We are Witnessing the Earth changes, humans behavior, and the Cosmic events all rolling together at the same times.
But as the time passes, more likely there’s be more weird or worse or strangest behaviors displays we might see as closer to the Realm Border Crossing Curtain.
So, how long do we have to endure this situation? We never know but the Cs said that “The situation will resolve naturally as all situations do”. So, hope and Faith gives me comfort!
But as the time passes, more likely there’s be more weird or worse or strangest behaviors displays we might see as closer to the Realm Border Crossing Curtain.
So, how long do we have to endure this situation? We never know but the Cs said that “The situation will resolve naturally as all situations do”. So, hope and Faith gives me comfort!
October 18, 1994
Q: (L) Does the solar system, at different points in time absorb or emit energy and do planets move from one shell to another? And, does the nature of the solar system change what it "is" by adding or taking away bodies?
A: First, if a solar system adds or subtracts bodies then of course it changes. Next, the fundamental changes occur as a result of interaction with outside forces.
Q: (L) What outside forces?
A: Plane convergence.
Q: (L) What is plane convergence?
A: What will happen to earth.
Q: (L) Is this going to happen soon?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is this plane convergence a phenomenon that occurs frequently in the universe, galaxy or solar system?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is it caused by or manifested by?
A: Passing through realm border.
October 10th 2015
Q: (L) There are an awful lot of explosions happening all over the world. It's not just China. There are explosions everywhere.
A: And there will be more and more train derailments as the crust continues to open up.
Q: (L) So, not only are there sinkholes, but there are crustal movements and all kinds of other weird things going on. We're seeing the Earth changes right before our eyes, but it's like in slow motion!
A: Yes. Scale!
July 16th 2016
Q: (L) Considering that sort of charge in the atmosphere kind of leads to the idea that we could be entering a period where some of those things described by the ancients like these giant plasma figures in the sky could begin occurring. Is that correct?
A: Yes. Holy Grail!
Q: (Pierre) The chalice shape of the Z pinch phenomenon.
A: Sheets of rain! Transiting realities?
Q: (L) That's a reference to a previous session where "sheets of rain" and "holy grail" were mentioned in the same session I think... Is the basic idea of the Holy Grail actually some kind of memory or record of the manifestation of some gigantic plasma phenomenon that opens a portal into another reality? Like the strange tale of the castle of the Fisher King where time stopped? And possibly something that can be utilized…?
A: Close!
Q: (L) So in other words, those things you talked about many times before – time travel and interdimensional transport - where it took like mega or gigavolts of electricity to open portals or operate... the Philadelphia Experiment type things...
A: Yes, now you are tracking well!
June 9th 2018
Q: (Pierre) I have two questions. Me and others have noticed that the sun’s rays seem more aggressive over the past few years. Are the sun's rays becoming more aggressive?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Why?
A: Cosmic conditions. Breakdown of magnetic field, cosmic rays, and cosmic dust.
Q: (L) Are there any kinds of like cosmic rays or rays from the sun that are hitting us that wouldn't ordinarily be hitting us if our magnetic field was up?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Are they good for us?
A: Not especially. Some withstand better than others the increase in mutations.
Q: (Andromeda) That was gonna be my next question: What about mutations?
(Joe) What happened to those people when Tunguska happened? What were the mutations that happened? A blood type change or something?
(Pierre) Animals mutations, plants... So we’re gonna have more and more cancers.
(L) Well, not necessarily. Mutations don't necessarily mean cancer. They mean weird things. [laughter]
(Chu) They could be good mutations, too.
(L) Usually cancer is the mutations that happen in the cellular machinery. But there are mutations in genes that are WEIRD. I mean, what if you grow a hand out of your head? Then you'd look like a rooster! [laughter]
(Artemis) Are any of these mutations particularly desirable?
A: Some!
Q: (Artemis) So we should all be getting more sun?
A: No.
Q: (Joe) How do you get the good ones?
(Pierre) 99% of mutations are random and detrimental. And you have 0.1% that hit the complex machinery of the human body and improves it.
(L) So we should really try to avoid the sun right now because it's weird?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Can it make some people crazy even?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Can it increase mental disorders?
A: Yes
Q: (Chu) We'll all use umbrellas.
A: We told you that things would "open up".
Q: (L) So are you suggesting in terms of genetics - like genes can open up as a result of this opening up of things?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So it's not just the Earth that opens up and volcanoes and earthquakes that open up, but also people can open up and their genes can manifest?
A: Yes
February 13th 2011
Q: (Andromeda) Is a massive worldwide thinning of the veil responsible for a lot of the high strangeness experienced recently? Well, we already know that.
A: Yes.
Q: (Andromeda) What was the horse and rider apparition that was seen in Egypt?
A: Thinning of the veil.
Q: (Belibaste) But this knight, what was the meaning? Was it a ghost, a creature, was it fighting with the Egyptian people? (Perceval) It looked like an apparition of...
A: Saladin.
Q: (Belibaste) The knight or prince... the Arab fighter. (Perceval) It was on a bridge, over water. (Andromeda) What about the UFO in Jerusalem?
A: Same.
Q: (Perceval) The thing that we thought was a comet over Kazakhstan, was it a rocket from the Russians as reported?
A: No.
Q: (Perceval) Was it a comet?
A: Yes.
Q: (Perceval) It looked like a comet from what we know about comets.
A: Fragment. Expect a lot of the "rocket launch" excuses. If it was really a "rocket launch" they would have been able to announce it in advance.
Q: (Perceval) According to the two people who recorded the UFO over Jerusalem and the comet, they seemed to happen at very close to the same time. Was there any connection between the two?
A: Yes.
Q: (Perceval) What was the connection?
A: Thinning of the veil. Electrical phenomena can do that.
Q: (Perceval) Would the UFO that was there normally not have been visible, but was seen because of the thinning of the veil?
A: More or less. The electric charges also can affect human perception.
Q: (Andromeda) Was the thinning of the veil also responsible for the UFO some people saw at PaleoFest?
A: Oh indeed! But here the reason was a network enhancement of perception.
Q: (Andromeda) What's up with the cracked airplane windows that have been showing up in the news?
A: Electrical charges have many effects. By the way, that is the reason for some of the animal deaths: electrical discharges.
25 March 2017
(Galatea) I had a vision of the creature but I didn't mention it because I thought it was just my imagination. I was lying in bed about to fall asleep, and all of a sudden as clear as day I saw a black creature with bright red eyes floating looking in through the window of the Lodge. It was late at night, and I was like, "Oh, that's creepy... SNORE!"
A: The veil is thinning.
Q: (Andromeda) When was that?
(Galatea) It was weeks and weeks ago. But there was also the incident where Athena was there, and that was the night I got spooked by something howling that I thought I heard. I came inside and then the dogs starting barking at something and ran in the direction that I came from. So, I don't know if that was just a creature in the field, or something else. What was it that the dogs were barking at that night?
A: 4th density harbinger.
Q: (Galatea) Good that I hightailed it out of there then!
(Scottie) A harbinger of DOOM?!
(Galatea) A harbinger of what exactly?
A: Thinning veil
Q: (Galatea) Okay, so the veil is thinning so you can see these creatures, but...
(L) I guess they're like window fallers. The veil is thinning, and things get through. They do things. They interact.
January 7, 1995
Q: (L) We have a few interesting questions tonight. I think the first thing on everybody's mind is the strange events during the night and early morning hours, reported by Terry and Jan compared with events that happened that John said that he experienced and also, Terry's dad, and also something woke A__ up with a start and I was awakened with a strange feeling. We are a little bit curious about this event, this occurrence, and we would like to have some information on it. What exactly was it?
A: Thunder.
Q: (L) It seemed to be an extraordinarily massive strike, and it seemed to have been heard at a great distance in several directions. Where, in fact, did this lightning bolt strike?
A: Cell was uniformly structured throughout region.
Q: (T) So we all heard that particular blast because of that?
A: No. Each zone received similar EM profile, thus one particularly heavily charged event in each zone.
Q: (L) What is an EM profile?
A: Electromagnetic.
Q: (L) Was there any particular significance to this type of blast since it is not something any of us has experienced in our immediate memory. Is there any implication to this blast in terms of 4th density activity?
A: You have, and yes, as always.
Q: (L) Since this was such a boomer, what exactly was going on on 4th density that produced a boomer like this?
A: Overlapping densities, lasting approximately 1.3 seconds, as you measure time i.e.: for 1.3 seconds, you lived completely in 4th density.
Q: (T) So this was a significant event for us to have noticed?
A: The noticing was more significant than the event.
March 18, 1995
Q: (L) It's keyed on interconnecting realities.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are you saying that the wave is causing the interconnecting of realities? (J) And the ozone layer is in the wave?
A: And causing actions which affect third density in myriad ways, close circle.
Q: (L) It is causing the destined actions to take place that are necessary for the closing of the Grand Cycle?
A: Close.
Q: (L) And the dying off of the frogs is part of this? Poor little frogs... I like frogs...
A: So are "earth changes."
Q: (J) Is the depletion of the ozone layer a part of the equation required for the wave...
A: In third density reality, it is important.
Q: (J) So, it is part of the natural progression of movement from third to fourth?
A: Let's try using the word "reflection," and see if that "rings a bell." Third into fourth.
A: Okay, here we go: Oncoming wave is a transformation from third density to fourth density so, events happening due to the approach of the wave are causing changes across densities and realities! In third density, you will notice changes that will have third density explanations, but they are a manifestation of the approach; you see them as third density because that is your current point of reference! Remember that all reflects in and cross all density levels but also there is a merging upon arrival of the wave, it is realm border crossing!!!!!!