does sleeping in a certain direction make a difference?

Laura said:
monotonic said:
Laura said:
As to direction, Ark swore for years that he slept better with his head to MAGNETIC NORTH.

Should one use a compass and use the field of their specific location or should they align with the pole ends even if the local field is different?

local field.
If you were in the Southern Hemisphere, would head to Magnetic South be better or make any difference? :huh:
Vulcan59 said:
Laura said:
monotonic said:
Laura said:
As to direction, Ark swore for years that he slept better with his head to MAGNETIC NORTH.

Should one use a compass and use the field of their specific location or should they align with the pole ends even if the local field is different?

local field.
If you were in the Southern Hemisphere, would head to Magnetic South be better or make any difference? :huh:

Good question and I don't know. I think some experimentation would be in order.

Also, what about magnetic field changes that may be in process? Not just moving of the north magnetic pole, but possible reversals?

We do a bit of feng shui in the house here based on some advice from our Chinese medicine guy, a bit from some books about it, and a bit from just "feeling the energy", but we don't obsess over it.
Comment réagi l’énergie quand on a un mur concave dans la chambre ? Je sais que les C’s en ont parlé, ils ont dit que ce n’était pas bon. Pour quelle raison exactement ?

How reacted energy when one has a concave wall in the bedroom? I know that the C's have talked about it, they said it was not good. Why exactly?
Christine said:
Comment réagi l’énergie quand on a un mur concave dans la chambre ? Je sais que les C’s en ont parlé, ils ont dit que ce n’était pas bon. Pour quelle raison exactement ?

How reacted energy when one has a concave wall in the bedroom? I know that the C's have talked about it, they said it was not good. Why exactly?

Excusez-moi d’avoir insérer ma question dans votre conversation.
Je n’ai plus besoin d’explication, je dois juste avoir un peu plus confiance en moi quand je reçois les réponses à mes questionnements.

Sorry me to have to insert my question in your conversation.
I do not need more explanation, I must just trust a little more me when I receive the answers to my questionings.
Here is a transcript relating to that:

Laura said:
Q: [laughter] (Pierre) He sure was active! (Ark) I have a question. You {Laura} are taking these cold baths, but I am getting up with these headaches. Should I also like put my head in the cold bath to stop these morning headaches?

A: Yes and your remodeling plans should help a lot also.

Q: (Chu) The remodeling of your bedroom. (L) He gets his headaches in bed. He wakes up with them. It's those curved walls that are deadly. Dead man's curve! (Pierre) We have to do that. (L) But I dread it. It's gonna be such a mess.

A: But you will love it when it is done, and the reality will change dramatically in concert with the relief of psychic and physiological constrictions and restraints.

I don't think anyone can say for sure why, but maybe it has something to do with sound reflections.
monotonic said:
Here is a transcript relating to that:

Laura said:
Q: [laughter] (Pierre) He sure was active! (Ark) I have a question. You {Laura} are taking these cold baths, but I am getting up with these headaches. Should I also like put my head in the cold bath to stop these morning headaches?

A: Yes and your remodeling plans should help a lot also.

Q: (Chu) The remodeling of your bedroom. (L) He gets his headaches in bed. He wakes up with them. It's those curved walls that are deadly. Dead man's curve! (Pierre) We have to do that. (L) But I dread it. It's gonna be such a mess.

A: But you will love it when it is done, and the reality will change dramatically in concert with the relief of psychic and physiological constrictions and restraints.

I don't think anyone can say for sure why, but maybe it has something to do with sound reflections.

It was also a specific situation/configuration. I wouldn't take that as a blanket answer for just any situation. Those of you on FB who are "friends" have access to the photo album I put up about the bedroom remodeling and can see exactly what those walls were like.
Wikipedia said:
All magnets have two poles, where the lines of magnetic flux enter and emerge. By analogy with the Earth's magnetic field, these are called the magnet's "north" and "south" poles. The convention in early compasses was to call the end of the needle pointing to the Earth's North Magnetic Pole the "north pole" (or "north-seeking pole") and the other end the "south pole" (the names are often abbreviated to "N" and "S"). Because opposite poles attract, this definition means that the Earth's North Magnetic Pole is actually a magnetic south pole and the Earth's South Magnetic Pole is a magnetic north pole.[5][6]
The direction of magnetic field lines is defined such that the lines emerge from the magnet's north pole and enter into the magnet's south pole.

I may be overthinking this but technically magnetic north is in the southern hemisphere. So that would mean sleeping with your head pointing towards magnetic north results in your head pointing toward Earth's 'South' pole or let's just say Antarctica? I agree that experimentation is in order but is magnetic north, as it is discussed in this thread, referring to the Arctic Circle (conventionally thought of as Earth's north pole) or Antarctica?


The above picture somewhat describes my question. Nm and Sm (labeled in purple) are referred to as North and South magnetic poles. However, these labels really only indicate the axis of alignment for Earth's magnetic field. The pole labels that have the correct orientation and magnetic type would be the labels located in the center of the diagram resembling a bar magnet. They indicate that magnetic North coincides with Antarctica while magnetic South with the Arctic Circle.
I think everyone assumed it means the north arrow of a compass. Is there a reason to doubt this?

It's interesting to point out the discrepancy though.

PS. Way to go - confuse us with facts!
PS. Way to go - confuse us with facts!
Confusion is not my intention! Promise :D

But I wasn't really saying I doubt it just wondering about the details and whether or not the direction in which one sleeps has anything to do with the concept used in NMR Spectroscopy . In short, it is a technique that builds off of the observation that when something with a magnetic field aligns with an external magnetic field, it is then able to absorb and re-emit EM or cosmic radiation from its surroundings much better than if it had an arbitrary alignment that was not co-linear with an all pervasive external one (The Earth's for example). And while some may say that the Earth's magnetic field is too weak to interact with the human body in this way, I do know that there is a such thing as EFNMR or Earth Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance that has been used successfully to analyze certain compounds. E.F.N.M.R. uses the same concept but with the magnetic field of the Earth instead of an artificially generated one.

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a physical phenomenon in which nuclei in a magnetic field absorb and re-emit electromagnetic radiation. This energy is at a specific resonance frequency which depends on the strength of the magnetic field and the magnetic properties of the isotope of the atoms; in practical applications, the frequency is similar to VHF and UHF television broadcasts (60–1000 MHz).

Here they are referring to atom nuclei and their respective magnetic fields, but my main point is this; Something with its own magnetic field when in alignment with an external magnetic field can better resonate with other influences. Sooo... on a bigger scale this could mean that a human or person with their own inherent magnetic fields (assuming we have North and South magnetic poles), when in alignment with the Earth's, could potentially be better equipped to resonate with natural EM/Cosmic radiation.

Now there are a lot of details in between, but what I am really trying to get across is that I think there may be something to the act of sleeping with your head pointed in a certain direction. Although, it may not be so clear cut as what's described above. If people are sleeping with their heads pointed towards the Arctic circle then that could be a similar arrangement to what is used in NMR spectroscopy.
If you're wondering why the silence, it's because you've stunned us with a fascinating idea.

Can it be said that the energies traded during such a magnetic alignment are so weak that their effects tend to be strictly in an informational sense, and not directly having physical effects?
trendsetter37 said:
when something with a magnetic field aligns with an external magnetic field, it is then able to absorb and re-emit EM or cosmic radiation from its surroundings much better than if it had an arbitrary alignment that was not co-linear with an all pervasive external one (The Earth's for example).

Could those magneto-receptors in our sinus cavities play any role in this emission or absorption? I'm asking because I've read that one reason MRI's work on us is because magnetic fields don't affect us in any significant way, or something like that. But NMR spectroscopy might be a different story?
monotonic said:
If you're wondering why the silence, it's because you've stunned us with a fascinating idea.

Can it be said that the energies traded during such a magnetic alignment are so weak that their effects tend to be strictly in an informational sense, and not directly having physical effects?

I am actually glad you brought that up because that is exactly what you are doing when using NMR. It is seen as a non-destructive method for analyzing compounds and thus you are reading information by way of EM resonance. The only physical aspect that is changed is the physical alignment of the nuclei. However, that is done by the external magnetic field since on that scale atoms and their orientations have a certain degree of freedom. I guess it could be likened to a bar magnet in space. Bringing another magnet within its proximity will cause it to reorient itself easily. On our scale that does not happen so it is necessary that we align ourselves physically in the desired direction.

I am not sure what type of information we would be tapping into but I know Laura did mention vivid dreams and OOBEs. Dreams can be random, prophetic, or lucid, etc. What if that is an example of picking up information that is already there? I kind of view our brain as an antenna so there is that. What if the Monday and Thursday EE sessions were done with everyone lying down with their heads facing North?

Buddy said:
trendsetter37 said:
when something with a magnetic field aligns with an external magnetic field, it is then able to absorb and re-emit EM or cosmic radiation from its surroundings much better than if it had an arbitrary alignment that was not co-linear with an all pervasive external one (The Earth's for example).

Could those magneto-receptors in our sinus cavities play any role in this emission or absorption? I'm asking because I've read that one reason MRI's work on us is because magnetic fields don't affect us in any significant way, or something like that. But NMR spectroscopy might be a different story?

I am not sure about magneto receptors because NMR usually works on levels that are more fundamental than entire receptor cells. It is possible, I just don't have a lot of experience with that side of the issue.

Fwiw, MRI or (magnetic resonance imaging) is NMR, only it is a specific application that uses the NMR phenomenon. Annnnd I think I may have derailed this thread a bit. My apologies.
I want to point out that increasing dreams is not necessarily a good thing. Gurdjieff said that when you are dreaming, you are not sleeping. There was a point in time where I was dreaming so much that I didn't feel rested when I woke up. So the question is whether sleeping in alignment actually increases our energy, or whether it just changes how our energy gets used.
Finding this topic I turned my bed 55 degrees, so my head aligns [google-maps] north. Since then I fall asleep much sooner and sleep better, have more energy. The new direction works so well that I have trouble remaining awake during POTS.

My dreams have subtly changed since then: became more instructional, more deep and they are giving me substantial lectures in new situations in the company of new dream-people, I'm meeting.

So I'm wondering, from where the heck this unique information is coming from?? As a result of all this, I found myself falling into deep thought about my life, where I'm going, why I'm not doing more work to accomplish my goals. Thoughts about the futility of my current aimless-existence and how I must strive to do more, achieve more, so much that the new realizations - thanks to the new dream info - became somehow painful and pressing. While at the same time I have more energy and increased capacity to grok things.

Also I don't dream so much as in the previous, non-North/South aligned direction. I just find myself returning to consciousness from an energizing dreamless rest.
Finally got hold of a compass today. My house is about 10 degrees askew of magnetic north. How much does it matter I wonder? I thought turning my bed 10 degrees would just be a small change, but I will have to move some things.

Intuitively, I'd say that you are aligned when, if lying straight, the magnetic field lines pass through both your head and feet. If your head and feet are on different field lines, then you are out of alignment. This makes the most sense to me.

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