Events in Russia

If I could draw cartoons, then I would draw a story about how the authorities of countries such as Poland, Romania and now Finland (The Balts still don't have to worry, although they can't help but worry, but they are in no way interesting, at least until American missiles appear there) painted targets for Russian missiles on the foreheads of their citizens. People lived for themselves, lived, and then BANG! and there is a target on the forehead that will be hit under certain conditions. I wonder how people feel in such a situation?
The State Duma criticized Finland's intentions to deploy 15 US military bases in the country
Finland is preparing to sign a defense cooperation agreement with the United States of America. According to the plans, American military bases, including warehouses and weapons, will be located in 15 different regions of Finland. This decision has caused concern in Russia, especially in light of the deterioration of Russian-Finnish relations. This is reported by the Daily Storm with reference to the first deputy head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, Alexei Chepa.

Alexey Chepa expressed his bewilderment at the actions of the Finnish government, considering them steps towards aggravating relations between Russia and Finland. He stressed that such actions could lead to serious consequences at the international level. In his opinion, Finland should avoid actions that contribute to further aggravation of the situation.

"This will have a very bad effect on our relations, on the prospects of these relations. It is unclear what the motivation of the current leadership of Finland is, why they are constantly taking small steps to aggravate relations between our countries?", said Alexey Chepa.

According to the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Defense Cooperation Agreement (Defense Cooperation Agreement) will be signed between Washington and Helsinki on December 18. The document suggests the possibility of deploying American military bases and military personnel on the territory of Finland. Finnish Defense Minister Antti Kaikkonen said that the agreement reflects the U.S. commitment to ensuring Finland's security and creates a basis for joint action in case of crisis situations.
В Госдуме раскритиковали намерения Финляндии разместить в стране 15 военных баз США

Если бы я умел рисовать мультфильмы, то я бы нарисовал историю о том, как власти таких стран как Польша, Румыния и теперь Финляндия (Прибалтам по прежнему можно не беспокоиться, хотя они и не могут не беспокоиться, но они никоим образом не интересны по крайней мере до тех пор пока там не появятся американские ракеты) нарисовали на лбах своих граждан мишени для Российских ракет. Жили себе люди, поживали, а тут БАЦ! и на лбу имеется мишень по которой будет нанесен удар при определенных условиях. Интересно, как люди ощущают себя в такой ситуации?
If I could draw cartoons, then I would draw a story about how the authorities of countries such as Poland, Romania and now Finland (The Balts still don't have to worry, although they can't help but worry, but they are in no way interesting, at least until American missiles appear there) painted targets for Russian missiles on the foreheads of their citizens. People lived for themselves, lived, and then BANG! and there is a target on the forehead that will be hit under certain conditions. I wonder how people feel in such a situation?

If this map does not look like a military invasion of Finland, I don't know what else does.

"Miltary areas that will be opened up to US soldiers":

Areas Finland opened up to US soldiers.jpg

Apparently this is completely unconstitutional according to Finnish law but will still get rubber stamped by the current government on December 18th.😳

Spain becomes EU’s largest purchaser of Russian LNG in 2022-2023

17 Dec, 05:16
"Despite regular calls by the Spanish authorities for reducing Russian gas purchases, our country remains one of top three suppliers of gas to Spain with an 18.1% share in total volume in January-November 2023," Russian Ambassador to Madrid Yury Klimenko said

MADRID, December 17. /TASS/. Spain became the European Union’s largest purchaser of Russian LNG in 2022-2023, Russian Ambassador to Madrid Yury Klimenko told TASS.

"Spain became the EU’s largest purchaser of Russian LNG in 2022-2023," he said. "Despite regular calls by the Spanish authorities for reducing Russian gas purchases, our country remains one of top three suppliers of gas to Spain with an 18.1% share in total volume in January-November 2023," the diplomat added. Madrid continues boosting imports of Russian LNG, which is not subject to European sanctions, he noted.

"The increase in the reporting period totaled 38.8% compared with 2022," Klimenko said, adding that "from the economic viewpoint, it is simply unprofitable for Spain to break a major long-term contract that has been signed with Russia."

El Mundo newspaper reported earlier that Russia’s LNG supplies to Spain are expected to reach record high levels by the end of 2023.

MOSCOW, December 16. /TASS/. Russia’s second meteorological satellite Arktika-M, which was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome by a Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle, has been successfully put into a designated orbit with a Fregat booster, Roscosmos said in a statement.

"The second Arktika-M is in orbit!" the space agency said.

The Soyuz-2.1b rocket carrying the Arktika-M No. 2 satellite blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome at 12:18 p.m. Moscow time (9:18 a.m. GMT). About nine minutes after liftoff, the Fregat upper stage with the satellite separated from the rocket’s third stage.

The Arktika-M meteorological satellites were created on the Navigator platform made by the Lavochkin Design Bureau. The satellites will monitor the Earth surface and Arctic seas round-the-clock and in any weather and will provide constant and reliable communications. In addition, the satellites are capable of retransmitting signals from radio beacons of the international distress-alert detection system COSPAS-SARSAT.

The first Arktika-M satellite was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on February 28, 2021. The constellation was initially planned to consist of two Arktika-M satellites, but in December 2022, the Lavochkin Design Bureau said that it would be expanded to four spacecraft. The Arktika-M constellation is expected to be fully deployed by 2031.

Spain finds almost 2 bln euro missing due to absence of Russian tourists
MADRID, December 17. /TASS/. Spain found almost 2 bln euro missing in 2022 due to the absence of Russian tourists amid sanctions against Moscow, Russian Ambassador to Madrid Yury Klimenko told TASS.

"Our tourists have almost wholly abandonded Spain, going to Turkey, Egypt, Thailand," he said and mentioned "closed direct flights, the tightening of visa policy, restrictions in the banking sector" as constraining factors for the flow of tourists from Russia. "Meanwhile our tourists traditionally contributed much to the development of the economies of a number of European countries, Spain among them," the diplomat stressed.

"In particular, more than 1.3 mln Russian tourists visited the country in the pre-pandemic 2019, in the record 2013 their number reached almost 1.6 mln, whereas in 2022 only around 268,000 [tourists from Russia visited Spain - TASS]," he said.

"This year the situation has hardly improved as 155,000 Russians visited Spain in the first six months of the year," Klimenko added.

According to figures provided by the Spanish side, Russian tourists used to spend 200 euro per person a day on average during their trips to the country, which means that "in 2022 Spain’s tourism sector found more than 1.8 bln euro worth of potential revenues from Russian tourists missing," he noted.

Despite advocating for green energy, Western countries saw a 14 percent surge in coal use in 2021 — mainly for power generation. Sanctions on Russia and global market disruptions have also increased dependence on coal, especially in the EU.

Global coal demand is expected to hit an all-time high by the end of 2023 — surpassing 8.5 billion tons.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) reported a 1.4-percent increase in demand in its Coal 2023 report, primarily attributed to growing consumption in emerging and developing economies, marking a pivotal moment in the world's energy landscape.

Despite Western countries' warnings about climate change, their reliance on coal remains significant. Coal accounts for a considerable portion of their energy mix even as they advocate for green energy solutions.

Rising gas prices in 2021 made coal-fired power generation competitive again despite higher European Union Allowance (EUA) prices for carbon emissions. Coal consumption in the EU surged 14 percent that year, mainly in the power sector, according to IEA's Coal 2022 analysis and forecast for 2025.

Western sanctions on Russia in 2022 and the ensuing attacks on the Nord Stream pipeline further upset global fuel markets, leading European countries to seek alternatives to Russian gas supplies.

Several EU countries, including Germany, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Greece, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria, have extended the lifetimes of their coal-fired power plants, reopened closed plants or lifted caps on generation. That reveals a deep rift between climate change rhetoric and actual energy policies in these countries, says the IEA’s projection for 2025.

The West's quest to find alternatives to Russian oil and gas has significantly increased coal usage, highlighting the challenges in balancing energy security, economic needs and environmental commitments.

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In a landmark development this year, China, India, and Indonesia — the trio dominating global coal production and accounting for 70 percent of the world's supply — are poised to collectively push output beyond 2.5 billion tons, setting a historic record in fossil fuel production. This surge would fuel a new high in the global coal trade, primarily propelled by robust growth in Asian markets.

From 2023 onwards, however, a shift is expected. The IEA predicts a decline in coal usage, especially in advanced economies, as renewable energy capacity expands. This reduction is expected to be particularly notable in China, which accounts for more than half of global coal demand. The IEA forecasts a 2.3 percent decrease in global coal demand by 2026 compared to 2023.

Why the U.S. Still Buys So Much Enriched Uranium From Russia

U.S. nuclear power plants got about 24% of their enriched uranium from Russia in 2022. As nuclear energy stages a comeback globally, the U.S. is reviving domestic uranium production to reduce the risk of a critical fuel shortage in the future. Graphic: Ryan Trefes
Wall Street Journal December 11, 2023 12:01 am ET VIDEO

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If this map does not look like a military invasion of Finland, I don't know what else does.
Yes, this is a real seizure, given that, according to the agreement, American troops in Finland are almost not controlled by the Finnish authorities in any way, they do not obey Finnish laws, but at the same time they are paid by Finland and all this is done voluntarily. What kind of imminent and inescapable threat must have existed in order to give away one's own sovereignty out of the blue? Russia doesn't seem to have done anything like that, maybe Iran, North Korea, aliens at last?

Да, это и есть самый настоящий захват, учитывая то, что в соответствии с соглашением американские войска на территории Финляндии почти никак не контролируются финскими властями, не подчиняются финским законам, но при этом оплачивается Финляндией и все это делается добровольно. Это какая же неминуемая и неотвратимая угроза должна была существовать, чтобы вот так, на ровном месте отдавать собственный суверенитет? Россия вроде бы ничего такого не делала, может Иран, Северная Корея, инопланетяне наконец?
Good news
The dam of the Kakhovskaya HPP and the Antonovsky bridge can be restored, — Saldo

The Kakhovka dam, destroyed by the missile strikes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, can be restored with the help of modern technologies and preserved documents, said the governor of the Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo.

"The design documentation for the Kakhovskaya dam is mostly preserved in the archives of Moscow institutes," he said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

According to Saldo, it is possible to start from this, and rely on modern conditions and restore the facility and the so-called gateway facilities through which the ships were passed.

New technologies will make the dam "even more beautiful, attractive and useful," the governor believes.

"As a professional, I will tell you: for this purpose, designers sit down and develop a project. It will take some time in the design organization, we will not say what, I think it is normative, even faster," he said.

The construction work itself can be carried out fairly quickly, the governor noted. So, if once the Kakhovka dam was built in three years, now it can be done much faster, he is sure.

The head of the region explained that to begin with, geodetic measurements and technical inspection of the remaining structures will have to be carried out, after which it will be possible to start designing.

In addition, Saldo recalled that from the very beginning the dam had two purposes: electricity generation and the creation of the Kakhovsky reservoir. For the first purpose, it will be necessary to build an engine room and install turbines.

"The part of the dam that is earthen, it has been preserved, only the part that is reinforced concrete has been destroyed, which was purposefully fired at from American Haimars for several months on the instructions of the Kiev clique, from barrel artillery was hit at one point. And this one point eventually failed, and the dam collapsed," concluded the agency interlocutor.

On the night of June 6, shelling by Ukrainian troops led to the destruction of the Kakhovskaya HPP. Unregulated water discharge began, the cities of Novaya Kakhovka, Alyoshka, Naked Pier, dozens of villages and towns were completely flooded.

President Vladimir Putin called the destruction of the dam a barbaric action by Kiev and noted that it led to a large-scale environmental and humanitarian disaster.

Prospects for the restoration of the Antonovsky Bridge
Antonovsky Bridge in the Kherson region can also be restored quickly — there are engineering opportunities for this, but it will be possible to do this only when conditions appear from the point of view of safety for builders, said Saldo.

"You just asked me a question as a civil engineer. Actually, I'm not really a politician by profession, but more of a business executive, an economic engineer. Everything can be restored. It is possible to restore both the Antonovsky Bridge and the railway bridge, which is also nearby, near Kherson.

The fact that it is now destroyed, the destruction associated with the war, pushes us to more modern technologies, including construction," said Saldo.

As the governor of the Kherson region noted, Russia's industrial and construction complex is "capable of working wonders." He cited the Crimean Bridge, which was built at the time, as an example.

"The Antonovsky Bridge is the same. When we give the builders the opportunity to work safely, they will restore it quickly enough.

They can also quickly restore the railway bridge, and communication between the Kherson right bank and the left bank will be greatly simplified… Therefore, we have a lot of engineering opportunities.

It is necessary to create conditions for their implementation — this is already a matter for the military. The military will do their job, the builders will come for them. Immediately," he stressed.

Saldo stated in an interview about the reality of the restoration of the Kakhovka dam. The project is already there, the technology is there
In Europe, of the current rulers, there were only two worthy ones.
Putin of the EU leaders wished Happy New Year only to Orban and Vucic
Russian Leader Vladimir Putin sent Merry Christmas and Happy New Year greetings to the leaders of the European Union countries. However, only Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic are listed among their European colleagues. This follows from a message from the Kremlin's press service.

In congratulating Orban, Putin stressed the preservation of positive dynamics in relations between the two states, despite the difficult international situation. In addition, the Russian President noted the intention to continue cooperation between the countries.

In his congratulatory message to his Serbian counterpart, Putin pointed to the constructive relations developing between Moscow and Belgrade. According to him, the cooperation is based on centuries-old traditions of friendship and spiritual closeness.

Putin also congratulated the leaders of other countries, including some former heads of foreign states and governments, on the upcoming holidays. In particular, Nursultan Nazarbayev, Serzh Sargsyan, Nicolas Sarkozy, Gerhard Schroeder and Robert Kocharyan.
Путин из лидеров ЕС поздравил с Новым годом только Орбана и Вучича

В Европе из нынешних правителей нашлось только двое достойных.
This event may be connected with Ukraine, but still not directly. They say that the technique failed.
An emergency ammunition dump in the Voronezh region, several buildings were destroyed (VIDEO)

As a result of an emergency explosion of ammunition in the Voronezh region, several buildings were destroyed.

This was announced by Governor Alexander Gusev.

"Today, an emergency descent of our ammunition was recorded in the Ostrogozhsky district. There were no casualties, but the destruction was recorded, tentatively, in seven households. Glazing and roofing, supporting structures may be damaged in them. The information is being clarified. An operational group is working on site," the politician said in a statement.

Residents of several streets of the Petropavlovsk settlement are transported to temporary accommodation facilities, they must be compensated as soon as possible and provided with new housing.

Earlier reports of shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not correspond to reality.

Это событие возможно и связано с Украиной, но всё же не напрямую. Говорят, что подвела техника.
Let's see- everything that can be written here.
Putin announced the readiness of 30 countries to join the BRICS

About 30 states have expressed their readiness to join the BRICS. This was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin in an address on the occasion of the beginning of Russia's presidency in the association.

The Russian leader noted that BRICS is increasingly attracting supporters and like-minded countries that share the fundamental principles that underlie the activities of the association.

The Russian Federation will continue to work in three key areas: politics and security, economics and finance, cultural and humanitarian contacts, which are part of the BRICS partnership package.

In conclusion, Putin noted that our country hopes for fruitful work with all the states that are part of the association. Currently, the BRICS members are Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Iran and Ethiopia, Brazil, India, China, South Africa and Russia.

At the same time, Argentina was also offered to join these countries, but the newly elected President of the republic Javier Miley officially declined Argentina officially declined the invitation to become a member of the BRICS
Путин заявил о готовности 30 стран присоединиться к БРИКС

Zhirinovsky's prediction about the disappearance of the United States has been found
The head of the LDPR party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, predicted the disappearance of the United States in 2024. He made such a statement in January 2022 within the walls of the State Duma.

According to the politician, this should happen because of ethnic conflicts in the country. In this regard, there will be no presidential elections in the United States, Zhirinovsky noted.

This event will be comparable to the collapse of the USSR.

Moreover, even Donald Trump will not have a chance to save his country. "Let him play golf!" – Zhirinovsky said then.
Найдено предсказание Жириновского об исчезновении США в 2024 году
Vladimir Putin met with businessmen from Khabarovsk in the Far East and shared his views on the nation's economic prospects, praising Russia's performance despite pressure from the West's sanctions, while stressing that there is work to be done.

Russia's economy has turned out to be number one in Europe based on purchasing power parity and fifth in the entire world, Russian President Vladimir Putin said when meeting with businessmen from the Far East.

“It seems that we are being strangled and crushed from all sides, but we have become the largest economy in Europe. We have overtaken Germany and rank fifth in the world," Putin revealed.

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President Putin specified that Russia had outperformed Europe in purchasing power parity, but in the context of per capita GDP, “there is work to be done.”

The head of state added that Russia’s economic growth may be higher than the anticipated 3.5% at the end of 2023.

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After Moscow had launched its special military operation to defend the population of Donbass from Ukrainian aggression, US-led Western countries imposed countless sanctions against the Russian economy. Despite the intentions of the collective West, these restrictive measures have failed to attain any of their declared goals, with Russia dramatically broadening its trade and diplomatic ties with nations of the Global South. Putin has repeatedly pointed out that despite the West's sanctions, Russia has strengthened and expanded its economic sovereignty.

Putin to continue his Far Eastern tour in Khabarovsk

Putin last visited Khabarovsk over a decade ago, on December 31, 2013, soon after a flood hit the Far East
MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin will spend his working day on Thursday in Khabarovsk where he flew in from Chukotka on Wednesday evening as part of his Far Eastern tour.

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced earlier that the president would attend a range of events there. Among other things, he will see a presentation of complex development plans for Far Eastern cities and meet with local businessmen. According to Peskov, the president and entrepreneurs will have substantive talks.

In addition, Putin will have a meeting with Khabarovsk Region Governor Mikhail Degtyaryov and visit a local animation studio.

Putin last visited Khabarovsk over a decade ago, on December 31, 2013, soon after a flood hit the Far East. Then, the president delivered his New Year message from there. The current tour of Russian regions is Putin’s first this year. In 2023, he visited more than 20 Russian regions, including new ones.

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Wildberries will build a large logistics center in St. Petersburg
Russian online retailer Wildberries has begun construction of a new logistics center in St. Petersburg. Its area will be 100 thousand square meters. m.The completion of the construction of the facility is scheduled for the 1st quarter of 2022. The volume of investments, excluding the cost of equipment, will amount to 3 billion rubles. The warehouse complex will become the largest in St. Petersburg, built for the needs of one company, - says the Wildberries press release.

Bloomberg reported Tuesday on a “secret meeting” held in mid-December between officials from Ukraine, the G7, and a small group of non-Western countries to try to ram through Kiev’s terms for peace talks with Moscow. Russia was not invited to the meeting, but ended up being informed about it anyway.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spilled the beans on the much-touted “secret meeting” of Ukrainian, Western, and Global South countries’ national security advisors in Riyadh on December 16 weeks before Bloomberg’s report on the gathering, telling Rossiya Segodnya chief Dmitry Kiselev about it on December 28.

“Considering our good relations [with Global South countries, ed.], I can say that another meeting like this took place 10 days ago – the G7 plus the leading developing nations. Not all countries from the world majority attended. Some turned down their invitations. The meeting took place in complete secrecy. Nothing was reported about it; there were no leaks,” Lavrov said at the time.

“But you know about it,” Kisilev interjected

“Yes, we do. Our close allies and associates who attended that meeting did not promise to keep an issue that concerns Russia secret from us. Another meeting is scheduled to take place in January 2024 and a ‘peace summit,’ where [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelensky’s 'peace formula,' is to be approved in February 2024,” Lavrov said.

Commenting on Bloomberg’s report and the absurdity of organizing "peace talks" aimed at resolving the Ukraine crisis without inviting Moscow to the table, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Radio Sputnik on Wednesday that the “secret meeting” had less to do with ending the conflict, and more to do with pumping up Mr. Zelensky’s ego.

“This is a well-worn concept of attracting political attention specifically to the Zelensky regime. This is PR for the Zelensky regime. Speaking in terms used in political science, [the talks] were about maintaining a sense of constant activity in the information and political space, at the center of which is Zelensky,” Zakharova stressed. “This has nothing to do with resolving the Ukrainian crisis. These are two completely different topics.”

In fact, the spokeswoman suggested, holding “peace talks” without Russia, and on maximalist terms which Russia would never accept only serves to weaken the possibility of peace actually being reached.

“Because resolving the situation in Ukraine is, of course, painstaking work. This is work on the political and diplomatic track. This is negotiations, contacts and so on. This is not about the fate of one person, 10 people or their commercial, financial and economic interests, but about the fate of peoples and nations. That’s if we’re talking about the situation in Ukraine and a real resolution [to the crisis]. The PR around Zelensky, his so-called peace initiatives, his endless statements, appearances at various places and platforms – all this hype is created precisely to maintain the illusion of some kind of political activity while diverting the world’s attention from real processes of a possible settlement,” Zakharova said.

What is ‘Zelensky’s Peace Formula’?

President Zelensky rolled out his so-called "peace formula" in late 2022, with the proposal including 10 points, such as demands that Russia give up Crimea and Donbass, pay Ukraine reparations, subject officials and military personnel to war tribunals, and provide security guarantees buying Kiev time for its NATO accession bid. Essentially, the "peace formula" boils down to demands for total Russian capitulation. Russia, predictably, hasn't taken kindly to the document's proposals, with Lavrov calling it little more than a "figment of a sick imagination."

Zelensky’s NATO sponsors have since held a series of "peace talks" based on these demands without inviting Russia, aimed, it would seem, at getting Global South countries to join the West’s hybrid warfare economic and military pressure campaign against Moscow. Global South countries have refused, not only maintaining diplomatic and economic ties with Russia, but ramping up trade, and expanding West-alternative institutions in which Russia is a prominent member, most prominently via the BRICS bloc, which officially doubled its membership last year.

“No major progress” was made at last month’s secret meeting on Ukraine, which was held in Riyadh, people familiar with the session told Bloomberg, with Kiev and G7 rejecting recommendations by officials from Global South countries to try to engage Russia directly. Among the non-Western countries in attendance were India, Saudi Arabia, and Turkiye, according to the report. However, China, Brazil, and the UAE – which had attended previous meetings of the kind, didn’t show up this time.

In his December 28 interview, Lavrov said that although Moscow was initially anxious about Global South nations’ attendance of the gatherings, it eventually came to the understanding that their decision to take part didn’t carry an anti-Russian character.

“When developing nations started attending these meetings, we asked them why they needed to do this. Don’t they understand that these meetings were pointless at best? They replied that they understand everything. These statements were made by countries from the world majority, which were invited to attend. But they were pursuing two things: first, they wanted to hear what [Ukraine and the West] had to say, and how serious a suggested settlement would be, and second, they wanted to explain that nothing good would come of it until talks were held with Russia’s participation,” Lavrov said.

The "peace formula" being pushed by Zelensky comes following multiple instances of Ukraine rejecting Russian overtures designed to restore peace to the region – starting with the 2015 Minsk Accords, which were aimed at ending the civil war that had broken out in the country’s east, and promised to reintegrate Donbass into Ukraine in exchange for federalization. Kiev dragged its feet in implementing the proposal, instead using Minsk to prepare for a wider war involving Russia (something former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and former French President Francois Hollande have now all admitted).

In the spring of 2022, just weeks into Russia’s special military operation, Moscow and Kiev held a series of talks in Belarus and Turkiye aimed at resolving the crisis – hammering out a draft peace agreement including a commitment by Kiev to reject NATO membership, reduce the size of its armed forces, and accept Crimea and the Donbass’s status as a part of Russia in exchange for peace guarantees and other concessions.

Ukrainian authorities rejected the peace deal, ostensibly on orders from Kiev’s NATO sponsors, as part of the US-led proxy war thinking aimed at “weakening Russia.” Last summer, at the height of Kiev’s blood-soaked counteroffensive, President Vladimir Putin lamented that Kiev, at the behest of its foreign masters, had thrown a viable peace deal “into the dustbin of history.”

In the nearly two years since, Ukraine has suffered staggering casualties on the battlefield and socio-economic collapse at home, with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reporting on Tuesday that Ukraine’s Armed Forces had lost over 215,000 troops in 2023 alone.

Russian Billionaire Blames Sotheby’s for Art Deal Frauds
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Sotheby’s defended itself at a trial Monday against accusations that it helped defraud a Russian oligarch out of tens of millions of dollars, saying it knew nothing of wrongdoing by an art buyer who advised the billionaire on buying works by famed artists like Amedeo Modigliani and Leonardo da Vinci.

Sotheby’s attorney Sara Shudofsky told a jury in an opening statement in Manhattan federal court that billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev was “trying to make an innocent party pay for what somebody else did to him.”

Shudofsky said the fertilizer magnate, a savvy businessman who has run highly successful businesses, had “good reason to be angry with himself” after spending hundreds of millions of dollars to buy art masterpieces without taking “the most basic steps” to protect himself from a broker who cheated him.

“Sotheby’s didn’t know anything about those lies,” the attorney said. “Sotheby’s had no knowledge of and didn’t participate in any misconduct.”

She spoke after Rybolovlev’s lawyer, Daniel Kornstein, insisted that a London-based Sotheby’s executive was part of a group of executives who were in on an elaborate fraud.

“As a result of participating in the fraud, Sotheby’s made a lot of money,” Kornstein said. “Sotheby’s had choices, but they chose greed.”
The trial is likely to provide a window into how high-stakes transactions involving art enthusiasts worldwide develop and their importance to the operations of auction houses that rely heavily on their reputations as they match up some of the world’s wealthiest investors.

Rybolovlev, 57, who bought a Palm Beach mansion from Donald Trump for about $95 million in 2008, is expected to testify. In 2016, as Trump readied himself to become president, he called the deal “the closest I came to Russia” when he was questioned about his ties to the country.

In one order last March, Judge Jesse M. Furman urged lawyers to work toward a settlement to avert a trial that would be “expensive, risky, and potentially embarrassing to both sides.”

The case stems from $2 billion Rybolovlev spent from 2002 to 2014 to acquire a world-class art collection through purchases by two of his companies: Accent Delight International Limited and Xitrans Finance Limited.

To carry out the purchases for Rybolovlev’s home in Geneva, Switzerland, he relied heavily on Yves Bouvier, an art broker who claimed he could save Rybolovlev money by handling negotiations for art in return for a 2% commission, Kornstein said.

Before long, Bouvier became such a trusted friend of the billionaire that he attended small birthday parties for Rybolovlev and his daughter and joined him at soccer matches, the lawyer said.

“Bouvier turned out to be a con man” who bought works of art from Sotheby’s and sometimes nearly doubled the price before he resold the art to Rybolovlev, Kornstein said.

“If you’re the buyer and operating in darkness, you have no way of learning that unless the auction house knows about it and can help you out,” he said.

In all, Bouvier pocketed $164 million through his “secret markups” and another $6.4 million by collecting his 2% commission, Kornstein said.

The lawyer told jurors to look at documents including emails that “don’t lie” and would prove that auction house executives knew what was happening. He urged them to ignore what he predicted would be “fairy tales” from Sotheby’s witnesses.

A message sent to a lawyer for Bouvier to seek comment on the accusations against him and a settlement Bouvier reached with Rybolovlev several weeks ago in a Swiss court was returned with the message that it had been forwarded to Bouvier’s representative.

In all, Rybolovlev had accused Bouvier of defrauding him through sales of 38 art pieces, including Picasso’s “Homme Assis au Verre” and Rodin’s “Le Baiser,” “L’Éternel Printemps” and “Eve,” but the judge last year disqualified from the trial many of the dozen or so works bought in private sales through Sotheby’s on various legal grounds.

Among the four works at issue in the trial was de Vinci’s “Salvator Mundi,” a depiction of Christ as “Saviour of the World,” which Bouvier bought from Sotheby’s for $83 million, only to resell it to Rybolovlev for over $127 million, which Kornstein said was a “secret markup” of over $44 million.

In 2017, Rybolovlev arranged for Christie’s to sell it and it went for a historic $450 million, becoming the most expensive painting ever sold at auction.

Other artworks that Kornstein said involved improper markups that will be addressed at the trial were a Modigliani sculpture and paintings by Gustav Klimt and Rene Magritte.

In 2018, Rybolovlev was included on a list that the Trump administration released of 114 Russian politicians and oligarchs it said were linked to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

However, he was not included on a list of Russian oligarchs sanctioned after Russia attacked Ukraine, and Kornstein told the jury that his client hasn’t lived in Russia in 30 years.

The comments are promising of the shift of how the Twitter community is awakening

Wildberries will build a large logistics center in St. Petersburg

Pictures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to eliminate the giant fire in Shushary 112 specialists and 25 technical units are working at the site of the Wildberries warehouse fire in St. Petersburg, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations reported.

According to Shot, there were at least 1,000 people in the Wildberries warehouse in St. Petersburg Shushary at the time of the fire.

The fire occurred during the rotation of night and day employees. Earlier, everyone managed to evacuate, there was no information about casualties at this time.

Zakharova in her own style is concise and witty.
Zakharova praised the "secret plan of the German army" to prepare for war with Russia

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, appreciated the material of the German tabloid Bild, which claims that the German army is preparing for war with Russia, which allegedly could begin in 2025.

"I read the German "secret plan", merged into the Bild information wash.
Last year's powerful horoscope for fish in cancer. I do not exclude that the analytical part of the Bundeswehr was provided by the German Foreign Ministry under the leadership of Burbok," Zakharova wrote on Telegram.

Захарова в своем стиле- кратко и остроумно.
Four oil reservoirs with a total capacity of 6,000 cubic meters (1.6 million gallons) were set on fire after the drone reached Klintsy, a city of some 70,000 people located about 60 kilometers (40 miles) from the Ukrainian border, according to the local governor and state news agency Tass.

The strike apparently was the latest in a recently intensified effort by Ukraine to unnerve Russians and undermine President Vladimir Putin’s claims that life in Russia is going on as normal before its March 17 presidential election.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has vowed to hit more targets inside Russian border regions this year. Russia’s air defenses are concentrated in occupied regions of Ukraine, Kyiv officials say, leaving more distant targets inside Russia more vulnerable as Ukrainian forces develop longer-range drones.

The Russian city of Belgorod, also near the Ukrainian border, canceled its traditional Orthodox Epiphany festivities on Friday due to the threat of Ukrainian drone strikes. It was the first time major public events were known to have been called off in Russia due to the drone threat.

Ukrainian national media, quoting an official in Ukraine’s Intelligence Service, said Ukrainian drones on Friday also attacked a gunpowder mill in Tambov, about 600 kilometers (370 miles) south of Moscow.

Drone attack on St. Petersburg

But Tambov Gov. Maxim Yegorov said the plant was working normally, according to Russia’s RBC news outlet. The Mash news outlet had earlier reported that a Ukrainian drone fell on the plant’s premises Thursday but caused no damage.

In another strike fitting the pattern, the Russian Defense Ministry said a Ukrainian drone was downed on the outskirts of St. Petersburg on Thursday.

The drone wreckage fell on the premises of the St. Petersburg Oil Terminal on the city’s southern edge, according to Vladimir Rogov, who is in charge of coordination of the Russian-annexed regions of Ukraine. Mikhail Skigin, the terminal co-owner, confirmed that the drone was targeting the terminal.

St. Petersburg, Russia’s second-largest city, is about 900 kilometers (560 miles) north of the border with Ukraine.

In Klintsy, air defenses electronically jammed the drone but it dropped its explosive payload on the facility, Bryansk regional Gov. Alexander Bogomaz said. There were no casualties, he added.

Russian telegram channels shared videos of what they said was the blaze at the depot, which sent thick black plumes of smoke into the air.

The same depot was struck by a Ukrainian drone in May last year, but the damage apparently was less significant. (AP)

"Many reporters this morning asked if the president took an ice bath." Yes, he traditionally did it this morning on Epiphany," Peskov said.

We remind you that in 2018, the Kremlin announced for the first time that Putin attended the Epiphany bath (in the photo).

According to Peskov, the president previously respected this tradition, but it was not made public.

Last year on Epiphany, the Russian leader bathed in icy water in Podmoskovlje.

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