi sorpresa y la de mi esposo, quedé embarazada, tengo 4 semanas de embarazo, a mis 43 años, después de 10 años de mi hija.

Mi doctora reviso mis niveles en sangre y estoy con colesterol y trigliceridos y para mi sorpresa, los valores fueron muy bajos, el inconveniente fué que salí con glucosa (azucar), en 106, lo recomendable es estar por debajo de los 100. Por lo que ahora investigaremos si soy diabética, por lo que me gustaría continuar con la cetosis, pero mi doctora me recomienda dejarla.

Podría alguien compartir su experiencia conmigo? Ya que no encuentro mucha información al respecto, mi doctora no conoce mucho, así que me sería muy util compartir con ustedes mi experiencia y retroalimentarme con la información que tengan.

Saludos y gracias.
En la webb de Càncer Integral vaìs a encontrar informaciòn muy ùtil sobre el tema.Tiene una guìa de dieta cetogènica contra el càncer.
Aquì el enlace con màs informaciòn.

In this webb,Càncer Integral you will find useful information about this topic.It got the guide ketogenic diet against cancer.
Tristan said:
I share a video entitled: El cerebro dulce ("The Sweet Brain") It is a talk given at the Summit Paleo in Madrid last month.

A warning of the dangers of sugar consumption for adults and especially children, and corruption that exists behind industries and health authorities ...

Which I consider highly recommended. ;)

The presenter, and not a very good one by the way, at 13:18 compares sugar with tobacco, because according to him they share "Marketing Practices, Clinical Evidence, Epidemiological Evidence and Corporate Infuence" :rolleyes:

But not wanting to throw the baby with the bath water, some info in there is very good.

Perhaps some other SOTT editors will pick it up.
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