DMSO - Dimethylsulphoxide

jaela said:
I will try to find out where to buy the DMSO, probably I will use it for my tinnitus and my mothers eyes as well.

Good luck with the DMSO. It is good stuff and useful for a lot of things as you know.
I'd like to echo Laura's comments on the poultice/compress, diet and heat.

After nearly 20 years suffering from several disk herniations, surgery and the various drugs the specialists kept feeding me, I found the greatest relief from serious dietary change (the modified ultra-simple diet, modified again to increase meat and animal fat, reducing carbs) and heat. DMSO seemed to help calm the inflamed nerve and surrounding muscle tissue. And not enough can be said about the kinesio taping that seems to have helped so many people.

I should add that stretching and exercise helps me avoid re-injury.

Healing a disk might not necessarily be one's ultimate goal. There's been a lot of evidence through studying cadavers that many people have significant herniation but are symptom free. Neurologists and back specialists are starting to rethink disk herniations and wondering if something else is at play (e.g., hypersensitivity in nerves, dysfunctional pain response, etc.).
This has given me pause and I hope more specialists pick up on this. It is my experience that surgical solutions are considered far to soon and far too often when so many other factors should be taken into consideration.

For me, breaking the pain cycle stopped a chain reaction of muscle tension and both physical, mental and emotional exhaustion that seemed to reduce the episodes of flareups and re-injury. Whatever healthy way of breaking the pain cycle one can muster might be the first prong of a multi-pronged approach.

However, I am not a doctor nor do I play one on television, but I do suggest reading as much as you can on the dietary connection (both to neuropathies, connective tissue as well as mental state, since pain perception is deeply influenced by mood), stretching, ice or heat therapy, natural pain relief, stress reduction (I should have mentioned how the EE breathing program afforded my great relief, especially on my bad days), exercise and taping as you deal with this excruciating and disabling condition.

You and your partner have my deepest sympathies. Such pain takes its toll on both the one with the nerve pain and those supporting him/her.

Quick question if I may. Haven't read this thread in total, read quite a bit of it in the past.

I have been sucessfully using DMSO and want to put it on my moms knee's to start. She is on 5 prescription's and a couple supplements.

I do remember reading that it affects medications... I cant remember if it is orally or dermally(on the skin) or both. I really want to go see her this weekend and have quite a bit to do around the house.

If I could get a bit of assistance with answering this question, I would really appreciate it.

My mom can't barley walk, has a titanium knee and arthritis pain all over. She moans and groans constantly and appears to be in allot of pain.

Thank-you all.
Harold said:
Quick question if I may. Haven't read this thread in total, read quite a bit of it in the past.

I have been sucessfully using DMSO and want to put it on my moms knee's to start. She is on 5 prescription's and a couple supplements.

I do remember reading that it affects medications... I cant remember if it is orally or dermally(on the skin) or both. I really want to go see her this weekend and have quite a bit to do around the house.

It may enhance the effects and/or it may counteract the side effects of certain medications. If it's used topically, is much safer. All in all, I think she will benefit from its topical use.
Psyche said:
It may enhance the effects and/or it may counteract the side effects of certain medications. If it's used topically, is much safer. All in all, I think she will benefit from its topical use.

Thank-you Psyche. I'll try it on her knee first.
Hello! When I was 22 years old the Doctors told me you have Arthritis. Now I have 27 years old. The doctors gave me methotrexate and Azulfidine. The consequences were terribles. Liver inflammation, hair loss, dark skin. About a two years ago the doctor told me I was in remsion and I suspens the medicine. Now I have join pain again in my feets, knee and hands. My husband for a lot of time told me you need to stop eating Gluten. I stop eating Gluten and dairy and I feel good, I lost weight and I have more energy but I still have joint pain.

I have used one month the DMSO in my feet, knee, and hands and all it does reduce pain but no inflammation. I put 2 or 3 times a day and only "sleeps" the pain and the next day the pain is the same. Terrible.

So I don´t know If this is normal or I have to be patient.

I used DMSO 70% distilled water 30%.

Thank you!
clau said:
Hello! When I was 22 years old the Doctors told me you have Arthritis. Now I have 27 years old. The doctors gave me methotrexate and Azulfidine. The consequences were terribles. Liver inflammation, hair loss, dark skin. About a two years ago the doctor told me I was in remsion and I suspens the medicine. Now I have join pain again in my feets, knee and hands. My husband for a lot of time told me you need to stop eating Gluten. I stop eating Gluten and dairy and I feel good, I lost weight and I have more energy but I still have joint pain.

I have used one month the DMSO in my feet, knee, and hands and all it does reduce pain but no inflammation. I put 2 or 3 times a day and only "sleeps" the pain and the next day the pain is the same. Terrible.

So I don´t know If this is normal or I have to be patient.

I used DMSO 70% distilled water 30%.

Thank you!

Hi Clau, while everyone is different, I do have a friend who is in her thirties and was on the pharmaceutical medication for Rheumatoid Arthritis. She has now been off all medication for 6 months with very rare and very, very mild flare ups - by only changing her diet! Her pain was so bad that she was on crutches for a while. She is strictly on the no gluten, no dairy, no sugar, no alcohol and high fat and low carbohydrate diet - strictly! She also uses dmso and boswellia as well as magnesium and vitamin C supplementation. She is doing very, very well but even a little sugar can bring on a flare up, so she is very strict about her diet.

My point is that if you are still eating sugar, that might be a problem, so I think you should continue to work on your diet. Here is also a thread on boswellia that might help. Others will likely have more input, though.
Gonzo said:
For me, breaking the pain cycle stopped a chain reaction of muscle tension and both physical, mental and emotional exhaustion that seemed to reduce the episodes of flareups and re-injury. Whatever healthy way of breaking the pain cycle one can muster might be the first prong of a multi-pronged approach.

Gonzo, I'm SO glad to know that you've gotten some relief! For me, it's amazing to go literally months on end without pain. Yeah, I mess up once in awhile but knowing how these things work, I'm now able to suss out the cause pretty quick and I have the tools to get relief while I'm working it out. The last bad episode was due to Stevia, believe it or not. Now I wouldn't touch that stuff with a ten foot pole!

In a way, those of us who have fast reacting pain response to ingested substances may actually be lucky because we have a warning system that can't be ignored. It's worse, I think, for the folks who don't have that sort of reaction, but only have slowly building damage inside that causes something to break down completely at some point, and then it is too late.
This is an excellent thread filled with wonderful information!

I have been using DMSO for 30 plus years on and off. My grandfather was riddled with arthritis and bursitis and his doctor recommended it, and that is when I learned about DMSO. We thought it was a miracle, because little by little he got better and better. There was some controversy about it in the late 60's and 70's, if I recall, and it could only be sold as a prescription. Much to the chagrin of the Pharmaceutical companies because they could not get an exclusive patent for DMSO.

DMSO Background Literature

Dimethyl sulfoxide

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is the chemical compound with the formula (CH3)2SO. This colorless liquid is an important polar aprotic solvent that dissolves both polar and nonpolar compounds and is miscible in a wide range of organic solvents as well as water. It has a distinctive property of penetrating the skin very readily, allowing the handler to taste it. Some describe it as an "oyster-like" taste, others claim it tastes like garlic.

1 Production
2 Applications
2.1 Solvent
2.2 Reactions
2.3 Biology
2.4 Medicine
3 Safety
4 Popular culture
5 See also
6 References

Dimethyl sulfoxide is a by-product of wood pulping. One of the leading suppliers of DMSO is the Gaylord Chemical Corporation in the USA.


DMSO is an important polar aprotic solvent. It is less toxic than other members of this class such as dimethylformamide, dimethylacetamide, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, HMPA. Because of its excellent solvating power, DMSO is frequently used as solvent for chemical reactions involving salts. Its polarity accelerates reactions with charged transition states, such as SN2 alkylations of indoles and phenols. Because DMSO is only weakly acidic, it tolerates relatively strong bases. A practical problem with DMSO as a solvent is its high boiling point, thus its solutions are not typically evaporated. Instead, reactions conducted in DMSO are often diluted with water to isolate organic products. DMSO is an effective paint stripper, being safer than many of the others such as nitromethane and dichloromethane.

In its deuterated form, i.e. DMSO-d6, it is a useful and inexpensive solvent for NMR spectroscopy, again due to its ability to dissolve a wide range of analytes and its own simple spectrum. Disadvantages to the use of DMSO-d6 are its high viscosity, which broadens signals, and high boiling point, which interferes with sample recovery from the NMR solvent. Often it is used with deuterochloroform, because the 1:1 mixture has a low viscosity.

The sulfur center in DMSO is nucleophilic toward soft electrophiles and the oxygen is nucleophilic toward hard electrophiles. The methyl groups of DMSO are somewhat acidic in character (pKa=35) due to the stabilization of the resultant carbanion by the S(O)R group.

DMSO reacts with methyl iodide to form a sulfoxonium salt [(CH3)3SO]I, which can be deprotonated with sodium hydride to form the sulfur ylide:

(CH3)2SO + CH3I → [(CH3)3SO]I
[(CH3)3SO]I + NaH → [(CH3)2CH2SO + NaI + H2
In organic synthesis, DMSO is used as an oxidant,[1], such as the Pfitzner-Moffatt oxidation and the Swern oxidation.[2]

Products of ozonolysis, trioxolanes, are quenched with dimethyl sulfide to produce aldehydes and DMSO.

DMSO is used in the PCR reaction to inhibit secondary structures in the DNA template or the DNA primers. It is added to the PCR mix before reacting, where it interferes with the self-complementarity of the DNA, allowing otherwise troublesome reactions to occur. However, use of DMSO in PCR increases the mutation rate.

In cryobiology DMSO has been used as a cryoprotectant and is still an important constituent of cryoprotectant vitrification mixtures used to preserve organs, tissues, and cell suspensions. Without it, up to 90 percent of frozen cells will become inactive. It is particularly important in the freezing and long-term storage of embryonic stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells, which are often frozen in a mixture of 10% DMSO and 90% fetal calf serum. As part of an autologous bone marrow transplant the DMSO is re-infused along with the patient's own hematopoietic stem cells.

Use of DMSO in medicine dates from around 1963, when a University of Oregon Medical School team, headed by Stanley Jacob, discovered it could penetrate the skin and other membranes without damaging them and could carry other compounds into a biological system.

In a 1978 study at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Cleveland, Ohio, researchers concluded that DMSO brought significant relief to the majority of the 213 patients with inflammatory genitourinary disorders that were studied. They recommended DMSO for all inflammatory conditions not caused by infection or tumor in which symptoms were severe or patients failed to respond to conventional therapy.

Some people report an onion- or garlic-like taste after touching DMSO. (Onion and garlic also derive their stinginess from sulfoxides syn-propanethial-S-oxide and allicin.) In the medical field DMSO is predominantly used as a topical analgesic, a vehicle for topical application of pharmaceuticals, as an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant. It has been examined for the treatment of numerous conditions and ailments. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved DMSO usage only for the palliative treatment of interstitial cystitis. Also, DMSO is commonly used in the veterinary field as a liniment for horses.

Because DMSO increases the rate of absorption of some compounds through organic tissues including skin, it can be used as a drug delivery system.

Dimethyl sulfoxide dissolves a variety of organic substances, including carbohydrates, polymers, peptides, as well as many inorganic salts and gases. Loading levels of 50-60 wt. % are often observed vs 10-20 wt. % with typical solvents. For this reason DMSO plays a role in sample management and High-throughput screening operations in drug design [3].

MSDS recommends wearing safety glasses because DMSO can cause chronic damage to the eyes.[4] Glove selection is also important when working with DMSO. Thick rubber gloves are recommended, and nitrile gloves, which are very commonly used in chemical laboratories, have been found to dissolve rapidly with exposure to DMSO[5]. Because DMSO easily penetrates the skin, substances dissolved in DMSO may be quickly absorbed. For instance, a solution of sodium cyanide in DMSO can cause cyanide poisoning through skin contact. DMSO by itself has low toxicity.[6] Dimethyl sulfoxide can produce an explosive reaction when exposed to acid chlorides; at a low temperature, this reaction produces the oxidant for Swern oxidation.

Recently, it was found that DMSO waste disposal into sewers can cause environmental odor problems in cities: Waste water bacteria transform DMSO under hypoxic (anoxic) conditions into dimethyl sulfide (DMS) that is slightly toxic and has a strong disagreeable odor, similar to rotten cabbage. [7].

Popular culture
60 minutes featured a segment on March 23rd 1980 about DMSO entitled "The Riddle of DMSO."
The Dead Kennedys released a song titled, "D.M.S.O." on their 1986 album Bedtime for Democracy.
Tom Wolfe discusses DMSO being mixed with LSD in the The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.[8]

In the novel White Oleander, Ingrid poisons her ex-boyfriend with a combination of DMSO and oleander sap.

A distillation of boomslang venom is combined with dimethyl sulfoxide to create a contact poison that is the murder weapon in an episode of Quincy, ME.

See also
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), a related chemical often used as a dietary supplement
Dimethyl sulfate (DMS), a mutagenic alkylating compound

^ Epstein W.W., Sweat F.W. (1967). "Dimethyl Sulfoxide Oxidations". Chemical Reviews 67: 247-260. DOI:10.1021/cr60247a001.
^ Tidwell, T.T. (1990). "Oxidation of Alcohols by Activated Dimethyl Sulfoxide and Related Reactions: An Update". Synthesis 1990: 857-870. DOI:10.1055/s-1990-27036.
^ Balakin, K. V., Savchuk, N. P., Tetko I. V. (2006). "In silico approaches to prediction of aqueous and DMSO solubility of drug-like compounds: trends, problems and solutions)". Current Medicinal Chemistry 13 (2). DOI:10.2174/092986706775197917.
^ Safety data for methyl sulfoxide. Oxford University.
^ Chemical Hygiene Plan. Cornell University (Sep 99).
^ Vignes, Robert (August 2000). Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO): A "new" clean, unique, superior solvent, American Chemical Society Annual Meeting
^ Glindemann, D., Novak, J., Witherspoon, J. (2006). "Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) Waste Residues and Municipal Waste Water Odor by Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS): the North-East WPCP Plant of Philadelphia.". Environmental Science and Technology 40 (1): 202-207. DOI:S0013-936X(05)01312-X 10.1021/es051312a S0013-936X(05)01312-X.
^ Wolfe, Tom (1968). The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, pp. 381. New York: Bantam Books. ISBN 0-553-038064-8
I wanted to add this video:

Yes, Laura, perhaps it is a blessing to be so reactive that you are forced to identify the culprits and deal with them, thus sparing the slow-building, long-term damage those less reactive might experience. I'm always looking for the silver lining, so that's a great one to hold onto.

There are still a few things I haven't been able to figure out, which I wonder might be due to the transitory nature of some allergies. It seems the more I change the more my body changes. What works today might cause problems tomorrow. As a result, I certainly am more in tune with my body, paying attention to what goes in my mouth, ears and eyes (as well as what comes out). I definitely would not be like this were it not for being so reactive.

Gonzo said:
Yes, Laura, perhaps it is a blessing to be so reactive that you are forced to identify the culprits and deal with them, thus sparing the slow-building, long-term damage those less reactive might experience. I'm always looking for the silver lining, so that's a great one to hold onto.

There are still a few things I haven't been able to figure out, which I wonder might be due to the transitory nature of some allergies. It seems the more I change the more my body changes. What works today might cause problems tomorrow. As a result, I certainly am more in tune with my body, paying attention to what goes in my mouth, ears and eyes (as well as what comes out). I definitely would not be like this were it not for being so reactive.


Are you reading the "Life Without Bread" thread? It seems that one has to heal the leaky gut with concentrated attention first of all (after becoming gluten, dairy and mostly carb free), and this can take a year.
Yes, I've been following it with great interest. I was trying to count back when I first started the elimination diet and it seems to be almost a year, but I think I set myself back by having small amounts of wheat or corn flour in foods a few times a few months back.

I think I still need more magnesium as my muscles are occasionally in spasm. I take approx 750mg mag citrate (split between morning and afternoon) with calcium citrate, so I didn't think I'd be able to take more. I'm also wondering about potassium but didn't want to eat bananas as I've all but stopped eating fruit.

I was thinking about starting a daily regimen of activated charcoal and was wondering if this would affect my dmso treatment. I only drink dmso once a week right now (on my days off due to body odor) and I was wondering if I should wait a day or two after taking dmso before I take the activated charcoal or if it would be okay to take them both the same day? I'm not sure if dmso would help the charcoal do its job or if the two would actually attract each other and not work as well. I did a quick search but didn't come up with anything yet. Does anyone know offhand?
Just FWIW, I recently talked with my chiropractor, who has been in the alternative health field for 25 years dealing with all types of supplements and health issues, about DMSO. I had wanted to start using it and brought a 50% solution in to get it muscle tested for external use along with the other supplements I have been taking. He became very serious when I asked about it and he said that he has not seen good results with it. He didn't go into too much detail but he said that it is just too risky with the way it transfers anything on the skin into the body. One would have to be extremely cautious with what is on the skin where the DMSO was used, using soap with no additives and making sure the skin is completely clean. He was very firm in recommending that I not use it and it did not muscle test for me. I don't have any more information about what he has seen it do to his patients but I can ask him at a future time.

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