The irony is in a strong possibility of latter becoming a showstopper for former.Now that there is news about the 2nd movie being greenlit, I have something to look forward to; aside from the usual things we are looking forward to: meteor stike(s), earthquakes, erupting super volcanoes, thinning of the veil, the wave, economic upheaval, etc.
Nahhh, the ways C's perceive time is very different to us. I expect their is much much more human pain to experience before the comets come to put us out of our misery. In short, probably worth looking forward to the 2nd movieThe irony is in a strong possibility of latter becoming a showstopper for former.
The spice seems to represent several things. Oil, yes, and also a hyperdimensional resource like loosh because spice improves psychic abilities though in this case it is produced by sandworms not humans.@thisplacerocks , you need to read the books to understand the symbology. Dune books started out as ecology novels as described by Frank himself and morphed into exploration of the “ultimate tyrant” idea. In the later novels, Frank explores the pitfalls of Artificial Intelligence in his own unique way. The spice represents the oil, a supposedly finite resource on Earth and the tensions it created in the middle-east during the 60s and 70s which continue still.
I get that stories share universal themes and archetypes. I'm just wondering whether there is any gnostic secret hidden in this movie like in the Matrix movies and the Truman show and books like Alice in Wonderland. Maybe my speculation is wrong, maybe it's right. When it comes to the occult, it's full of surprises. I think there may be more than a coincidence that the Atreides name is used. There are clues behind my speculation that the Atreides line is the Davidic line and Hiram line, and Agamemnon is Jephthah who is David.The Atreides name is taken from the history and the Atreides family in the books refer themselves as direct descendents of Agamemnon but not before they separated from the Harkonnens ie both of these factions have descended from the same lineage. The Earth is also referenced indirectly when the characters mention human histories and their religious follies. As any writings go, there is bound to be symbolic references to bible etc due to the way archetypes function and ideas develop in the human mind.
That's the thing that I kept thinking about watching Dune. How so much of Star Wars is present in it. From the evil empire, to the Bene Gesserit/Jedis, to a desert planet playing prominently in the story. I never realized just how much George Lucas stole from Dune! I still quite enjoyed the movie. It's really meant to be watched in like an IMAX theater, not streamed at home. They definitely created an interesting and immersive world that kept my attention.There used to be an old website (more than a decade old at least) that detailed why Star Wars was a rip-off of Dune
I still quite enjoyed the movie. It's really meant to be watched in like an IMAX theater, not streamed at home.
For me that was a big issue. The visuals, music, some of the costumes and overall story idea are nice. But other than that, I didn't really like it that much. Pretty bland characters and relationships overall and just when the movie became more interesting, the movie ended. The main character also seems pretty emotionless most of the time. Not a very inspiring character, mostly confusing. Just my opinion, of course!but there are some issues with pacing, especially in the beginning.
Annoying would be the first descriptif that comes to mind, but maybe that's what passes for acting these daysThe main character also seems pretty emotionless most of the time. Not a very inspiring character, mostly confusing. Just my opinion, of course!