Dreaming in a Totalitarian Society

Last night I woke up from a nightmare, which I have practiced a lot in the past. I learned to recover quickly enough from these awakenings, that is to say to regulate stress, breathing and thoughts (without systematically forgetting) by quickly recognizing the dream.
It worked well last night. I ran out of breath and the recognized fear was intense, of a giant and powerful attack, more powerful than anything I know or can imagine.
Which leads me to think that it is rather desperate. On the Forum, the FotCM, and all of us in general.
I've been praying, trying to remember all the warnings from the Cs, I think almost systematic lately. It's nothing more than a dream, combining my fears and anxieties, but too powerful to keep it to myself.
Stay safe and alert.

Cette nuit je me suis réveillée d'un cauchemar, ce que j'ai beaucoup pratiqué dans le passé. J'ai appris à me remettre assez vite de ces réveils c'est-à-dire à réguler le stress, la respiration et les pensées (sans oublier systématiquement) en reconnaissant vite le rêve.
Cela a bien fonctionné cette nuit dernière. J'ai manqué de souffle et la peur reconnue était intense, d'une attaque géante et puissante, plus puissante que tout ce que je connais ou que je peux imaginer. Qui me laisse penser qu'elle est plutôt désespérée.
Sur le forum, la FotCM, et tous d'entre nous en général.
J'ai prié en essayant de me souvenir de toutes les mises en garde des Cs, je crois presque systématiques ces derniers temps. Ce n'est rien de plus qu'un rêve, combinant mes peurs et mes angoisses, mais trop puissant pour le garder pour moi.
Restez en sécurité et alertes.
I suppose it's totalitarian enough given the content, but 8 days ago I had a weird and disturbing dream. I notice it was the night of the full moon, and I had not taken melatonin. But this happened an hour before my alarm would go off.

I was with a high school friend, and actually called him the name of another friend near the end of the dream, but we were in some forest clearing. There was a slight hill to go up towards and lots of tall grass. I said I did not want to get dirty so I levitated there with my legs crossed (sometimes I levitate in dreams). I felt like there was a warning that this was some place where some girl had gotten vaporized by aliens (not sure if I had Missing 411 or aliens in general on my mind). So it was really creepy. When I got close to the top I felt like I was getting tractor beamed and I started to feel pain or burning, mostly on my back.

So I woke up because it was actual pain in my back. I don't remember if I went to the bathroom, but the pain was really distressing. And I don't have nightmare type dreams at all, so maybe the actual pain was what made it emotionally intense. It seemed too pervasive to be just a "laid in bed on the wrong side" type of pain. So I just calmed down a bit and said some prayers and went back to sleep for what was only 40 minutes or so. This friend from high school wasn't really close and seemed to be into drugs that I later found out.
This morning I had a vivid dream that had been impressed in my mind quiet well, usually I don't remember my dreams. Interestingly this time i didn't took the melatonin before going to sleep.

So, in the dream I was looking at a map, I was looking for something and then I saw an explosion shown on the map in the southern part of Italy, in the vicinity of the Vesuvius vulcano. While watching at the map i had the impression that the explosion was caused by a meteorite impact and that it’s effects on the area would have triggered the eruption of the Vesuvius vulcano. In the dream the event would have occurred within 3 years however I had a feeling that it could occur much earlier.

Anyways, just wanted to share.
Very strange experience for me last night, I wonder about a possible abduction. I'm just sharing a strong impression, so take it fwiw.

The general context of the night was at an ocean shore, in a self-contained car. The constant white noise of the waves will be of importance below.

Part of my night had been insomniac, haunted by an old acquaintance, after having slept correctly for a while. Then, when I could finally sleep again, I dreamed deeply about smthg emotionally pure.
At some point, the dream suddenly stopped and I found myself in a semi-state of awakeness, where I could hear somehow the waves, but the feeling was one of a dark presence doing smthg in my back, like trying to rape me...
I also happened to be in a totally paralysed state, where puting all my will wouldn't change anything, so I couldn't see. The thought of an abduction instinclty came to mind, and its awareness allowed to not be afraid or panicky somehow.
But feeling powerless made me more and more angry.
Then, I thought (instinctly again, as I was lucid but half-conscious) about the C's answer to why Laura had been less abducted :
Session 9 October 1994:
Q: (L) Why have they abducted Frank more than me?
A: You fight it.
Knowing about the existing possibility to resist and fight something that appeared way out of my power, allowed me to stay still for some seconds, accept the paralysis, and channel some energy to burst it out with a "roaring" cry, giving an elbow kick in my back.
I then became un-paralysed and was back to 3D reality, with the sound of the waves more present and the temperature colder than previously.

There was no visual, apart from some sorts of shadows and a bare light at the top left corner of my vision, that had no source in reality.
It was just a very strong sensate as I hadn't experienced before.
I felt like the waves helped me bind to reality, rather than giving up to the paralysis.

It also reminds me the experience with the spider beings from the Wave series :
Session 23 July 1995:
Q: (L) Okay, in the experience I felt a paralysis of my body, what caused this paralysis.

A: Yes. Separation of awareness. Which is defined as any point along the pathway where one's awareness becomes so totally focused on one thought sector that all other levels of awareness are temporarily receded, thereby making it impossible to become aware of one's physical reality along with one's mental reality. This gives the impression of what is referred to as paralysis. Do you understand?

Q: (L) Yes. And what stimulates this total focus of awareness?

A: An event which sidetracks, temporarily, the mental processes.

Q: (L) And what event can sidetrack the mental processes to this extent?

A: Any number.

Q: (L) In this particular case, what was it?

A: It was an eclipsing of energies caused by conflicting thought centers.

Q: (L) What energies were being eclipsed?

A: Whenever two opposing units of reality intersect, this causes what can be referred to as friction, which, for an immeasurable amount of what you would refer to as time, which is, of course, non-existent, creates a non- existence, or a stopping of the movements of all functions. This is what we would know as conflict. In between, or through any intersecting, opposite entities, we always find zero time, zero movement, zero transference, zero exchange. Now think about this. Think about this carefully.

Q: (L) Does this mean that I was, essentially, in a condition of non-existence?

A: Well, non-existence is not really the proper term, but non-fluid existence would be more to the point. Do you understand?

Q: (L) Yes. Frozen, as it were?

A: Frozen, as it were.

Abduction or conflicting thought centres..? It felt nevertheless like a very strange and uncomfortable experience.
This morning I had a vivid dream that had been impressed in my mind quiet well, usually I don't remember my dreams. Interestingly this time i didn't took the melatonin before going to sleep.

So, in the dream I was looking at a map, I was looking for something and then I saw an explosion shown on the map in the southern part of Italy, in the vicinity of the Vesuvius vulcano. While watching at the map i had the impression that the explosion was caused by a meteorite impact and that it’s effects on the area would have triggered the eruption of the Vesuvius vulcano. In the dream the event would have occurred within 3 years however I had a feeling that it could occur much earlier.

Anyways, just wanted to share.
This comes to mind

Last night I had a weird experience. I was dreaming that I was in a very old university that was in disrepair with my mother. We felt like the room was shaking and said to each other, is there an earthquake happening? In my mind I thought, this is weird, we don’t live in an area that gets earthquakes. We decided to go outside and see what was going on. We were on the front steps of the building and the ground started shaking again so we sat on the steps and watched as students on the lawn fell over from the movement. We got off the stairs just in time as another quake started and the stairs of the university collapsed into a hole. Just then I woke up to a huge boom of thunder outside. There was a single strike of lightning and then no more lightning or thunder and no rain. This morning I asked my husband if he heard the thunder last night and he said yeah and he thought it was weird that it happened once and no rain fell.
How many people sharing here actually live is a totalitarian society? Asking for a friend.

But that doesn’t really matter: dream work is fascinating and can lead to learning and self-knowledge. But to put the work into dream work requires effort. There are many ways to interpret and decipher dreams. But if those ways are not studied, learned and used, then the results are going to be limited, to say the least.

It’s your life, your dreams, your subconscious and your relationship with the cosmos that is playing out.

It’s a mistake to adopt the attitude that “my dreams are always coming from a source outside me”. This can be true at times and can be coming from either positive or negative sources. But it isn’t always true and it may only be sometimes true.

I think it’s necessary to at least dabble in the idea that “my dreams are totally a reflection of me, what’s inside me and my subconscious “. Although that isn’t necessarily 100% either, I think it’s good to embrace the personal responsibility angle in dream work. IOW, that cringe-worthy dickhead is a part of you as much as that admirable heroic figure. The question is accepting and realizing both as part of your souls lesson plan. Yes I see the shallowness and reactivity of my callow unevolved youth…but it just is what it is/was. A dream can reveal that and even if it feels yucky, it can be representational of real growth in our relationship to our self.

Another example of what seems unsavory, at first glance, are dreams of elimination. You pee your pants in a dream. You wake up and feel creeped out BUT, in a dream we can release negative emotions (urination can be the subconscious release of anger) - emotions that our conscious mind is unwilling to see and feel because of what it might mean if we really had to face whatever it is and deal with it.

So yeah. My wife really turned me around on this stuff. I was always a “dreams are not reality” type of guy but I can see how wrong that thinking is now. But you have to study it a bit -check out the different methods (eg. what was the FEELING tone and what does that tell you regarding the characters and events and what they could represent.) One of my all time faves is asking questions of the dream characters like “who are you, what do you represent” etc via the left hand/right hand automatic writing method. Yes it takes work and energy and is kind of like a channeling seance with yourself that you have to groove. But it can be amazing.

So the question can become, how committed to the oracle Know Thyself (and to thine own self be true) are you? We all say we are. But at some point it is realized that to get the deep answers, you have to be willing to dig. And that requires a shovel, dirty hands and hard work.

PS there are books on standard interpretation which are a start but I don’t find them too useful except to gain some basic concepts and classic symbolic ideas. There have to be books on the more Jungian and esoteric techniques and then you can find a teacher as well. Like anything worthwhile, it’s a long process.
So I made a mistake I shouldn't have - was reading the Cassiopeia substack before bed last night, specifically the article about human mutilations 😭😭. Dark stuff, really dark.

I knew it was a mistake. Anyways I proceeded to have a weird sleep in that I thought I couldn't get to sleep for most of the night. At some point I was looking at the wall and I saw moving shadows and I focused in and my imagination kicked into gear. It was little shadow critters that then proceeded to start moving my way. Anyways this had the intended effect of making me jump up but it's at this point that something became apparent to me. Hear this out.

The part of me that was lying in bed thinking I couldn't sleep and watching the shadows in the wall was actually me dreaming. I'd been asleep the whole time and when I jolted up, it's like I woke up twice. First there was the me in the dream and then there was me in bed. When I opened my eyes for real, I realised my actual bedroom was different to the bedroom I was lying in in the dream. It was a bit weird / strange. Anyways, DON'T read the substack before bed...!

Here's another thing I've experienced 2 times worth sharing. A few times I've woken up to the sight of a ghostlike / hyperdimensional type man in the room. The most recent time was a few weeks ago whereby I got up and I'm telling you, I saw this man stood there by the side of the bed. He was doing something with his hands, looked a bit like conductor type movements as if working on something I couldn't see. I did 2 takes and I was certain, nope, this isn't a dream, there's a ghostlike man right there. This realisation led to immediate panic and I got up my partner whilst pointing to the man asking whether she can see him. She looked and was like "no, can't see anything" and her saying this calmed me down and the man disappeared as if there was never anything there. 😵‍💫

Anyways, the next morning she reminded me that this isn't the first time I've gotten up seeing this man in the bedroom. She reminded me that during lockdown I saw a similar man again, same description/appearance (but I'd forgotten!).
So I made a mistake I shouldn't have - was reading the Cassiopeia substack before bed last night, specifically the article about human mutilations 😭😭. Dark stuff, really dark.
Oh I also made this same terrible mistake! That night I felt like I needed to sleep with the light on! I took longer to drift off than usual. In fact the sheer horror of it all took me a while to come to terms with. 😢 Interestingly I knew about most of the details of this topic 15 years ago, but I must have pushed it into the back of my mind because it’s all so horrific.

About dreams —I have had “dreams within dreams within dreams” before (yes, 3 levels), where each time I “awoke” I’d tell people “I just had this incredible dream”, right up to our current reality. One such dream related to the 4D transition and how it would all play out but as I awoke from each level I forgot more and more of the details.

On another more recent occasion, I woke up and went to use the bathroom. I had what must have been a hypnopompic hallucination. I saw a man’s face on the other side of the frosted glass window, peering in at me. I immediately backed away around a corner, horrified!

It took me about 30 seconds to come to the realisation it was a hallucination. The following night I could see why it occurred. A neighbour’s light made it look vaguely like a person was standing behind the glass. However as I was not in a hypnopompic state that time, it wasn’t anywhere near as real as on the previous night. It fascinates me how our minds can creatively superimpose all sorts of terrors onto our 3D reality. None of this in any way is to suggest that some bizarre night experiences don’t involve genuine 4D or paranormal elements.

Interestingly, as a child I had these hallucinations very frequently. I would “see” dark, scary creatures, even witches flying on broomsticks, outside my window, while my body was fully awake and able to walk around normally. One time during a lightning storm, each flash of lightning revealed a “death hound” getting closer to my window. It was all so real and terrifying to me. Experiences like this more recently used to confuse my wife, but she now understands and calmly talks me out of them. In a few moments I come to my senses.
I had an odd dream recently.

It starts with me becoming aware I'm pressed up against something, so I move back away from it and I realize I was pressed up against glass. It's dark and as my vision settles I notice my boyfriend is standing near to me, also facing the glass. I realize it's my living room window which is on the second floor, and there is a person on the other side of the window dressed in a full suit of plastic attire with a hood but the face was in shadow. Then I see they have a device that can open the window from their side and they are about to open the window so I freak out and start shouting, at the same time I could feel myself yanked back to my sleeping body and I wake up in bed shouting those words.

Everything looked so real, like my actual living room at night without the lights on but I highly doubt it was an abduction because why would they be dressed do ridiculously?😆
Had a dream last night where people were bleeding from their mouths and noses. My husband, daughter and I caught this plague as well but did not seem like it was very severe for us. Part of the dream involved a stone wall with many large holes and rats/mice getting through.
Woke up at 5am from a dream that I could only remember fragments from, specifically 2 things.

There was a humanoid alien armada or something to that extent - perhaps undergrounders who came and were openly interacting with humans. They taught us how to communicate telepathically - mind to mind. It was a weird feeling whereby you could hear people's thoughts and talk to them without actually opening your mouth. I remember getting anxiety that this was the end of having private thoughts and as it related to the aliens, it became apparent that you couldn't hide anything from them or even lie as they could read your mind like an open book.

The other item I remember was being shown a map, perhaps of where they came from and basically it was a series of islands.
I read the latest article about alien abduction on the Cassiopeia substack and proceeded to have a similarly themed dream last night 😭😭

The dream was weird in that it was like a dream but not like a dream. In fact, time, memory and the feeling of being grounded somewhere became disorienting. I also experienced what appeared to be memory block.

There I was, asleep, dreaming about something. Exactly what it was isn't now clear to me but something happened to wake me up. There was an explosion of white light that immediately got me up but in trying to wake up, it's like something was blocking me. I fought back as I had achieved some self realisation that I wanted to get up. I remember very clearly scanning my brain, trying to determine where I was. I quickly remembered I was asleep and I should be in bed but I couldn't remember the time and place. Instead, it's like in my mind I was back in my childhood bedroom years and years ago when I was like around 10. It's like I became disoriented and it's like it I was young, back in my childhood bed where I was expecting my sister to be in the bed opposite me as we used to share a room when we were very young. It was very disorienting but there was a part of me that knew something wasn't right about not being able to place myself in any other places other than then and I kept on struggling. What I did was extend my arms to grab something and in doing so I grabbed my partner's arm and that placed me in the present, I opened my eyes to seeing the silhouette of the same man I always see but this time I didn't panic but asked my partner who was now up whether she could see anything. She couldn't and that basically meant I ignored the silhouette as it kind of vanished. I did feel tangibly weird thereafter and couldn't really get back properly to sleep.

I did try and recall what I was dreaming just before I got up and it felt so close to memory but it was like I was being blocked and the harder I tried the more it faded until all I could remember was that struggle to get up and not being able to place myself in the present until I grabbed my partner's arm. I also did hear weird noises like someone watching a TV but it was like 2 - 3am and some other noises from outside but you know what, I'd had enough of weirdness in one night so I kind of just ignored the noises and movements from outside. I was thinking maybe ze aliens are busy abducting people from the street 😭😭.

I'm telling you though, that struggle to get up and place myself in the present was no joke. I had no idea what the present was until I grabbed my partner's arm and heard her voice - it was like the present that I know didn't exist at all and that's WEIRD!
This morning I had a vivid dream that had been impressed in my mind quiet well, usually I don't remember my dreams. Interestingly this time i didn't took the melatonin before going to sleep.

So, in the dream I was looking at a map, I was looking for something and then I saw an explosion shown on the map in the southern part of Italy, in the vicinity of the Vesuvius vulcano. While watching at the map i had the impression that the explosion was caused by a meteorite impact and that it’s effects on the area would have triggered the eruption of the Vesuvius vulcano. In the dream the event would have occurred within 3 years however I had a feeling that it could occur much earlier.

Anyways, just wanted to share.
Saw this from July 5 :

Italy's Etna and Stromboli volcanoes erupt, Catania Airport closed

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