Éiriú-Eolas Online Workshops and Practice - Public

Unfortunately, I cannot participate again. :-( There is a meeting today in our house community because of the allocation of an apartment on ground floor in which my husband would manage much better with his wheelchair. Also, in case of a fire or other things like power outage, it is easier to rescue him or get him out of the house if necessary. Today it will be decided if we will get the apartment or not.

Keep your fingers crossed for us...
Have a great session and I am looking forward to next week, I will be sure to attend. :hug2:
My fingers are crossed, too! 🥰 🥰🥰!!!
Thanks everyone for inviting my son Cassidy in to EE today. He went from a very introverted depression before the session to dragging me on to the trampoline after the session.
I’ve wanted him to join us for a while but was waiting for him to choose to do it. I also wondered if it may be too long for him because usually misses the bioenergetic round breathing but he was fine.
Hopefully he will come along more regularly now he benefitted so much.
We got the apartment. :cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer:

I am really relieved and looking forward to this new project. Hopefully we will make it in time before the comets arrive ;-D
Congratulations Mililea! This move will make both of your lives easier. My late husband was diagnosed with Parkinson's in July of 2008. In July of 2011, we moved from a second floor apartment to a single story duplex. It made everything easier for both of us, but especially me. I hope you manage to get some self care in after the move. I know my local support group was a lifeline during stressful times. In the US, you can register with your neighborhood fire station when you have a disabled member in your household. The first responders will know the situation if they have to respond to your location. It can be life saving.

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