Dream about Putin

My first dream about Putin I had yesterday night. I was at a house upstairs (I think it was my mothers and her husbands old residence, where I lived partly as teenager). Putin was there, and there were other people there too, but they are too faint for me to remember. Then I thought my parents where coming home and I was afraid because they are "anti" Putin. So because of that I thought he was leaving. I came close to him and he said my name (Robin) and then I think I woke up.
Today I dreamed about Putin, I was invited to a neighbour, a farmer, there we met.
It was like we were old friends, we hugged each other than sat down by the table, it was time for lunch.
While we waited for the farmers wife to come, we talked about several things (that I can't remember, even that there are no more than 20 mins since I woke up). After lunch we decided to go up the mountain behind our house, but again had to wait for the wife of my nighbour.
Meanwhile we startet to watch a video of a strange man, who hurts himselve several times while playing with a driller with an special tool attached (he cut into his thumb). The man who came with Putin wantet to like the video, because this guy on it was his brother, who blocked him on youtube, so he could give him respect. From there the dream went crazy, this guy on the vid did more strange thing with his driller, first to himselve but then to a woman, who was realy smal. Afterward time has come to went on the mountain and just before we went of, I got a present, it was a toy for my little daughter, a kinde of flute with a wheel on it, that flute would be used as walking stick, but the wheel hat to run over the ground, so that the flute played music for her.
And here is the end of the dream because of the alarm clock that rang.
I rarely dream of people I know other than my family or occasionally, my colleagues or close friends, but this morning I woke up intrigued and puzzled and also very much amused to have had a dream about Putin. I thought I'd share it here, since I saw there was a thread about people dreaming of him. The plot seemed quite elaborate and lengthy but now I can only remember a few details: we were in a modest village house, somewhere I don't really know, it seemed like a mountain region far from any big city. I remember the daylight and sunshine and the walls of the house were not complete... it's like we were inside and outside at the same time. And there came Putin in the "living room" and he sat around a table, in a couch, with my mother (!). He had such a positive and peaceful and humane look, I was telling myself how different it was from what newspapers showed him. My heart was feeling so much gratitude to be there and witness this. It felt like fresh air, love, and hope. He grabbed my hand to say hello and I was a bit disappointed he didn't grab it fully, but I remember I caressed his hand with my thumb for a little while. I wanted to signify him that I admired him or something, that I was true to his cause. There were also a bunch of people outside, involved in this dream, but now I don't know what was really going on. At some point, Putin just disappeared in the air...
I don't know how to interpret this, nor how come I have a dream about him. I haven't been thinking too much about him recently, nor following the latest developments very closely. I am not even very sure what I think about his person or his intentions or role in the world stage. For now, I am just waiting and seeing, with an open mind, glad that someone is putting sticks under the globalists' wheels, no matter who that be, anyway.
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