Jedi Master
Lol, I would have to say MOST is not accurate! The C's have stated on more than one occasion how much of the Bible are corruptions and perversions of previous rip-offs with fabrications and downright lies inserted over the ages. BUT... There were 'truths' seeded at the source once upon a time: Every successful lie is coated with some truth to make the pill easier to swallow. Myths and Legends are more often than not analogies of actual cosmic and/or esoteric 4D events expressed through symbolism, its meaning twisted and lost over time.I am not so sure that every story in the bible is accurate especially after reading Laura's book Secret History of The World.
I think you think I think all music is bad. Far from it Goyacobol. When I make a point about the "power" of something can have over us in 3D STS realm, especially a medium as powerful as music, then I tend to argue from a standpoint of its potentially very powerful STS effects over us because we are by definition also STS - and therefor its more important to drive the STS point home. The fact music is in essence so beautiful and uplifting and speaks to the soul on a level like no other, needs no comment.
To quote Arnold Bennett:
"Its language is a language which the soul alone understands, but which the soul can never translate."
As for unity, it is by its very definition STO in essence. Forces of STS use 'unity' as an alliance of convenience. It never lasts, nor is their 'unity' real. STS 'unity' only exists because STO exists... Without STO, STS becomes the snake eating its own tail.
A quote to tie unity with music by Hazrat Inayat Khan:
“Music is the language of the soul; and for two people of different nations or races to unite, there is no better means than music. For music not only unites man to man, but man to God"