Elon Musk: Tech Genius! Green Warrior! Biz King! Good Oligarch?

Can you give me the link to the interview? So I can think for myslef, or it is good enaough if I just accept your interpretation about somehting I have no idea what it is? thx
there you go
there you go
thx, I am listening, and can you give me links where I can learn who is Corbett and Mercola. thx
So in the post I quoted you reacted as if it was personal attack against you while I was trying to say that many people agree with view of Musk.
How? What showed you that I felt attacked with your post? I felt attacked with other post here, maybe you ocnfused posts? On yours I just disagree with forcing of Lauc as a topic, as well as we disagree about his role in "COVID Croatia scum". But it is okay to disagree. Or not?
How? What showed you that I felt attacked with your post? I felt attacked with other post here, maybe you ocnfused posts? On yours I just disagree with forcing of Lauc as a topic, as well as we disagree about his role in "COVID Croatia scum". But it is okay to disagree. Or not?

All this is time consuming and I dont think it is very productive as you seem to be running in circles. I think we have cluttered this thread more than enough.
I suggest you re read your replies throughout this thread. I cannot quote each and every of your post where it is clear that you perceive general remarks as personal insults.
Also you expect to be spoon feed with information while on the other hand you completely ignore the questions to substantiate your allegations against Lauc and Bakic which unfortunately does not give you a lot of credibility. So no the world does not revolve around you and for now I will stop replying to your posts here.
If you genuinely wish to learn and if you feel misunderstood I think the best way forward is to open your personal thread in the swamp.
Best wishes.
All this is time consuming and I dont think it is very productive as you seem to be running in circles. I think we have cluttered this thread more than enough.
I suggest you re read your replies throughout this thread. I cannot quote each and every of your post where it is clear that you perceive general remarks as personal insults.
Also you expect to be spoon feed with information while on the other hand you completely ignore the questions to substantiate your allegations against Lauc and Bakic which unfortunately does not give you a lot of credibility. So no the world does not revolve around you and for now I will stop replying to your posts here.
If you genuinely wish to learn and if you feel misunderstood I think the best way forward is to open your personal thread in the swamp.
Best wishes.

Apologize for this cluttering out of my curiosity how far insult of one Croat to the other can go + inabilty to comunicate peacefully withouth insults and attacks when there is disagreement.

Your every answer started with insult ...

All you wrote about me is indeed your self talk and projection. This is my understandnig.

1. CLUTTERING - You cluttered this thread with Lauc and COVID, and you keep on insulting me since the moment I was trying to get back on track, pushing at the same time discussion about non thread topics like Lauc and COVID. And you keep on cluttering it with them, are you agent of their minds? Are you paid to protect them? Now I am suspitios on that, as you are to fast, like you have a brian chip that detects so fast when Lauc is mentiond so you can get up fast to suppress all who think they are not HEros ... As this is not thread. about them.

2. ATTACK Then some other members arrived who are opposite to your opinion about Evil ELon, they think Elon is a SuperHero ... and they even called me fascist. I find that attacking, but you keept on insisitng tthat I found your posts as attacks on me. Until this last one, I didn't.

3. WRONGDOING Yes I could ignore your inappropriate comments on me, but I didn't want to run to conclusions, so I keept on asking, and I wanted to know from you, but you teleling me that it was indeed obvious from the 1st line that you came just to argue with me.
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Well to be honest Gordan Lauc was one of the few scientists in Croatia who relentlessly fought COVID narrative and craziness.

To inform about truth about Lauc all the forum members who can be interested in that, you are right I need to do that and I hope this will be enough for all you said can be interested to know:

Screen Shot 2023-09-22 at 12.54.05.png

"Member of the government's Scientific Council for the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, Gordan Lauc, published a text on Facebook asking whether the coronavirus pandemic is over." 18th August 2021!

"“2) Trebamo li se cijepiti? Cjepiva su nedvojbeno učinkovita u zaštiti pojedinca na način da smanjuju rizik za teški oblik bolesti, to znači da se svakako trebaju cijepiti svi oni kojima prijeti teški oblik bolesti, u prvom redu stariji, pretili i jako uplašeni (to su tri najznačajnija faktora rizika za teški oblik bolesti)."

Eng ""2) Should we get vaccinated? Vaccines are undoubtedly effective in protecting the individual in such a way as to reduce the risk of a severe form of the disease, this means that all those who are at risk of a severe form of the disease should definitely be vaccinated, primarily the elderly, the obese and the very frightened (these are the three most significant risk factors for severe form of the disease)."

Full article here

Does anyone think that someone who is still in 2021 a member of banana country government scientific council about non existing disease, and get significant EU funds all this time of pandemic + becoming a media star in the region, is not working for that government, but against them?

As a media professional for 30 years, I simply know that all before and after was a cover game orchestrated by the PR agency, I know which one, at least I know the man, and he know I know, and if they think they need to sue me for laying, they will do it, I have no doubts. While tehy still didn't do that, I have no idea. Maybe because they know I am right.

Did Lauc labs lose anything of their public monetary support and privileges because they all of a sudden start to preach against vaccination of kids younger than 10 years 2 yearsa after many people get killed by vacine???

As much as I know - NO!

And also important to mention, humans don't need to turn on TV to know what is right what is worng. Also not just that I have quite good intuitive center, I didn't need Lauc to tell me what to do, as I as I am also a medically educated biochemist, and I was clear from day one that there is no anything like a corona pandemic of size that was promoted + that any vacine is non effective either.

I was against it from day one. I never ever wear masks in public or on my public lectures, I refused to paritcipate at any events that were suportiv to agenda, and I was “warned”. And after a few months of inability to convert me, all of a sudden I started to be gaslighted and all my work was destroyed and I lost all jobs in Croatia so far. But still I am alive and I don't care to fight htis banana goverment and Lauc, and I found my way again, and I manage also with help from what I learned, how to approach that kind of situations from this FORUM and SOTT.

And this is pretty much how Elon and others in AI and IT operates ... ;)

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2. The main point with my post is that ELon bought Twitter with the main covert intent to destroy evidence against Biden and other pedofiles.

Why would Elon need to buy Twitter in order for this to happen? Twitter execs, programmers, content police, and so on were doing a pretty darn good job all on their own of letting pedos post on their platform with impunity while covering up stuff for the Biden admin and so on.

And the visit to Netanyahu is in line with that.

I don't see how.

I also see it is covert intent, because with a small subscription he covertly ask for free will of people to do that by not subscribing, so that it can be clean cut from the new frequency of new reality. But it is just my understanding of his moves, and I posted it here to see how others feel about that.

I don't understand this. Elon's new subscription is a means of getting people's consent to destroy evidence of pedophilia?
Why would Elon need to buy Twitter in order for this to happen? Twitter execs, programmers, content police, and so on were doing a pretty darn good job all on their own of letting pedos post on their platform with impunity while covering up stuff for the Biden admin and so on.

I don't see how.

I don't understand this. Elon's new subscription is a means of getting people's consent to destroy evidence of pedophilia?
I'll try to explain why I got this conclusions:

1. Destruction of evidence by closing Twitter will help indeed not just to delete evidence of dirty non-human behaviors of the elite of our times, but it will be an act of deleting the history before it is even established within human memory. So no need to blow up planet this time to hide evidences and to keep on lies preserved into human memory, all what is needed to be done is to delete digital extensions where the memory of that events is stored in this time of civilisaiton on this planet.

2. Netanyahu is not a person with whom independent businessmen will keep friendly relationships and at the same time preach about saving the world. It is all about that today in this war for our minds, it is not about how many bombs will be droped on the cities, but with whom those who are doers and energy of creation will align. Just the ethics are fishy here, while etics are at the same time the biggest asset Elon wants to have in his heroic attempts to fix the planet and humanity, that indeed don't need ot be fixed, but indeed made free from people like Elon.

Okay he might have all the covert reasons hiden here again. Maybe he is indeed a Trojan horse hero? … entering a swamp to destroy it from within etc ... So far I see him he operates like a action and atraciton chaser, he moves around until he spot somehitng interesting, even if he is not even sure what it is. Like he see something shining in the dark. Than he jump into that somehitng, and 1st he is so enthusiastic, it is a new big thing, he will do revolutionary and great things for hmanity bla bla bla etc ... and he is more like a media star than a man who have time to do anything. But that is how he get minds of people to give him energy. He kind of get public suport to keep on developing it, but at the end, after a while it end's up destroyed.

He destroyed Tesla car for example, and now it is coming to surface that it was intention - destruciton. He bought it not to develop a real electric motor, but to replace that possibility with the battery, what was more business efficient and that is how he stub the idea of electric car. Even his Tesla logo is a dager, hmm ... again I see his business excuses to keep on producing more batteries also covert attempt to do something even more non human.

Also he likes to play with symbols a lot ... sink, sulfur parfum, costums, coloseum etc ... art deco, Fred Astaire ...

Also Innovations are never business efficient in that kind of thinking Elon has. So the real inventors are not concerned about bussiness profit results, they knwo, if they want to bee in the free zone with their minds to come up with soemthing new, they need to find investments and donations that are not concernd about time, deadlines, sales and making profits … also real inventors know that inventing anything needs lot of brain and body energy, and they don't want to give their mind energy to money ... we will see …

So far he works with anyone who gives him money or power, and he have no one with him, or by his side, who really have asets to make world better place for humanitym with the human use of technology. He don't have even a pet. He is showing up his todlers around the world, but it looks more like show up of his Gengish Kahn abilities and child abuse, than love.

Elon public image is not trutfull to one inventor and creative person who has good intentions. He is all the time hiding his moves, what can be external considering, but than when his move is done, he feels so great when he finaly tricked all aroudn. It is not result that makes him feel good, butthe game. Hm. Childish. It is not that anything is wrong with enjoyment in the process. It is thrilling for any inventor, but hey they work to bring down the real thing, not to have adrenaline rushes all the time with the playing process ...

Elon is not surrounded with a team of innovators or creatives. He is alone in all this, and he dont even have at least one mental partner in all he do. It is unnatural to human brian to concieve great things all alone. Tesla had Mark Twain, and when Mark died Tesla propulsion droped down. Tesla even said that loss of Twain wil affect him significantly, as there is no any more a single human who can understand and listen to him. Hm so how does Elon "question" his ideas if he doesn't trust anyone, or even worst, if he thinks he don't need anyone. Even to hear someone else opinion?.

And when he talks his emotional center is activated honestly and fully only on those 2 subjects - profit and power… hmmm very fishy.

Maybe it is all just one superbriliant external considering that he is practicing since the beginig of htis milenia? In that case, hopefully we will soon see some of the real beneficial results of his "work".

3. How to lead peopel to relese free will for their imprisoment - If the intent is what I described on 1. then to make it strongly interwoven into collective consciousness, whatever it is, it has to have frequency of free will, it has to have the emotion of desire, to release biochemical supstances that will lead to reach the higer frequencies of creation, otherwise it is not "strong" enough to be resistant to changes and at the end to become a new pixel or building block of civilization.

So how to make people to non subscribe by they free will, simply make a move that make them feel it is their desire to revolt with decision not to subscribe, and than they release a lot of emotional energy of free will into the "air".

Due to statistics on on-line subscriptions so far, he can predict that most of the people will not subscribe, okay this is my assumption, but concerning the other attempts to collect subscription so far none is successful on that scale that platforms can be sustainable by that means. So finantialy they will all be closed if dependent on subscription.

In this world most of the people think they have and operate under free will, while in the most of the cases that is not reality, and they have been covertly guided to do what 4D STS needs them to do by producing the emotinal desire of free will.

It was similar game with vacine too.

I attached one of mine research illustraitons around T - Tesla loogo ... not that informative, but maybe will give some clues.


  • MitraTeslaBUll.jpeg
    324.4 KB · Views: 19
I can't make out anything from your illustration, so unfortunately it wasn't helpful. But I think I understand the gist of what you're getting at.

Basically, you think the Elon's plan has been from the beginning to shut down Twitter and thereby erase what has happened, been discovered or released, and shared there. But he can't just do this outright because it would be too suspicious. So, to give the shut down of Twitter a veneer of legitimacy, Elon introduced the subscription model to the platform with the intention of doing it in a way where there was never any hope of getting enough people signed on to keep the platform going. Then when not enough people subscribe to the platform he can claim the platform isn't financially viable citing the low subscription numbers as evidence, and then shut it down without push back from people saying he's trying to cover up the tracks of TPTB.

Is that more or less accurate?
Basically, you think the Elon's plan has been from the beginning to shut down Twitter and thereby erase what has happened, been discovered or released, and shared there. But he can't just do this outright because it would be too suspicious. So, to give the shut down of Twitter a veneer of legitimacy, Elon introduced the subscription model to the platform with the intention of doing it in a way where there was never any hope of getting enough people signed on to keep the platform going. Then when not enough people subscribe to the platform he can claim the platform isn't financially viable citing the low subscription numbers as evidence, and then shut it down without push back from people saying he's trying to cover up the tracks of TPTB.

Is that more or less accurate?


And illustration, yes not meant to be read by others ... just my way of discerning things ... and at one point, I start analyzing him through mithraism I though maybe that will be recognasible and give maybe to someone visual hint, as logo, the letter T, took my attention being too much like a short dagger with which the bull is killed.
I am just questioning his moves
There's cautious skepticism, and questioning.. AND posting theories about him being the next hitler, or being part of some form of global conspiracy.

But before attacking me or anyone, if you trully want to be trutfull and objective you should at least be 90% sure of the reason of your attack, but hahahahaaa I see it is easiest to attack ... okay if you like it just be a bulet on your Hero gun hahahaha.
I am not attacking you, I am simply questioning your motives.

Why you comented? I am curious ot know how this forum works? I though we kep on thread main topic as much as we can, and if we have some personal issues, or as now some postings divert ot some other theme, we split it from main thread and do it separately in other thread about new issue? So far I don't have need for that. But If you are all interested, open the thread and I can join.
Thing is, your personal issues with Musk have tainted your posting in this thread, so it is only natural that it is addressed by others.

So, if your point is Elon is not a saint, then that is something that has been agreed upon a long time ago. No one here thinks of him as a saint, Elon Musk is providing an interesting set of dynamics by acting publicly in what seems to be a way that aligns with his conscience, this has earned him the hatred of the MSM, and all the authoritarians who believe everything they say, this has sprung all sorts of attacks on his figure openly and covertly, some of the theories about his global take over is part of such an effort.

That behavior by Musk is valuable and it is evidenced by the anger of those who ACTUALLY control the world.

Does that mean that he's a saint? Flawless? impervious to manipulation and of being part of certain agendas? I don't think so. But we're not here to create a deity, we're simply enjoying those who hate him loosing their marbles over his reasonable stances and public displays.

Just because a public figure doesn't agree with 100% of what you think, does not mean he's in on some dark conspiracy to fool you into some global agenda. We all have divergent thoughts and paradigms.
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