Dutch general election


FOTCM Member
The Netherlands will be, as far as I know, the first European country where an election will take place during the ongoing Covid-19 situation. There is one political party that is gaining more and more popularity, and it's called Forum voor Democratie (FvD, Forum for Democracy) led primarily by politician Thierry Baudet and Wybren van Haga. FvD 1. is against mandatory vaccination and the vaccination passport 2. is sceptical about the vaccines' safety 3. wants to lift ALL lockdown measures 4. is against man-made global warming measures 5. wants to find different solutions for refugees with a different cultural background who want to come to the Netherlands (proposes housing in their own region, in countries such as Qatar). These are the main points I've understood from their party so far.

Worthy to note: At the beginning, Baudet was first taken in by the Covid-19 narrative (and supported a lockdown), but soon realized what was going on and changed his position on the matter.

I'm quite amazed at the things Baudet and van Haga have been saying in the past several months, because they are going completely against the PTB's agenda. At times I wanted to translate their speeches (in particular that of van Haga), to post here, but often can't find the time to do so, and I hope they'll add English subtitles to their videos! But what they say is mostly information we share here: the low IFR of Covid-19; the inaccuracy of the PCR test; availability of medicine such as hydroxychloroquine, the enormous impact the lockdown has on small businesses, the lack of evidence of the effectivity of measures, etc.

They are the only party that has been going to different cities and towns these past days for their campaign and meet and speak to hundreds or thousands of people who show up every time. See the following Tweet as an example:

I get a 'Trump-feeling' from their movement.

People are tired of the lockdown measures and FvD seems to be the only hope. Meanwhile, people have been drawing Hitler-moustaches on campaign posters that depict the current Dutch PM, Mark Rutte. (Just stating what's happening). I don't think I've ever seen this happen to so many posters before. I think more people are seeing that he's another puppet. Anyway, there will likely be people voting for his political party (VVD) again as there are always authoritarian followers, but I don't think it will be in the range of votes for FvD. There is at least one more political party who is also critical about some of the Covid-19 measures, but FvD is the only party to want to lift them all and go back to normal.

So, what to do, as PTB, to make sure Baudet and van Haga don't win? They tried to smear Baudet during a talkshow, but that backfired. They tried to label him as racist, woman-hater, conspiracy theorist and so forth, but he has done talk shows on his own political party's YT channel to counter these claims, and a recent one with an actress was one of the best so far (this has reached almost ~300K views). The actress also gave him some good feedback, that he shouldn't give the MSM a stick they can hit him with, that he should be careful with his words and try to use some of those silly interviews to his own advantage. The actress said she doesn't agree with all of their party's aims, but the most important topic for her is freedom and that is why she will vote for their party. This video I think will make some doubters vote for their party too, simply because I think people are tired of being in a lockdown with no end in sight.

But the PTB has more tricks up their sleeve, and I think it's very likely that they will try to cheat (duh!). Because of Covid-19, 2,4 million elderly people are allowed to vote by snail mail (wonder where they got the idea from?). Here are some headlines to give an idea of how that's going:

"Mail-in ballot not invalid if signature is missing"
"1470 ballots incorrectly delivered in the municipality of Hoorn, also to the deceased"
"West Betuwe blunder: 850 ballots to deceased or relocated residents"

They will try to cheat, and while I hope FvD comes out as one with the most votes, I think it's probably going to be evened out with the cheating, but we'll see.

What happens if FvD does get all the votes? Then it can get tricky too, as political parties will have to decide upon a new cabinet:

After a general election held generally every four years, or if a cabinet resigns during a parliamentary term, the process of cabinet formation starts. Because of the multi-party system of the Netherlands, no single party has had a majority in parliament since 1900, and formation of a coalition of two or often three parties is always necessary. This is a time-consuming process. The entire procedure is regulated by tradition and convention, with only the final appointment process specified by law.

It might be possible that most parties will not agree with FvD being a part of the cabinet. Other Dutchies will probably know better how it all works, as it's a bit complex to me. One thing is clear though, if they get the majority of votes, it will give a pretty clear message out there and Baudet suspects that this will cause a response in other European countries. I do wonder though, are there any political parties in other European countries who are similar to FvD and want to immediately lift all Covid-19 measures? Obviously, I don't think that any person or party will be able to break through the global agenda, but it sure is interesting to keep an eye on these developments. As the C's say "enjoy the show".

Thanks for reading, I thought I'd let you know what's going on in this small country.

A couple SOTT articles that may be of interest:
- From the 2019 election: Thierry Baudet's populist party gains in Dutch Senate elections, pushing out PM Rutte's majority
- 16 years after Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn was assassinated by a radical leftist, Dutch establishment is gunning for Thierry Baudet
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Gee, problems with mail votes. Where have we seen this before? 🤔

Invalid mail votes still count: Minister Ollongren changes procedure:

If you want to know what the elites have in mind for the Netherlands, all you have to do is listen to them. All too often they just say it; they all embrace the Build Back Better program that Mark Rutte (Dutch PM) mentioned earlier. This is the idea of, in particular, the World Economic Foundation (WEF) and the United Nations, and in short boils down to the fact that corona must be used to implement a Big Reset. The economies have been so weakened, now is the chance to make everything compulsorily "green, sustainable and inclusive." The "old normal" must not return. It must be "better''.

Baudet's party is the only one to bring this up and even asked our PM for clarification why he paraphrases the words ''Build Back Better'' like many other world leaders when it comes to rebuilding their countries after the corona crisis.

So far the people haven't received a decent explanation about this.
If you want to know what the elites have in mind for the Netherlands, all you have to do is listen to them. All too often they just say it; they all embrace the Build Back Better program that Mark Rutte (Dutch PM) mentioned earlier. This is the idea of, in particular, the World Economic Foundation (WEF) and the United Nations, and in short boils down to the fact that corona must be used to implement a Big Reset. The economies have been so weakened, now is the chance to make everything compulsorily "green, sustainable and inclusive." The "old normal" must not return. It must be "better''.

Baudet's party is the only one to bring this up and even asked our PM for clarification why he paraphrases the words ''Build Back Better'' like many other world leaders when it comes to rebuilding their countries after the corona crisis.

So far the people haven't received a decent explanation about this.

Another example regarding "The Great Reset" loyalists who have infiltrated our government.

Recently, D66 list leader Sigrid Kaag told on television that she is not at all keen on the idea that society should return to the world of former times after the corona crisis. "Please don't!" she says in response. According to her the old normal was "not acceptable to a lot of people." That's why things have to be different now.

In other words, Build Back Better!

I don't know of any politicians who speak out so strongly against the ''voluntary'' vaccination program.

Tweet translation.
Very curious as to which parents are allowing this to happen...I am VERY NOT going to allow myself to be vaccinated but would definitely NEVER NEVER allow this experimental good to be injected into my children!
Healthy children are not at risk, corona vaccines will need to be updated over and over again given mutations, and end of story: it weakens the immune system. Pull the alarm.

Moderna will test corona vaccine on young children Nieuws | Het laatste nieuws uit Nederland leest u op Telegraaf.nl

It might be possible that most parties will not agree with FvD being a part of the cabinet. Other Dutchies will probably know better how it all works, as it's a bit complex to me.Other Dutchies will probably know better how it all works, as it's a bit complex to me.

Since only the PVV wants to govern with the FvD, Baudet's party has little chance of being part of the new cabinet. Even if they come in at place 1, 2 or 3. Which is really ridiculous. The other parties may become so obstructive that elections will have to be held again and again.

But at some point they will have to come to a compremise.

At least, this is what I understand about it.
By definition, elections can't be free and fair when democracy has effectively been suspended by unconstitutional 'lockdown laws' (which no one voted for via either electoral mandate or referendum), in the name of terrorizing everyone over a non-existent 'public health emergency', but it'll still be interesting to see how far anti-lockdown parties get in challenging the 'Corona World Order'.

Go Thierry Baudet!
I don't know of any politicians who speak out so strongly against the ''voluntary'' vaccination program.

Tweet translation.

Since only the PVV wants to govern with the FvD, Baudet's party has little chance of being part of the new cabinet. Even if they come in at place 1, 2 or 3. Which is really ridiculous. The other parties may become so obstructive that elections will have to be held again and again.

But at some point they will have to come to a compremise.

At least, this is what I understand about it.
That's kind of what happened this time last year in Ireland, on the eve of Corona Madness: the winning party was simply excluded from the subsequent coalition government.

(As it turns out, the winning party went Full Covid, so its positioning as an 'anti-Establishment party' is now ruined anyway.)
Worthy to note: At the beginning, Baudet was first taken in by the Covid-19 narrative (and supported a lockdown), but soon realized what was going on and changed his position on the matter.
I watched the first part of De Jensen Show where Thierry Baudet was a guest and this topic was brought up. Jensen handled it in a professional manner, gave him some kind of mirror and then Thierry was given the opportunity to respond and say that indeed he had been taken in and when that changed. Interestingly, Jensen made the point of Thierry being able to see through the climate change lies, but unable to understand the Covid narrative at the time.

Mayors have been reluctant to give him permission for his campaign, or they had to go to an industrial area for instance far away from the town centre. Stuff like that.:rolleyes:

A few months before the election they also tried to break up his party accusing him of anti-Semitism (the usual drill), but he managed to recover and his campaign attracted a diverse section of the population.

After the brutal police crack-down against lockdown protestors in The Hague (Den Haag) last Sunday the same police commanded the people who had come to listen to TB to disperse. What would have happened if they hadn't obeyed?

I am not holding my breath, and we can't compare TB to the murdered politician Pim Fortuyn who was an intellectual heavy-weight IMO, but it's very nice to see some Dutchies enjoy themselves, braving the Covid madness. AFAIK no incidents were reported during the campaign trail.

Added: Changed Covid protestors into lockdown protestors.
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The cognitive dissonance that we know from people, positioned against trump by the press, plays out here too.
Friends will oppose the lockdowns, but cannot overcome their programming against 'racist' Baudet.
They will break up the friendship before giving Haga or Baudet a thought.
And no-one else in parliament will speak out against the Covid hoax.
Obvious that these elections will be fortified against the FVD.
Just a side note on FvD and Baudet.

I visited my hairdresser today (who works on an appointment only basis) and one of the topics of conversation between us was the ongoing election. He revealed to have voted for Baudet during the previous election but wasn't going to continue that way - exactly because of the shenanigans around him which @Mariama mentioned earlier.

He didn't tell me what his choice would be now, though. Neither did I, for that matter.
I saw on twitter that there is a crazy amount of police on the streets in The Hague. Can't find the tweet unfortunately. Curious that they have to reinforce the city where the government is seated during the election results. Where have we seen this before.

The website that kept count of the votes and everyone could follow has been taken offline during the counting.

I dare say with certainty that fraud has been committed. The Netherlands is important to the globalist Cabal.

5th largest economy in the EU. 4th largest export country in the world. Leading the way in certain technological innovations. Produces enough food to feed a continent. ETC.

This was no small election in a ''small country'' We have been robbed and our sovereignty is now up for grabs.
An exitpoll is made public. These "predict" the outcome. Two main parties get exactly a majority. As the greatest gainer, D(emons6)66 shall provide the premier, oxford reared EU parlementary Swab girlfriend.. Sigrid Kaag.
They had to make up a lot of votes, (i guess 15%,) and ended up with 81% turnout.
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The set up meeting? With SDG member Sigrid.

Sigrid Kaag​

Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands

MPhil in International Relations, Oxford University; Master’s in Middle East Studies, Exeter University. Has gathered a wealth of experience in the political, humanitarian and development affairs during career in Middle East, Geneva and New York. Formerly: with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Shell International; extensive experience on refugee and migration issues, serving with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNWRA); Regional Director, Middle East and North Africa, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF); Assistant Secretary-General, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); Undersecretary-General and Special Coordinator of the United Nations – Office for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (UN-OPCW) Joint Mission to eliminate the declared chemical weapons programme of the Syrian Arab Republic. December 2014, appointed Undersecretary-General and Special Coordinator for Lebanon by the UN Secretary-General. Recipient of awards and honours, including the Carnegie Wateler Peace Prize (November 2016); Honorary degree in Law, Exeter University (2014).
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