Dr. Richard Sauder Arrested

Re: Richard Sauder: A Serious Message from the Heart of America

Getting rid of the nukes was not the main important issue for me, that I thought I might be able to change. That one would need a big snowball to roll over it. There were many other things in that letter which I might be able to influence, slightly. Again, knowing about Sauder's history helps keep things in perspective and that should be the extent of the energy spent in that direction. The focus should bear on things within reach.
Richard Sauder Released from Jail

On July 26th, the Editor of UFO Digest, received this message through Richard Dolan:

"I just received a phone call from Richard Sauder, who has informed me that he stood trial on July 23, and was released from custody.

The judge did find him guilty for trespassing on a federal facility, but sentenced him to time served.

So, after three months of custody, Richard is free. He asked me to thank everyone who supported him while he was incarcerated. I am sure he will issue his own statement sometime soon."

Elizabeth said:
On July 26th, the Editor of UFO Digest, received this message through Richard Dolan:

See: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=17372.msg180896#msg180896

post in this thread. I have merged your single post new thread with the already existing one.
Wow, I really feel like I've been enlightened with Laura's post. What a "textbook" example of what Lobaczewski wrote about this anomaly this turns out to be. So, those of us who have had no personal contact with Sauder corrected for the things that seem simplistic, ineffective, and/or counterproductive in his "manifesto" and declarations and actions. But now in the proper context, I see how dangerous this can be, especially for those who are less informed about the pathocracy and can actually be moved to act in similar ways thinking that they are making a stand and protesting what's wrong with our world. Although I myself did not think this type of protest is a good idea, I was worried about the treatment he was likely to get in this fascistic atmosphere for some minor, non-violent civil disobedience / protest without seeing the greater implications.

Another thing is that I listened to a SOTT podcast interview a few years ago with Sauder, and I still did not notice anything "off" with him, although I knew much less about Ponerology back then and also am going on memory (I think it was in 2006 or 2007 that I listened to the podcast). But all this was very enlightening as well as worrying of what kind of negative effect this type of thing can have on the public that seems on the verge of waking up to the true nature of the pathocracy, increasing the chance of violent revolutionary reactions as the C's said in the last session and has occurred over and over in history.

And Sauder is a much more subtle schizoidal example that will rile up a different type of people while at the same time the more extreme versions such as the Tea Party and right wing media agitators are riling up a totally different type of people. What a real-time demonstration of how accurately Political Ponerology describes these processes.

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