Dreaming in a Totalitarian Society

Random dream alert - dreamt of a whale trying to beach itself and someone I was with in the dream pushed it back in the water. It was a bit weird, the whale came close to the beach when it saw us and then we were expecting it to turn back but instead it like pushed forward, knowingly beaching itself like some suicidal numpty. Anyways we freaked out and the guy I was with took action and pushed it back - I guess he might have been very strong 🤷.

Anyways, didn't think much of the dream, certainly of a lighter theme than my other recent ones.

Anyways, I was looking through SOTT earlier and saw this from a couple days ago. 😭😭😭

Anyways, the next morning she reminded me that this isn't the first time I've gotten up seeing this man in the bedroom. She reminded me that during lockdown I saw a similar man again, same description/appearance (but I'd forgotten!).
I've found the first time I saw the man. I wrote about it in 2020. Don't maintain a dream journal but do post dreams here from time to time if they are exceptionally weird

Don't usually post in this thread but think I had a weird enough incident last night to post here.

I must have been having an intense dream or experience that made me wake up in the middle of the night. I got up feeling quite wired, almost like with an adrenaline buzz. The room wasn't totally dark and my eyes were fully adjusted in that I could see clearly enough.

I saw a shape next to the bed. At this point I was still horizontal. I locked onto it and focused with the intention of adjusting my eyesight as I thought I was seeing this shape due to the play of light and that I'd just got out of sleep and so needed to adjust.

In any case, there wasn't any adjusting... The shape was 'real'. It was real enough to make me freak out and throw a kick of all things towards it from a lying position. The shape moved back slightly and I sprung up onto a seated position. I was then staring right into it and you can't believe what I saw! It was a flipping man, it had the face and body of a man albeit the man was short. Not like a dwarf but kinda miniaturised but proportional so that its height was the same as mine but I was seated.

This 'man' was looking right back at me and was cowering back as if to shield himself. It looked like I had startled him and he had his hands up as if to defend his face from an oncoming blow. I could see his face, his eyes, his expressions which was that of fear as if he thought he was in physical danger. Needless to say I was beyond freaked out and you guessed it, I threw a bloody punch right onto his face but this is where things got more interesting.

My blow went right through him like he was a ghost and shortly after he literally vanished into thin air. I got up from my seated position, still feeling this buzz and took stock of my surroundings but this time the room was clear.

Not sure what happened but it was enough for me to throw kicks and punches, seemingly into something I was seeing which may not have been there!

I call that strange! What phenomenon could that have been? Not sleep paralysis, but the opposite? Does that have a name?

So the man above seemed to be miniaturised unlike the one I saw most recently who seemed more of a normal albeit taller size.

Then there was this from November 2020

So since my original post here, I've had 2 more experiences and it's the last one that now makes me question their authenticity.

I was by myself during the experience I mentioned in this thread, meaning I only had my point of view as the data point.

In the second experience, my partner was present but asleep. I didn't wake her up but told her about it the next day. During this experience, I saw 2 - 3 cherubs in the room. I know, weird!!!!

During the 3rd experience, I saw a man who seemed to be a giant, stood in the room but hunched over as he was too tall. This time I was pretty sure I was seeing something that wasn't there but regardless it was there for me. I hovered between freaking out and trying to maintain some sense of calm.

I woke up my partner but to me, she didn't really appear to wake up. She more shrugged me off and went back to sleep. In any case, I remained awake with my eyes transfixed on this man. We seemed to be having some sort of dance. He was waving frantically at me as if to try to warn me of something - he seemed somewhat distressed or worried. Seeing this made me less worried. Also I was pretty sure he wasn't real as he was somewhat see-through. I couldn't understand though how he looked like a man, fully connected in his body parts and moving coherently though hunched over in what to him and his size was a very small room.

In any case, that was that. After awhile he slowly dissipated into thin air and I drifted to sleep.

Fast forward to the next day where my partner asks me about my "nightmare". I've been having some weird dreams lately - one which had me trembling that she got me up in the middle of the night (I knew I was trembling but in the dream it made sense so I didn't freak out! Ps, it wasn't really a nightmare!).

In any case, back to the story... So I'm talking to my partner about this man and she flat out insists there wasn't a man in the room. She says I got her up and she stayed awake for at least 10 minutes. In addition, from her perspective she says I was fast asleep, not awake!!!

I was like that can't be true as I stayed awake for at least 20 mins watching this man and she shrugged me off when I tried to wake her up.

So this is interesting!!!

If this happens again, we've agreed on a course of action - I'm waking her up, we're acknowledging both are awake and we're illuminating the room. This should put to bed any strangeness at play, real or not.

So I'm now convinced there's something to this. One thing I know now from the most recent experiences is when I wake up to see the man (short, giant, normal etc) is a) there's definitely something there for real but it's not "solid" and I can't touch it and b) I'm the only one who can see it as in the most recent experiences I have woken up my partner and asked her whether she can see it and she couldn't.

So I can conclude it must be some mental thing. But I'm telling you, if you see something to you it's real but then it becomes weird if you can't validate the experience by having confirmation from another person. It must be how crazy people feel !!

Reality isn't what you can see or experience. Reality is what you can see, experience and have validated by other people as something that they can also see and experience. Without validation it's a bit of a schizophrenic type experience essentially.
So I can conclude it must be some mental thing. But I'm telling you, if you see something to you it's real but then it becomes weird if you can't validate the experience by having confirmation from another person. It must be how crazy people feel !!

Reality isn't what you can see or experience. Reality is what you can see, experience and have validated by other people as something that they can also see and experience. Without validation it's a bit of a schizophrenic type experience essentially.
Your remarks triggered a memory of a terrible nightmare I once had as a kid after an uncle of mine (my mother's youngest brother) told us a bedtime story about some giant creature's shenanigans and made it more vivid by expressing the voice of the giant in very low timbres and rather loudly. I remember waking up totally upset from that dream still hearing (in my mind, of course) that low voice as if it were real, and I'll never forget the agony nor the relief I felt when my mother reassuringly told me I only just had a nasty dream about it.
These days I have dreams that I write down in the morning. But last night's was as much about me as it was about the present. Although there seemed to be a timeline in my dream, the feeling was that everything was intertwined between what is present, past, and personal life, planetary life, attitude to authority and its opposite "freedom" to live this experience by being true to oneself. I'll share it with you in a nutshell:
My current partner and I were young (+/- 25 years old) (and yet I felt in the present as an observer of that period), we were in a car with our 4-year-old daughter in a long traffic line. Two policemen knocked on the car window, and said that my husband had an immediate arrest of all his belongings and that the court date would arrive by mail.
My husband asks why, but they're already in the process of giving the same arrest to the driver of the car behind us. Disconcerted to hear this, we arrived ourselves at another location (without our daughter), where there were large white tents with compartments for 4 families inside, but everything was open (no doors or windows...).
Everyone was respectful. They were naked on the chairs, not bothering to let us pass. There were surfboards leaning against the tent poles, ready to be used. We walked through this tent to sit by a mailbox and discuss what we were going to do without anything to stay, eat or sleep.
A young man arrived with his clothes on - he'd been with the family we'd seen nude. He'd come to collect mail from the neighbor who couldn't come surfing at the weekend.
He sits down with us and asks what we are doing here. I couldn't speak because I was crying. I finally said they'd stolen our 4-year-old daughter (and then I got the feeling and images of families devastated by the loss of their children in Gaza, no longer having a home).
My husband went on to say that he had been arrested and that we had no access to any property until the court date.
The young man, calm and attentive, full of kindness, shared with us that they too were in the same situation with the families here.

He continued by telling my partner that it all depends on your attitude to looking at this authority that's taking everything away from you. You can participate emotionally in different ways, but for now it won't change the act they've done. But you know what they've done, and this knowledge will enable you to know how to look at the situation differently.

He continues: There will be many more arrests by the authorities of people who do nothing to destroy their neighbors, but for the time being, there aren't enough people who have to endure this. This is not the time to act "all together".
I intervene by saying to the young man: how can you be peaceful and use your time to be surfing or waiting for the sea to have more waves to surf again. How can you not be revolted?

He replied: It's how I look at the big picture instead of looking at what's happening to me. During this passage, I can surf the wave when it comes, and after these efforts to stay alert, be in a calm to recover adequately before the next wave for as long as the moment arrives to act "all together ".

It's an internal attitude to cherish. Learning to balance our emotional system and our thoughts takes time, and I'm taking that time. The less energy you give away by thinking you're a victim of authority, the less you'll know how to regenerate and be in JOY.

And after this episode in my dream, the images came to me from my authoritarian father, and it continued up to me in my authority with myself, my family, and the images were clear so that I could observe the part in me that gave its joy to be a victim in the face of authority and especially to defend the other who was a victim.

I woke up realizing that the previous day's pain in the D4 area of my spine was completely gone.
Writing in the morning allows me to gather all the details and do some work afterwards. Unless another dream comes along.

I wanted to share it because there's all this control that's already present, authority versus our freedom to choose, beliefs breaking down about material possessions or loved ones who will leave... There's an inner state needed to stand up straight while looking at the whole. To thirst for knowledge so that the truth is revealed more and more on earth and within us, so that masks fall down and we are naked (authentic) in front of ourselves while surfing the wave.
Wait and See.
Wait and See
Blue state madness in the Netherlands

je wil niet terug zuster geloof meik ga jouw help nodig hebben om me in Rusland te vestigen. laat ze allemaal kapot vallen hier
Very extreme in Netherlands. Did not Wilders win last election? What is @geertwilderspvv doing?

1. Ban migration from Muslim countries completely
2. Tax capital more heavily
3. Tax labor less4. Limit European digital control
5. Stimulate European digital innovation (private sector)

These days I have dreams that I write down in the morning. But last night's was as much about me as it was about the present. Although there seemed to be a timeline in my dream, the feeling was that everything was intertwined between what is present, past, and personal life, planetary life, attitude to authority and its opposite "freedom" to live this experience by being true to oneself. I'll share it with you in a nutshell:
My current partner and I were young (+/- 25 years old) (and yet I felt in the present as an observer of that period), we were in a car with our 4-year-old daughter in a long traffic line. Two policemen knocked on the car window, and said that my husband had an immediate arrest of all his belongings and that the court date would arrive by mail.
My husband asks why, but they're already in the process of giving the same arrest to the driver of the car behind us. Disconcerted to hear this, we arrived ourselves at another location (without our daughter), where there were large white tents with compartments for 4 families inside, but everything was open (no doors or windows...).
Everyone was respectful. They were naked on the chairs, not bothering to let us pass. There were surfboards leaning against the tent poles, ready to be used. We walked through this tent to sit by a mailbox and discuss what we were going to do without anything to stay, eat or sleep.
A young man arrived with his clothes on - he'd been with the family we'd seen nude. He'd come to collect mail from the neighbor who couldn't come surfing at the weekend.
He sits down with us and asks what we are doing here. I couldn't speak because I was crying. I finally said they'd stolen our 4-year-old daughter (and then I got the feeling and images of families devastated by the loss of their children in Gaza, no longer having a home).
My husband went on to say that he had been arrested and that we had no access to any property until the court date.
The young man, calm and attentive, full of kindness, shared with us that they too were in the same situation with the families here.

He continued by telling my partner that it all depends on your attitude to looking at this authority that's taking everything away from you. You can participate emotionally in different ways, but for now it won't change the act they've done. But you know what they've done, and this knowledge will enable you to know how to look at the situation differently.

He continues: There will be many more arrests by the authorities of people who do nothing to destroy their neighbors, but for the time being, there aren't enough people who have to endure this. This is not the time to act "all together".
I intervene by saying to the young man: how can you be peaceful and use your time to be surfing or waiting for the sea to have more waves to surf again. How can you not be revolted?

He replied: It's how I look at the big picture instead of looking at what's happening to me. During this passage, I can surf the wave when it comes, and after these efforts to stay alert, be in a calm to recover adequately before the next wave for as long as the moment arrives to act "all together ".

It's an internal attitude to cherish. Learning to balance our emotional system and our thoughts takes time, and I'm taking that time. The less energy you give away by thinking you're a victim of authority, the less you'll know how to regenerate and be in JOY.

And after this episode in my dream, the images came to me from my authoritarian father, and it continued up to me in my authority with myself, my family, and the images were clear so that I could observe the part in me that gave its joy to be a victim in the face of authority and especially to defend the other who was a victim.

I woke up realizing that the previous day's pain in the D4 area of my spine was completely gone.
Writing in the morning allows me to gather all the details and do some work afterwards. Unless another dream comes along.

I wanted to share it because there's all this control that's already present, authority versus our freedom to choose, beliefs breaking down about material possessions or loved ones who will leave... There's an inner state needed to stand up straight while looking at the whole. To thirst for knowledge so that the truth is revealed more and more on earth and within us, so that masks fall down and we are naked (authentic) in front of ourselves while surfing the wave.
Wait and See.
Thank you for sharing this interesting dream and analysing it so well. In fact, it's a dream that touches us all through its symbolism and emotion. A personal dream that becomes a universal dream. Thank you very much.
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