Dr. Richard Sauder Arrested

Richard Sauder: A Serious Message from the Heart of America

A Personal Statement from Richard Sauder dated 14 July 2010

Note from Richard Dolan, July 22, 2010. I received a handwritten letter from Richard Sauder two days ago and have transcribed it, at his request, for general distribution. Since his arrest and incarceration on April 15, 2010, he has had no access to computers, Internet, or even ordinary phone calls, so his ability to communicate with the outside world is restricted to hand-written correspondence that must be examined by federal authorities. By the standards of Year 2010, this is painfully slow, but it is all he has.

Dr. Sauder's trial date, long delayed, is set for tomorrow, July 23, 2010. Acquittal is very rare in cases of trespass on U.S. military property. We expect him to be sentenced, although for how long we do not know. I will report what I learn as soon as I learn the results.


A Serious Message from the Heart of America

by Richard Sauder
14 July 2010

I come in peace as a messenger to North Dakota and the world, here in the dog days of summer 2010.

That is why, on 15 April 2010, I went over the fence and staged a peaceful demonstration on U.S. Air Force nuclear missile silo H-8, at the intersection of 33rd St. And 76th Ave., near Parshall, North Dakota. For this manifestation of creative nonviolence, I was arrested and jailed. For three months I have been incarcerated in the Heart of America Correctional and Treatment Center, located in Rugby, North Dakota, at the precise geographical center of the North American continent.

I traveled to North Dakota from Texas, whose state symbol is a five pointed star. Because my purpose was both serious and prescient, I accordingly placed a five-armed starfish shell on the missile silo. I also placed five conch shells on the silo access hatch, to symbolize the vital importance of the sea. Silo H-8 is located in the midst of North Dakota’s booming oil field. When I straightened up, I saw men hard at work drilling for oil with a large derrick erected in a field just to the south of silo H-8.

Five days later, BP’s Deepwater Horizon Oilwell exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, and the consequences of that catastrophe will be unfolding for a long time to come, with dire impacts on the Gulf of Mexico, the Southeast USA, and much more besides. The entire situation is very serious.

Both BP and the USA government have knowingly lied about the gravity of the situation. This is no accident. The USA is ruling system is now a criminally corrupt “corporate-government,” governed of, by and for the Fortune 500 companies and Wall Street. The USA government is not now in any meaningful degree truly a “participatory” democracy or “representative” government.

And understand this: the nuclear missiles in North Dakota are the hellish, genocidal, hyper-violent weapons of last resort that prop up this systemic “corporate-government” criminal corruption. Liberty, freedom, peace and “justice for all” have nothing to do with it. On the contrary.

A wise man said long ago: “let those who have eyes to see, see!” Can you see how deeply criminal the USA’s corporate government is? The plain meaning of the ongoing catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico is a serious case in point.

So it is that as this oppressive system of military, political and corporate criminality crushes the Earth and her peoples under its ignorant yoke, I enter the scene as a latter-day Paul Revere, warning not that “the British are coming!” but rather “British Petroleum has come!,”and that we must “revere” the Earth much more than we have to date.

Just as BP’s actions have destroyed the Gulf of Mexico’s ecological soundness and integrity, so too has the U.S. government’s multi-trillion dollar mugging of the American people’s prosperity and posterity destroyed its integrity and claim to legitimacy. Wall Street, the Fortune 500, the Federal Reserve, and USA corp-gov puppets of the “Powers that Be” who lurk in our world’s shadows are carrying out the biggest criminal shakedown in recorded history.

The recent, so-called bail out and stimulus bills should really be called the National Mugging and National Shakedown Acts. They are funneling trillions of dollars from the people’s purses and pockets to accounts and financial institutions controlled by the wealthiest families and individuals on the planet. This is point blank robbery: the banks are robbing the people.

I say again: the nuclear missiles are the ultimate genocidal enforcer of this criminal economic arrangement, which is based on a global system of lifelong debt peonage designed to ensnare all humanity in economic bondage.

I cannot remain silent. I am here to say that I object. I cannot go along with this hideous agenda of national and global economic enslavement, which simultaneously dangles a nuclear sword of Damocles over our collective heads.

Why do we go about our business as if this state of affairs is acceptable? It’s not acceptable to me, and so I have acted, and am speaking publicly as part of the international, intergenerational, decentralized, leaderless, creatively nonviolent White Rose movement, the global direction of which lies in the eternal desire of the human heart to be free of tyranny and to be at peace.

For the White Rose, both the means and the end are the same: nonviolence. This planet has been plagued by an epidemic of warfare for millennia. But it is a logical absurdity to imagine that warfare can abolish warfare. Nonviolence offers the only sure path to a peaceful world, and this is the trajectory of the White Rose.

So how does it all play out? What’s the basic game plan? Quite simple! And the really good part is that in the end we get both our lives and our planet back from the ignorant oppressive clutches of the Powers that Be and their greedy, power mad puppets in the USA’s “corp-gov,” Wall Street, Fortune 500 and the Pentagon.

As it happens, we and the Earth are now entering into a so-called event horizon of near simultaneous, cascading ecological crises, major weather and climate change, geological and seismic disturbances, military and political upheaval, economic chaos, social unrest, agricultural problems, pollution overload and industrial emergencies.

As if on cue, BP’s Deep Water Horizon Oil Rig explosion and ongoing catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico is ushering in the opening phase of this onrushing event horizon that will crash over us in the coming months and years.

As it happens, the Powers that Be and their puppets do not know what to do about these many crises they have played such an influential role in creating and/or worsening; even worse, they don’t really care.

It therefore falls to us, We the People, to help ourselves by unilaterally: a) declaring a Jubilee Year for sweeping forgiveness of all odious and onerous debts, and b) nonviolently and peacefully withdrawing all support for the war machinations of this planet’s governments, military organizations, corporations, and financial institutions.

What does this mean pragmatically? At a minimum it means basic measures such as:

– Pull your money out of the big banks.

– Pull your money out of the criminal casino known as the stock market, also known as Wall Street.

– Don’t pay odious and onerous debts. The USA corp-gov and major financial institutions have criminally rigged the so-called economy.

– Reduce your consumption of goods and services from Fortune 500 companies.

– Simplify your material lifestyle.

– Do not participate in industrialized slaughter of your fellow humans. In other words, refuse to go to war for the corporate mercenary force known as the Pentagon.

– Boycott corporate propaganda and news services such as ABC, CBS, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times, etc.

– Patronize, or establish your own, alternative news sources or networks.

– As many as are able, engage in creative, nonviolent acts of civil disobedience at corporate, governmental, and military installations and headquarters.

– Remember, the goal is nonviolent reform, so act nonviolently even when provoked.

– Think outside the box, with the emphasis on creative nonviolence.

In short, we are free when we stop acting like corporate-government slaves and conscripts and start behaving like sovereign, free human beings.

No one can give you your freedom. You can only claim freedom for yourself. It comes down to this: either you are free or you are not. It’s your decision. Which will it be?

Either we get rid of the nuclear missiles or they will get rid of us. We must have global, nuclear disarmament. I have on three occasions in my life gone over the fence at nuclear missile silos to perform nonviolent acts of civil disobedience.

I have been arrested and jailed, but nothing worth having comes without personal effort and sacrifice. Do you want nuclear disarmament? Do you really want to live on a planet free of the threat of nuclear apocalypse?

If you are serious, then you will have to do something. You. Personally. A wise and serious man once said: much is required of those to whom much is given.

The nuclear missiles can never be fired if the air is to remain habitable in any significantly human or humane sense. Five trillion dollars have been lavished on the USA’s planet killing, planet-impoverishing nuclear arsenal.

Trillions more dollars are being looted from the American people as you read these words.

So let the Jubilee Year began with all due alacrity. The people to whom this duty falls by rights, by which I mean the obligation to announce the Jubilee Year, have completely abdicated their responsibilities and have instead fallen in with the very worst sort of criminal element. And so the responsibility to declare a Jubilee Year necessarily passes by default to other hands. It is left to the ordinary people of the world, you and me, to announce the Jubilee, of release from onerous and odious debt, release from economic bondage.

And make no mistake. I reiterate that this has everything in the world to do with the nuclear missiles that menace the human race and the planet. The trillions of dollars spent on nuclear weaponry represent theft by taking from the people’s prosperity, the more so, as these weapons can never be used, so hideously and hellishly destructive would a nuclear war be.

Under these conditions it is both fitting and proper for the people to employ creatively nonviolent means to withdraw their support from a corrupt system that is dragging them down to collective ruin.

I am Richard Sauder and I endorse this serious message, straight from the Heart of America, in the dog days of summer 2010.

Hier stehe ich. Ich kann nicht anders. Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise.

source: Keyholepublishing.com
Re: Richard Sauder: A Serious Message from the Heart of America

Talk about a person not playing with a full deck. So much more that could be done with his energy and he's just throwing it away.
Re: Richard Sauder: A Serious Message from the Heart of America

Weird - I had a dream last night in which I was talking with Rich Dolan and the first thing I asked him was, "So, what is up with Richard Sauder?" ... funny.
Re: Richard Sauder: A Serious Message from the Heart of America

I wonder if he decided (knowingly or not) that he just can't take it anymore and "checked out" by way of jail?

This would be a good time for him to read Political Ponerology if he hasn't already.
Re: Richard Sauder: A Serious Message from the Heart of America

I had no idea he was arrested. I read one of his books "Underwater and underground bases" and I really enjoyed the book. Hopefully he won't go to jail for too long; I have to look more into where he was trespassing when he got arrested.
Re: Richard Sauder: A Serious Message from the Heart of America

Mona said:
I had no idea he was arrested. I read one of his books "Underwater and underground bases" and I really enjoyed the book. Hopefully he won't go to jail for too long; I have to look more into where he was trespassing when he got arrested.

Great book , OSIT. I think he made a mistake hanging around the facility. The ones I'm familiar with are rife with EM countermeasures. Maybe he should have worn silk.
Re: Richard Sauder: A Serious Message from the Heart of America

If he were spending his energy educating people about pathology in power, he might accomplish something useful. Same with Dolan.
Re: Richard Sauder: A Serious Message from the Heart of America

wow.. so any updates on his case?
Re: Richard Sauder: A Serious Message from the Heart of America

He is free.

A Texas man who was apprehended after trespassing on missile silo site near Parshall was freed from federal custody Friday after serving more than three months in prison.

James Richard Sauder, 55, of Texas, was charged with federal criminal trespassing, a Class B misdemeanor, after he scaled the fence at missile launch pad H-8 about 3 miles southwest of Parshall in order to stage a nonviolent protest against the nuclear weapons policies of the federal government.

Sauder stood trial Friday on the charge before federal Magistrate Judge Charles S. Miller, where he took advantage of an opportunity to address the court during his testimony rather than mount any significant factual defense against the charges.

And while Sauder was convicted in short order, Miller told Sauder that, having already served three months and eight days in a Rugby correctional facility, he didn't want to "waste any more of the taxpayers' money."

Assistant U.S. Attorney Rick Volk called three witnesses to the stand for the prosecution, each of whom stated that they had seen Sauder inside H-8, the clearly marked enclosure surrounded by barbed-wire-lined fence, on the morning of April 15.

Meanwhile, Sauder made no attempt disputing the fact that he did something that was in violation of written federal statue. Rather, his attorney, Orell Schmitz, opted simply to ask witnesses if H-8 lies within the boundaries of the Ft. Berthold Indian Reservation.

After establishing that H-8 does indeed lie within reservation boundaries, Schmitz moved that the charges be dismissed on the grounds that the U.S. does not hold title or authority for jurisdiction on the site in question.

Miller denied the motion, at which time Schmitz called his star - and only - witness for the defense himself.

The intelligent and engaging defendant took the stand and immediately admitted he had been convicted twice before of trespassing on missile sites, most recently "in the early 1980s."

He described the native-inspired ceremonial headdress he was wearing when apprehended, the various items he symbolically placed at the site, and the suspicious-looking electrical cord spotted in the vehicle he drove that day that led military personnel to suspect for a time that the van was a bomb.

Once he described the three dozen white roses he took to the site, however, Sauder's diatribe turned much more serious.

Claiming his nonviolent act of civil disobedience was in solidarity with a generation-old society of intellectuals protesting the Third Reich in Hitler's Germany, Sauder told the court he was acting on behalf of the White Rose Movement.

He stated his belief that the U.S. proliferation of nuclear weapons is in clear violation of multiple international laws. Referring to North Dakota's 150 Minuteman III missiles, each of which carries multiple warheads, he said the weapons "profoundly threaten humanity."

"These are city-busters - genocidal weapons of mass destruction," Sauder said. Nuclear deterrence, he said, is "nothing but a euphemism for nuclear terrorism carried out by the U.S."

He also said that he chose Minot for the simple reason that Minot Air Force Base has had several nuclear snafus in recent years, referring to the base's nuclear security mockingly as "nuclear insecurity."

He cited the six "rogue" warheads transported mistakenly to Louisiana's Barksdale Air Force Base in 2007, the missile booster truck that overturned several months ago near Berthold, and the recent incident where a training missile fell on an airman causing fatal injuries.

"Of course it's unfortunate that anyone has to die, but it does beg a bigger question," Sauder said. "How is it that you manage to drop a nuclear missile in the first place?"

He also pointed out that it took more than an hour for him to be apprehended from the time he entered the restricted area.

"Either we get rid of the nukes, or they're going to get rid of us," Sauder said.

Once the defense rested, Miller told Sauder that, however misguided it may be, he understood Sauder's point.

"I think I understand his statement and I respect his views," Miller said, but continued that there are better ways to make a point than by breaking laws.

He ruled Sauder guilty on the charge and proceeded directly to sentencing.

Noting that the maximum sentence for the crime is six months in prison, Miller determined that Sauder had served enough time.

"If I release you today, you're going to do what?" he asked Sauder.

"Well, I'm not going straight to a missile site," Sauder replied as the courtroom laughed. Sauder told the judge he hoped he could "get a ride back to Rugby," as all Sauder's property remains at Heart of America Correctional Center there.

Noting the prison jumpsuit he was wearing belonged to the jail, he said, "Basically, I'm only in my own socks and underwear," to more laughter.

He then told the judge that his plans are to leave the state immediately "the same way I came in," south toward Texas.

Miller cautioned Sauder that should he violate the laws again, he likely would not be given treatment as "lenient" as his most recent brush with the law.

"I know if I'm the sentencing judge, you'll most likely be facing the maximum penalty - and it might be a felony," Miller said.
Re: Richard Sauder: A Serious Message from the Heart of America

In short, a bunch of narcissistic hystrionics for no good reason at all other than to put Sauder at the center of attention. I suppose he wasn't getting enough.
Re: Richard Sauder: A Serious Message from the Heart of America

He got away so easily that it raises questions. He also seems to have had genuine help, somebody had a good heart there.
What is perplexing, when he got arrested, i got the impression that an influence group really ruminated on putting him away for good and they were serious.
Re: Richard Sauder: A Serious Message from the Heart of America

I have followed the output of Dr Sauder since the publication of his first book, and have all his books and a large archive of his radio interviews. (including 3 or 4 from ealier this year) He is sharp, focused and engaging - Better read than almost any other researcher apart from maybe Dr Farrell, and I'm very glad that he is again free. Unlike many, he chooses to act directly; and has done so on a number of previous occasions and I for one applaude his courage and resolve. His new book (Hidden in Plain Sight) is a great read and I would recommend it to anybody interested in Dr Sauders work.
Re: Richard Sauder: A Serious Message from the Heart of America

janus232 said:
He is sharp, focused and engaging - Better read than almost any other researcher apart from maybe Dr Farrell...

Unlike many, he chooses to act directly; and has done so on a number of previous occasions and I for one applaude his courage and resolve.

You have no experience of him personally, I gather? I do. It hasn't been pleasant, ever. I knew something was off about him for some years before reading "Political Ponerology." It was there that I read a description of a type of individual that exactly fit my experiences with Sauder:

PP said:
Carriers of this anomaly are hypersensitive and distrustful, while, at the same time, pay little attention to the feelings of others. They tend to assume extreme positions, and are eager to retaliate for minor offenses. Sometimes they are eccentric and odd. Their poor sense of psychological situation and reality leads them to superimpose erroneous, pejorative interpretations upon other people’s intentions. They easily become involved in activities which are ostensibly moral, but which actually inflict damage upon themselves and others. Their impoverished psychological worldview makes them typically pessimistic regarding human nature. We frequently find expressions of their characteristic attitudes in their statements and writings: “Human nature is so bad that order in human society can only be maintained by a strong power created by highly qualified individuals in the name of some higher idea.” Let us call this typical expression the “schizoid declaration”. {...}

The common factor in the varieties of this anomaly is a dull pallor of emotion and lack of feeling for the psychological realities, an essential factor in basic intelligence. This can be attributed to some incomplete quality of the instinctive substratum, which works as though founded on shifting sand. Low emotional pressure enables them to develop proper speculative reasoning, which is useful in non-humanistic spheres of activity, but because of their one-sidedness, they tend to consider themselves intellectually superior to “ordinary” people. {...}

On the small scale, such people cause their families trouble, easily turn into tools of intrigue in the hands of clever and unscrupulous individuals, and generally do a poor job of raising children. Their tendency to see human reality in the doctrinaire and simplistic manner they consider “proper” – i.e. “black or white” - transforms their frequently good intentions into bad results. However, their ponerogenic role can have macrosocial implications if their attitude toward human reality and their tendency to invent great doctrines are put to paper and duplicated in large editions.

In spite of their typical deficits, or even an openly schizoidal declaration, their readers do not realize what the authors’ characters are really like. Ignorant of the true condition of the author, such uninformed readers thed to interpret such works in a manner corresponding to their own nature. The minds of normal people tend toward corrective interpretation due to the participation of their own richer, psychological world view. {...}

During stable times which are ostensibly happy, albeit dependent upon injustice to other individuals and nations, doctrinaire people believe they have found a simple solution to fix the world. Such a historical period is always characterized by an impoverished psychological world view, so that a schizoidally impoverished psychological world view does not stand out as odd during such times and is accepted as legal tender. These doctrinaire individuals characteristically manifest a certain contempt with regard to moralists then preaching the need to rediscover lost human values and to develop a richer, more appropriate psychological world view.

Schizoid characters aim to impose their own conceptual world upon other people or social groups, using relatively controlled pathological egotism and the exceptional tenacity derived from their persistent nature. They are thus eventually able to overpower another individual’s personality, which causes the latter’s behavior to turn desperately illogical. They may also exert a similar influence upon the group of people they have joined. They are psychological loners who then begin to feel better in some human organization, wherein they become zealots for some ideology, religious bigots, materialists, or adherents of an ideology with satanic features. If their activities consist of direct contact on a small social scale, their acquaintances generally just consider them to be eccentric, which limits their ponerogenic role. However, if they manage to hide their own personality behind the written word, their influence may poison the minds of society on a wide scale and for a long time. {...}

In spite of the fact that the writings of schizoidal authors contain the above described deficiency, or even an openly formulated schizoidal declaration which constitutes sufficient warning to specialists, the average reader accepts them not as a view of reality warped by this anomaly, but rather as an idea to which he should consider seriously based on his convictions and his reason. That is the first mistake.

The oversimplified pattern of ideas, devoid of psychological color and based on easily available data, tends to exert an intense attracting influence on individuals who are insufficiently critical, frequently frustrated as result of downward social adjustment, culturally neglected, or characterized by some psychological deficiencies of their own. Such writings are particularly attractive to a hystericized society. Others who may read such writings will be immediately provoked to criticism based on their healthy common sense, though they also they fail to grasp the essential cause of the error: that it emerges from a biologically deviant mind.

Societal interpretation of such writings and doctrinaire declarations breaks down into main trifurcations, engendering divisiveness and conflict. The first branch is the path of aversion, based on rejection of the contents of the work due to personal motivations, differing convictions, or moral revulsion. These reactions contain the component of a moralistic interpretation of pathological phenomena.

The second and third branches relate to two distinctly different apperception types among those persons who accept the contents of such works: the critically-corrective and the pathological.

The critically-corrective approach is taken by people whose feel for psychological reality is normal and they tend to incorporate the more valuable elements of the work. They then trivialize the obvious errors and fill in the missing elements of the schizoid deficiencies by means of their own richer world view. This gives rise to a more sensible, measured, and thus creative interpretation, but is cannot be completely free from the influence of the error frequently adduced above.

Pathological acceptance is manifested by individuals with psychological deficiencies of their own: diversiform deviations, whether inherited or acquired, as well as by many people bearing personality malformations or who have been injured by social injustice. That explains why this scope is wider than the circle drawn by direct action of pathological factors. Pathological acceptance of schizoidal writings or declarations by other deviants often brutalizes the authors’ concepts and promotes ideas of force and revolutionary means.
Re: Richard Sauder: A Serious Message from the Heart of America

In spite of their typical deficits, or even an openly schizoidal declaration, their readers do not realize what the authors’ characters are really like. Ignorant of the true condition of the author, such uninformed readers thed to interpret such works in a manner corresponding to their own nature. The minds of normal people tend toward corrective interpretation due to the participation of their own richer, psychological world view. {...}

I was just thinking about how this relates to the latest session. The news about people starting to uncover all the questionable situations and ask questions about what corporations are doing to humanity, and etc. I am just trying to find something positive to take from this lesson.

janus 232 says:
I have followed the output of Dr Sauder since the publication of his first book, and have all his books and a large archive of his radio interviews. (including 3 or 4 from ealier this year) He is sharp, focused and engaging - Better read than almost any other researcher apart from maybe Dr Farrell, and I'm very glad that he is again free. Unlike many, he chooses to act directly; and has done so on a number of previous occasions and I for one applaude his courage and resolve. His new book (Hidden in Plain Sight) is a great read and I would recommend it to anybody interested in Dr Sauders work.

I thought about how many people are thinking like this, who do not have the correct information to review and will react to their own calling about questioning the way this world operates. It seems to be serving the purpose of planting important seeds of taking action and the action may be the desired result. To ask sensitive questions about the control situation. Just like that Newton article at SOTT. Things do need to have the snowball effect, to really get rolling. Having not read any of his books and reading the quote took me through all of this as well, I was just reacting to my own thoughts as what I would like to change, from a personal perspective. I didn't agree with all of his letter, but never the less I was stirred to action, based on the things I can have an influence on.
Re: Richard Sauder: A Serious Message from the Heart of America

Sauders thinking is seriously messed up if he thinks that “getting rid of the nukes” is actually going to solve any problems whatsoever. This is but a reflection of the real underlying problem which is the attitude the pathologicals in power have towards the world, who see everything in terms of their own paranoia. Their only true motivations are to dominate and destroy things, all in the name of "saving it," which includes everyone and everything on the planet including themselves as well. Sauder is thinking and acting with that same paranoid attitude as the pathologicals in power have. He’s playing their game just as they want him to play it and he's even destroying his own possibilities of truly helping humanity in the process. Maybe even what he’s doing is a form of "soul smashing" or something like that.

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