Do some French people see what's going on? Yellow Vest Protests

Commentary from a bus station in France on the Spring of 2021
All the stickers on the vending machine had been painted over to give space for a comment.

"2021 Couvre-feu = privation de liberté gravissire Butternut/V"
Which can mean "2021 curfew = deprivation of liberty"
"gravissire", if I have read it correctly, is not in the dictionary, serious is "grave" most serious is la plus grave, so that does not fit even if it may be true. It is interesting that "gravure" is engraving, even if it is only graffiti. Perhaps some French can come with a good translation.
What about "butternut/V"? Butternut makes one think of butternut squash, which is in fact more orange, while the skin has the colour of butternut yellow. And butter certainly is yellow especially when the cows have eaten fresh green grass.
Considering that butternut is English, so could V be short for "Vest" or is it V for Vendetta? The allusions are intriguing.
It is written "gravissime", that is "very serious".

I have no idea for butternut, maybe just a nickname.
Thank you @Maat for clarifying the meaning. Yes, it is a nickname, for some individual who held a black marker and used it. Nicknames often have a story. If one asks those who have them, they are often tied to their name, character, an incident, a sympathy, an allegiance, or a coincidence; even a nickname generator may need some clues.
Then why should she get all the blame nonetheless as you suggested?
I am not sure what you'r asking.

She has been pictured as the devil. She could be put in place, implement some of the things people see as bad. And when TSHTF, be blame for it.

Also I am not saying it is the best case scenario. That's something I heard that seems possible to me.
I am not sure what you'r asking.

She has been pictured as the devil. She could be put in place, implement some of the things people see as bad. And when TSHTF, be blame for it.

Ok, now I understand what you mean. Thanks for the explanation.
There are always yellow vests in detention.
Long interview with Marie-France Carruezco. Retired in Montpellier, she begins to follow the hearings where Yellow Vests appear. She attends 130 trials, between April 2019 and September 2020! And begins to work with the League of Human Rights (LDH) to document what happens there. Her primary motivation: not to leave the defendants isolated - whatever the facts they are accused of - in the face of the police and judicial machine to which the Minister of Justice enjoins "the greatest firmness". Marie-France" has thus become an exceptional witness of the judicial repression of the movement. With others, she has since set up the Taramada collective to come to the aid of the injured," the authors point out. Here is an excerpt from their book Je ne pensais pas prendre du ferme - Des Gilets jaunes face à la violence judiciaire, published with the kind permission of the publisher Bout de la Ville.

« Qu’il ait cassé, pas cassé, je m’en fous. Tant qu’il y aura un gilet jaune en prison, je ne serai pas libre »
PCR test valid for 72 hours instead of 48 for the #PassSanitaire : First time Véran backs off on something. It also proves that their speech is pseudo silence, nothing scientific! Demonstrations pay! Let us always be more numerous!#manif14aout
What a beautiful day ! We were between us, we were good! Thousands of people like us, all anti-Macron, all together! The past is not really the problem, we shouted our hatred, our rage against Macron and we let off steam. Dictatorship!

0% scientific. 100%#CORRUPTION

[#Vaccination ] Call for vaccination of adolescents for the start of the school year! 137,000 adolescents have not yet been vaccinated in Brittany This approach will allow a more peaceful return to school in middle and high schools.
What would allow a serene return to school would be to install air purifiers in the canteens, to iteratively test the children and to install CO2 sensors in the classroom. Vaccination alone does not bring serenity and you know it very well
Hijack? So you wouldn't have said what you said precisely about “irregular migratory flows”?
For a week, every evening,@prefpolice harasses Afghan asylum seekers on the streets. While the state is on duty to house and protect them, the police continue to push them out of #Paris .
Address on the situation in Afghanistan.
"Freedom of choice and conscience" you want to protect that in Afghanistan while in your own country you take away all these rights? Are you kidding me? But look at yourself before you criticize others! it's crazy

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