Disease X - Another Step Towards Depopulation And Control

This just in: I have an appointment for an endoscopy in a couple of weeks, and I had (as per usual) to pre-register with the clinic. That said, the section of the form where it would (new)normally say, “Have you had contact with anyone diagnosed with Covid-19 in the past 10 days?” and, “Have you experienced cough, fever, flu-like etc…” has had all of those questions changed from Covid-19 to mpox. It certainly looks to me like they’re already rolling it out. At least in Southern California. I mean, they didn’t add the Covid questions until after “Two weeks to flatten the curve.” They’re clearly getting it all in place ahead of time this time around.

Kinda like it’s here, before it’s actually here.😄
This just in: I have an appointment for an endoscopy in a couple of weeks, and I had (as per usual) to pre-register with the clinic. That said, the section of the form where it would (new)normally say, “Have you had contact with anyone diagnosed with Covid-19 in the past 10 days?” and, “Have you experienced cough, fever, flu-like etc…” has had all of those questions changed from Covid-19 to mpox. It certainly looks to me like they’re already rolling it out. At least in Southern California. I mean, they didn’t add the Covid questions until after “Two weeks to flatten the curve.” They’re clearly getting it all in place ahead of time this time around.

Kinda like it’s here, before it’s actually here.😄
I see a lot of “wows” in response to this post. That too was my reaction. If mpox isn’t the plan, they’re sure going through the motions. And the thing about it is, it wasn’t a simple printed form from my doctors office. It was an official online form in my One Medical Passport account through the MediCal patient portal, which means it’s statewide.
Sadly, I was saying it rhetorically, but as it turns out yes, the PCR tests are being performed for mpox. Which then begs the question, considering how many of those tests gave false positives for Covid, the panic can’t be far behind. The bigger question is how many people will buy that bullshit this time. I’m thinking with the amount of facts about Covid coming out, they’re gonna have a lot of pushback trying to sell this one. I don’t recall any specific questions to the Cs about mpox, just the answers saying the forthcoming one will be far deadlier. But is this that one, or is the real plague still to come? Guess it’s eyes on the skies and keep watching the show.
Hmmm. For some reason all news on this topic has gone eerily silent. I've seen nothing new other than this UK-based Big Pharma cheerleader lady rallying the corporate troops for the next big Disease X payday a few months ago.

So is this, maybe, the calm before the storm? Or do they want to get their plans fixed before pulling the trigger on its dispersal? Or, perhaps, someone in the military/pharmaceutical/WHO complex read the transcripts and came to realize that unleashing a Disease X would, indeed, go very badly for them?!

The latter is certainly a possibility I think. And when you consider that something like the Bird Flu or Monkey Pox, which are much more established and therefore "credible" diseases in the minds of the public, maybe the baddies are planning a more lethal Covid 2.0 with one of those diseases as cover?

The following article suggests something like the above may be in the offing:

Could Bird Flu Be the October Surprise?

Bird flu was the hot topic in pandemic fear-mongering until very recently. Just a few months ago, former CDC director Robert Redfield publicly described Bird flu (also known as H5N1 Influenza A or Avian Influenza virus) as the likely next pandemic – predicting a laboratory-leaked virus as the cause. Meanwhile, Deborah Birx, aka the “Scarf Lady” of Covid infamy, was making the TV news, promoting an unrealistic and excessive program of testing farm animals and humans for Bird flu.

At present, bird flu seems to have been put on the back burner by the authorities. Monkeypox has since taken center stage, with the World Health Organization declaring a state of emergency over that virus. Furthermore, the “experts” have trotted out numerous other viruses with which to terrify the public. Examples include West Nile virus – who no less than Anthony Fauci himself supposedly contracted – and even the exotic “Sloth virus” (also known as Oropouche virus).

The first step in dealing with these continual reports of horrific pathogens is recognizing the vital importance of living in knowledge rather than in fear. “Fear porn” is a real psychological weapon and one that is being used against us on a daily basis. As we painfully learned during Covid, a terrified population is easily manipulated, controlled, and exploited. As free citizens, we must remain mindful and knowledgeable, rather than fearful, about the flood of information and propaganda that is hurled at us.

Regarding bird flu, we should remain mindful of the following. In its current iteration, bird flu has caused no widespread human illness, no human deaths, and sporadic outbreaks in farm animal populations. However, there is much evidence that bird flu could be used as a bioweapon. Furthermore, it could also be applied to disrupt the November 5 US Presidential election.

Here are 3 reasons why bird flu may still be weaponized to alter the election:

  • Multiple bio labs in the United States and abroad – such as the lab run by Yoshihiro Kawaoka, PhD at the University of Wisconsin – perform alarming Gain-of-Function research on the H5N1 virus, making variants of the virus that are much more dangerous to humans than variants that occur in nature. These labs have had leaks with alarming frequency. The current strains of bird flu in the US show strong genetic evidence of having originated in a laboratory. A laboratory leak of a new strain of the virus, manipulated to be highly transmissible and/or pathogenic in humans, remains a real possibility.
  • The “International Bird Flu Summit” will be held on October 2-4, 2024 at the Hilton Fairfax in Fairfax, VA – just outside Washington, DC – exactly one month prior to the election. Listed topics include “Command, Control and Management,” “Emergency Response Management,” and “Surveillance and Data Management.” If this sounds eerily reminiscent to you of the Covid lockdowns – which were also closely preceded by government-based planning exercises – your memory serves you well.
  • The infrastructure is already in place for a “pandemic” of bird flu, much more than it is for other potential pathogens. Already, widespread testing of farms is underway. The development of bird flu vaccines has increased dramatically. The FDA has already approved vaccines made by Sanofi, GSK subsidiary ID Biomedical Corporation of Quebec, and CSL Seqirus, while Moderna recently received a $176 million government grant for its mRNA-based bird flu injection, which is in development.
In the bigger picture, a number of viruses could potentially be employed as an “October Surprise” to disrupt the election. Bird flu appears to be a leading candidate (pun intended), but it is not the only one.

We, as citizens, must remain vigilant to this threat to our electoral process. We should contact our local and state officials now, before anything is attempted, and express our absolute insistence on fair, legal, and regular elections. We should share this information widely with others so that all are aware of what might be attempted. Over the longer term, we must work to end Gain-of-Function research.

With Covid, we experienced first-hand what can be done to our civil rights and to our Constitutionally guaranteed electoral and governmental processes when a fear-driven, emergency-based takeover of society occurs. As free citizens, we must never allow this to happen again. From now on, we must live in knowledge, not in fear.
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