Dream about Putin

I don't get a feeling in my dreams that he is particularly happy. It feels more like he is on a constrained treadmill of duty, but otherwise doing what he can when he can.
loreta said:
Yesterday I dream with Putin. He was very energetic and happy, and I was with him, following him and working with him. He was happy to be with me, I had this sensation. He was also looking for a man, something like Sneider, a Mr. Sneider and not finding him he asked some people for this man. When he knew that this man was not anywhere I look at Putin: he was suddenly very sad, looking at the floor and thinking and looking at Putin I thought that this was the end of Putin, as if Putin was in real danger. I wake up.

Perhaps it's time to send more letters of support to Putin? He's been on my mind recently.
Ran into 'Putin' during a dream last night. For some reason, he was out somewhere (in a shop?) and I had a real fangirl moment where I chatted with him briefly (trying to be Cool about it when in that kind of Presence, as one does). Not sure if it was in Russian (and that part of the Thrill was that I understood enough to say a few words), but I was definitely fangirling. However, he said something to the effect that he was or had been an engineer - something like "был енжиниром" which I don't recall if the real one ever was, (or if that's correct Russian construction of such a phrase). Then his wife and a boy child showed up, as if they were just out touristing as a family, and off they went together.
Konstantin said:
As i understand the dream, it portrays one important characteristic of Putin, and that is that he don't want to just masks things, but he wants to change, to fix the things from their roots.Not just a fancy mask , while the essence is still damaged under that shiny appearance.

Possibly this idea has 'resonance' for you too? :)
I had a dream with Putin today. He was smiling and said that Germany finally agreed to get along with him/Russia.

He was then trying out all kinds of sneakers, some of them were too big for his foot and some of them were a perfect fit. After that I was with him in an office, it was like I've just started working for him and both of us were arranging space. There were 2-3 young women there sitting and we were all pretty squeezed in that office.

I was finally sitting at my new working place and he said that people who are working here are 90% Russians. I said that I will definitely learn Russian then. He went out and I was then asking my new colleagues about their age, they looked so young, too young to work, their answers were 1980 and 1983.

Several weeks ago there was also a dream about him. We were driving in a bus, he was sitting behind me and was talking about something. I was worried about his safety all the time. Then bus stopped at the station and people got in with a baby, they were asking him for help, to help the baby.
Konstantin said:
he smiled lightly.


That kind of smile ? :)
This was from last night / early this morning.

Boarded a jet airplane. Putin may (recall not clear there) have been involved in the process of getting everyone on there. He may have told everyone it was time to board, for example. It seemed fairly crowded, but not all seats were full. (For example; the one to my left was empty; I was in the window-seat of a two-seat row). The flight became...quite bumpy. At one point, the plane seemed to tip into a 45 degree angle dive... this...was a bit...Alarming. I felt that gut clench of Holy Cr@p; are we really about to go down, to all die together? Some wag nearby opined that they hoped we at least wouldn't freeze / get frozen [if the plane went down] - I got the impression of an airplane stuck half in and out of some frozen ice at a cartoonish 45 degree angle].

I suddenly realized (with a touch of minor shock) that Vladamir Putin had just plunked himself down into the seat next to me, so bumpy had the flight become - one of those I have to sit down right NOW before I fall moments while he'd been moving about the cabin. Perhaps the flight wasn't in as much danger as I'd thought, or else the flight re-righted itself, for he was getting up again a few moments later to return to where he'd originally been sitting. But as he did so, I saw with minor alarm that a folded piece of paper that I guess had been next to my side and which belonged to me had inadvertantly momentarily 'stuck' to his pants (static electricity or whatever) near one pants pocket. It was something important enough (akin to a 'boarding pass', etc.) that I felt I really couldn't lose it. I had a moment or two to act, and I guess didn't want to bother him, l but also didn't want to just let him go away and then have to perhaps bother him later (he's much too busy a guy for that), so I simply reached to snatch it back as he was getting up and turning to step away from the seat, and he immediately looked down with a keen What are you doing / Don't mess with my pocket kind of glance (not angry per se but definitely utter situational awareness - I would even say, hawklike...), but presumably he realized what I'd been doing and made no further protest as he stepped out and headed back to his original seat and companions (a set of four seats, where the people could sit and face each other, allowing the people there to have effective conversations and meetings - like some train seating), a bit diagonally across the aisle.

I think we (the plane) were having 'bad moments', but perhaps the flight wasn't quite so endangered as I'd thought (here's hoping). Because right after that scary moment, a female flight attendant of an asian appearance seemed to be moving up and down the aisle, still gamely carrying out her duties...

Immediately upon waking, as I lay there, recalling the dream, the following wry thought occured: "Turbulance makes [temporary] seat-fellows of us all."
I dream about Putin last night. I was walking a dog, I think so, with dye on my hair when suddenly I see Putin walking in front of my with a grey tiger. He see me, stop and start to talk to me. At the beginning I feel shy specially with my hair with dye but Putin is gentle, diplomat and makes me feel good. A man is with him, he explains to me that this grey tiger will become very strong. I say to Putin that we will come to Russia with the group (this forum). The feeling I have is splendid: Putin is really a very gentle man, someone you can communicate like a good friend.

It is not the first time I dream about Putin. Everytime Putin is perceive, in my dreams, like a very good person and very communicative. A human person before a political man. I think one of the reasons we love him and respect him (apart his intelligence) is because we see in him a man, a human being, someone free, not a puppet like the others politicians. A real man.
In my dream, I was somehow a friend of the US president (it was not Trump - he was no one I have ever seen) and we were visiting Putin. We came to his small house or cabin, with a front porch. He invited us in, and motioned for me to go in first. We went in to a dim room. We were all wearing jeans. I told him I was glad to meet him, shaking his hand, and that I admired him. He seemed embarrassed. I then told him that I had read about him many times on SOTT. He smiled, then turned and started talking to the US president.
Many years ago I was very anti-Putin because I was following the stupid mainstream media. About 2 years ago I woke up one day and felt with an undeniable faith that our only hope to come out of this dire misery of destruction on planet Earth is in fact - PUTIN! Ever since I have started to tell people what he is really saying and that he is NOT masking his speeches with useless, deceptive and manipulative words (like most of our Western politicians do). He is extremely educated and seems to know what is going on on a very deep level and it is my impression that he wants to make this world a peaceful one.

I have been telling people all around me about Putin (many actually agree) and that they should at least listen to what he is saying rather than just taking in the mainstream slandering and misrepresentation of him.

As I am also deeply exploring Shamanism I had a dream about him too where he is protected by very powerful benevolent spirits. About 1 year ago sitting on my breakfast table a voice spoke to me -it clearly said: "learn Russian language!" At first I thought this must be some strange woowoo but the voice kept repeating the instruction and so I signed up for Russian language classes and despite the fact that the language is incredibly difficult to master, I find it extremely interesting and almost meditative. So now I can at least listen to Putin's speeches in RU (of course don't get every word but I truly admire how he is speaking!).

I believe that Putin actually deserves at least 10 Nobel peace prices as HE is the one who is still keeping a lid on a full blown WWWIII that the deep state is pushing with all means of deception. I also fully agree with Dr. Daniele Ganser on what NATO really is and why it was created. Unfortunately people in Europe seem to completely underestimate the danger of encircling RU by NATO troops. But knowing that people are so heavily sprayed with Chemtrails, it's not overly surprising that many seem already crossed over and succumb to complete mind control... I have stopped watching TV and reading mainstream press.

I nevertheless hope we will come out of this mess and moving towards a peaceful coexistence.
Putin and his girlfriend were our house guests, in an isolated country house. We all hung out, cooked and ate, drank, listened to music, took walks,and rides in the car. One day, he went to take a nap and the stereo was playing music. I turned it off thinking he would need the quiet for sleeping, but he said he wanted it on. He had made food of some kind and put in the refrigerator before his nap, and told us to take all we wanted. As he slept, his girlfriend was looking around the pantry and I asked if I could get her something. She asked if I had any white wine, which I did but told her it wasn't very good. So we looked at what I had, one of which was a bottle of "Palma" brand (never heard of that one), which happened to be one she liked. Later we all took a ride to a little nearby town where people saw Putin but didn't realize who he was. At that point, I realized I was dreaming and said to my husband (a few times) don't wake up from the dream! The dream continued a little longer and we enjoyed our time together with Putin and his girlfriend.
A couple nights ago I had a dream about Putin. There were several friends and myself taking a walk in the woods when we came to a clearing. There was a baby elephant walking around with our kitty on it's back. Off to the side of the clearing stood Putin, smiling and watching the baby elephant and kitty also. I was so excited to see Putin and he extended his hand and I extended mine in a handshake. I remember feeling elated. :D
I had a dream about Putin where me and a friend of mine met him in this grand hall that was somewhere out in the wilderness. There were other buildings around and it felt like it was a secret base or retreat for Putin. We sat at this table with him and the place had a rustic, log cabin feel and look to it. There was a large chandelier in the hall made out of antlers (deer or moose I think). I remember he had the most amazing sense of humour! Anyway, not sure what it means but it was interesting.
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