"Enjoying The Show" As The World Burns

I see the term enjoying the show as a general term. Yes, there are wars and major conflicts. But I see this as minor, compared to the bigger scheme of things. I really don’t want to get energetically involved, just observe from a distance. Don’t forget people have most likely chosen to live this life in conflict. May it be unfinished karma or for a experience.

As for enjoying the show, we are witnessing major earth and cosmic changes. Which is effecting everyone on earth, both in a negative and positive way. The old ways are slowly collapsing and they are doing everything to keep it alive. We are all living on the verge of the collapse of 3D earth. What I don’t know is, will we have a complete global conflict where it will effect every one else. But either way, enjoying the show is showing the graduation to 4D.

I’ve been told in the past I’m cold hearted, as I don’t take a emotional interest in what ever conflict is happening. I just don’t want to be energetically emotionally attached start to give my energy to it. I just take a back seat and just observe.
I've always construed it as a perspective to adopt for the entire process of tumultuous change. If I narrow the field of vision to focus on events like the Palestinian genocide, then enjoyment is out of the question. But there is a certain sense of belonging to an epoch defining era which is thrilling.

I am also reminded of my experience of the COVID lockdown period. It was, in a certain sense, very frightening, because it seemed like the beast bared its fangs without distortion for the first time since I'd became aware that all is not as it seems. Up to that point, I'd relied on 'evidence' that was second hand and a poor substitute for the direct experience of the COVID era. I don't know what became of me, but from the first day of the first lockdown I defied the regulations, and it was incredibly invigorating. For example, on day 1 of lockdown 1 I travelled across London to meet a Norwegian girl who lived next to Hyde Park, which was terribly exciting. I read the regulations on masks and the like, and discovered a loophole which would enable me to claim an exemption from the very start. I used this whenever challenged, and despite the hostility this attracted, persevered. It felt like I had a mission and was part of something bigger than I can understand. There was another occasion when me, my brother and my brother's fiance took a train to Oxford Street in London. It was utterly deserted, and we had taken a football with us in expectation of the same. We played football along Oxford Street, and then set up a game of headers and volleys in Soho Square park. All impossible in normal times. And to top it off, a group of policeman saw us playing and just ignored us....

So Covid was an enjoyable period in a certain sense. Imagine if what we are living through now is a pre-cursor to the arrival of the cometary swarm that this group and the C's forecast? Until I clap eyes on it, it remains a hypothesis. A compelling one, but a hypothesis none the less. I can scarcely imagine the awe such a sight would inspire within me....

Its from that perspective that I interpret the 'enjoy the show' mantra, FWIW.
I've read most of the thread and I'd like to thank everyone for the reflections and discussions it feeds, it's very stimulating for the mind to have all these points of view trying to grasp what seems elusive to us. To share an experience that could perhaps make a modest contribution to grasping what's going on. During the Tsunami in Thailand in 2004, I remember waking up, coming into the living room and seeing my father standing in front of the TV, when he turned his head to address me and said “Look, there's the end of the world on TV”, all with a kind of feeling that he let show as detachment but with a smile. Come to think of it, I wonder if he wasn't in some kind of ecstatic position, faced with this impressive deluge of damage and loss of life. I was probably watching my father from a position of observation, in which he seemed to have understood that there was nothing we could do about it, and that this “destructive, nightmarish spectacle” was simply an expression of a facet of God. So when I think of the meteors that are supposed to fall on our planet, I tell myself that maybe I'll be with a glass of champagne outside, savoring this magnificent spectacle of the perpetual renewal of life through the death it brings.

Ultimately in human affairs, we suffer from our inability to change things as we'd like them to be, but even if we could, maybe we'd do worse without knowing it. So to sit back and observe the spectacle is to recognize what we see, while understanding that we're not here to change anything, “simply” to continue doing our best individually and through common purposes with others, no wonder whatever dependance to time. It's about recognizing that suffering and happiness are experiences and sides of the same coin; it's about learning to see with new eyes; it's about seeing with the heart and soul, knowing that what's happening is just a grain of sand on the scale of the universe, a cosmic repetition; it's about learning to be humbled by being small in such a big universe.
@happyliza wrote:

"A recent analogy I can give is that of past memory/actions flash-backs. Over the last year, as my studies and clarifications have intensified, I have noticed that totally forgotten incidents, or actions that I thought I had dealt with, or preferred to have 'forgotten/put behind me' once analysed, suddenly appear out of the blue. Usually when driving, doing something totally different."

I’ve been having a similar experience for about 2 years. I actually think “it’s a thing” Here’s what I’ve noticed about it, and my conclusion or hypothesis.

It happens like you say, at moments of doing mundane stuff. Therefore, I have time to entertain or meditate on it. You might even say it’s polite. It waits for you to have a moment of free time.😊

In my mind it’s as if two lawyers show up and the discussion of the incident begins. It’s like a court room, but I have no fear of being found guilty, as a guilty verdict allows us to go on and sort out what went wrong and how it could have been handled better. Often, I blame myself rather quickly only to find out I really wasn’t to blame, and we go over the situation for the how’s and the why’s of it all. And confirm that I did the best I could do in bad and confusion situation. When some reasonable understanding comes, that’s it, it just stops, goes away in a blink.

My hypothesis is: it’s a precursor to the past life review or perhaps the past life review already in process.

@happyliza also wrote:

"Nobody came back and reported on what happened the last time the Wave occured 309k years ago regarding our personal film shows."

I’ve been thinking about that. If I’m watching an ending of a grand cycle (like the times of Noah). If so, looking closely at what I'm seeing now, and what is different that I didn’t imagine it to be?

If I’m to believe some old manuscripts, then civilization went mad, love grew cold, and every foul and evil thing was rampant. OK, I had imagined that that was man devolved back to animal, because of overcrowding etc. just that humans have a date code where they just rot, and that’s it. But…

What I’m watching now is that the rot does not appear to be natural. Country after country is falling to the purposeful manipulations of a small amount of socio and psychopathic humans “which” are controlled by inter-dimensional beings’, whose job it is to destroy the heard, and reap their portion of the harvest. Like round-up time with the cowboys having to come in collect the harvest. Routed, stampeded, branded and so forth. In this process the humans which need a stable environment lose their minds and end up “gone mad”.

And that brings me to some other “old manuscripts” that say things such as, the four horsemen of the apocalypse, or he/it (some great horrible being) will be let loose and allowed to war and cause destruction upon the whole earth for a period of time. Partly metaphorical…partly true? Add to that what we’ve been told about a porthole in Ukraine and another one in the middle east. If presently active, then the cowboy-hordes-of-hell could be coming through those portholes as we speak. Is this just a matter of what the great harvest looks like from this side?

Death by any means. Cathern A. Fitts recently said we are in a “death by any means” situation. War deaths, drug overdose deaths, nature catastrophes, injection, suicide etc. Oh, and don’t forget the Canadian gov's happy-responsible-good-citizen-suicides.

If it were given to us to write the story for the next generation to carry into the next cycle. How would “we” write it. Just the facts? A metaphoric or children’s story? Or, oh just forget it! Let them figure it out for themselves. You had to of been there.

BTW I don’t consider the human race innocent. But that’s another topic.
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It really is a fascinating discussion which cuts to the heart of the problem of Life - it's bloody hard work!
a) carried out by a supposedly 'Western' 'civilized' state

b) aided and abetted by THE most 'civilized' state and carrier of the banner of 'freedom and democracy'

c) televised, in effect, for all the world to witness
Indeed! The Biased Broadcasting Corporation's coverage of the First Intifada, back in the early 1990's when I was still a teenager, was THE event that made me question the value of official narratives, as the pro-Israel stance of the Western media seemed to be at such stark odds with the historical and contemporary reality, and I've continued to form my own unpopular opinions ever since! :-D
It seems to me, by the way this is done/presented, that that could be sort of a “litmus test“ for humanity at some level? Like “pure evil is bluntly displayed, right in your face, as clear as can be, from the “good guys“: what‘s your choice?“. It is like, if you still can’t get it, even though you could have the ability, confronted with such clear evidence, then you have made the choice to align yourself with evil “complete“? Separating wheat from chaff of some sorts?
One problem is that so few people see through the classic "good guy/bad guy" narrative presented to them through societal programming, and particularly so when the pressure is on, when the reality is rather that the only true "good guys" are those that work unseen in the shadows. The real work happens within.
It's a joy to see hypocrites in broad daylight, psychopaths acting in broad daylight, bandits acting in broad daylight. It's so instructive. And to see the “banality of evil” in broad daylight. That's where we are. Learning protects us. The Palestinians and their suffering teach us about hell. They are our guides. It's a very hard lesson. We see, thanks to them, how far humanity has descended. And then, thanks to the Palestinians, we learn about conscience. We look around us and most people don't even know where Palestine is. This ignorance, too, is a lesson we need to look at, and in broad daylight too.

In Andrei Tarkovsky's masterpiece, Andrei Rublev, a philosophic film about the human condition, a monk painter of icons decides not to speak as long as the horrors of war continue and not to paint any more. To speak no more, to remain silent and observe. Of course, whether God exists and whether God permits these atrocities is an important question for Andrei Rublev. It is a question and for him, the answer is to remain silent and observe. By remaining silent and observing, the monk is a witness. He learns about the human condition. He learns about God, about hell, about love, about the heart.

Keeping silent, not to keep quiet, but for a better and more profound look at what it is. This is the silence within, which is also joy, peace.
I had some thoughts on Karma, as it relates to the lives many of us here have lived - particularly 'westerners.'

I was a keen student of Buddhist teachings for a few years, but backed away from it somewhat after finding this forum. Nevertheless, I shouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater as there is some valuable information in the literature. What springs to mind is the Buddha's blind turtle analogy regarding a 'fortunate human birth.' He said that one could cast a yoke into the great oceans, and greater is the chance of a blind turtle coming to the surface of the ocean and its head poking up through that yoke, than the chance of a fortunate human birth.

I find this relevant because many of us enjoy a (relatively) fortunate human birth, in the sense that much of our suffering is what the Buddha called 'mental suffering.' We are not afflicted with the constant imminent suffering of, for example, the people of Africa - ours is more abstract (see for example the suffering which is the subject of this thread). I wonder if 'positive karma' has supported such births? And then the teachings would say that the first thing beings with a fortunate human birth do is seek pleasure, and start accruing negative karma, leading to a birth in less favourable circumstances, and so on and so forth.

I also wonder if the plight of the Palestinian people is, in the aggregate, closer to the norm for human beings than the circumstances of, inter alia, modern westerners?

Question: Assuming this trend is to continue, what perspective should we take on the suffering and death of many innocent people in order to "enjoy" such a show?

Recently I was wondering something similar and the thought that came to my mind was "with this body/mind it is difficult to see the world with the necessary neutrality/balance as higher density beings do STO, too many emotional buffers that make us live as existential bipolar between both frequencies and their characteristic reactions to different events in particular. It is difficult to see the line that separates indifference from proper emotional balance and empathy to unconditionally accept things as they are, from just being an observer. At least to see what is necessary in this density."

When I see what is happening in Gaza or any event of such an experience I try to see the existential mechanism behind it all, its purpose, its ramifications, which grain of universal experience is added more to one side or the other of the STS/STO balance and what other event will trigger in the world than just seeing it with pity and frustration because no matter how painful it is, that group of people are going through a lesson too.

It is difficult to be an observer, although naturally it is getting to that point. How difficult it is to see what will happen and not know how to adapt to it because eventually it will affect us, wherever we are.

When one is aware of the seas of blood that characterizes STS to survive, it is difficult to see where that horizon ends, a balance that seems to be governed by "how many deaths are they allowed to cause as if the ones we know were not enough?"it is difficult to accept it if one does not know its nature. You have to know your "reason for being" to accept it, respect it and learn from it because it's not about the situation changing and that's it, peace and to "feel good" for eternity.

Cass once mentioned:


Q: (L) So you seem to be suggesting that the real trick is simply to detach yourself from everything and everyone, to do nothing, and to dissolve into nothingness? No thought, not wanting, not doing, not to be, not nothing!

A: If you are STS, that does not match, but, if you did exactly that, you would reincarnate in a STO realm, where such energy does fit.

So wishing to "save Gaza" would be a STS thought and knowing the choice that is interconnected with this global learning anchor point called "Gaza" is important. I haven't had the stomach to watch every video that appears on networks, but one fate is worse than the other and that that amount of people are the necessary anchor for Israel to fall and other things to be revealed, it's a very interesting designed exchange really.

To see it with the necessary detachment and to understand the mechanism behind this experience, to see how the show of psychopaths develops on a larger scale, because this is how one begins to "write history in favor of the one who wins" how many thousands of years has it been repeated? well, now we see his methods live and even divine intervention fulfilling its role. Not to mention the hyperdimensional and special climatic effects!

As Don Juan said, I think it's a good time to apply the art of detachment and live remembering that death breathes on our noses and "one has to grow hard but without ever losing tenderness" as Che said.

This show is a great masterpiece that never ends.

Couldn't the C's be psychopathic entities or 4D STS ones somehow ?

In fact, I can assure you that I thought the same way as you in my initial readings. There were things that seemed indifferent on his part according to my interpretation. But it was all a matter of my perspective and misinterpretation.

When I arrived at the forum, I arrived making excited noise with UFOs and ghosts. The first thing I was told was to change my diet and read the Wave. "what the hell does what I eat have to do with all this?"i asked myself, and I got upset, it's not what I expected as an answer, very atypical. But if you want to know then you keep reading and keep reading, and keep reading... until you understand how everything is connected and you are crazier than before, but not aligned with the STS beings, because you read it, you apply it, you don't follow it as a list, you apply it and when you see the results, you will know which side you are on and above all from which source such information comes, with demonstrable facts in your life and there is no mistake about it.

For the humor of the Cass, it seems to me no greater mystery to refer to as "Show", it is something that they have seen repeated over and over again and we too from our level and in our lives with the interactions that we have lived over and over that seem to never end. For me it is a very characteristic sarcastic phrase next to "here I go again" when you are going to experience the same experience again, the same pattern with profiles of the same people. A bizarre variety show where the exhibition of psychopaths will be present in its greatest splendor.

At first, maybe that would have made me feel really bad to be said by some "high beings", but nowadays, even one seems to say things like them in our lives with certain kind of people and they generate those kind of reactions too (laughs).

It seems to me, by the way this is done/presented, that that could be sort of a “litmus test“ for humanity at some level? Like “pure evil is bluntly displayed, right in your face, as clear as can be, from the “good guys“: what‘s your choice?“. It is like, if you still can’t get it, even though you could have the ability, confronted with such clear evidence, then you have made the choice to align yourself with evil “complete“? Separating wheat from chaff of some sorts?

They mentioned once that it's "what you see" that's important, right? it would be nice to get that phrase back.
Question preamble: The Cs have said many times over the years that we should "sit back and enjoy the show". Part of the "show" right now is a genocide in Gaza, which is actively and openly supported and facilitated by the USA and other Western "democracies".

Question: Assuming this trend is to continue, what perspective should we take on the suffering and death of many innocent people in order to "enjoy" such a show?
Did not went through all the ideas presented here yet, so apology if I am repeating after someone.
In my opinion (feeling) "Enjoying the show" is about Perspective/Perception case. We know/perceive as "3D man" that physical/mental suffering created by other people is wrong. This is our 3D experience and this is how we should feel/perceive all of that (otherwise lessons would not be so real and impacting, right?). However, "enjoying the show" message from C's is knocking to our Perspective. Based on the C's communication and knowledge they are sharing, we know that 3D is only any illusion chosen by every one of us and created to help and accelerate learning. So from this perspective (since we already know it!), we should "enjoy the show" of suffering and madness going around from our Whole/Complete perspective. At the Core state (soul) everyone will be ok, it's all just illusion. On the other side we should not loss our empathy. We should use it, but in totally different perspective! Empathy is needed, we need to feel how others can feel and learn from that. Improve our lives to not create such suffering around us/within us, which will trigger little by little improvement outside of us, our local, and finally in global way. Which hopefully will trigger the shift in our whole perception. (Probably to get to that point, we would need to immerse in to muuuch more suffering than we are seeing now. Having the knowledge from C's (that this life is just little, tiny portion of the whole) helps us to keep our 3D brains with Sanity thru upcoming "pain and suffering".)

Recently, I am reading thru Carlos Castaneda books, so sometimes quotes from it matches to our topics here:
“... life is an endless challenge, and challenges cannot possibly be good or bad. Challenges are simply challenges.”
“He said that I was a man. And like any man I deserved everything that was a man’s lot—joy, pain, sadness and struggle—and that the nature of one’s acts was unimportant as long as one acted as a warrior. Lowering his voice to almost a whisper, he said that if I really felt that my spirit was distorted I should simply fix it—purge it, make it perfect—because there was no other task in our entire lives which was more worthwhile. Not to fix the spirit was to seek death, and that was the same as to seek nothing, since death was going to overtake us regardless of anything. He paused for a long time and then he said with a tone of profound conviction, “To seek the perfection of the warrior’s spirit is the only task worthy of our manhood.”
On reflection after all the responses, it seems to me that the suffering involved in watching the show tends to be exacerbated if the person watching has a strong belief or desire that the suffering should not be happening and should be stopped. So yeah, having a perspective that gives the suffering a reason or meaning (even if we don't necessarily like it) is important.
Interesting discussion. I have also wondered what would be the "correct" way to react to all the horrors that goes on in the world.
I am also reminded of my experience of the COVID lockdown period. It was, in a certain sense, very frightening, because it seemed like the beast bared its fangs without distortion for the first time since I'd became aware that all is not as it seems. Up to that point, I'd relied on 'evidence' that was second hand and a poor substitute for the direct experience of the COVID era.

During the covid era, I did find it easier to "sit back and enjoy the show" and take a more detached view. Then again, my livelihood was not at stake, and I wasn't forced to take the shots in order to be able to work. Now would I be able to have a similar attitude in a directly threatening situation for me or my loved ones, like living in a war zone, or whatever might be in store in the future? Like what Castaneda writes.

He explained that one of the greatest accomplishments of the seers of the Conquest was a construct he called the three-phase progression. By understanding the nature of man, they were able to reach the incontestable conclusion that if seers can hold their own in facing petty tyrants, they can certainly face the unknown with impunity, and then they can even stand the presence of the unknowable.

“The average man’s reaction is to think that the order of that statement should be reversed,” he went on. “A seer who can hold his own in the face of the unknown can certainly face petty tyrants. But that’s not so. What destroyed the superb seers of ancient times was that assumption. We know better now. We know that nothing can temper the spirit of a warrior as much as the challenge of dealing with impossible people in positions of power. Only under those conditions can warriors acquire the sobriety and serenity to stand the pressure of the unknowable.”


Sorcerers understand discipline as the capacity to face with serenity odds that are not included in our expectations. For sorcerers, discipline is an art; the art of facing infinity without flinching; not because they are strong and tough, but because they are filled with awe.”
On reflection after all the responses, it seems to me that the suffering involved in watching the show tends to be exacerbated if the person watching has a strong belief or desire that the suffering should not be happening and should be stopped. So yeah, having a perspective that gives the suffering a reason or meaning (even if we don't necessarily like it) is important.

Here are some quotes from the sessions that mention suffering.

26 Feb 2002

A: Suffering activates neuro-chemicals which turn on DNA receptors.

13 Sept 2009

Q: (L) Alright. First of all, A*** {a friend doing the breathing/meditation program} is having a really hard time. She's going through some kind of - close to - an emotional breakdown sort of thing. Of course, she is concerned that she's just losing her mind. Other than what I've said to her, is there anything to add information-wise about what she's going through?

A: Her experience is similar to yours due to her rigid stubbornness.

Q: (L) Okay, so she's rigidly stubborn similar to the way I'm rigidly stubborn. Because of that, she's going to suffer as much in the breakdown as I did. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I see.

A: If one crystallizes on the wrong foundation it means much more suffering.

Q: (L) Are you saying that she crystallized on some foundation, and I did too?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Were they similar foundations?

A: No

Q: (L) But just that it was a crystallization of some sort?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And what caused or what was the nature of this crystallization?

A: Necessity for survival of trauma.

Q: (L) Well, there are some other people who have suffered certainly much more trauma, or at least equal trauma, who I didn't notice going through any kind of similar really outrageous suffering.

A: They didn't crystallize, they split.

Q: (L) So one difference is that some people crystallize to survive, and some people split to survive. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And I guess if you split to survive, all you have to do is bring yourself together and merge, and therefore it is somewhat easier than somebody who has crystallized and has to break everything down. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So that's one of the reasons for some of the different experiences among the people in the forum for example. Is that the case?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Maybe people who split, reintegration happens over a longer period of time, where they slowly, slowly, slowly put themselves back together, so the suffering is in little bits at a time. Whereas people who crystallize hold it off until all at once something has to break down... (L) Yeah, people who crystallize resist probably more. I think that was the case with me...

A: Yes

25 March 2017

(L) Okay, I'll add it. I will include the information in the transcript so that people will know what is being talked about. Okay, I guess we can just move right along then to the next question! [laughter] Why have I been suffering so much? Have we asked this question before?

(Galatea) Probably. In many ways.

(L) Because it's like we pointed out talking about it yesterday or today or whenever it was... It's like since we started this crystal project, that's when I started going really, really downhill. I mean, I have suffered pain and miseries and infections and all kinds of dreadful things. It has basically just taken the stuffing out of me. So, I would like to know why?

A: We have mentioned often enough the last option you discussed: attack. But also there is the element of balance: In order to bring in great positive energies there must be corresponding suffering to act as inductor.

Q: (Pierre) That's what you said during the discussion, that maybe that's the price to pay.

(Joe) Why does suffering act as an inductor?

(Galatea) Well, for the balance because it needs the suffering to create the balance.

(Pierre) Laura was saying that you have a lot of people who talk about the benefits of the crystals, so they have less suffering. Seemingly, for balance to be restored, one is suffering (in this case Laura) in order for members to suffer less through the crystal network.

(L) Well, there's also another thing I remember. There's something from Mouravieff about negative emotions. If you can master negative emotions, then it inducts - he used the word "inducts" - it inducts positive energy from the higher centers. I'm not sure if I'm really correct on that. Pull up your copy at some point and find the quote. It would be interesting to see what he said. The word "inductor" is what catches my ear. Anyway... Well, they once said, "From the fire comes light", right? {Also, there is the element of “contact potential difference”}

10 Feb 2018

Q: (Chu) About the book: “Healing Developmental Trauma”... We were discussing it earlier, and pretty much everybody seems to have some connection issue regardless of the survival style they developed. One possibility is that people need that as part of the "life plan" in this reality so that they suffer and then learn on a sort of fast track. And/or the other possibility is there is some kind of interference from hyperdimensional 4D STS beings to generate more suffering.

A: Why not some of both in some cases? And not to forget "past life" influences.

Q: (L) One thing I noticed about this last little set of books that I ended up on by following my nose... It was like following bread crumbs. I ended up with this Samenow, and then the Developmental Trauma book. It seems to me that these two approaches, which pretty much focus on making the changes in the now and not so much focusing on what's wrong, are probably the most practical expressions of what we have been calling The Work - as in Gurdjieffian stuff – that we’ve ever encountered. It's like we've gone through book after book after book, each one adding a bit to the picture. But this has brought it down to such a simple, practical level that almost nobody can miss it. My feeling is that something very profound is going to come out of this particular little experiment that we're doing.

A: Indeed. All in your group should read these books in order to jump start the necessary processes for achieving receivership capability. Those who have been blocked up to the present will find unblocking therein if they are able to receive.

Q: (L) So, you're suggesting that those who read and can take it on board... We've seen that happening! People are reading it, and they're REALLY getting it. Some people who have not really understood what it means when you say that your own mind can be your enemy, are finally getting it when they learn about thought errors, that emotions follow thoughts, and so on. I think it's also true that thoughts can be generated by emotions, but you can control your emotions with your thinking.

(Pierre) For some members, the realizations are very visceral. It's deeply felt, and not just an intellectual exercise.

(L) Yeah. Well, Jonathan Haidt talks about the mind-body system as a rider on an elephant. The emotions are the elephant, and the conscious mind is the rider. He gives a fairly bleak representation of this as though no rider is ever going to really be able to control the elephant. But if you follow the Samenow and the Work method along with the Pauline stoic method of dealing with your elephant, you can actually maybe grow your rider to the point where he's bigger and stronger. You can maybe give him some tools with which to control that elephant. Is that in fact the case?

A: Yes

Q: (L) The Developmental Trauma book talks about how you have to have knowledge of what's going on. That's the top-down thing. You have to know your survival style and your thinking errors so you can watch for those. At the same time, people who have been going along with these thinking errors for a long time, or those who developed thinking errors in response to a specific situation as they were growing up, also have an elephant that's kind of spring-loaded to be fractious and unresponsive to guidance and direction. That's where the bottom-up treatment comes from. It seemed to me that the neurofeedback was probably the most efficacious way because it helps to calm the brain down so that the rider of the elephant has a chance to grow and develop.

(Pierre) Yeah, and if I understand correctly, neurofeedback prevents this shift into sympathetic mode where the elephant gets all the power; once you've shifted into sympathetic mode, it's uncontrollable.

(L) Yeah, it's the amygdala hijack.

A: Good analogy.

Q: (L) You mean the rider and the elephant?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. Is it possible for us to grow our rider and give him tools to better control the elephant? Is it possible?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Haidt makes it sound so bleak... It's like you're NEVER going to get control of that elephant.

(Pierre) Well, it's not black and white. He says you can nudge it a bit here and a bit there.

(L) Okay, what else?

(Mikey) My question is along the same lines. In 1994 in one of the sessions, the C's said one can have only positive emotions if one chooses to. And then they brought in the connection with the belief center. I would like to know if it's useful to develop the belief center because they also said that most power necessary to alter our physicality and reality lies in the belief center. That sounds like something that's interesting. Is it something for us to work on? And how to do it? Is belief something that's true, or something that's an illusion?

(L) Didn't Joe ask something like that in a previous session?

(Joe) You have to get rid of all of your beliefs and then you can change reality if you don't have any limiting beliefs. You have to be completely open, and then you can maybe read from the information field or something. And then you might be able to change something.

(L) It's like getting rid of expectations or assumptions about how things are going to be.

(Joe) Because they're limiting, and you don't have the whole banana. It's just not how it works. People think they're going to change reality like by a light beam coming out of my head and I can change anything I want. But it seems to be more like a 2-way process where you engage with something else. You have to get in tune with something that already exists that's objectively real in order to manifest that potential for change. It's not like you can just dream up anything and make it happen. Right?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, they said the power for changing reality lies in the belief center of the mind. But then they also said something about emotions. Emotions that are limiting, and then emotions that help to progress... So, maybe the belief that one needs to cultivate - if any - is the belief in unlimited possibilities AND also in the benevolence of the universe and the process. Maybe that's what it is?

A: Yes yes yes!

Q: (Joe) The other phrase was that the one thing you have to do before transitioning to 4D is to think in completely unlimited terms. That doesn't mean you have to be able to think of everything that exists, but...

(L) You have to be open.

(Joe) Right, no expectations. That means getting rid of your hard and fast beliefs about things.

(L) And I think that comes back in a funny sort of way to this “Healing Developmental Trauma” book. One of the problems of early trauma is that children come to believe that the universe is not a safe place or it's scary. They just get completely wrong ideas which lead to thought errors. That's something that's preverbal…

(Pierre) And very limiting.

(L) And those are the kinds of things that probably the neurofeedback can fix more easily than anything else because those are things that produce certain brain waves that persist over time. There's no other way to get to them because you can't TALK your way through something that's preverbal! You can get into some kind of body therapy and spend years with a therapist, but why do that when you can just go directly and change the brain waves? And if you change brain waves, the brain's going to change. Right?

A: Yes yes yes!

Q: (Mikey) So, the trick is to get rid of the negative beliefs, and then find positive beliefs and everything should sort out, right?

(Artemis) No

(Joe) No, not positive beliefs.

(Andromeda) Beliefs are limiting.

(Joe) Any fixed, hard core beliefs. Think about all the books we’ve read. It's not that we're gathering information, but instead that we're discovering that all the things we thought we knew are wrong. Just the information in those books that you read that supplants the more limited beliefs, that gives you a broader perspective on things. But that's still not the whole truth. No matter how many books you read, you can never say, "I know this for sure!" So, the process of learning is about getting rid of stuff related to limiting beliefs.

(Pierre) What I understand from this discussion is that the healthy beliefs are the unlimiting beliefs, but...

(L) Why believe anything?

(Pierre) Yes; beliefs by definition ARE limiting. If you don't believe this, then you believe that. So, I guess unlimited beliefs is sort of a transcending of the very notion of belief. It's going beyond beliefs.

A: Become like little children...

Q: (Artemis) Inquisitive, but without bias or beliefs.

(L) And adventurous, open to experience, and not formed up with any beliefs. And one hopes that it's a little child that has not been developmentally traumatized! [laughter]

(Chu) I think it comes down to what the books say, really, which is that if you're in the present, you stop having the wrong beliefs. Instead of living in the past, you're in a state where you're curious again. So, it is a positive emotion in the end, but it's not the positive emotions as we normally understand them with all the wishful thinking that goes along with them.

(Andromeda) Right.

(Chu) It's like let's live life as an experiment, and...

(L) Like, "This is interesting to see what happens next..."

(Andromeda) But you still have the ability to feel negative emotions as a response to something that happens. Which would be proper.

(Pierre) A lot of PK events or paranormal events involve children. And children, compared to adults, have less of those limiting beliefs. Therefore, they can connect and experience a wider range of events.

(Artemis) So basically, neurofeedback plus reading will help people increase their receivership capability...

(L) If they apply what they read...

(Artemis) ...will help them become conduits for positive forces in the universe.

A: Yes

09 June2019

Q: (L) Well, thanks for that. Is there going to be some way we're gonna find through research to help ameliorate this thing?

A: Probably to some extent. But remember all the advantages brought to you by suffering.

Q: (L) Could you name just two? [laughter]

A: Compassion and patience. Two most important qualities

22 Sept 2018

(Chu) In the book Evolution 2.0, it talks about how the restructuring of DNA and recoding in order to rearrange the code and create something new happens mainly in response to heat shock, pollution, hazardous chemicals, absence of food, or presence of food that's harmful – that is, under hardship conditions and extreme conditions - and it happens all in a few hours. I was wondering if this is an explanation for why suffering is conducive to learning?

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) And is this the reason why nowadays when times are "good" as Łobaczewski defined it, for certain segments of the population, that part of humanity seems to be devolving?

A: Yes

Q: ( Artemis) People avoid suffering at all costs

26 Feb 2022

Q: (Tristan) In the previous session it was mentioned that more people needed to be awakened, so that more opportunities could be created for the good guys to help. Are enough people being awakened on the planet?

A: Not nearly enough. More suffering needed unfortunately.

6 July 2024

(Joe) What are they meeting to discuss or decide?

A: Future of Earth.

Q: (L) Is it a good thing they're meeting, or a bad thing?

A: Depends on perspective.

Q: (L) Okay. Is it a good thing from our perspective?

A: Probably not.

Q: (L) Does it mean that from our perspective they're going to effect, or make some nefarious plans in the direction of greater control of human beings?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is it because there is too much resistance against the increasing control, or not enough?

A: Not enough for balance.

Q: (L) So, based on things you've said in the past, does that mean there needs to be more suffering so that more people wake up?

A: Close.

There are more, but those are the ones that jumped out at me that may give some meaning to the situation.
During the Tsunami in Thailand in 2004, I remember waking up, coming into the living room and seeing my father standing in front of the TV, when he turned his head to address me and said “Look, there's the end of the world on TV”, all with a kind of feeling that he let show as detachment but with a smile. Come to think of it, I wonder if he wasn't in some kind of ecstatic position, faced with this impressive deluge of damage and loss of life. I was probably watching my father from a position of observation, in which he seemed to have understood that there was nothing we could do about it, and that this “destructive, nightmarish spectacle” was simply an expression of a facet of God. So when I think of the meteors that are supposed to fall on our planet, I tell myself that maybe I'll be with a glass of champagne outside, savoring this magnificent spectacle of the perpetual renewal of life through the death it brings.
I kinda can „see“ this,I have an insight into that.I wonder guys if you ever done this,if your not i challenge you.So can you for a moment imagine how would you feel when you know that giant meteor is comming to you and there is no way out.You know youre going to die like everyone else.How would you feel?

Wouldnt that be ecstatic?You may think im crazy now but i think it would be real ecstasy.With a great dose of fear of course,but ecstasy.So meteor is comming and you know there is end,end of all misery,end of turmoil and chaos,end of burden,end of everything we know,end of what we are,end of us.And we know that there is new realty awaiting.Something new.Whatever it is,but is new at least.

I dont know about you guys but in general,isnt this all boring? I'm not thinking about you and this experiment of course but in general.All these people are so boring; you know in advance what they will say, what they will wear, where they will go and what they will do.Wouldn`t you like to end it?

But also i can see that those who dont understands what we have here, information from this experiment,the basis of existence,they will be frightened to death.

Also I think this can be the difference between a candidate and a non-candidate to STO 4.density.

So,enjoy the show!:)
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