Do some French people see what's going on? Yellow Vest Protests

French people should be encouraged to work longer with incentives to retire later.
Macron does not understand, whom is going to receive that measure with great fanfare? ... encourage! :rolleyes:
So then, is not surprised that:
Macron's intervention: 80% of French people think that the yellow vest movement will continue
--in French
According to a Harris Interactive/Epoka agency survey, two-thirds of respondents did not find Emmanuel Macron convincing at his press conference, judging that he did not meet their expectations.

No referendum on a citizens' initiative in all areas, no recognition of the white vote, a very limited introduction of proportional representation: supposed to respond to the democratic crisis the country is going through and which is expressed through the yellow vests, Emmanuel Macron did not convince at his press conference on 25 April.

This is certainly shown by a Harris Interactive/Epoka agency survey conducted for LCI, RTL and LeFigaro. Of the 807 respondents, only 7% found it "very convincing" and 30% "convincing". The vast majority (63%) were not satisfied with this intervention, which was intended to define the main lines of Act 2 of its five-year term.

In detail, measures affecting working time were the most poorly received. Thus, 65% of the respondents were against the increase in working time requested by the Head of State. This measure was also justified by Emmanuel Macron by stating that the French worked less than their European neighbours, which is factually false according to Eurostat (the official statistical agency of the European Commission). 58% of respondents are also against extending the contribution period for a full pension. And regarding the abolition of the ISF, a measure emblematic of its five-year term, 59% think that the announcement of its non-recovery is "a bad thing".

On the other hand, several announcements - of a social nature - were supported by the French. The absence of school and hospital closures until 2022 without the agreement of the mayor of the municipality (86%), the reindexation of pensions of less than €2,000 on inflation (84%), the reduction of income tax (83%) were thus welcomed. Another striking sign was the possible abandonment by Emmanuel Macron of one of his campaign promises, the elimination of 120,000 civil servant positions, which was approved by 65% of those surveyed.

But these measures do not respond to the crisis and do not mark the turn announced by Emmanuel Macron for the French: only 39% of them consider that the proposed measures constitute an important change in the policy pursued since May 2017. 65% claim that they do not meet their expectations. And that the president is not under any illusions, 80% of those polled believe that the movement of the yellow vests wil

Translated with
Et que le président ne se berce pas d'illusions, 80% des sondés estiment que le mouvement des Gilets jaunes va se poursuivre.
In this last part, I didn't quite get it with the "illusions" thing. Separating just that part with the use of deepl, "is not deluded" He is not? ...
Since it is a link that I found in the comments of Eric Zemmour's video and, nop, I am not familiar with it, I did not put it with hyperlink, remembering what Normaregula said in the Notre-Dame fire thread, in fact the comment-link suggested by kjzejkezjk zeljzellza: "Now that we know where we stand, we need to stand together and spread this message: link
-" did not found it, read a couple of articles before finding this one, quite interesting... Although, things are very complicated... I guess there's no worse fight than what's not done.

- said:
Yellow vests, Notre-Dame and the Renaissance of Europe

After two months of publications, it is time to synthesize the main lines that emerge from all that has been observed and analyzed. In this spring of 2019, France is reborn. A four-act analysis for

1. Yellow vests: "France back" and the end of the lead blanket

The reason yellow vests have been called heroic (see articles) is because they set off the huge reformist and revolutionary upheaval. Those who peacefully showed up 23 weeks in a row, all winter long until spring, despite all the hats that the various infiltrators made them wear.

Mainstream media, platform intellectuals, politicians: their power has become intolerable. Since society is atomized into autonomous productive units, such power over the superstructure is perceived as unfair, against a backdrop of egalitarianism. A constant of discourse and the doubling of injustice, because the ruling class advocates equality. Multiculturalism as a political objective is a failure, insofar as freedom and tolerance are only shared within the cosmopolitan society, which allows its peripheries to communitarize out of need of solidarity, and shrinks under mass effect. So there is a very elaborate ideal diet that is great where it applies (in the city) but seems grandiloquent and crazy where it does not apply. The yellow vests sign the rebellion against a utopian liberal system that only applies in these airborne areas of metropolises, urban humans surrounded by productive classes gradually embedded in atomized wage labour and precariousness, lost as for their community of destiny to which to refer. Hence the nationalist revival on both sides. Emmanuel Macron is not mistaken when he talks about national and European refoundation. We are well there thanks to the alignment of the stars and the long way of the cross of the peaceful yellow vests.

We thank the yellow vest for awakening popular historical consciousness, despite the Dantean manipulations against them (and despite the mediocrity of part of the movement itself). The proof is that a majority of the people, i.e. a majority of the French, have supported the movement since November. In Italy, I was told this winter when I commented on the scenes of the insurrection on the Rai: "La Francia è di ritorno", France is back.

The return of the pagan spirit, heroic, united, popular. Populism is becoming a source of pride (a good half of the leaders of which have never hidden themselves), conspiracy sites are multiplying against a backdrop of fierce but positive inter-religious dialogue, and revolutionary militancy is more intense than ever in all factions and associations in France. In short, the lead blanket has broken, it is a crucial moment in the democracy of this century. The great debate legitimized any discussion of this theme, we opened the portal to disseminate knowledge.

2. Failure of above-ground multiculturalism: back to symbols

This playground for the global elite, trendy multicultural districts and major institutions, concerns mainly metropolitan areas (Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, Strasbourg). The hinterland is criticized, in a way, for not fully entering into libertarian, orientalist and cosmopolitan bliss. It is therefore not surprising that multiculturalist discourse shows its contradictions, when a panel of French citizens rejoices in chorus when Notre-Dame burns. This is proof that we do not make everyone interchangeable in their values, symbols and reactions, but that everyone wants to remain attached to who they are. Let us therefore put an end to the orthodoxy of anti-popular mixing and the misuse of nationality.

The rejection of cosmopolitan and liberal society by these same populations shows that its jurisdiction is faltering, and that the entire national system needs to be rethought. Multiculturalist discourse is frustrated because we realize that the universal system is in fact a European particularism. Yes, the flag of the European Union symbolizes well the twelve stars of Mary. The foundations must be reviewed. And this particularism, it is located there, before your eyes. He's being purged by a fire from nowhere.

When French citizens rejoice in the blaze at one of the highest places of Catholic, Protestant, but also Orthodox Christianity and churches in the East, Asia and Africa, in addition to being a symbol of Paris, the French peoples and even humanity in general, when those who would be expected as current representatives of real European humanism evoke global concerns for the great church as "a delirium of white children", I believe it is time to clarify the situation.

3. Realism: a strategy in action

This means that everyone is wondering how to find civil peace from a staggering level of hatred on both sides, without using the false arguments made available. Rather, we must talk about politics and geopolitics in concrete terms (for example, re-reading Carolingian strategy and the great chessboard) and understand what this implies for French society. After the redesign of the national project, it will be possible to refocus France's place in the European Union, which must be maintained and reoriented.

Our Orthodox friends came more and more numerous and numerous to Notre-Dame de Paris to pray the crown of thorns brought back by Saint-Louis to Paris in 1249.

Let us forgive those who welcomed the fire and forget the fable that we are the Other. Who are we at the bottom? The history of Europe, and of course that of France, is so long and deserves to be defended. Blending into the new diverse orthodoxy does not imply obliterating oneself but remembering oneself and being at peace with it. Quebec's national motto is: Je me souviens. Let us remember before we think about this golemic "new world".

Once again, people outside a cosmopolitan society have understood, remembered and are rightly perpetuating their traditions, which are threatened with interchangeability. The mistake is to think that Europe is a wasteland to be delivered. This idea of changing France, the holy and sweet land, into a suburb of the interchangeable global village, becomes ignominious when it is voluntarily professed by those who wish to abolish all tradition, defending the other, who instead intend not to dilute themselves in the West perceived as decadent. It is the reflex of the end of the Empire, of decline (see Spengler's The Decline of the West). Others, confusing all declines (civilizational, climatic, apocalyptic, messianic), considering them inevitable, think that any action is doomed to failure and confine themselves to their atomized self-management. "Move on, there's nothing to see, and instead take care of your compost and taxes. »

We come to the heart of the matter: Macron wishes to take over the leadership of the global village and restore France's prophetic function.

4. Renaissance of Europe: Emmanuel Macron's imperial all-in

France's return to the forefront of bringing messianic liberalism to Europe, 200 years after Napoleon, who had been a great champion, is a recurring issue in Macron's campaign and in the first two years of his presidency. "Champion of the Earth", head of multiculturalism and multilateralism, head of the OECD: Macron develops this theme in the historical speech of 11 November 2018, which is a central element. However, the social movement quickly disavowed it:

After having taken the measure of the immense problem of social cohesion with Gérard Collomb and the crisis in the Mediterranean to be managed with the angry Italians, the report on the Seine St-Denis, the PR wanted to set up the republican reconquest, massive education, the universal national service or the attempt to organize Islam in France. Its room for manoeuvre also exists in Europe with Frontex and Schengen, but there is a lot to do.

Given that the fate of Europe realigned on the Sino-American front is played out with Brexit and what will follow, a big shot just before his response speech gradually faded into the press allows a very strong political legitimacy symbolically. This is an image that the world has seen, which will obviously remain in the planetary archives until the oblivion.

Hence Macron's attempt to make this episode the beginning of a major refoundation and save his presidency and his chances of conquering European power. The fire is ordered according to this logic, to those of the Americans who see September 11 or of the Turks or Iranians who say that we sow what we reap.

I can appreciate the ideology of cosmopolitical society, Kant, the Enlightenment or other liberals. The reason-world is fascinating.

However, I will not set it as a standard in view of the current global geopolitical context. We can see that France prefers Marie to Marianne. As after 1815, and after 1870, protectionism returned. Like in the 1930s. After the generational digestion of the 1968 cultural revolution, a conservative cycle will begin in the context of the globalised archipelago of France. Without realism, it would be a blind prophecy for any serious liberal (for example, our very conscious rulers). We must leave the unique past that begins in 1945 or 1789. The doctrine of the Republic must evolve globally.

It is the fire on old Europe and Christianity, no one is mistaken and finds its own implications. It doesn't mean screaming, taking up arms, hating, breaking everything. No. Simply the best pretext to open an analysis on what we are going to do: rehabilitate the soul of France, its unique role and clear this rise in organized identity auctions. Inspired by the elders and thinking of those who will succeed us. Today we have to go back to the roots.

Emmanuel Macron is in a completely different logic, which may seem simpler: let us symbolically replace the old Gothic Christianity, which we want to erase. This reconstruction work solves the problem in France, this chauvinistic and racist dirt that does not want to move one iota. We should be like Trudeau, a vast territory to be populated massively and therefore multicultural by vocation. Let's join in this gigantic human kaleidoscope spread over a huge space to be filled.

However, France is historical, and it is not vast, neither to be populated nor to be sold. It should not be focused at all costs on the productive world economy and cut up.

It must imperatively strengthen the cohesion of the current people before adding more, otherwise it can only advance by betraying itself more and more. The historical people really feel confused by so many hardships.

No matter what Macron says, the Enlightenment will triumph and it must be incarnated in Paris. So let us make it clear to all these people that their time is up, that my calculation is global. Let us open once and for all the universal era. Let's move towards a product of globalization and outreach, let me use my networks: an international competition. The fellow duty officers only have to behave themselves. For all those who still felt this ball and chain of history at their feet: don't worry, new men, it's now burned!

The result will put France back in a messianic position at the global level, regenerating the heart of Europe hopes Macron. In a way, its European Renaissance programme, Nathalie Loiseau, the course that awaits this European Union: all this deserved a great symbolic fire. The alignment of the stars mentioned in our columns is affirmed, whether the fire is accidental or not.

For our part, let us consider that politicians do have this logic of power in mind when they calculate about Turkey, China, Saudi Arabia or Israel. They are well aware that France is at the head of the conflict, that its soil is on the way to advanced globalization, that negotiations and alliances are volatile and turbulent.

However, we informed citizens consider that the land of France must not become the battleground of increasingly risky global conflicts. They each focus on their own identity and lobotomize others from their past to keep them in submission. Let us return to harmony among true peoples and avoid the war imposed within a sometimes naïve false set, which is also a particularism. The current situation requires an informational clarification, i.e. a broadening of the debate and what is being discussed. To die the abscess is preferable to maintaining the lead blanket that is damaging to all parties, that is the merit we find in Macron with its great debate.

Now that France has woken up, that the long processes initiated in 1945 and 1968 have experienced their generational digestion, it is time to think and act at the same level as our governments (see what Chateaubriand says). Under the generational movement, a new regime will gradually emerge. Its orientation will be inextricably linked to history:

Staying in mainstream market analysis is of no interest to us, hence the vocabulary and oppositions we develop on We must look at the long time of politics and the short time of the revolution.

At your service,


He's continues sowing the seeds of contempt. The GiletsJaunes remain committed to exposing his underbelly's.

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📍 Poll 📈 despite the media bludgeoning the approval of the #GiletsJaunes majority remainder to the popular classes (66%, + 1). The middle classes (52%, + 3), retirees (50%, + 6), and 75% 🇲🇫 think that the GD debate #Macron is a failure. Gilets jaunes : une approbation en légère baisse (50%, -3 pts en un mois)

An investment banker who defeated both the establishment parties and the nationalist opposition in 2017, Macron is struggling with a 30 percent approval rating and the perception that he is “elitist.” He remained committed to his agenda at Thursday’s press conference, however.

I asked myself: Should we stop everything that was done over the past two years? Did we take a wrong turn? I believe quite the opposite,” Macron said.

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Are you satisfied with the intervention of the President of the Republic and his proposals? #EmmanuelMacron

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The "yellow vests" effect on the activity of the intelligence services: 2112 persons supervised for the risks of "collective violence seriously undermining public peace" L'effet "gilets jaunes" sur l'activité des services de renseignement : 2112 personnes surveillées pour risques de "violences collectives portant gravement atteinte à la paix publique" - Fdesouche … via @f_desouche
Those who are likely to commit "mass violence seriously damaging the public peace" constitute, in 2018, about 10% of the objectives closely monitored by the intelligence services.

This is an official report of the Commission for Control of Intelligence Techniques (CNCTR) which reveals it: last year, in France, the intelligence services monitored 22,308 people, a figure slightly up 3% over 2017. But while priority is still given to the fight against terrorism and organized crime, there seems to have been a "yellow vests" effect on the activity of the intelligence services.
Collection of connection, geolocation, interceptions ...

The words "yellow vests" do not appear in the report but under the heading "collective violence seriously damaging the public peace", there is an explosion of 50% of the number of surveillance, with 2,122 people, very precisely, almost 10 % of objectives closely monitored by the intelligence services.

"When surveillance is granted, it is because there is a sufficiently strong risk of collective violence"

All its technical supervision has been validated by an independent control committee. "When surveillance measures are granted, it is because there is a sufficiently strong risk of collective violence," says Francis Delon, president of the CNCTR. "It's on that ground, and that's the only reason, that the authorization can be given, it's all the simple way of collecting connection data, to find out who's calling, to whom, geolocation, even security interceptions. More refusals than in terrorism.

The official says he is particularly vigilant not to limit freedom of expression and protest. "Obviously, the more the technique requested by the service is intrusive to the privacy of the person, the more we will be demanding of the service so that they show us that there is indeed a risk of collective violence," says Francis Delon.

Et comme la démonstration n'est pas toujours évidente, ou la mesure de surveillance parfois disproportionnée, le taux de refus pour les violences collectives est plus important qu'en matière de terrorisme. Sur l'ensemble des demandes reçues (73.298 avis, soit 4,1% de plus qu'en 2017, le CNCTR a émis 2,1% d'avis défavorables, précise le rapport.

And since the demonstration is not always obvious, or the measure of supervision sometimes disproportionate, the refusal rate for collective violence is greater than in the case of terrorism. Of the total number of requests received (73,298 opinions, which is 4.1% more than in 2017, the CNCTR issued 2.1% of unfavorable opinions, the report states.

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The prefect of police took a ban on Avenue des Champs-Élysées, in a perimeter comprising the Presidency of the Republic and the National Assembly, as well as in the area of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on Saturday, April 27th. ▶
At the first major news conference of his presidency, Emmanuel Macron pledged to cut taxes on Thursday and said the French would have to work longer as he outlined his response to months of anti-government protests that have shaken his authority.

I get the impression, Macron's ego is so ingrained, as to take center stage, he doesn't realize - how transparent he is?

If the people were offered a decent wage and measurable compensation for over-time, he wouldn't have "belittle the people" to work longer? From my point of view - he's "talking down to the people" like he is reprimanding them for questioning his "authority" and what he deems "as their place in society - as workers and a commodity"? I see him - as nothing more - then a drama queen on steroids, who's only self-centered priority, is to enrich himself and bask in the glory!

I don't see any progress in his dialog, in his first major news conference where he has addressed any of the problems that the YF have outlined and demanded change? Basically, he emphasized "his programs" that he set in motion - that do little to pacify the public and only benefit the rich, in one form or another. So, nothing has changed! If anything, he just gave the public more ammo to protest?
Macron is a dictator, feel like a King. Always says: I. I decided, I will do this and that, I, I, I. I can not endure this man, give me, as I said, nausea. Vertigo. Shame. He makes me angry, I don't like that. He is absolutely disgusting. Sorry, I have to say this to calm myself. I hope I don't do noise. :-( I am feel very sad for the French people that have to endure a politician like him, not just him but all the gang that are with him. At the same time we can see many, but many people that don't like him and are awake. Hopefully!
Macron is a dictator, feel like a King. Always says: I. I decided, I will do this and that, I, I, I. I can not endure this man, give me, as I said, nausea. Vertigo. Shame. He makes me angry, I don't like that. He is absolutely disgusting. Sorry, I have to say this to calm myself. I hope I don't do noise. :-( I am feel very sad for the French people that have to endure a politician like him, not just him but all the gang that are with him. At the same time we can see many, but many people that don't like him and are awake. Hopefully!

It's one of the reasons, I feel, that the YV will continue to protest because "he is not for the people" and easing their burdens?

The thing that I sense - that would wipe that "smirk" off his baby face and demote him down to ground level - is if he loses the next election by such a landslide, the elite won't be able to save him and keep him in Office?
The thing that I sense - that would wipe that "smirk" off his baby face and demote him down to ground level - is if he loses the next election by such a landslide, the elite won't be able to save him and keep him in Office?

At the same time we can see many, but many people that don't like him and are awake. Hopefully!

Yes but, unless the movement jumps to something more consolidated where more things can be done via politics, I think it's going to be the never-ending story, because now it's Macron, tomorrow it's going to be another name that would make people believe that things are going to get better, etc ... the next president would -most probably?-yield to the pressures of the interests of the PTB, I very much agree with what journalpolitique writes at the end.

We must look at the long time of politics and the short time of the revolution.
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Drones, motorcycle crews and preventive controls: the new doctrine of policing to the test of 1 may La nouvelle doctrine du maintien de l'ordre à l'épreuve du 1er Mai by @Cbouissou and @KatellPrigent #AFP
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Preventive checks? Let's say arbitrary arrests 4 GJ Liégeois have made the costs, the newspaper ' the Meuse ' has made it echo.. When the rules of law are flouted it is the beginning of the end..
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The hints of a blind obedience to money: transparency international asserts that since 2006, democracy has declined in 113 countries, yellow vests it is the citizen that is criminalized and brutalizes not the tax offender, nor COP or crooked politician: Pétition pour l’instauration en France du référendum d’initiative citoyenne - Article 3 — Association pour le référendum d'initiative citoyenne

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VIDEO ⚡@JulienOdoul : "they #GiletsJaunes are always there because we have a President who applies the policy of the #pourrissement and of the #mépris permanent. He hears, sees nothing, does not understand. It is legitimate for the yellow vests to continue to manifest. #ActeXXIV #Acte24

What happened to him is very sad indeed. Stories such as his are common enough these day all over the world. Unfortunately. I also fear the worst, not just in France, but in pretty much all advanced Western countries. Anger is high against migrants and religious and racial minorities. The problem with this silent majority is that their anger can easily be manipulated, hence creating more misery for everybody. Most of their grievance are misguided -- anger about migrants, anxiety at the so-called spreading of Islam in Europe and the fear that white people will become a minority in Europe is misguided...etc.

In the case of the migrants crisis, if the US and its allies hadn't bombed the hell out of the Middle East in the last decade, we would not have any problem with immigration. Similarly, mass immigration and slavery in Libya only occurred after Gaddhafi was murdered. We can even go further than that. If you look at the make up of most immigrants in a given country, you will quickly realise that they come from former colonies. So, really, if people need to complain about someone, it isn't the migrants, but it is their nutty government. Their string is pulled as much as anyone else.

Then, if real discussion about culture (which did not degrade into racial bashing) were allowed, perhaps, the immigration of non-Western foreigners would be smoother. Let's forget about religion and all that. The fact of the matter is that the average citizen in let's Afghanistan probably doesn't have to think about paying nursery fees, in fact they probably wouldn't understand it in the way that people do in the West. They probably trust their neighbours in a way that we wouldn't in the West and are ok with their kids staying outside with them. And this works fine *over there*, but it would be dangerous and careless *over here*. I think such simple conversation would have gone a long way. Of course, you have the post-modernism nonsense, but at the same time, it is very hard for discussion about culture to not turn into bad faith, bigotry and racial bashing. In any case, once again, we have our government to blame for not seeing the problem properly and putting in place the correct measures.

Maintenant, en ce qui concerne l'islamisme, l'Occident fait du mal aux djihadistes et, dans le passé, avait encouragé l'extrémisme. En outre, l’Arabie saoudite est un allié de longue date. Alors, pourquoi diable les gens perdent-ils leur temps à japper sur les nombreux torts de l’islam et des musulmans? Au lieu de guérir la maladie, ils essaient de guérir le symptôme (et le font si mal à ce moment-là).

Si au lieu de nous battre pour des différences culturelles, raciales, religieuses ou idéologiques, nous parvenions à trouver une sorte d'unité et à lutter contre le véritable ennemi, nous pourrions peut-être faire quelque chose.

Au moins, dans le cas de votre ami, il était suffisamment conscient qu'il pouvait voir que l'Occident mène une guerre inutile qui engendre toutes sortes de problèmes. Même s'ils ne voient pas l'intérêt de faire la guerre à l'étranger, ils sont nombreux à croire vraiment que leur pays apporte liberté et démocratie. Et par conséquent, leur colère est encore plus grande lorsque ces "peuples bruns" assombrissent leur pays.

C'est la vieille règle diviser et appliquer à une plus grande échelle.

Vous avez raison quand vous dites que le seul moyen de changer les choses, c'est de briser complètement les anciennes institutions. Cependant, que se passe-t-il alors? Une panne signifierait essentiellement l'anarchie. La violence peut très facilement et très rapidement dégénérer au cours d'une telle période. Le problème n'est pas la gauche, mais le contrecoup contre la gauche qui est la majorité. Ces personnes ont beaucoup de colère accumulée qu'elles veulent déchaîner et, comme l'a montré la manifestation absurde #freetommy, de nombreuses personnes sont désireuses de mettre leur colère à profit pour ainsi dire.

Pour être honnête, c'est assez décourageant. Qu'est-ce-que-c'est-à-dire du rassembleur toute la connaissance d'autres, s'il y a vraiment d'anarchie, de


You say that the minorities (migrants) are unfairly criticized by the silent majority. I understand this silent majority because I am part of it. We do not have the right in France to openly express our ideas about this problem, that is why this majority (longer for a long time because the French will soon be replaced by this minority that grows rapidly) is silent. The French are not racist and rather benevolent but as much it is unreasonable and criminal to let in millions of people who for some do are there only to "break white". I saw a report showing the processions of migrants who at each pause shouted their hatred towards the whites and said they wanted to rape white women and make them bastards. Yes, the United States and Europe are wreaking havoc in their countries and we deplest this, we do not share this policy which is an imworld policy but we also have the right to refuse this unhealthy invasion because I think our rejection reaction is justified. What you denounce as false, and it's your right, is for us the reality.
May First, Twenty Nineteen. Act-25


© Arina Lebedeva/TASS

French police use tear gas against protesters in Paris
First clashes between protesters and police occurred on Montparnasse Avenue, where many members of the Yellow Vest movement gathered to take part in a demonstration jointly with trade unions, a TASS correspondent reported.

Key clashes broke out near La Rotonde restaurant, where French President Emmanuel Macron celebrated reaching the runoff presidential election in 2017. Young people wearing masks, attacked police, throwing bottles and firecrackers.

In response, police fired tear gas grenades. Special mobile French police forces have detained several activists, but the situation in the city is still very tense. The protesters are insulting police and also reporters of state TV channels.

BFM TV channel has reported citing the Paris prefecture that 165 people have been detained. Starting from Tuesday, police have carried out more than 9,000 checks of citizens in the areas of numerous demonstrations in Paris. Police seized banned items, such as gas masks, hammers, knives, gas canisters and Molotov cocktails.

French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said some 7,400 police would ensure security during the May 1 demonstrations in Paris. The situation in the French capital is of particular concern, he said, confirming reports that a large number of extremists, including from other countries, could take part in the rallies.

Riot police, masked protesters clash at Paris May Day rally
French CRS riot police stand guard next to a fire during clashes as part of the traditional May Day labour union march with French unions and yellow vests protesters in Paris, France, May 1, 2019.  REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes

Dozens of masked and hooded anarchists clashed with riot police in southern Paris on Wednesday, burning bins, smashing property and hurling projectiles, hijacking a May Day rally that was focused on protesting against President Emmanuel Macron's policies.
Came across a fellows Blog and YT channel expressing his feelings and accounts as a French participant of the À Gilets jaune mouvement .
The video, would be the opener to get acquainted with Mr. Richardson, (being his first day of Frances unified partispation).
This is everyone, that stand's by, the balance of life! Order over chaos!

Yellow Vests: Realisation
Ollie Richardson Published on Apr 10, 2019

This May 1st 2019 was the perfect demonstration of the continuity and tenacity of a now historic popular movement. Historical by its duration, because never in France has a social revolt held as long, despite all the strategies aimed at extinguishing it, as 25 weeks, and no sign of weakness in terms of both the street and the public’s support. Historical by its composition, because every demonstration, week after week, eludes all the prognoses in terms of number and aspect.

Traditionally, May 1st, Workers’ Day, has always been the flagship date for unions and organisers of marches throughout France, but also abroad.

Symbolic of the class struggle, it is a moment when all those who incarnate it and find themselves in this symbol, group together to recognise themselves, to mesh, to remember and to show that they are always conscious of this need to maintain a union against the other side, the one that benefits from the control of the working class.

Yet for two years now, the configuration of this May 1st has mutated and even finds a revolutionary inspiration …
The fight against the labor law was the first result, and we especially remember the offensive demonstrations of 2016, 2017, and 2018, with the birth of an extremely massive and closely-knitted leading procession, which resulted in fierce repression and the withdrawal of a union completely overwhelmed by the events.

This May 1st 2019 the tension was palpable for already a few days.

The proliferation of calls to “riot” on social networks showed that the patience of Yellow Vests was exhausted, faced with the permanent humiliation of the state, and the panicky response of the government had sown an atmosphere of anxiety, which was certainly desired.

A large reinforcement of “fake news” – with incessant rumours of the arrival in Paris of thousands of Germans determined to “do battle”, and the imminence of a danger of rioting – aimed at dissuading the potential protesters to go out in the streets.

What jumped out at us was the number in the morning, at Montparnasse, which totally escaped the usual rules of the union format, both in terms of timing and its composition.

While the trade union procession was supposed to start at 14:00, at noon the crowd rushed towards Place d’Italie.

We know what happened next – encirclement, the brutal stopping of the procession from the beginning, clashes at Vavin, violent arrests, and all of this is now the proven tactics of the government and its police.

Anxiety, tension, deaf and palpable however, was felt from the beginning, and the word “revolution” had a special flavour, chanted by a crowd that felt ready to continue, not only for social demands, but for the ultimate demand – FREEDOM.

We wondered what argument Castaner and all of his clique could still find to humiliate and try to make inaudible the cries of suffering of angry people…

And here the government’s inventiveness is very beautiful.

Nasty breakers opted to attack patients in intensive care ….

The day after, the unions and staff of the Pitié-Salpétrière hospital denied in unison the media and state’s interpretation of this incident, very clearly provoked by the relentless police harassment of students and other demonstrators, who through panic entered the hospital grounds to protect themselves from the ceaseless gassing and police charges.

Even the unions faced the indiscriminate violence of these forces of “order” (this, however, was not unpredictable, because in 2018 the police service of CGT was attacked by the police) with the exfiltration of the Secretary General Philippe Martinez, outraged, a little naively (?) by this violence.

Must we remind here that this violence has been present for a long time, and that it has no more aimed at a trade union procession than any demonstrator?

On May 1st 2019 the unions, on the whole, found themselves in an unprecedented situation where (despite them?), the popular convergence, so much spoken about for already 2 years, was spontaneously set up.

A leading procession? No!

Union activists in the rear?

Also no!

THE leading processions, and a unexpected beautiful patchwork of protesters, like bees, organised themselves spontaneously, in order to ally themselves for the strong or calmer moments, at the front of the march, in the middle, at the rear, and they made unfailing solidarity work in order to be able to exist together until the end of this memorable march.

The government’s attempts to stop the movement did not start yesterday, they started as early as December 1st, when the revolt had taken an almost insurrectional turn.

The main thing is to quickly become conscious of it (often after a night of thinking over events), because these evenings of demonstration, where everyone has given all their strength in the name of this beautiful fight, often lead to phases of spleen, what could be more human and natural?

The “grapes of wrath” are vivid and everything is possible through this incredible elan.

So the strength of the group action could well overwhelm the action of the force of repression.

A matter of time?

The subsequent episodes will tell…
Cerveaux Non Disponibles

Yellow Vests: Realisation
Ollie Richardson Published on Apr 10, 2019

Translated from French by Microsoft
With one @CCastaner is never disappointed: a tweet = a #FakeNews

Translated from French by Microsoft
If you want to know why the frightened protesters tried to take refuge in the hospital, it's simple: open your eyes. #CastanerDemission #Castanerdémission #Salpétrière #Répression #ONU
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