EMF Exposure

Thanks for the coupon Odyssey, and the info LQB. I just bought a black acrylic pendant. I look forward to see how well it works, as I'm pretty EMF sensitive. I remember it being mentioned on the podcast but I didn't quite catch the name. If it works out really well, I might consider the wristband and maybe the usb/car device. I ordered the parts for the laptop grounding project so I'll see how that goes too.
If you want to cheaply ground the laptop you don't have to take apart the cable or get a special one.

Take any usb cable with 2 ends like one you use for your phone, camera, or printer.
Plug the right plug into the laptop.
Take the other end and use that metallic outer part of the plug to clip to a ground.

A usb cable outer metal of the plug is bonded to the other side outer usually with pretty good braiding which also serves as the shielding for the usb wire.
3D Student said:
Thanks for the coupon Odyssey, and the info LQB. I just bought a black acrylic pendant. I look forward to see how well it works, as I'm pretty EMF sensitive. I remember it being mentioned on the podcast but I didn't quite catch the name. If it works out really well, I might consider the wristband and maybe the usb/car device. I ordered the parts for the laptop grounding project so I'll see how that goes too.

Keep in mind that the study I mentioned above applied only to the q-link pendant. I'm not aware of any subsequent studies on newer products.
Divide By Zero said:
If you want to cheaply ground the laptop you don't have to take apart the cable or get a special one.

Take any usb cable with 2 ends like one you use for your phone, camera, or printer.
Plug the right plug into the laptop.
Take the other end and use that metallic outer part of the plug to clip to a ground.

A usb cable outer metal of the plug is bonded to the other side outer usually with pretty good braiding which also serves as the shielding for the usb wire.

You can also take a regular (new/empty) 3-prong plug, connect a single wire to the ground terminal, crimp a flat "Y" terminal on the other end, slip the "Y" terminal end between the laptop housing and video out connector, then plug the other end into a convenient socket. This works well as long as you are not constantly moving the laptop around.
Ok so yesterday I hooked up a ground for my laptop. I have one of those outlet plugs with a gator clip connected to a male to male usb going into my laptop. I think I notice a subtle difference, but I'm not so sure. How can you tell if it is actually diverting the electricity to the outlet ground?

My Q-Link just arrived and unlike the ground I can tell that that thing is definitely doing something! When I put it around my neck it was almost immediate that I felt something. My initial reaction to the field was that I didn't like it, and it felt uncomfortable. After about 15 minutes on my neck I felt a slight tingle or burning sensation in my chest. It seemed like my body was saying it didn't like the thing. So I took it off and it's laying next to me.

I'm not sure if I should keep wearing it. Is my body so used to nasty EMF that when I get a natural resonance it rejects it? Or could the device be faulty? Anyone have an initial negative reaction to these kinds of devices? I kind of want to just keep it on and "suck it up", but I know with my stubbornness that I could hurt myself and it's good to listen to your body.
That 75 feet of wire is not connected to a capacitor so cannot resonate in the low Hz range, unless perhaps it is extremely thin wire, smaller than a human hair. Wire this size is very expensive to wind.

Gandalf said:
And I have one of these: http://shop.safeconnectplus.com/BodyBand_Plus_s/1913.htm

And for the home: http://shop.safeconnectplus.com/House_Shields_s/1915.htm

I can't find any reason to think these do what they claim. They don't even include a Stetzer filter, which would have been easy. It appears their products are just generic chinese trinkets with their logo printed on it.

Safe Connect Plus+® products do not absorb wireless and electrical radiation, but instead, they transform it by reformatting the damaging, chaotic fields of energy ...

3D Student said:
Ok so yesterday I hooked up a ground for my laptop. I have one of those outlet plugs with a gator clip connected to a male to male usb going into my laptop. I think I notice a subtle difference, but I'm not so sure. How can you tell if it is actually diverting the electricity to the outlet ground?

Do you know if your outlets are indeed grounded? If so, then it is pretty certain that low frequency noises will be grounded. Higher frequencies will not be helped much or at all . The ground wire might actually resonate and boost some frequencies. Since you are essentially insulated from the computer, you are not getting much of the benefit from grounding. One of those anti-static wrist straps used by computer techs would be much more effective.

My Q-Link just arrived and unlike the ground I can tell that that thing is definitely doing something! When I put it around my neck it was almost immediate that I felt something. My initial reaction to the field was that I didn't like it, and it felt uncomfortable. After about 15 minutes on my neck I felt a slight tingle or burning sensation in my chest. It seemed like my body was saying it didn't like the thing. So I took it off and it's laying next to me.

I would keep it on, and look for other possible explanations:


I would never suspect something like the Q-link to be dangerous, except perhaps in the very long term. But I suppose if it is a scam, then in an information theory sense, it could be bad for you.

I'm not sure if I should keep wearing it. Is my body so used to nasty EMF that when I get a natural resonance it rejects it? Or could the device be faulty? Anyone have an initial negative reaction to these kinds of devices? I kind of want to just keep it on and "suck it up", but I know with my stubbornness that I could hurt myself and it's good to listen to your body.

On the other hand when your body starts to work it will start fighting infections which can then become inflamed while the bacteria is dying off. So the question is when you are listening, how do you know what your body is saying? Or if it is saying anything?
3D Student said:
My Q-Link just arrived and unlike the ground I can tell that that thing is definitely doing something! When I put it around my neck it was almost immediate that I felt something. My initial reaction to the field was that I didn't like it, and it felt uncomfortable. After about 15 minutes on my neck I felt a slight tingle or burning sensation in my chest. It seemed like my body was saying it didn't like the thing. So I took it off and it's laying next to me.

I'm not sure if I should keep wearing it. Is my body so used to nasty EMF that when I get a natural resonance it rejects it? Or could the device be faulty? Anyone have an initial negative reaction to these kinds of devices? I kind of want to just keep it on and "suck it up", but I know with my stubbornness that I could hurt myself and it's good to listen to your body.

I've tried two more days wearing the pendant for about 15 minutes and get the same body response.

So I emailed the Q-Link people asking about my experience with the pendant. They said my body is very EMF sensitive and that it's having a hard time adjusting to the balancing effects. This happens to 5% of their customers.

They said to take it off for a day and put it back on, wearing it until it is uncomfortable. And then the next day, wearing it for a little while longer. The end goal being to work up to wearing it all the time, or as often as possible I suppose.

The benefits should come when your body is used to it. Although it seems I've noticed better sleep despite few hours, and my pulse seems a little slower (it's usually over 100). They said if no reasonable progress is seen to stop using the product. And that those who need it the most have the hardest time adjusting to it.

I've worn it for about an hour today. And I reversed it on my back instead of chest. I could feel the sensation on my back but less so, and it went to my head after a while too. But it was less bothersome, and eventually it went to my chest. So I will see how this goes with wearing it a little longer each day. FWIW.
3D Student said:
3D Student said:
My Q-Link just arrived and unlike the ground I can tell that that thing is definitely doing something! When I put it around my neck it was almost immediate that I felt something. My initial reaction to the field was that I didn't like it, and it felt uncomfortable. After about 15 minutes on my neck I felt a slight tingle or burning sensation in my chest. It seemed like my body was saying it didn't like the thing. So I took it off and it's laying next to me.

I'm not sure if I should keep wearing it. Is my body so used to nasty EMF that when I get a natural resonance it rejects it? Or could the device be faulty? Anyone have an initial negative reaction to these kinds of devices? I kind of want to just keep it on and "suck it up", but I know with my stubbornness that I could hurt myself and it's good to listen to your body.

I've tried two more days wearing the pendant for about 15 minutes and get the same body response.

So I emailed the Q-Link people asking about my experience with the pendant. They said my body is very EMF sensitive and that it's having a hard time adjusting to the balancing effects. This happens to 5% of their customers.

They said to take it off for a day and put it back on, wearing it until it is uncomfortable. And then the next day, wearing it for a little while longer. The end goal being to work up to wearing it all the time, or as often as possible I suppose.

Interesting results--thanks for the update and added info 3D Student!

3D Student said:
The benefits should come when your body is used to it. Although it seems I've noticed better sleep despite few hours, and my pulse seems a little slower (it's usually over 100). They said if no reasonable progress is seen to stop using the product. And that those who need it the most have the hardest time adjusting to it.

Over 100 is really high (that's tachycardia)--it'd probably be worth looking into why it's so high and seeing if you can lower it.
I found an interesting video from the BBC doing microscope blood analysis before and after Q-Link usage:

It looks fairly old (maybe mid to late 90s?) and appears to be using an older model of the Q-Link (the SRT-2; the SRT-3 appears to be the latest model).

It looks like they visually analyzed the blood under a microscope from women who worked at BBC in what sounded like fairly stressful and high EMF environments, then had the women wear the Q-Link pendant for 3 days and took more blood samples and analyzed them. The differences looked pretty significant, but I don't know about that type of analysis (and it could always be faked).

It sounds like they were popular with athletes for a period of time (and may still be). Most user reviews seem to be along the lines of "wasn't sure/not sure if it works, but I feel calmer, less stressed, and sleep better" (some also had pain reduction, increased energy, and fewer headaches), with some saying that it didn't work or they didn't notice anything. There are some reviews here:


I saw a few places where people mentioned that they checked with Q-Link to see if the reseller they purchased from, or were thinking of purchasing from, was an authorized reseller and Q-Link said that they were NOT, so there may be some fakes going around. Also, apparently Q-Link recommends not sharing it with others after use as it harmonize's with the individual wearing it's field. Sounds weird to me but if that is the case, then that's another concern with buying from a questionable source (maybe they were returns and then don't work for people).

With the 20% off coupon:


buying from the source is about the same cost as buying from somewhere else. Looks like that coupon code may expire October 16.

I'm leaning towards getting one.
3D Student said:
Ok so yesterday I hooked up a ground for my laptop. I have one of those outlet plugs with a gator clip connected to a male to male usb going into my laptop. I think I notice a subtle difference, but I'm not so sure. How can you tell if it is actually diverting the electricity to the outlet ground?

My Q-Link just arrived and unlike the ground I can tell that that thing is definitely doing something! When I put it around my neck it was almost immediate that I felt something. My initial reaction to the field was that I didn't like it, and it felt uncomfortable. After about 15 minutes on my neck I felt a slight tingle or burning sensation in my chest. It seemed like my body was saying it didn't like the thing. So I took it off and it's laying next to me.

I'm not sure if I should keep wearing it. Is my body so used to nasty EMF that when I get a natural resonance it rejects it? Or could the device be faulty? Anyone have an initial negative reaction to these kinds of devices? I kind of want to just keep it on and "suck it up", but I know with my stubbornness that I could hurt myself and it's good to listen to your body.

From my personal experience, I would say that before buying this kind of device, someone should verify if it is OK with his own personal field.

A specific device can be good for someone and can be of no use for another one.

When I bought mine, I tested it if it was OK for me (in kinesiology) and the answer was Yes. But a friend of mine can not wear it because it disrupts her although she has no problem with an unit of another company.
Thanks for the info Gandalf. It took about two days to get used to the frequency of the pendant. I've worn it some days and left it off some days since. I really cannot tell a difference anymore and have no bad reaction. Not sure if it adjusted to my field as they say it does.

I looked up and tried some of those kinesiology muscle tests and it's hard to get a definitive reading. I guess any new person would need to hone in the subtle changes in perceiving the muscle's strength. But when I did a locked ring finger pull while holding the pendant and asking if it was good for me my fingers were weaker it seemed. Although I didn't ask whether it was bad for me, meaning it's possible it could be neutral at this point.

I guess I'll see how it goes. Maybe try another brand other than Q-Link.
I've been wearing the Q-link continuously since I got it, only taking it off to shower. I haven't noticed anything either positive or negative. Maybe there is something going on behind the scenes. Maybe not. Maybe the only benefit is that it takes on the role of a talisman against those evil EMFers.
Odyssey said:
I've been wearing the Q-link continuously since I got it, only taking it off to shower. I haven't noticed anything either positive or negative. Maybe there is something going on behind the scenes. Maybe not. Maybe the only benefit is that it takes on the role of a talisman against those evil EMFers.

Same here Odyssey - I never could feel a difference - but I'm not EMF sensitive (at least not yet ...). I was impressed with the dark field blood tests that were part of the original q-link study (rather ugly RBC clumping under high EMF exposure).
LQB said:
Same here Odyssey - I never could feel a difference - but I'm not EMF sensitive (at least not yet ...). I was impressed with the dark field blood tests that were part of the original q-link study (rather ugly RBC clumping under high EMF exposure).

Yep. Those tests were what finally lead me to buying it. I guess we'll never know unless we do the dark field blood tests.

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