"Enjoying The Show" As The World Burns

We are physically in the same boat as the psychopaths and their authoritarian followers. Water has pierced the ship's hull and is pouring in, but our heads are still above the surface. There is no other vessel we can use to escape the ship, and even if we had one, it would be sabotaged by angry sharks (4D STS). We are officially stuck; the psychopaths are steering the ship in their cozy cabin while their authoritarian followers are dancing to loud music on the dance floor. Yikes! What can we do? Well, we can stop the music, but too many people are rhythmically engrossed in their favorite activity. Why would we stop them from having fun? After all, learning is fun! Yes, this is what we do—we inform them that learning is fun! We paint a few Cassiopaean quotes on the wall, produce a few "end-of-the-world-party" pamphlets, plant a few crystals around the room, and wait for the first disenchanted dancer to exit the room.

"Welcome, sir! Did you know that water has amazing properties?" asks @Joe.

"No, just give me some water, I'm so thirsty! Someone confiscated all the water bottles!" responds the dancer.

"It's your lucky day. Saltwater is very abundant these days," says @Joe.

"Saltwater?" ponders the dancer.

"Yes, but don't take my word for it. See for yourself," says @Joe as he opens the trap door.

The dancer realizes that the ship is about to be flooded.

"Oh no! We're all going to die!" exclaims the dancer.

"Eventually, yes, it's inevitable, but that isn't the issue," replies @Joe.

"What is the issue?" asks the dancer.

"The choices we make can protect us! The question is: what are YOU going to do now that YOU know the amazing properties of water?" says @Joe. 😎
Gaza is neither the first nor the last of these massacres.
Correct, but it's ours, it's the one in our lifetimes, in our now. I believe that is one of the differences, injustice always exists and darkness is everlasting, and perhaps that's part of it. Not so much that the thought of everlasting darkness serves as consolation, although it helps processing things I reckon. But rather, how does one respond to darkness now?

And this may or may not add to the main topic of conversation at hand, but it came up in conversation recently and I wanted to share it here FWIW. I find it absolutely amazing, how the entire pathological blood thirsty, cruel, cold and monstrous darkness has been unleashed on Palestine, with absolute impunity, with unlimited resources, in the most imaginative ways.

Almost any level of digging through the experience that they have to endure, in Gaza, the West Bank, in Israeli prisons will leave you disgusted and shocked at how this darkness operates when it knows it can get away with anything, it is no wonder that the population of psychopaths in Israel is so high. It's as if the signal was being sent out that, in here... anything goes.

And yet, they're unable to break the spirit. It was very visible when announcing the killing of Hamas' new leader, how they almost felt like they had scored such a great victory, and I wonder if they feel obfuscated, angry and confused when life just keeps on living. For whatever reason, I get the sense that they thought that after one year of torture they would all have given up, left, valued survival more, but hard as they try, they're unable to extinguish the light.

If there's a way to illustrate the difference between a psychopath, which is probably the biggest instrument for the expression of darkness and evil, and a corageous human being, this is it. Israel thinks it can eradicate life by killing it, because that is Israel's character. While Palestinians have been given every reason to leave, they have stayed, yet... there has been an exodus of Israelis leaving the country.

There's so many allegories and principles in this, cowardice and courage, spirit and body, weakness and strength, indeed.. light and darkness. You can't kill and idea by attempting to eradicate its physical expression, yet that's all Israel understands. And they have thrown everything at it, and they have failed.

I think that for the spirit there indeed are fates worse than the death of the body, yet.. for Israel there isn't, since this is all they have, this physical existence. So, it is amazing that despite all they have done and committed to their efforts, they have failed every single day.
Iceberg schmiceburg. Those of us who play instruments can expand the Chateau Band globally and all learn Nearer My God To Thee. Let the psychopaths kill their way onto the lifeboats. We have a lighthouse!

Too soon for an injection of dark humor?
Question preamble: The Cs have said many times over the years that we should "sit back and enjoy the show". Part of the "show" right now is a genocide in Gaza, which is actively and openly supported and facilitated by the USA and other Western "democracies".

Question: Assuming this trend is to continue, what perspective should we take on the suffering and death of many innocent people in order to "enjoy" such a show?
You may be conflating different things I think, as it isn't just Gaza. I don't know if I used the word "conflating" properly. but it is bigger than Gaza.

Enjoying the show does not have to mean there necessarily needs to be a specific perspective on suffering and death of innocent people in Gaza.

Our perspective on suffering and death of innocent people, specifically in Gaze shouldn't be any different than our perspective on suffering and death of innocent people of any age or any event/circumstance. What about Nagasaki? What about Hiroshima? What about European tribes before Caesar where neighboring groups warred and the rules were to kill everyone and everything, take what you want and burn it down? In fact historically that has been the default behavior globally. It is horrid. It is our history and until we learn different it will be who we are.

As far as "sitting back and enjoying the show", that can have its own set of perspectives. As you yourself said:

Session 11 August 2018
(Joe) I dunno if other people feel the same way, but these days I have a sense that the stuff going on in the world in terms of the political stuff, infighting, and that kind of stuff is increasingly kind of irrelevant in a certain sense...

A: It is. We have said that you should enjoy the show.

The shift to fourth density for Earth and our entire sector of space-consciousness is a done deal. The death and collapse and destruction is inevitable with billions of innocents. What should be our perspective in the larger picture? Israel and the US/UK scientific-intelligence matrix and what is going on in Gaza is just a preview of the dynamics in 4D STS.

In the big picture it is necessary for this cleansing to occur and we cannot decide how it occurs. It is horrid and gut-wrenching and I think that is what perspective we should take. Can it be anything else? Isn't that kind of the lesson of it all?

But enjoying the show can take on other meanings. Living in "interesting times". We may get to see and experience a supernova. We may get to experience the revelation of the mathematical logic and knowledge of what are the densities. We may witness signs and wonders in the heavens. We truly live in a time of great hope.

It undoubtedly will be horrible. But hopefully, it will also be glorious.
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