Esoteric Music Theory

Would you explain in more detail? It's strange I didn't read Yumi's post before I posted and we both used the word elaborate though I seldom use that word.
Hi Yumi, I'm not sure what you meant with that... Can you elaborate?
I had started with the "old meaning" of conformity; I use a translator, so it's not easy to define the meaning. The translation of a French definition of conformity is:"""
State of submission (cf. conformism). Conformity to God's will:
"Compulsory education leads to the most beautiful pruning of personality. Children are taught compliance. They are taught respect for formalism." Cendrars, Moravagine,1926, p. 302.

(Translated with
I had started with the "old meaning" of conformity; I use a translator, so it's not easy to define the meaning. The translation of a French definition of conformity is:"""
State of submission (cf. conformism). Conformity to God's will:
"Compulsory education leads to the most beautiful pruning of personality. Children are taught compliance. They are taught respect for formalism." Cendrars, Moravagine,1926, p. 302.

(Translated with
Ok, I think I get where you're coming from. Actually, "Conformity" kinda forms a link between "compliance" and "unity".

Would you explain in more detail?
Nearly all my insights come from my direct interaction with the Muslim community I grew up with. They don't always agree to what extent... Some say singing is ok, some say not, for example. All agree no wind or string instruments... pianos seem to be a grey area though (technically a string-based instrument - but struck with little hammers). Most agree any form of music that may be permitted must not have the two sexes intermingling together.
I think it all started with a story of Iblis (the devil) coming into the tribes of Cain, or from Cain, to corrupt them, and/or "the other" tribe, with enchanting music that aroused debaucherous sexual temptations and revelry... This in turn evolved through via Sunnah and Hadiths into more in-depth analogies/understanding involving addiction and euphoric leave-of-senses and aligning 'frequencies' of the Djinn (which I thought the latter being quite profound for an Abrahamic)

Tap in a google search for "music is haram" or "is music forbidden in Islam" for further insights on the matter.

It's strange I didn't read Yumi's post before I posted and we both used the word elaborate though I seldom use that word.
Well, "elaborate" starts with "el" which is Hebrew for "god" and in turn evolved into Aramaic "elah" and Arabic "allah" - so maybe some sub-space connect going on there given the subject engaged? Lol.
Saudi Arabian wedding party... music, singing (if you can call it that) and dancing around... but ALL MEN.

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"ritual music and dance" ... what do we know about rituel ?
I don't have the quote now, but it seems to me that the Cassiopeans have mentioned the idea that a form (thought) of ritual is good insofar as it applies only to oneself; I had taken that as a lesson, but it doesn't facilitate the task of conceiving a "cosmo'n roll" otherwise than by ritual voice... i work on it, but for now, it looks like the "seaweed dance" (rire)
in musical terms, there are three aspects, melodic, harmonic and rhythmic; and probably it would take at least three volunteers to begin the formation of a "gravitational wave" as a "unifying thought form". In the field of dance, there is talk of "agile pelvis", and as the seat of "movement-creation", then perhaps the pool, oops, the pelvis is a masterpiece in terms of reasoning.
Saudi Arabian wedding party... music, singing (if you can call it that) and dancing around... but ALL MEN.

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For the strictest Muslims, music and dance at weddings is the ONLY time I've known it done - and yes, ALWAYS segregated between the sexes.

Other than at weddings, they will 'sing' for the call to prayer, and whilst in prayer - often done in a chant-like manner.
This aspect of song in prayer is very interesting in and of its self: I've known many Muslims (males) whom in their less-religious youth liked to try sing along, say, to an Usher or Will Smith track, and they cannot sing for jack!... In fact, they're ruddy awful... every. one. every. time. Now, here's the thing, on occasion I've heard them 'sing' privately in prayer... Their voices are quite beautiful! Its as if they have, in that moment of prayer, truly offered up themselves to the 'higher self' casting aside ALL inhibitions to the point of zero self-consciousness - and released something of the divine-connect from within. It feels 'pure' to me ie not 4D STS influenced (though that's not to say it isn't!)
Witnessing those brief moments of 'song' really drove home to me, more than anything else, just how truly embodied and deeply intimately-ingrained on a soul-level a Muslim's sense of his religious belief truly is - and how nigh impossible it would be to undo because it is soooo personal and transcends the intellect of mind.

I've heard them 'sing' privately in prayer... Their voices are quite beautiful! Its as if they have, in that moment of prayer, truly offered up themselves to the 'higher self' casting aside ALL inhibitions to the point of zero self-consciousness - and released something of the divine-connect from within. It feels 'pure' to me ie not 4D STS influenced (though that's not to say it isn't!)

Witnessing those brief moments of 'song' really drove home to me, more than anything else, just how truly embodied and deeply intimately-ingrained on a soul-level a Muslim's sense of his religious belief truly is - and how nigh impossible it would be to undo because it is soooo personal and transcends the intellect of mind.

If you have never read the Ra material. or the work of Michael Topper, you might want to check it out. Here's a start:

Stalking or Precis on The Good and The Evil

It's pretty scary because, in point of fact, true devotion to evil CAN exist even without the awareness of the devotee that the object and the means of bidding derive from STS sources.

Another text that makes you really think about this is Mouravieff's Gnosis, Vol. II, I believe.

From my perspective, having done the deeeeeeep research on the Old Testament and New Testament, anything that is derivative is just another level of deception, and make no mistake about it: the Koran is a derived text and the ideas contained within. The effort to conceal this is evident to text critics. The most interesting theory is that Islam grew out of a group of sectarians similar to the Dead Sea Scrolls sect, the former having been originally the latter, escaping into Arabia at the time of the Roman destruction of Jerusalem. You really have to read the DSS to get the flavor of the underpinnings of these types, keeping in mind always that even THEIR stuff was highly derived from Zoroastrian and Mesopotamian ideas and texts.

So, I don't have much truck with Islam or its elder sisters, Judaism and mainstream Christianity; but of the three, Islam is undoubtedly the most detrimental to the human being and human society. I imagine Torquemada was quite devout and could say beautiful prayers.
" terms of reasoning." I meant in resonance term.

quote from "LE CULTE_R.Will" T2, 1929, p.500
"I/ the ethereal fluid"
"the musician who has lent an ear to the harmonies of the unknowable, is pushed by the Spirit to make them heard. Music, the oldest of the arts, is religious in essence. The echo of these "cosmic movements by which the immense existence is intimate and interior to us" was discerned."
"agile pelvis"...
"Prononc.: [pεlvis]. Étymol. et Hist. 1666 anat. (Compte rendu du Journal des savants, 23 mai ds Fr. mod. t.23, p.224). Mot lat. signifiant «bassin (de métal), chaudron»." translated... basin (metal), cauldron
… back to the pool …

extract/traduct , from « Clavicules de Salomon » 1641 :

"The beginning of our key ( Clavicule ) is the fear of God. It is important to honor him with contrition of heart and to adore him with great devotion. He will be invoked in all things you will do and operate. Then God will lead you behind the path."

"Le commencement de notre clef (Clavicule) est la crainte de Dieu. Il importe de l'honorer avec contrition de coeur et de l'adorer avec grande dévotion. On l'invoquera en toutes choses que tu voudras faire et opérer. Ainsi Dieu te dirigera derrière le sentier."

...preface from F.R.Dumas:

« The "clavicule", in fact, was considered then as the indispensable passport to reach the secret regions of knowledge and wealth and it would have been vain to claim to circumvent geniuses or demons without resorting to its precepts. Every hermetist worthy of the name had this little form, a sort of hand-book, which was hidden in the folds of his dress or a coat. With this precious work, one could hope to reach the secrets of power. It was also the most "consumed" manuscript of the medieval centuries. But killed towards gold before the letter, each one claimed to keep the secret of his mine, although, many were the initiates who pricked themselves to possess the "key" of the treasure room. To reach this symbolic room was not an easy task: according to the legend, it was necessary to cross three enclosures, each of them defended by a key, after which one had some chance, if one was an initiate of good quality, to discover in the "treasure cellar" the gold, the silver, the diamond. »

« La clavicule, en effet, était alors considérée comme le passeport indispensable pour atteindre aux régions secrètes de la connaissance et de la richesse et il eut été vain de prétendre circonvenir génies ou démons sans recourir à ses préceptes. Tout hermétiste digne de ce nom possédait ce petit formulaire, sorte de hand-book, qu'on dissimulait dans les plis de sa robe ou d'un manteau. Muni de ce précieux ouvrage, on pouvait espérer atteindre aux secrets du pouvoir. Aussi fut-il le manuscrit le plus "consommé" des siècles moyenâgeux. Mais tuée vers l'or avant la lettre, chacun prétendait garder le secret de sa mine, bien que, nombreux fussent les initiés qui se piquaient de posséder la "clef" de la chambre aux trésors. Accéder à cette chambre symbolique n'était pas une mince affaire: il fallait, selon la légende, franchir trois enceintes, chacune d'elle défendue par une clef, après quoi on avait quelque chance, si l'on était un initié de bonne qualité, de découvrir dans la "cave au trésor" l'or, l'argent, le diamant. »
CONTRITION: « Sincere repentance for having committed a sin and will not to commit any more. »
THÉOL. Repentir sincère d'avoir commis un péché et volonté de ne plus en commettre.

« Est-on bien sûr d'avoir le cœur brisé après une faute grave? Cor Contritum ne veut pas dire autre chose.
Ce brisement de cœur justifie le pécheur. » Green, Journal,Le Bel aujourd'hui, 1955-58, p. 213.

1. Sacrement que l'Église administre à un enfant ou à un adulte par le symbolisme de l'eau et au nom de la Trinité, afin de l'introduire dans la communauté chrétienne en le purifiant du péché originel
"Sacrament that the Church administers to a child or an adult through the symbolism of water and in the name of the Trinity, in order to introduce it into the Christian community by purifying it from original sin."
Étymol. et Hist. « action de broyer, de détruire » « regret, chagrin profond » , »crushing, destroying" "regret, deep sorrow"
CONTRITION: « Sincere repentance for having committed a sin and will not to commit any more. »
THÉOL. Repentir sincère d'avoir commis un péché et volonté de ne plus en commettre.
Étymol. et Hist. « action de broyer, de détruire » « regret, chagrin profond » , »crushing, destroying" "regret, deep sorrow"[/QUOTE]
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