"Enjoying The Show" As The World Burns

We are physically in the same boat as the psychopaths and their authoritarian followers. Water has pierced the ship's hull and is pouring in, but our heads are still above the surface. There is no other vessel we can use to escape the ship, and even if we had one, it would be sabotaged by angry sharks (4D STS). We are officially stuck; the psychopaths are steering the ship in their cozy cabin while their authoritarian followers are dancing to loud music on the dance floor. Yikes! What can we do? Well, we can stop the music, but too many people are rhythmically engrossed in their favorite activity. Why would we stop them from having fun? After all, learning is fun! Yes, this is what we do—we inform them that learning is fun! We paint a few Cassiopaean quotes on the wall, produce a few "end-of-the-world-party" pamphlets, plant a few crystals around the room, and wait for the first disenchanted dancer to exit the room.

"Welcome, sir! Did you know that water has amazing properties?" asks @Joe.

"No, just give me some water, I'm so thirsty! Someone confiscated all the water bottles!" responds the dancer.

"It's your lucky day. Saltwater is very abundant these days," says @Joe.

"Saltwater?" ponders the dancer.

"Yes, but don't take my word for it. See for yourself," says @Joe as he opens the trap door.

The dancer realizes that the ship is about to be flooded.

"Oh no! We're all going to die!" exclaims the dancer.

"Eventually, yes, it's inevitable, but that isn't the issue," replies @Joe.

"What is the issue?" asks the dancer.

"The choices we make can protect us! The question is: what are YOU going to do now that YOU know the amazing properties of water?" says @Joe. 😎
Gaza is neither the first nor the last of these massacres.
Correct, but it's ours, it's the one in our lifetimes, in our now. I believe that is one of the differences, injustice always exists and darkness is everlasting, and perhaps that's part of it. Not so much that the thought of everlasting darkness serves as consolation, although it helps processing things I reckon. But rather, how does one respond to darkness now?

And this may or may not add to the main topic of conversation at hand, but it came up in conversation recently and I wanted to share it here FWIW. I find it absolutely amazing, how the entire pathological blood thirsty, cruel, cold and monstrous darkness has been unleashed on Palestine, with absolute impunity, with unlimited resources, in the most imaginative ways.

Almost any level of digging through the experience that they have to endure, in Gaza, the West Bank, in Israeli prisons will leave you disgusted and shocked at how this darkness operates when it knows it can get away with anything, it is no wonder that the population of psychopaths in Israel is so high. It's as if the signal was being sent out that, in here... anything goes.

And yet, they're unable to break the spirit. It was very visible when announcing the killing of Hamas' new leader, how they almost felt like they had scored such a great victory, and I wonder if they feel obfuscated, angry and confused when life just keeps on living. For whatever reason, I get the sense that they thought that after one year of torture they would all have given up, left, valued survival more, but hard as they try, they're unable to extinguish the light.

If there's a way to illustrate the difference between a psychopath, which is probably the biggest instrument for the expression of darkness and evil, and a corageous human being, this is it. Israel thinks it can eradicate life by killing it, because that is Israel's character. While Palestinians have been given every reason to leave, they have stayed, yet... there has been an exodus of Israelis leaving the country.

There's so many allegories and principles in this, cowardice and courage, spirit and body, weakness and strength, indeed.. light and darkness. You can't kill and idea by attempting to eradicate its physical expression, yet that's all Israel understands. And they have thrown everything at it, and they have failed.

I think that for the spirit there indeed are fates worse than the death of the body, yet.. for Israel there isn't, since this is all they have, this physical existence. So, it is amazing that despite all they have done and committed to their efforts, they have failed every single day.
Question preamble: The Cs have said many times over the years that we should "sit back and enjoy the show". Part of the "show" right now is a genocide in Gaza, which is actively and openly supported and facilitated by the USA and other Western "democracies".

Question: Assuming this trend is to continue, what perspective should we take on the suffering and death of many innocent people in order to "enjoy" such a show?
You may be conflating different things I think, as it isn't just Gaza. I don't know if I used the word "conflating" properly. but it is bigger than Gaza.

Enjoying the show does not have to mean there necessarily needs to be a specific perspective on suffering and death of innocent people in Gaza.

Our perspective on suffering and death of innocent people, specifically in Gaze shouldn't be any different than our perspective on suffering and death of innocent people of any age or any event/circumstance. What about Nagasaki? What about Hiroshima? What about European tribes before Caesar where neighboring groups warred and the rules were to kill everyone and everything, take what you want and burn it down? In fact historically that has been the default behavior globally. It is horrid. It is our history and until we learn different it will be who we are.

As far as "sitting back and enjoying the show", that can have its own set of perspectives. As you yourself said:

Session 11 August 2018
(Joe) I dunno if other people feel the same way, but these days I have a sense that the stuff going on in the world in terms of the political stuff, infighting, and that kind of stuff is increasingly kind of irrelevant in a certain sense...

A: It is. We have said that you should enjoy the show.

The shift to fourth density for Earth and our entire sector of space-consciousness is a done deal. The death and collapse and destruction is inevitable with billions of innocents. What should be our perspective in the larger picture? Israel and the US/UK scientific-intelligence matrix and what is going on in Gaza is just a preview of the dynamics in 4D STS.

In the big picture it is necessary for this cleansing to occur and we cannot decide how it occurs. It is horrid and gut-wrenching and I think that is what perspective we should take. Can it be anything else? Isn't that kind of the lesson of it all?

But enjoying the show can take on other meanings. Living in "interesting times". We may get to see and experience a supernova. We may get to experience the revelation of the mathematical logic and knowledge of what are the densities. We may witness signs and wonders in the heavens. We truly live in a time of great hope.

It undoubtedly will be horrible. But hopefully, it will also be glorious.
Iceberg schmiceburg. Those of us who play instruments can expand the Chateau Band globally and all learn Nearer My God To Thee. Let the psychopaths kill their way onto the lifeboats. We have a lighthouse!

Too soon for an injection of dark humor?
Never, where have you been for the past few days? Laughing about it might well be the best way to stay afloat…. Haha, yeah, you’re really onto something Evan!!!
A hypothetic and rhetorical question.

If you were one that, as the C’s have alluded to, would one day set up and run your own planetary system. What parameters and condition would you put on evil. No evil = failure. No good = failure. You want your school to produce healthy balanced souls and some competent STS souls too.

Mr. Evil, we have a few thousand souls, and an equal amount of OP’s showing up soon to start our population, would you like the job as, well, - “evil”? (Mr. Evil) That depends. What can I do, and what can’t I do? You’re in charge, to what level do you want this to go? Mom forces child to eat their peas? or Dad slaps mom around when he gets drunk? or Torture camps where we burn children alive. How far do you want this to go? How strong do you want your graduates to be?

What do we “want” the parameters of evil to be, and what are we “seeing”, witnessing, and observing the parameters of evil to be at this present time in our classroom.

I recently wrote a rant directed to the DCM, and was going to post it in the swamp, but thought better of it. If I’m the DCM and the DCM is me, then I think I’m allowed to disagree with myself from time to time. The short story is: I was angry that all of this was going too far and for too long unnecessarily. Surely there is a better way, we can learn a grow without the aid of torture etc. and bloody etc.

RA said that this harvest would be a very small one because of so much difficulty. That would infer that we are having a not-normal harvest. Maybe that’s part of it too.
There are threads I've read where I felt some contention with the conclusions therein, but I simply took it to mean I haven't done enough study on those subjects and I generally don't post anything on such threads until I've done my due diligence catching up.

Due diligence is a good idea, but I don't see any reason why anyone here, when they have doubts about conclusions, should not express them. I reckon that can only help to further research and clarify things.
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Q: (L) What do you mean "Challenge will be ecstasy"? What sort of challenge?

A: Living through the turmoil ahead.

Cassiopaean Session Transcripts Search

Q: (L) Well, as Chloe said on the phone the other day, what are we supposed to awaken to? we supposed to just awaken to the fact that we can SEE all this stuff going on?Are

A: Yes.

(L) And just waking up and seeing it is the whole thing? Okay, once we wake up and SEE it, why can't we just check out at that point? If you know what the script is, you don't have to watch the movie!

A: But then you miss out on the experience.

(L) So, we are all here to experience being munched and crunched...

A: No.

Q: (L) Imprisoned, controlled, being treated like rats in a cage in a laboratory...

A: Ecstasy, remember?

Q: (L) Ecstasy?! WELL SWELL! We can just ALL be BURNED AT THE STAKE! I understand that is QUITE an ECSTATIC experience! I'm sure William Wallace felt perfectly ecstatic when they castrated him and removed his bowels and burned them in a brazier in front of his face!

A: Not so long ago, your face smashed upon the pavement...

Q: (L) Was that an ecstatic experience?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, when you say 'ecstatic' you could just be talking about jumping out a window and croaking?! You gotta understand here! The perspective here on 3rd density! You don't have faces to smash on pavements!

A: Neither will/do you/us.

Q: (A) You say knowledge protects. It protects against WHAT?

A: Many things. One example: post transformational trauma and confusion.

Q: (L) So, knowledge is going to protect us against post transformational trauma and confusion. You are saying that this transition to 4th density is going to be traumatic and confusing. Do you mean transformation from 3rd to 4th density, or 3rd to 5th density, i.e. death?

A: Both.

Q: (L) So, if one does not have the shock and trauma and the confusion and so forth, one is then able to function better?

A: Yes.

(L) Well, if a person transitions directly from 3rd to 4th density without cycling through 5th density via dying, that implies that persons can transition directly from 3rd to 4th density without dying. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) How does that feel? How is that experience...

A: Alice through the looking glass.

Q: (A) Okay, they say that knowledge is supposed to protect from trauma and confusion. On the other hand, all is lessons, so trauma is a lesson. Why are we supposed to work to avoid a lesson?

A: You are correct, it is a lesson, but if you have foreknowledge, you are learning that lesson early, and in a different way.

Q: (L) So, if you learn the lesson in a different way, does that mitigate the need or the way or the process of the way of learning at the time of transition?

A: Yes. Smoother

Q: (L) I do have to say that thinking about it all, not being able to do anything about it, not being able to talk to people about it because they don't believe, is certainly more painful than being hit by the shock of it...

A: No.

The above quote from the C's is the message I was trying to get across. That it is more helpful to everyone and DCM if we can be fairly 'immune' to emotional trauma. Witness it, process it but keep it away from our normal functioning. Thus we can be far more functional, better helpers, as well as quickly adapt to different situations, dimensions, thanks to the experience and knowledge thus attained.
It also gives us far more empathy and compassion, and highlights the reasons for the kind of work we may choose to do now and in the future.

So, if one does not have the shock and trauma and the confusion and so forth, one is then able to function better?
I did have a super joyful private giggle to myself on Laura's comment:

You don't have faces to smash on pavements! :-)
Still reading the thread and loving the responses so far. My thoughts are colinear with what is presented so far, with the added nuance of the C's once said it will be ours or our descendants' job of seeding new life into 3D (from 4D), so why would the universe hand over those keys without us having experience firsthand of all the potential suffering we might be creating while we tinker from 4D. We need the empathy we develop here to carry into 4D and we become the benevolent overseers, instead of the controlling and dominating ones.

Imagine in 4D you're in your lab with your petri dish that is the 3D realm, and everytime you want to make an adjustment, you remember all potentialities that may follow. Would make for a more cautious and empathetic "overseer."

One more thought:

When we "sit back" it implies we are relaxed. We're not tense, anxious, frustrated or angry. Or if we are, we don't allow them to seat in our bodies. We can think and process all the thoughts from a distance, and feel them in our consciousness but not our bodies, thus remaining in control of the body. Master and machine.

The second, "enjoy."
When I enjoy something, time ceases. I'm both hyper-focused and non- or fluid-focused at the same time, and in that bubble, magic happens.

Lastly, "the show" to me is that the script is written already. Can't change it. But what is not written is my observation, reaction, and response to the script.

My observation and resulting perception will be determined by what state of enjoyment I'm in. My reaction is how well I can process the information only in my mind but not my body, and my response will be the culmination of that equation.

Those are very astute observations, IMHO. Thanks for writing them.
The rest is said at the risk of victim blaming and I feel a bit ranty about some of the following because the victims are suffering so much, but I think that the Palestinians might bring something to the table that allows the situation to continue.

You are victim blaming, in my opinion.

I recently started thinking that the only thing, really, that the Palestinians bring to the table that perpetuates the situation is their sheer existence. Were the Palestinians to all wake up tomorrow and realize the wrongness of Islam and embrace the C's cosmology, it wouldn't change a thing.

We can infer this from the way the Israelis have for a long time fabricated lies, terrorists, bombings, deaths and so on with no basis in reality on numerous occasions. Think White Helmets, October 7th, and the various "lone bomber" dupes over the years.

It might be harder to do were the Palestinians to suddenly become non-violent. However, it wouldn't stop the Israelis from continuing to cleanse the land of its current inhabitants.

As we know from the situations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine, truth is but an inconvenience that is easily dealt with when certain objectives are sought after. With enough powerful players going along with it, even the most egregious lies are given the weight of truth.

Kurt Gödel in his outline of his philisophical world view:


With that in mind, maybe the predatory class have learned that countries that have a high concentration of any particular religion are basically going to be pushovers, something that would make a predator smile, no doubt. Not only can they gain access to all the riches of that country, but they can do it by creating the maximum amount of suffering as loosh for their 4DSTs overlords without expecting too much by way of resistance.

This section wasn't clear to me but I think all the above could be summed up as:

"Palestine is overwhelmingly Islamic and I think that religiosity is being used against them."

If anything about this idea of religious concentration in a population is correct, cost of giving primacy to religious ideology over truth

If it's possible to put some of the blame for the situation on the Palestinians, it's likely to be because of their acceptance of certain militant aspects of Islam.

The extent to which they bear the blame and even the extent to which it can be attributed to Islam is by no means a clear cut issue, though. After all, retributive justice is an instinctual drive of human nature, and while many religious teachings, Islamic included, seek to temper this violent reaction, such sources of tempered resistance was co-opted long ago by those who wish to see exclusively violent reactions.

What's more, it's a hallmark of religious thinking of all kinds to bestow honor upon the glorious dead. Either those who fought for a righteous cause or those who were killed cruelly and senselessly.

The violence and martyrdom then isn't entirely Islamic in nature. Therefore, in my opinion, it wouldn't be a fair assessment to say that believing Islamic lies has lead either to them or to the situation.

jeez, they have watched their kids, families, homes and livelihoods being bombed, shot up and shredded for 75 years! Under these circumstances they refer to their dead as martyrs because they held onto their dodgy religious ideologies instead of learning to question them and their own minds until the end, fer cryin out loud! If that's not an acceptance of torture and a total resistance to learning what the hell to do differently to avoid it, I dunno what is.

It seems to me that what you're trying to say here is that the decision to not change their religious belief despite their suffering is a choice against their own soul.

However, I think the Palestinian people could be said to have taken the mark of the beast, accepted torture, and gone against their own soul if and only if they think there's no line they can't cross, no cruelty which is unjustified, and no retributive act against the Israelis which is unconscionable.

Yet, this doesn't seem to be the case for many Hamas fighters if some of what the released Israeli prisoners have to say is correct. Many, if not most, were treated with dignity and one even got to celebrate their birthday, if memory serves.

Moreover, its not uncommon for those who're persecuted or tortured to seek or utilize a religious framework to give meaning to their suffering. Religion, in such a context, is hardly a sin against the soul.

But for them their whole country is basically their monastery and they are surrounded by it no matter what they do and where they go. How much do they have to suffer until they do learn the simple and karmic?

Knowing the extent of the lies contained within the religion of one's upbringing can hardly be said to be simple and karmic.

The knowledge that protects? When do they reach the level of suffering where they experience the transmarginal inhibition that undoes their religious conditioning? How do parents stand watching their kids shot and blown up without deciding to do what they have to get the hell out?

I think you're missing the point that the Palestinians aren't asking for this. Nor can they exactly "get the hell out".

The borders are closed. There is no escape.

I don't know how many Palestinians would say, 'I want no part in this game, how do I get out?' instead of turning into terrorists themselves to seek revenge and becoming the monster that they fight. Maybe there are a few and perhaps it would be good to include them in prayer.

Not everyone who's in the Gaza strip is a terrorist, though. Most are peaceful people.

But let's say for argument's sake that literally all of them wanted to see Israel bombed to the Stone Age and were willing to strap bombs on themselves to do it, they wouldn't necessarily be in the wrong or sinning against their souls in that desire. So long as the desire came from a place of wanting the terror against them to stop and the desire to teach these people a lesson didn't extend into the torturous raping and destruction of the Jews.

Even then, much can be forgiven.

Ultimately, perhaps the situation in Palestine could only happen because Palestinians are Palestinians. Maybe overall they are more like gardeners in a war, instead of warriors in a garden like the Russians and Chinese who also have lower concentrations of any one religion in their countries. In this respect, and keeping the power of programs in mind, perhaps the Palestinians can't learn anything from the situation in the way that knowledge can protect them and their children. That is probably the most painful realisation when witnessing the atrocities, that the Palestinians are perhaps unlikely to be able to do or be anything different.

I think it's the other way around. The situation in Israel is because the Israelis are Israelis.

The only way any enjoyment could come out of that situation is if the Palestinians did learn something and could resolve the situation.

There's no way for the Palestinians to resolve the situation and while it may have been an innocent notion at first to see if it took two to tango in this situation the hard fact is that there was never any chance the Palestinians were ever going to avoid this fate.

They were doomed from the creation of Israel. Not because of their choice to remain devout Muslims, but because of the nature of the Zionists who wanted their land.
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I have no idea. They didn't put "enjoy" in quotes so, preferring not to second guess, I took it literally. I can't think of any way that that phrase can be used to mean something other than it's literal meaning, unless it is used sarcastically.
Could this not be a rare opportunity for us to learn and experience in? Does it not serve to help people expunge a bit what they have done prior in past lives? Does it not give a fair 'chance' to STS to also 'qualify' in their evilness for 'harvest'? If all is balance, then hard as it is for us to comprehend the fact, STS have as much 'right' (50% right, as in 50% 'balance of Universe energy), as STO do have the other 50%?

Do we have any idea what occured at the last harvest 309k years ago? Was there a similar outage of exponential evil?
Were we also around somehow 309k years ago? If so is this another chance to learn how to keep our equilibrium, when around us everything is mega evil and chaotic?

There has to be progress, but maybe progress is not as we imagined it. Maybe STS have to progress? If not how can balance exist in the Universe. Perhaps it may be a sad fact that STS/Evil has to always exist, and witnessing it at this horrific juncture is the 'ecctasy/joy' only because it is a very rare, but profoundly helpful learning opportunity to not only see how evil has a right, and a need to exist, but also without the evil/ negative human/cosmic connection, a cleansing may not take place.

It is a cycle. earth builds up negative human energies, evil thrives on it, earth needs a cleansing, the evil brings on the cleansing. We know that 'weather' represents 'battles' in the cosmos. So these battles must also be continuous? Maybe build up to a crescendo - like earth is presently - then a calm, and cleansing until the next needed cleansing to save the existance of the planet.

Casteneda also said there would come a need for us to find petty tyrants/tyrants. Well these are also now freely provided in their hundreds, thousands, millions (if we include undergrounders and those soon 'landing'.

Schools, like ours, also arise in these times of need. Perhaps we would not have had this chance to have the school had things not escalated?
Our learning has grown exponentially now. How could that have happened without such examples of what we are learning about being 'dutifully'/ on cue :-) all around us now? How many extra lifetimes here would we have had to have without this growth and learning spurt we have been given?

I know the C's have said forming communities for 'survival mode' is 3D thinking. But Psychological support mutually helping other souls, healing modalities, healthy animals/food and learning to work as 'team helpers' aka in the next world - including 'educating' helping in the locality in any way possible. These are very beneficial things for 'now'. These are the reasons I am serious in still pursuing what has recently been confirmed as a pre-agreed 'mission' for me. We all must have such, or similar, things to carry out if we have got this far. So I don't really believe that we are 'powerless' either. Just holding positivity/high frequency allows our energies to also be utilized in emergencies, with our permission.
There's no way for the Palestinians to resolve the situation and while it may have been an innocent notion at first to see if it took two to tango in this situation the hard fact is that there was never any chance the Palestinians were ever going to avoid this fate.

They were doomed from the creation of Israel. Not because of their choice to remain devout Muslims, but because of the nature of the Zionists who wanted their land.
I agree with your post and don't see it as it happening due to Palestinians being Palestinians or because of their religion or because they didn't learn and got out.
To fight to protect your home and family does not mean that people are terrorists. It is a normal response when other options like diplomacy continually is sabotaged by the tormentor.

And to the question as to why they don't just get out, then this is what Israel has wanted to happen for a long time. They wanted life for the Palestinians to become so wretched that they would pack up and leave, so that Israel could take over their land and further the Zionist dream of a greater Israel. Many have accused Egypt of being cold hearted for not letting all the Palestinians settle in Egypt, but that is exactly the Israeli plan and Egypt and the Palestinians know it. It would be a one-way ticket to Egypt and not a temporary gesture.

Taking up resistance against a brutal occupation force is a natural response and it is even in the UN charter written as being a lawful resistance. Even then, the resistance has attacked military targets and not used Israeli civilian targets, thus showing that they have not become like the monsters they fight against.

Moreover, its not uncommon for those who're persecuted or tortured to seek or utilize a religious framework to give meaning to their suffering.
Indeed. Victor Frankl, also mentioned how those in the concentrations camps with a religious worldview stood a much better chance of surviving there and to keep their dignity as humans. It gives meaning. Russia is also turning to religion in these times to have give context and meaning to the war they are fighting and not to become monsters despite the monstrosities committed against them by the Western proxy war. Ukraine in that war is destroying religion.

I think currently we don't have the perspective which would explain the Palestinian suffering in a 'Karmic' way.
(Pierre) The motive is similar. The last destruction of Atlantis was...

(L) It was about power. We asked once about if black people in Africa ever had a high civilization. They said yes. I asked what happened to it, and they said they were cruel overlords and their civilization was destroyed and they were reduced to bare survival in the jungles or savanna or whatever as a result. So... Power comes to one and then it's taken away. It goes to another, and it's taken away. Over and over again. We just happen to be here in a place and time where a whole lot of things are culminating in one point in our history. And the C's have said that this is because it's the closing of a Grand Cycle of 309,000 years or something like that. So ALL the little threads that were left dangling and all the different groups that are deserving of punishment... And I guess the Brits are REALLY going to get it because of their whole empire thing... oh my god. And I should talk about it! My DNA says I'm 85% British, Scottish, and Irish. So... How do I know that I wasn't one of those empire-building nabobs over in India or Malaysia or the colonies in America. And of course you can't even really get all soft and syrupy about the Native Americans. What did they do? They were probably the Atlanteans. That's what their punishment was: to be overwhelmed by the European invaders.

(Niall) What did the Irish ever do to anyone? [laughter]

(L) We don't know.

(Joe) The current ones have been infiltrated. They're all half-castes in power. Laura, you were the Duke or Duchess of Tinklebottom... The Duke of Whibblesworth... Some funny English name. You will pay!

(Pierre) Taking this historic distance, you don't identify as much.

(Joe) You should take that French flag down in the workshop, then. [laughter]

(L) Well, all joking aside, I think the bottom line is that we're being challenged to take a more cosmic perspective on the whole thing. What did the Cs say once? No body-centric persons need apply. If you're body-centric, that means you're stuck in your 3D thinking. We're being invited to rise above that and basically enjoy the show because we're seeing a BIG historical set of events transpiring right before our eyes.

(PoB) Can we change the channel?

I also think that another important aspect is that we are not GOD. Yes everything about GOD is within us. So we know that we can harness so many future abilities, including creating conscious things. etc.
But as we are NOT GOD it is not for us to change or wish to change what transpires on the panet. As only DCM, and most probably the C's have the whole picture. The reasons things have to happen like they do. The necessity for things to occur for recompense, growth, lessons and learning to see a bigger picture each incarnation.
Now there ARE those who DO play GOD and are currently doing their best to BE God, even considering themselves AS GOD.
The West leaders, USA, Israel leaders as a prime example.
Well it will be an interesting lesson to see what transpires to those who think they are GOD.
I don't think that wait will be too long.
And much much shorter wait for us, than the 'wait' of suffering they will have on their demise!

The fact that all can appear as an illusion is because it is a play that has to ensue, and we witness the acts. In fact we are very much a part of the scenes.
We can play a greater part in the beneficial scenes the greater our overall knowledge of the greater cosmology. The unveiling of the many more of the reasons, processes involvings our little planet.

The play is constructed to allow recompense to occur - as just one tiny example. And why it would hurt the progress of those who may have chosen their recompense, and those who didn't but needed it, if we interfered with the outcomes.
So this is definitely not the job of humanity. There are always higher purposes. That we will one day be aware of many of them. The C's have truly helped us in this regard in so many of their avant gard statements to us.

4DSTS are able to 'create', and we can now witness their 'creations'. Plus how they manipulate, play God, and intend to take over the planet. Here we also learn more about Free Will. But also what succeeds, what doesn't and the likely repercussions - which they cannot see - or refuse to see.

We also learn about the 'permission' for use of nuclear weapons. Whether it will be an occurance, prevented from occuring, or there is an occurance breach manipulated somehow. eg. How much / many 'no go' areas get breached, and how.
Another example of this, is the C's saying that not everyone has an automatic 'transportation' to 5D on dying. That there can be interference in some cases.
Well this must surely be very very valuable knowledge to be aware of.

We see how there is no escaping the clutches and influencs of 4DSTS and the psychos here. No matter where we live. That if we do not concede to having to use a visa to survive we are toast. Also that this will affect so many of our life aspects.

We also have learned about cosmic 'catastrophes', that they can be 'timed' or connected with negative energy events. But also how the future is 'open'. So that humans do have some aspect of 'choice' remaining, even if they have no idea what it is or how to use it. But also that many negative plans of the STS 'elite' will be thwarted via cosmic events, including the continued existence of Israel.

In retropsect, if we only look back 10 or 20 years, the growth in knowledge that we have been so fortunate to acquire, thanks to the Grace of God, shows us WHY, witnessing the continued decline of humanity during this period, we have been blessed with being able to stare into the Abyss unblinkingly, but with the assistance and guidance of HOW to stare at it EFFECTIVELY, by utilizing this knowledge.
Back to this point, which I think is useful to contemplate. How much of our 'empathy' for those suffering at the hands of psychopaths in positions of power is really 'pure' empathy and how much of it is actually a desire to avoid the negative feelings in us, that such brutality provokes?
This is one of the biggest learning factors IMO. It is having the ability to self observe. Of knowing yourself. Of being able to differentiate the different sentient feelings. To experience them all. But CHOOSE, at the same time HOW and with WHAT emotions you will take with you into the restof the day,
Normal people will of course, naturally, feel the sorrow, pain, grief we witness, by choice, by tuning in to all our particular news sites daily.
I know I do this daily, and even 'hold' a particular post for a while, out of empathy and respect, if it has particularly jolted me even more than the previous incredibly sad ones - especially mothers and children.
Yet they would not wish me to not function for a long time because of it. I would not wish that on people personally either.
If I felt I was trying to avoid the negative feelings, then that is either out of fear - which we should really galvanize into doing something useful, if / when it does occur. Or recognize the fake in oneself of 'turning off' to fit the status quo.

Actually I liken it to being a medium. A medium - especially a sentient one will pick up the sadness, suffering or even maliciousness of spirits. She has the same options open to her. But either way, she has to prevent the 'feelings' remaining with her. Or even, encouraging an attachment if she doesn't.
I luckily, had that exact supervised lesson this Saturday during our mediumship practice. We may think we are not progressing, but must not become impatient about that, as many things are happening behind the scenes to aid our development.
In my case a particular spirit was bought into my sphere that was suffering. I do not not why at this juncture but felt it was grief and I fully empathised. However, the feeling persisted with me so I raised it at the end of our practice. I was told to do, precisely what I have said above. Acknowledge the spirit, genuinely empathize and SAY so. It will pass. BUT get engrossed in day to day jobs so you remain functioning so the 'feelings' pass quicker and you remain useful.

It is important to acknowledge someone elses suffering. It sounds obvious. But how many people will cross the street when they see someone they know who has just lost a loved one? Plus they deserve our genuine prayers. (which is another topic of how we 'react').
Question preamble: The Cs have said many times over the years that we should "sit back and enjoy the show". Part of the "show" right now is a genocide in Gaza, which is actively and openly supported and facilitated by the USA and other Western "democracies".

Question: Assuming this trend is to continue, what perspective should we take on the suffering and death of many innocent people in order to "enjoy" such a show?
Interesting question and one which I will have to wait to have an answer for myself. But now, after a year of watching daily dosage of streaming of horror pictures of what they have done to people in the Gaza strip for all to see, gut-wrenching as it is, it shows in our face what they mean by business and that realization that there's seemingly no way of stopping it that, man it's sobering. I suffer too when those young Palestinian mothers with three or four kids are crying for help through my messenger. And I have no idea how they are able to keep themselves together with their younglings in that toxic wasteland and only thing I can do is to send them money, send them encouragement, have a little bit of talk and then keeping them in my prayers.

If this trend of suffering is to continue and btw, I don't feel desensitized to pain or am under deep depression nor I want to be, but the show has by now certainly got my attention and it has a way to quicken my pulse, but deep down I'm feeling calm. We now know that storm is coming, and watching the barbarity and vulgarity off the charts is catching with us by surprise. Come hell or high water I hope us to be ready and give good fight, while remembering those who suffered and died along.
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