Errors in "The Wave" (Online Version)

Chapter 65 :

The C’s said :
A: Emotion that limits is an impediment to progress. Emotion is also necessary to make progress in third density. It is natural. When you begin to separate limiting emotions based on assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next density.
And then comes :
Then, think about the process of separating limiting emotions based on assumptions from those that limit, and the fact that this opens one to unlimited possibilities,
Wouldn’t it be « from those that open » ?

But then I started to read some of posts.
Again I’m not entirely sure for this one, just signaling. Is it correct this way or ‘the’ is to be added or ‘of’ needs to be deleted ?
Chapter 66 :

I would like to include some of remarks
[edit] I found it elsewhere so it must be my bad, I hadn’t seen this formulation yet.

I have a few friends who are occultists whom I respect. One day one I was talking with one of them;

Oak Island is in the area of northeastern North America that was formerly called Arcadia (although the name was later fixed to “Acadia”);
There I found the explanation to this point from chapter 29, do you think it could be inserted in there for clarity ?
Chapter 29 :

Acadia is referenced 3 times in the chapter and the term changes for Arcadia at the end :
Chapter 68 :

It is clear that a huge segment our society is in denial.
‘of’ missing

they have been using the particular bracketed period of the 74 thousand year period alter things in all the various ways mentioned earlier
‘to’ may be missing, except if the Cs said it this way...

“happened to include the majority of anthropologists alive (p. 70).2
end quote*

many individuals who are seeing the shape-shifting or “overshadowing of humans by Reptilian creatures.
end quote*
Chapter 70 :

Unfortunately, these referenced links don’t function anymore :

1 Source: CDC/NCHS, Health, United States, 2008, Figure 7. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. ( index.htm#overweight)

By contrast, patients whos hippocampus is intact
Chapter 71 :

So, let’s not slip into tetraphyloctomy on that point. (A term coined by Umberto Eco in Foucault’s Pendulum; means “the art of splitting a hair four ways”.)
I haven’t read the book so I can’t confirm, but the word appears as ‘tetrapyloctomy’ on goolge.
Pages not found

such asbullets being fired
A: Did he have just and idea?
if you draw on you third density earth a straight line
suggesting that it operates in nothing like the way we normally belief it to.
believe* ?
In electronic version (ebook) of Cassiopaea Experiment Transcripts vol. 4 in last chapter there is:

"The son from this marriage was Miesko II".
The correct name should be "Mieszko II".
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