Esoteric Music Theory

Wouldn’t context matter? The Am F E in a salsa Latin dance number sounds powerful and emotional and perhaps not despairing at all if I’m understanding the progression you mean. Sure, played in a heavy somber dirge, it’s Christ in Gethsemane but with up tempo flamenco guitars…?
I too have thought about the way the context seems to change the effect in flamenco music. It is such a subtle combination of rhythm with very complex use of the fingers to do what cannot be duplicated using only a picking style. It is like transforming minor chords into a powerful and almost uplifting major chord effect. In that respect music is a very complex part of our being I think.
Wouldn’t context matter?
Howdy BHelmet! Context does matter but context is subjective imho. I choose the titles for my pieces to evoke a context both before and after composing them. I usually create several and choose based on multiple listenings and my partners thoughts.I recall Gurdjieff stating, I believe in Meetings With Remarkable Men that, and I paraphrase; Happy/sad is subjective, for if one hears a sad song upon winning the lottery that song will always recall a happy moment and if one hears a happy song on the day of a dear ones death that happy song will make them sad. I remember him also stating to not listen to music with your emotions. As for Am F E; a standard A Minor Latin progression. Some will listen to that and get nothing from it while others will feel emotional uplifting based on the context as opposed to just the music. Osit!

Btw… thanks for reading!
"I wanted at one time to be a music major but instead majored in psychology."

Howdy goyacobol! Thanks! I also wanted to minor in psychology but had a bad experience in my first psych class at Berklee and decided to stay away from an academic approach. If I can help with the music theory please, do not hesitate to ask!
.I recall Gurdjieff stating, I believe in Meetings With Remarkable Men that, and I paraphrase; Happy/sad is subjective, for if one hears a sad song upon winning the lottery that song will always recall a happy moment and if one hears a happy song on the day of a dear ones death that happy song will make them sad. I remember him also stating to not listen to music with your emotions. As for Am F E; a standard A Minor Latin progression. Some will listen to that and get nothing from it while others will feel emotional uplifting based on the context as opposed to just the music. Osit!

Probably true in many cases. If it's of interest to you, you might like Iain McGilchrists work on left and right brain hemispheres. He makes a claim that Bach's contrapuntal music can induce, even in trained musicians, a strong RH response. I recently listened to a favourite progressive rock instrumental from the 70's and realised that it has some contrapuntal sections. There are a number of sections that, if I'm in a situation where I can totally immerse in the music, I get goosebumps. Other sections that can either bring me to tears, have me cheering and pumping my fists with a sense of victory or just plain having my breath taken away by the beauty of a natural setting depending on what else is going on. If I try to listen to it with competing background noise, it just gives me a headache :lol:
Joscelyn Godwin has written a few books on music and mysticism and related subjects. FWIW.
Joscelyn Godwin explores music's effects on matter, living things, and human behavior. Turning to metaphysical accounts of the higher worlds and theories of celestial harmony, the author follows the path of musical inspiration on its descent to Earth, illuminating the archetypal currents that lie beneath Western musical history
Chromatic System of Harmony

1.The chromatic scale is used either in ascending or descending order.
(Ascending) C C# D# E F F# G G# A A# B
2. Determine root movement using any number series such as Fibonacci, other additive series, addresses, phone numbers, etc.
3. Starting pitch is composers choice. I’ll start at C and use 1 2 3 5 8 13 (Fibonacci series)
C 1 C# 2 E 3 G 5 C 8 A 13 B
Please forgive me!!! I left D out of my chromatic scale. :scared: My editing is in need of a much needed dusting off! Here is the corrected portion of the post.

Chromatic System of Harmony

1.The chromatic scale is used either in ascending or descending order.
(Ascending) C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B
2. Determine root movement using any number series such as Fibonacci, other additive series, addresses, phone numbers, etc.
3. Starting pitch is composers choice. I’ll start at C and use 1 2 3 5 8 13 (Fibonacci series)
C 1 C# 2 D# 3 F# 5 B 8 G 13 G#
Have the C's discussed the subject of Music, in this context or any other?
For reference and fun, here are The Cs mentions of music that worth (IMO) noting.

Q: (L) The music that kids listen to, is there any effort to program them in this media?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do they use subliminals?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do they use electronic signals?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do they use electronic signals on television programming?
A: Have but not that often.
Q: (L) Is there any signal being sent over the test of the emergency broadcast signal?
A: No

Q: (L) So there is no way we can interpret what a rock senses. Well, another 1st density example is plants. We
know that plants can react positively to certain persons and negatively to others. They have experimented
with hooking them up to polygraph machines and measured these responses. (J) They also react to music…
(T) Third density reactions…
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Jan and I are very curious about artistic expression at 4th density. We experience art and music in
a very positive and moving way, most of us, in this realm, and sometimes music can be very sublime and
very transforming. It can move one in a lot of very unusual ways. What is it like in 4th density?
A: In 4th, you can “see” sounds and “hear” colors, for example.
Q: (L) Is this, now you guys just calm down when I ask this question… (F) I know what you are going to ask…
(L) No remarks, okay? Many years ago when I was a child of the 60’s and 70’s, I tried some LSD. (T) I know
exactly what you are going to ask, yeah, because I’ve seen it too! (J) Yes. (L) In a major way! Geometric
patterns and colors manifested with music. (T) Yes! (L) Is this what we are talking about here?
A: Bingo!

Q:Is the watching of these dances or listening to this music helpful in unlocking ancient genetic memories?
A: In person, not through reproduction. Wearing of silk will enhance the EM effect.

You should know that the one time that Mozart wrote music under external pressure he quickly transited to 5th density.

A: The music is on the page long before it is played.
Q: (R) So, when the orchestra starts playing you have the musical notes, the timing instructions. Right. So it’s the same music. You can play over and over again. But the difference is how well the orchestra plays and how well it is tuned. Okay, so one implication can be that …
A: The FRE is the notes on the page. It is the selection. The “playing” constitutes “events.” Frequency resonant envelope: FRE.
Q: (R) So when you’re starting out, you have a small orchestra, you play simple notes. (L) Kinda like first density. (R) Exactly. As you get better at playing you get the bigger orchestra, you get more instruments, you have to be more careful about having them in tune because otherwise … (L) And you get more notes. (R) And you get more notes. But the playing constitutes events. It’s one thing to have an orchestra, it’s another to have it tuned.


A: Too much TV and too much music with encoded brain jellifying signals. Learn to sleep properly and
cut way back on the music. It is better to listen to music of that type only when physically active.
Q: [Bubbles enters the room] (Mr. Scott) Speak of the devil (Bubbles) What? (Atriedes) Literally. We got
an answer. (Bubbles) You got an answer? What? (Galahad) You’re not going to like it. (Perceval) I need to
ask her second question. What is it that she perceives in her room in terms of, in her words, “the green
monster thing” and scary sensations when she wakes up?
A: By-products of previous mentioned issue.
Q: (Perceval) So, your memory loss is the result of “too much TV and too much music with encoded brain
jellifying signals. Learn to sleep properly and cut way back on the music. It is better to listen to music of
that type only when physically active”. And the scary monsters you’re seeing are the results of that. (L) So
there are signals being sent into your brain through this music, and it’s causing your brain to be jellified
so it can be used by external forces to come into your reality and haunt you. (Mr. Scott) So you can listen to
it when you’re exercising. (Perceval) But it’s probably better not to have it right in your ears.
A: That’s it in a nutshell!
Q: (Perceval) It’s frying your brains and making you see things. (Ar) It all started at a particular time, two
years ago. (Perceval) You had built up years of brain frying. Your brain will work OK and then at a point
where you’ve fried it too much it’ll go bonkers. It’s like when you fry a steak. It looks the same for awhile,
but eventually it starts to… (L) This is your brain, and this is your brain on drugs. (Andromeda) This is your
brain on too much music. (Bubbles) I don’t listen to too much music. I only listen to it when I’m going
to sleep. (L) That is probably the worst thing you could do before you go to sleep because that stuff does
things to your brain and then it continues to operate while you’re sleeping. (Galahad) Because it says “you
need to learn to sleep properly and cut way back on the music”. So there’s a relationship between the fact
that you’re listening to the music and you’re not sleeping properly. (Bubbles) I have this thing. I listen to
music, and then I go to sleep. (Perceval) You could change the type of music you listen to before sleeping.
There are certain kinds of music that aren’t encoded with the signals. (L) Listen to classical before going
to bed. (Bubbles) Sometimes I do! (Perceval) Well, you need to do it more and less music music with freaky
messages encoded into it. (Atriedes) Is Eminem a complete tool of the powers that be? Sometimes it seems
to have a good thing; sometimes it doesn’t.
A: If it is popular and/or widely sold, it is part of the “program.

Q: (L) Okay next question:
(Galatea) What is the invisible creature that keeps playing the piano when I am in the salon? (Galatea had
said that the chords of the piano would sound like they were plucked when she was alone in the room)
A: You.
Q: (Galatea) what do they mean me?
A: EM bursts
Q: (Galatea) What’s that? (Others explain what EM bursts are)
A: Suppressed music.
Q: (Explanation by others to Galatea about poltergeist activity and creativity and it needing a channel,
otherwise it comes out in other ways)
A: You have vast untapped talents. Stop watching TV; it produces suppressor chemicals in the brain

Q: {Laughter} (L) I see. Well, what kind of music do you like?
A: Many at different times

Q: (L) Okay, well, what could be added to the step and the pace to get it closer?
A: One of two ways: dance a spiral with the “bridge” on the turn out of the center or dance a formal maze
and the same maneuver on the turns.
Q: (L) I guess the bridge is where they have their hands together and they kind of turn inside out. (DD)
Right, that was cool. Is the time signature of the music that they’re doing this to of any significance?
A: Yes, but it can be different depending on the aim. Remember that these maneuvers literally change
the “field” in which the participants are moving. This can change things on many levels, even including
turning DNA on or off

Q: (Keit) On an emotional level, Amazing Grace had the most effect on me. (Allen) We can have you sing
solo and then a choir of us come in and back you up. That’s a thought.
A: Many possibilities, eh? Notice the “effect?”
Q: (Joe) Music to soothe the savage the beast!
A: Music to communicate to the soul.
Q: (L) Well, I really don’t understand.
A: There are frequencies in your/our voice that are inaudible to the physical ear but affect the spirit.
Q: (Joe) True. (Scott) I wonder if that’s why there are certain bands where the people totally can’t sing, but
everyone thinks they’re great - I mean, above and beyond marketing and all that kind of stuff?
A: Yes! And some of them activate “interesting” frequencies!
Q: (L) When you say “interesting”, what does that mean?
A: Shall we say that it is planned and deliberate for nefarious purposes.
Q: (Joe) What music were you thinking about, Scottie? (Scottie) I was just thinking after our talk the other
day about objectively and subjectively good music and everything. I was thinking about some of the popular
music, like pretty much everything… Like my workout music, grunge music, electric guitar music, rap music
- all these different types of popular music. And some of it is actually done by somebody who can’t even sing
at all and people just absolutely love it. So there are all these different genres where some bands become
popular, whereas you can go to a bar and here’s somebody singing a song and they’re ten times better, but…
(L) But they’re not famous. (Scottie) So why do these people who have absolutely no talent become famous,
beyond the fact that they were “discovered”, or advertising, etc…
A: Laurel Canyon anyone?
Q: (laughter) (Keit) We were just talking about it today! (Joe) Yeah, they were all picked. (C**) So would
Laura’s voice be kind of what Gurdjieff called “objective music”?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) I’ve got a great name for your album: Laura Canyon! (laughter) (L) I think I’ll pass on that one.
Unless you want to put an echo in so it sounds like I’m singing across the canyon. (PL) So, those bands in
Laurel Canyon, those singers like the Mamas and the Papas, those bands that were obviously sponsored,
because, through their music, they could put a kind of spell on some listeners, manipulate them, generate
some negative emotions…?
A: “Spellbinders.”
Q: (Keit) Maybe you can ask about movies? (L) What about movies? (Keit) We were talking about Laurel
Canyon in relation to movies, and we see this same effect. (L) Did Laurel Canyon do movies? (Keit) Because
it has that lab. (Allen) Oh, it has that CIA lab at the top of Laurel Canyon. (DD) Which is the spook lab.
The spook’s cinema lab. (Allen) It’s all part of that same thing. (PL) They did some horror movies.
A: Yes. All part of the same programs.
Q: (PL) Does it generate just general negative emotions in listeners, or is it more specific nefarious purposes?
A: More specific…
Q: (Joe) Dissociation. (PL) To trigger some kind of programmed murderers or stuff like that?
A: In some cases. Like an audible “Catcher in the Rye.”
Q: (C**) What’s Catcher in the Rye? (Allen) Catcher in the Rye was the book that the guy who shot John
Lennon had in his hands when he shot him. (L) Yeah? (Joe) Sirhan Sirhan. (L) And also the guy that shot
John Lennon. (DD) It’s supposedly a kind of MKULTRA trigger thing.
A: Many triggers for many programs. Now you have the means to cancel much of this.
Q: (L) What do you mean “means to cancel much of this”? (PL) Counter-music. A counter-signal. (L) You
mean it’s gonna be the Battle of the Bands?! (laughter)
A: You got it! On a cosmic level too!
Q: (L) I think it’s strange. (PL) One of the triggers is for murderers. But they say it’s one of the specific
nefarious purposes. Are there examples of other specific nefarious purposes? Can they trigger suicide in
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) General association among young people, ya know what I mean? Turn their brains into… (Keit) Like
psychopathy, and violent… (Allen) I don’t think it has to be that serious. It’s part of the frequency fence, the
A: Frequency fence! [spelling at the same time Allen is speaking)
Q: (L) So you read their minds, Allen. (PL) But this music is available all over the world. (L) Yes. And our
music is not. We haven’t even made it! (laughter)

Q: (Mr. Scott) Alright then. (Galaxia) I have a question. They mentioned us having powers in 4 D and being
able to hear colors. Is one of these powers being able to taste music?
A: Yes

(Pierre) I have another question if we can change topic. There is this French scientist who discovered those
Paleolithic pestles made of rock. For decades they thought they were used to crush seeds or whatever. By
chance, he dropped one - and he’s a musician - and he found that it sounded good when it hit the ground.
So, he started to analyze all these pestles. He found that each of them was tuned. Each of them generated a
perfect note. Now their hypothesis is that the pestles weren’t pestles, but a musical instrument. Are these
pestles only used as musical instruments?
A: No, not even close. Healing tones produced when struck in correct sequence and combination.
Q: (Pierre) So it means some kind of music? Perfect tunes? If you play the right notes in the right sequence…
And the right combination… Music can be healing.
A: Important that the tone is accompanied by subtones and frequencies that are natural to the stone and
“speak” to the cells in the body.
Q: (L) So I guess you can’t just play the music.
(Pierre) No, it’s more elaborate than that. But it means a great amount of knowledge…

07/04/2015:Q: (L) I assume that means answers about Putin, 4D STS having fun playing games with people, and so
forth. Okay, let’s go back to this other topic here. A forum member writes:
Music is such a powerful medium. Powerful in that it accesses the imagination, the mind and
the emotions and the body - all the lower centers, for sure. Thus it is no wonder that the PTB
would seek to use this medium to their advantage since manipulation, by any means, is their
middle name. If they go to such great lengths to control mainstream media news, TV programming, and movies, certainly the music industry is not immune to their manipulation and
control. This should be self-evident by now, I would think.
Perhaps because music can access the emotions directly (and thus bypass the rational mind),
dive into the sub-conscious mind, AND influence the body, I believe it provides a fertile ground
for 4th way self-observation and study. One of the things Gurdjieff said early on as relayed by
Ouspenski in “In Search of the Miraculous”, was that we are subject to a series of ‘likes’ and
‘don’t likes’ by all the little I’s: petty, subjective, egoistic tastes (my words). Certainly music is
a vast playground for subjective likes and dislikes. Furthermore, it could be argued that what
and who we like or dislike may even be reflective of our state of development, awareness and
(L) Does a person’s taste in music reflect their state of awareness, development, and being?
A: Yes, more or less, though there is a range of preferences at various “levels”.
Q: (L) Okay, next question:
Does a person’s taste in music reflect their personal aim in life?
A: It can be strongly affected if only subconsciously.
Q: (L) Okay:
What is more important in determining a song’s value: the lyrics or the sound/mood/feeling?
A: The sound opens the door for the lyrics to enter for good or ill.
Q: (L) Does that mean that a song that sounds really horrible and mechanical and like somebody just beating
on a pot or clanging on the hood of their car or something, and if that’s the kind of music the person likes,
but it also has good lyrics, then that’s okay?
A: Not exactly. The sound can open gates at - or of - different levels and parts of the internal makeup.
Q: (L) Okay, next forum question:
22.8. JULY 4, 2015 CHAPTER 22. 2015
Is the NSA using musical tastes and downloads to track and identify certain ‘types’?
A: Of course.
Q: (L) Next:
Is the song “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” really used as a mind-control programming tool
like Catcher in the Rye?
A: Sadly, in some circles, yes.
Q: (Galatea) So, if people like anarchy music about hating the government and law, then they’re gonna stir
up some trouble?
(L) I dunno. Maybe they would track somebody like that and think that they could turn that person to their
own uses.
(Perceval) They said there are some types of music that are listened to by certain types of people… Certain
types of emo music or whatever that certain types of young people listen to, like outsiders or loners and
that kind of thing, and those people could be tracked as candidates for “use”…
A: The 70’s were the time of development of such concepts and technologies. The 80’s were the period
when implementation became more widespread. At present 90 percent of broadcast music has corrupting
Q: (Pierre) So we have to listen to old music. Music from before the 70’s. Or classical music.
(L) Obviously we need to be paying much closer attention to our musical tastes, and analyzing what it is
about songs that we like. And obviously, we need to pay a lot more attention to what we listen to in the
background. But that means I’m safe since I only listen to old classic rock like Bob Seger, whose music is
the best! (laughter)
A: Yes.

12/01/2018:(Pierre) About frequencies… In a previous session, we mentioned this prehistoric stone that was perfectly
tuned. The C’s said that it was not a musical instrument, but instead for healing. They said you can’t heal
with a single tone, but with the proper tones and sub-tones. You need the right combination. I guess past
civilizations had this knowledge. Today in our modern world, are there remnants of music or song that
convey part of this knowledge?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Oh yeah? Which one?
(L) Which one what?
(Pierre) Which song or type of music is closest to the tones and sub-tones that have those healing properties?
A: Gregorian chant
Probably true in many cases. If it's of interest to you, you might like Iain McGilchrists work on left and right brain hemispheres.
Thanks for the recommendation Jones! On the topic of counterpoint and the brain, I offer the following for everyone’s enjoyment…

In my way did I use you, do you think I really abused you
On reflection now it doesn't matter:
How can you say I made you need me more than anyone else
Who can say it right now it's finished over:
It's my act, it's my calling, I explained exactly the falling
Different ways of life can never even:
Be the same when you saw me, could you always take me the
same way As I came and went I tried to remember you:
Still you stay
Tied in your way
Changing times
Watching the signs

Could you see in me what you thought about all you want me to be
On reflection why should have I changed my ways for you
All around all around

Cry my sympathy's with you but I never lied to you all in all
it seems it's just an experience:
Placed my cards on the table told of everything I was able,

Understanding still not anything different:
Find another to lean on, start again for I should have long
gone, on reflection now it's just an experience.
Soon the pain will have ended, together never intended, as I
come and go I'll try to remember you.
Still you stay
Tied in your way
Changing times
Watching the signs
All around all around...

I'll remember the good things how can you forget all the years
that we shared in our way:
Things were changing my life, taking your place in my life and
our time drifting away:

Look back it's not your game, together just in name.

I'll remember the good things how can you forget all the years
that we shared in our way:
Things were changing my life, taking your place in my life and
our time drifting away:

All around all around...
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