Electromagnetism makes my jewellry "dance"


The Living Force
I was at university and I followed one of the boys who I thought was in my "class" along with some others, to the library. Here, it seemed that people were gathering to take part in some sort of end of year celebration and preparing to leave at the end of the term. My impression was that I was part of some sort of psychology or sociology course, or it may have been philosophy or literature of some sort... (something I've never studied before, not that I really knew what the subject was in the first place).

Then boy that I'd followed into the library turned around to me and said: "Well, thats it from me, I'm out of here, I've done what I came to do"..... And I felt like saying to him.... "And precisely WHAT was it that you did?" I could see that he'd not really done much, apart from 'turning up' but I realised that he thought he spoke the truth as well as the fact that he was starting to look uncomfortable, like he wanted to get out of there and quickly too. I don't think he knew why he was feeling uncomfortable. I was annoyed with my fellow students who looked like they just wanted to 'party' and have a good time. They definately weren't interested in hanging around to learn more or, even worse, had no intent of applying what they already had learnt (how like normal society?).

That's when the dream shifted and I found myself in a physics class with two other 3rd year students. And, I thought to myself, I wonder how long it will take them to figure out that I really shouldn't be here and don't understand anything that they're talking about. Maybe, I thought to myself, I can just 'wing it' until the end of class. :O No such luck, unfortunately.

I crossed the room, trying to look inconspicuous while one of my fellow 'students' was busy trying to 'impress' the professor by giving him all the answers he wanted. :rolleyes: As I was crossing the room something strange started to happen. The metal drop earings I was wearing started moving and 'dancing' (levitating), my necklace (it was made out of some sort of blue and green stone kind of like a cross between malachite and lapiz lazuli, although it could have been either/or), started rattling and levitating. My hair looked like it had a whole bunch of static electricity going through it, it stood on end. I looked down and saw two shiney gold bracelets made out of links on the ground which were connected, kind of like a figure of 8. They started to vibrate and levitate and move like they were alive. At that moment, I also discovered I was wearing two solid silver bracelets on each forearm. They started to give off such blinding light that I got scared (as if looking like something from 'The Shining' wasn't enough). Somehow, this was not what I had envisaged as a way of staying 'unobtrusive' and if this electromagnetic pulse that was going through me did this to my jewellry, what was it doing to my body.... ?? :shock:

I saw the professor 'looking' at me with some sort of a blank expression on his face, like he knew something was there, but didn't really want to 'see' it (that's when I knew he wasn't really a 'good guy' - and that he was working for you know who. That, and the fact he had absolutely no sense of humour at all). I went over to him and asked why this had happened and he just snapped at me condecendingly and said: "You should already know why, and if you don't - you should! Get on with your lessons!" I continued staring at him. I had moved out of the electromagnetic 'beam' because I was worried about what it was doing to me. My jewellry had stopped 'dancing' and my hair was back to normal.

The professor then started to go into some grotesque song and dance routine which seemed highly inappropriate and I thought "Great, he's trying to distract me"..... Then I woke up. Which was most annoying, as I was interested in trying to find some answers.

Somehow the dream was threatening and I felt it had 4D sts involvement. It was almost like they were preparing to invade (although, I'm not sure how - maybe just through mind control, afterall, why would they want to manifest physically when they can control us all mentally) and that they were 'targetting' the control of learning institutions. Places where people think and discover new technology seemed to be of interest to them.

I felt that evil times are upon us. :(
Ruth said:
I saw the professor 'looking' at me with some sort of a blank expression on his face, like he knew something was there, but didn't really want to 'see' it (that's when I knew he wasn't really a 'good guy' - and that he was working for you know who. That, and the fact he had absolutely no sense of humour at all). I went over to him and asked why this had happened and he just snapped at me condecendingly and said: "You should already know why, and if you don't - you should! Get on with your lessons!"

Hi Ruth,

This sounds like something the Negative Introject would say. Maybe the teacher is a reflection of the negative introject program?

The dancing jewelry is interesting and similar to vibrating [jewelry].

cassiopaea glossary said:
Esotericism views the atom, and matter that is built up from the aggregation of these atoms in a much more encompassing way then does material science. Esotericism speaks of matter in terms of MATERIALITY and views matter in terms of vibrations. The suffix 'ity' in the word 'materiality' connotes 'state' or 'quality of being.' Thus all matter is the same but materiality is different. Materiality has degrees of quality associated with it that go beyond the quantatative limitations of material science.

According to esoteric science there are different gradations or 'densities' of materiality that are determined by the rate at which the atoms vibrate that comprise it. Each level has its own characteristics and the matter on one plane may not be seen to be 'material' at all from the perspective of a lower plane. Thus materiality is relative, as is matter and energy. What is material at one level may be considered non-material at a lower level, and what may be considered non-material at a lower level may be considered as material on a higher level.

As we ascend the scale of materiality, from lower orders of being to higher orders, the distinction between matter and energy becomes less clear since matter and energy are really just characteristics of the phenomenal world with which we are all familiar. As we ascend to higher orders of being, matter and energy begin to blend into each other and becomes less dualistic, at least with respect to how we commonly understand these terms.

From the point of view of esoteric science matter is not dead at all but is a reflection of the living essential Thought Centers from which all creation is manifest. Gurdjieff speaks of these gradations of materiality in terms of intelligence. As we ascend the scale of being the matter becomes more intelligent, more conscious. It is in reference to this that Gurdjieff speaks of "gradations of objective reason" in his magnum opus 'Beelzebub's Tales To His Grandson.'

In Ouspensky's book "In Search Of The Miraculous" Gurdjieff says:

"We must now realize that the density of vibrations and the density of matter
express many other properties of matter. For instance, till now we have said nothing about the INTELLIGENCE or consciousness of matter. Meanwhile the speed of vibrations of a matter shows the degree of intelligence of the given matter. You must remember that there is nothing dead or inanimate in nature. Everything in its own way is alive, everything in its own way is intelligent and conscious. Only this consciousness and intelligence is expressed in a different way on different levels of being--that is, on different scales. But you must understand once and for all that nothing is dead or inanimate in nature, there are simply different degrees of animation and different scales."

[...] "the degree of consciousness corresponds to the degree of density or the speed of vibrations. This means that the denser the matter the less conscious it is, the less intelligent. And the denser the vibrations, the more conscious and the more intelligent the matter."

"Really dead matter begins where vibrations cease. But under ordinary conditions of life on earth's surface we have no concern with dead matter. And science cannot procure it. All the matter we know is living matter and in its own way it is intellegent".

Concerning the atom of esoteric or 'objective chemistry' Gurdjieff says:

"An atom of a given density, a really existing individuum, must be taken as the smallest quantity of the substance examined which retains all those qualities—chemical, physical and cosmic—which characterize it as a certain note of a definite octave. For instance, in contemporary chemistry there is no atom of water, as water is not a simple substance but a chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen. Yet from the point of view of 'objective chemistry' an 'atom' of water is an ultimate and definitive volume of it, even visible to the naked eye".

Thus from the point of view of esoteric science there could be, for example, an 'atom of water' to designate the smallest amount of this substance possible that still retains all it's properties, both physical and cosmic.

The distinction between the different orders of materiality and it's relationship to the
atom of esoteric science is well expressed in P.D.Ouspensky's book 'The Psychology Of Mans Possible Evolution'.

Below excerpt taken from pages 123 -126:

The next idea which it is necessary to master is the materiality of the universe which is taken in the form of the 'ray of creation.' Everything in the universe can be weighed and measured. The Absolute is as material, as weighable and measurable as the moon, or as man. If the Absolute is God, it means that God can be weighed and measured, resolved into component elements, calculated, and expressed in the form of a definite formula.But the concept 'materiality' is as relative as everything else. If we recall how the conception 'man' and all that refers to him--good, evil, truth, falseness, etc. -- is divided into different categories (man number one, man number two and so on) it will be easy for us to understand that the concept 'world' and everything that refers to the world is also divided into different categories. The ray of creation establishes seven planes in the world, seven worlds one within another. Everything that refers to the world is also divided into seven categories, one category within another.

The materiality of the Absolute is a materiality of a different order from that of 'all worlds'. The materiality of 'all worlds' is of an order different from the materiality of 'all suns'.
The materiality of 'all suns' is of an order different from the materiality of our sun.
The materiality of our sun is of an order different from the materiality of 'all planets'.
The materiality of 'all planets' is of an order different from the materiality of the earth
and the materiality of the earth is of an order different from the materiality of the moon.

The idea is at first difficult to grasp. People are accustomed to think that matter is everywhere the same. The whole of physics, of astrophysics, of chemistry, such methods as spectro-analysis, etc., are based on this assumption. And it is true that matter is the same, but materiality is different. And different degrees of materiality depend directly upon the qualities and properties of the energy manifested at a given point.

Matter or substance necessarily presupposes the existence of force or energy. This does not mean that a dualistic conception of the world is necessary. The concepts of matter and force are as relative as everything else. In the Absolute, where all is one, matter and force are also one. But in this connection matter and force are not taken as real principles of the world in itself, but as properties or characteristics of the phenomenal world observes by us. To begin the study of the universe it is sufficient to have an elementary idea of matter and energy, such as we get by immediate observation through the organs of sense. The 'constant' is taken as material, as matter, and 'changes' in the state of the 'constant' or of matter, are all manifestations of force or energy. All these changes can be regarded as the result of vibrations and undulatory motions which begin in the center, that is in the Absolute, and go in all directions, crossing one another, colliding and merging together, until they stop altogether at the end of the ray of creation.

From this point of view, then, the world consists of vibrations and matter, or of matter in a state of vibration, of vibrating matter. THE RATE OF VIBRATION IS IN INVERSE RATIO TO THE DENSITY OF MATTER.
I could be well off the mark here, but I do have an interpretation to offer, at least in parts.

Ruth said:
I was at university and I followed one of the boys who I thought was in my "class" along with some others, to the library.

You followed an assumption to a place of knowledge/learning.

Here, it seemed that people were gathering to take part in some sort of end of year celebration and preparing to leave at the end of the term. My impression was that I was part of some sort of psychology or sociology course, or it may have been philosophy or literature of some sort... (something I've never studied before, not that I really knew what the subject was in the first place).

SOTT? University? Life in general even.

Then boy that I'd followed into the library turned around to me and said: "Well, thats it from me, I'm out of here, I've done what I came to do"..... And I felt like saying to him.... "And precisely WHAT was it that you did?" I could see that he'd not really done much, apart from 'turning up' but I realised that he thought he spoke the truth as well as the fact that he was starting to look uncomfortable, like he wanted to get out of there and quickly too. I don't think he knew why he was feeling uncomfortable.

Perhaps an 'I', and it did bring you to a place of knowledge/learning. As to why he's becoming uncomfortable....

I was annoyed with my fellow students who looked like they just wanted to 'party' and have a good time. They definately weren't interested in hanging around to learn more or, even worse, had no intent of applying what they already had learnt (how like normal society?).

In the above context, perhaps more 'I's? Could you recognise there thoughts/behaviours in yourself?

That's when the dream shifted and I found myself in a physics class with two other 3rd year students. And, I thought to myself, I wonder how long it will take them to figure out that I really shouldn't be here and don't understand anything that they're talking about. Maybe, I thought to myself, I can just 'wing it' until the end of class. :O No such luck, unfortunately.

That sounds like the forum!
It could also easily equate to university or social situations. Maybe as Meg points out, if it is the Negative Introject, perhaps its the predators fear of being found out??

I crossed the room, trying to look inconspicuous while one of my fellow 'students' was busy trying to 'impress' the professor by giving him all the answers he wanted.
Professor = predator. Students = I's?

As I was crossing the room something strange started to happen. The metal drop earings I was wearing started moving and 'dancing' (levitating), my necklace (it was made out of some sort of blue and green stone kind of like a cross between malachite and lapiz lazuli, although it could have been either/or), started rattling and levitating. My hair looked like it had a whole bunch of static electricity going through it, it stood on end. I looked down and saw two shiney gold bracelets made out of links on the ground which were connected, kind of like a figure of 8. They started to vibrate and levitate and move like they were alive. At that moment, I also discovered I was wearing two solid silver bracelets on each forearm. They started to give off such blinding light that I got scared (as if looking like something from 'The Shining' wasn't enough). Somehow, this was not what I had envisaged as a way of staying 'unobtrusive' and if this electromagnetic pulse that was going through me did this to my jewellry, what was it doing to my body.... ??

Awareness of the predator brings transformation? 'Unobtrusive' could be several things....perhaps the predator doesn't want you intruding/changing? Perhaps you need to tighten your strategic enclosure? Either way, if it does represent transformation (notice the 'gold' constructed of many small 'connections', and how it is linked to your own 'metal' - silver in this case), something is either warning you your being noticed (general law?) or you are about to be/are being stopped (warning you off pursuing it). If not transformation as such, it is at least a build up of potential energy (static charge). Also alot of fear related to it.
.....its just a hypothesis mind, your going to have to work out if its accurate or not. Maybe the fear was justified?

I saw the professor 'looking' at me with some sort of a blank expression on his face, like he knew something was there, but didn't really want to 'see' it (that's when I knew he wasn't really a 'good guy' - and that he was working for you know who. That, and the fact he had absolutely no sense of humour at all).
Similarity between him and the first male character that you followed to the library?? The uncomfortableness in seeing 'something'? I wonder what its seeing...

I went over to him and asked why this had happened and he just snapped at me condecendingly and said: "You should already know why, and if you don't - you should! Get on with your lessons!" I continued staring at him. I had moved out of the electromagnetic 'beam' because I was worried about what it was doing to me. My jewellry had stopped 'dancing' and my hair was back to normal.

Everything back to normal, being......asleep? reacting to the predators fear? not building 'potential/energy'?
It all depends on what the energy was to do with as to weather this is a 'good or 'bad' thing.

The professor then started to go into some grotesque song and dance routine which seemed highly inappropriate and I thought "Great, he's trying to distract me"..... Then I woke up. Which was most annoying, as I was interested in trying to find some answers.

Definitely distracting you!
I think the symbols where pretty thick (and I can feel myself indulging in it).....as to if the interpretations accurate/useful or symbols manipulated...that's up to you to figure out.
*edit* for some reason I've had real trouble posting this....pesky computer gremlins
Thanks for the replies. Definately something to think about. Although, I do have a tendency to see my dreams as a reflection of how I'm interacting with my outer life rather than something like an internal 'play' with a cast of characters composed only of my I's. :D

I have absolutely no idea what a negative introject is, program or otherwise! Although it does sound like something I might do to other people. :O Perhaps that's what it is? Would it be possible to give an example, Meg?

The thing that really bothered me, on reflection, about this dream was the luminous solid siver bracelets that really lit up and got so bright as to dazzle the eyes or even make a person blind. It struck me that there was something really 'clever' and 'powerful' happening with these things and that this was actually a symptom of me showing off! I think I must have a tendency to do that, possibly even subconsiously. I felt very uncomfortable in the situation.... like the sorcerers apprentice. The thing is, the whole situation surrounding this was to my detriment as I did not know what was happening, why, or what effect it would have on me. The bracelets were also positioned at the same point that manacles would be.

Another thing, the 'dancing' bracelet on the ground. I've seen this before, or maybe something similar. It was like a cross between seeing something through an electron microscope and a bunch of bacteria all joined together. Just bizare. Also, an interesting 'symetry' was the date of this dream. 22/11/2008. I suppose it could have been telling me to pay attention to it.... but who knows...? :(
Ruth said:
I have absolutely no idea what a negative introject is, program or otherwise! Although it does sound like something I might do to other people. Jaw Drop Perhaps that's what it is? Would it be possible to give an example, Meg?

Hi Ruth,

'Negative Introject' is a term from 'Trapped in the Mirror' - one of the books that is often referenced on the forum and highly, highly recommended. If you haven't read the recommended reading list - it really is recommended for a reason. ;)
Here is more information - http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=6989.msg49132#msg49132, though it is brought up in a lot of threads.
Thanks Anart, I will have a look at it. Certainly narcistic family members are a problem that effects many people.
Why - having been here for so long, posted so much, and there being so many discussions and references - have you not sought to explore this yourself?
Leopher said:
Why - having been here for so long, posted so much, and there being so many discussions and references - have you not sought to explore this yourself?

Ruth's post resulted in the same question in my mind. This has made me go back and think about how I view what I read on this forum, and my programed thoughts and/or assumptions about what I have read. It has resulted in seeing myself in a new way. I have learned that I am not questioning or validating what I am reading and being vigilant about what I have been accepting as knowledge or truth. I have been making the mistake of accepting certain things posted on this forum, based on the volume of ones posts, rather than on the merit or knowledge of the information posted. I realize that I am not being vigilant at all. This has been helpful in tuning my reading instrument, and furthering my learning one more step.

I have learned that I must question everything, and evaluate what has been said; before making any decisions on the validity of what I have read. I need to question everything I read, hear, and see, and ask questions about that which I do not understand.

Learning is fun, and I am happy that I can do so thanks to this forum.

Leopher said:
Why - having been here for so long, posted so much, and there being so many discussions and references - have you not sought to explore this yourself?

:D Why should you assume that I do so? Is it part of some sort of 'program' I'm supposed to follow?

If something COMES UP that is RELEVANT to me..... AND I have the time, then I will follow it up. I certainly wouldn't do something just because somebody else thinks it might be a good idea. My interests and problems may be different. So too, my lessons and way of learning.
Ruth said:
If something COMES UP that is RELEVANT to me..... AND I have the time, then I will follow it up. I certainly wouldn't do something just because somebody else thinks it might be a good idea. My interests and problems may be different. So too, my lessons and way of learning.

These are good and sensible general principles to have in life. :) However, to have so little trust from such an intelligent and insightful group of people -- who have interacted with you and hundreds of others for years, demonstrated over and over a higher understanding with results -- and to say their recommendations and discussions on subjects that aid awakening were irrelevant to you, and didn't arise because your problems are different, is perplexing.

If you're way of learning is different, then fine, continue as you've been doing: don't read the recommended books. They aren't necessities, plenty people - not many - have learned without them since the beginning of time. But they are there for a reason, we have them, we're all pretty much abysmally ignorant, in a dire situation, and the time we have does seem to be running out...

I just think we shouldn't always accept the decisions we immediately come up with. Pushing through, going against the grain, also seems to be a sensible principle.
I'd also add that it's pretty mind-blowing to have someone who has over 1,000 posts on this forum and have absolutely no idea what negative introject means, or is. Talk about seeing only what you want to see and liking only what IT likes. :huh:
Leopher said:
I just think we shouldn't always accept the decisions we immediately come up with. Pushing through, going against the grain, also seems to be a sensible principle.

I agree. This also brings to mind the ideas of programs (that people run) and sacred cows which seem to be inexorably linked to programs and end up defining what a person 'sees' (and what they think they see).... :) A lot of that depends on where they look too!

Its been my conclusion that the best way to avoid running programs is for a person to strive to be non-anticipatory and to really work at keeping an open mind. The funny thing is, I didn't need to read any books or use any "trigger" words to figure that one out... All I needed to do.... was observe. ;) Its so simple and can be quite effective.

I'm always hoping that it would be more effective internally, but then, I'm not at all surprised that it isn't.
Ruth said:
I have absolutely no idea what a negative introject is, program or otherwise! Although it does sound like something I might do to other people. Jaw Drop Perhaps that's what it is? Would it be possible to give an example, Meg?

Trapped in the Mirror said:
From Trapped in the Mirror

The negative introject is partly the voice of you attacking and restrictive narcissistic parent whose thinking took up residence in your mind. It is not rightly a part of your self but a hostile foreigner that watches you with a critical eye. Little escapes its quest for control. It criticizes you with such comments as “You’re a failure” and “Why try?” Your feelings of depression strengthen its force. It makes you discard appreciation and distrust affection. Its punitive demands and paralyzing arguments stop you from trying to change.

Dr Golumb give examples in her book of how the negative interject manifests itself in her “mind”

Dr Golumb said:
“My negative introject said, “You’ll never finish the writing the will be humiliated, marked as a failure, a tragedy, and landmark shame.”

She gives several examples from her own experiences. Well worth reading if you are looking to know your machine. I don’t know that everyone has a negative introject, but reading that book allowed me to identify part of my machine that I wasn’t able to see or identify.fwiw :)
ruth said:
Its been my conclusion that the best way to avoid running programs is for a person to strive to be non-anticipatory and to really work at keeping an open mind. The funny thing is, I didn't need to read any books or use any "trigger" words to figure that one out... All I needed to do.... was observe. Wink Its so simple and can be quite effective.

Just for clarity's sake Ruth, it's not very effective if your interaction on this forum is any measure of the matter. Even after all this time, you are still very reactionary, defensive and rather 'bull headed' when an error you are making is pointed out. Even when reams of data and many posts try to explain why you are in error, you stand firm in 'your understanding' and state that others just don't get it - despite all the data to the contrary.

I point this out not to upset you or make you angry, but to simply, yet again, point out that just because you think it, does not make it so. The books aren't read to learn the 'trigger words' - the books are read to grasp an understanding that can then be applied to oneself.

This - absolutely - does not mean that such activity is for everyone, and it's your right to never read any of these books and try to sincerely apply them - just please try to remember the purpose of this forum and that there are those here who do indeed take it very seriously, who will likely call you on this aspect - so acting a little less surprised when it happens might make more sense.
anart said:
I point this out not to upset you or make you angry, but to simply, yet again, point out that just because you think it, does not make it so. The books aren't read to learn the 'trigger words' - the books are read to grasp an understanding that can then be applied to oneself.

Indeed. Unfortunately Ruth has decided that such things are a waste of time. She is so sure in her convictions that her way is the right way, it does not matter what anyone else recommends or testifies is working for them. It "does not apply" to Ruth. Yes, she trusts her perceptions a whole lot more than anyone else's, which is unfortunate, because we machines lie to ourselves more than anyone else. As long as she allows her right man syndrome to rule her roost, their will be no chance of eliminating her programs, despite her ideas on how she supposedly has done so. If so, you have failed to show these changes on this board.

The fact that you so unabashedly admit your dismissal of true psychological work on the self points to an extreme lack of external consideration as well. Which is another factor that points to you not really doing any work on the self. It's just the same loops of behavior repeating itself. When will it end? When you start allowing the perceptions of others to break through your shield of defense and truly apply the mirror's gifts. Only you can decide that course.
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