EMF protection

seek10 said:
Menna said:
Here is a link to a product that will protect you from EMF frequencies. If you use a computer or a cell phone then you come in contact with EMF.


I bought the black Q-Link ($99.99)

I have worn it around my neck for the past two weeks and I have slept better and have more energy when I wake up in the morning.

" Q-Link Pendant (a 'Passive' SRT product) helps to mitigate the disruptive effects of EMF on the electrical activity (EEG Patterns) of the brain."

Some years back I bought this item since it is coming for less than market price and wanted to try it due to the sales pitch. I was very distressed and suffering from intense negative emotions during this time ( before the Big 5 psychology books ) . I used it for 2 days. Let me confess I felt very calm and very good, but 2nd day, I was feeling some thing very odd. I was very calm but I am not able to feel my emotions. Horrified I threw it in a box hoping to sell it off one day. I will NEVER EVER use it again. I could be wrong , but that is my experience

I bought one of these Q-Links a few years ago. I used it for a while and it made no difference for me at all. Wast of money in my opinion.
I just received a phone call from a friend who had acquired one of the pendants a couple of days ago, as a gift from another friend. My friend was giving Q-link rave reviews, e.g. noticeably more calm, energy to get going on some creative projects, more clarity of thought. The friend sent me a link to investigate. Uh oh...


Seek10's mention of the loss of emotional feeling might be a big clue. Obviously there is something going on with the Q-link. If people weren't getting some form of observable results the word of mouth wouldn't be there. It kind of reminds me of the non-discerning buzz surrounding monoatomic gold.

I'll stick with silk, thank you.
I read the above posts.

here are some links I found interesting reading.

there are 147 of them in our neighborhood! Some of them look like "trees."

http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/emf/- gov't site but has basic info about what it is you are trying to protect yourself from.

http://www.earthcalm.ca/index_files/EMF_research_links_articles.htm - which is a Canadian company offering an array of stronger devices that protect the home, the car & they have two resonantors, pendant & ankle bracelet. There is also a resonator band you can put in a baseball cap, comes with the cap. their products have a 90 day money back guarantee, so don't put it in a drawer if it doesn't work as claimed, return it!

also http://photonicwater.ca/ - I talked to the lady who sells these on relay today, she says reverse osmosis can be dangerous, i have never heard THAT.


I did not try any of those things above the line. I am going to try the earthcalm products and will post. If my emotions disappear, I will be asking for a refund quick!

I did try 2 of these products http://www.weinproducts.com/, the mini mate makes a noise that annoys some people. I got used to it, because if I take it OFF, i get a headache fast. It tends to accumulate dust on the back of my chair. The other thing is the desk ionizer, that seems to help if you put it on the desk near a computer, but it will make the desk dity with a thin black dust you will see after a few weeks, has to be wiped down and cleaned often.

I also tried a magnetic matress from Japan Life (back in the 90s) it worked but is very lumpy. url is here http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/6-20-2004-55702.asp and i finally left it in N. California when we moved South.

Crystals help, but seem to be highly individualistic in terms of what will protect whom...

The nurse on the earthcalm site talks about EMF destroying the immune system...she also talks about feeling "pulled into the earth" as soon as she put it on...assuming this is a bioelectric force:

Changing water & salt helped a few years ago, I found this book helpful: http://www.amazon.com/Water-Salt-Essence-Barbara-Hendel/dp/0974451517

Cayce used some devices that involved electricity and gold solutions, not monoatomic gold, that his clients said helped...http://www.baar.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=100&Category_Code=RAD&Product_Count=0, I did not try that one, but the other treatments do work when treatments from MDs did not....

Food makes a huge difference, what Cs have said.

Finally, quality of sleep make a huge difference...not just shielding from EMF with silk but from light pollution as well...body is very sensitive to small amounts of light...my apartment is over a tennis court and security lights from university next door are on 24/7 reflecting in my windows...so realize that i need to get blackout curtains over that (it's always something, no apartment or house is perfect!) if i ever want to have a deep sleep...

i'd love to find out if any of this is helpful, or if it's not helpful, be specific! i have no investment, other than wanting to get closer to The Truth and wanting to get healthy.


Edit = Links
sorry about top of that last post, it's messier than usual, i do not know how to edit it, or may not have right to do that yet...i am just wanting to share research and compare notes. some of these things are far out and expensive. most of them require some adjustment. the companies i have tried and cited have been around for a long time. i think there is more information in other threads about water...and there is a lot of disinformation about it...I had an IonLife filter for years, then found out it does not remove any heavy metals, like lead from pipes or arsenic from nearby orange growers...read the descriptions very carefully and make sure there is a money-back guarantee. what i have known instinctively to be true for me for the past 10 years at least seems to now becoming (grammar?!) somewhat more mainstream. when i tried the Japan Life mattress, i am pretty sure i was the only one on my block...stopped talking about it pretty quickly.
Hi abbyjo --

I don't believe you've introduced yourself yet in the Newbies section. It's traditional for new members to mention something there about themselves and how they found the forum -- it doesn't need to be elaborate. I'm looking forward to seeing your intro there :)
How can a device that doesn't cover a part of your body provide protection for that part of the body? How can some small device worn around the neck provide any protection from electromagnetic radiation that enters your body from all directions? It just doesn't make sense to me, isn't it like saying that you can wear a special kind of necklace that will prevent you from getting wet when jumping into the swimming pool? A wet suit makes sense, just as a silk outfit makes sense because it covers the body, or electromagnetic shielding around the walls, but I don't get what a small passive device can do. Even if it emits something to make people "feel good" (questionable), what does that have to do with EM radiation damage that continues to occur all around your body and brain? Just cuz something feels good doesn't mean it's countering the effects of something else, like eating a blueberry muffin feels good, but you're still getting poisoned with all the gluten, and no matter how good the muffin tastes, that does not prevent the gluten from having its effect on you. And what does people reporting having more energy have to do with anything? You can drink coffee and get more energy too, but what does that have to do with electromagnetic radiation?
SAO said:
How can a device that doesn't cover a part of your body provide protection for that part of the body?

I think this is a very good point SAO and one I've been quite confused with as well.

I think the makers of these pendants usually claim that these pendants are supposed to "strengthen one's own bio-field" to make it more resistant when it is bombarded by EMF. How much of this claim is true, I do not know, so I remain skeptical.

On the other hand, the C's have claimed that wearing silk works to protect against harmful EMF. But based on what I know about microwaves, these should still be able to penetrate the spaces between silk fibers in a silk garment. I don't understand how this works either.

I guess my thought was that neither claims are backed up by any real science at the moment, but silk is readily available, and also feels good to wear. Whereas these pendants are proprietary, usually high priced and a bit suspicious as to what they actually "do".


Here's a strange/funny story:

A few years ago (maybe 4, I can't recall exactly), I wrote a letter to the editor of my local newspaper about the harmful effects of EMF. They liked the piece and decided to publish it in the newspaper. They really didn't give me any significant space to elaborate on why I though certain EMF was bad, but it gave me a chance to speak my general opinion on the subject.

A few days later, I got a strange call from this lady who lived in the area thanking me for my letter about the harmful effects of EMF. My name was printed along with the article, so I'm assuming she just looked it up in the phonebook. She sounded like she had a lot to say on this topic herself. Eventually she divulged that she and her husband were part of some new church that was trying to get the word out about the harmful effects of EMF. She said that her husband was a minister in this church, whatever it was, and said that he would like to speak to me too.

So, now I'm talking to this guy, he sounded pretty intelligent as far as what he knew about the harmful effects of cell phones, cell towers and whatnot. He mostly stuck to the science behind it and the political system that backs this technology. Then all of a sudden he starts raving about this Q-link pendant and how he wants to have every child in America to wear one of these to protect them against harmful EMF! :shock: Needless to say, I was a little shocked and realized I was slowly getting sucked into a sales pitch.

I told him I would have to check out this product and see what it's claims are and what if any science was behind it. We left it at that and he thanked me for my letter to the editor again and then we hung up.

So, I decided to check out this product. The claims were essentially what I stated above, where it was supposed to strengthen one's own "bio-field" or something to that effect. The price tag on this Q-Link pendant was about $50. I thought, what the heck, I'll give it a shot. Maybe there is something to this product?

Meanwhile, while I was waiting for this Q-Link product to ship, I got another call from this strange couple. This time they were a little more direct. They asked me if I had a chance to review the Q-Link pendant and what I thought. I told them I really didn't have enough information at this point to make a solid opinion on it. Then I noticed they started to get frustrated. They asked me if I would be willing to help them sell this product. Apparently they were trying to make a business out of selling these things and had purchased a bunch wholesale. I told them that I appreciated the offer, but I would have to decline due to my time commitments and such. I could tell they were a bit angered by this and we ended the conversation on less than amiable terms.

That was the last I heard from them.

Finally this Q-Link product shows up. I decided to give it a shot and wear it to see what happened. Nothing noticeable at first. Nothing real out of the ordinary. I wore it for about a week and then I started coming down with cold/flu symptoms. Nothing else had changed in my diet or stress level during that time and nobody else in the family was visibly sick, so I decided it would probably be best to ditch the Q-Link. After I did this my symptoms started going away and I was fine within a few days.

So, I can't say for certain that the Q-Link pendant made me sick, but I'm not going to rule out that possibility. I don't know what effect it was having on my body or energy field either in the positive or negative sense. It sure didn't "help" me any.

Anyways, I thought that whole sequence of events was a little strange. So, like I said, maybe there is something to these pendants, but I regard their claims mostly with suspicion for now.
Found some stuff connecting silk to electromagnetic fields, but no real data that helps me understand it better..

From _http://www.moondragon.org/alternative/emstherapy.html
All living things have electromagnetic fields (EMF). While there is life in a living body, there is an invisible electromagnetic field radiating from it. The Earth has its own field, as do inanimate things as well as animals and plants.

A field is a force. It exerts a force on another field. The stronger force affects the weaker force.
Wear some natural fabrics rather than synthetic stuff every day. Synthetic stuff has strange fields. Natural fibers have natural electromagnetic fields. Use natural fibers such as cotton and silk. Get a silk scarf or square - or better yet, about 10 feet (about 2.5 meters) of soft silk which you can use as a sheet, scarf, petticoat or for your body/hair rub. Silk has an especially high electromagnetic charge.

Likewise, night attire is important for it is at night that you re-charge your batteries. Sleep in silk.

Get up early and rub yourself with silk to increase your electromagnetic field. Rubbing the skin with silk on waking - (or sleeping in silk) works up an electrical field around you (silk plus oil plus friction makes an electrical charge).
I'm not sure how true the above is, and how it is related, but just throwing it out there as something that can be followed up on.

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnet
Danish scientist Hans Christian Ørsted discovered in 1820 that electric currents create magnetic fields. British scientist William Sturgeon invented the electromagnet in 1824.[7][8] His first electromagnet was a horseshoe-shaped piece of iron that was wrapped with about 18 turns of bare copper wire (insulated wire didn't exist yet). The iron was varnished to insulate it from the windings. When a current was passed through the coil, the iron became magnetized and attracted other pieces of iron; when the current was stopped, it lost magnetization. Sturgeon displayed its power by showing that although it only weighed seven ounces (roughly 200 grams), it could lift nine pounds (roughly 4 kilos) when the current of a single-cell battery was applied. However, Sturgeon's magnets were weak because the uninsulated wire he used could only be wrapped in a single spaced out layer around the core, limiting the number of turns. Beginning in 1827, US scientist Joseph Henry systematically improved and popularized the electromagnet.[9] By using wire insulated by silk thread he was able to wind multiple layers of wire on cores, creating powerful magnets with thousands of turns of wire, including one that could support 2063 pounds. The first major use for electromagnets was in telegraph sounders.
Again, I'm not even sure what that really means or if it is useful or related, but it could be.

From _http://www.ece.umd.edu/~taylor/frame4.htm
Joseph Henry (1799-1878) was a professor in a small school in Albany, New York. He was the first man in the United States since Franklin to undertake original scientific experiments. He worked to improve electromagnets and was the first to superimpose coils of wire wrapped on an iron core. It is said that he insulated the wire for one of his magnets using a silk dress belonging to his wife. In 1830 he observed electromagnetic induction, a year before Faraday. He was roundly criticized for not publishing his discovery, losing the distinction for American science. Henry did obtain priority for the discovery of self induction, however. He received an appointment at New Jersey College (later Princeton University) and in 1846 became the first director of the Smithsonian Institution.

Seems to be the same ideas as the wikipedia entry, using silk to insulate a wire.. insulate from what though? Silk does not conduct electricity so it's probably just electric insulation.

Other than the above I didn't really find anything else that connect silk with electromagnetism. I did discover that the study of electromagnetic effects on biological systems is called bioelectromagnetics:


There is a reference from a website that mentions montalk, which we know to be disinformation, but here is the quote:

[Note from Ken Adachi: Al Bielek may have been the first person to reveal this information publicly. Al mentioned in his lectures within a year of the first Gulf War (1991) that the tens upon tens of thousands of Iraqi troops who surrendered en masse -without firing a shot- did so because of the electronic mind control technologies (microwave, ELF, HAARP, & helicopter-mounted high tech psychotronics equipment) that were directed at them. Even deep underground bunkers offered no protection to these troops from the secret scalar wave technology used against them. However, a recent article published by Montalk does reveal a method to shield from scalar wave electronic mind control assault by using a full body covering of pure, unadulterated silk fabric.]
So I went to montalk to see what evidence supports any of this, treading with caution:

A lot of claims but no evidence, and he talks about "scalar waves" and experimentation, but no references or details about what exactly scalar waves are and how exactly the experiments were conducted, or any links to review details. The site draws conclusions it seems on no real grounds.

I found a site that purports to sell radiofrequency and microwave shielded clothing, although silk is not used as the material that does this:

Also found a physics forum discussing scalar waves and Tom Bearden was brought up, just as he was mentioned on montalk:

This website summarize's Bearden's ideas:

Why is it always the case with these people that so many conclusions are being drawn from what appears to be a total lack of real evidence? What happened to the scientific method? I'm not sure that I'm any closer now than when I started digging, just how does silk protect against electromagnetic radiation? Are the C's saying that it acts as a faraday cage, and if so, can this be tested by putting a cell phone into a silk pouch to see if the signal makes it through? They put quotes around "faraday cage" so I suspect it's not exactly what they meant. Or is there something else that silk does that reduces harm on our bodies and brains from electromagnetic radiation? Perhaps the answer is in bioelectromagnetics - exactly how and why electromagnetic radiation harms our minds and bodies, and if it is sufficient to alter something about the signal without needing to block it entirely to prevent this harm? Perhaps that's what silk does?

This "insider" claims that changing the properties of the waves is sufficient:

BT: You're absolutely correct, ma'am. Any metal inside the body will absorb microwaves and they will re-emit microwaves usually at a slightly different wavelength, but into the body and you can get quite a serious heating effect inside the body.
I found that interesting, does detoxing heavy metals help minimize this effect as well?

BT: All of the...the microwave frequencies go from 300 Mhz to 300 GHz, and it's not so much the frequency, sir, it's the pulse frequency or the modulation frequency that they put with it. That tends to do most of the damage. So, it's not a question of the microwave frequency per se, it's a question of all of the pulse and modulation frequencies that carry the pictures, the movement, the sound.

Those are the ones which are known to cause the damage, and I'm not blaming the industry here, they invent something, and there is nobody around that will say to them, hang on, you are picking a particularly dangerous pulse frequency or modulation frequency, change it. All the industry has to do, is turn to a government or turn to somebody like me, and say, would you comment. The problem is solvable, but, to answer your question, sir, it's really the modulation or the pulse frequency, the carrier waves that they put in, that tend to do most of the damage.
Perhaps silk does something to the "carrier wave" part? In other words, a scientific experiment involving silk and microwaves and other electromagnetic waves would be nice - to see if anything about the wave changes after passing through silk.

Another question.. what about HAARP? What kind of wave is it? Is it something that is detectable with public technology, and understood by science? Does silk protect against it?
I have not tried Q-Link, I am going to try the earthcalm products, and if they do not work I will report here. As for the science behind it, I found this page, which I had trouble displaying, hopefully someone else can read it because I am not a scientist, can one of the scientists on the forum please read it and let me know if this is all BS?

_http://www.earthcalm.ca/index_files/EarthCalm_EMF_Protection_technology.htm (How it works)

I am trying this despite the relatively large investment because of the money back guarantee and because similar products (ionizer, magnetic mattress) have helped....the silk helps more than the magnets at night and when I am walking around...the ionizer helps when I am sitting at my desk. I have felt noticeably calmer in the past two or three days using silk in addition to the ionizer....if the resonator works at least as well as the ionizer without the noise, that will be an improvement. if it does not work, i will post here exactly what my experience is.

The company explains that the process is bioelectric...having found that changing water and salt and starting the chelation helps, I am wondering what connection exists between EMF, silk and silver?

Silver is used in photography and lately in the production of printed circuits. Do some of us metabolize it differently?
does this have anything to do with some of us being more "visual learners" and having "photographic" memories?

the last connection is an observation: virtually all western religions use silver in rituals: wine glass, wafer plate, candle sticks...protecting the light of God, the blood of God and the body of God is one way to look at it, but from what? and why do Ba'hai's put gold on top of their domes? Is there some "alchemical" significance, or did the church leaders all know something we do not about EMF?!

I thought I did post in Newbys....I am always abbyjo or abby j. ovitsky or a.j. ovitsky anywhere on the internet, I always use my real name and photo...and I will write a short intro to post there...but anyone who wants to can just search for "abbyjo" I am not hiding :) WYSIWYG.
SAO said:
How can a device that doesn't cover a part of your body provide protection for that part of the body? How can some small device worn around the neck provide any protection from electromagnetic radiation that enters your body from all directions? It just doesn't make sense to me, isn't it like saying that you can wear a special kind of necklace that will prevent you from getting wet when jumping into the swimming pool? A wet suit makes sense, just as a silk outfit makes sense because it covers the body, or electromagnetic shielding around the walls, but I don't get what a small passive device can do. Even if it emits something to make people "feel good" (questionable), what does that have to do with EM radiation damage that continues to occur all around your body and brain? Just cuz something feels good doesn't mean it's countering the effects of something else, like eating a blueberry muffin feels good, but you're still getting poisoned with all the gluten, and no matter how good the muffin tastes, that does not prevent the gluten from having its effect on you. And what does people reporting having more energy have to do with anything? You can drink coffee and get more energy too, but what does that have to do with electromagnetic radiation?

Good questions SAO. This thingie always sounded like a new age for me. Last time when I was at a new age expo, I talked to one women who is selling pendants, which she says charged will protects us from EMF, bad energies etc. she was selling for $200 or so. Curious, I asked her how it works. She started telling she has spiritual guides who help her charge these pendants etc. so The claims of protection from every thing is a bit way off from the truth, people are just tagging it with every product they want.
Any way FDA or any govt. agencies will not bother them or allow these things happen unless it REALLY works.
when i listened to the south african interview i noticed that one caller asked about these things you can put into mobile phones for protection and the host kinda 'suppressed' an answer.
while i don't think a thin, expensive strip of whatever will neutralize the EM from your phone, there are several people here at the office using those and i would have liked to hear the expert's take.
My estimation is that 99.9 <append as many nines as you please> percent of these products do not work. Many hundred of euros for scientifically unproven devices is an insensible investment by all means.
Sirius said:
My estimation is that 99.9 <append as many nines as you please> percent of these products do not work. Many hundred of euros for scientific unproven devices is an insensible investment by all means.

Just curious, what is your estimation based on?
Reason and observation.
– There is no actual reduction of radiation detectable which is admitted and it is said those devices worked on the biological / etherical / whatever level which is hardly provable, only by sensing improved well-being. But who are the witnesses? Who tests and reviews it? Reliability?
– Some vendors provide even “studies” which allegedly show evidence of positive biological health changes (e.g. blood). This can be simply bought readily-made or faked.
– There is no real understanding nor foundation of knowledge of how they work, nothing can be proofed. Some esoteric explanations are given though. The pattern is obvious: Typical New Age market. The possibility cannot be excluded for 100% that there are some effects because Reiki isn't proven either but seems to have objective existence as it is known by now, just to give an example. However, chances that they don't work are higher.
– Products of this kind are sold as if they were “real” technology like computers, TV sets, etc. This is not the case. They are based on some kind of yet-unknown-science which is suspicious. Nevertheless they are allowed to enter the market without any problems, involving high prices. For the most part you get a 5 cm³ silicon pyramid with some copper wire inside. If they did work, you wouldn't be able to buy them.
– There is no case where sensitive people could be cured by gems etc. from the effects caused by microwave exposure, eleminating their almost allergic reactions to it. If there were a solution available, it would perhaps be known by now because those people have tried everything since their awareness of the problem.
– Who develops it? Where do the vendors get their knowledge from? Stolen from Area 51? There are a lot of people out there with “theories” about everything. That doesn't mean they are able to implement technology of some kind, neither that their assumptions are right.
– The market is occupied with fraudulent people. You cannot trust any product whose effectiveness isn't proven.
– Where is the evidence that it works? The only source is New Agers claiming positive effects. But this is the least reliable source as you might know.
– “EarthCalm” is probably one out of million similar products. What does it tell us?
– etc, etc.

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