If I get it right, from his CT theory if humans would switch to low carb diets that is maintaining ketosis, plus activate this "Ancient pathway" thru coldness and possibly adding this mysterious Factor X to equation, all of this will result in optimal functioning of human biochemistry, which means more health without "neolithic diseases" and possible significant prolongation of human lifespan.
To prove that this formula works we should monitor condition of our telomeres which, if above is applied, would at least slow down shortening due living in "warm adapted" mod or would even grow back.
Considering today's lab testing technology, it would be relatively easy to systematically check for telomere status and judge Kruse's theory.
I don't have any scientific background and wouldn't know if telomere testing is only way to verify his claims but surely would give credit to or discard his claims and I guess that we wouldn't have to wait long to see if this "Ancient pathway" activation is scientifically valid theory.
To prove that this formula works we should monitor condition of our telomeres which, if above is applied, would at least slow down shortening due living in "warm adapted" mod or would even grow back.
Considering today's lab testing technology, it would be relatively easy to systematically check for telomere status and judge Kruse's theory.
I don't have any scientific background and wouldn't know if telomere testing is only way to verify his claims but surely would give credit to or discard his claims and I guess that we wouldn't have to wait long to see if this "Ancient pathway" activation is scientifically valid theory.