"Enjoying The Show" As The World Burns

@happyliza wrote:

"A recent analogy I can give is that of past memory/actions flash-backs. Over the last year, as my studies and clarifications have intensified, I have noticed that totally forgotten incidents, or actions that I thought I had dealt with, or preferred to have 'forgotten/put behind me' once analysed, suddenly appear out of the blue. Usually when driving, doing something totally different."

I’ve been having a similar experience for about 2 years. I actually think “it’s a thing” Here’s what I’ve noticed about it, and my conclusion or hypothesis.

It happens like you say, at moments of doing mundane stuff. Therefore, I have time to entertain or meditate on it. You might even say it’s polite. It waits for you to have a moment of free time.😊

In my mind it’s as if two lawyers show up and the discussion of the incident begins. It’s like a court room, but I have no fear of being found guilty, as a guilty verdict allows us to go on and sort out what went wrong and how it could have been handled better. Often, I blame myself rather quickly only to find out I really wasn’t to blame, and we go over the situation for the how’s and the why’s of it all. And confirm that I did the best I could do in bad and confusion situation. When some reasonable understanding comes, that’s it, it just stops, goes away in a blink.

My hypothesis is: it’s a precursor to the past life review or perhaps the past life review already in process.

@happyliza also wrote:

"Nobody came back and reported on what happened the last time the Wave occured 309k years ago regarding our personal film shows."

I’ve been thinking about that. If I’m watching an ending of a grand cycle (like the times of Noah). If so, looking closely at what I'm seeing now, and what is different that I didn’t imagine it to be?

If I’m to believe some old manuscripts, then civilization went mad, love grew cold, and every foul and evil thing was rampant. OK, I had imagined that that was man devolved back to animal, because of overcrowding etc. just that humans have a date code where they just rot, and that’s it. But…

What I’m watching now is that the rot does not appear to be natural. Country after country is falling to the purposeful manipulations of a small amount of socio and psychopathic humans “which” are controlled by inter-dimensional beings’, whose job it is to destroy the heard, and reap their portion of the harvest. Like round-up time with the cowboys having to come in collect the harvest. Routed, stampeded, branded and so forth. In this process the humans which need a stable environment lose their minds and end up “gone mad”.

And that brings me to some other “old manuscripts” that say things such as, the four horsemen of the apocalypse, or he/it (some great horrible being) will be let loose and allowed to war and cause destruction upon the whole earth for a period of time. Partly metaphorical…partly true? Add to that what we’ve been told about a porthole in Ukraine and another one in the middle east. If presently active, then the cowboy-hordes-of-hell could be coming through those portholes as we speak. Is this just a matter of what the great harvest looks like from this side?

Death by any means. Cathern A. Fitts recently said we are in a “death by any means” situation. War deaths, drug overdose deaths, nature catastrophes, injection, suicide etc. Oh, and don’t forget the Canadian gov's happy-responsible-good-citizen-suicides.

If it were given to us to write the story for the next generation to carry into the next cycle. How would “we” write it. Just the facts? A metaphoric or children’s story? Or, oh just forget it! Let them figure it out for themselves. You had to of been there.

BTW I don’t consider the human race innocent. But that’s another topic.
Thanks Adobe. love your description of how the Flashback analysis takes place! That is precisely what happens with me. I am grateful that although it is similar to a court case (and I have literally had a crash course in being cross examined in court these past weeks - and thanks to Divine help was as cool as a cucumber on 3 hours questionning without a break. My lawyer diagonally to me was shaking like a leaf for some reason, and fumbling with our papers, searching for the next 'exhibit'. So I looked at my own hands continually holding a single or double sheeted document to comment on in the dock. My hands or the paper were not even shaking one bit! I found that inspiringly incredible. Even my interpreter next to me was struggling a bit and later my lawyer told mee she misinterpreted quite a few things. But strangest of all is that out of court - there is always a long wait of 1 - 3 hours, I could feel myself getting naturally anxious - especially as our enitre saving/asset - everything I ''own' rests on winning against my deceased lawyers eldest son, whose English wife - neither of whom I had ever heard existed before - greedily want to take what is ot theirs! So I had every reason to be triple nervous in the court. Yet after noting my hands were not shaking,, I then assessed my mental acuity in my thinking processes and my responses. These too were beyond incredible as not only did I know that the entire trial depended solely on my answers to the cross examination, but also that I was purposefully being led into the barrage of trick questions to get me to incriminate myself - through careless answers, misinterpretation, or any other ploy. I kept DCM uppermost in my mind at all times and kept to honesty and authenticity, despite knowing that such never wins court cases nowadays - lies do! I was exhausted, and was luckily bought a chair to sit on. Yet at the end of it I felt truly good and great because inwardly I knew I could not have done a jot better, and I had not left ANY angle uncovered. I had done very very in depth research expecting the unexpected and preparing for it. Plus knew from my spirit family in advance that they wre all corrupt, and the lady judge had been known to them to have accepted 2 under table payments in previous cases. Plus that things will be forged and go missing but 2 documents were vital for me, which we produced one and I referred to the audit trail proof, which was the other. Spirit has told me they would help and be there all they could. Well the above energy calming and mega super simultaneous multi thinking processes, are all the proof I need. Not that I ever need any more 'proof' nowadays.
Afterwards my lawyer was incredulous and told me how well I had done. Especially when I couldn't hear (mega tinnitus probs actually cause near deafness under stress, but the acoustics were awful and judge and prosecution talking same time as I was sometimes!) There were absurd questions, and others I could not hear entirely, so I used my hearing and interpreting problems calmly to my advantage. I needed time to properly hear, understand and analyse the questions for what they actually were! Ironically most of these questions were then dropped or prohibited by the judge!
It was the most bizarre and sureal experience. Because although it was rapid fire questions at me - from pages of pre-written questions - I was able to simultaneously watch the whole court and event from above, as if I was simultaneously outside of my body! The same sensation as 'no time' when I was nearly killed on a zebra crossing and everything seemed to just slow down, and again you are as cool as a cucumber until you reach the pavement you were heading for and realized what just occured!
Another important aspect for me is whatever the judges verdict on the 31st, I know I was the only one with any evidence, and only one who knew all the facts from start to finish. And that I could not have improved due to all my preparation, which also meant no matter how preposterous the accusations were, they did not phase me as I was ready for them, and used them to get the points across which I knew I could not have had the opportunity to do so otherwise.

So Adobe - I got it in REAL time. But as you very well explained, that is exactly how the flashbacks occur.. Plus they are timed when we are more peaceful to deal with them, plus have all our faculties working so can see the buffers, biases, and everything else that 'IT' may wish to self argue against :-)
I wold call it a pre-cursor to a life review because here there is no way that we can feel everything that another may have experienced from wrong or careless deeds we may have done or things said. Nor can we fully experience the depth of emotions and senses that are we will undergo during the review which is not a simple process as it is not forgettable and part of the learning is the length of conscious suffering it causes us depending on the depth of hurt that we have caused. It is far mor than just a film etc. The same with the Wave whole lives experience - it is a flash, but we don't know how 'long' that 'flash' lasts in reality.

Regarding humanity not being innocent. My 2 cents are that how can we be? Even if being complicit means we are guilty in not seeing/doing the opposite. Though there will be higher evolved spirits that elected to come down to help, so they are innocent at that juncture as far as humanity is concerned. There must have always been STO among us.
Perhaps it would have been easier to be more innocent as part of remote tribes, yet at the same time I doubt they could actually evolve as fast due to their remoteness and less contact with 'evil' and everything around us that most just take forgranted.
Humanity has had many incarnations, some happier than others. However, in general I doubt whether previoius lives meant we were better or more evolved than we are now. So that implies that what you see is what you get and where you actually are in your current incarnation. It doesn't get much better than that unless you are commited to making it otherwise - which is why we are here!!
Death by any means. Cathern A. Fitts recently said we are in a “death by any means” situation. War deaths, drug overdose deaths, nature catastrophes, injection, suicide etc. Oh, and don’t forget the Canadian gov's happy-responsible-good-citizen-suicides.

If it were given to us to write the story for the next generation to carry into the next cycle. How would “we” write it. Just the facts? A metaphoric or children’s story? Or, oh just forget it! Let them figure it out for themselves. You had to of been there.
Being philosophical we will die somehow, some day, it is up to us through the knowledge we have acquired to be one step ahead of the game. To skip over as many snares as we can for as long as we can.
To make sure we have conquered the fear of death already and know that whatever we have learned here, nobody and nothing can ever take that away from us!
What we take with us knowledgewise is the foundation and spring board of what we can utilize and improve upon by learning more, and more appropriate knowledge for the 4th or 5th environment that we will find ourselves in. This way we can not only have a far smoother and quicker transition, but more importantly, be far more useful from the get go once we cross over.

So long as we do our best to remain in equilibrium throughout the slamdunk that is expected to occur, we know that we have done everything prior to preserve our lives/souls up to that point. Plus utilized all our time wisely in inner work, helping others, and preparing for how we be of assistance on the other side. After all we already have Pierre and other forumites and kith and kin as well as all our pets there !

Concerning writing a story for future generations - the best we can do is to save all the information we have on the Forum. I already have a vast number of files, which will also serve as valuable revision for myself should the light go out. Everything has already been said or written, thanks to Laura and everyone and the C's, that will matter for future generations. And as horrendous as much of it is, it is The Truth!
We are told that writing on stone is all that can survive like the Sumarians did. However, we still have great books an libraries as well as our files.
The other thought that occured to me is whether future earth is going to require the knowledge we have now. Perhaps - apart from the cold winds and red skies scenario, the nature of humanity in the future may take a totally different trajectory? Who knows?
For anyone in 4th or 5th Density, well can they not access the Akashic records/ information field for such information? The fact that we have thought it, written it, discussed it, even made it conscious means it must now exists eternally?
Edit: Posted prior to finishing my replies so added them
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Hi everyone,

I wanted to know more about the etymology of the word 'enjoy' and bumped into this article which gives a whole new meaning to this term:

I then searched for the etymology of 'joy' which, as you will see on the second screenshot below, also means :
"3. Luck or success, a positive outcome"

With this data, we may be able to understand "Enjoy the show" from the C's as "Bring / give a positive outcome to the show" - meaning that by networking together and through sharing information, every individual can truly decide to change himself and then, progressively, through the personal apprenticeship of his lessons and by working with others, he may be able to evolve towards a new reality.

This also reminded me of LKJ's video on the 'Theory of Information' and what she explains about learning how to gradually change and act to evolve towards this new reality, video in which she draws a diagram of different circles to illustrate her explanation :

See you!


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I dont know about you guys but in general,isnt this all boring? I'm not thinking about you and this experiment of course but in general.All these people are so boring; you know in advance what they will say, what they will wear, where they will go and what they will do.Wouldn`t you like to end it?

The only thing you get is more negative, amplified emotions and rejection of life, going against the natural course.

Emotions doing their own thing and getting away from what you have to do for yourself too because the world will keep turning with or without you and fulfilling its destiny and you will still pay for it, whether you do or not. So, what do we do? do we isolate ourselves egocentrically because we think we already know everything and ask for or wait for the exit ticket out of the expectation of believing that you will just appear in a better world according to your self-deception of knowing everything? it's a lot of pride, emotions to crumble.

If someone wants to leave because he already thinks he knows everything, why doesn't he take his way alone without condemning humanity and wanting to take it too? It's practically asking for everything to be over just because a grain of sand is bored... Shall I explain myself?, indeed, Yes, a big difference between STO/STS thinking in sight.

Or in a comical way that you suggest what psychopaths should do to make things not "boring"?

By "ecstatic" I don't quite understand it, but I don't think they mean feeling aroused at the moment of giving yourself a blow. I don't think it's being suggested that you stand in front of a car and wait with open arms for it to run over you or like the teaching about "the faces of God"... standing in the way of the elephant.

There is another series of definition that is related to displacement, change, deviation, alienation, disturbance that is more related to the states that provide us with the painful experiences we need to generate a significant change in our perspectives and development of consciousness.

Although if for some reason it is deserved that in your life the elephant steps on you anyway, well, individual "life things" of everyone and their lessons to be learned.
I have enjoyed reading this thread (not finished yet) and one thought came to mind. Perhaps "enjoy the show" may refer to the enjoyment we get from learning and knowledge. Obviously no one here (hopefully) can have anything other than empathy for the suffering of our fellow men, women and children. We are learning from this, though, and the spark of knowledge is so precious. We all have a front seat to the unbelievably immense changes in the world which have been in the making for hundreds of thousands of years, and are now reaching their pinnacle.
This is so painful to me. I am not someone who can "enjoy" a show, which contains violence and death. I absorb the show as if it was happening to me.

I mostly relate this to movies. I have gone to movies which I think will be good, something that I will be able to "enjoy", then it turns into something else so rather than enjoy it, I suffer through it. Or once or twice, I have walked out. Others have been very well done movies, but the action is so intense, I felt as if I was experiencing it. For example, the original "Twisters" movie about tornadoes. That one really got to me. I was in a large theater with surround sound and I actually felt as if I was in a tornado.

Back to this life. I hate the shows that are currently showing, The shows in the big theaters showing wars and genocide. The show in my own little theater, showing the story of my sick dog. I don't enjoy them at all, but I continue to watch, hoping that something will change the endings, knowing of course, that it won't. I hate them due to the suffering I see, and know there's nothing I can or should do about it, except hopefully learn some lessons, and speak up when I can. But "enjoy" in the normal context of the word? No.
This is so painful to me. I am not someone who can "enjoy" a show, which contains violence and death. I absorb the show as if it was happening to me.

I mostly relate this to movies. I have gone to movies which I think will be good, something that I will be able to "enjoy", then it turns into something else so rather than enjoy it, I suffer through it. Or once or twice, I have walked out. Others have been very well done movies, but the action is so intense, I felt as if I was experiencing it. For example, the original "Twisters" movie about tornadoes. That one really got to me. I was in a large theater with surround sound and I actually felt as if I was in a tornado.

Back to this life. I hate the shows that are currently showing, The shows in the big theaters showing wars and genocide. The show in my own little theater, showing the story of my sick dog. I don't enjoy them at all, but I continue to watch, hoping that something will change the endings, knowing of course, that it won't. I hate them due to the suffering I see, and know there's nothing I can or should do about it, except hopefully learn some lessons, and speak up when I can. But "enjoy" in the normal context of the word? No.
“We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same”

I think getting some “distance” to all of that can help :)
Another important aspect for me is whatever the judges verdict on the 31st, I know I was the only one with any evidence, and only one who knew all the facts from start to finish.
Really wishing you every success on the 31st happyliza. A gruelling experience indeed but where having prepared and being aware of all the details before hand, I do feel something else assisted you. What we call that something is different for each of us but we just have a knowing. Well done. Please let us know what happens and I'll be thinking of you in the meantime.
This is so painful to me. I am not someone who can "enjoy" a show, which contains violence and death. I absorb the show as if it was happening to me
Maybe the answer is that feeling joy does not mean that there is not some suffering or pain at the same time. The joy, love and peace increase the more we deepen our conscious connection to the core of ourselves and access the higher centers.

At the same time, there is always something remaining to work on within ourselves (inner challenges), which create at least some degree of tension, discomfort and even pain. Seeing the world and the beings around us with empathy seems to have a similar effect.

It is possible to be very centered and connected while feeling strong 'negative' emotions at the same time. In fact, that seems to be the best way of dealing with difficult emotions, since the higher vibrating energies dissolve the lower vibrating energies when you bring the two together.
It is a blessing that we can interact, express our feelings about everything that is happening in front of our eyes.
Looking together is the way to get closer to an objective view, as well as supporting each other so we don't psychologically decay in the face of the horrific reality in the world.

Happyliza, I love and share many things you have said, and I just wanted to make a small remark, because it seems important to me especially in this thread.

Also for those who say 'why don't Palestinians leave, try to leave etc:

Leaving to a Palestinian is failing. It is giving the evil, the psychopath what it wants. It is letting down generations of Palestinians before them, who stood up for freedom, rights, right of return of the dispora, right to call their country Palestine. The right to prevent the total takeover of their land.
As we now see also. It is not just about the Palestinians. It is about taking over any country they choose. The enlargement of 'Greater Israel' and the stealing of resources also by the USA and The West

For me, what you say is true and is aligned with Alejo's comments quoted by you, with which I also fully agree.

But also, I think we should not forget the information we have about the deeper reasons, or the background interests in all this.

Possibly, the Zionist narrative was able to deceive us for a long time, making us believe that they are just a group of religious fanatics and, because of their religious beliefs, their purpose is to remove those who are living illegitimately according to the designs of “God”, in a certain territory that is promised land for “The Chosen People”.

In light of the facts, that seems to be a big lie/excuse.
If that were true, the Zionists (Nazis or whatever they are), would have no problem with Palestinians who want to leave their land to save their lives, being able to do so.
They really want to kill them all and for that they have them locked up, and in various ways.

The genocide is ongoing and, we know that the real motive is to decrease the amount of certain genetics inconvenient for 4D STS on Earth.
That is, a 4D STS plan elaborated by them and for them, using all the existing 3D psychopathy to achieve it.
I know this I said is not new information here, but as a reminder I thought it good to mention it in this context.

Thank you Joe for once again relying on the group exchange, to find answers to your very timely questions.

I am really happy for all that has been said in this extraordinary thread.
I am doubly enjoying it, because I don't feel that sort of anxiety to speak my mind, given the wonderful posts that have already been made.

Likewise I want to add a few thoughts.

Question preamble: The Cs have said many times over the years that we should "sit back and enjoy the show". Part of the "show" right now is a genocide in Gaza, which is actively and openly supported and facilitated by the USA and other Western "democracies".

Question: Assuming this trend is to continue, what perspective should we take on the suffering and death of many innocent people in order to "enjoy" such a show?

First, the C's never said we should enjoy pain, neither our own nor that of others. They said, “enjoy the spectacle,” which is something quite different.
A spectacle is not synonymous with something pretty.
It can be very ugly and it is still a spectacle.

Also, they didn't say enjoy PART of the show. That's a great little detail expressed in the preamble to Joe's question, which to my mind may be an important factor in the solution.

With that in mind, an answer to the specific question might be:
“As complete a perspective as we can.”
That is, keep doing what we have been doing, with the faith of Christ.

I lack words to express myself but I will try.
Somehow the Universe offered us this path and we have accepted or chosen it.
We have given up a mountain of pleasures.
We have rejected the anesthesia of the New Age.
Someone in this World has to get to SEE what is really happening in the World, and we have volunteered for it.
If we want the Universe to change something, that something must be objectively observed, recorded, known.
The Universe is not indifferent to objective readings. It acts in accordance with precisely that.
Therefore, we are by no means being passive in this task of observers, quite the contrary.

I hope that none of us will close our eyes, just now that the Beast is so crazy and so visible.

I don't know, but it seems to me that if we were not doing Eiriu Eolas, many of us would no longer be on this Path.

On reflection after all the responses, it seems to me that the suffering involved in watching the show tends to be exacerbated if the person watching has a strong belief or desire that the suffering should not be happening and should be stopped. So yeah, having a perspective that gives the suffering a reason or meaning (even if we don't necessarily like it) is important.

Yes! 👍
Thank you Joe and everyone :flowers:
On reflection after all the responses, it seems to me that the suffering involved in watching the show tends to be exacerbated if the person watching has a strong belief or desire that the suffering should not be happening and should be stopped. So yeah, having a perspective that gives the suffering a reason or meaning (even if we don't necessarily like it) is important.
Great statement :flowers:
Observing suffering in all its forms triggers a permanent feeling of sadness, fear and powerlessness in an empath. It is not primarily about the suffering that we perceive but about the emotion that it triggers in us. Recently, I have often asked myself whether my thinking about the external suffering that I perceive is very STS-colored.
Perceived suffering from outside triggers emotions of deep sadness, helplessness, despondency and fear within me. My counter-reaction is anger and sudden actionism. I have to do something so that I can bear it. I want to actively eliminate external suffering so that I no longer have to feel these negative emotions. The greater the external suffering, the more I want to fight against it so that I can regain my inner stability. It's like ying and yang or a balance that constantly tips to one side only.
Knowing that everything is a lesson and that it's not my job to save anyone brings me back into relative balance. But in my job, it's very difficult to stay centered, to stay grounded.

Lately I've been having a lot of apocalyptic dreams and memories of thoughts from my childhood. Perhaps I saw things as a child that are relevant today. Back then, I thought that at some point there would be an immigration of people from Africa and poorer countries. At the time, I thought practically. How can it be that we in Europe are rich, full and prosperous and children are starving to death on another continent? Another memory relates to the world's debt system. I understood that even then the world was in debt. The other visions were of a debt-free and peaceful world. And I was always aware that I would live to see it.
Keeping your own lighthouse burning, expanding and stabilizing your networks, acquiring knowledge and not losing your divine trust are probably the most important tasks at this time.
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